School and college institutions destroy curiosity and learning

The Unspoken Truth behind school shooters

"beta uprising" and why the mainstream media is so focused on portraying school shooters as mindless non-humans who did it for absolutely no reason other than because they are crazy while simultaneously using this as anti-gun and 2nd amendment destroying propaganda.

I have noticed an ongoing theme to the school shootings in the usa; specifically the shootings that involve the shooter being a student who actually went to that school, how the mainstream media decides to report/USE it, and how the school systems seem to respond to it.

it always appears the same way.

I'm not saying that what the person did was right, it was very wrong indeed but follow me for a moment with this.

>then a bunch of talk about how the family was this or that and how the shooter had mental issues (but lets leave out that they were all high on prescription drugs that increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and destroy learning! thanks doc!)

and then finally in late 2016 things coming out like
but then the hypocracy of the whole thing hit me like a train; "why the fuck are teachers and students being told that they should learn how to recognize the early warning signs of the very monster they all contributed in creating?"

Other urls found in this thread:

I and many other people had a nightmarish experience in school being overwhelmed and overworked by multiple hateful, bitter, and careless teachers who competed to see who could give the students the least amount of teaching and learning and the most amount of testing and quizzing, or who could give out the most school work out of the multiple teachers you were supposed to attend classes with throughout the day. then they would all compete to see who could give out the most precious-relax-and-recover-opportunity destroying homework assignments, and who could give out the most on vacations so that those were ruined too, and finally who could give out the most on summer break so that you would really feel that feely kind of feel that feels very very bad.

it wasn't ever enough that school already looked like, sounded like, felt like, and clearly and obviously resembled a slave labor camp; but it never stopped at just that. I was bullied by students endlessly without mercy and was unable to recieve any help from a teacher because they didn't seem to care and never took any action to stop my suffering no matter what I told them. teachers had special preferences for the worst students either knowingly or because the bullies always had a perfected split personality for their victims and their teachers and somehow never got caught no matter what. a teacher could watch me get punched right in the face and wouldn't do a single thing about it. I could tell them and even if they saw it happen they would deny it or try to brush it off "oh just get over it, you're tough! don't let them get to you! just walk away" but after countless days of being physically assaulted if you even raised your arms to defend yourself or block a punch from a bully, the teacher would be the first to run over and give you all the blame and send you off for detention and in school suspension. there was always this strange lingering theme that I was the designated scape goat of the entire school. I could promise on a stack of bibles that they were a well organized cult and I was some sort of sick twisted sacrifice. but I rejected their game, and somehow I made it out alive. I didn't snap and go berserk like the shooters because I'm a very reasonable person and I would never even think to do something like that. I'm convinced that I have more patience than a saint.


after that experience I understood Why, and How these things happen.

I believe it in my heart and soul that there is a rampant vicious and rabid viral pandemic of highly organized scapegoating taking place in Americas schools. I believe that this is also highly likely to be occuring in Japan. look at their suicide rate and the ages that people commit suicide at. children and young adults are being overwhelmed, overworked, and gangstalk scapegoated literally to death all over our great country and these pieces of shit in the school system and the mainstream media have the gall to tell people to "learn how to watch out for the warning signs"

You want to know what the very best cure for breast cancer is you shitlover pink ribbin worshipping cucks? it's not early detection "our scan determined that we now know that you now ALREADY have cancer! congratulations!" it's prevention.

Stop doing the things that create monsters, and maby you wouldn't have to be constantly looking out for them, you damn fools.

Public schooling is the NUMBER ONE scourge upon humanity!

This is what it's like in the US: you learn to read and write, do basic calculator math, and you get a very vague and hazy overview of 'history'. Just enough for politicians to use historical celebrities to push their personal agendas while leaving the bulk of the population clueless to what history actually looked like and why things are the way they are, and making them not want to know since they disliked their schooling so much.

All the while they're teaching children to fear, obey, and receive all 'truth' from constantly changing figures of authority to whom they are essentially helpless. A divide is put into the family since children are torn from them too young for too long when we've evolved to live side by side until old enough to fend for ourselves; it kills oral tradition and leads to children and parents not understanding or appreciating one another, since they both live in entirely different worlds during the day and when they're finally under the same roof, they're so exhausted and emotionally drained they just want to vegetate in front of a TV or a computer monitor. Little deep connection or conversation happens here than in families closer to one another

Don't you see? It destroys families and destroys their knowledge from being passed on, replacing it with bureaucratically preapproved information. It's a tool for control

Take the children, force them to WASTE their entire childhood doing absolutely nothing productive or useful, force them to associate "learning" with tedious and mediocre work, then they go home and associate "fun" with tv and the media.

The schools are not intended to teach children, one of their main goals is preventing them from learning too much that would make them less dependent on the system. Having just enough skills to be a useful cog in the machinery is the aim, and of course with the proper brainwash upbringing.

Teach the children to hate learning, to love being unproductive, and guess what?
You may as well have taken everything from them, and they don't even realize it.
It is the worst crime ever committed, the worst institution ever conceived of, yet no one talks about it. Ever. Those that do are ridiculed.
We should be ANGRY. They took away the one thing we can never experience again and never get back, our childhood.
We should be livid, we should be politically organizing against the people organizing it. Yet no one cares, they just let it go.

It confuses the students. It presents an incoherent ensemble of information that the child needs to memorize to stay in school. Apart from the tests and trials, this programming is similar to the television; it fills almost all the "free" time of children. One sees and hears something, only to forget it again.

It teaches them to accept their class affiliation.
It makes them indifferent.
It makes them emotionally dependent.
It makes them intellectually dependent.
It teaches them a kind of self-confidence that requires constant confirmation by experts (provisional self-esteem).
It makes it clear to them that they cannot hide, because they are always supervised.

Backpacks are a slaves weight
Homework to chain you down at home
No windows to "stop distraction"
Tests to grade your worth and stress you
And constant indoctrination by mediocrities and shit textbooks

The education system is not "broken", it is designed to ruin children. It creates imitators rather than innovators. It defines intelligence as the ability to remember and repeat things. It is also designed to make students weak and submissive as adults.

Instead of finding children with creative and analytical minds it punishes students who question the curriculum and rewards mindless parroting or solving per-determined tasked with per-determined solutions.
The thing about weak and submissive adults is absolutely the primary function of schools. Learned helplessness is truly the one things schools are ultimately about.

Lets also not forget about common core and how stupid it is and how much more stupid they are trying to make all the children become.

Think back to the beginning of gamergate. all of the gamergate shill sjw femminazi's kept on saying "gaming is dead" "videogames are dead" as if to make it a meme and convince people that videogames are really dead. Holla Forums almost agreed with this but they and everyone realized that there are still many good games out there and videogames were and are still not absolutely dead, just surrounded by cancer.

The real goal of these "videogames are dead" SJW gamergate shill femminazi's was

quote from different anons:
"The vast majority of people still send their kids to these places. It boggles my mind how such ignorance could be so copious. Today on the bus there was a girl with her mother. She was crying because she was scared to go to school. The mother started yelling at her and made her go anyway. I don't understand the kind of depravity that would allow a person to do such a thing. I went to school everyday with tears in my eyes and came back with tears in my eyes. It was hell. I wouldn't wish that nightmare on anyone. And yet almost everyone has to go through it.

"I legit was just thinking a little earlier today how furious i was that I was forced to waste the most developmental time of my life learning absolute garbage. 12 years of grade school and they legitimately teach you nothing practical. American schools, and i'm assuming most European, are not institutions of education, but rather behavior modification and social conditioning. Its really tragic

"Every time something bad happens in my life I just remember "At least I'm out of high school

Fired from my job? At least I'm out of high school.

Someone treats me like garbage? That ain't half as bad as when I was in high school.

"High schooler here, and there's also other points being missed here. Not only is it making the idea of education less fun, it is getting more intense all the time now. Now everything needs to be higher; you need higher test scores, you need higher SAT scores, you need to decide what you want to do at a younger age, yaddayaddayadda. The point is that most kids arent ready for this decision in their life and will either pick the easy way, and end up trying and failing for sports, or trying to be a high acheiver. the problem is that this level if education is too much. The stress and sheer amount of information being crammed into our heads is too much. I have considered suicide many times and cry myself to sleep often just because of the pressure. Its just stupid that people would do this to children just because its normal and if we dont like it too bad.

very sad example of "kitty cat HANG IN THERE FRIEND" poster overload at school from an user.
"That reminds me. Imagine taking a class that has no windows and all of the walls are plastered with posters. You can't put your eyes anywhere without seeing them. And if you try to look away, the nacrissist you are supposed to be worshiping has a meltdown. And they are designed to be as asinine and distracting as possible. They drove me into panic attacks. I completely lost my nerve so many times just over those posters. It's not something that bothers you at first. It's just an annoyance. But as the years go on and with all the other things happening, it turns into a blistering rage. One that has to break eventually. Like Chinese water torture except in the form of eyesight pollution. And then of course it's time for psychologists and forcefully voluntary medication."

"I'm becoming a teacher, and you know what they tell us?

some may be, but a large amount of them are just like public schools with the name "private" slapped on top.
the sad part is that alot of these are not in the normal part of the system so abuse happens almost constantly. the people that work there get degrees in psychology and then use that knowledge to mentally torture kids and punish those who don't conform to force."

any kid that doesn't confrom/follow orders mindlessly in school is taken to a psychologist and diagnosed with ADD and ADHD and OCD so they can drug them up with prozac (mostly fluoride) and ritalin and every other fucked up drug that should never be given to a child with a developing brain. then the kid zones out and behaves like a zombie and feels sad all the time so they diagnose them with bipolar depression and give them even more drugs. kids are being treated like numbers and cattle at school to pass as many tests as possible without learning a single thing and making money for pharmaceutical companies

My parents insisted on me going to psychiatrists and every single one of them requested that I take some SSRI. They would talk to me for like 4 minutes before dispensing whatever evil concoction pfizer was pushing that month.
Its also funny how every single psychiatrist would push a different type of pill. One of them wanted me on Cypralex, the second one said wellbutrin, and lastly seroquil.
These idiots actually said I need seroquil, a fucking anti-psychotic. They even gave me some defacto diagnoses of having psychosis because I was strongly against taking SSRI's, because you know, not trusting big pharma must mean that I'm crazy.

"Me in high school:
Me in college:

"It's very simple: those who can't do, teach
with few exceptions, full-time school teachers are the most egotistical and incompetent people to be part of society.
It's better to learn from those who actually do, like your parents or your retired elders in a multi-generational household, than it is to learn from one of these parasites."

"I can say with confidence that Zero-Tolerance policies (specifically the ones regarding fighting, which discourage standing up against bullies) are one of the many things responsible for creating a generation of idiots and sociopaths.

I started getting bullied since before I was 8 years old. It only got worse as time passed. Every single day was a struggle not to lash out at the people who physically and verbally abused me. I was pretty big for my age (part of the reason they picked on me), and my parents told me that they would not be mad at me for defending myself against them (though they never actively pushed me to do so), but I knew that I would get suspended or worse if it came to blows. Ultimately, I was more scared of my teachers and principal than I was of my peers. I was unable to stand up for myself as a student, and the principle/teachers did absolutely fuckall. Very often a bully would start hitting me when they knew a teacher or employee of the school would be intentionally not giving any attention to anything in my general direction, not because they were tired or careless, rather they knew that trouble always followed me and they behaved like cowards and became intentionall lazy, unwanting to deal with the bullies that constantly harassed me. The pompous, pretentious, hypocrites would pretend they were being smart by "allowing the problem to resolve itself". When I would bring up my hands to cover my head and face from the attacks the teacher would only then decide to pretend to notice that I lifted my hands, not to strike, but to cover my own body in self defense without any offense in any way, and the teacher would immediately punish me and send me to detention.

