Can anyone explain why white people in real life are the most timid and cowardly people who can not even look you in...

Can anyone explain why white people in real life are the most timid and cowardly people who can not even look you in the eyes without fear and sweat overcoming them.

But online im meant to believe they are the "master race" and are tough guys?

All you racist inbred sister fucking white trash. Look yourself in the mirror, build up your false sense of courage and go up to black MEN and say your views. Cuz i sure do say my views infront of you cowardly fucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

because jews
the game

Uh huh, and why don't you say that to any minorities face?

We do it, look at the Hebrew Iraelites telling all these white cowards from New York City to blood red Oklahoma City that they will enslave all the white faggots and rape their females when judgement comes? Or look at the Nation of Religion of Cuck™ from back in the day selling their papers telling that the white "man" is the seed of satan (like whites the devil is a coward and must hit from behind, so calling you devils really is fitting even tho i an not religious)…

oh yeah hah hah, change is lam like the online cowards you are.

You would NEVER, EVER, and i mean EVER say that to a Muslims face.

Try not to starve when your EBT gets cut nigger.

I don't use welfare like 42% of whties do :)

Try leaving the university campus some time. Real tough guy you are when you can cry racism at anything we say and call white men with guns and badges to protect you.



Yeah, you can only talk tough to a black man when you have your guns.

You are a cowardly race of faggots and Dylan Roof is an exemplary figure for your race.

A coward with a gun who couldn't fight hand to hand like a man.

That's the white race.


Cowardly white faggot.

white people are nice … until they're not



And then they get they're teeth knocked out :)

Jamal, is somebody typing your responses for you? A man with a little hat and twirly hair maybe?

American whites OP

As far as I'm concerned MOST JEWS ARE WHITE TO ME.

only some look asian and you like worshipping jews like Trump, I guess that's part of the inherent gayness of the white race.

so why do you gorillas only fight in packs?

Same faggot shit in England, France, Netherlands, Russia, Germany



Your race is a cosmic joke.

And your race is getting fucked out of existence like the faggots you are :)


Why don't you step outside of your college/safespace and step into the pub, ooking cunt?

ah i see, you're just mad and posting here because a white woman refused to fuck you.

White people really are faggots.

That's a new slur ill encourage online and off.

Call whitey the race of faggots.



really creative there tyrone. You gonna put a repetitive drumbeat like the rest of that internet tough guy poetry you call rap? Thats what rap is. Poetry. Your main musical export is the faggiest form of speaking. You just put drum sounds in the background. Enjoy your poetry slams, sorry, I mean "rap battles"
lol niggers

White birth rate was at a ten year high this year. You'd know that if you weren't a retarded nigger. Your people aren't even the demographic threat, its hispanics. Your people kill each other in such great numbers for us that you've managed to stay at the same 12ish percent of the population for over 50 years. Everything about your kind is just an inconvenience to the rest of the world that we tolerate.

"Looking into brown eyes is like staring up a shitty asshole"
-Varg Vikernes

Anti-Odin posters confirmed for nonwhites trying to promote division between pagans and christians

Whats the matter Jamal, few too many inconvenient truths for you?

Like most subhumans you confuse courage with stupidity. I have nothing to gain from a fistfight with a nigger, only possibly getting stabbed or catching AIDS. so why should I act like ooga booga me stronk? you are simply not worth it.

forgot sage

Must say that I am surprised tyrese here went this far into the thread without MUD DIK-ing. He must have a whopping iq for a nigger, maybe even above 50!

I think the stupid nigger retreated to go have the low-IQ equivalent of an existential crisis.

like i'd waste my time explaining civility to a nigger.
fuck off to africa already

/pol is OP.
/leftypol is in the comments role playing as angry /pol.
This is why it's called infinity chan.

Those people don't have to worry about losing their jobs/social standing because a) they don't have one/any & b) it's deemed "righteous" for those groups to proclaim such things (like just retribution).

