Trump is a fucking loon- Moving Embassy to Jerusalem

This is going to start a 3rd intifada. He STILL hasn't figured out not to listen to his motherfucking son-in-law and cunt daughter.

''Donald Trump has informed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of his intention to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a spokesperson for Abbas said. The Palestinian president told Trump the move would have "dangerous consequences."
"President Mahmoud Abbas received a telephone call from U.S. President Donald Trump in which he notified the President (Abbas) of his intention to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem," spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah said in a statement.''


Other urls found in this thread:

NOT NOT a muslim would imply I am since double negative– so, to clear up, not a muslim

They have been saying this for a whole year.
Make a thread when it actually happens.


Why is this a bad thing? Why should we care?

Dude, stop worrying. It's not like this is helping kikes at all, right? It's just 4754346770D chess to make kikes think he's BASED. If you do everything they want, you just get them on your side as they destroy your culture. I mean you don't have to worry about yourselves once they subvert everything If you have issues with this, you must be a shill because you can't talk mean about Trump.

Is anybody on here surprised?

If the embassy leaves Tel-Aviv, then it could be safely nuked, no?

This is the sort of thing Scheuer talks about with Trump. Where is the US geo-strategic interest in this? All it does is piss off 1.3 billion fucking miscues and what do we get out of it? It makes Kushner happy and Adelson and the other billionaire fucking Jews who will open their wallets to dole out shekels for 2018 election?

In exchange, we'll see terrorism all Christas both inUS and Europe throughout Christmas season and my American passport and being White will make me a target? There is ZERO benefit for the US from this. ZERO.

The only possible upside I see is democrats having to oppose it (as they should, BTW, along with any sane human being) without alienating their Jewish paymasters. Watching the Jews walk the tightrope of having to oppose Drumpf's decision without alienating their own kikes is going to be fucking hysterical. Other than that, all we will get from this are US and Euro corpses and at worst WW 3.

Why would this piss off the muzzies?

It was just announced by the PA and Abbas, and thus by RT who you an bet your faggot ass know exactly what's going on….

Holla Forums still trying to get Holla Forums to hate Trump
Nice try, but low energy as usual

The Tel Aviv US embassy flew the faggot flag under the US flag in 2011, long before the unconstitutional faggot SCOTUS ruling. The city can be safely nuked right now. Everyone in that embassy is a traitor to the US.

Yeah, see, you need to kill yourself.

I..don't even know where or how to begin, I haven't the energy. As you say..

Incredibly believable

Not an argument

Get lost low energy kike rat

It movies the ZOG one step closer to officially recognizing Jerusalem as "eternal capital and home of the Jews," which is what they've wanted for 70 years as an excuse to kick out the muzzles. That's where their big mosque is, "al-aqsa," which they will literally blow themselves up for if they can take a few kikes with them if the Jews try restricting them even more than they already do.

The al-sauds are right now just barely keeping the kid atop the boiling pot of wahhabism in KSA that is threatening to overthrow that monarchy, in which case they'd need ZOG troops on Arabian Peninsula in KSA and it would cause a massive "jihad" with bloodshed and destruction that would make Iraq war look like a picnic.

Read Dr. Scheuer's books. Some like Robert Spencer's (a JEW) books on Religion of Cuck™ that explains their hot lands. First site is Mecca, second is MEdina 3rd is Al-Asqua, but then Also the Arabian peninsula and Iraq rank up there. Somewhere in their holy book in forbids indie troops on those areas.

Why should we give a fuck? Normally, we shouldn't, but Europe just let fucking millions and millions on them in, and the ones that are in USA.

Reported, then. Kill yourself.

So will we have to ask shills about the weather in Jerusalem now? Kike State is like PR or Guam now, just close the embassy and appoint a senator.

keeping the lid

(am in hospital after skiing accident with screws in knee and Diludad self-releasing button I can press, excuse typos please)

This is fantastic. I now halfway believe Trump is a genius anti-Semite trying to sabotage any chance of Israel stabilizing relations with its Arab neighbors.

Remember when anons supported Trump because they considered him useful? Not because of his cult of personality?

user, ALL our senators are from Tel-Aviv. Netanyahu got what, 30 standing ovations? You need to read a passage from "Gulag Archipelago" where Solzhenitsyn describes some party conference speech and how the applause and standing ovation goes on and on for 10 minutes plus because no one wants to be the first to stop for fear their loyalty will become suspect.

Nigger what? The Israelis don't want stable relations with their Arab neighbours. They want to disrupt and divide them so they may expand their borders.


So more fighting in their streets? Why is this bad?


u wot?

Enemy of my enemy doesn't make Palestinians are our friends. At most they're a tool for shaming kikes, who are justified in this case to use the ol' Might is Right doctrine. How many muricans today crying over indians? Who gives a shit.. OP is probably a lefty, sandnigger, possibly a roach.

Yeah and uniting them in shared hatred of Israel is a great place to start.

Israel has steadily taken over the leadership in various Arab countries and gotten them to focus not on driving the Jews back into the sea, but in joining forces with Israel against Iran.
Ironically, giving the Jews what they want may be an excellent way of destroying them. US presidents have always understood that recognizing Jerusalem as the "eternal capital of the Jews" would set off a chain reaction that would ultimately harm the Zionists. But a Kike is a Kike and they literally cannot help themselves.
If this is Trump's thinking, he is an accelerationist the likes of which make James Mason look like a conservative. If he is not, he is literally the dumbest politician in Washington DC.

At the conclusion of the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. Of course, everyone stood up (just as everyone had leaped to his feet during the conference at every mention of his name). … For three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, the stormy applause, rising to an ovation, continued. But palms were getting sore and raised arms were already aching. And the older people were panting from exhaustion. It was becoming insufferably silly even to those who really adored Stalin.

However, who would dare to be the first to stop? After all, NKVD men were standing in the hall applauding and watching to see who would quit first! And in the obscure, small hall, unknown to the leader, the applause went on – six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly – but up there with the presidium where everyone could see them?

The director of the local paper factory, an independent and strong-minded man, stood with the presidium. Aware of all the falsity and all the impossibility of the situation, he still kept on applauding! Nine minutes! Ten! In anguish he watched the secretary of the District Party Committee, but the latter dared not stop. Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers! And even then those who were left would not falter.

Then, after eleven minutes, the director of the paper factory assumed a businesslike expression and sat down in his seat. And, oh, a miracle took place! Where had the universal, uninhibited, indescribable enthusiasm gone? To a man, everyone else stopped dead and sat down. They had been saved!

The squirrel had been smart enough to jump off his revolving wheel. That, however, was how they discovered who the independent people were. And that was how they went about eliminating them. That same night the factory director was arrested. They easily pasted ten years on him on the pretext of something quite different. But after he had signed Form 206, the final document of the interrogation, his interrogator reminded him:

“Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding.”

above quote is from alexander solzhenitsyn describing the fear to be first to sit down during standing ovation

This is still a rumor, but if it happens, I expect Holla Forums to be in open revolt against the chesscucks and board mods.

DJT is retaking Jerusalem for Christianity. He will turn the muds and kikes against one another in real terms, rather than the nominal fake fights they have been engaged in for the last century. When both sides are reduced to rubble, we take it all.

There is a reason the missile defense shield we sold SA didn't work against Houthi kludge ballistic missiles, and it isn't because our tech doesn't work.

And how do you imagine anyone will do anything against the people who literally control all opinion here?

This is what a jew post looks like, lurkers.

Never said they were. But for the fucking 1.3 billion muslims to watch the Jews torture them, use them as human shields, starve them, etc.. make ME as a ZOG citizen a target. And I read a study last month that most muslims (vast majority of muslim world is illiterate) do not know that there is a difference between Jew IDF and US soldiers.


Not necessarily. We're all pro-genocide around here, and the only reason I particularly care about the levant either way is because Hezbollah is pretty cool I guess, but far moreso because I hate the jews and want them exterminated. I don't have any particular deep and abiding love for palestinians but anything we can use to lever the kikes off our throats is a tool indeed.

Jesus…why do you even come here to make an asshole of yourself? Since when do T*rk Roaches support the palestinians? There's a reason for the "lurk 2 year" rule asshole.

We're the ones not wearing diapers?

You’ll want to read it again.

Oy vey, fellow go- guy, just wait for Trump to take his mask off and literally be Hitler. Everything he does is perfect because Holla Forums has always been at war with Eurasia! If you go against the Jews you must be a Jewish shill trying to divide us in our goal to defeat the Jews, which we do by aiding Jews!

Just listen to this fellow trustworthy member of POL, if you help your enemies you win! That's why we need to make sure Israel is given all the money and white bodies they could need incase a country tries to fight back against the creation of Greater Israel!

Oh, well if he SAID it, he definitely meant it. It's a jew post. I'll be filtering you, too, kike.

I love how the most obvious Izryell plant of all time is in his cabninet and you all are like omg how do we counter this russia stuff???

Moshe, we read left to right. There is nothing there to evidence your (((claim.)))

Reported, then. Fuck off. Even your meta-shilling won’t work on us.

Reported, too.


The majority of the board are israeli shills and bot posts at this point. If you weren't around before the election season started, you don't have a frame of reference.

1488D chess just think about it. Trump is just doing what he said he was going to do, I don't know why that's so upsetting to people. :^)

Another fucking retard who needs to lurk for 2 years. Jesus I wish I could get fucking DVDs and aDVD attachment here, since WiFi not past enough to torrent. So you therefore agree with the retard posting that I am not only a muzzie, but a roach? Since when do the Roaches support the Pals? The Mavi Marmara/Gaza Flotilla was a one off thing that just left from T*rkey, not a lot of t*rks aboard at all.

Roaches don't care if pals live or die. Almost no muslims do with exception of some Shia trying to gain influence over them.

Why is it that you paid kikes can’t ever directly respond to what we say? Are we THAT undefeatable?

Maybe he's just trying to meme Pike's prediction into existence.

I realize you fuckers worship the end of the world but you realize it's the end of YOUR world and the rest of us will continue on in paradise right?

christ this place nowadays.

Always a torfaggot, really makes you think.

That Pike think is a misquote. The real war is about fomenting a war between Christianity and Religion of Cuck™.

Indeed, too many newfag yids coming in anymore. Get the fuck out.

Poor, OP. Either you are on (((their side))) or you haven't fucking learned how 4D chess is played by now. HOW? You've had this long to watch the man in action, wtf are you doing with your days, user? Read Art of the Deal already
Short term this seems like a win for the kikes, so they'll jump on it. But think it through a little bit.
Just think of the optics of how this is going to play out long term. You think antisemitism is on the rise now? Just wait until they start shipping home Americans in pine boxes for directly dying for Israel. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IT PUSH THIS NEWS AS FAR AND WIDE AS POSSIBLE. Make sure everyone you know is talking about this, making noise about this. Remember, this is as #RussiaGate is evolving into #IsraelGate, folks.

Get out.

Uh… that would be the only thing that could increase war desire at this point, you fucking idiot. Americans are brainwashed to support Israel.

Low energy.

Yes, it makes you think a poster has been banned for expressing anti-zionist views.

I suggest we gas every mason right after the kikes.

Might want to be careful with these posts, people might start seeing the irony if you shill so shamelessly and so utterly without context to the rest of the thread.

Really activates the almonds.


Is English your second language?

If Trump is doing it, that means it's going to benefit us in the future. He's much smarter than us and you shouldn't go against his flawless leadership.

U mad brah?

should be happy no?

tel aviv is jewish, jerusalem is not

I don't follow.

That much is obvious.

Makes sense, just heard about Pike's predictions on a podcast this morning. Then this thread & the massive gets. Just the synchronicity of it all seemed to point that way. Thanks user.

You are missing the point entirely and being intentionally dishonest.
I suspect you're an anti-White shill but I have no trouble responding to your bullshit.
In recognizing Jerusalem as teh capital of the Jews, Trump is causing real damage to the Zionist agenda. Israel has worked long and hard to win over the leadership of the Arab world by offering them Iran as their enemy instead of the Jews.
However this has caused universal condemnation among the Arab citizens and if the leadership does not oppose this, they may end up like Sadat.
Thus one of two things is true.
Either Trump is a complete dumbass
Trump is a genius who is giving the Jews things that he knows will kill them.

Many people here fail to think in the big picture. Like children, they think that giving your enemy something is always a bad thing. But this is not always the case. Take Russia as an example. Back in the 18th century they wanted Poland. They took it and unfortunately they also swallowed up millions of Jews with it. These Jews did what Jews always do and subverted Russia and formented revolution that ultimately brought the entire country to its knees.

In geo-politics, you must always think outside the box. And if your enemy wants poison, you give it to him.
The Jews cannot help themselves. However clear thinking US presidents before Trump have always refused to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel because they knew what damage this would cause for the Jews in the long run. Which would hurt themselves in the long run too.

Everyone reading something like this should take a step back and think. Ask yourself, "What is the big picture? How will this affect the powers at be in the long run?"
Once you can do that, you're thinking like the elites do.

So again, one of two things is true. Either Trump is a complete idiot, the dumbest US president in all of history and has just gives the Jews whatever they want without any thought for the future at all.
He is a genius who recognized that the Jews want to bite off more than they can chew and just handed them a spoon.

my hard cock is your first language

1488d chess.
I want to believe.

I have a feeling you don't even know what you typed.

Good points.

Welcome to your daily sharegoy thread

Where you see sharegoys talking to themselves

Mad? Oh my, no, please keep giving me (you)s. I can see that you've taken some pointers on image formatting from around here, I guess that constitutes an improvement of some sort, but it's still too obvious which angle you're pushing. "This board is full of Hillary campaign shills! T-T-T-T-T-Trump shills? What are you even talking about? It's Hillary who keeps shilling against Trump!" Try to learn a little subtlety.

No. What happened was you read a post wrong or too quickly [for reference it was this one >11000203 ] and now you're just digging in. Filtered.

Sounds like you have the assburgers. Go fuck yourself.

This was yesterday. hasn't picked it up yet, but that's not proof of anything since the editor has a rare form of cancer and their updates are slow. Will check twaater after I post this N.B.- if the "Two state solution" is dead, all that's left is a one-state solution brought about through an Intifada.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A formal U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel would be the “kiss of death” to the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Palestine Liberation Organization’s chief representative in Washington said on Monday.
“Should such a step be taken, it would have catastrophic consequences,” Husam Zomlot told Reuters in an interview.

“That would be actually the kiss of death to the two-state solution because Jerusalem is at the very heart of the two-state solution,” Zomlot said.

A senior administration official told Reuters last week that U.S. President Donald Trump would likely make the announcement on Wednesday, although his adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, said the president had not yet made a final decision.

Such a declaration would break with decades of U.S. policy and could fuel violence in the Middle East.

Past U.S. presidents have insisted that the status of Jerusalem - home to sites holy to the Jewish, Muslim and Christian religions - must be decided in negotiations between the two sides.

“Should the two-state solution receive that final lethal blow, then the main reaction from us will be strategic and political because we are not going to be engaged in an empty process,” Zomlot said.

Sad reality; you can only do so much as the kikes allow you to. Trump will bend over backwards for Israel and they will allow him to pass some law and plan that is good for us. We take a half victory, one step forward and one step back.

Yeah you mad bro

you really, genuinely think– you paranoid schizo motherfucker– that I am getting paid by either Jew Soros or that frigid cunt Clinton or is it "muh russians" to post mean stories? Because I got a notification from RT (YES, I DO use RT since they are the FASTEST 95% OF TIME) and decide to post it?

Take your Zyprexa and Thorazine asshole.



So Trump, who has been putting Muslims in the spotlight as the biggest danger to America, Democracy, and the West his entire campaign and presidency, is aiding Israel at the expense of Muslims. This will lead to Muslims being even more angry at Israel. You're saying that when Muslims, our "greatest enemy," start insulting and attacking Israel, our "Greatest Ally," who we supply with billions of dollars and are willing to go to war for, everyone will suddenly realize that Israel is the enemy and Trump will finally be free to put his 1488d-chess plan into action to be Hitler and destroy Israel, our "Greatest Ally," by joining forces with our "greatest enemy."

"W-w-w-w-w-why does the Hillary campaign keep spamming this thread about Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state? Shareblue is the real enemy here!"
Weaksauce narrative.

Stopped reading right there. As everyone knows, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital is an old zionist goal and plan. You're a fucking lunatic if you think accomplishing zionist goals is somehow causing "real damage" to the zionist agenda.


4D chess

You are so bad at what you do, it's incredible. Go sticky another thread about how based Putin is, you mongoloid filth.

Dubs and trips confirm.

The look on Mika's face when she realizes what he's talking about.

Holy shit, nice trips.
First time seeing this vid.


Shhh. It'll all be over soon.

After Vietnam? After the Gulf war? After this endless war on Terrorism? I think we are already war-worn, which is great. If Israel wants to double down on war when we're already tired of it as a nation, I say we support it. Give the kikes enough rope to hang themselves (and hey, maybe even start the day of the rope along the way).

No, user, just wait until Trump HAS TO PLAY ALONG WITH ISRAEL and then he makes them shine a light on themselves. Just like Hollywood, just like the DNC.


The shareblue shit doesn't even make sense anymore. Hillary lost, she isn't still in the race, and even if Shareblue was still active, they would never post actual information about the Jewish control of America. They would be fired immediately for doing so.



I still don't get why autists panic over this. Embassy goes to Jewrusalem, mudshits will be triggered and start killing more Jews while kikes start killing more muzzies. It's kill, kill. Unless someone has any sympathy to both of those groups?

muh poor brown sandniggers
I don't give a fuck where our embassy to the kike nation is and I don't give a shit if kikes kill sandniggers either.

I hope your mother and siblings are in first pine box to be shipped home when the IS scum decide to behead American tourists in x European city scumbag.


No one real is on your side here. Are you gonna ban us all again while leaving the spammer free to spam the thread with "le shar blue" memes?


Shill narratives don't have to make sense. Christ, he's reduced to posting the exact same pictures over again. Only the gods know what they think they're accomplishing by pissing money into this rat hole, but they're so far out of their element, I'm surprised their brains don't leak out of their tear ducts from the pressure.

Lest it be explained to any newfags… Shareblue was a Hillary animal. Where would they be getting operations funding from right now? The DNC doesn't have any seats up for grabs at the moment; there's no candidate for them to push; and the DNC itself doesn't even have any narrative cohesion. The idea that Shareblue is spamming anger about Trump recognizing Jerusalem as jewish is downright risible, I mean out of this world retarded.

