MGTOW and Marxism

I feel MGTOWs are losers who never got over the "girls have cooties wna wawjn oa", but I wonder, are any leftyfags here MGTOW?

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mgtow is reactionary feels over reals nonsense

I'm kinda, although I view it more as the sort of standard relationships being bourgeois spooks that don't really work for me.

How so?

Its trash

Maybe. I don't feel the need to be in a romantic relationship to be emotionally fulfilled or successful. Honestly, everything you can get out of a relationship you can do through jerking off and friends *tips fedora*

Jim Profit has made numerous videos talking about MGTOW from a Marxist perspective.

I don't have my shit together enough to feel I have anything to offer the opposite sex, so I don't actively pursue women. But that's less about "bitches and whores" and more about the fact that I hate myself.

kill yourself lefty/pol/

I think a lot of this is due to the decreased ability of young men today to get access to traditional signifiers of male status that we are sort of socially conditioned to see as necessary to the masculine role, what with the growing unemployment and rise in precarious, low-paying jobs as a proportion of all jobs. The corresponding lack of achievement leads to a lack of self-worth, which is why I suspect you also see this obsession with masculinity coming from the right wing and why young unfuckables are swarming to Holla Forums out of a desire for strength & masculinity.

mgtow is just as cringy as 3rd wave feminism. Claiming they are alpha, yet are scared of women/getting hurt.

Though I do feel sorry for the ones who had abusive mothers/spouses that programmed them to think this way. Those I feel bad about, and try to talk to, even if it is to no avail.

But 90% of them are the " Girls are icky and evil "/" One girl didn't like me so all women suck " type, they can fuck off for all I care.

Because it abandons structural examination and critique for the same sort of "degenerative" rhetoric of the aut right and similarly takes refuge in the fantasy of a utopian yesteryear where everything was okay when men were in charge and women were submissive house servants.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

Only when it's to "make a point" or some ideological zeal, that's when it gets spooky.

I might give up on trying for love if things just go bad more and try to be an acetic if I dont kill myself but id never be an MGTOW.

MGTOW is mostly anti-tradcon and pro-sex bot, not "let's go back to the 50s", because they are usually too anti-women to even be traditionalist, and think that even traditional society oppressed men. That's why Holla Forums calls it a Jewish scheme and flipside to feminism encouraging whites not breeding.

It is idpol bullshit though, but kind of pathetic laughable idpol bullshit rather than harmful and able to actually do things like white nationalists.

I never bothered with females for most of my life, so if you asked me if I'm a man going my own way a few years ago, I'd probably say that, yeah, that sounds like me.

I have since learned about the perils of labels and identities and building movements around them, though. So fuck them. (Along with other genderist racialist etc. cults, of course. Pissing feminists off is the movement's sole saving grace.)

MGTOW is basically just one part of what the autists called the "manosphere", with MRAs and PUAs being mutually squabbling factions.

Much of the PUA community did go on to become ultra-trads and alt-rightists, like Return of Kings and Matt potato head Forney.

Not sure if it can be considered idpol since a big part of MGTOW is the rejection of politics, in contrast to the MRAs.

Don't know that much about them, but as far as I can see there are two kinds of MGTOW

The crazy ideological kind that say deranged shit about women not really having feelings or whatever. These guys are just gender flipped campus feminists and just as nuts.

And the kind that just feel like there is nothing in their life that would be so enriched by a relationship with a woman that it would be worth the risk emotionally, legally and financially. I don't know if I always agree with their reasons, but it's not hurting anyone so who gives a fuck

I don't think majortiy of MGTOW feel like they're alpha. They just think that current dating and marrige does not benefit them. They're also very scared of divorce and getting cucked, apparently.

Jason made a decent video on this:

MGTOW is essentially a leftist movement, they share the notion that everything is oppreshun.

fuck outta here

Basically, literal woman haters.

I mean, muh-soggy-kneests. Thank's, wordfilter.

you can not deny this

And what does that have to do with leftism?

It's a leftist line of thinking.