How DARE I protect myself from people who had the unspoken ability to be completely invisible to teachers and other figures of authority that could never insult reality by wearing such a title. My parents would contact the school and say "Hey, why are you letting my child be psychologically tortured by his classmates?" and the school would feed them some horse shit like "We're doing everything we can to help him!" Either way, they'd sooner suspend one kid for beating the shit out of someone than suspend half of a class for mistreating that kid. There was nothing being done, nothing could have been done without me being punished, so I just took everything they threw at me, and they never held back." The amount of homework being given every single day, every weekend, every holiday break, was becoming hateful and abhorrent. The amount of books students were required to drag painfully around the school on their young undeveloped backs and shove into undersized and strategically meticulously systematically tiny undersized and inconveniently placed lockers far from each and every single classroom equally, was becoming too much for me. I had straight A's and they all dropped to F's in a very short period.

My parents, brainwashed by psychologists and therapists forced me to take several kinds of "medications" that I "needed" so that I could "do better" and "feel better" played games with my young developing brain's chemisty and my hormones and constantly simulated a physical emotional experience of feelings I can only describe as literally being in hell. The side effects where literally anything you could have imagined. I gained weight from it all, and the stress. I was 150 pounds overweight and malnourished and flushed all my pills one day and promised I would never take another pill from these shitty fake doctors ever again. I spend some time in a mental hospital as they tried to convince me I needed them, but I didn't give in and thank GOD there wasn't much more they could force upon me, so they let me go. I changed my life and lost a ton of weight and now I warn people about school and how fucked up this shitty terrible nightmare we live in a system designed to cultivate unrelenting suffering and psychological slavery. I warn people because I have hope. I want to change this fucked up world one word at a time.

"Public schools are corrupt. I used to live in a state where attendance was mandatory.
Was bullied every single day until I just got sick of it at quit going to school. A couple weeks later I was sitting in a court, fined about 700 dollars, put on probation for an entire year of my life, and forced to go to school. I ended up missing a week to grieve for my grandfather but they decided I took too long and threw me in a juvenile detention center for a whole month. I was finally able to get off probation after forcing myself to go classes and do 48 hours of community service, it was a huge load off my mind. One day at school, one of my "friends" was caught selling weed to other students and had his mom's pills in his locker. You know what he got? 2 days suspension. He had shit grades, but he attended school, and that's all that matters to them."

"The most infuriating part about bullies is the double standard where they never ever seem to get in trouble for their behavior, but anyone who dares stand up to them is slammed down with an iron fist, could it be part of the government agenda? are they doing this on purpose to force people to accept "their place in society" early on?"

Society has also been indoctrinated with the idea that people who dropped out of school or didn't get good grades must be bad people, which makes it even more difficult to get along with people or get a job. As if it wasn't difficult enough?

or alternatively:

(reply to above)






the biggest waste you can make is running around trying to please the monsters that run the system by giving them any form of your effort and taking their quizzes, and looking for their approval. while you could have spent the time looking for food or water, or running away to some better place on earth to make a new life for yourself, they have you sitting in some little school room taking the GED.
>DEATH of your mind



forget kids getting expelled for eating poptarts and being accused of "the poptart looking a similar shape as a gun", now kids are getting sued for looking at each other and smiling and getting along.

Federal Government Is Bullying Parents Who Homeschool Their Children

A 14-year-old girl was suspended from school for a month and faces possible assault and battery charges for playfully throwing a baby carrot at one of her former teachers.

A fourth-grader from Hillsborough, Florida, was warned not to pass any more love notes to his female classmates—and will be charged with sexual harassment if he persists.



why college is scam

might be a good idea to watch stefan molyneux's videos on no college for white man, and other "don't go to college" videos

College Student Earns 4.0 GPA, Then Drops Out: "You Are Being Scammed!"

Billy Williams just finished his first college semester and did so with the all-impressive 4.0 GPA. Instead of celebrating his accomplishments with friends and family, he decided to drop out of college entirely.

Billy made a facebook post that is now going viral in which he explains his reasoning for dropping out:

“Now that I’ve finished my first semester I think it’s safe to say… FUCK COLLEGE. Now before all you of you go batshit crazy… I have a few points to make.

1. Yes I have dropped out after finishing my first semester (with a 4.0 GPA). And it’s one of the best choices I’ve ever made. Not because I am averse to learning, but actually the exact opposite.

2. YOU ARE BEING SCAMMED. You may not see it today or tomorrow, but you will see it some day. Heck you may have already seen it if you’ve been through college. You are being put thousands into debt to learn things you will never even use. Wasting 4 years of your life to be stuck at a paycheck that grows slower than the rate of inflation. Paying $200 for a $6 textbook. Being taught by teacher’s who have never done what they’re teaching. Average income has increased 5x over the last 40 years while cost of college has increased 18x. You’re spending thousands of dollars to learn information you won’t ever even use just to get a piece of paper. I once even had an engineer tell me “I learned more in my first 30 days working than in my 5 years of college.” What does that tell you about this system? There are about a million more ways you’re being scammed into this.. just watch the video i’m gonna comment if you want to see more.

3. Colleges are REQUIRING people to spend money taking gen. ed. courses to learn about the quadratic formula (and other shit they will never use) when they could be giving classes on MARRIAGE and HOW TO DO YOUR TAXES.

4. Gosh there are so many more reasons I could add, but just comment if you disagree or have reasons to add. I’d love to add to the discussion. TAG a friend in college, Tag your parents, share this if you agree, disagree. Let’s just talk about it. Heck post a picture of yourself flipping off something you think is unjust in our society.”

Billy is right too that the price of college continues to soar.

In 2015, Harvard’s annual tuition and fees (not including room and board) would cost a person $45,278, which is more than 17 times the 1971-72 cost. If annual increases of tuition had simply tracked the inflation rate since 1971, 2016’s tuition would be just $15,189.

Quotes from anons:

A recent study published by Japan’s Cabinet Office examined the country’s more than 18,000 child suicides from 1972–2013 and found that 131 of those suicides occurred on September 1—32 more suicides than the next most-frequent date of death.

Mapping for frequency, the study found distinctly larger numbers of suicides at the end of August and beginning of September, as well as during the middle of April. The former coincides with schools reopening after summer vacation; the latter, as schools reopen after spring break.

The numbers are glaring. Japan’s overall suicide rate is roughly 60 percent higher than the global average, a 2014 World Health Organization report noted. In 2014 alone, 25,000 Japanese people took their own lives—roughly 70 suicides every day.

Last year, suicide was the leading cause of death for Japanese children between the ages of 10 and 19. Among teens and young adults ages 10–24, there are roughly 4,600 suicide deaths in each year, and another 157,000 instances of hospitalization for self-inflicted injuries.


how to make school lunch good

you know they can make it taste good, and healthy right?

roast some onions and caramelize them and roast some peas on the side. then put the peas and onions in a blender and cream them with salt and pepper.

roast broccoli, more peas, potatoes, corn, carrots in the oven and serve them along side the creamed peas (as a sauce)

another great thing you can make is dark red kidney beans and black beans boiled with some garlic and onions and cumin, maybe a little pepper. makes a great bean soup. very delicious and very healthy.

for drinks, they shouldn't have any milk or juice. it's all bad fats and sugar. they should at the very least be given clean bottled water (BPA free of course) with no fluoride. if they want an extra drink, they should be given wheat grass juice with some blueberry and acai puree mixed in for more antioxidants and fiber and a good splash of lemon and or lime juice for the vitamin C content.

they should also be given an orange or an apple, and about two handfuls of mixed nuts. (unless allergic)

for dessert they should be given some hemp protein powder blended with coco powder and flax seeds and a small amount of avocado with some organic fag b12 and vitaminD (from garden of life, best one out there in my honest opinion) (the rest can be water) this makes a nice chocolate pudding with omega 3 and fiber.

this lunch is healthy, tastes great and actually makes you crave eating it, and KICKS ASS. you want kids to be alert? you want them raising their hands and answering questions? feed them stuff that actually makes them feel awake and supports their body's health.

all the food should be at the very least non-gmo, and all students should in addition to that still have the freedom to bring whatever food they want from home in case they simply don't like or can not eat the options offered.

and last but not least, you pay taxes. taxes pay for school. the school will then pay for your kids lunches. no excuses. fair is fair.

anyone been getting flashbacks to pathological liars trying to fool you into horrible things happening to you?
(previous /x/ thread)
(exGATEers thread)

I can't believe some of the lies I remember people telling me and the things I heard them say to others.


way later

another way way later

another I remembered from early on

I also remember alot of people trying to get me stuck in logical traps where they sell their logic as fact rather than appearing to try to convince me since they are aware that people are resistant to others openly trying to convince them of things. basically they tell you that there is only one factual way of going about something so that you make a huge assumption and never gain philosophical ground because you assume better logic doesn't exist. there are many types of logic and some are better than others, but there isn't really "just one way" to go about everything. everything has many ways. understand? I'm not trying to be vague, it's just that these things apply to many many different things in your day to day life. any one specific example would be limiting to the overall understanding.

I know this may not be the easiest thread to read but I know I'm doing Holla Forums a service in some way. we all do what we can

thread archive

so many of these have been staged hoaxes starting from Columbine up through Sandy Hoax and beyond.
as stated in OP the (((end result))) seems to be the goal among other things like (((gun control body scanners and increased surveillance state)))

I'm equally sickened by the false flags and the real shootings. both are completely fucking disgusting.

but of course also the events that lead up to them. *mentioned in the thread

Society has practically given up on exploration, endeavors that expand humanity's horizons. Instead of building colonies on the moon or mars, exploring the oceans, building solar farms in the sahara, humanity is obsessed with the minutia frivolous minutia. Sex, drugs, base appetites, ephemeral status.

Perhaps it is deliberate psychological torture. The physical torture is done in basements, kill rooms, we know. But perhaps the world elite know something we dont… we always look up and think of the stars above as a frontier, if not the pan-ultimate frontier. Could they be prison bars instead?

Might explain why John "full disclosure" Podesta (a suma cum laude Georgetown grad) is so obsessed with satanism and life-extension. Who knows.

Its knowledge like this that cant be instilled with a professor there for the paycheck, and students there for the promise of one, filling out bubbles on scantrons.

That pioneering, inquisitive spirit is being suppressed by any means possible. Its tragic.

the internet, if implemented correctly, will replace schools entirely. Schools used to be NECESSARY for the dissemination of information. Libraries, classrooms and so on were a necessity. As we entered the digital age their usefulness waned, until, now, they face total obsolescence, since you can hold all the worlds books in the palm of your hand. Listen to graduate level lectures regardless of age, or location.

Schools have become, yes, nothing less than holding cells, drilling obsolescent information into the heads of children while their parents work obsolescent jobs for the ponzi economy.

The world faces nothing short of civilization collapse when confronted with the realities of quantum computing, virtual reality, genetic engineering. When do you begin teaching children these realities, in elementary school? Middle school? high school?

They dont even begin to touch these matters in college. So what you get is a zombified generation devoid of any real curiosity, or awareness of the realities (and dangers) of the world around them.

Point 4, user: DIGRA. It was 100% demonstratably true. Shady DoD orgs were involved and got uncovered during GG. It was one of the topics censored on halfchan that culminated in the Exodus here. Nevar 5get.

Regarding the thread topic, I have never had a problem understanding why someone would hate society and lash out. Surely everyone here should have gotten here because you already knew it was fucked up too. Shooting some NPCs is far from the worst thing you could possibly do. Cucks want to pretend like death isn't real or something. I don't know. I'm not a gigantic faggot, so I've never understood those pussies fears completely.

I never focused on bottom-tier slaves though. The correct course of action is always to eliminate the enemy command.

yea I know what you guys mean. anyone notice the thread getting slid really fast? it always happens when it's a good thread for us, and a bad one for (((them)))

Which is why schools will never die. Parents need a place to park their kids while they're at work.

Thank you user, for that pic… I was not aware of a good deal of it.