The Trump shills on this board are quite another matter entirely.


Gonna explain why Shareblue employees would be allowed to name the Jew and point out how kikes control both sides?


Then you are in the wrong neighborhood.

Spamming the same images over and over again really shows that everyone that disagrees with you is a shill. Great work, modboi.


The only reason I'll ever be in Europe is when the Day of the Rope goes international. I don't WANT Americans dying for Israel, but that's what we've already got. If this embassy move and its repercussions get the rest of this country to wake the fuck up to the jewry going on, then so be it.

Weird how I can report you for spamming, and watch as nothing happens. Almost like you're a mod or something.

U mad breh?

Yes, yes I am mad.

Wish you were here XD

You should file a report with the internet police

Vietnam’s greatest triumph was permanently turning American opinion against the draft. The jews shot themselves in the foot with that (because they’re the ones who led the anti-war campaign, since the war was against communism). War exhaustion from something that happened 40 years ago isn’t relevant today.
You can count those two together, because they’re both part of the execution of the Oded Yinon Plan. Yes, further execution of the plan–AS WRITTEN–is against all US opinion. We won’t ever have a war with Iran in the traditional (read: OYP) sense.
The problem here is that as soon as Israel reveals their hand, tens of millions of brainwashed shabbos goyim in the US will stand up for them. The media will openly start reporting on ✡biblical prophecy✡ and no mention will be made of the last 50 years of secularization thereby. You’ll see ✡John Hagee✡ and that one ✡alien-faced faggot✡ and everyone else in the ✡megachurches✡ start screaming about how it’s the literal End Times. I’m not joking. The Israeli reclamation of Jerusalem in full will spark that. It’s the definition of the phrase in jewish circles. They’ll also be on CNN and ABC and NBC for interviews because so many people don’t even go to Church of Zionism anymore, and they will spread that message to the secularists, too. Israel expanding its borders will be called holy doctrine (it is, for the jews) and they’ll claim it’s Christian doctrine (when the polar opposite is the truth).

A stink will be raised in the UN, but the US, Britain, and France will veto any efforts to condemn or stop Israeli expansion. Perhaps not all three on every vote, but at least one on any given one of them. This will, of course, lead to dune coon revolts in the latter countries, but they’ll be “put down” through the firing of whites in government and their replacement with muslim MPs, who will institute local sharia law in the places they “serve.” What will NOT happen, however, is a muslim representative to the UN for these countries, and the UN representative will continue to vote for Israel at all costs and against all public opinion at home, mussulman or otherwise.

When a muslim nation inevitably attacks Israel directly after their annexation of Jerusalem, Israel will point to them and the United States will be obligated by the ✡treaty✡ to enter into war with them. Tens of millions will willingly sign up to die for Israel directly, because they’ll be fulfilling ✡biblical prophecy✡. All talk of war exhaustion will be gone, both from the liberal media (who will be the war’s biggest proponents) and in other circles. The Internet will become one big Israeli support group. Nothing will get through Google, YouTube, Bing, Facebook, or Twitter filters that is anti-Israel. You literally just won’t see the content at all, no matter how much you search for it. The act of which will put you on a list, and suddenly you won’t be able to purchase that 6th firearm you were wanting. Suddenly you won’t be able to board a plane to visit your uncle who lives in Wyoming in a self-sufficient cabin. Suddenly you might start being pulled over by cops for ✡routine traffic stops.✡

You know it. I know it. Anyone who has actually read the text of the Oded Yinon Plan and COINTELPRO documents knows it.
Give it a fucking rest. There’s no playing.

Bump to expose a true zionist as the leader of america. Fucking based!!!!

There is no need to be upset

Not like Israel has already been getting the party started in Syria over the past few days by firing missles at the SAA. Pretty sure that regardless of the embassy decision, which might be the icing on the cake anyways, Iran and Assad are going to deal with Israel after they take care of the rest of ISIS and the syrian rebels. I think he should move it just solely to piss off sandniggers. Why? Because I do it on a regular basis anyways, same reason to mail bacon to mosques. Yes, it pisses them off. Guess what happens when they get pissed off? They do terrorist shit. What happens when they do terrorist shit? Highly developed civilizations utilize the cutting edge technology… Best case scenario: Muzzies and Jews wipe each other out and Russia / US / China stay out of it except for drones / throwing a little fuel on the fire (Which they've already been doing, US Iran deal, US Saudi Arms deal, Russian Iranian arms deal, give the monkeys guns, they need some toys to play with). Good day and Heil Hitler.

Shit, I forgot an important point. What we should have been doing for the last five years is actively working to fix our ✡christian✡ neighbors and communities and make them Christian again. Holla Forums has been hit harder than anywhere else with the “christians are jewish shills” propaganda, and it apparently FUCKING WORKED (thanks to certain people), because we haven’t been expanding our influence among our true greatest allies. There is no greater jew hater than a National Socialist who is also a Christian, but someone who’s just a Christian is the second greatest. If we had been gaining a base of actual Christians, we would have people running for Congress who would vote against Israeli influence in government, AND THEY’D GET IN, because we could have millions of redpilled people as a voting block by now. Never mind that reclaiming a Christian church from the kikes leads to a SOCIETAL understanding of what Israel represents to the world, too. That word spreads.


Trumpkikes are realy desperate bumping the thread they want to bury. Sad!

The mods are just waiting for us to make a post that they believe wont make them look bad on a ban screencap. Then after they've banned all of us, and the only poster left is the spamming retard, they'll anchor the thread. Pretend it never happened.

while the kikes are rampant, felt I should repost this
also I don't care if Trump keep his enemies closer and pay lip-service, as long the actual results, as listed here, screw with their portfolio


You can bet your balls if anything serious goes down in Israel trump will send his ZOGtroopers to defend the chosens, but we know it will be just 4D chess, amirite? You trumpkikes are getting desperate

to all the cia niggers, i will not fight your war and I will convince others not to as well. remember that.

You know this is a (((completely organic))) thread, when this has more ppm than the get thread.


Wow, that really stops white genocide and the international jew. Massive (((corporations))) paying less taxes is true National Socialism.

Is thetrumpshill mad? This is a natsoc board, no natsoc would let that happen what trump wants.


The worst part is that this is a distinctly jewish tactic (used, somewhat, in the manner of the story of the holocaust, which never happened) and no very few people ever know about it because it gets fucking anchored, as you said.

nice deflect, go back to square 1 and deal with pic related



Literally nothing in that textdump is worth getting excited about, "Appointed Conservative Jude Neil Gorusch to the Supreme Court"


Who the fuck cares? Do you understand that we aren't Republican soccer moms, do you even know your audience?

…is this not what you've been doing? Holy shit, the BEST #1 redpill you can spread is the TRUTH about Zionism to Christians ESPECIALLY evangelicals. They stick to the bible, wholeheartedly. Jesus, it really is this simple:
Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
…and then hold their feet to the fire to name the jew.


i shared that feel


nice try again, the tax reduction was not yet in effect when this pic was made, go back to square 1 and try again,

also how typical, take a single aspect, and try to dismiss the whole post saying nothing is important on it, ya need to do better

I'VE been doing it, yeah. But you can’t say anything about it on Holla Forums or attempt to coordinate it here, because you get the “kike on a stick” shills from intl (in before “HURR DURR INTL DOESN’T EXIST ANYMORE” t. intl shill) or fresh or whatever you want to call it. Never mind that they get some help from “above” (in the jewish sense, you understand *cough cough*)


This is not victory,this is a temporary appeasment for good goyim to shut up while they are genocided. You r*ddit fags keep getting desperate!

Haha, literally nothing in that text post is exciting. Should we be happy about how he legalized the dumping of coal and other chemicals into rivers? I don't give a shit about tax cuts, I don't care about pro-Israel conservative judges, I don't care about any of that neo-conservative kike trash. Kill yourself.

Chill out, you LARPing faggot. You sound like a Liberal, always crying about people dying whenever the President does something you don't like. If you're thinking about people dying, then start with yourself.

I caused that share


Yes, that's correct. And a LARPer too. That's what you and everyone flipping their shit over this are.

that shares me so much

Wow, you really showed us. Trump is based, Israel is based!

ITT: Shills shilling shills.


They're just trying to keep us from talking about Trump surrendering to the jews once again, I don't think they're really trying to accomplish anything meaningful. Just look how how hamfistedly they're behaving. The goyim aren't supposed to know, and growing knowing among the goyim is a cause of great concern, Trump was supposed to be enough of a bone to keep whitey from crucifying them.


that really shared my share
Can I share it to the unshared

the blackpill now? what Trump is not fast enough for you? his ban is not wide enough? he is not backstabbing every single US shadow enemies and letting them all play martyr for the crowd?

also you don't care about TPP being canned?
the wall?
reducing the national debt?
slashing through regulations profiting to the kike tax mens?
job for americans instead of beaners?
the lobby ban on former elected officials?
firing all 46 god damn attorney generals put in place by Obama?
ICE deporting beaners masively and helping slow down said white genocide?

so tell me Shill-kun, if ya don;t care about these, what DO you care about?


Hte absolute state of trumpshills

Thank to your rectum ravaging over this news, (((user))), I now know this will ultimately be a good thing. I might have stayed in the dark forever about this issue without you!

empowering them how exactly, by moving the embassy? I wonder if that could be a good way to spy on the kikes instead for once, or you know, if ya think they listening, to feed them disinfo
food for tought.

Endure, my friend. If the world hated Jesus we know it'll hate us, too. Holla Forums gets fucking hammered with shills, but we gotta keep posting, gotta keep directing the narrative.

also work on your attempts to one line greentext zingers, ya ain't good at it, try to address the argument instead of playing deflect.

I'm half convinced this is his plan.

Hitler gave the Jews every reason to leave Germany and Germans alone. Yet they still double crossed him. Historians wonder now the entire German population could unite against the common enemy.
It seems this was done by giving them the opportunity to be treasonous.
Thus securing Jerusalem will bring out the Kike nature, taking kindness for weakness and doubling down.

But that isn’t happening. By no metric can that be said to be happening. Not only do we want it to be faster, there is NOTHING that legally stops them from going door to fucking door–particularly in sanctuary cities–and NOTHING to stop the national guard from arresting the city officials.

Ok, kike, but by all means keep bumping

on that point ya are right, it's not going fast enough, not for a lack of trying, but there is just so, SO many fucking illegals in the country, and sanctuary cities cockblocking Trump ain't helping. It won't amount to nothing if we can;t stop the influx as well.

as you wish

Thanks for reminding me why I avoid skiing (Cross-country skiing is fine tbh). I also better understand why you have the patience to answer basic questions and educate newfags.

I can only agree with recommending Scheuer for anons asking why this is important.

Bleeding heart faggots.. I don't like Syrians, Palestinians and the Iranians because they are opposed to "ZOG". It's just positioning. We appreciate they are standing against the "ZOG" . We don't care about them other than that. They are just shitskins to remind you. Based Assad memes are funny, but not an offical cirkel jerk.
I think I heard it from a lecture by Jonathan Bowden who paraphrased Ariel Sharon about a comment he made regarding the slaughter of some Lebanese refugee camp.. "The sun goes up, the sun goes down, they have died, ISRAEL." Bowden said we have to be like that.
I don't like Israel or the kikes but I can respect that sentiment.

They have absolutely no legal power. The city officials can all be arrested. Nothing can stop Trump from doing this if he actually wanted to do it.

Too bad he wants big beautiful hard working DACA babies to stay.

I would argue the same is true about the travel ban, and they still blocked it every way they could under every bullshit reason under the sun, the problem is not the law itself, but to find people willing to force it to be applied.

pissing off the muslim world even further.
Well tbh thats been the plan the entire time, decades we've been fighting fake wars and creating terror cells to clear space in the middle east. Also the wars were meant to provoke and wake the sleeping jihad giant of the Muslim world. Now they are in active jihad mode, and being filtered into Europe and the US. The world is about to go through a major religious and racial war. The result of which will be global chaos. The world will come to the conclusion nations no longer work and welcome a one world government that succeeds and nation. The goal is the new world order. It always has been.

And you kikes will profit from it, genius

>we know youre not going to vote for hillary and we accept that we cant change that, so (((our))) new goal is to get you guys to atleast not vote for trump! please goys, the dnc needs you guys to stop shifting the political climate in this country towards the right. if the gop voters get any more right leaning, they may slip out of our hands, and force us to show ours.

The only time the two sects of Religion of Cuck™ ever fought together was when they fought to take Jerusalem. What could still bring them together is Jerusalem. If Zio's/media resists this change - all the more proof this is not what they want but what Trump will force upon them.

Sound like a commie wet dream, but I can't help but wonder how logistically that could even be achieved, especially with more and more social awakening (it's there, slowly but surely).
but as improbable as this is, it's still better to keep wary of any attempts in that direction and undermine them at every turn

In the old days people wanted to delve in fiction got into the d&d scene, nowadays they are trumpfags creating more and more outlandish 4D chess apologetics for zionism

DACA kids have been assured of getting appropriate Holohoax indoctrination and homosexual normalization.

One thousand of you would still be worth less a single one of the brave Syrian Nationalist Christians in the SSNP.


I wish SNC all the best but unlike you I don't suck their arab cock.

If Trump was a good goy then why are the spending billions trying to sink him? If he's the best thing to happen to jews, why is their media and their deep state trying to destroy him at every turn?

You can't fight jews from the front, that's how you end up like David Duke et all. What you could is pretend to be one of them and gently twist the knife in their back, exactly what they have been doing to the West. Elder Zios see exactly what Trump is doing. They don't like him.

Hes not sunk and money means nothing when you create it.

Assad has blue eyes. How is that not good enough, especially when compared to filthy subhuman jews? Assad is closer to Aryan than the Japs ever were.

Motherfucker, I don't care if the Jews cut every arab open while they are still alive with a chainsaw and eat their body parts while the arabs are still alive and have to watch, while at same time gang-raping their women.


Only because he fights back and keeps countering them.

The jews arent personally killing anyone, they want the christian world to do it for them so they can throw us under the bus for the genocide and establish the NWO under the pretense no matter how advanced we get were still anamalistic in our rage. The fearfull world will run from conflict into the safe cage of the NWO

The fuck are you talking about? So long as the jews stay in your countries you WILL get the blame for it and you will pay for it.


The most fearsome aspect is that whomever comes to win the next fight will have won forever. Theyll have autonomous drones, homnid robots and other tech. Humanity will be slaves under the next winner, the new tech means checkmate. No more millitia in the woods.

The muslims are in fight mode no matter what, from their perspective the christians and jews are exterminating them, our perspective is were just defending ourselves.
Well at this stage we are defending ourselves. If only we had the eyes to see we were used to create our own existential threat.

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Probably because there are millions of them in Europe and the USA. And Christmas is coming. Angry Muslims during their favorite "murder Christians" time of year is not a good idea.

sage left filled from last thread, excuse me while I an hero

((Theyll)) use the next war to say:
"religion is archaic, a relic of the past and hallmark of the stupid."
"Race and country only serve to divide us."
Theyll use the conflict between whites and blacks and muslims and europeans as their proof. A second holocaust they'll say this time perpetuated by Christians. The zionist elite will come to power under a different name than Judaism to avoid being seen for what it is, a religious global leader of the world. The NWO is coming in our lifetime, and the world, at least the majority, will welcome it with open arms as the savior of humanity. Race and religion will be phased out untill the goal of one race one religion one language is achived. The only blood lines which will retain homogeneity will be those few elite families ruling the mongrel world

You are on Holla Forums to remind you.. Why the fuck would we care about blame or the price to pay for the privilege of free and uncensored discussion about this topic.


That's not what he said at all. Filtered, kike.

Holy shit that was prescient, considering the flood of kike pedos returning to the homeland evading justice.

Well.. a paki who rapes a blond eyed british girl could also have such offspring. Assad is a great man who we naturally sympathize with. It doesn't mean you need to suck his cock.

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I never expected these shares

The NWO is going to happen because people are too fucking stupid to do something real and instead waste their steam fighting pointless wars which are symptoms of the true cancer. All the garbage about trump, this move, the black and white divide, antifa, blm, trannys etc ALL just to keep you occupied fighting against symptoms and not the disease. Anons on Holla Forums have real power but you are fooled into exerting it in the wrong place. Examine your thoughts and where you got them. Think bigger. Dont be one of the fools participating in the phony global war, use it as cover to act in a way that matters. Once the war is over there will never be another chance.

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Pathetic, suck the arab cock if thats your preference.

self bump

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can anybody explain to me what the big deal about that is? He is just moving the embassy to a different town in the same country, why is everyone sperging the fuck out over this?


It's just another daily
Fail thread

Watch this you faggots
All the short sighted 'drumpf is a Shabbir goy' faggots on here have an barely above nigger IQ or are shareblue, ignore everything like whilst constantly demanding proof. You lazy, short sighted faggots need to get off your ass and look beyond the media bytes and lip service and think beyond the immediate actions being taken. Syria is nearly over yet you claim Trump is indifferent to king nigger, meanwhile the largest changes in Syria have happened this year. Greater ISISrael plans are practically over now.

This Embassy move is going to be their undoing. These kikes are becoming the rats that eat themselves. We need to do or part pushing the international Jew via ford and other memetic operations.

Reported for more spam.

the fact that this is happening at the same time that putin came out and supported palestine is what #reallymakesmethink here

Almost missed this blatant attempt to roach explain. We exposed you for the roach that you are.

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Last time
Self bump

The coming global war is inevitable, dont get lost in the fray, dont be a zombie. The unstable times ahead truly are our last chance to make a real difference. If you spend the war fighting for a "side" youll loose in the end. Whomever wins the next war wont matter because its just an act, a means to an ultimate end.

This post is written by a genuine faggot but I agree with the message. Zionists didn't really want this or push for it since it would universally anger the entire Arab/Muslim hegemoney, regardless of the shia/sunni divide. If there's one thing Zionists fear, its a united muzzie front right on their doorsteps. And if a war weary good goyim nations won't back them then that's even more bad news.

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Hey there fellow shareblue college! Why don't we take beer at McCucks after work?

