Google is hiring 10,000 reviewers to (((clean up))) YouTube

Google is going on a hiring spree to try to stamp out offensive videos and comments on YouTube.

The company is recruiting thousands of reviewers to reduce the amount of "problematic content" on its video platform. It's also introducing tougher restrictions on advertising and making greater use of smart technology.
By 2018, Google (GOOGL, Tech30) aims to have more than 10,000 people "working to address content that might violate our policies," YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said in a blog post. She did not say how many people currently monitor YouTube for offensive videos.
"Some bad actors are exploiting our openness to mislead, manipulate, harass or even harm," Wojcicki said, adding that YouTube's trust and safety teams have reviewed nearly 2 million videos for violent extremist content over the past six months.
"We are also taking aggressive action on comments, launching new comment moderation tools and in some cases shutting down comments altogether," she said.

YouTube has grappled with a series of controversies this year concerning videos available on its platform. It was forced to adopt additional screening measures last month on its kid-friendly platform, YouTube Kids, after reports showed many of the videos there contained profanity and violence.
Companies such as Etihad Airways, Marriott (MAR) and Deliveroo pulled their advertisements in June – as did the U.K.'s Labour Party – after finding they were appearing alongside videos made by a hate preacher.
Wojcicki said YouTube was taking a "new approach to advertising," with more manual curation, stricter criteria for videos eligible to show ads, and a greater number of ad reviewers.
"We want advertisers to have peace of mind that their ads are running alongside content that reflects their brand's values," she said. "Equally, we want to give creators confidence that their revenue won't be hurt by the actions of bad actors."

The company isn't just banking on more human intervention, however. Its machine learning algorithms have helped remove more than 150,000 videos from YouTube since June that depict violent extremism.
Wojcicki said 180,000 people would have had to work 40 weeks to assess the same amount of content.
"Because we have seen these positive results, we have begun training machine-learning technology across other challenging content areas, including child safety and hate speech," she added.

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We probably need to start putting some money into hooktube and other alternatives

Jews gonna jew

oy vey


Are they finally banning kikes from the service?


I have a feeling this is a plot to shut it down.
YT itself is vastly unprofitable to Alphabet, and they can use tools like this to frame it as an unprofitable business and cull it, when in reality its a great tool to redpill normalfags

Just remember when Jewgle eventually cries about jobs being threatened by some regulation or new legal change or w.e, that they are all anti-white fucks censoring speech who would lose their positions.

You don't have these problems with the paid red service goy. Isn't curated broadcast TV better?

Way I see it, the amount of big data Youtube has to trial artificial intelligence systems and machine learning algorithms on videos makes it worth the losses. They're sitting on gold mines in terms of data sets. In a decade's time, the data they used to refine their algorithms from all their divisions, will pretty much make all their money back and then some. It's a rather long haul commitment though.

Uhuh. Sure.


kek did they even get rid of the creepy elsa/spiderman shit?

I have worked for Google in one of their outsourced gulags for 12 shekels an hour with extremely high performance pressure, fixed term non renewable contracts so they don't have to pay benefits, sick pay etc.

I quit quickly and wouldn't work there again. is shutting down in a few days, too.
(I know they had a Jew creator, but the team was mostly non-Jews, 12 dudes and 1 girl, and they were a good alternative to the (((censorship))) of YouTube).

would be a darn shame, if some Holla Forumsacks ended up being employed by these kikes, and paid to can their leftist drivel

Hooktube is just javascript in your browser that bypasses Youtube's front-end and accesses the videos directly via the API. The guy behind it says it costs little to run, donate to buy him a beer if you want.

If the video is Shoah'd on Youtube, Hooktube won't help you.

One of you NEETs need to get a JewTube job doing censorship, and low-key rip a copy of every wrongthink video before it gets deleted so you can re-upload it elsewhere. It would be really useful to have someone on the inside who can inform us of their methods and approach.

Just use PewTube, shit's founded by a Holla Forumsack for Holla Forumsacks

This is probably a response to that. My guess the feds threatened to fuck with them if they don't take effective action. Algos banning videos over memetalk and feels doesn't exactly resolve child exploitation charges.