I am likely a victim of SSRI exposure via the placenta, as I've been depressed for the vast majority of my life for no reason.

try to eat alot of fruits and veg, broccoli and spinach etc. ask your doctor to reccomend a good plant based nutritionist. avoid the soy.
start taking opti-msm vitamin shop brand and natural calm magnesium supp + garden of life b12 and D3. eat alot of oats and do squats. maca root will boost your balls so fucking crazy without the harsh side effects of tongkat or other dangerous shit.

it helped me get less depressed, and have more energy, but I'm still depressed (since a lot is fucked up) but it did help me alot.

ask your doctor before starting or stopping anything. wish the best for you m8.

Thanks mate. Doing a lot better in recent years, due mostly to shear willpower and hate (ironically enough) for this ill-contrived shit-heap of a society. The desire to become better than it has gotten me this far, perhaps now it is time to tackle the original problem, in the way you described.

I haven't read all this but I'll piggyback on it. Before I graduated from taking online classes at an accredited and well known school actually, I would often spend my time seeing how little work I could do in a class. Almost every test and quiz was uploaded online and even most assignments. I passed loads of classes merely googling my way through them all. Never learned a thing (not my major classes of course) and can tell you this anons: college is a scam and unless you absolutely need a piece of paper to do your job, your better off saving the money.

Also I want add that I had teachers who would curve the class up with "participation points" so they wouldn't fail. One class I had a teacher remove the weights for half way through the semester and passed everyone. Every school is for profit and no one cares about education. Refer to teacher and adminstration salaries if you don't believe me.

congregation areas, exactly. its why schools shouldnt die, but the nature of work entirely is likely going to change

I must ask as well: do you eat meat, or are you fag?

kek goddamn, hopefully you caught the gist of that last word well enough

What most horrifying about the college meme is that it suckers everyone into it and doesn't teach a fucking thing.

Persuade more young white into trade schools. Vocational studies are the way of the future, yet have always been the backbone. The lack of millennial interest in their fields gives you an edge because that would BE THE COLLEGE except it'd be an apprenticeship in a field that's needed literally everyday; IE electrician, welder, plumbing, fuck even carpenter, to do jobs on your own house instead of paying some fucktard to do it, while making 20+ dollars an hour starting, more for electrician and welder type careers obviously.

You're doing God's work OP. I hope you are blessed with peace and happiness, and you recover from any damage done by the (((schools)))

Source/further reading? I never really paid attention to GG outside of a cursory knowledge, but the DoD being involved is big if true.

Dont know so much about a organised school bullies thing, thats just a social norm that heppens in all walks of life, including the teachers getting in on the act.

But yes, school is nothing more than a propaganda center for children. Teach them just enouth to understand and consume the propaganda. Then ripout all curiosity and free thinking and replace it with obedience of authority.
This is well documented and been discussed here befor, so they should be anons with plenty of info.

Also note, this from of schooling is not new at all.
Its been practiced for hundresds of years in its current form. The idea probably goes back thousands.

I've always known it was all bullshit. I've always identified the system as an enemy that needed to die. I've always known exactly what went through school shooters' heads.
I always said fuck it all and did the bare minimum, creating a persona that was retarded, and focus on humor and drawing in class, learning actual stuff outside of class. This was a big secret of mine I compulsively kept hidden almost my entire life, I loved learning, I loved reading, never showed it to anyone. My whole life has been a facade, like a jew. Secretely manipulating people while they you're dumb as bricks can be really fun, I liked to sow chaos and discord. Of course it's no surprise I got here. At times when I knew people well enough I'd show them my true nature and teach them things, how to cheat, how to manipulate teachers, how to open your third eye. People at times would listen to me like I was a cult leader and actually believe I was this wizard type guy.

Truth is this isn't the first life here on Earth. Sometimes you get this strange deja vu, feeling of familiarity like you have seen it before, certain places, songs or words. I'm European, but first time I was in New York it was as if I'd been there all my life, felt strangely like home. Beaches of Normandy also felt familiar as hell. And there's this beautifull German opera I sometimes hear in dreams and MXE auditive hallucinations. I've never been in an opera in my life. I've mastered lucid dreaming also and in my dreams I am like a god, can shape matter at will. It's all about believing, you believe you can fly you will, in a dream that is. Trick is to start by jumping really high, once you get that you can start believing you can do more and just keep pushing the boundaries
I believe lucid dreaming is a divine lesson your spirit tries to teach you and all people should practice it. Overcoming your own mind

Because the system can't admit that it's making systematic mistakes because it undermines its control.
If the education system admitted that a large minority of kids are regularly victimized and tormented by teachers and fellow students, then parents would have causus belli to pull their kids out and use alternative schooling, which would crash the current school system monopoly.
Like any addict, it can never admit it has a problem. Normalfags also benefit from the system as well, because it pulls down otherwise high-functioning individuals. It's the classic jewish tactic of "If i can't do well, I'll just pull others down and make them worse than me." It's the revenge of mediocrity against the vulnerable.

You retarded faggot OP. Gas yourself for a kike. You put a lure in the subject line and didn't use it at all. You're babbling about something that only matters to you when you already knew there was something worth writing your fucking blog abutt.
Someone ought to take your bait kit away from you and give it to a real master.

You got picked on in school because you were a faggot, plain and simple.

Schools are essentially a state sanctioned prison system to keep wild youth out of the streets fighting eachother, stealing and forming games.

This is because this is what men naturally do.

You felt a need to distinguish yourself from that base behavior because you probably have a decent level of intelligence and thought that it was "beneath you."

There is nothing further from the truth. All men need to grab hold of their base instinctual nature to form groups and dominate other groups because this is what makes men happy and helps them grow as people and find their place in society.

Choosing to abscond from this primal behavior leaves you physically, intellectually and emotionally stunted.

Grow strong, learn to fight, learn to carry yourself with confidence and you will never have to fight again. Men are pack animals. Study wolf behavior. Don't just learn the "what" Learn the "why" and "how."

Bullying doesn't happen for no reason. It's a test. "How much are you willing to put up with?"

vid related: It's you

I also highly recommend you read "The Way Of Men" by Jack Donovan. You have to become what society is telling you not to be, or soon there will not be a society.

A large part of the problem is that the school system ACTIVELY weeds out good teachers. The whole process is bogged down with so much bureaucracy that any teacher who actually tries gets swamped by the amount of useless paperwork that they have to do. It breaks people who just want to teach and leaves only teachers who don't even try.
Almost every teacher at any school does not fill out all the paperwork they're supposed to and the ones that are will likely quit soon. The whole thing has created a massively negative atmosphere around teaching. Parents, for good reasons, see a lot of teachers as dumb and unreasonable because of this weeding out of anyone half decent and that mindset weeds out even more teachers because the parents hate you.
The whole thing is horrible and anyone who actually wants to teach should not become a teacher.

Stupid bitch. sometimes I wonder what she would've been like if everything wasn't so fucking jewed.Goes to show, school doesn't make you smart. Also:

>literally try to justify 200k fucking art degree because "cost doesn't matter, it's an investment"
>go on knowing I'm on the true path still feel like a loser because of family

Are you trying to throw shade on the monetary reform thread with this JPG?

Someone post that greyhaired fat dude with a speech impediment who is redpilled about the school system.

The kid was expelled for playing a game in the middle of class. You can say it was "staring at a girl", but in all honesty its similar to if he was in the back of the room playing rock paper scissors with her. They both should've gotten in trouble imo for disrupting class.

I had a teacher like this freshman year for honors english the whole year. He was the first adult to say "question everything I say", and would sprinkle lies into conversation to see if people would question the things he'd tell us. I learned about Ayn Rand and tons of other philosophy for the first time in this class. The only difference was he wasn't any of this hippy bullshit "do you think you're good enough" trash. He was a real ass dude, former veteran, I still talk to him on facebook sometime. All he asked of us was to contribute to discussion

I went to a charter school like this!

Principal was a kike pederast, known to police! Still gets teaching jobs to this very day! WeeeEEEEE!!!

user, I know how you feel. My first years in middle school were like that.

Then when I moved away, I experienced a new form of bullying. Imagine when you tried to talk to someone, theyd just glare at you and give you only a single word answer. Maybe they wont even make eye contact with you. They dont ever wanna talk to you and every time you try to make friends its the same response. Over and over again. Those people made me wanna shoot up the school. Even when youre quiet they would look at you with the face of "Youre lucky we let you even breathe" and eventually even your own mother gives you that face. After a while I stopped caring and started intentionally provoking them, martyring myself for the sake of getting them equal and opposite punishment. Id tell the black kid that bullied me "Hey black people have rights, APRIL FOOLS"
Say to the chicks who were mean to me
"Maybe if you thought harder about it honey, itd make more sense"
Just being intentionally racist and condescending.
I eventually made some friends doing that, who also hated most of them, wed draw swastikas on thank you cards to teachers, we'd intentionally block hallway doors (if you were a little slow, some jock would always try to shove you into a wall), we'd get the methhead bullies to freak out infront of the teachers and get them expelled. It was good. That and Holla Forums got me through those terrible years.

Ex-teacherfag here. Hope the thread is still here when I get home from work for a proper reply.

Short version: Roughly 50% of new teachers quit within 2 years of the profession. I quit after about 2.5 myself.

Your job as a teacher is miserable and impossible for more reasons than I care to get into on my phone. I wish I could say education is purely empirical - it's not. Society, culture, politics, ethics, and a load of other tangential shit plays a role.

I was fresh out of a lefty lib Masters degree in education. I taught remedial English via an entry program for an HBCU (all black college). Real life is the best redpill there is, go figure. I'll get into the rest if I can remember this thread when I get home.

The reason why this is, is because American institutions require high as fuck education (masters in english) and pay less than 40 grand for something that is like 60-80 hour work weeks. Its incredibly stressful and the ones who are really good usually leave. The ones that stay are so incompetent that they dont have any other job to run off to. They are literally bottom of the barrel. It took me a long time to realize this and it made me want to homeschool my kids even more. Teachers most of the time live alone and chug alcohol to drown out the fact that they work at a middle school. There was a good MDE skit about it. Elementary and middle schools pull the worst types of teachers for that very reason.

I once had a teacher dump my backpack out in front of the entire class because it was messy. Another time I had the teacher publically shame me in class repeatedly for getting the wrong answer on a literary test. (I think I put "because he is mean and evil" instead of a legitimate analysis of the antagonists character. I was 8 years old). You have to just recognize them as degenerates and move on with your life.



Ex-Teacherfag. I'll try not to blogpost and I will be as direct as possible:

Education is fucked for all the same reasons Academia is fucked. This is to say the same people who are teaching your average Frankfurt School inspired PC / Multikulti-tier bullshit are the same people educating teachers for the profession. This is why the majority of teachers end up being left.

The dysfunctionality within those leftist ideologies also has seeped into educational theory insofar as you are explicitly told not to practice "traditionalist" teaching methods like "skill and drill" (ie: the routine of demonstration + repetition). A thick layer of PC suffuses everything. I took classes specific for, "teaching children of poverty." Never mind the notion that all children need to know the same things or be held to the same standard. If Nigger Jim fails, then the test itself is obviously racist. The subject of testing itself too is highly debated and suffused in political shit as you can imagine. Throw in a smattering of psychoanalysis and A HEAPING of psuedo-science and flavor it for your subject: boom, you have your average degree in education.

When this is translated into the classroom, it's a fucking disaster. Why? Because there's a fucking reason 2+2=4 and Common Core is horseshit. There's a reason grammar syntax exists. There's a reason shit happened at a certain time in history. Point to all this being is that even in subjects like Art, there is an empirical component, and if you start FUCKING with that, there's gonna be problems no matter what else you do. People didn't heed this warning and the curriculum itself has been corrupted by this shit. That's how you wind up with Common Core, No Child Left Behind, AYP, or other abominations within education. The entire thing is an utter and complete clusterfuck.