Great idea.
We really btfo'd the Drumpfcucks in this thread!

if you really believe this, go to, usually best source for foreign policy. See article "why israel needs its iran war and soon." On phone now so can't link it for you…

They will never recover from this one lel

Those digits, fucking magical. Did you see Mika's face when she knew what he was talking about.

Is Trump using Kushner as a chess piece in 1488D chess for his country. Does he really low key hate Ivanka having married kike-Kushner instead of an alpha Chad?


hes fucking zog you retard

HAHAHA! Drumhbucks BTFO!

🇸 🇭 🇦 🇷 🇪 🇩

You're a brainless bag of shit. If he were full on board with the NWO gang himself, wouldn't have pulled out of paris accord, a lot of shit he wouldn't have done. Who knows more asshole? You, or Bannon who was in the oval office with him and blamed it all on his fucking daughter and jew son-in-law?

Everything will work out in the end. There's no brakes on the happening train, hope you all make it out on the other side. Even you MacDill Metal Gear fags. The stuff happening right now is the last desperate attempts at keeping power by the eternal kike, but it's in vain.

I made the thread you stupid motherfucker. Me. IfI'm being paid, apparently I don't know about it so tell me where I can get my fucking shekels. I really don't fucking get you bastards. IT's like a cult. the Palestinian Authority is reporting they are moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. If they do, disaster all around for ZOG. Dangerous to travel, shit timing with Christmas markets in Europe and tourism up.

And bringing it up after seeing the story makes me a "shill?" Go fuck yourself asshole. Really.

Stop being a fucking coward about the goatfucker mudshits. I bet you support the TSA and The Patriot acts because ZOMG save us all Dear IngSoc!! And ending the coddling of these evil fucks is simply the right thing to do.

🇹🇷🇺🇲🇵🇨🇺🇨🇰🇸 🇧🇹🇫🇴!

Guess our greatest challenge is going to be finding a new adjective for em then, huh? heh.

Fuck Drumphhh

you just got rekt courtesy of

Ok Shaun, we'll talk about it over lunch

🇸 🇭 🇦 🇷 🇪 🇩

don't spill your spaghetti on your way out.

How about kaal kikes?

Why the fuck would I support ZOG trashing the 4th amendment when they knew from outset entire thing was inside job between Saudi Intel and Mossad???

HElp me on this one…oh, is that a feminism reference, you fucking wigger scum? You know, your tribe has gotten away with a lot more than you've been punished for, haven't you Hymie. On DOTR, I promise that not ONE OF YOU will be left.

Well in that case, I think we have something to look forward to.

I think that's a good start, hahahaa!

🇸 🇭 🇦 🇷 🇪 🇩

goddam spell correct….FEMINEM of course, YOUR FAVORITE WIGGER..

(Being this new) lurk 2 more years fagatroid

So clever and witty to just repeat useless shit, filter.

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Can't find that article on the site. Good site though.

AMAZING! 2 assholes filtered and thread is readable now!

I genuinely can't tell if this is shilling, or normalfags getting high off their own tryhard farts, anymore.

they may have updated it. Off phone now, lemme look for it for you, hold on…

🇸 🇭 🇦 🇷 🇪 🇩

🇹🇷🇺🇲🇵🇨🇺🇨🇰🇸 🇧🇹🇫🇴!

here mate. Most of it behind paywall, unfortunately. You may know this or not, but this is the Israel version of NYT (back when it was respectable). They have best sources, they are right 99% of time:

Definitely tryhard, his dad probably works at nintendo.

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Trumpcucks will necer recover

Good question, why don't you tell us? Half your posts seem to be HALP, this is scary! (And will probably make things less convenient) RAEP!11

You have no control in these affairs unless you're a strong man of faith. Why run around like a chicken with it's head cut off over it? Trump's calling the shots here. Don't like it? Then kick him out of the office we voted him into together and move the US Embassy wherever you decide.

anyone have a subscription, or anyone not already used their free trial and can get article for us? Desperate to read it and if it gives a date…

it has been punished quite a bit, actually.


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I mean, he does reek of redpill overload and being underage, what with all of the "…" and autistic yelling mixed with dragged on, buzzword soup sentences.

The "Three World Wars" letter is a hoax, you should probably stop listening to whatever podcast you heard it on. It's just a passage from William Guy Carr's horrible kosher conspiratard dribble Pawns in the Game, that was re-purposed into a supposed letter from Pike.

Benjamin Netanyahu needs a war. He needs it to be with Iran. And he needs it soon.
Netanyahu needs a war because he’s desperate, and because a war might answer two of his more immediate needs: First, an overarching, delaying-action distraction, and second, in the event a war should succeed even as his career fades, the single thing the prime minister wants the most in this life: a legacy.
He’s desperate now because he’s losing ground fast in the latest opinion polls. He’s desperate because after all these many years in power, obsessed by his place in history and his own wishlist comparisons with Winston Churchill, Netanyahu still has no legacy beside the number of all these many years in power.
He's desperate because he's fast losing the support of the bulk of North American Jews, and, perhaps more crucially to him, he may even be losing the backing of Sheldon Adelson.
Most of all, though, he’s desperate because as prime minister, he knows that he may not have much time left.
He’s desperate because police detectives and investigative journalists are closing in on him. He pretends that the allegations center on innocent favors traded for innocently modest luxuries. But the security-minded public knows only too well that Netanyahu may be involved in malfeasance in securing the purchase of several advanced German-built submarines – potentially Israel’s most potent strategic weapon in its continuing confrontation of Mutually Threatened Destruction with Iran.
And things just got worse. Even as Netanyahu’s handpicked made men sought to ram through a bill to blunt the damage of the police probes, the crude power play counterproductively drained away much of whatever presumption of innocence the Likud leader may still command.
Enter Iran.
For years, Netanyahu chafed as his defense ministers, army chiefs and intelligence agency directors restrained him from going ahead with what they foresaw as an ill-fated, ineffective and possibly catastrophic offensive against Iranian nuclear sites.

that is why worshipping a dead jewish rabbi as a god is BASED amirite?


Just run the link through, it'll save the whole thing.

It was to be Netanyahu’s Churchillian moment. His place in history. And his own brass – and the Barack Obama he so loathed – denied him.
Now, however, just when Netanyahu needs it most, Iran is showing signs that it is coming to him. And just like that, signs of war abound once again.
Citing Iran’s mounting presence in Syria, Netanyahu’s defense minister has demanded that the military budget be hiked by well over a billion dollars. The demand is particularly extraordinary in view of the fact that the army’s chief of staff reportedly sees no need for the increase.
On Sunday, the Kuwait-based Al Jarida newspaper reported that Israel had secretly vowed to destroy any Iranian facilities deployed in Syria within 40 kilometers (25 miles) of Israel’s northeast border.
Quoting an unnamed Israeli source, the report said that Russian President Vladimir Putin had relayed Netanyahu a message from Syrian President Bashar Assad with a Syrian offer for a 40 km demilitarized zone in return for Israel not working to topple the Syrian leader.
Netanyahu was quoted as being prepared to accept the deal, but adding that Israel remained committed to the goal of driving Iran and its client Hezbollah out of Syria.
The next day, raising eyebrows and speculation in a public forum, Israel Defense Forces Chief Spokesman Ronen Manelis told a conference of Israeli journalists that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah would be a target for assassination in any future war between Israel and the Iran-controlled militia.
Then, on Tuesday, Netanyahu’s Minister for Regional Cooperation Tzachi Hanegbi, who often enunciates policy for the prime minister, issued a warning to Iran in unusually stark terms.
Asked point-blank if Israel now faced the prospect of a new war on its northern border, Hanegbi told Army Radio, “Tension in the north is surging.” The Iranians, he said, make no secret of their desire to stake out a military presence in Syria.
“Israel is saying, ‘This will not be.’”
According to Hanegbi, long one of Netanyahu’s more trusted and, relatively speaking, more moderate lieutenants, Iranian forces near the border or naval or air bases elsewhere in Syria “are red lines which we not allow to be crossed.”
At the same time, Netanyahu is clearly, and legitimately, troubled by a Trump administration which appears to be cutting and running with respect to Syria, ignoring the prime minister’s pleas to counter rising Iranian influence there.
Tonight, in a deep and often lonely office near the main exit from Jerusalem, a man whose darkening expression is tending far more toward Richard Nixon than Winston Churchill is planning his next move.
In the past, hardline Israeli leaders under the threat of police probes have opted for a dramatic shift to the left, hoping to ride a peace push to save their premiership. But Netanyahu has worked so long and so well to block any meaningful avenue toward peace that he has himself choked off much of his own room to maneuver.
Three years ago, desperate at the time, he opted for war. The war was avoidable, the results for Israel and especially Palestinian civilians, devastating. And yet
For Netanyahu, it worked. The Israeli army was badly demoralized and in disarray. Large swaths of Israel felt vulnerable to attack. In Gaza, hundreds of children and large numbers of adult civilians were killed and thousands more wounded.
But Netanyahu? He’s still there. Just where he was. Still studying those military maps.


Soy + Vicoden + Xanax

won't save assume bc it's premium content. I managed to get to it and have it here, but it's in 2 different posts…

Tbh though, even (((Harvard))) grads are at that literacy level now. Probably won't be long until the backpills get him, at least if he lurks enough he'll find hope and truth. gets past the paywall for me.

they do just enough to be able to point here and say "look at this though" and talk about some halfcucked move that isnt fully cucked but just enough to be able for shills to claim he isnt zog.




Got it.

He didn't lurk for two years because he thought he was smarter than everyone else. Might as well kill himself now.


Nice work lad. Read that is scary shit because more often than not they are correct– were correct in 2014, the one before that, going all the way back to Lebanon (I really want to get a sub but don't want to support Jewry or give them my CC)

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>The Holy City becomes the seat of power

1488D chess, just wait and see

Quite happy to debate any of you le_donald scumbags on any topic re: Trump, Russia, Jews. You can pick, and even all 3 or 4 or 5 (however many shitbags there are) against little old me. After all, clearly you are superior to me, clearly you say I must be underage and can't possibly have a BA Summa Cum Laude, a Fulbright Scholarship, a Master's in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, and a J.D. from a top 3 LS.

So come on, ready when you are.

🇸 🇭 🇦 🇷 🇪 🇩

You fine learned gentleman, I'll be gone for ~ 10 mins to take a call from a an imaginary bank in Nippon that I'm not really working on closing a deal with to open a new headquarters in Australia. But it's just details (imaginary of course), won't be long at all. I'll be back shortly.

While I'm gone, you pick the topic: Sunni/Shia relations in Iraq and Syria and what role you envision for Iran and Hezbollah in the new Syria back by Russia, The Ukraine and exactly why you think Russia has no right to be angry when Gorbachev had a verbal agreement that NATO would expand no further to the East (he admits his fault for thinking he could trust the US, but it was a time of hope and glasnost).

So, let me know, back in a few.

Extremely underrated post. Especially the part about appeasing muslims by giving them white goyim to rule over.

We have a badass over here
grab dinner at Taco shack tonight Shaun, you're buying

What does this have to do with anything though? Or with Trump?

Oh look it's the same gore post format from yesterday. Hi!

Hows the weather in Istanbul?

He promised he was going to audit the fed its not like he actually cares about his word


Θα μάθουμε σύντομα, Μεχμέτ.

Good work crew!
Drumpfcucks will never recover from this


#🇮🇲 🇼🇮🇹🇭 🇭🇪🇷 2020


Holy shill the Kikes are salty. All over the news they are kvetching about this.

That's the point. Muzzies won't attack unless united. Literally the only time in history where shias and sunnis fought together was during the crusades, which was for Jerusalem. Similar circumstances are happening again, even though it may take upto several decades from now until we get a violent response from the muzzies over Jerusalem.

Wrong again. Nobody wants to fight anymore. The left hates Israel because "muh palestine". The right hates Israel because kikes. And judeo-cuck boomers and neocons, the only people who will push for war are facing diminishing influence in politics. It just won't happen.

At this point either Israel goes for Great Israel or muzzies are backed into a corner and forced to unite like they once did for their Holy City and Israel will be nuked in our lifetimes.


STILL waiting to "debate" asshole, topic of you choice so long as it deals with national politics/intl politics. Well, I'll check back as often I can/ Somehow, don't think I'll find ANY of your cowardly fucking leddit asses here.





Ah, what did you think of the article mate? You think a war during Christmas is possible? That is when the Jews like to pull them: election dat for smaller things and around Christmas and days after ( when no one is watching TV) after…

THIS. This is what Dr. Scheuer keeps mentioning on his appearances. The US and Israel just might succeed in "breaching the Sunni/Shia divide for first time in 1,000 years."

Sounds like you're fully indoctrinated under marxist education standards. I'm just a tradesman, but I'm sure your appeal to authority will discount me as just a knuckle dragging ape. Let's check your list of (finely cherry picked) topics, hmmm.

They'll remain fractured only until they have a common enemy, the west. Mo'ham'd was at least half kike, so no matter what lip service they pay to getting rid of the kikes, they always tag team with them against aryan nations.
Not much, Syria's going to be where Russian pipelines go through. The (((oil barons))) won't want a destabilizing presence in their territory after the money starts flowing.
Crimea has more Russians than ethnic Ukrainians. It's like saying Hitler had no right to save Germans from Polish authorities.
Doesn't matter, lurk 2 years. No matter how erudite and learned you feel you are, there's a reason to lurk. Keep your ego in check, we're on this path together and I hope you find the peace you seem to be craving.


Yeah its all true. Bibi is between a rock and a hard place. I don't think a war between Israel and Iran will happen, Israel is trying to trigger Iran but they won't bite the bait. Not just yet and not until Syria recovers a bit and becomes strong again.

And some of us shitpost around working hours, it may take some time.

Some individual leftists do, but not the politicians.

A tiny fringe does, which doesn't even include the entire so-called "Alt-Right".

Until jewish power is broken, we will continue to fight wars for Israel.

Thanks user. I love reading leftist kikes kvetch about their own kind.

You've been talking shit about me asshole, and appear to think you are smarter, better educated, and more urbane than I am. Well…here I am. What exactly would you like to discuss? What do you think that you know so much more about than I do?

Yeah, I'm sure some of them are.

Others are absolutely delighted.

Read the post you're referring to big guy.

What the fuck are you talking about? Most American right-wingers are judeo-cucks, neocons, and evangelicals, and those who don't care about Israel will be itching for war when Sean Hannity and his ilk start promoting one.

this is insane speculation backed up by nothing, and I'm not even a Muslim. See book "Inside the Kingdom" by Robert Lacey and numerous others for a summary of what is known of his genealogy. And as far as the having anything to do with uniting the al-sauds and the Wahabbists factions…you do know how Saudi Arabia was formed, correct? The Al-Sauds agreed to institute Wabbism if the Wahabbists (great warriors since they had no fear of death) would drive out the Hashemites, who the Brits eventually gave land to in the Trans-Jordan (Jordan).

Gas the kikes, race war now.

Jesus Christ there are so many kike shills in this fucking thread, its disgusting.

Nobody is gassing the kikes. This is Balfour Declaration tier m8.

oh I'm answering it in-between spasms of laughter. See below. Nothing funnier than an asshole tying to sound didactic to someone who has spent his entire life studying a subject as a career.

Why do you need historical records of any kind (especially since the jews have had their grimy paws on almost every global library for centuries) when you can just look at their kike faces?
Saudis are obvious cryptos.
All kikes and muslims must be gassed.

Wrong Again. Russia just announced the day before yesterday that Syria will play a "sizable" role in the new Iraq. As will Hezbollah, though quietly. Quite simply, they NEED the shiite fighters to keep the peace in Shia areas.

The only difference between kikes and muzzies is 2,000 years in diaspora.

Sure it is. That's why the entire MSM is pissing and moaning about it and why Holla Forums suddenly got swamped with shills.

Kikes play both sides. They're not some omnipresent hivemind. If left to their own devices they would eat each other alive.

If the kikes wanted this why did it take so long. They've had puppets in charge for decades. Why did the shill squad show up in force to shut this thread down? So many questions.

It's close and there are no proper surveys, but I personally think Putin did the correct thing as far as Crimea. It had fuck all to do with the people there. HE needed access to his warm water port of Svastepol.

Been here since hot wheels got in finished after GG and Holla Forums harbor dumbsshit.

Aren't orthodox jews opposed to zionism?

I'll put that on my reading list, does it go into where he got his red hair & pale complexion?
As for Saudi Arabia, you do realize the leaders are all kryptokikes, no matter how it was formed they all toe the "greatest ally" line.

I never thought I'd see the day someone unironically tried to defend Israel getting their way on Holla Forums while shitposting anime. Yet, here we are.

Nice attempt at an argument from authority fag, lol. Maybe next time you'll try to source your arguments instead of looking like a pompous retard. Oh wait, you can't help it.

WHAT WORLD IS THIS!? How the fuck are there people legit trying to imply the jews don't want this, trying to pretend the jews are only the libshit jews in the US, and that these are not two sides of the same coin. There's a reason Soros cancelled his FEMEN support when they announced intent to enter Israel, but no, the jews are totally annoyed at this, seems legit. Because goodness knows a jew would never lie about what annoys him to manipulate gullible gentiles who dislike him, right?

No, only the hyper-orthodox. Most orthodox are fine with it. The only reason the hyper-orthodox oppose it is because they believe God has to Make Israel Great Again and the works of man alone are insufficient.

This right here is a fucking shill.

haha, no this is all a trick my fellow goy. don't fall for it. (((they))) just want us to think they are mad, so we will keep supporting their secret kosher-candidate drumpf, instead of the true natsoc candidate the dems are running in 2020, or just don't vote goy thanks

Okay explain. How does this benefit Israel? Explain or you'll be looked at as a shill you have a platform. Remember attacking me for asking such a simple thing outs you as a shill. The floor is yours.

How does defending israel and the uss liberty have anything to do with where the US puts the embassy?
People keep saying that moving the embassy to jerusalem is the end of the fucking world but there are no facts or arguments to back this up. I see a whole lot of kvetching from the kikes and a huge big shill influx, but I fail to see how putting the embassy in jerusalem will affect anything except possibly give Trump a wedge to center a two state solution from the religious center of the sandshit hemisphere.

Robert Spencer has a book on him, but can't trust him since he's a Jew and has an agenda. Decent source on entire thing is "A Concise History of the Middle East" My Arthur GoldSchmidt and Lawrence Davidson (both kikes obviously).