You are right nigger white people are too nice. What have blacks built in the last 2000 years that is worth anything? Blacks have niggerish attitude and physicality. What else?

Also, try saying some white boy cracker shit in a biker bar. They'll treat you like a nigger all right. Most whites are not animals, unlike black people.

White people are not afraid of niggers. They are afraid of the government, run by kikes, that will send policemen with guns after them if they so much and hurt their feelings. All the while niggers being allowed to burn cities to the ground without so much as a slap on the wrist.


I bet you're a white boi.

Prison holds the answer.

My neighbor is a nice guy, I've never heard him yell, he'll look you in the eye and be assertive, but never pushy or hostile. If you spilled a drink on him or yelled at him he'd just look at you confused and think nothing of it if you apologized. This is what it's like when you live around whites. You don't need to be a "tough guy" because everyone is reasonable and you can negotiate your way through any situation like civilized people.

His brother, a white guy, got out of prison a few years ago after serving 20 years for selling cocaine. He acted like any nigger, spic or sandnigger. He'd get all up in your face and would be quick to anger. If you spilled a drink on him he'd punch you in the face. Being surrounded by animals for 20 years had sapped the civilization from him. He's back in prison now because he couldn't live among whites.

When you take a dog and raise it around people it acts civilized. When you raise on in the wild it acts wild.

The difference is that even when you raise a nigger around people it never learns to be civilized. Dogs are literally better than niggers.

Those people don't have to worry about losing their jobs/social standing because a) they don't have one/any & b) it's deemed "righteous" for those groups to proclaim such things (like just retribution).

Wow…someone's jealous of white privilege.

Black Frgility: the thread.

Because kikes made it illegal for a man to handle his business.




Fuck off, outsider.

what a shit thread

Look at the nigger. Look at the nigger, point, and laugh. Remind him how useless he is.

Damnit, forgot to sage

Where do you live? Some faggy liberal city? Nah cunt.

It's not just whites and blacks, it's whites against blacks + the state. Before the state started going after whites, you pavement apes and your ilk got regularly lynched for being uppity. You monkeys are so pathetic that you can only stand up to whitey when the state is sticking up for you.

See, white people have a quality that niggers don't have. We normally obey the law. The nigger's inability to function properly is why our prisons are filled with niggers like you.

LOL you think jews are white. I'd point you in the direction of a few books to change your mind but A) niggers don't read books and B) there isn't much going on in your mind with those monkey brains of yours that can actually be changed

If the fucking ape can read:

Right, that's why almost 100% of the infantry in any branch, and 100% of all special forces, are white, even with the pozzed state of the military.


Because you niggers run your mouth about everything.

That doesn't make you brave, it makes you loud and obnoxious. Everyone hates you, even other black people hate black people and spend their lives dreaming of moving away and living somewhere that they won't have to be surrounded by white people.

Deep down, the dream of every black man is to not be black.

Assuming you arent a troll:

Funny how we weak whites cucked your race, which cannot even develop functional civilization. Heck, Africans survive pathetically on white aid. Everyone in perspective, your race is platonic genetic trash. You're second worst only to Australian Aborigines, people who couldn't figure out how child birth worked and ate newborn because they thought they were dispensed snacks. Regarding the other stuff, you haven't figured anything out because you're a nigger.

You probably came from leftpol though. And "probably" because your post reeks of low quality bait.

Sage because reading this thread is a waste of calories.

Internalized christian cuckoldry from many generations of Europeans violently slaughtered to behave like a cuck slave good christian. Our government and every institution in society supports non Whites taking advantage of Whites at every opportunity. You only get away with it because all the institutions protect you. Take away the police and the military then Whites will just genocide you.

In the South and other places back before the US government went full anti White, niggers and other subhumans would be scared to death to look at a White woman the wrong way or speak to her at all or in the wrong way because if you did then White men would fucking lynch you.