As a teacher, you're dropped into this clusterfuck after spending your money on a degree. If you're lucky enough to teach at a real piece of shit public school, odds are you are more highly educated than 99% of your students' parents, assuming they exist. You're handed your marching orders by the State and Feds, respectively. If you do not accomplish the State / Fed standards within your lesson plans, your career can be in jeopardy. Whether or not you get your shit in trouble for that depends on the school Admin. But then if they let you slide, they know it's only a matter of time before someone audits them (State Superintendent or otherwise) and ruins THEIR day, so you better toe the fucking line and teach what they tell you to.

By "they," I again mean the same Lefties who infect education at its root. They are also in the branches. You? You're just a leaf on the fucking wind, my man. And leaves are falling off the tree all the time. That's ok, there's a legion of fresh faces waiting to replace you - most of them women btw. As a young white man, I was absolutely discriminated against and hated nearly everywhere I went. Not by my black students - they actually loved me because I told it to them how it is and told them to make their own decisions. I was hated by other faculty and staff - almost to the point where it got me fired once, but I avoided this and continued until the money got so bad, I couldn't keep floating on the pittance they were paying me. Living in a van wasn't worth saying I "used my degree."

I've worked in insurance ever since and now make a living wage. Teaching degree gathers dust in a box somewhere.

There is so much more I could say, but I won't blogpost.

Again, the operative information here is what you probably already know: Education is fucked because Academia produces all certified teachers. Academia is fucked, and go figure we all know (((why))).

Oh btw in regards to pic related and Federal Spending - there's a shitload of (((dirty money))) in education that not a lot of people know about or talk about. Do-nothing jobs passed to near invalid cronies (usually old minority women) who will be paid like $60,000 +full benefits to "supervise" an afterschool program, which is code for babysitting a pack of Nigglets. Workers' Comp claims filed by nearly exclusively female teachers to the tune of six figures plus for someone slipping on a mopped floor. Shady IT or Tech contracting deals for crony companies (usually affiliated with someone at the School Board or Admin) to come in and do IT work that's completely unnecessary or they don't even do at all.

It goes and goes. The system doesn't need to be gutted. It needs to be completely exterminated and rebuilt from scratch.

Burn it all and start again.

Tell us more sensei. How can we properly educate our kids, is private school the answer? Home school is some difficult shit these days since cost of living has adjusted to account for two-income families, having one income is a struggle.

Great thread take my blessings, and Kek's.

Not him, but I'd personally recommend:
For math: the AoPS series (home-school).
For writing: I don't have an actual text, but grammar is very important (so many people lack it these days). In addition, people lack a knoweldge of varied words (e.g., every emotion is love or like, never slight affection, never enamoured, etc.).
For style: The Spencerian collection (after all, if you're white, you should be able to write in beautiful cursive). Maybe short-hand as well for note taking in their future.
For Science: don't know. However, Soviet texts don't seem that bad. They seem to be focused on constructible approaches to mathematics (i.e. their math was really just science, but highly rigorous).
For Social Studies: I don't know. what isn't currupted at this point? You'd have to figure that out yourself.
For fun reads: Again, you the parent would have to determine what's good. Maybe you could integrate this in with social studies and have the readings be Holla Forums-type books.
However, you must also remember to allow for sufficient activity for the student (especially if it's a guy).
Of course, what I propose would be for home school. One issue is having non-fucked-in-the-head friends with kids so that your kid has friends.

Still reading, but there is something deeply truthful about what you're saying. What I'm reading is a breath of fresh air. Thank you.

God bless you too user.

wouldn't you like to know I get banned from Holla Forums all the time. saying hi to the mods so they know I contribute good shit all the time.

Depends on how compatible you are with religion. For example, in these parts (Georgia) there were 3-4 major Private schools that all popped up within about 2 years of one another. What years? 1968-1970, the period of desegregation. As you can imagine, from establishment and forward, the enrollment of those schools has been nearly exclusively White. I attended one of those schools myself, and there were 2 black kids to the 350-400+ rest of us.

BUT it came at a price - the heavy religious indoctrination. Some people are ok with that, others aren't. The level of education was leagues beyond what I would have gotten from local public schools, and I was insulated from the local strain of niggers (who now make up roughly 70% of the local community), but again, it took me a while to reconcile the religiosity and some of the more extreme parts of the indoctrination I received (reminder that Jesus was a Jew, and the Bible was written and canonized by Jews or Jewish Apostates, and someone cut off the most sensitive part of my penis as a baby because they believed in an Omnipotent entity that was described to them in an ancient book).

So yeah, if you're keen on having your kid inducted into an offshoot of Judaism that is roughly akin to a cult obsessed with the blood of a supposed martyr, then I you can insulate them from most niggerdom and the typical Hard Left curriculum bullshit you'll get in the average Public education by sending them to a Private Christian or Parochial school. This is, of course, a trade-off.

You MAY be able to send them to a non-religious Private school, but those are a crap-shoot. Some of them can have very wonky educational theories behind them, and some of these can be somewhat innocuous (everything must be done digitally, no textbooks, no pencils, no paper, final destination). Other theories can be kind of fucked (children only learn what they WANT to learn) and can lead to some really fucked up situations where your kid does nothing but study fingerpainting all day instead of learning useful shit like multiplication. So in regards to those, just caveat emptor and read the charter / mission statement closely if you're going to do that. FFS, you'll be paying enough, you should know what you're buying.

The one that's more rare and not really appealing to a lot of people (because remember ALL children must go to college and get a (((student loan))) good goy!) is a technical or trade school. These do exist even at the middle / high school level, but they are marginalized because they feed into a mentality that is antithetical to the fucked up feeder system that keeps the Academic Industrial Complex working. I was very adamant with all of my kids that they probably SHOULDN'T go to college because I would show them my student debt for a Master's degree and then show them my actual salary, which was basically a losing proposition. Niggers or no, they got redpilled hard in my class and most of them started to understand what kind of trap they were being put in. To be fair though, it's very easy to go from a Tech-focus high school into something like hard engineering or STEM if the kid is still intent on college.

Besides that, practical option is to homeschool. I'd recommend a tutor on the side for subjects you're not 100% on yourself. Developmentally, this can alter kid socially because he's not subjected to the institutional environment. What I mean is that the homeschool kids NEED time with other kids growing up to develop properly. Also consider your wife or even yourself may not be the best teacher. But then, you have one thing on your side that no one else (hopefully) does: an overwhelming amount of care and concern for the kid. I (the teacher) am going to care about just as much as you are paying me, which is to say I will do my fucking job and try my best to teach your kid and keep his stupid ass in line if he fucks up. Maybe I even try to hand him some important life lessons or I try to be a male role model. BUT past a certain point, I'M NOT HIS PARENT, and I really couldn't give a single shit if another fatherless nigger or even another wigger (which we have plenty of here) fails my class and winds up in the gutter.

Fuck that, make students take as much rigorous math as we can offer. Math remains the only exception to free thinking being punished.

alot of people (mostly trolls) pretend to freak out when someone says they are fag and automatically resort to making a bunch of harsh assumptions about them. I did years of headache inducing research and learned what combination of plant based foods to eat to get all my vitamins and minerals with minimal supplementation. I always thought meat was okay, but I never fell in love with it (even though it smells really good) but after changing my diet to include lots of greens, beans, onions, oats, fruits, nuts, seeds, (and personally avoiding soy) I can say that I have lost weight, my bad cholesterol went down, my good cholesterol went down but then normalized back up a little, I got enough omega 3's from flax and hemp and my body produces it's own DHA (just enough to replenish it's stores) I'm getting boatloads of protein and every essential and non-essential amino acid from spirulina and hemp powder and beans and my doctor say's my bloodwork is better than ever. I'm hitting the gym now and drinking juice from raw sweet onions and drinking lemon water and apple cider vinegar every morning and I feel more energetic than I ever have in my entire life. I eat raw garlic and then go to the gym and piss everyone off with my smell but power through my workouts like the wolverine and get random boners like when I was 10 that threaten to rip right through my shorts. I don't drink milk, or eat eggs or cheese or fish or anything that comes from any animal so I guess I'm accidentally-technically fag; but I just call myself a plant man. I'm sure this will piss some people off but I wanted to give you an honest answer, so those people can fuck right off. healthy travels bro.

v-e-g-a–n. I see what they did there now. yes I did laugh


I don't blame them. eventually they will come around and a healthy diet will become the common meme for Holla Forums and other people on the right/correct side of history. hitler shared some similar ideas that I respect. that environmentalism.

for example: I think global warming is bullshit. climate change does happen but I don't think we cause the majority of it. carbon tax is a bullshit way for globalists at the UN to steal money from every country and do not a fuckdamn thing about anything. that being said, I think it's stupid that we pollute everything because even if we aren't fucking up the weather (besides chemtrails, actual documented fact, not a theory) we are still dumping poisonous chemical shit everywhere that's not exactly the nicest thing for us to breath in or eat. we are the guardians of this earth appointed by God, and we must protect it, even if that means protecting it from other bullshit fake environmentalists.

requesting that nice picture with hitler feeding bambi and the squirrel please

ve gan == fag?

hey, thank you for your support both in your words and in this thread. Feels good.

I rather suck on celery than suck a sausage.

more than organized user. a cult. an actual cult.

wow, a shill that doesn't sage.
still spotted you

no opinion

to a delusional person this may sound like good advice until you realize that telling this to a powerless 8 year old is utterly useless information to them. you can tell them to be tough but mommy will likely drag them by the ear back to school because normies think it's the right thing to you. I'm probably replying to a past-chad who had an easy experience in school flying past all their straight-F minus classes because they played football. hey, I'm not shitting on your life, but at least admit you have no clue what you are talking about.

thanks for the advice, appreciated.


If true, that's why they ban you.

Instead of pulling a chad, you could just do what I did: be smart enough to not be in classes full of niggers + blending into society. Note, I never was in any cliques or social clubs. I merely blended in.

Really sick of all the underage fags on Holla Forums. Go complain about not being pampered and catered to your every whim somewhere else. Real men are speaking.


adding it to the copypasta.

I appreciate the advice because I feel like you're coming from a good place but you're making alot of assumptions. not saying it's bad advice, but even without those factors things can still be very bad. the only bad part is blending in. that's what they want you to do. become one of them.

fuck, user. I know those feels.

actually, show them this thread! show your parents this thread. copy-paste it to a plain text document. might help them realize what kind of world we live in.

Probably. For all I know you aren't even seeking advice. Also, yes, I didn't go to a ghetto school (it would be called middle-class, but, looking it up now, it's ghettofied).
No. What they want is for you not just to blend in, but for your mind to convert. There is acting like an NPC & being an NPC. Until you have power/influence, acting like an NPC is necessary. Otherwise, they'll just cut you off early (a seedling). If by masking yourself as the surrounding fauna you can eventually become a mighty tree which can influence the surrounds, do that.
If this was /r9k/, I'd add that getting a girlfriend (even if only temporary/doomed for failure) is helpful in blending in. Not the having a girlfriend part, but the type of views/outlooks it exposes to you.

No, you mean the trump tax cuts? I did enjoy watching how mad the dems were in some clips where they were crying about having to pay less taxes.

Most of these stories are pure fiction but yeah, they are writing characters that are bringing scrutiny on certain types of males.

this is some low quality b8. if you were trying to be funny then try again next time.

spotted the feminist.

I don't think that was the intent of the post you referenced. Their intent, I presume, is that most of the "kid goes postal" are hoaxes meant to slander white guys.


How is the the public education system any better than soviet centralized planned manufacturing?

first of all they didn't link to a specific post so there's no real way of knowing who or what they are referring to, and it's way to easy to assume they are talking about the entire thread and the stories mentioned within. secondly, they say "Most of these stories are pure fiction" I'm guessing that's towards the true stories mentioned in this thread. strikes me as an attempt to discredit the thread. possibly a shill. really, it was a low quality post, or a newfag. that's my second guess.