IT has enough footnotes that such that you can investigate things you want more thoroughly.



I literally just covered how that doesn’t matter. Your rationale for your statement speaks to complete detachment from reality.

The kikes Assumed Full Control in 1913, faggot. They could have done it any time from the time we all got fucking dragged into WW1 to now. I smell a whole bunch of fear and desperation and it's all coming from the kikes. I'm sure they're bombing Syria because they really feel in control now that their Greater Israel plans are 100% cucked. iirc Syria is conducting plans right now to retake the Golan Heights.

I don't know why your surprised. Holla Forums has been getting more conservative and less National Socialist/Fascist since the election.

lel shitskins love claiming they or their favorite historical figure have pale skin, I bet Mahomet was as black as the Kaaba.

The quality has been getting better and better and you kikes have been getting saltier and saltier. No number of IPs, shill manuals or persona management software suites will help you faggots. The only thing left for the jews is the screaming. So scream for me kikes. Scream loud and long, because it's all you have left.
Hitler Did Nothing Wrong.
The Holocaust never happened but it should have and it will.
and the death of the jewish race is a sudden inevitability. The jews will not survive. There is no chance for jew to survive, make your time.

This has been a theory for a very long time. Actually got to discuss it with Dr. Kevin Macdonald, who (for whatever it's worth) does not believe it.

What is without doubt is that kikes and Saudis pretend to hate one another in public, but behind the scenes have been cozy for at least 40 years. Fucking Jews and Saudis have a common enemy right now– Iran and a possible resurgent Shias in Syria and of course, Hezbollah who handed them their ass in 2006.

I admire Hezbollah. I know, right away, "you must be sandnigger!" But while the pals struggle to even kill 1 or 2 of the vermin, the Hezbollah used to take out entire tanks of the rats. Used to be a Vice video (from back when Vice was cool) of a sort of Hezbollah theme park they have set up at site where they finally turned back the Jews near the border.

Fucking love this song. Wish we could have a nationalism that combines race, religion, and the land


Hahahahah, nigger, what the fuck are you doing? How fucking new are you? In between gasping for breath while pointing and laughing at you, I'm going to dig up the bit from the AIPAC conference wherein Trump mentions this and the crowd goes fucking wild. A crowd of kikes, mind you. Give me a sec.

Shut up you kike shill. Enough of your venomous bullshit and animu posting to desperately try to look like you belong.

Its truly disgusting.

I told you to shut up you kike shill.

I'm disappointed. Thought there would be lots of Trump in funny jew hat images. Oh and the Trump at the jew wall. Let's also hear about how stupid the God Emperor is and how 456D chess is just a maymay.

This is a kike post, lurkers. Filter. Don't bother reporting, the moderators all get paid by Robert Mercer, Palmer Luckey, and Jared Kushner.

Oh ye of little faith.

Most of the left sympathizes with muzzies over jews. The rabid left (pic related) is almost a textbook example of horseshoe theory being true in their hate for Israel. Yes they are fringe but their ideas are growing among the left. This was the case BEFORE Trump came and dialed up anti-muslim sentiments to 100. Their politicians will not risk falling out with their base if they shill for war against their pet muslims.

Its more than a tiny fringe that's for sure. The alt-right Kekistan geeks are loud but not the majority. Also the "Its Okay To Be White" campaign shows the right is growing as well, even fucking Tucker Carlson shilled for it. Laura Ingraham regular says pic related.

What you think are just the fringes of the two political ideologies are becoming mainstream.

Their strongholds are breaking. I know we're so used to being under jews that its hard to see this but its happening. Their media control is slipping away big time. Hollywood is crumbling. They hate Trump because he's brought such a culture shock that everyone is suddenly going out of script. Leftists are becoming rabid pro-Palestine creatures while the right wing is getting massively redpilled to the presence of (((deep state))) that has been controlling them.

Not really no. Iraq war happened because congress got bipartisan support for it riding on the waves of 9/11, Hannity had little to do with it. And Hannity can shill for Israel all he wants, he won't be able to convince people to send their children to spill blood for them. Their children will refuse to do so.

See when there's no answers you attack my character. I've already admitted that I'm a tradesman. Education = intelligence, even baboons are admitted into (((prestigious universities))). At the end of the day it's only truth that matters. Shed your ego a bit, we're all on the same side here hunting for truth.

A lot of people will be happy about that. After 911 I would have to say that they were consistently the best source of info that I had on what was unfolding. I hardly ever see them cited on Holla Forums; guy's orientation doesn't help I guess. A very convenient cancer my tinfoil hat side says.

Talk like a shill, get called out for being one.
If you don't like it, stop shilling.

As I said, there are two possibilities. I never said Trump is smarter than me. However now that you mention it, Trump does know more about what's going on than you or I do. That's not Trump worship. That's a fact.

Anyway, you sound like a real idiot. Come back again when you have calmed down.

That is because you are an unimaginative simpleton who cannot think in the big picture.


Kekd and this sounds exactly like something he will do.
Watch this you muh drumpf faggots

They have merkava and other captured jew shit, it's hilarious, someone should send them some merchant posters to top it off.

Not even twinkie house could make an user habeeb this.

The jew wall picture is splashed across half the catalog right now. The kikes are losing their fucking minds.

Surely these noble Holla Forumsacks are correct and this is just a trick

See how obvious the kikes' trepidation is at the prospect. Surely there could be no kike faggotry afoot here! No sir!

We're still living under Zionist occupation. I'm not sure if you're a kike shill, or just an autist who's living in a LARPy fantasy world, but you're full of shit either way.

Out of the top donors to either party last election, only one of them is a possible goy, and he bankrolls one of the worst kosher neo-cohen media outlets, that was "conceived in Israel".

You don't blend in at all m8. You're awful at this, and your Zionist shilling is literally "listen and believe (in Trump)" which is just fucking hysterical.

Say it with me Holla Forums:
The Eternal Capital of the Jewish People, Jerusalem

Why do most people support Palestine here?
They are as bad as the rest of the Arab/Muslim world. At least Israel is killing muzzies.
They are doing a great job destroying the muslim world. Seriously, can someone give me a logical explanation?
Why do people shill Palestine all the time? Vid related, Palestinians are disgusting creatures.

retard, you could dig fucking ditches for a living, I don't care. I was polite to you, didn't say an kind word. Out of fucking nowhere, you began attacking me as "newfag, shill, etc.."WTF???

Have been here since hotwheels began and Holla Forums harbor/ I only start bringing education into it when it seems ikr some smug cunt who is from x or y uni and thinks he's going to gt one over on me, as I assumed of you. I didn't look for an argument with you…

Not only that you're very stupid on counting correctly, you're also very ignorant on ever realizing the numerous failures with zero progress that you've ever achieved in these past months or even years.

Because, picture yourself in this situation. (((You))) hold a 3 year old grudge because a crippled kid on a wheelchair laughed at you. Each passing day you write in your secret shelter of how much you hate this place while publicly trying to keep that poker face of not giving a fuck. You keep wasting your 3 years of your life on spamming and shitposting on an imageboard. You keep thinking that maybe, just maybe that this "brilliant plan" might work. No matter how many times the tactics are being changed, it will always has a one similar distinguish that you reek: autism, cancer

And after all of those failures, you keep lying to yourself that today was a success, that your plan worked and oh how cool and intellectual you were. Bathetic I've not seen for a long time of something like this level of failure. A fool that believes of being some kind of superman? Don't make me laugh, the absolute state that you're currently in is far beyond the breaking point. A miserable pile of excuse, lower than a trash, a scene from some dark comedy entertainment. Not only by destroying and harming yourself, but also your surroundings. You've became into such a bathetic state that I almost pity you.

Fuck the Palestinians. But fuck the Israelis more.

Nah. No more talking to you. Now you just get directed here

This is a kike post, lurkers. Filter. Don't bother reporting, the moderators all get paid by Robert Mercer, Palmer Luckey, and Jared Kushner.

Robert Mercer is Jewish bro.



Every post you make ;^)

You obviously aren't from here, kike.

God's work user.

stay mad.

Its like these people really don't understand that the kindest views round here are that Titus didn't finish the job.

Stay jewish.

Dr. Pierce gives a great summary on this, wish I had my database of Dr. Pierce speeches searchable. Under Dr. Pierce and the N.A., he believed in Supporting the rise of nationalism among all peoples at all times so long as not hostile to our own.

But with Israel, another reason altogether. This little "god-given light unto nations" who is in the forefront of literally EVERY movement to the in more refugees 9for White countries but DOES NOT want any of its own– in fact, they just passed a law shipping 40k (!!!) African migrants to an "unnamed 3rd country
and of course the media was complicit and didn't say a word.

Why is this doubt standard permissible in current year? IF you'd like proof of Jews supporting refugees for others but not themselves, I have so many folders they are piling up.

and drumpf too, you forgot to mention that

I thought in the thread where the user made that image it was decided Mercer was Jewish.

didn't catch that one.


Only Jews put words in other peoples mouths and use the word intifada. Move (((your))) shitty capital already and leave the west if you care about your precious Israel so much.

Lol they always think that one will work on Holla Forums, then they hop ip's to try consensus circle jerk. All it usually ends up doing is making more anons wary of their faggotry, because they are so low grade and obvious shareblue/kike niggers.
When that's the best they have I'd say Holla Forums has em by the balls.

No, but but Mercer is.


I can assure you, I'm not an Israeli/Jew.
I want to understand the mindset. People here glorify Hezbollah and Iran all time.
Do people seriously think that Israel is a really strong country?

Funny how the day the US opened up a permanent military base in Israel under Trump showing impartiality in the UN process there wasn't any hickups in the west.

solid proof. you drew a star next to his name. it's good enough for me


Yeah well no shit. Jews control the media. Does the media still have the power they once did though? Trump became president despite them trying ruthlessly stop him. I don't think was by their design. You sound like a blackpilled fag.

Moderately pro-white messaging was unheard of in the media two years ago and now its happening. And it'll keep going further as response to black power sjw's being emboldened on the other side.

You can research yourself, I put the star there because during my research he showed up kike. Cry about it.

I saw some kike media outlet specifying that wasn't, but another listing his daughter as one. It's inconclusive, and given his ties to Breitbart, it doesn't really matter.


I was more focused on his ties to Renaissance Technologies, actually, IIRC.

ok fam I believe unquestioningly, no reason to be upset



Calm down bro.

Found it.

>Less than 24 hours after announcing his candidacy last month, Cruz hit his Week One fundraising goal of $1 million, in large part from money raised at a New York City event that included a “sizable” Orthodox contingency, according to a source. (The host of the event, Rebekah Mercer, is not Jewish. She and her family, major Republican donors, are now running a super PAC backing Cruz.)

(from an article about the jews in Time's "Who's Who")

I still can't figure out how Scheuer made it so big in the CIA. Here's hoping there are patriots like him still in the deep state.

how did you know those were all me? are you mod?

Did the Jews suddenly shut down a a board and a bunch of people ended up here? Traffic is good, not complaining, all I ask is that…we usually ak people to lurk for 2 years before posting but rarely happens.

All I'd ask is that if you have questions about shrug anything please ask and if you run into a moody dick, just wait and ask again and you'll run into someone who will answer.

Most people here are actually quite smart, and more than a few have advanced degrees. Many of us on here go back years to cuckchan and were fans of Dr/ William Pierce before then.

Today we face 2 main problems– race and the Jews. In short, the Jews enacted the 1965 immigration act to begin flooding the US with darker races (Originally, the racial quotas were set up to keep the US as it was…the 1965 act–sponsored by the Jews Emmanuel Cellars and Jacob Javitts with Ted Kennedy as their Shabbas Goy– began the transformation.

Essentially, Germany in the 1930s and 40s blew the Jew's collective minds because it turned out it was not about "class" as the Jews had thought– it was race, culture, and blood.

Seems legit.


Given this recent turn of events, seems doubtful.

You just brought yourself a week of bad luck user for checking own digits. Newfag mistake. Like your hezbollah shit. Are you Lbanese? Used to be able to order shit from their online gift shop before ZOG shut it fdoej

#TED CRUZ 2020

The muh drumpf shilling here is insipidly strong in this thread whenever anything remotely related to Trump + Middle East are in one topic, no wonder /sg/ threads here got shitcanned due to too many leftylibcucks, goons, spooks, wahhabi shills and the fucking jidf d&c LARPing as pro-syrians with their obvious 'muh taqqiya nusayri kuffar' accenting bullshit and shariablue arguments


He said something similar to this during the tax conference.

It's been 2 and a half years and I still can't tell if he's a buffoon and shitposter extraordinaire blessed by kek, or a mutherfucking 1488D genius and crypto-Hitler.
Meanwhile to the rest of the world he looks like a shabbos goy boomer

Something happened. Holla Forums is being flooded.


So fucking cool to see people here noe know who he is, when when I first began talking about him no one had a clue, in fact most thought he was a Jew.


no it's not, this user has secret research that is real legit



I know amirite xD, let's accept every single action trump takes no matter what lol xDDD

It's always easy to tell when the kikes are upset because they have the equivalent of an autistic fit, they screech, wave their arms around, cast aspergsions and make a mess of everything but they don't really make any arguments of note because they know we'd pick them apart. 400 posts itt and I still haven't seen a well thought out post for why this is a bad thing, let alone why the shills and msm are losing their shit over it.

I'm aware of the spookshit concerning memri, doesn't mean they're not meme-worthy


Did leddit shut doen a big board? The just need to understand that no one one he is a neo-cohen or a traditional republican: "Lower taxes!" WHAT THE FUCK DO YOUR TAXES MATTER IF YOUR PEOPLE ARE BEING GENOCIDED AND REPLACED!!!!"

You clearly aren't from here.

Its not secret in the least, I just don't have every detail recorded. Do you think that image just magick'd itself into existence? Wait, you're a fucking shill, why am I even paying attention to you? Nevermind, believe whatever you want faggot.
But Mercer is a kike, and the fact that politico says that his daughter isn't doesn't actually say much. Fucks sake, to politico, being jewish is merely a religious matter, no doubt.

Why would they lie about whether or not someone who hosted a fundraiser for orhtodox jews was jewish?

which image??

It's all good brother, hope your day goes better. Maybe we'll meet on the battlefield one day.

Seems legit.

Wait, Wait, ROBERT MERCER, the billionaire who supports trump and as an airfare officer and then went to new mexico state? not exactly sounding like a king a upbringing to me. Source??

Daughter's name is rebekah which is suspect but….nothing else checks in any of the kike boxes user.



This is too ubiquitous. Every thread, every point of discussion is flooded by obvious shilling. Every trick in the handbook is being used. There is no doubt in my mind Holla Forums is being targeted at the present time.



They might not even be 'lying', they might just be pushing the 'jewishness is a religion goy' shit, taking into account that the majority of US kikes are non-religious secular vermin.
And his daughter 'not being jewish' doesn't say anything about him.

Look into it, I don't have the source on Mercer available at present. I believe I came to the cnclusion after investigating him in the vein of Renaissance, so you might start there.

Of course it is. Again, this is Balfour Declaration tier shit dude. This will be in history books if he goes through with it, as will the consequences - and America gains ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from it, except more hatred from muzzies and more disdain from the rest of the world that isn't completely retarded.



Pic related

Did JIDF send their retard division again?

that is why worshipping a dead jewish rabbi as a god is BASED amirite?

There's no contact poison here, its just them getting what they want, and we'll pay the bloody costs. Because that's what we do.
I'm not sure which is more pathetic - that you'd try to shill that angle here, or that I'm not sure it wouldn't work on some of the nitwits who've been attracted to this board since the election.


Have a bump crew

This all just happened with the embassy decision.
Clearly that is the cause, they want to d&c the board so we don't support it.
The smart kikes who run the shills teams know it's a death sentence for them and are recoiling in shock, hence the SB/jidf faggots piling in here.
It's pretty fucking simple.
Again Should make it clear the real feelings Trump has on this matter. He's doing the usual lip service game we saw in Syria. Pretend to appease the kikes while twisting the knife.

The guy you responded to are all over 4/pol/. Anyone who hates Israel and how their wars have cost Americans must be a Muzzie sympathizer. JIDF are evolving.

user place get way,, way to much press during the election and then HWNDS. What happened/ The REAL newfags remained on cuckchan, the ones who just had been on cuck since late primary or so came here,,

Don't worry, user. With time–that is, unless the Jews REALLY SHUD IT DOWNI

Debate what? You being an illiterate newfag? There's nothing to debate there.

You think that if it weren't for jewish shills who supposedly oppose, we'd support the embassy move and stand with Israel?

the question, H4XX0R, is where it's coming from. They incorporate many different shill styles, and I have no idea what they hope to accomplish by being this obvious

Ntrepid observation




Jesus fucking Christ dude we get it. Everyone else is shills but you.

Its amazing to watch these narratives being pushed.

Its coming from the one place few here want to admit - its coming from the administration. They had to know we'd hate this, so they've got their top guys in here shilling the fuck out of the thread because its all they've got at this point - there is no way anyone with any historical knowledge of jewry/israel, anyone who was on Holla Forums before Trump announced his campaign, would possibly support this, and they know it.
Its full-blown damage control, and probably a fair measure of legitimate ZOG shills to boot, as well as libshit shills just trying to rustle people and create real D&C.
The jews play all sides.

I'm just a ordinary jew hating polack like you, fellow nazi


How is moving the embassy 30 miles such a gigantic deal?

They are not opposing it directly, that would be too obvious. They always try to distance Holla Forums from any move that supports trump, same tactic they have used all year. Notice the loudest posts about trump are always calling him a kike or shabbos or wallposting.jpg etc? The rest of Holla Forums usually just ignored or discusses the action instead of bitching about trump to try create negative connotation.

The difference between a true user and them is anons discuss the actions, consequences and possibilities, they just attack the messenger. It's painfully obvious and this is just yet another wave of that shitty, reddit-tier tactics. They think it works here, but it just makes them glow in the dark.

Good ol' metal gear

Yeah, all 51 posts deep. Why do we even have mods?

You're a shill nigger, post more big-tit anime. Or did you run out already?

The second video was hot. Thank you, user.

Well Satan, thats because he in that move legitimizes Jerusalem as under 'rightful' Jewish rule.
Before the final verdict had still not been made but once completed, the move would be like pissing into an open wound. The mudslimes are going to literally explode over this.