This. Right now you can simply youtube-dl the videos locally, but that doesn't really address having a good free speech alternative once Jewtube goes full Goodthink on us. The other Western carriers will become just as pozzed in short order tbh. Maybe set up a NicoNico account since the Jews fear the Samurai?

lol Funny.


the "problematic" meme is actually a good redpill entry point for normalfags. When someone says something is "problematic", it means they have an objection to it based on emotion, rather than logic. If you have a logical objection to something, you say "X is doing Y, and that's causing Z". When you have an emotional objection you say "oy vey that's problematic". E.g. suggestive of a problem, without actually stipulating the objection. Explaining this to a few friends has done wonders for their awareness.

They aren't going to give up Youtube. Do you think the Jews at the very top care about profits? They would much rather push propaganda and control the spread of information/entertainment while losing money than ever relinquish their power and let a goy take their place. If they really cared about money they would cut their useless diversity departments but we all know that's never going to happen. Everyone hates youtube, even normies, and the kikes know it, so they are going to cling on to their control for as long as they possibly can.

It's not about money, it's about power and outreach.
Youtube is one of the biggest propaganda platforms out there that exists.
Just look at all the sheer amount of leftist shit and reddit-tier feel good videos on there, that the normalfags gobble up like the retards they are.

This is why they are so afraid of other people using Youtube to redpill people.
Because they know about the exposure Youtube gets those videos, that's why they try to shut it down as hard as they can.

They would be stupid to let go of it, after all.

Death of any site coincides with blatant censorship and narrative pushing. Even normalfags prefer anonymity and free speech.



I need more shekels. Should I join?


Of course you should and then subvert their efforts.

Start identifying YouTube employees and killing them

t. fbi

Ok anons. What else should do we need to archive for when the thought police fully capture the internet/youtube?

Here's what im getting so far. (pic related)

pirate bay /torrent/16445342/KeepVid_Pro_4.10.2_FULL___Crack_[TechTools]_Report_TorrentBookma

this is the torrent if you want to download these videos yourself.

someone should just make sure fully official patreonTube that people just donate to keep going and is fully free speech orientated gets made

just make sure you take selfies with the agent and that he drives you to the google employees house and then don't even do it, for the lulz.

I would check the YouTube shoah thread in the catalog. There's a pretty extensive list of things that have been cataloged already. That should help direct your efforts towards lesser-known but important videos. My rule is that if I watch something on YouTube that's worthwhile, I save it to an external HD immediately. I've had videos get shoah'd the next day after watching them, so I'm never too careful.

The "they can't" crowd already did a favor by creating and compiling a detailed list of videos they deem"oy vey too problamatic" for their agenda.

Would it not be gooder to be "controlled op" and be even more strict censoring shit to cause more rustling of the normie jimmies?

Don't forget it also gives US ammunition and power over the normalfags minds with such videos. Our charges of corruption and subversion ring true while theirs against us become hollow when we can steer the average bluepill into such degeneracy while preaching the truth, forcing their own propaganda to be used far more effectively against them than for them.

And for ever win and truth that rings true from out mouths, the normalfags become more enamored and open to our words and views for we become not fringe crazy conspiracy loons but the vanguard of what is right and true in the world. So with ever proven truth we preach, it becomes more likely the rest we speak is also true and our enemies voices are wrong. Normalfaggots are simpletons and do not like to think or face the hard truths of the world, so will instead lean to simple ideas such as 'this guy knows what hes saying and is always proven true, I'll accept what he says because I cannot be bothered to look anything up'.

We may consider such things an affront, but it is the reality of the world for most of the population of the world, even our brother whites. Our enemies realize this and know that they must counter our proofs constantly or risk the pendulum of power swinging fully into our own voices rather than theirs. THIS is why they continue to (((Shut it down))) even when doing so also works in our favor proving to intelligent people the truth that (((they))) are watching and actively attacking us. For they know to keep the population in control and docile is more important than losing the faith of a few intelligent nerds.

Murdering palastenines, shitting on the us constitution, torturing us citizens, enslaving world through social engineering/monopoly money, raping children, and sending goyim to die for the creation of great israel is cool, but swear words aren't.

Lets see how that works out for you jewgle.