School is supposed to prepare children for the future, but is in fact a grinder where children go through, eventually coming out tired, weak, apathetic, and often depressed, we're all a victim of such, but often they point out to "successful" children who made it far in life thanks to "education". And it often turns out these people are robots or simple workaholics, but the average child is bound to crack and lose that spark of life, I cracked fairly early on and I lost said spark, but I managed to recover it after I finished high school and spent a couple years on my own reflecting in more important things coming to the conclusion that all that time spent in school could have been used to grow and develop as a human being, physically, emotionally and psychologically, it's terrifying to think that school kept me from experiencing life at its fullest and grow alongside it. So the average male nowadays does not start to fully develop until their early to mid 20s. I often like to pretend I was born while in my 20s, in an attempt to forget my wasted childhood.

It's funny that It's us the ones complaining about things like school and so on. It's like we're the hippies of our generation, but with less faggotry and degeneracy.

The only times I had a good experience in school was when I had friends I could interact with in class and/or when I had a good teacher that did the exact opposite of this; (quoted below) otherwise it was bad enough that the truancy officer knew me and my household fairly well.

I can remember only three teachers in k-12 that had a positive influence on me as they, all males, acted as surrogate fathers for me during that time period in my life and treated me, and the other students, as real people not just paperwork to be filed.

did you have any good teachers OP? as shit as the system is there's some well meaning, though misguided at times, people in it.


user, that deja vu happened to me when a 7yo boy, and hear irish songs for the first time. The nostalgia, the longing for my home never abandoned me but it became my fire. I'm not living in Eire, user, but in my country, I'm fighting against the forcing of ni66as and arabeasts, and lgbtqwertyuiop tier in preschools. It's a long and slow struggle, but if I cannot help here, I cannot leave and try to help in Europe. We all are the Europe's Offspring, the most precious Sons and Daughters of Gea, and we are not fighting for our race only, but for our Mother as well.

That's the thing though. I was never a Chad.

I was a quiet skinny martial arts fag with a chip on his shoulder. Anything would set me off and people would fuck with me because of it.

I didn't say you have to join his gay werewolf club. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Same goes for women and gays.

Ever thought that maybe a faggot obsessed with masculinity would know the most about it?

If your mind is so weak that you lose what is important to you by pretending to be something else than you don't deserve a mind in the first place.

Have strong principles and stick by them. Read more, nigga.

I'll think about it.

added to the copypasta.

you're post hit me right in the feels user. I know you didn't go way too deep into detail but I too also have very very few teachers that I felt even cared and nourished the seeds of critical thought in my mind.

way to blow what I said out of proportion and misinterpret for the sake of sounding wise. I said that (((they))) want you to turn into one of them not literally them because they don't want you on their team because it's a fact that they want to mold everyone into an army of mindless zombies. remember than when you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back into you. I'm always careful because even for the strong willed it can be easy to forget who you are if you play the role of something else. you try to do your best to mimick it and you almost become it. it's disgusting. there is a time for blending in and there is a time for self honesty because lying to yourself is the worst cancer within.

You need to understand, user, that lots of those around us WANT us to fail. They have a need to be proven right. They will attempt to sabotage you. They need your attention and desire to provide you assistance because they are unable to help themselves out of their own failures. If you succeed on your own, they lose any control over you. It is their worst nightmare. Overcome all obstacles with your will, and you shall gain control over your world.

Vid: at least there are some kids out there who are poking the system in it's vulnerable "complete acceptance" underbelly.

College graduate here. FUCK school.

Well he is a namefagging newfaggot, what do ya expect. Also nice dubs.

In time they will learn. We shall endlessly debate the path through the inferno enlightening the lurkers through our sublime example-embodiment. Dumping caps for them.

Das digits.

Do you know how the word "IF" works?

No I think I interpreted correctly, though I didn't claim that about you. You got defensive and then claimed it about yourself.

Don't get all mad because you think I am looking down on you or something. It's all meaningless.

The very idea of giving advice comes from a place of self thought superiority. How can you give advice to someone else while not saying at the same time that in some way you know better than them? You cant.

It also doesn't matter if I know better than you or not. This conversation will fade from your mind in a month's time.

Again I'll just repeat myself with different wording.

Your mind must become so strong that you can not lose yourself to the imitation under any circumstances. The pathway to doing so is to have strong principles and stick by them. The pathway to developing this if you don't have it is to read about morality and philosophy.

Good ol' days in Berserk…

Thank you for this thread. It is nice to see that others are just as damaged and broken as me.

I was dropped off at daycare from a young age, then forced into schools right thereafter. I lived in a rural area with no other kids, my only nearby friends moved out in the second grade.

I am incapable of forming meaningful relationships with the majority of people. I have really only bonded with my sibling, and animals. Sometimes I sit out at night, when winter is its coldest and darkest. As I get comfortably numb, I wonder how things could have been different. If this uncaring, robotic person is who I was meant to be.

But you still are capable to overcome that past and become a real human being. Remember, user, "Human" was the final prize in Isis' Mysteries.

user you are giving good advice but you are being stubborn and not warning people of the risks. they will surely encounter the risks as a part of the learning process before they can master their skills enough to overcome said risks without issues. be more aware.

I think alot of the same thoughts and feel the same feels. but don't feel bad. be happy that you ended up as you and not as the ones you hate.

You know damn well the risks. No one makes it out of this game alive. If you live on your own terms you can die with your head held high.

Being a man is diving headfirst into the unknown just to see what happens and grow from the results. No one lives without dying, no one dies without scars.

I'm not pushing this masculinity shit as the primary starting point for no reason.

Being weak makes you weak willed. Pic related.

I cant hold your hand and lead you to glory. You have to spit and fight and claw and grab it for yourself. It's painful, but so is everything else. There is nothing in life but to struggle and die in vain. Do it in a way that gives you self respect. Become your heros.

I'm not saying all your advice is bad but you remind me a bit of the meme:

Go suicide bomb a synagogue, you fucking cuckold. You’re too fucking weak and stupid to comprehend what masculinity itself is, you goddamn lunatic.

The OP in that image also made a post on /fringe/

Attended university at the behest of my parents and advisors. Knowing I could accomplish much even without a degree, father insisted being a doctor was the best profession in America.


Docs have a lot of practical skills and knowledge, even if the profession has gone to trash in the last decade. Surgeons and ER Docs save people's lives on the reg. Not all of them are just some overworked, underpaid prescription pad.

However plenty are. Also Docs suicide at about double the rate of the average employee due to burnout, terrible hours, and the pressures of the profession. One fuckup and it's a lawsuit - never mind if someone actually died. Sometimes you don't even need to fuck up and you still get a lawsuit. That's what Malpractice insurance is for, but you get the idea. People hold you to an incredibly unrealistic standard.

Most Docs though still repay their student loans inside of about 2-3 years of being in the profession, which is faster than almost any other profession out there. Thing is of course after the years of residency and all the credentialing, you will have felt like it's been an eternity already.

Yeah, I'm the CIA equivalent of a gym owner. Go lift some weights, faggot.

My history teacher in high school freshman&sophomore years. Always asked questions such as why would this happen or why did that happen. I found out about a year ago that he lost his job because students were complaining that he was asking too much from them.

For the crowd, on what it means and takes to master thyself.

keked and checked.

Your digits speak for themselves.

Believe me I've seen the pros of being a doc too.

My mother worked for a private company selling malpractice insurance for 20 years and she would always remind me of the astronomical costs. Certain procedures are even "medically" recommended (read: promoted) so doctors can circumvent employer contracts or milk government insurance policies… All just to make more than 40 cents on the dollar for a procedure. It's really just sad and you can't blame the docs for subverting the system just to break even. This is why as a doctor you are a slave to health administration unless you own your own practice. And even then you make contracts to operate as an out-patient care provider just to maintain steady income.

All this belief of doctors paying off their loans in 2-3 years is going to be horseshit in 20 years. 90% of doctors will be just like your herp derp teachers - muh family medicine rural rinky dink preaching what the USDA food circle says and indoctrinated into pushing SSRI's, long-term beta-blockers and antibiotics that breed uber-tier bacteria instead of addressing preventative action as topic of health discussion.

Alcoholic father, chronically depressed mother who was somehow also overprotective and public school. I can understand why kids snap, thankfully all I ever did was beat the shit out of some little prick who decided to say something vulgar when I was having a bad day. Thank Christ I wasn't bullied, I was just ignored.

Is there a reason OP has posted 50 times—20 of which were an uninterrupted stream from the beginning? You seem schizophrenic, friend.

He probably is. Anyone who references "gangstalking" seriously is an inch from the eternal abyss.

I'm glad I'll have the awareness to know when I finally go insane.

Public schooling is mostly useless, I agree, but your motives for hating it seem to be mostly grounded in your own lack of cognitive ability. Retards like you should not be put through 12 years of pseudo-academic education, you should be taught some job your stupid ass can handle. But refrain from posting on Holla Forums, you are liable to hurt the board with your presence.

The public school system was designed in Prussia as a way to make sure the kids of factory workers were looked after and provided some of the basic necessities while their parents were at work. It's also a way to make sure even the plebs can read and count well enough to function in a labour force or military. This is about the limit of an average person's intelligence, so the rest is about conditioning them into obedient subjects. There's only two ways it's likely to go away - either through social collapse and return to pre-civilization, or by technology making unskilled labour superfluous at which point you might as well just pump the plebs full of drugs and plop them into VR machines or something.

Kike spotted.

It all comes back to one simple fact, "women can't handle stress". They freak out and lash out at the most vulnerable thing at hand. Then they recover and let everything go to shit just so they don't have to experience another breakdown. Women aren't good in any scenarios where it's one against many. Beating up bad odds is strictly male territory.

Holy shit..
I am absaloutely saving this thread.

My entire school life was HELL. I ended up being thrown out because I actually lost my shit and ended up knocking out a teacher. Funnily enough, the stress was induced from months and months of bullshit from teachers and other students and I was thrown on medication such as Ritalin and risperidone, I grew bitch tits and was always hyper emotional (puberty is a rocky time for most people even when your hormones aren't thrown all over the place because of estrogenic fucking pills!).
Luckily now I have recovered from the conditioning and outright torture I recieved from school. It is nothing more than a place to breed marxist idealogy and condition people into being good bug-slaves.

I started my journey into the redpill soon after being thrown out of school, I wasn't kicked out for knocking the teacher out, I was kicked out for uttering the word 'nigger' and making a funny drawing of a Jew (in which they hit hard with the 6 gorillion shit)

I've recovered from bitchtitsyndrome too, I'm working out, getting good and becoming a man again, meanwhile soyboys everywhere are wallowing around in their own emasculated shit. It sickens me truly to see what boys are turning into. School has a big part to play in the destruction of the white race.

Take heed, if you can, do NOT send your children to (((public education))). Homeschool them if you can.

I think school was a big factor in many of our redpill stories, we're those who realize what a hellhole we truly grow up in, we're those who stand the tide, it is a tough path to follow but it is a path of truth, I know many among us have similar tales of horror and hell that they endured through school, my younger brother (who is coming into his teenage years now) is being picked on because he's chubby and probably autistic (but really fucking smart to his credit) I see but a bit of myself in him, before I was awakened to just what is going on, soon will come the time where I will help him realize just what is going on in the world, I don't want him to make the same errors I did.

It's like history repeating itself here, he's the
scapegoat' as mentions just as I was. It's usually those who are different, those who aren't total degenerates and have a want to learn… They're the ones who are targeted by this.

Unless you're a girl, then you can learn, discover and all that bullshit until you hit college, then they'll turn that drive to learn against them and turn them into blue haired SJWs

Fighting is one of the few things that comes naturally to me. I used to pick fights outside of school just because of how much I enjoy violence. Two-on-one or three-on-one just made it more fun for me.