Ok, so he provokes Palestine to attack israeli lands. Hopefully all the sandniggers and (((sandniggers))) will kill each other off, depopulating the area. Fuck them.
Peace in the Middle East.

Kinda like my point


Checked for even more foul.

so why do it at all then ?

There isn't really any way to spin this for someone who is supposed to be putting America first. This is a pants down retarded thing to do.

Not only rightful, but ETERNAL.

Say it again with me Holla Forums:
The Eternal Capital of the Jewish People, Jerusalem

user, do you know why this embassy move is supposed to be a bad thing? The shills refuse to make an argument.


I heard that Jerusalem has fewer gays than Tel Aviv, maybe it's to keep the disinfectant costs down?

You don't even understand what a colossal cluster fuck this creates for them. The dumb NPC-tier kikes think it's great. If it's so great for them, why are all the shills here?
Explain that one.

sorry friend but if you do not know the argument then you must be shill

Because that is what the kikes want to do. Remember, your enemy is ideologically driven too. They're driven by their Talmud and Torah and these things make them predictable.
Ultimately moving their capital from Tem Aviv to Jerusalem doesn't harm us. But it does make Israel and indeed the Jews in general look like repulsive imperialists to the rest of the world. And it harms Israel's relations with its Arab (and Turkish) neighbors.

Damage control.

You mean for us nigger. Are you REALLY trying to push this angle of 'Trump is luring them into a trap!' bullshit? I'm fucking amazed you'd have the gall to try to pull such a thing, here of all places.

God damn you are fucking disgusting m8. A true blue kike shill, I tell you hwat.

Κωνσταντινούπολη πότε;

It's nice to see real Holla Forumsacks finally revolt. The board has become practically unreadable since the election, especially about the last four months or so. Back to my usual lurking now.

If you're going to shill here, you should at least familiarize yourself with what you're defending.

Yes, it does, just like the Balfour Declaration harmed us, just like their continued presence there harms us.
You're being totally disingenuous.
As you say, our enemies are ideological too, and what do you think the Muslims think when they see America doing such a thing, eh?

More muzzie hostility toward the West, more justification for false-flag terror attacks, more justification for wars in sandland to protect/expand Israel. You talk about predictable, but you think this is Trump luring Israel into a fucking trap, when in reality, its Israel luring us into a fucking trap.

I'll check you back

I think it's because it legitimizes isreals claims on Jerusalem.

The shills here are the ones defending it and Israel, and are obviously outsiders, like you showed yourself to be with

TBH, any American retarded enough to go to Europe as a tourist right now gets what they deserve. I mean, at some point people have to be responsible for the consequences of their own stupidity.

Hezbollah is literally the only force in the world physically fighting the kikes. As much as I hate muzzies, I hate kikes more as their subversion of the west as been MUCH worse than anything muzzies have done.

Good post Crew, liked and upvoted. Have a bump

well shit.

Checked for this is it m8, this is where the line must be drawn.
If you're going to delude yourself with chess memes, you might be able to buy this shit - but anyone who knows the score sees right through this, anyone who knows the history sees it for what it is, and this shit is bad jews for all of us, and totally anti-America First.

This doesn't benefit America in the least, makes many people hate us deeply (moreso than before, at least), and its a huge boost of morale to the kikes who feel like they've gotten the go-ahead from their attack dog to do whatever the fuck they want.

The Eternal Capital of the Jewish People, Jerusalem
is some old-school hate-creating shit man, ala

Except its not out-gunned christian warriors behind those walls, its sniveling kikes with us-bought military hardware, smirking at the thought of raping and pillaging their way back to true power in the region. And Trump just gave them a big thumbs up in terms of the legitimacy of their actions.
This will also, mind you, tear apart his support base - his zionist supporters and meme-fags will continue to blindly support him, while those with a bit more of the knowing will see this and say "welp, so much for that", and rightly so.


I knew this was coming. You know what they'll think? They'll think about how much they hate us and probably drive a truck or two through a Christmas crowd.
So nothing at all changes. and between you and me, the more terrorist attacks by Muslims in the West the better. Nothing wakes people up to the cold hard truth about multiCULTuralism than the constant threat of being murdered by Muslims

Good. More of that please. Also more of it to Israel. This is great.
How? How does moving their capital = more wars?
How is Israel luring Trump into a trap when Trump literally just said they can do the most repulsive thing to the planet?

1 in 10 posts in this thread are this post. He has posted NOTHING but spammed images and accusations of others being part of a given shill contingent.


The elephant in the room is Russia. Now they are absolved of implications in the election bullshit, they're on good terms and the public are fatigued by the constant muh Russia narrative.
Russia backs Syria. Kikes are at war with Syria. If sunni +Shia and other factions unite it's a perfect time for Syria to get some revenge. USA will not get involved because Russia and sheer volume of middle east factions Vs ISISrael. Not their problem. Lefties are sick of the kikes because pallywood and the right are sick of them because deep state. Public opinion will not be there for ISISrael.
This all has carefully began to isolate them.

Can you answer 2 questions for me and I will answer your question fully and in detail such that will make sense to you.

a. Your age. If under 18 just put 18 or 19.

b. your apex IQ if it has ever been tested or SAT scores.

Phone posting and autocorrect you nigger.

yeah, after all this Qanon shit and the pumping and dumping the shills are constantly doing Trump is probably doing to go down as a bigger liar than Obama. I like the only things most of the shills can constantly parrot is "he's brought back the economy", really ? how much does he really have to do with that and if it's true it's probably only because they thought someone real might have been in protecting Americas interests but they guy just gets more and more shit like another George Bush every day.

Twice in your post, I guess you didn't pay close enough attention in JIDF training.

More hostility directed at us, amongst other issues of longer-term concern.

Bullshit nigger, you're playing the same shill game you niggers always do.
Totally fucking disingenuous garbage.
And as for your 'cold hard truth' shit? Its all part of the jew plan you fucking idiot! Why do you think they push it so hard, for shits and giggles? They WANT us to come to hate muzzies and not them, because that motivates us EVEN MORE towards going into sandland when these mudfolk fucking attack us, or when jews do it and make it look like they did.

No, its not, and you're playing right into Israel's desires. You're either stupid or a shill.

You're being very disingenuous here, but I'll bite.
How? Here's how, you foul nigger: More hostility - you already acknowledged this will happen - leads to more terror attacks, or false flags.
Israel WANTS the US invested militarily in the ME, so they'll try to help those attacks along whenever possible - it aids their interest.
So something wherein the kikes get what they want - a big moral boost to their people and a sign of support from a super-power in their 'eternal struggle' - AND which creates more aggression from muzzies towards Israel/the West? Fucking perfect for Israel - they're happy to see muzzies shipped in (they often help) to your lands, to attack you, at which point you get buttmad at muzzies, and as 9/11 demonstrated, that can easily turn into war against muzzies, which serves Israel too.
Are you fucking serious?
How is Israel luring Trump into a trap by getting Trump to do exactly what they want, which not only doesn't serve American interests but harms them, draws more hostility to America, that hostility being what has previously drawn America into wars in the ME?
I fucking hate you people.

Hurr durr why aren't people sucking Trump's cock? They must be shills.

(((they've))) been pushing this narrative since the election. It's just the 4d chess narrative repackaged.

Don't get too use to it. I'm the mods will start mass banning soon. They've got to keep the kike narrative up.

It's funny how much Holla Forums has changed since the election: word filters, mass bannings for hurting the mods fee-fees, kike and GOP defending. It really is a shithole now.

This issue alone will hugely divide his base.
I fucking hate Israel, its the biggest thing in terms of my questioning support for Trump.
This I cannot ignore, and will not. He's lost me. There's pretty much no way to come back from this for me, and others can whine about me 'shilling' in saying so, but this is Balfour Declaration-tier to me, this is too far into the kikes' corner, and seeing all these faggots trying to ply it off as Trump luring the Israelis into some sort of trap is absolutely detestable.
I hope this passes quickly, because there's no way I'm going to hang around listening to a bunch of ZOGbots spewing chess memes at me for any length of time on this one.

Fuck the muzzies. Fuck Israel. Fuck the kikes. Fuck the entire fucking Middle East, and fuck any American/Western leader who tries to exacerbate that clusterfuck of mudfolk and kikes to no American gain.

Erdogan is already using this as an ideological battle that affects all muslims. Trump is killing the kikes and they don't even know it. Actually the zionists do, but Trump is so well surrounded with pro-jew sentiments, mostly by selling his own family to them they don't know how to call him out.

And how about the poor motherfucker there on a business trip?

as one of those motherfuckers who has spent the night on the floor in the corner of both DGQ and Ataturk airport for business in order to try to keep my miserable fucking job, could easily have burned my ass. alive

How is he killing the kikes?
Are you suggesting the US will not intervene if Israel feels even the slightest pin-prick?

The only people (>implying jews are people) Trump's killing with this are American goyim who will end up dying in wars to protect the jews.

he's done such a massive blackflip since he got in to office, I remember before he got in he was ok to admit that sometimes the US has done badly overseas and then 6-8 months later he's given speeches that might as well have been written for him by Bibi himself.

Eh, if you look at the AIPAC speech, its not like he was hiding it before, but I distinctly remember that speech, I remember the folks in the threads responding to it, I remember the narratives of 'this is just a ploy to win the kike vote, he'll never do it!'… and now, here we are.

And this is bad because how exactly? What? Did you want to befriend Muslims?

Not an argument.

Again, are you friends with Muslims? Are you afraid Muslims will hate us? Oh dear!

Because they're Kikes.

Life is a bit more complicated than you seem to think it is.


Against what? Iran? Who exactly do you think Israel is worried about? Not Suadi Arabia, not Syria, not Egypt. They have them under control. So it must be Iran. Iraq is destroyed, Turkey is already part of NATO, the rest are garbage.

That's why I have hope. The Jews want this because they are Jews even though it makes everyone hate them. You aren't able to think in the big term. But I and others are and we realize that if your enemy wants to do something that makes the world hate them, you let them do it.

Maybe when you grow up you'll realize this.

Yes. Boomers and neocons will scream for it but it won't happen. US is not going to spill their blood for Israel. Unless they pull of another masterplan 9/11 2.0.

I'm fucking done with you you disingenuous shilling piece of shit. I just fucking laid out how and what the fuck was going on here, and you just sidestepped that shit so fucking hard your yamulke must have fallen the fuck off your ugly little greasy kike head.
Kill yourself, for your disingenuous nature and your underhanded kike bullshit.

Which means that's what'll have to happen. It didn't stop them before, it won't stop them now.

If American soldiers are dumb enough to follow orders to that effect, then maybe it's better if they do die.

Or maybe it'd be better if we just didn't have all this kike bullshit running rampant in our society.

Checked, and possibly.

Btw, I couldn't help but notice that you are worried about more terrorist attacks (aka the REAL symptoms of multiculturalism)
I take it you'd rather there were no terrorist attacks.
In otherwords, you want Muslims and Whites to get along without violence.
So why exactly are you here?
If you don't like multiculturalism, you would want more things that make people uncomfortable in it. Why would anyone fight for change unless the state of life is bleak?

No. You just ranted and raved and demonstrated that you are a small minded pleb.

Accelerationism is the way forward. More terrorism is good. More violence is good. more rioting is good. If something makes Muslims want to kill Jews more, I am all for it.

I don't disagree, but if the guys running the armed forces don't want to stop it and they want to keep going along with it, let 'em die. Ultimately, they have the power in this equation.

So the embassy move makes the kikes happy because of their schizophrenic beliefs, but is bad in every possible way in the real world?


Your narrative is that this will make the world hate the kikes… The world already hates the kikes, and it won't do shit as regards the West.
You claim these terror attacks will be good, they will awaken people to multiculturalism… But the kikes have been pushing these muzzies into our lands and its not so we'll hate multiculturalism, its so we'll hate muzzies and be more willing to fight them AND so we'll be more sympathetic to the kikes in their fighting against muzzies.

You are fucking disgusting, a lying sniveling little kike shill who weaves and bobs to keep his shitty narratives afloat, ducking and deflecting any argument he can't contend with.

More muzzie terror:
- kills more whites
- can be used to get us into wars with them
- creates sympathy for israel in dealing with them
- does not meaningfully degrade multiculti narrative, as kikes will just shift the narrative to "except muslims", at least for as long as it takes to get their greater israel

The state of life is bleak because jews. This won't make us more-likely to combat jews, it will make us and israel more likely to experience hostility from muzzies - which aids the israeli efforts to gain sympathy for their battle against muzzies to create greater israel.

This isn't accelerationism, this is quite-literally the plan the jews have been concocting all along.
Its explicitly what they want, and they want it because it serves all of their interests, and none of ours. And you're cheering it on, with weak narratives about how "just wait go-er, guys, this will totally come back to bite them and not us! just watch!".
Fucking disgusting, you scabbrous faggoty shill kike cunt.

Absolute bullshit. This is the degree of newfag/shill we have going on in this thread.
What the FUCK happened here!?

Yes, its bad in every possible way in that it gives the kikes EXACTLY what they want as goes drumming up sympathy for them and support against the muzzies in military conflict, and as a bonus creates the perfect environ to justify a muzzie-terror false flag to drag the US back into the sands.

That's the best you have, chaim?
You faggots always use the same, tired old shit when you can't debate the points.




I fail to see the problem here.

Shut the fuck up you worthless shill nigger, you're the faggot claiming US will drop Israel because of the prospect of conflict with Russia/muzzies and that's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.

Its not poison. That's the problem.
I asked for big-titties anime you fucking stooge.

Have you done anything in this thread but shitpost and shill?

Shills going all-out and dusting off their old propaganda to retweet on twitter again. Really sick of these Trump+Israel shills.


There are posters here openly defending Israel, one even posted a video of a Palestinian trying to kill a jew, and implied there's something wrong with that. Do you think that's organic and not shilling by outsiders?


Public are sick of wars and sick of hearing about Russia. The leftfags who hate trump hate ISISrael becuz muh pallywood, the aut right faggots are majority-wise aware of the deep state. I don't know many people beyond boomer faggots who actually support the kikes these days. If you think that's going to be favourable for starting a war to support them, you're fucking retarded. Did you listen to at all?

Of course it's organic, goy

Wrong. The world doesn't yet hate the kikes enough. That's the key and that is what this dynamic might change. If you hadn't noticed there's a LARGE fucking portion of muzzies allied with the sunni gulf states who are fighting on behalf of the jews.

A shia/sunni united front is more difficult to broker than even a peace deal between Israel/Palestine. If Trump can accomplish that, by giving the muslims the one thing that can unite them in a cause that directly relates to their prophet - then he is indeed the ultimate deal maker.

Yes but not this fast and sudden, and not when the US is slipping away from interventionism on behalf of jews. If you hadn't noticed the zionist media isn't exactly jumping with joy with this news because they know this will be condemned universally by the muslim world and that's the one thing they were trying to prevent.

Read this guy's post. He summed it up well.


Checking for satans synagogue

Pretty much this. The argument that more terrorism is good for whites because it might (MIGHT) radicalize them is beyond retarded. What it actually serves is giving the neocon/kike military machine an excuse to expand surveillance, curtail speech, and get involved in more overseas fuckery.

It's interesting how in one breath you say that the world already hates kikes so whatever they do no matter how repulsive will not matter… then you turn about face and kvetch about Muslims hating us more and that will be a problem for some reason.

Then you say that the kikes want multiculturalism so we'll hate Muslims more than them (which is one part of their plan but not incorrect) and yet you ignore the fact that the reason why White nationalism is growing is because the kikes are doing this.

After a slew of nigger tire non-arguments you get to the good stuff.

So? Most victims of terrorism are city dwellers. Chances are that they're liberal trash who don't deserve to live. And irregardless, more terrorism wakes more people up.
Prove me wrong.

There is an average of one terror attack per week in Europe. If it goes up to 1.1 will we get into a war? And with who?

No it doesn't. Jews are responsible for this. It's easy to point this out.

You're really dumb you know. It does destroy the narrative. It has created a nationalist backlash against the Jews the likes of which didn't exist before the rapefugee crisis. You must like in a cabin in the woods.

Never inturrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

And ultimately it doesn't matter that you don't understand what's going on. Nor would it matter if I really believed that Trump was a crypto Aryan or if I believed that he was a traitor. Our opinions on an anonymous image board are irrelevant to policy makers. However it is interesting.

Anyway, take your pills and calm down. Throwing a temper tantrum on an anonymous image board seems the height of stupidity to me.

No idea it's jewy as fuck though. At least a few of the replies are calling him out but there's something really sketchy about that account and his followers.

Satan is such a liar

This is all you've got, 'muh big picture', but your big picture is nothing but bullshit.
Fucking disgustingly underhanded bullshit.

Daily Reminder that the Samson option exists and JFK never left Dallas.

Because the kikes don't own our media, right? Because 9/11 didn't happen, right?
God damn, so fucking disingenuous.
No, because that meme stopped making sense fucking forever ago.

I thought making someone hate you more had no effect?

Yeah, there's a large contingent of US soldiers fighting for the jews as well, but they don't know that, that's the point. Same goes for the muzzies.

So let me get this fucking straight….
You think Trump is going to unite the fucking Shias and the Sunnis? THATS your fucking narrative here?! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!? When did these morons and/or kike shills start streaming the fuck in here?

I take it back: The narrative that the US would drop Israel over the prospect of conflict with Russia/muzzies is now the second most retarded thing I've heard from you, this "Trump will unite Religion of Cuck™!" shit takes the fucking cake.

There is ZERO indication of this.
Because media kikes never lie, right? And I haven't seen any 'zionist media' - which is basically fox jews and outlets like Alex Jones - upset about this in the least.
What I HAVE seen is thousands of jews at an AIPAC convention giving the prospect a standing fucking ovation.

That faggot has been shilling his ass off in the same innane veins as you this whole fucking thread you daft disgusting cunt.

Just leaving this here too as it's a little relevant

Will this really alienate the Middle East that badly? Remember that the new Saudi heir seems to be less hostile than his predecessors, and none of the other Middle Eastern countries are in a position to attack Israel (and by proxy NATO.) Iraq and Syria are too busy fighting a civil war, North African countries are shit, and Iran already hates Israel. What am I missing?

I guess losing Syria really shattered your shitters.

what a get!