This will kill them. People like comment sections so whichever jewtube alternative picks up the torch will win.

That said: is jewtube even making any money? The bandwidth per ad ratio seems horrible.

We usually point at the newfags and laugh at this point right?

It applies to everything else, too. They wouldn't need to call things "racist" if we were actually wrong. And we are not and never have been.
Daily reminder:
Holla Forums is always right

Still not tired of winning, you kikes!

Shouldn't we all be applying for these positions so we can "accidentally" forget to censor stuff?

So who's going to start ripping Sargon's stuff? He's got a lot of material, so it may have to be a group effort

this. we could also delete random vids like a tyrant for the lulz

Every video from "Thunderbolt's Project"

These PARTISANS are trying to remove every single video from Youtube that goes against (((JEWISH))) BULLSHIT

download and archive everything fagots

Keep in mind they have to pay these people, they will lose several millions every month due to this. I wonder how many shekels kikes in general have already lost due to Holla Forums and co. How many millions was Shillaries campaign again? Kek.

you reckon that stuff is legit user? im not scientifically literate enough to really understand

And they said donald trump wouldnt create new jobs

At least try to frame it as a means of diminishing the legitimacy of Youtube's 'shut it down!' squad and not something you want for its own sake. You may be a manlet.

Well, this isn't surprising. On the first of the month my channel got demonetized and suspended for a month, minimum. Reapply on the first of January. I sent support an email, asking what the deal was, and they couldn't give me a clear answer. Just boilerplate "duplication" nonsense, I'm assuming their bots are enforcing content ID claims now.

I posted a lot of controversial news clips on current events and alt-light nonsense. Nothing I thought would get the entire channel essentially nuked. Also, if you don't monetize your videos, Jew Tube doesn't recommend them, since they just want to make money.

Although, not going to lie, it was nice making a few shekels for a fun little hobby.


Who has more money?

1. Google
2. Oprah

>actively spending money on reducing your own source of (((revenue))), other peoples content
google is literally cucking themselves, best fucking timeline, lads

How about infiltrating them?

Fucks sakes just use youtube-dl.

The real reason to infiltrate them is to document what they're actually directing their employees to censor.

There are very few no alternatives. I think Vimeo might still be around, but that's all I can think of. would be an option if they didn't just announce that they're ending their service. Youtube doesn't have any competition and as a platform it is one-of-a-kind, which is funny because it's always operated at a loss. Bandwidth and storage are just too expensive; the ad revenue Youtube makes doesn't even begin to cover the monetization of people's videos, which is why a lot of mass-demonetization has been happening lately. If even Google can't make Youtube sustainable, that tells me that the service is doomed. Which is bad, because the entire modern web that people use relies on it, as jewish as it is. If they went under right now, there is no alternative place to go to. That's not even mentioning the historical digital gap that would be created if Youtube's servers went under taking 12 years of video content with it.Don't be surprised when Youtube becomes a subscription based service, because that's the only way they will save themselves.

If anyone knows of any up-and-coming video hosting services that have a sustainable business model that isn't run by jews, let me know.

The audacity of these kikes.

Alphabet is profitable and has significant financial holdings; its losses are below a billion dollars a year (there are individual Alphabet employees who could cover YouTube’s losses for half a century from their personal bank accounts let alone what the company can weather). Alphabet are in the data collection business, a significant growth sector, owning and operating the worlds biggest media platform is an indispensable tool to them that when you look past the basic accounting probably does generate a profit on it’s own and as part of a stable of data scraping tools certainly does.

Owning the worlds biggest media platform as we approach Web 3.0, a web where restrictions will increase and services available to citizens are limited adds immense value existing web goliaths, YouTube is a unique service as it stands, one day soon for many nations it will be perhaps the only service of it’s kind and offering strict policing of non-approved content YouTube is only increasing it’s salability to increasingly authoritarian governments. These 10,000 people may appear as a daft idea from a basic economic or consumer viewpoint but consider Alphabet being sat in a room with politicians pitching why they should receive a total monopoly on the video sharing market. Instant detection and removal of wrong thought will be a winning proposition.

YouTube isn’t going anywhere but it will change.