You subhumans almost never 1v1 fight Whites even when you have every societal advantage. If the institutions were aligned in favor of Whites then none of this shit would happen and you subhumans who again can barely fight 1v1 with Whites as it is, would be scared to death of the White man

salty nigger OP

Whites have been the central target of kikes for thousands of years now. They have done all they could in their power to weaken whites. The result of all of this combined (constant attacks on education health culture and bank kikery) is the weak white male of today. Make no mistake, had the target been a weaker race than whites, they would have stopped existing a very good while ago. Fight back. Nothing is permanent. The prophecies are uncertain.











All you have to do is ask.

Approach a girl and say you like her a lot, and were wondering if she would like to join you in viewing a film or theater play.

An months later you preggered her eggers.









I wrote a paper, of which three shitskins proof read, of which was on immigration and IQ. Even said, "mexico isn't sending their best", you're being deported Pablo!

you don't even deserve a costanza for this, Holla Forums

what is Roll for 500 please alex



About the only saving grace of the nigger population in America is the rate at which they kill each other.

The few years I spent working as an EMT in Philly really opened my eyes. At the start I was a naive idealistic fool who really sympathised with the poor downtrodden black people, but you can only witness so much of what these creatures do to each other before you realise what subhuman savages they are. After a couple of times where I busted a gut saving a coon's life, only to see him killed a few weeks later, I began to question the point of what I was doing at all.

About 6 months into the job, I had an epiphany and finally recognised them as the animals that they are. I realised that I was actually doing untold harm, as a human intruding into a wild ecosystem and fucking with the natural cycle of life. To resolve this, I gradually started to lessen the effort I put in to saving niggers compared to human beings.

It got a lot easier after I was partnered up with someone who felt the same way. By the end, we had the basic assessment reduced to: If untreated, will he die in the time it takes us to drive straight to the morgue? Sometimes we had to wait around the corner for 20 minutes while he finished bleeding out, but we mostly got it right.

Over the several years I was in the job, I racked up over 150 dead niggers who I probably could have saved. I take a quiet satisfaction from knowing that I did the responsible thing by letting nature take it's course. We really need to apply a similar policy to food and medical aid to Africa - by feeding them more than they could produce, and treating them with medications they could never develop for themselves, we are committing a kind of ecological vandalism.

You bring up legitimate points. That our Revolution was over some petty taxes on paper and tea is the victors narrative designed for masses. The truth is that our Revolution was a successful neo-classical/neo-pagan conspiracy enacted by the elites of the society. However, I believe in those neo-classical ideals and so I am thankful the Revolution took place.

I sure love slide threads that stay up for 6 hours.

Oh (((you)))

It's less than 5% IIRC

Incompetent beta fuck

Creepy son of a bitch, possibly a psychopath

I guess it's honestly to the user's discretion what "too long" or "too little" is.

@OP have you ever seen a single brown person fight a white person without sucker punching? It's incredibly rare, brown people don't do fair. Especially with regards to numbers.

I do say what I think in front of ugly nigger like you. All the niggers in town know I hate them and are too chickenshit to try anything. They know their place like all good niggers should.




Why do you think they hate dogs so much?


I dont want to laugh.
It's not funny anymore.
I want him dead.
I want them all dead.

nobody wants to have to knock a nigger out because they chimp out when you look at them too long.

how sad

That picture is a logical fallacy. Just because you're not participating in an act that is statistically proven to be beneficial to society doesn't somehow prove that you're retarded for advising other people to avoid being degenerate like yourself.

It's pretty pathetic when we've reached a point that expecting people to get married and have children is something people want to resist and get upset over. It shouldn't even be a discussion as you should be biologically fucking inclined towards it.

Guess it's a low test thing.

Why are blackbois so pathetic?

How does it feel knowing that the only thing your nigger accomplished in 8 years was showing people how much niggers suck? Because everything else he accomplished is about to be wiped the fuck out.

Relax, user. He'll get shot by a fellow big soon enough.

Goddamnit, NOG. That's it, autocorrect is getting disabled.

oi vey fellow whites, the blacks are our friends


Mods! Why is such low-level bait allowed?