Whoa whoa whoa - that was YOUR argument nigger, in the vein of it not making any significant difference if the muzzies - and the world - hates us more.
YOU said that.
I laid the reason out very clearly for you, you've not made any argumentation to alter that claim.

In any case: The world DOES hate kikes… And they aren't inclined to take any action on it, specifically and especially because, as demonstrated in this case blatantly, the US backs the kikes. And nobody wants to fight the US militarily, no major power at least.
The world AND the muzzies will hate us more, as well as hating the kikes more - and I've already been over, REPEATEDLY, you fucking scabbrous faggot, how that will be a problem for us, and how it serves the kikes.

No, kikes want multiculturalism because it gives them a nice place to live, they want muzzies because they know muzzies and because muzzies hate us (mainly for helping them) and that because muzzies are muzzies and hate us they will attack us, which will make us dislike muzzies (but, thanks to careful jewish manipulation of the narrative, it can be argued that "multiculturalism is fine - just not with muzzies"), which aids the kikes who also want to attack muzzies, to serve their own ends.
Dude, the West already expresses more hatred for muzzies than kikes. We're already there. Its not to make us hate muzzies more than them, its just to make us hate muzzies more, so we'll be more keen on attacking them. I laid this out very clearly, and you're too fucking slimey to acknowledge it.
I have seen no evidence to suggest White nationalism is growing. I have seen a strong media push, aided by controlled-op ZOG-friendly organizations, to present White nationalism as thing, and the entire US government - TRUMP INCLUDED - came out to disavow and call it the most evil thing in the world.
You're a fucking shill.

And there we have it, the give-away line. You're a shill.

The fuck are you talking about you shilling imbecile?
And seriously, have you done ANYTHING in this thread besides shitpost and shill for ZOG?

Your disregard of those crypto jews in the gulf speaks volumes. Also calm the fuck down nigger.

>Yeah, there's a large contingent of US soldiers fighting for the jews as well, but they don't know that, that's the point. Same goes for the muzzies.

Comparing apples to oranges won't help. Let the sunni muslims see their state shilling for war amongst themselves when their prophet's holy city is being besmirched by jews and christians. See what happens.

Yes. At first it was just a suspicion but the more I think about it the more sense it makes. Trump KNOWS this will bring ire of the Religion of Cuck™ic world. He's not that dumb. He is also driving a foreign policy of less intervention abroad. He has let Assad win in Syria. What does that tell you?

Why isn't the media sucking Trump's dick then? If Trump is such a good goy shill who just delivered the zio endgoal on a platter why have they sic'd a special council on him and have been driving the media's wrath on him where he is leading with record low approval numbers? Make sense of that.

I am loving how mad you are.

(((53)) (((JIDF)))
Why can't you call them ISISrael, chaim?
Samson option sure will garner mass public support eh. I hope you kikes use it. Please do, it'll be the very last thing you ever do. Jews erased from the planet at the expense of some shithole cities, sounds like a great bargain.
You are bad at this and need to learn2syria before you come and shill here.
You can't even grasp the fact that moving the embassy there shits on the entire mudslimes as a whole and brings the heat from them onto the kikes. A united mudslime is a problem, just like a united Holla Forums or united EU vs kikes is also an issue.

Obviously the media is playing 4D chess against Trump by merely pretending to hate him, and not the other way around because TWO SCOOOPPSSS

Your image makes me cringe.

This is a known false quotation that in the supposed same letter used "Nazi's" 75 years before they even existed.


Trump's destruction of ISIS means Israel and KSA are desperate for war with Iran NOW, before Iran's strongest potential allies Syria and Iraq can recover from the Syrian war.
Trump is backing new Saudi regime and letting them escalate war in Yemen and moving Israel Capital in order to provoke Iran. He's trying to let them start a cataclysmic war where all the Kebab remove eachother.


That was you. Did you forget?

No. You just screamed and ranted and said that you were worried that this would create more terrorist attacks against Whites (and Jews) and this was bad for some reason.
Actually no. It's not bad. Just like more Black rioting is not bad because it wakes up Whites.

That's because their lives aren't threatened ATM. And btw, the world does NOT hate kikes. If the world hated kikes, true hatred, then there would be no Israel. No kikes anywhere.
Most of the world outside of the Mid East is apathetic towards the Jews. But this is changing for the better. Multiculturalism is causing a backlash against the Jews the likes of which has not been seen since the 30s.

Oh no! How horrible! Your Muslims friends will unfriend you!
I have no Muslim friends and I don't want any. I want Whites to wake up and retake control of our nations. That won't happen unless we're pushed into a corner. Which you don't want for some reason…

You keep arguing that more terrorist attacks is bad because it makes Whites hate Muslims. Yet you ignore the fact that anti-semitism rises with nativism. So you're just a dumbass.

Yeah. Did you just notice this?

There is one terrorist attack per week in Europe. How many more need to happen before this war of yours begins?
It really is amazing how stupid you are. Tell me, do you want a Europe where your Muslim friends and Whites get along and there are no terrorist attacks?
More terrorist attacks, more rioting, more corruption is good. It destroys confidence in the System.
Give me one reason why destroying confidence in the System is not a good thing.

As I stated before. You're an idiot.

What disregard?
No kike, fuck you.

Its not - the Sunnis scum don't know they're fighting for ZOG anymore than most American soldiers do. Its comparing apples to apples.
How bout you just fucking say what you're trying to imply you slimey kike faggot, eh?

Jesus Fucking Christ you are either the dumbest fuckwit on the planet or the worst fucking shill I've ever seen.

Faux Jews is sucking it 24 hours a day m8.
He did.
Anything actually come of that? No? There's your answer. Good to see its working on the plebs though.
Do… Do you think that means anything? Holy shit, the media is kvetching about Trump! Stop the fucking presses!
Come on now faggot, that's just silly.
Libshit media is going to attack him forever because they have to in order to keep their narratives going, which is how they manipulate their viewership. Cuckservative media cups Trumps balls and suckles them once an hour.
Your narrative is trash and you're stupid.

Disgust and anger are not the same, jew. Just because you vermin can get shat on with a smile doesn't mean the rest of us like having conceptual feces splashed at us, and your narratives are some of the most retarded and low-grade shill bullshit I've ever fucking seen.

… Trump's going to unite the Muslims! Pffthahahahahahaha…

You could make the same argument for any politician. The jew-controlled right-wing media will support it, and the jew-controlled left-wing media will attack him no matter what. That's how they keep us all on the goyim plantation.

Calling it now Trump is the false prophet mentioned in Revelation, there is zero reason to move the US embassy in Israel, this is either the beginnings of Israel trying to rebuild the temple or Israel trying to spark another war in the middle east. One thing is for certain Trump has abused confirmation bias since day one and has now blinded people with patriotism. People get caught up in the semi-religious fervor and forget to be suspicious of everyone even those who claim to have their best interests at heart.

Why are you playing the "why can't you call this x!?" game, shill?
ISIS is Israel, so, here's your ISISrael faggot.

Hahahaha, holy shit what the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know what that option IS? The idea that you'd bring up 'public support' in the context of the fucking Samson option is just…. Delightfully retarded.

Yeah, dipshit, thats kinda the fucking idea… Jesus Christ, are you really this fucking stupid?

If you have a narrative to express, express it. You come off like that Q-user faggot as it stands.

I got that.
No, you dumb little nigger, onto the kikes AND ONTO US. And the muzzies fucking hate each other as much as the kikes at this point, you dumb cunt.
Hah, yeah, it might fucking be, but the likelihood of it happening is basically nil.

Actually it was your fucking argument you sniveling kike faggot.

I have no inclination to engage with you further after you pulled out the ol "oy vey goy take ya pills and cahlm down!".

Woah there schlomo tone it down with the semitism will ya? this is Holla Forums not a synagogue!!

Oh shit, I had to touch on this bit though.
See this? This is how these niggers play.

You're clearly mentally unsound. So it's logical to assume you take medication.

Anyway, you claim that White nationalism is not growing. So essentially you're claiming that all hope is lost? Is this so? Is this the last gasp before death in your opinion?

Anyone who doesn't agree with me is a kike! Grow up child.

And that is what this dynamic might change. Perhaps they will stop fighting each other when they see the kikes rubbing their mutilated dicks all over their holy land. Erdogan is already talking about it.

top lel

You are the most triggered I've come across on 8/pol/ by far. Keep it up.

Barely. Fox fought him openly during the debates. Now they're forced to by conservatives, but anything a Trump scandal breaks they shill it as much as CNN. The management of Fox is allied with the rest of the kike media. The fact that you'd even suggest Fox is pro-Trump, ignoring openly anti-Trump shills they put on like Shephard Smith just shows how out of touch you are.

Really..great we're still in the Paris Treaty right? He's telling us all to believe the good goy media right?

God damn you're dumb as fuck.

It makes his admin look illegitimate. His campaign people are being charged left and right. Why would they try that on their good goyim?

Something tells me you're looking forward to Mueller impeaching Trump too. You sound like a kike.

Come on now faggot, that's just silly.
Libshit media is going to attack him forever because they have to in order to keep their narratives going, which is how they manipulate their viewership. Cuckservative media cups Trumps balls and suckles them once an hour.
Your narrative is trash and you're stupid.

Libshit media is going fucking ham. Getting shit out there to flat out impeach him. Fox never tried that during Obama years. All pretenses of neutrality in the media is gone and Trump repeatedly tells his base to not trust the lying media.

How does the masses openly rejecting the media, which Trump is fueling massively, help the ZOG?

All sandniggers have mutilated dicks, user.

As retarded as he is, "take your pills" is goon bullshit. Tread lightly.

holy fug
are we posting in an ashes thread?

Wait muzzies too? Shit.

Trump already ditched israel by defunding the Syrian "rebels" and throwing their dream of "Greater Israel" into the dumpster like the abortion it is.

Yep. Muslims, kikes, all semites. They all mutilate their dicks, rape goats and children. It's a race-wide thing. The jew/muslim false dichotomy is just that: bullshit.

Well some people really do need medication in order to function. Retards like shouldn't be allowed to breed lest they further corrupt the gene pool

Ad homs are worthless. Call him out on his anti-Trump bullshit instead.

like clockwork user, like clockwork

He just said Trump delivered the endgoal of all zionism to them. That made me kek. Holyshit.

Where's Greater Israel? Before that they need Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey broken down into smaller feuding countries. That's not going to happen anymore. And they were going to get it too under Clinton.

This is a good thing my fellow pepes. The Based God emperor is pissing off the mudshits. Hopefully he can get based patriot Oliver North to help out as well.

While they generally are worthless if done creatively they are very effective. It's one of the primary ways Trump won the election

One of the primary, it was coupled alongside more confident alpha personality and populist policies at a time when people were looking for an outsider.

(((BASED ISRAEL))) faggots will shill you are a muzzie no matter what.
The same people pushing "you are not white threads" will do this.

You fucking idiot, you are so stupid you don't even understand, go angerpost on reddit or something.
Moving the embassy will unite the shitslimes against the kikes, they do that themselves. Trump is the initial impulse of momentum. The kikes vs shitslam does the rest.

I sure do know what it is. They have ~200-400 nukes.
Assuming approximately half of them can be launched at EU/US cities (rest are jet delivered), probably a further half will be intercepted, 50-100 cities get the nuke. In return, ISISrael is glassed completely. It's a tiny shithole so that will be the end of them. If 50-100 cities get nuked in exchange for no more kikes, it'll be great and a worthy bargain. Less casualties than WW2, and no more kikes. The remaining kikes will be DOTR'd at this point too you have to realize. We win when the kikes samson.
Muh suitcase nukes are basically meme and easily detected. They also are small yield, so worst case minimal damage, few blocks and some fallout which will kill more than the blast.
Nukes also need replenishing as the tritium degrades over a few years, so suitcase nukes are not really an easily maintained strategy. But you're a dumb, angry megaphone faggot dealing with Holla Forums, your worst nightmare, so you don't know this. To be honest you sound like an auzzie kike and a useless city faggot.

Fox news hated trump before the election and immediately after, until they realized they have to support him for ratings and to make the kike media look (((impartial))) explains this better than I.
Again, you're new, or you'd have seen this and know about it already and this wouldn't be a discussion at all.

Quote where I said Trump will directly unite the muslims. Do it, faggot.
You're using circular arguments. Read the fucking posts and comprehend them before writing horse shit.
►No one but boomers and JIDF faggots like ISISrael.
►Russia will back Syria and indirectly Iran vs ISISrael as they have the last 2.5+ years
►Trump will ditch ISISrael because no one will support WW3 over ISISrael
►Trump has already openly bitched about paying for ISISrael and them supporting terror. Again, listen to fucking instead of ignoring it you faggot.
►Trump ditched them already in Syria because ISIS is now basically acting as civillians to stay alive, with only the kurdniggers left

It looks pretty obvious to me that 1) Putin and Trump are working together 2) They are pro normie for every country whether its SA Israel or wherever else and they are going to burn the zionists/banker types and try to save everyone else.

God this will be great. It will lead to the expulsion of all jews from the west. Samson option will be nothing but their own demise.

Being anti-Trump isn't bad though. So long as one deals in facts rather than consensus trance bullshit. I simply do not believe that Trump is a crypto Aryan. He strikes me more of an opportunist than a hero… or in other words, he is an agent of chaos neither good nor bad. Willing to use nationalism for his benefit while not being too concerned about the future of our race as we are.
The trouble with this debate is that both sides are convinced that the other are Jewish shills. Or at least the hard line anti-Trumpers seem convinced that anyone who opposes them are Jews and the reverse is also true to an extent.
But this doesn't make sense to me because this is an irrelevant issue. Regardless whether or not Trump is a genius anti-Semite or a dumbass collaborator who doesn't know how to geopolitics, our opinions here are pretty irrelevant. None of us is in a position to influence policy making and even if we were, I doubt Trump would listen to anyone other than himself.

Jews have always made the same mistake over and over again. They always bite off more than they can chew. Every fucking time they manage to get into power, they always push too far and end up paying the price for it. It's why they've been kicked out of 119 nations.

For your first point. I have said for almost a year that we all have to watch when Trump starts enacting laws allowing citizens from all over the country to own and carry weapons. This is a precursor to removing welfare programs because we all know what nogs are going to do when their gibs get taken and you have to allow the public to defend itself. Conceal and carry bill across all state lines up at the plate right now. Trump has shown plenty of bias towards whites in America but you are right hes not just going to remove the minorities and this is what you get when you vote instead of taking your country back the old fashioned way.

wtf do you even call this? Dubs double trips?

Except 9/11 was only possible because of the lack of portable cameras and a solidly controlled media. Compare 9/11 to Vegas. The official Vegas narrative was already being doubted by regular people a week after it happened. A new 9/11 would have to be perfectly executed, which is simply not possible.

No I don't doubt Trump is biased towards Whites. I just think Trump is on Trump's side, not ours or the Zionists. He strikes me as an egent of chaos, like a real life version of Petyr Baelish. Which isn't a bad thing.
However I don't think we will not be able to take back America "the old fashioned way.'' The Turner Diaries way. We'll have to play it smart. It'd be great if we could just grab our guns and storm the capital (video related) but the enemy has already thought of that and dedicated 100 years of propaganda to safeguard against that threat. If we rose up and created an Organization dedicated to overthrowing ZOG through force, we'd all end up like Bob Matthiews and his gang. They thought they were revolutionaries, but they were nothing more than terrorists. Unsuccessful revolutionaries are terrorists. Violence will be necessary someday but only when all the pieces are already in place for a successful revolution.
For now, isolating the Jews and rekindling White nationalism (or whatever "ism" one wants to call it for some reason, some people are triggered by "White nationalism") is the key. And if Trump wants to sow chaos, more power to him. I hope he sets himself up as dictator to give the kikes something to worry about.

Mika's shock when she looked at Joe when Trump said "other countries" was fucking priceless. I think they turned on Trump after that.

There was another time when Trump came this close to revealing his powerlevel. It was during one of his rallies where someone in the front row started saying ((((they))) did 9/11. Trump reacted almost as if he agreed with him and signaled him to shush before he was escored out by security. Don't know if someone has that video.

A short war that will wipe out the UN by moving its headquarters to Jerusalem and transforming the city into neutral territory. 666d chess.

Everyone I talk to about Vegas believes something fishy went on. They fucked this up bad.

This has been seen blatantly in Syria a few times, to the point where they fought together (US + RU) in Manbij vs ISISrael and against even the Turks, who sent an armoured column 80km into Syrian territory. At the moment though they are keeping their distance from each other there and now the Turks are (mostly) getting rid of kurdniggers and not helping ISIS as much, while Trump says nothing.

And agreed, the deep state/pedos/CIAniggers/banks are getting fucked. I am awaiting Trump to deliver on his fed promises though. When that happens, the rothskikes are BTFO as per

After this point practically all that will be left to deal with is apefrica. Holla Forums will be rather quiet and we can go back to vidya and shitposting.

My bad

Trump isnt in anyway chaotic. He is very slow and deliberate and he is being helped behind the scenes by patriots who work(ed) in the government who have tried battling the zog for their entire careers. Its been year one, Saudi Arabia has been overthrown. If someone told me this happened a year ago I would take only this and be happy. Seven more to go.

And btw if Americans decided to "storm the capital" there wouldn't be a fucking force on earth that could stop you guys. The biggest danger would be to your troops overseas.

The biggest one was Trump selling SA 200b in weapons and a month later Putin sold them the s400 systems then a month later Tal Aweed faggot gets his comeuppance. I love the Russian / American fake news stories how they are buzzing each other in their planes and kicking each others ambassadors out though. Keeps the normies asleep.

It's gonna take a bigger yid than you to make me take em motherfucker.

If Americans decided to storm the capital, nothing could stop us. That much is true but it's more complicated than that. Never in all of history have 100% of the people ever done anything. And right now I doubt that we could get more than a few hundred people who would actually commit (if we asked them to). Millions sympathize with us, but how far are they willing to go? Would they risk breaking a federal law (against revolt)?
In otherwords, to determine how likely a successful revolt is, you have to ask yourself how many people would be willing to die for an idea. And I hate to say it but not enough are ready and that is because they are comfortable where they are.
So in order to convince the lemmings to turn against the System, they need to be made uncomfortable. This is why I callously say that more terrorism is good. It knocks people off the fence.
Even after all our gains, not enough people are willing to say that they want White nationalism or White identity or a White ethnostate. They say they're for restoring the Constitution or for Patriotism or even for American nationalism. And this is certainly an improvement over yesteryear. But more Americans need to recognize that we are White, there is nothing wrong with being White, and that we have a duty to fight for our rights as White people.