By which I mean YouTube.

"Wojcicki said 180,000 people would have had to work 40 weeks to assess the same amount of content."

this is bullshit. they post jobs on amazon mturk. they pay $0.03 to review 10 seconds of video at a time for "offensive" content. It generally takes about 15-20s, so it's $4-$5/hr.
There's atleast 10k people on on mturk at anyone time, probably more, and most are willing to do these because $4-$5/hr isn't terrible on mturk. They'll post a batch job of 5-10k of these 10 second clips at a time, and it's gone in an hour.

pic is a screenshot of the reviews from turkopticon, the third party review site that workers use to avoid shitty and scam job posters.

most google job posters (requesters) don't use real names or link affiliation with google because there's no requirement too, and there's no requirement to even communicate with workers. it's obvious though because all google jobs look the same and you can see the server it's coming from, which is Google. Some google requesters have posted under their real names (it's the default on amazon, and the job looked like a google job and came from their servers) until they realized it months later and then changed the name. When looking these people up the people were clearly working for google.

Actually, most porn sites have the same capabilities as youtube. Why not approach one of them to set up a new hosting site. They could make shit tons from the advertisers that will follow all the big names as they jump ship from Youtube and it's cancer. Then we can sit back and laugh as Jewgle and Jewtube die a very public and painful death of lack of funding. is failing because no money

next best best is bitshute, but they also need money

there's no alternatives because it's not all that profitable. youkike isn't even profitable. porn site's have ads but they also have premium options which I think people are much more willing to sign up for. people see more value in 1080p porn than they do the typical cancer on youtube.

for every lemming that actually sits through the 5 minute long forced non-skippable advertisement on youtube 500 more blow right past it and drain bandwidth with adblockers, or hopefully adnauseam forcing jewgle to pay for nothing.

Not sure if I believe this, but what you're saying makes sense. Even if Youtube operates at a loss it's too good of a tool to not use, so Alphabet will simply cover Youtube's losses with it's own money. And like you said, especially when you factor in the user data they scrape and sell off to other companies, they probably are generating more revenue than they let on. If this is all true, then I wonder what Youtube's recent move in demonetization is about?

Eric Schmidt is already a deep state actor anyway; if Julian Assange is to be believed Google (and Alphabet) already play a major role in politics where they function as an arm for the government that can accomplish things the state department normally wouldn't be able to do.


So, when are we going to have to start going old-school and hand distributing media? You can start pooling your best redpill material together, shoving it on a $0.20 DVD-R, and distributing it in the meat space. We need to get a ground game going anyways if we're going to win this; IOTBW showed us how effective that was.

Sargon is an alt-right controlled op like the rest of them.

This is already occurring. More than a bit of "redpill" type material and pirated television shows can be found hidden on porn sites.

Why don't the republicans just weaponize net neutrality against them then? Force Google and their ilk to abandon their ideological crusade or the GOP controlled congress will annihilate net neutrality.

Sometimes MAD is the only option

This was to be expected but I feel we can create some modest meme opportunities as well as prep for this.

Download all the redpilling material you can before it gets shoah'd of course and never let people forget that youtube is actively censoring not just Americans but the entire world. More importantly though download the soft redpills that are more palatable to normies like Jordan Peterson's video about race and IQ as well as Peter Molyneux's and share them with as many normies as you can if they get shoah'd too, as they have developed a nice normie following that will be livid if their philosophers are censored, which will allow you to not only provide them with the videos they can no longer view but also while you're at it you can provide darker shades of redpills that have already gotten shoah'd like murdoch murdoch's videos.

This could connect many more dots in the normie's mind since EVERYONE uses youtube but if even youtube starts censoring en masse and becomes a 100% pozzed liberal shithole then not only is the precedent set for another website to rise up and allow people to post their naughty wrong think videos, but you who saw this coming and was savvy enough to preserve the normie's videos for them can have the social clout to guide them to whatever alternative we may end up with as well as providing them with more redpills.

So they're having real people do this, right? We know from past experience we can break people. Should we start spamming youtube with intense gore and fetish material?

They're probably hiring a bunch of infinitely replaceable pooinloos though so probably wouldn't do much good.

yes, there's an infinite supply.