I wasn't allowed to fight back in schools. I would have gladly put people in the hospital, but the moment I even tried to start blocking or defending, I would get suspended.

Go fuck yourself.

Repercussions for defending yourself have always been the threatening force. "Dur let the kid hit you he'll get suspended, if you fight back you'll be suspended too" Never start a fight, but I'll never punish you for finishing one was always my father's advice.

He's not entirely wrong. I just find it a damn shame that the world has to go to shit the exact moment that VR becomes a viable technology.


You have a brother in soul half way across the world

Education is a passion of mine, I dream of opening a Holla Forums academy in an old castle one day. I remember we used to have threads here about what a Holla Forums academy would look like. It would truly be a beautiful thing. High philosophy, sciences, arts, and rigorous physical/military training. Throw in practical things like farming and medicine and you've got yourself a good time.
If you haven't seen Great Teacher Onizuka how to be a teacher or Golden Boy how to be a student yet, then you better get to it, user.

Hold up there, some one put that nigger on top to make it normalfag friendly. You can even see the low quality in the pixels I mean kerning.

That is all.


Pic 3 related.

Before the (((Department of Education))) formed and community owned, private, semiprivate/boarding, etc. type schools where legislated out of existence pic 4 related was more accurate to what you could expect.

nice dubs, I do lift. you just sound suspicious. I rather mention it and be safe and wrong than go without mentioning it and be unsafe and right.

added to the copypasta. very sad.

shill spotted. shills always complain about a good OP who asks good questions and answers and replies to others in their thread.

nice try shill cunts

2/10 poor b8

dang dude.

Hey I want to thank everyone for contributing to this thread. I'm glad it made so many of you proud.

Since this is the thread to blogpost in, I'll share a story here:

I was brought up in one of the poorest school districts in the country. Truth be told, if it wasn't for my parents, I'd have probably not gone much of anywhere - we didn't have a good college counselor, most of the teachers didn't give a shit, and everything just seemed like a nightmare in action. But it wasn't a complete nightmare. There were a few teachers who did give a shit, and the students respected them for that. Unfortunately, one of them got fired for cucking a co-worker, and the others all slowly left. It's a small town, so even though I've graduated, I still keep tabs on things - and as far as I know, only two of those "good" teachers are still working at the high school. Maybe a few more in the district as a whole. My mother among them, but she teaches the retarded.

The main point - I got out of there. Most people did not. When we were in high school, we all got a front row seat to the worst of the education system. Honestly, it wasn't so bad - at least incompetent teachers can't indoctrinate you, and the one teacher who did want to do so, was reviled by most of the students. I know a lot of guys wanted to change it at first. But as I watched people, those wishes slowly began to drain away. There were some people, with superficial goals, that managed to go off. Anyone who just decided to enlist was fine. But for every "dreamer", I saw a constant sequence of dreams crushed. Frankly, I blame the drug use as much as anything else. I watched a as person after person stare down the abyss, and in the end, they all fell into it.

I want to reform education. I know exactly how I would do it. But I have no idea how I'm supposed to get to the position where I can do so.

very blackpilled experience user. anyone have that image of dr.godell or whatever his name was (my memory can be fucky sometimes) who was saying how depressed he was and didn't know what to do with his life before hilter or something? was kind of sad but then inspiring.

the whole point of this thread is to at the very least bring out the truth first of all. we all know what this is but we need to push the truth into the light. we need a way to get this on the news and expose normies to the information about school and college in this thread, and show them WHY these things happen, and why school shootings happen.

You're getting very close to where the public system is fucked:

Fundamentally, there are four sorts of dominant factors in an economy: Agricultural, Industrial, Service, and Information. These feed into each other as a cycle - Agriculture provides the basic resources to develop Industry, the various Services develop as a means to ease the lives of those in Industry, and Information feeds into the others based on what gets found.

The public system is designed to teach students in the Industrial setting. They get into classes, move to the buzzing of the bell, take seats, have designated lunch breaks. It's factory work, with the work replaced by schooling. In another day, in another age, this would be fine. In the past, it wouldn't have been - nothing you learn there can be applied to Agriculture, for instance. The same works to the future.

The Western economies are moving, at this moment, from Service-dominated to Information-dominated. Meanwhile, schooling is still stuck a few generations back. You can improve it with better teachers, but fundamentally, it is a broken system. It needs to be replaced completely with something that's actually modeled to what students are actually set to do.

Now, why did this happen? Because when it came time to move to a Service economy, all of those jobs got outsourced to Indians and other foreigners. The fallout now, as things are finally catching up, is that the average person is prepared for the next step. Leaving only the ruling bodies at an advantage.

*so we can prevent it


homeschool your children

homeschooling is the way to go.

OP, perhaps mental health treatment is what is best for you and everyone is not actually out to get you.

Although I do agree with the substance of your posts. Public schools are thinly disguised day prisons to keep kids off the streets.

Yes he should go postulate infront of some kike, or your garden-variety young-wimmin shrink that just got out of college.

Mental Health nowadays is a complete sham.

and have the little bastard shoot me? Fuck that.


Mein gott.

You know the answer.

I believe you're onto something here, OP. I was fortunate in that I was placed into AP classes from 6th grade on, and had an entirely different breed of teacher than the rest, but even then, among the teachers who enjoyed their jobs and liked to teach, there still existed some that did was educators call "surviving," wherein the bulk of their "teaching" revolves around assigning passages to read and then handing out a multitude of worksheets for the students to complete on their own. No talking, no noise, nothing. Sit quietly for 55 minutes and read and write. I can only imagine the horror one faced when trapped in class with nogs and spics and a teacher who cared nothing for their class, but just for drawing a paycheck. Bullying was a massive problem in my school, and it became a defacto gangland because of it. You had your various cliques formed by economic class, by extra-curricular activities, and even by taste in music. No one breached these boundaries. We isolated ourselves for the most part in order to minimize potentially harmful interactions with others.

Couple this with how school systems treat boys (half the populace and the majority of school shooters, if not all of them) and you have a truly depressing experience. Imagine being away from your family, the people are who meant to love and care for you, only to spend your waking hours with surrogate mothers who couldnt care less for you and your well-being, pressed into doing menial tasks over, and over, in a hostile environment, and with no outlet for your energy. You can read more about this in the book "The War on Boys" by Christina Summers I know, I know, but pertaining purely to how boys are treated in public schooling, her information is solid. Boys are punished purely for being boys, for being energetic, for being talkative and full of ideas and life. Girls are treated as the gold standard, being quiet and submissive. Imagine being punished for just being yourself, having to carry around a 45lb backpack all day, dealing with bullies, shitty food, demeaning classroom routines, and then taking that home, only to do it tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.

It's horrible, it's maddening. It's disgusting that so much talent, so much wonder and purity is beaten out of our youth. They're turned into soulless automatons and for what? For jobs that are no longer there? For a society that doesn't care for them? I can't imagine a worse fate. I fully agree with OP, don't look for signs to prevent a future bad thing for happening, prevent it from happening to begin with. Such major reform is needed it's staggering.


include me in the screencap!

How does one recover from the soul-crushing kikery of pubic schools + jewniversity?

t. 1337 public schools -> Ivy League -> inpatient psych ward -> eternal NEET

Some albino negress keeps shrieking at me in ebonics whenever I so much as exist near her, even when i'm avoiding her. should I fight back even if I get fucked over? I don't want any assault charges or any shit on my permanent record.

if ur a minor living in america you won't get charges permanently on ur record.

t. i got arrested as a minor and all charges were expunged after i turned 18

Fuck man, I'm 18.

then for the love of god don't do it. you're a white male they'd crucify you.

I got away with holding up trump signs at pep rallies, why not here?

if you're over 18 don't use violence on a 'gress unless its self defense. they would nail you to the cross. one of my good friends got expelled from school and charged with harassment communications just for posting a youtube video where he calls one of his classmates (who he was friends with) a nigger. he was given 2 years supervised probation for it. this was in kentucky mind you.

She's albino, does it still count?

do you want to find out? she probably does deserve a good beating, I know how those nigresses are, but leave that to her cousins.

But i'm only 18, how do I handle this?

i'm not sure. any other anons wanna weigh in on this? i don't want to give him bad advice. maybe give her a peace offering? pic related

Tried that with candy and a fake million dollar bill, she still chimps out because it's me.

sorry user. maybe someone else can give some better advice. just don't beat her ass because, trust me when i say this, you don't want to go to jail. been there, done that. you'll be around nothing but niggers who are far worse 24/7 until you get out.

If the media could show a baby's head being ripped apart by a bullet, they would because all they do is appeal to emotion. Little Dougie shooting up his school buddies is supposed to make you so upset that you want to rip up the constitution. Sorry kids, but it's not about the inane shit you have to deal with on a daily bases.

Pick your battles, but be absolutely ruthless when you do. Probably not worth your time but if it really is, then you probably should do some clandestine shit. Though at that point why not just pick a higher value target?

I take it you've read John Taylor Gatto and his theories about the Prussian school system, which the US modeled theirs on.
He also points out that the "elite" learn VERY different things at their schools, politics, public speaking,

I've always thought school shootings were an attempt at revenge.

Besides the problems already discussed in this thread, one of the major issues is the nightmare of "damned if you do, damned if you don't".

My experience was better summarized by this:


Primary school:

Secondary school:

It's called preparing them for the real world. Not everything is fair and it's best children learn this as soon as possible. You shouldn't expect to always be treated justly when you grow up, so by showing favoritism I'm actually teaching you valuable lesson.
t. Teacher

actual response I once got, while not verbatim

Both true and false. Common for "teacher logic".

It's prepares you for everything except what it is supposed to prepare you for.
And only people like us actually understand and apply that lesson.

The problem isn't that school and bullies prepare you in a microcosm that you can apply to a macrocosm. The problem is that it is supposed to make you more "adult" and employable. Not cynical, tired and demotivated.
You now have less free years to live, and almost no practical skills to show for it.

"I admire your work ethic user-someday you'll be really successful!"
apparently got cancer (probably from working in the windowless IT room on top of teaching English)

If there's anything wrong with the system, it's probably because it's too top heavy, like too many administrators. I -really-have yet to meet an administrator who wasn't shady as hell and constantly trying to misinterpret you. Them being female is the icing on the cake.


Fuck son calm down. You wanna go?

Tits or GTFO


How did gendering yourself add to your story. How was it relevant at all. I know femanons get more shit for it than himanons but seriously unless its pertinent you should leave it out regardless of who you are.

We are all anonymous here, nobody would know I'm a trigendered pyrofox unless I announced it. Chan etiquette requires people to remain genderless unless it is pertinent, that is why we have the saying tits or gtfo.

Sometimes when shit just gets to fake I begin to imagine wasting everyone within a near radius. I have begun to look at things like mass killings differently. I condemn them and would never personally do that to myself(others) but I begin to think its like something out of a dream. Its like they are here to wake mankind up, to let them know this shit is serious and to show them that all their made up mind made BS means nothing to someone who sees beyond it. The fear and panic it enovkes in people may be necessary for evolution. Many people may have to die simply to wake them up from their fairy tale dream of the world. To show them that their "laws" and mental attitudes and provisions and all other things they create in their heads means nothing to someone who breaks beyond them or snaps and losses their mind.

Because it's art (and more than likely, not taught at a high level so that everyone can at least pass).
I know art does have a talent aspect to it, but I would personally be more in love with the arts if they taught you in such a manner that, by high school (senior year?), could paint a reasonable portrait.
Shit, for some language arts classes in high school, you sometimes draw something within a project & you can just see how bad people are (from a psychological perspective, emotionally regressed they are).

You mean Joseph Goebbels? The Reich Minister of Propaganda whose name and face are more commonly posted here than on any other site on the internet? That "dr.godell"? user that isn't fucky memory, that's fucking dementia.