If those few of us who are willing to die for our race stormed the capital, the MSM wouldn't have any difficulty in turning the lemmings against us. Our job is to break the power that the MSM has over the lemmings and to rekindle their racial pride. And obviously Trump's attacks on the MSM have been very beneficial and I don't mean to imply that Trump is himself chaotic or spontaneous. But I think he is creating chaos in the System so as to exploit it for some ulterior goal. Maybe he's a crypto Aryan? Or maybe he's got some other goal. Who can say.

Trump said he would do this even before he was elected. It's a little late to get mad.

Perhaps, and bear with me I know it's difficult when ADHD is so yeah. Give Trump a chance to play his hand entirely before jumping off the cock you were so into before the yids tried to put it in your head that this is a good thing for them.
How many times has Trump done something that at least one user has cried jew only for it to turn out not what they wanted and more in lines of getting shit done for the US of fucking A? Skepticism is good but you shouldn't be so quick to put a knife in the fuhrers back just because you aren't in on the details of the plan. Wait until something he does actually screws us before kvetching.
Now back to your regularly scheduled shitposting.

If Hillary got elected there would be a full blown civil war right now. Its not that hard to scare mass amounts of people into fighting the government if you have a few chain of events (false flags that kill no one) go off by other patriots. When you talk about muh media in a civil war scenario you fail to realize they would probably be the very first targets.

We don't even need to think about this anymore since Trump is cleaning house. Focus on redpilling people, I battle liberals in the most liberal part of fucking Canada every single day and they don't say jack fucking cunt back to me when I talk for 3 minutes straight after they try to invoke their vox huffpo bullshit on me.

(WEW fucking witnessed)
I had to watch it twice to make sure it was real.

Do you really think that the U.S would be able to get out of defending Pissrael if this move provokes holy war against them from their neighbors?

You're behind enemy lines user.

If they were your children wouldn't you hate them too? And I don't blame him, not even the devil deserves this.

I am not so sure. Remember, Americans didn't revolt when they elected a globalist nigger (well, maybe I'm giving Obama more credit than is due. He had no ideology other than money but still). The System is fragile to be sure, but I don't think Hillary would have been stupid enough to bumble into a civil war. That's my opinion.
And the media would not be the first targets. To be clear they SHOULD be the first targets. If a civil war does become a reality, please for the love of Kek, if anyone lives wherever George Soros or Sumner Redstone or Jeffrey Bewkes live, KILL THEM!
They need to be taken out immediately or they will use every second to poison the revolution and take control of the narrative. Narratives are of paramount importance in a revolution. Revolutions are as much a contest of will power as of arms. The Kikes who run the MSM are the most dangerous freaks on the planet.
But unfortunately, most Patriots, indeed most National Socialists unfortunately, don't understand the power of the MSM. Remember Von Brunn? He knew what was going on and yet he chose to shoot up a Holocaust museum. Why?!? Why did he do that? Was he ignorant of where Jewish power comes from? I doubt that. I think he just forgot the basics and attacked a building, a symbol rather than an important target or person.
We must never forget that force of arms is meaningless if we fail to choose the correct targets. And right now I am not confident that American Patriots would have the discipline or the knowledge to do so.
So I hope that a civil war is not going to happen next year or even in 5 years. We're not ready. We have too many hotheads and shirkers. And too little organization and direction.

Anyway, you are right. We must continue to redpill people. I can't imagine how frustrating life in Canada must be. I feel lucky now living in the rural east coast USA. I hope to help you liberate your country one day, brother.

Here's the thing with civil revolt against the elites. For one - you need a UNITED peoples who feel some kind of camaraderie and culture with one another. As of right now there is no chance of a civil revolt in US because of how divided the people are. Half of US is staunchly liberal and the other staunchly right wing. At least since Trump era. And the divide between them is too big for them to work on any common cause.

I was reading the salt over SCOTUS upholding Trump's travel ban. They were talking about that decision like us here, storming the capital and drumming up a French style revolution against the GoP scum and elites. It will never work for them because we stand behind the SCOTUS and Trump's GoP.

The same way our revolt against the elites will not work, a huge segment of the popular will stand behind democrats. What I'm saying is that this country is too divided for the kind of capital storming revolution you're talking about.

What needs to happen is a civil war part 2. The winner then storms the capital and shapes the future vision of this country. Either that or we simple agree to split into two countries or become balkanized.

If supporting the kikes = WW3, people sure as fuck won't. Lefties hate them, right hate them, no one likes them but the boomer cucks.

Quality post.

The worst hit part of Canada is Ontario and thats where all the worst shit is happening. The "men" under 35 are mostly numale fags that can't speak without stuttering. I live in the most liberal city in Canada which is in BC and even though people here are insanely commie liberal they aren't cowards and they aren't idiots either. Protip: There is no fluoride in the water here and the majority avoid GMO processed shit.

Every debate I have, and again I have several political talks a day with random people due to my job, I can get at least some agreement in every dialogue and there is never that stereotypical reeeee racistxenophobe shut down the conversation garbage either. Not once have I encountered that. Canadians know what a lot of the problems are but they have been misled as to the cause. The media holds everyone here by the throats and almost everyone buys into it which is problem #1.

Still dark days ahead for us which is the worst feeling in the world but some of us spent thousands of hours getting Trump elected and I know in the end the USA will not accept a caliphate north of them so at some point Canada's hand will be forced. I know Trump has a bunch of juicy shit on Trudeau that gets waiting to release just before our election.

I should correct this and also say the Halifax area in Nova Scotia is being raped to death and no one including (((rebel media))) is talking about whats going on there.

Jerusalem is clearly the shining city on the hill, inhabited by God's chosen people in the promised land, just like the bible prophesied.
This whole Christian Zionism thing makes perfect sense. Usurers like George Soros and Sheldon Adelson will bring about the second coming of christ by living in their magic land. Really solid strategy for conducting foreign affairs there.

You've been pozzed by the commie memes. America is not 50/50. Trump won the popular vote by 70%+. Why do you think the MSM always manipulates crowd sizes and plays up how small conservatives are and how big and powerful liberal America is. You guys are way more powerful then you realize.

Cuckservatives slurp Israel plenty though, and they are in power of (((Congress))) right now. I don't think it would have any support at a civilian level but that won't matter as they will have plenty of support at a (((Government level) to get Zogbots on the ground to defend them. Canada's immigration website broke when Trump won, how long will it stay up when lefties are shitting themselves about to get drafted to die for (((Them)))? It's another Vietnam scenario at a civilian level

shit, fucked up the ((())), will lurk two more years

Oh joy. They're so ridiculous. The French revolution. My god, they really don't know anything about history other than a child's summary.
Anyway, you're right to an extent. However I'd caution against taking too seriously the "liberals" or the "conservatives" and what I mean by that is very few people actually are "liberals" or "conservatives." It's just the kikes have created a culture where you pigeonhole yourself as either one or the other based on whether you vote red or blue. It's like the Deems of the Byzantine Empire. Except these Deems are better thought out with fake political disagreements.
I have every confidence that if only we could get our media out there, many so called "liberals" and so called "conservatives" would drop their fake ideologies and start living for more important values. And I don't mean this in a cute way. I mean that most people are lemmings and will adopt whatever ideology they are exposed to enough. But we have one advantage over the Jewish media. We have the truth.
Everyone knows that Whites are attacked for being White. Everyone knows that when we are a helpless, reviled minority in our own homelands, we will be abused and murdered by vengeful Blacks, Mestizos, and Muslims. At least, everyone with a brain. The reason few oppose the Jewish agenda is two fold.
1. People are afraid of crimethink. They don't know how prevalent opposition to the NWO is. So the media is able to create a false fear of social ostracization if you oppose multiculturalism. Wee need to break this false fear. We need to show the working class that it's okay to want to live with your own kind.
2. Most White Americans simply don't understand how insidious the Jewish stranglehold over America is. Most see a Jewish name and don't even notice all the Cohens and Eisners who seem to own all the media outlets. We need to change that.

I'm really surprised no one has seen this before.


Fullchan getting named almost on the daily now on T_D and that minecraft guy has mentioned us a few times.

it's always easy to tell which issues the shills are actually worried about

I certainly hope that's the case. That cunt Trudeau needs to be brought down. Every second he is PM of Canada is an affront to human dignity. He deserves to die but being ousted will do.

This is fucking brilliant and will have the end result of wiping out all the semites. I am totally for this. This will bring a final resolution to the Middle East problem and the deaths of millions of jews.

This user right, leftyfags still trying there to get us to hate trump but using there autism, lol

not an argument
not an argument
not an argument
lol, look at the weak sorry excuse of a human beings, god you fucking commie are like walking fucking cancer in human form. How did your parents even tolerate you, like I would of fucking cave your skull in with my boot if I knew how you acted and for being mindless weak pussies, every single solitary left wing shit stain are nothing but parasites that feed off of other people, you do nothing to benefit this country or your own community.
Why don't educate yourself and watch this instead of doing your drugs and sitting around on kikebook and other jew run social medias, then after lynch yourself for being a failure. You should of never been brought into this world. You should of been a blowjob

The dude that got fired from the Mueller probe was fired months ago. Note the date on the article. Trump had these card to play waiting for the perfect circumstances to play them and start draining the swamp. I think that's whats happening right now. It's gonna be worldwide, as we've seen with Saudi Arabia. I think on or before this Wednesday some HUGE revelations are going to come out. My reasoning is that there's supposed to be some sort of announcement regarding the US embassy move to Jerusalem. We're also slowly finding out about Israeli intelligence more and more in relation to the corruption in our government. There has been news in the past 2 days of Jared Kushner going to Saudi Arabia. He went there to discuss the creation of a Palestinian state backed by Saudi and other nations. I just feel like there HAS to be something that's going to come out that's going to fuck over Israel. I think by the end of all this we're gonna see the entire ZOG and what they've done be exposed.


Harper wasn't that much better. All 3 parties are fucked. Because Trump cracked down on the Clinton Foundation and other scams behind the scenes lining these fucks pockets they have to accelerate their plans of stealing pensions and wiping out the housing market. Another major Canadian mortgage lender crashed today and will immediately be bailed out but of course no one actually heard about this.

Sorry for typos or poor grammar, tired and going to bed. Burn in hell leftypol and jews


You are retarded if you expect any sort of rebellion. The christcuck board owner and his mossad mods may be our enemies but very few here are capable of independent thought anymore. Also the only means of rebellion would be to build a new chan and I'm sure that no one who is capable would be willing. Praise Jim.

Ive been saying for almost a year that Kushner is going to be the guy who gives all the bad news to Israel. Its why the shills go after him so hard since hes supposedly a member of the tribe. That and he is talking to all those world leaders on Trumps behalf since Trump trusts him the most.

oh yeah, so much bad new for Israel so far

4D chess man, totally.

Just bring on WW3 fam.


Thanks user!

Govt support is meaningless if both main sides of the political spectrum are against it. Trump is against it too, can he veto it? Cuckservatives are boomers and even they are being drowned out these days with a lot of vitriol directed at them from all parts of the spectrum. They wrecked shit and are being noted for this. If it comes to it, that's Holla Forums duty to meme this as needed.

Oh wew, that's fucking ominous and before any of the Russia > ISISrael investigations turned let alone pic 1/Flynn. Typical Trump style too, sneaky sneak leak like that.

Excellent point, this can only work positively on both sides of the scale.

Is everyone who says something mean about Trump's kike club a shill?

Are you retarded? Kushner is absolutely a self-admitted kike. He doesn't deny or hide it. Kushner's heeb family belongs to a group nicknamed the "Holocaust builders" That dumb whore Ivanka converted to judaism so she could marry him. Trump has even bragged about his "beautiful" rodent grandchildren.


quad nines and dub sevens kek demands that tel aviv be nuked

Cadre is real.

Infowars was the first people to go after Kushner. The controlled opposition were trying to contain Trump by going after his family and I do believe they did slow certain things down behind the scenes by doing this. Kushner of course is a very easy target for obvious reasons but if we trust Trump we have to trust his family as well. Kushner will be the guy to tell Israel all of the bad news, he is the only one who has a right to do so.

rumors are going around that the kurds are going to side with assad, at least a good chunk of the ones in Syria, that is.

What makes me take the middle ground on Kushner is the regular jew media going after him. MSM pummels him. Haaretz pummels him. They hit him harder than Richard Spencer. He's just trying to be a good goyim, but when he's attacked by the media jews I have to wonder what's going on.

Lame: Trump knows what he's doing guys, he's going to save America !

Tame: Trump made a few mistakes, but it's all part of his plan. It's 12d chess.

Game: Trump is /ourguy/ and reads SIEGE every night. He's actually an acceleration. He isn't planning to save America, the Trump train cannot be stopped, and he's crashing this train with no survivors. WW3 now ! Let us charge into the nuclear inferno and meet our destiny !

maybe you should have your supervisor preview your posts before you hit reply

Are you really pulling the BASED JEW card? Let me let you in on a little time honored wisdom. I don't know how many times I have to tell you election fags, but


There are no exceptions to this rule. religious jews, secular jews, Zionist jews, nationalist jews, patriotard jews, Republican jews, conservative jews, neocon jews, Democrat jews, liberal jews, banker jews, Hollywood jews, convert jews, jews who have converted to other religions, that little heeb who lives next door to you: all of them are bad.

He isn't going to be giving them any bad news. The Kushners are good friend with the Netanyhus, Bibi even slept in Jared's bed once.

Do you know where Jared and Yael Kushner went before the election? To the grave of the Rebbe. He's a gentile-hating jewish supremacist zionist, not some kind of self-hating crypto-goy that you're pretending he is.

Read what I said. Kushner is the guy going around dealing with China and Russia on behalf of Trump. Every major event the US is involved with around the world is due to Kushner traveling around talking to world leaders. Say you are Trump and you DO want an alliance with Russia and are working indirectly with the Russians right now. What member of your cabinet do you send to talk to Putin and co?

He has to send the one person he trusts 100% since he is still surrounded by people like Pence, Mattis etc that do want him impeached. Kushner is dealing with Russia on behalf of Trump. Kushner is a pure jew which means if the USA is forced to take away from Israel in some way then Kushner is the only man who has the right to give that speech.

Hitlers driver was a jew?

Kushner is Trumps driver.

Fuck off, kike.


I agree jews should be kept at arms length but there are rare exceptions. There's a conspiracyfagjew, mostly unknown who wrote some books about hollow earth theory in the 50s. Anyways he also wrote about celibacy, and with good sources with opinions from well established doctors, philosophers, etc that got me started big time on nofap. And he criticized the fuck out of the medical field changing opinion that unlimited masturbation/sex was good for. He was trying to save everybody with that book and I wish he was more well known.

Also some jews worked for Hitler.

Ive seen this comment 3x today alone. Sounds totally believable!

Meanwhile Trump helped take out Israels ISIS proxy army, hes cut off all of the zogs funding he possibly can through the NFL, Clinton Foundation, Hollywood and even California avocados ffs. He severed the right hand of the zog by taking out Saudi Arabia and is forcing them to carry out their own attacks instead of the USA being Israels attack dog but PLEASE tell me why I should doubt Trump or anyone in his family at this point.

Emil Maurice had a single jewish great-grandparent (still too much), Kushner is a full-blooded Chabad kike.

They already were offered their own governance and turned it down because they got cocky. Obviously they've seen how quickly ISIS/CIA/Mossad got steamrolled and don't want a bar of that now the heat is turning on them. I'll be surprised if Assad lets them however it will totally BTFO ISISrael/USA if they do. Hilarious shit.
Be like xmas for us non JIDF /sg/fags.

This. and makes a good point.
I hate him because he's a kike but the kike media also hates him. I still wouldn't trust him.

Hilarious synchronicity.
Hitler had a kike in the upper echelons of the Reich and a few other places. Even honorary Aryan kikes in command and high places of the SS. One I beleive was 1/2 kike and even used to show the 'perfect Aryan soldier'. Trying to find the image at the moment but can't find it.

It's almost like world leaders and elite businessmen spend time together.
I bet he touched the wall too!

Either way I wouldn't trust him (kushner) but the shitty arguments some use to 'prove' someone is a ISISrael bloodsucker are pretty hilarious. Judge them by their actions. E.g.

No, he and US forces keep getting in the way.
Their ratings have been going down for a couple years now.
The Clinton Foundation works off of reciprocal favors when in power for bribes donated. If Hillary lost the election to Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, or anyone else, the money would have dried up because she wasn't in power.
It just looks like he backed the guy who was willing to petrodollar going with a US-based Aramco IPO instead of just selling the stake to the Chinese and being done with the US. Who knows what was up with that kidnapping stunt they pulled with the Lebanese prime minister.

You'd think they'd at least do a bit of research. Then again, the magapedes might be dumb enough to believe this.


Its pretty clever that they set up Soros as their fall guy so far in advance and of course hes identified as a NAZI and not what he really is. Gotta give em props for this one.

Ya man. Trump has done nothing. All these massive events taking place in such a short period of time would have like happened anyway. Trump slept in Kissingers bed. Were all gonna die from Yael Trumpshner any day now.

pretty much, I think i remember some of their leaders getting wasted recently. also this, from (((reuters))):
“We will witness in the near future the advance of government and popular forces in Syria and east of the Euphrates, and the liberation of Raqqa city,” the senior Iranian official said.

if the kurds don't bend the knee there will be a massive commie asskicking in the near future

It's not about him doing nothing. Who said he didn't do anything? Not me. Why do you jews misrepresent every post on here even though it's documented and linked right in your reply? Is that why your mod teams have to nuke threads so often? You don't like the written record?

Now what do we have here?

Bernie has spoken.

I'm sorry, I'm a tactician far before a politician.

All I see here is a closer perch to put the knife in Israel's heart. Where's the bad?

Read the thread. Most recognize it as overall bad for (((them))) in the long term.

Because Bernie is playing "good kike, bad kike", and pretends to be a critic of his co-racialists in Israel, even though he's anything but.

Bernie is too leftist to the point where he's not with the zionists. IIRC his foreign policy was anti interventionist as well and he rejected AIPAC's invites to speak.

Except we have Bernie's actual voting record on the issues that matter.