What did they mean by this?

One can only speculate but we can presume that Alphabet are operating to a plan rather, organised chaos if you will.

I work from the presumption that Alphabet sees a future where they operate a monopoly over video media consumption in many markets (countries), achieved through a Web 3.0 scenario where their competitors are banned by Governments who want very tight controls over what their citizens consume (essentially television 2.0). To achieve this Alphabet have to compromise and reduce the scope of content they allow to be uploaded to YouTube, if they do this Governments hand a monopoly to Alphabet they can start charging a subscription charge to all customers. No YouTube account and paid subscription no content.

Consider also that Alphabet can tweak its terms of service at any point they like. For a Government to censor/ban something it must first be justified by existing policy or it must go through the rigmarole of creating new policy. Simply calling up Alphabet and trading favours is easier and leaves no accountability on behalf of Government.

I think that that the demonetization drama is connected to this long term plan somehow.

by the way
I never realized how fucking antisemitic water is. we need new hate crimes laws to cover water over 3 feet!!!

Wow dont worry meathead cops and braindead marines who know what antitrust laws are and understand that anyone violating the constitution is a traitor who needs publically hung are gonna get to the bottom of this as soon as they are done eating donuts and jerking eachother off. The people who installed big brother and began operation establish greater izryell are gonna help any moment now.

So how much are you paid?

Obama fucks trannies. Big brother exists so he can track down anyone who criticises him because hes a sensitive faggot.

Organize IRL, not online.

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

This. Burn cheap DVDs, print out and assemble small pamphlets for distribution, hell even throw a bunch of redpilled media on cheap USB drives and pass em out. Time to think outside of the NEETbox.

There has to be some alternative video sites. Ask Brother Nathanael

"blockade Holla Forums" is fucking retarded. there will always be a new wave of polkiddies from 4cuck to keep 8pol afloat. you need to lead another exodus. BOs are definitely compromised – we've been telling you this for 3 fucking years now you dipshit. you need SOMEWHERE ELSE TO GO before you can do anything.

means that just like the NFL they want you to think you are winning while in reality you are barely scratching the paint. They want you to grow complacent and celebrate when in reality you should double down and hit harder. That old saying "always do the opposite of what Jews say" applies, especially when they are saying you are hurting them.

anything related to the JQ and survival tactics, guerilla warfare, fitness, armed/unarmed combat DVD's and courses.

anything about jews, survival, self-sufficiency, fitness, weapons, armed/unarmed combat, etc.

Or OR you could just post the application link here and many of your brothers will gladly help keep it clean.

Remember these elephants are known for their really big…..trunks heh heh

Learn how to use youtube-dl from the command line or get a browser plugin called Complete YouTube Saver.

So people that say "Nigger" will be permabanned but those videos of Spiderman and Else fucking kids will be totally fine.

perhaps we can shed light on jewgle using literally worse than slave labor?

Now if that isn't a Polish Jew.

Same ol poltards asking the same ol questions theyve been asking for centuries. I said multiple times to have jim watkins disable youtube embeds to fully embrace vidme embeds but no one listened. Yall fucked up and Im laughing cuz now youtube is going to make damn sure Trump wont be elected again. You fucking morons should no damn well right now that this clean up crew is trying to take out all the trash before Trumps term is over to fucking fuck him into the ground. I SAID BACK WHEN TO DISABLE YOUTUBE EMBEDS OFF FUCKING POL BUT YOUR BO WAS TOO MUCH OF A CUCKBOI. now the alternative is bitchute and Good luck with any of that. Ill be laughing while u drink piss.

Apply, pretend to be the goodest of goys, and start banning progressive libshits.

It isn't profitable because they shit away half their profits on the people making videos.
Ad revenue was the death of youtube man, made a ton of shitty copycats and clickbait spammers, and cut down the website's own money.

we are heading into a cyberpunk dystopia where a few big tech companies control so much of our lives

oy vey goyim


Not us, we're the wave front of digital refugees.

We wuz the last humans.

Since jewgle receives US public funding, why is jewtube allowed to censor any video based on content that doesn't violate US law?

Daily Reminder

gas the kikes, man