Just get the fuck out
sage for offtopic and double posting

oh yea mr.turkey gobble gobble, that's the guy! he was the one on the inspirational image I was talking about.

dementia? cmon. everyone makes mistakes.

added to the next thread

if someone is attacking you, then you should try to record them, or just constantly report them over and over again until it becomes annoying for them to be a threat to you.

really makes me think, what do they teach the elites?

KEK post more about this, what do you mean.

added to the next thread

also added this and put a nice quote in there too.

You can learn politics and public speaking at any college.

Education Fix:

The Catholic School system used to be set up well, because at it's core it provided a coherent and logically consistent world view regarding what is True. Whether one believes the Catholic Worldview or not is irrelevant to my point, which is there exists a definitive and ever present underlying sense of "Reality" contained within Catholic Education which is taught to students, which is only to their benefit.

On the other hand, modern Public Education is actually antithetical to the very notion of "Truth" in any meaningful sense due to it's subjugation to an endless process of deconstruction and the subjectification of Reality. The truth(s) underpinning the religion on which modern education is founded, is essentially that there is no Truth. But, because the foundational claim is illogical, then entire system is rendered logically incoherent. The mind rebels against it, while being forced to conform to it.

It's torture.

The system we've been taught, and it permeates us at every level of our being and must be consciously and radically rooted out, is not a way to make sense of the world, but how to LOSE what little sense of the world we manage to cobble together in our youth. Everything is subjective, everything is in flux, everything is up for debate, there are no axioms, there is only YOU.

When the ultimate aim of education is to teach the student to question and deconstruct reality, without providing the means to realize or construct anything meaningful in it's place, you are merely teaching the student to generate the justifications and basis for their own suicide.

edited to improve, and adding to the next thread

Imagine being away from your family, the people are who meant to love and care for you, only to spend your waking hours with surrogate mothers who couldnt care less for you and your well-being, pressed into doing menial tasks over, and over, in a hostile environment, and with no outlet for your energy. You can read more about this in the book "The War on Boys" by Christina Summers I know, I know, but pertaining purely to how boys are treated in public schooling, her information is solid. Boys are punished purely for being boys, for being energetic, for being talkative and full of ideas and life. Girls are treated as the gold standard, being quiet and submissive. Imagine being punished for just being yourself, having to carry around a 45lb backpack all day, dealing with bullies, shitty food, demeaning classroom routines, and then taking that home, only to do it tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.

It's horrible, it's maddening. It's disgusting that so much talent, so much wonder and purity is beaten out of our youth. They're turned into soulless automatons and for what? For jobs that are no longer there? For a society that doesn't care for them? I can't imagine a worse fate. I fully agree with OP, don't look for signs to prevent a future bad thing for happening, prevent it from happening to begin with. Such major reform is needed it's staggering.

If you act or think differently you are punished for being rebellious. If you conform and give them what you think they want from you, then you are punished for being obedient.
The problem isn't what you do, but what you are. your very soul at its base is different than theirs.
(((They))) are here to break the people who are naturally resistant to the programing, so that they either conform completely or become broken and too messed up to act on what they instinctively know is wrong with society because their mind isn't as much of a propaganda sponge. the entire education system is a giant brainwashing camp that acts like a filter of darkness that only lets the most plain and normal and stupid and obedient people through, while viciously destroying anyone who is smart and innocent and good and capable of critical thought.

people that work in both public and private education and even in psychology and therapy and in rehab and mental hospitals all choose those jobs on purpose because it places them in a position of power where they can gain pleasure from intentionally cucking others over and over again every single day. in their minds, it's loosh farming (even though that doesn't really exist) but that's what those sick fucks actually believe. it's a cult of psychological torture that most of them knowingly choose to be a part of and they actually believe their actions have no consequences. if they do not choose the job, they are chosen by the job. specific types of people like these are searched for intentionally and then hired. soulless mind dead pleb husks (normies) can sense when you are different and then decide if they consider you a threat and then act on it, even when you only want to be nice. they will compete with you rabidly for things they are insecure about, without you even understanding wtf their bullshit is coming from. these normies grow up to fill positions in these jobs. it's a field of poisonous weeds that are being grown to be trained by the previous generation of poisonous weeds to become their replacements in a repeating cycle of hate that breeds more and more hate. the (((globalists))) want this.

you have never been to catholic school. the fucking nuns jabbing their boney fingers into my chest could be felt through my thick sweater, their cold dead looking eyes beamed an evil glare of doom staring right into my soul demanding that I feel guilt, demanding an apology for a crime I didn't commit. hate, hate is all I felt her feel for me. I love God, but FUCK religion.

Bet you 10 NEETbux that negress wants your bepis.

I was going to link every post you made then I realized they kept going. Quit fucking whining and kill yourself. You are not special, most people get through school just fine. Is it too jewish of an institution, yes, but everything is nowadays.


You are likely correct, but it is best if user does not acknowledge her at all.
Thankfully, she found a boyfriend who knocked her up. Never heard from her again after that.

Pick one.

Mastectomy or GTFO.

She sees me as the "weird, gross annoying kid" so that'd be rather farfetched.

If you're right, then post ends in 7

poor b8


I'm as flat as board.

Have no clue how greentexting works. I figure if I didn't say my gender you'd think "HURRR Those teachers were totally hitting on you user"


Pic semi-related

More pls


What does this mean, user? Half true or not?

Is it difficult to homeschool in the States?

Also, the true tl;dr of bad school experiences for students is that there is no real quality control on anything that goes on in schools. I attended a charter high school; junior year I tried AP English because I felt I ought to try harder. Teacher was a feminist asshole (I tended to receive F's for essays in which I did not demonise men specifically), so I switched to normie English.

Yeah, the '10 word weekly vocalbulary list' crap was pretty shit tier, but I'd take an idiot class with easy work and lots of nap time over a more 'stimulating' course of sandy vag grade A bullshit.

What you should've done is self-studied, taken the AP exam, gotten a 5, & then proceed to write a formal letter of disapproval to the school board regarding that bitch of a teacher. You'd show evidence of your grades in her class, your good grades in your other class, & your 5 on the AP. You could also slam her feminist bs at the same time.

Anyone else have to go to nigger schools growing up? My elementary school was the absolute worse, HS was even a better experience. They went out of their way to push for niggers. Fieldtrip to go see nigger plays, music class incorporated nigger bongo drums, and of course they were promoted as the best students who never did wrong. They can talk shit to teachers, curse, punch white kids, call white kids whitey, talk about off topic shit in the middle of class, anything and they were perfect little angels. Years later I somehow came across an article about the place from around the time I was in 4th grade. It was about how good the niggers were doing there and how good of a school it was because of it.

Also the faculty was (((totally white))). So add all this on to what OP talks about and I'm of the belief that the only reason I didn't kill myself before middle school is because I was a kid and didn't understand self termination was an option.

Basically all the public schools I went to in my formative years were nigger tier populated mostly by South East Asians, but the blacks were always there to fuck shit up. The teachers, especially the health ed teachers knew nigs were a problem. The english and history/civics teachers would fag enable Marxist bullshit like muh gender roles are fluid and muh blacks didnu nuffin. In elementary and middle school I got beaten up a lot and would be encouraged to fight back, but like OP said if you dont have the bullies to worry about you have the school slamming the hammer on you for defending yourself. Nig parents will use the situation to scream muh hate crime and try to have you expelled or at least suspended, and you were worried about your social standing before, youre fucking alienated along with the pther conservative students.


It's not until I found Holla Forums that I realized the cruel joke.

She was a woman teacher btw.

Back in Elementary it took them a year to teach us the difference between an Island and a Peninsula…….

Fuck public schools.

The greatest crime of compulsory, public education is putting young people in an environment with their peers.

As oppossed to an apprentice society where they see their peers a few hours a week. Not 65 hours a week.

My education experience was actually quite good because of my mother. She was highly involved in all of her children's education. When I was in 5th grade I had built up quite a record of disciplinary issues in and out of classes. I would wake up every morning telling her I'd rather just go back to bed or that I didn't want to go to school. With all of that going on she decided to see what my class life was actually like and volunteered in my 5th grade classroom.

She saw how crappy the class was, how I was learning things I had already learned in the previous grades, how I didn't even try and I would still be at the top of the class. She realized I was bored sitting in a chair for up to 7 hours a day learning barely anything. She asked the school to give me more work and the principal refused. So she made the best decision she has ever made regarding my education. She pulled me out of public education and homeschooled me through middle school. It was actually just a work at your own pace, online class public school but that's what I needed.

I eventually went back to public school for high school.

so you missed the slave labor camp?

there is very little to be curious about in most fields. all of the advancements today are being done in biology, genetics, chemistry. the AI of today is a rehash of the AI of the 1960s with better computers so those inefficient (for 1960s hardware) probability based algorithms are better at sieving their way to a solution from a large sample size. mathematicians and physicists are no longer needed in high finance or weather prediction, CS majors just sell advertisements to people. philosophy and the social sciences has been dead for 3000 years, be a good person- duh, q.e.d.

school shootings happen because certain experimental drugs cause people to become psychotic and hear voices, then they go online and talk to other people on similar medication who confirm their beliefs, now they don't trust their family or any authority figure in their life, and this escalates over some period of time until they are convinced it's up to them to save the world. jews are bumbling idiots chasing short term profits, this is how they have always been, they can't plan 2 years in advance (look at the mess israel is constantly in), let alone orchestrate some epic dynastic plan to take over america. bureaucratic rot and corporate capture of the regulatory committees - it's how you got lung cancer from smoking, it's how you got liver disease from alcohol and it's how you're getting cancer, diabetes and heart disease from sugar to this day. because the sugar lobby is concentrate power and those who might be interested in stopping it are weak and disorganised (the population).

wow blackpill
ty user!

gun control is using both hands and hitting your target.

get off my porch, niggerstein.

that only makes me more interested. pls be midwest

hi FBI

FBI? More like a poor guy who thinks he'll find his gf on Holla Forums. Based off of the flat thing, into lolis.

Normally, I'd be reporting OP or the thread for such an enormously skewed ratio of OP posts to user posts. However, the OP is not only right, but I'm enjoying his righteous anger spilling all over the place. I didn't have anywhere near as bad an experience as OP but I've seen what most schools are like in this modern day and they're simply death camps for the soul.

Carry on you magnificent bastard


Hey look, it's the Oblivion character!

Something I wrote a million years ago which is gay, but relevant:

America, the whole of western civilization actually, suffers from a chronic and deliberate poisoning. Opinions are split as to its origin. Blame the jews, blame the illuminati, blame the NWO or shapeshifting pedophile vampires from other dimensions. Likewise, no one will agree on the source of the infection. Is it because “they” control the media? Our politicians? Are they putting mind control drugs in the water or importing brown people to replace us? However, the greatest and most insidious vector for societal corruption often goes overlooked. A predator will seek the most vulnerable prey available. It’s 2017, do you know where your child is?

Universal education, one of the oft extolled perks of modern civilization. Every soul a scholar. A population comprised of Renaissance men. Gone are the crowded one room schoolhouses of yesterday. Now every town has its own school. A shining, modern institution dedicated to the development of your child. Our Department of Education is well funded, scientifically founded, and run by absolutely immoral psychopaths. The road to hell is paved with ill intentions mislabeled, and it was in innocence that we passed care of our future into the sterile, gloved hands of mad scientists addled by the febrile whispers of utopian nightmare.

Children mature not as a natural side effect of aging, but by being exposed to examples of maturity. Traditionally, a child would begin working alongside their parents at basic household tasks and livelihood as soon as they were physically able. They spent most of their time alongside their mother or father, receiving a constant example of adult behavior as well as life skills. Now, children are crammed into classes of 20-30 other immature brats with one adult at a time, calculated to minimize their exposure the maturity. People will assume the average characteristics of the population to which they are exposed. What do you think the average quotient of maturity would be in your classroom of 30 kids and a single adult? Moreover, children are missing out on crucial life skills. How many public schools will ever teach a child how to balance a budget, change their oil or cook a meal? They may be so lenient as to devote a class period occasionally, but that is by no means the necessary repetition for real education. These are skills they should learn from their parents, but when? School is 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and hours of homework thereafter. Modern parents simply don’t have enough time to make a meaningful contribution. To compound the problem, this system has been in place for multiple generations. Those parents, as products of the same system, lack the necessary skills and maturity to impart anyway.