Vegas was originally blamed on the "white ISIS convert" in the kosher alt-lite media like Breitbart, Infowars and Pamela Geller. They went with that narrative before they figured out that something had gone wrong and the operation was botched or foiled. That was a big terror attack/false flag.

Are we going to ignore the fact that Steve Picinek (sp) of infowars went on fucking VIDEO and said Trump false flagged vegas?

That should get a fucking sticky for the next year.

Fuckin' checked

A kike, who even Jonestein admits is a liar.

You cant just have someone on your show 3x or more a week for years, agree with him 95% of the time on air and go "ya but I don't actually believe him".

If someone made a quick clip of Alex blaming Saddam for 9/11 on the day it happened and Steve blaming Trump for Vegas you would never have to respond to infowars bullshit again you'd just have to link that video.

Are you defending infowars? I don't think Alex has had him on the show since then. That was an unexpected grenade that Piezenik tossed on live air. AJ's fill in guy went into damage control immediately. That certainly wasn't welcomed by infowars.

It really sounds like you 2 are defending infowars. :)

There's a shit ton of infowars defending going on up in here.

If you're an entertainer whose whole platform revolves around protecting jews and selling penis juice to retards you can.

Steve could have at least talked to him about it beforehand so they could get their lies straight. Alex's was that there was "antifa crap everywhere".

Holla Forums - Unironic Trudea-posting

Can someone post an argument as to how this actually does anything instead of screaming SHILL at each other for the entire thread?

nobody can stop what is coming

"Jones" has been BTFO so many times and is such a fraud I honestly don't understand how he's still there. He constantly "not brags" about how his ancestors were "on the mayflower" or some other /jerkmotion that I do wonder if he and his family is just some kind of illuminati dick sucker faction. It's hard with "Jones" right because he does "woke" people to a certain degree and he can always play that up whilst really being a traitor.

It recognizes all of Jerusalem as Israel's.

it's funny man, I think Ron Paul literally just hung up on him today, he started with some totally framed question about how Trump was lord and savoir and Paul just said "fuckit, click"

Hes not actually going to do it. This just gives him more credibility that he is pro Israel so when certain things happen that makes him look anti jew you can point to how Trump wanted to make Jerusalem the capital so he obviously cant be anti semetic.

He let a kike colonize his daughter's uterus and has won multiple "goy of the year" awards, he doesn't have to do anything else to "prove he isn't anti-Semitic".

as much as I support trump i find jones's constant dick sucking fest a bit much and it sounds like a boss move paul would do

Based Trump giving Israel everything they ask for

Alex got backed into a corner because hes CIA and knows a lot of things going on beforehand. This is why he seems legit now. You can go back to a random show of his 5+ years ago and a lot of those things came true. He speaks the truth and wraps it in lizard people conspiracy so when people try to talk about something that is true like fluoride being bad for you. The moment you mention fluoride the person will say or think "this guy is a infowars retard" and turn off his brain.

it was actually a law passed in 1995

But Trump's the first president not to delay it, making him a better goy than the 3 presidents who proceeded him.


So people are just worried about some sandniggers doing what they always do when they fire some rockets at kikes then proceed to get fucking glasses by said kikes? Whats the big fuckin hubbub?

I'm pretty sure the require regular tribute, user. It's never enough with them.

wtf i love clinton bush and obama now


Nice reading comprehension monkey.

Chesscucks are sliding

It's not about raising cred with the jews. His cred is pretty high as-is. It's about antagonizing Iran. Israel and KSA need to start war with Iran NOW, not wait until Syra and Iraq are recovered from the Syrian war.

If Russia stuck its neck out that far to save Syria what do you think they would do for Iran who is on their doorstep?

Trump isn't going after Iran. Its always been talk.

israel and saudi arabia are going after iran

now im really really offended nigger.

Once a nation is destabilized by Israel, it never goes fully back to normal. Like Lebanon, they will be fighting in Syria for a century.

Now he's using the big boy words to compensate for his lack of an argument. Congrats user you are the niggest.

No one is going after Iran. Russia China and America are working with each other against Israel.

>proceeds to use said bigboy words
Nigger you've got a kike complex, bet your not even american.

do you really think nobody is after iran? is it nice to be naive?

This was happening way before the election mate.

I feel like this might be a certain twitterfag, the posting style seems familiar

I mean Israel is obviously but they lost Russia in 2001 and America in 2016. What the fuck are they going to do now?

try to draw us into a nuclear exchange with russia and iran

You're the one crying because I didn't use your preferred pronouns faggot.

Im convinced the Patriot missiles just sold to Poland were to protect them against the EU and not Russia. Its really most of the world vs Israel and their proxy EU scapegoat at this point. Russia and America aren't going to nuke each other.

Trump isn't letting Israel and KSA antagonize Iran because he want's to destory Iran. he''s letting them do it because they absolutely NEED to do it and only will if they think Trump has their back.
Once they start the war, Trump is going to straight fuck off and laugh as all the fucking sand nigger kill eachother

Is all over it.
Pic related means KSA is economically desperate right now and Israel is just plain desperate because if (((they))) wait until Syria and Iraq recover (((they'll))) almost certainly never take out Iran now. All the proxy battles have pushed Iraq and Syria closer to iran than ever before.

agreed they will try but i guarantee the most key figures for this to happen (ie trump) knows that's what they're going to attempt; hence it will fail.

They never lost America. Even if, despite all the evidence to the contrary, you're right about them not owning Trump, they still own everybody else.

shills constantly trying to blame jared and ivanka, that's the entire reason they are even in the white house 100% just to be scapegoats

trump is 100% cryptokike his grandfather was a german jew and all of his relatives are jews. hew is a JEW

pathetic watching these israeli zogbots sucking trumps circumcised kike cock and all these faggots slurping it up

The difference in this case is that it could enrage all of them so much, that a temporary Shia/Sunni alliance is formed to fight against Israel. In turn the U.S is dragged into the resulting conflict to defend it and uses it as a pretext to claim more territory for Israel.

What's funny is that this action to declare Jerusalem as Israel's will strain that Israel/Saudi alliance.

and you are the one asking why it's a big problem that Jeruzalem gets declared capital of the kikes.

Stay on topic you dimwitted kikelover

Aye. Being worked on though.

Trump loves all the normies whether they are jewish or Iranian or Saudi. I would be very surprised if there is any kind of war in the next 7 years unless Israel initiates it through their EU.

It's literally the topic of the thread smooth brain.

Why do Iran and Syria give a shit about Jerusalem though?

I think jerusalem may be declared an international city state to lessen that

You don't see any problem with jerusalem getting recognized ?

alright now i know you're just a can of beans

modern jews have no relation to biblical israelis - they were edomites who converted for personal gain - many historical jewish sources confirm this (jewish encyclopedia etc). JESUS and his children are TRUELY descended of Israel


that's why they push so much satanic propaganda and kike degenerate smut all the time, to try and triumph over good, but it will not work

Anyone else think this whole Jerusalem thing is straight up bullshit anyway. In 2 days it went from a rumor to Trump saying "maybe in 6 months". Smells like misdirection.

buy my undersized water filters goy

it could be misdirection, a tipping point has been reached in syria so now all these iran-allied arab countries are about to have shitloads of military to use for other things

Unless Israel makes the first move there will be no fireworks. You just have to wait them out until you can develop proper anti missile technology to stop the nukes or wait for them to expire.

What is Irans relationship with Turkey? Thats always been a country that confuses the fuck outta me. I know Putin sold them s400's so I guess they are in an alliance with Iran as well?

I highly doubt that, if anything KSA are looking for a reason to start the war with Iran. They need war with Iran right now to try and preserve their wealth and their status in the international order. They need a reason to justify it so they have a pretext to start bombing. Bombing Yemen and moving capital of Israel are both things that antagonize Iran. I'd look for Israel/KSA to continue escalating the antagonism until Iran does something about it.

that's a fucking act. Trump is clearly working for the interests of White Americans and speaking for white Christians primarily. I think the only misgiving he would have about a major cataclysmic war in the middle east is that it would send even more sand niggers into europe.

from what i understand turkey is now on russia's side, apparently they helped him avoid the coup, which i'm not sure was legit, but that's what the word is. So that would suggest that they are allied with iran by proxy, but not directly. Funny, just 2 years ago turkey was downing russian jets.

I don't know turkey's direct relationship with Iran, maybe they both hate kurds? I think it's so confusing because they're such backstabbers, and will switch allegiances at the flip of a hat.

Israel already sort of made the first move, there's been three separate missile strikes on syria in the last week, one on an Iranian air base outside damascus.

without US aid KSA would be absolutely btfo by Iran, KSA can't even finish off yemen, they get BTFO constantly by goat herders supplied by chinese surplus

and for some reason turkey-backed rebels have attacked SAA in tadif, north of aleppo. turkey is sketchy as fuck, never trust a turk

you really try hard to appear intelligent in the first post to lend credibility to the pure bullshit you vomit in the second post. trump is a 100% cryptokike working against the interests of everyone white christian and european - if you think otherwise you are retarded or a kike

I wonder where James' right hand is, considering the smile on David's face

Canada as a whole is fucked. It's pretty much Diet America. The only time a Canadian is patriotic is to whine about how Gary Bettman is cucking Nordiques fans. The inevitable fate of Canada is to be annexed into the United States, and all the Canacucks whining about Trudeau fail to realize this. Look at your nation's history since the end of the Second World War - it's all nothing but mass Americanization, the destruction of anything even remotely uniquely Canadian, and Canada latching its lips firmly upon globalist cock. Trudeau et al = pissing on Canada's grave. Canada lost the war decades ago, and NAFTA was the coup de grace.


Cadre and JIDF hard at work ITT I see.
The consensus on this board is that Trump is a kike. You do not belong here.

Another sharegoy fail fest of
talking to themselves


50 cent has been added to your account by Cadre.

U mad crew?




I don't care about both honestly. I see Jews and Arabs as Semites not being able to get along with each other. Ticks and cockroaches to be precise. During this scenario I want the cockroaches to win against the ticks not that I don't want the cockroaches to have all of their DNA scatter across the wind along with the ticks. Without the existance of ticks we can finally retake our former Aryan civilisations from the cockroaches, because I don't want them to exist either obviously, and plus Pissrael interests wouldn't even be a thing anymore. Both Semitic filth have been using Aryans as sex slaves for centuries, and both are hungry for foreskins. I guess the White ones in Iran can be spared.

She looked like she was about to tell him to shut it down but caught herself at the last second.

I would love to see that video.

you're a bunch of little homos.
this you fam?

South Korea is so desperate to be Jews themselves that I find the unification of the peninsula under Worst Korea to be an even more frightening prospect than unification under Communism. At least that's an ism destined to fall upon itself.

another thread
Sharegoy are really not up to the job lately.

Have grown very predictable.
Same attack vectors, spam formats, etc.

a trip to the basement of comet ping pong

I love how this thread is filled with defeatist BLACKEDpilled goons telling us smug anime posting and liking anime makes you a kike, won't be long until the CIAniggers will show up and say we need to become criminals and start killing random people. I miss hasbarafag honestly, that shitskin was funnier.



you gave yourself away at


you dumb fucking idiot, go suck cocks at comet ping pong or something

So why would they care about public perception, nigger?

Because that's what was being said. God damn you are a disingenuous faggot.

This is fucking pathetic.

Its like you never learn. What next, you gonna tell me to take my pills?

Slimey fucking scum! Disgusting! Sad!

To the faggot up above: This is what I'm talking about.

You're bringing up the fucking debates like they happened yesterday! That shits more than a year old you stupid faggot! They suck his dick 24 HOURS A DAY now, I know because I've watched their shit fucking programming.

Because the kikes care SO FUCKING MUCH about that right? They wouldn't trade, say, that bullshit for, I dunno, expansion of Israel? Fucking faggot.
Holy shit, the jewish left-wing media shill against Israel, not because its genuine in any way but because its a narrative amongst the populations they control!? What a revelation!
God knows the media kikes would never attack someone with whom they're actually in alliance when it would be strategically sensible to do so, right?

Because it has no effect whatsoever in any meaningful context. That's why. Its all show, no bite.

And they're getting nowhere.
Because Faux Jews is run by Zionist kikes.
Yet Faux-Jews continues to suck his dick, and here's a tweet from Trump from November 27th:

Because only the right-wingers are rejecting the media, and only the left-wing media, really… While the leftists believe every fucking their media sources tell them as absolute truth. So, what HAS Trump actually done with the media? He's certainly helped libshit media!… Meanwhile, the only right-wing media - which JUST SO HAPPENS to be a Zionist outlet - suckles his balls, and he shills for them.
Wew, yeah man, they're fuckin' dyin' alright.

How does Trump making such a conceptual demonstration as moving the US embassy to the
eternal capital of the jewish people, Jerusalem
NOT help ZOG?
And before you even start, this "they'll get fucked by Trump's muzzie army, and he totally won't support the Israelis!" narrative is fucking stupid so don't even bother re-shilling that trash.

Tell me: Are the Syrian rebels real?
Because I'm seeing a lot of green on that fucking map, and I'm pretty fucking sure the 'Syrian rebels' are just a meme and all those faggots died like fucking forever ago, such that these 'Syrian rebels' are not what they present themselves as and are just another vector via which this conflict can now continue with aid to the 'Syrian rebels' in their 'noble' fight against 'tyrannical oppression'.
And how about all that yellow, what the fuck is that eh? Oh, another faction of bullshit sandrat scum whom the US has in's with, and who express - who represent - a desire to carve Syria up into weaker segments that can be turned against each other… sorta like how in the West there are hostile foreign clades of hominid being introduced specifically to create this sort of scenario to the benefit of jewry…? Hmm.
Tell me I'm wrong.

He has been showing that he's a jew cocksucking shill since he started running for presidency.
Not that any other US-President wouldn't do the same though.

Tone your ego user. Let me clue you into a secret to the power of Holla Forums and the chan boards' ability to affect both the digital realm and reality.
Imagine a brain, now imagine you are a neuron. Get it?

I'd venture to wager I've been here longer than you dipshit. Soon as Moot Jewed us, Holla Forums labor, and Hot Wheels had site semi-functional. In that time (and time before that on cuckchan), was never a rule making it obligation to allow a gang of hard-ons to talk shit about you.

Did something change and no one told me?




I like Trump, but think this is a massive mistake. I don't feel like sifting through this thread for any grain of truth, can anyone point me to where thee might be a strategic point to this decision? This is going to blow up the Palestine peace deal (not that there was much hope to begin with). The only thing I can think of is that it would piss off the Palestinians so much that they resurrect the intifada and the Jews would focus their attention on the enemy in their midst whilst we get our shit done here while their Sauron-like gaze is aimed elsewhere.

🇸 🇭 🇦 🇷 🇪

🇸 🇭 🇦 🇷 🇪 🇩



Posts like this are worse than shareblue tbh. Your opinion is 'right' per se but more disruptive since you can't add nuance or anything to the conversation.

This move seems like a mistake for the most part.

I don't feel adding to the conversation with retarded sharegoys who fail at everything they do.

I ruin their threads in one way or another. This will get sagebombed, for instance.


Awesome dubs wasted over grammar autism.
I know that feel.


Maybe you can't add to the conversation because you're dumb and your only 'contribution' to the board is incessant noise.


Democracy is a failure and should be abolished


sharegoys, you're going to get killed


you're all going to die


Hey Rebe, what are you trying to derail with those astroturf looking infographics?
You should pay your 666 yuppies more shekels. $100k is obv. not enough to make memes look like they were not roundtabled by a bunch of coin operated boomers.




Reported. You're not convincing anyone.


Trump is gonna build the wall. A great, yuuuuge wall. Israel's wall. Trumpshills BTFO, eternally.






I feel like sharing today

I never expected this share

You're not convincing anyone, Rebe. Not in a thread about Israel.

You share so much to me


You bro, I shared you share so the shared share can be shared further

Continue to report him for spam & derailing the thread.



This incessant spamming sure is organic.
No damage control here.

Across multiple IPs no less.

So organic.


I don't mind. This is going to stir up some shit. There is going to be fire. It is going to be entertaining.

Yeah…. Like more refugees into Europe

There is going to be more refugees in Europe no matter what you do. Also, you forgot about the Africans that Macron is hell-bent on bringing, even going so far as to build a physical bridge between France and Africa.

All of that aside, what this will do is drop a shit-ton of problems on Israel's lap. Especially with the middle east buddying up recently between a bunch of countries that have a bone to pick with Israel. Now they have an even bigger bone to pick and since ISIS is getting shoah'd, all of these very angry "interests" in the region are going to turn their attention to Israel.

All my evangelical family is going apeshit over this, fellating jews and telling me Jesus is going to come down from the clouds to rescue us all.

Yeah, and if they unite and ultimately attack Israel, guess who's gonna come rushing in eager to help Israel with money and materials, and glad to destabilize a bunch of other remaining Muslim countries?

So convert them to actual Christianity, faggot. You have no one to blame for not doing this but yourself. You can turn them into tools against the kike. You just have to put in some fucking world, you lazy coward.

I've changed those that I can, but many are old and already set in their ways. They don't want to fucking change.

Evangelicals make up about a half of one percent of the military so this doesn't effect them. It Baptists, Catholics and atheists who do the fighting. Land should go to the people who died fighting for it. By that logic evangelicals and whiny jews are in last place to be owners of any land.

Ah, the Land of the (((Freaks)))

Kek's Grand Prophecy is unfolding, but not like you Naive Mutts thought it would.

The King of the South and the Beast of the Earth are toast, as it was prophecised by HIM WHO IS ALPHA AND OMEGA

Ah…. I will enjoy this…. So much

Its happening.

Trump was bailed out by Rothschild jews

How many deluded Trumptards are there still on Holla Forums?

Never post here again. Kike.


Because it needs to be rubbed in their gullible faces.

Get out.

I don’t know about that.

It objectively isn't helping the kikes, it's already gotten a bunch of them killed.

say it with me

Citation that even one is dead.

sorry for double post. but holy fuck. LARP hat on:
Jerusalem is, of course, 7 hills.
the Rock?

And you still haven't figured out that he's using them as cover. He goes along with what they want ONLY if it helps cover for what he actually has planned. This will work out in our favor. We will win. Israel will lose.

>6c003f STILL hasn't figured out that Trump is a completely supportive servant of these jews
Using cartoon images fits your level of awareness.