Paul Nehlen Promises To End Social Media Censorship

Nehlen's tweet, and a link to his discussion of it on this week's Fash the Nation, are below.

Fash the Nation segment:

Other urls found in this thread:

Who is this guy anyway?


He's running for Congress against Paul Ryan.

Ah, so zero chance of him winning. Got it.


He won't. (He understands the importance of this issue, as he's running into his own problems with censorship on Twitter.)

If the social media giants are going to censor the right-wing anyway, then fuck net neutrality. If, however, they'd agree to support a proposal like Nehlen's, then maybe net neutrality is worth considering. Not before.

He seems at least somewhat wise to the jq

I've been keeping my eye on this man for a while now. He absolutely needs to get in. Tell you why I like him; he's on record saying that you can not vet muslims and hence you can not trust them, therefore they must ALL be deported, REGARDLESS of citizenship. Newt Gingrich has made similar remarks. He might be our guy.


I don't like this idea very much

But it would be great to see Ryan go down. Last time it wasn't even close (Ryan 84% - Nehlen 16%)

P.S. - If Bannon supports him like he's doing with Moore right now, he'd get in. He's probably already going to support him though, they've already published a few articles written by him in the past.

He's trying to beat Paul Ryan in the Republican primary

Bannon is an Israel-firster, he'd never endorse somebody who went on a White nationalist podcast, even if it's a fake one on a network owned by a jew.

How have I not heard of this guy before

Amazing how Bannon all of a sudden is the gatekeeper to the US congress. How about we stop talking about controlled opposition like they are somehow important?

He came out of nowhere last (?) year challenging Ryan; I followed him on Twitter when I still went there. He absolutely needs to beat Ryan. But when is that? 2 more years?

As far as I've been able to understand, Net Neutrality boils down to choosing between government or corporations controlling the Internet. I don't think there is a good choice (or any real differeencee, reallyt). So I'm looking into HAM radio and peer-to-peer networks. Why can't we just dial each other up like we used to?

Wiscosin anons, it's your duty to get this guy elected next midterms.

And suddently, this thread is bumplocked. I see what you did there, imkikefy.

Why would this be buplocked?

Fuck, *bumplocked

Probably because it's just a TRS spam thread fishing for new d'nations.

He really is a fucking tard with too much time on his hands

The only reason this thread got bumplocked is cuz op is a fucking faggot spamming Kike The Nation shit. Mods should have deleted the link and left the thread open.

Paul Nehlon is the man though. He straight up told Podhertz to eat a bullet a couple days ago.

We should support nehlen though, let's make a thread for him. Electing Nehlen would be our second biggest con.

Might I suggest looking up his name from as many locations as possible? It'll boost him on all the search engines and may help get him out there more. Sure they'll smear the fuck out of him, but people have, what, 2 years to get comfortable with him and his rhetoric?

Any coincidence that this man is involved in water filtration?

Ryan is already despised, we could meme this guy into office on the OPs caps alone.

Hey I know abour Enoch but what's wrong with Fash the Nation? There are very few news podcasts I can stomach and FTN seems decent enough. redpill me

Yeah I'd like to know too. I thought the mostly kept to themselves after they bailed on trs and I like them and identitydixie's articles

Guilt by association. That's it.