We often hear a plea to “let kids be kids.” What is a child but an incomplete adult? A child does not need to make an effort to be immature. It comes to them by nature. Allow clay to be clay, will it mature into bricks over time? Immerse a child in the company of other children and they will create a conscienceless society. The law of the immature mind is vanity and hedonism. As children are protected and cared for, they must seldom have a thought for anything but their own satisfaction. Whether that is food, games or, in the case of adolescents, sex. We further compound this problem with “sex education” that teaches adolescents to view sex as another game, even removing the negative consequences of irresponsible sex by providing free birth control and abortions. Naturally, such measures aren’t 100% effective, but if a teenage girl become a mother, so much the better for the system. That’s one more child which will certainly be placed under the care of the state. Consequently, we are raising a population which ages, but does not grow up. An orphan generation unable to learn from the lessons of their fathers; unable to care for themselves they remand themselves to the care of the state. Consume, obey and pump out another generation to be raised by the democracy of the playground. No adults present or desired.

Meanwhile, this gives the unscrupulous mind a wonderful opportunity for indoctrination. They say that history is written by the victors, but if you ensure your history is the only one taught, you will be the victor eventually. So, our children are taught all the vices of their forefathers and none of their virtues. “Fuck white people”. Tradition is such an unenlightened and barbaric vice we have evolved so far beyond, is it not? Literacy is stifled. Our link to the past, the last hope for breaking this cycle of the blind raising the blind, not broken but buried. The common core hamstrings our understanding of mathematics, so the lowly proles can’t fact check the version of the world fed them by the nightly news, can’t rise above the endless cycle of debt and usury brought on by unenlightened spending. Individualism is stifled. The hammer that sticks up gets nailed. Try excelling at anything in a playground democracy and you upset everyone else being graded on your curve. Hard work and self-will are vices in a society where the only virtue is found in the ability to throw balls and catch tail.

In this Brave New World, the sins of unraised children lie at the feet of unraised fathers. You have a lot of ideas about how to take our culture back, but maybe you could STOP LETTING THE ENEMY RAISE YOUR CHILDREN.

School shootings are not complicated. It's nihilists stripped of morality, race, a future, realizing they have nothing to live for, and realizing it would be fun to kill some people for a day and be entirely unrestrained in burning it all down. The solution is to apply eugenics, nationalism, homogeneity, and philosophical education; this will remove all the problems and the problem people (non-whites, defectives).

I seriously thought that was some kind of new texture mod at first.

dude, you aren't very good at pretending to be a national socialist. lurk more, read more, lift more, etc.

I honestly think the lurk more meme is a socially engineered meme made up by people whose goal is to decrease activity on here and kill the board off with irrelevance.

Post whatever the fuck you want, just make sure to actually follow links and think things through, and to share your thoughts. Don't create shitty troll personas like a certain someone does.

How the fuck "lurk more" decreases activity, when its about increasing activity in researching the material you talk about? Wasted trips.

Lurk more isn't a meme, it's telling someone that they don't understand what they're talking about, or that they write like an outsider.

Boy, have you been to halfchan recently? Board quality here is markedly better exactly because there is less white noise. Quality over quantity. Lurk moar, fag.

I'm reading all your posts and updating the future thread with your stories.

OP here, not sure if I agree with this. alienating is just as bad as forcing people to be with other bad people.

missed like wanted to go back, or missed like avoided?

I am surprised they went back at all though.

God bless.

I agree and disagree with alot of what you said. there is some truth to your words but remember that (((they))) want to destroy learning and curiosity and kill everyone's childhoods. (((they))) want to keep all children always controlled and supervised so that they can be allowed to only get into (((specific types of trouble))) like all the different stories I mentioned in the OP. they are playing the palpatine. both sides of the war. both angles. they want to abolish the best kinds of adult supervision and freedom and innocence of childhood but simultaneously want to push the worst kinds of controlling dystopian adult supervision and bring out the most immature and selfish and bratty qualities in all children. (((they))) are intentionally engineering a world where they sow the worst weeds and bad tree's that bare the worst fruit.

reworded to improve:

remember that (((they))) want to destroy learning and curiosity and kill everyone's childhoods. (((they))) want to keep all children always controlled and supervised so that they can be allowed to only get into (((specific types of trouble))) like all the different stories that were mentioned in the OP. they are playing the palpatine. both sides of the war. both angles. they want to abolish the best kinds of adult supervision that teach maturity and wisdom and skills and the freedom and innocence and ability to absorb new information of childhood but (((they))) simultaneously want to push the worst kinds of controlling dystopian adult supervision and baseless undeserved punishment and slavery and bring out the most immature and selfish and bratty qualities in all children so that they grow up to be just like their slave masters. (((they))) are intentionally engineering a world where they sow the worst seeds that bare the worst tree's that bare the worst fruit.

Does anyone here know about the Dodd report from 1953 and the elect Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations (or just the Cox Committee Investigation), led by Edward E. Cox, of the House of Representatives began an investigation of the "educational and philanthropic foundations and other comparable organizations which are exempt from federal taxes to determine whether they were using their resources for the purposes for which they were established, and especially to determine which such foundations and organizations are using their resources for un-American activities and subversive activities or for purposes not in the interest or tradition of the United States."

It explains so much but nobody talks about it.

I was on all sorts of shit during the 90s. Boys just get it worse than girls do. Also like a lot of potential shooters kept a journal too (this was before live journal). I could've been that kid but I got out as soon as I could. (Had to take 2 extra years because of some health insurance loophole. That didn't help)

Yeah often.

That was present in my school

You need to homeschool your children from kindy to high school by yourself and the wives. You need to hire the university mentors and use the open source online university to teach your children instead of forcing your children to go to the onsite corrupted colleges.

The control they exert on children constitutes a sort of intentional incompetence. You have to remember that most of the adults in the system are not "in on it". The (((policy makers))) set goals which are impossible to reach, using rules that are impossible to enforce and tools which are designed to fail. The system is set up to push out anyone who wises up to it or tries to work outside the rules.

The result is children who simultaneously must depend upon the system, but cannot trust it to be competent. They are not allowed to do anything for themselves, so they're forced to sit back and accept things being done badly. It encourages them to distrust authority, but doesn't provide them the tools they need to be independent. It conditions them to disillusionment. I haven't met a single person produced by government schooling who wasn't incredibly cynical. This has consequences. Cynicism is the worst kind of pseudo-intellectualism, as it's just the conditioning to reject all ideology in favor of pessimism and apathy. They aren't even equipped with the necessary Logos to turn that cynicism into skepticism.

They don't know how to question anything, but they don't know how to believe anything either. This is how you get the hollow sort of men. What you call "bug men" or "numales". Stuck in a kind of limbo with no real philosophical anchor, they're easy to sway from one viewpoint to another, often without even noticing the difference. Fodder for the hypnocracy.

I have. Long Beach Poly. While it did try to teach actual subjects and have a working curriculum, the social life there is plenty fucked up as I saw preggos aplenty and many students gave no shits about the education they had.

And surprise surprise, the niggers there were very disruptive. Only 2 out 10 of them actually wanted to push their careers forward.

Dad went to college and became a high school teacher. After a few years suffering through similar problems and crap from the local teacher's union, decided to return to graduate school. After earning a master's in math, he was hired to analyze data and write computer code. He enjoyed a long and productive career in IT.

He encouraged me to consider many different professions, but never teaching.

That angered me as well TBH.
It stopped when I read mein kamph.
I went around, organized and trained the bottom 10% of the social ladder and turned them into a little s.a. battalion.
After the first teacher we cornered after school and made clear that if she continued her 18 month old baby niglet wouldn't be found, I was introduced to the power terror can cause.
20 years after graduation and here I am sitting on over 400 soldiers spread across 4 states.

Just waiting for the command my S.S. officers. When you call for DOTR, we the neo S.A. will follow your command.

Heil Hitler


I think I may have said this in my initial post a few days back but this shit happens all the time. Had a statistics class and nearly half the class was failing or close to it and they should have but at the last moment before grades were due, the professor added in a very hefty participation grade. I laughed for a good day knowing that the entire class passed a statistics class that involved no participation with anyone in the class. daily reminder college is a scam

I can fully see where you're coming with this, and this is why our school's assbackwards anti-bullying policies are detrimental. At least my middle school was far more nuanced and even had circumstances written out for self defence.

My father never got a degree. He ended up working in a specialized field and then starting his own company.

My mother did a bunch of engineering work, much of it specialized. She laid out boards for synthesizers that are now relatively famous in the music world, she worked in paper automation systems.

After years of being an engineering consultant she went to get a degree. A bachelors and then a masters. Those years were the worst of my life. She was working as a science teacher at a private school, a job which she loved and did very well. The parents loved her because she encouraged their children to learn and to love the process of learning. The administration slowly came to hate her, she was a threat to their status quo. Other teachers complained because their students had learned to ask questions and demand rational answers. All this while she was taking college classes at age 50.

I watched as my mother's best career path, Teaching, became a toxic environment to her. I watched as she slogged through her classes because nobody was willing to hire her without a degree anymore. I watched as she became angry, irrational, and quite frankly zogged to hell and back.

She got an Executive Masters of Business Administration, for those of you not in the know that's a degree only slightly less worthless than a regular MBA. What did she do with it? She went to work for my dad.

My dad's business was starting to pick up, he had a lot of customers and none of his competition was remotely competent. I was just graduating from hell school and trying to get a job while attending community college. I was as OP put it "going through the motions".

I wanted to work for my dad. It was interesting work in a very specialized field. Both of my parents initially said no, giving bullshit reasons why I should work for the man and slave for something I had no interest in. After applying for months with zero results they finally allowed me to work for them.

I did some simple calculations and determined that even without any raises, if I continued to work for them for 4 years I would not only make more that I would spend on college but I would make more than the supposed benefit of college on my wages.

My parents were furious that I dropped out. They gave me the same tired line that "cost doesn't matter, it's an investment". Only Jews deal in investments where cost doesn't matter.

Every day I feel more and more rage within me. Our futures are being stolen. The thieves all swear fealty to the same god and that god is Yahweh and those thieves are jewish.

Are all jews evil zionists? No. But the zionists will use the normie jews as a cover and ever will they turn the normies against anyone who speaks out against their tyranny.

I'm no ethnonationalist. I'm aryan, but couldn't care less if my friends are niggers, spics, or orientals as long as they're decent people. HOWEVER, never will I befriend a jew. They are the lowest of subhumans. Many of you speak of the day of the noose, I implore you all: Waste no nooses on the pawns, save all of them for the masters. Save the world, kill the jews.

You are cancerous. Please return to from whence you came.

What the fuck

12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free

>originally compiled by a blogger named (((Marc Chernoff)))

that wouldn't be a problem in a fully nationalized nation. stay woke

hi jim keep the videos coming

Eh, it's a two space difference, I tfink that it's a typo it out as a typo

nice read, i used Holla Forums too, although i did have friends we were a collective of outcasts with no niche

Hindsight's a fucking bitch, ain't it? Damn shame we can't live our life two times, the first one being practice.

I'm a fucking retard for not posting sources, also I'm lazy, but there's plenty of data showing positive correlations with social trust/cohesion etc with racially homogeneous populations, you ought to check that out. Again, I'm being a lazy cunt, but it's worth a few minutes to look it up.

Thread of Truth

My experience with school:
>by accident choose the most conservative, right wing university and study physics, which has the most right wing students in it and is the only subject which doesn't have a (((diversity manager)))
what a wild ride i had been in