The Simpsons

I never watched The Simpsons much when I was younger and I always hear about how good it used to be. I decided to marathon the first 3 seasons and it's starting to get good.

What's a safe Season to stop at before the show goes to shit?

10 is the last one that has more good than bad episodes

when you see pic related, stop watching

For a good measure, stop once you reach the end of season 10. But there are some episodes post season 10 that are good, like Trilogy Of Error.

i'd say 8. there are gems in early seasons, but 4, 5, and 6 were the peak for me, 6 occasionally blowing my dumb teenage mind.
in retrospect though, however clever and funny it might have been, the simpsons were a cultural cancer on my generation and would be better off being ignored and forgotten going forward.

are we to believe that Bart and Milhouse spent hours fleeing from the mafia in the underground tunnels?

haha what?

that looks like a shitty episode

Required viewing.


Well he's no Clark Gable but I think he sums it up nicely.

When you see the Denver Broncos on the front lawn, the show is past its apex.

10 was the last season that was consistently good

Season 2 > Season 3. Fight me.

It might have been the greatest episode in the history of Simpsons.

someone post the meheecan simpson culture

you should watch the entire show. It's fascinating how bad it gets.

It's all down hill after season 11.

Season 11 still had a few good episodes. It also had the "Behind the Laughter" episode which I feel would have been a good place to end the series. Finally break the 4th wall.

8 is the last of the golden seasons. I'd say it's still mostly good as of around season 10 or 11, and then it really falls off. I'm just going off of vague memories of watching all of the episodes last year up until the end of season 16 which is when I just had to tap out.

lotta people itt are saying season 10 and that seems about right chronologically - the simpsons were a creature of the 90's - they became anachronistic in the new millennium…

At least season 11 gave us this meme.

Somewhere in season 8 it starts getting bad, then by season 10, it's unwatchable and Zombie Simpsons starts.

Either the one where Homer eats the chili and goes on a spirit quest, or the one where Maude Flanders is killed off.

you crazy? eight is the best season

The 138th Episode Spectacular did that first


yeah but it was shit

But you gotta admit the animation quality in that episode was visually appealing.

Well Seymour I made it, despite your directions.

Ah Superintendent Cuckold, welcome!

Show has a rough start but there are some important episodes and the show only gets better after its rocky first season
Every episode in these is a timeless classic. Writing, characterization, and the jokes are all great.
9 and 10
Writing goes out the window, but there are still some funny one off jokes. Season 9 of course has the most polarizing episode in the show's history, Principal and the Pauper.
Pure shit. Jokes are delivered badly, the writing is ass, gets way too topical, show becomes more about guest stars than building on existing characters. Just skip to the season 11 finale Behind the Laughter and treat that as the final episode.

it doesn't seem to be a highly rated episode from what i can tell

*hits you and you die*


Was there an episode where they had a three sided civil war reenactment and professor Fink

Cut that shit in hald god damn

Was there an episode where they had a three sided civil war reenactment and professor Fink attacked everyone with a giant mechanical spider or was that some fever dream I had?

well, "every" is a strong word

yep, it's the one where Apu cheats on Manjula. might have been called The Sweetest Apu


Only people who are cucks for Greoning think it's bad.
Only problem is the term "Poochie" being overused as a pejorative for the "extreme edgy character" meme these days. That episode is a perfect distillation for how commoditized 'tude had become in the 90s.
Even though it laid the groundwork for Lisa being a hackneyed "liberal voice of reason", that episode still does a good job at making her just as retarded as Homer. Only problem is the ending featuring Paul McCartney for no reason.

He didn't want his show to become the pop-cultured swine of an animation it is today. But nonetheless at least the short films were funny.

No, Groening's problem was just petty bullshit over him thinking the episode was just used to advertise The Critic with Jay Sherman's appearance. Never mind that The Critic was created by some original Simpson's writers who were responsible for the show becoming a hit.

If that was the case he would've cancelled or at least walked away from the show 20 years ago.

Okay thanks, glad I'm not delusional.

That episode was pretty good despite it beginning Lisa's downward spiral into mouthy little know it all bitch who never gets put in her place.

Now there isn't anything to lose, they should do a whole episode featuring Lisa getting spanked like she deserved.

it's literally just the writers whining about how the audience doesn't give them enough respect

I should point out that the episode existing doesn't necessarily mean you're not delusional, just that you're not delusional about this particular thing

Stop at Season 10, then skip to 'Holidays of Future Passed' to end the series.

Behind the laughter in season 11 isn't bad either.

nigger stop


how did they get away with this?

also, why does Lisa and Milhouse's daughter have a tattoo of the biohazard symbol?

holy shit