Holla Forums

Holla Forums

I am about to do something which I need some validation. I am thinking of proposing to my (white) girlfriend. There is multiple issues though which Holla Forums has made apparent. First of which is genetic, as she has a circulation problem and she is very near sighted, let alone the fact that I am near sighted. On top of that she is 5'4" (average female height) which will seem ridiculous to some, but most of the girls I have slept with are over 5'5". That being said I have a belief that people under a certain height are destine to a difference evolutionary fate. As other articles of others have noted, stocky people will separate from those of normal height. If that is the case my gf is shorter than the ideal height. And further more she is more interested in dogs than children.

My question is should I do it? I could make babies, but are they worth the thousands on a ring and reception, plus scraping genetics?????

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Maje babies. None wiill be perfect. You already know you aren't perfect so you cant expect your children to be.

Kill yourself. I think you're a filthy yid that fabricated this story just to slide the board.

What? I think I know what you mean but what the fuck are you actually saying>?

There is the idea of genetic diversity, not (((diversity))). The more varied whites we have, the better. Subhumans that suffer from horrible and horrendous birth defects such as Downs and Trisomy 18 are obviously excluded.

save money on the ring and invest in some lead, applied directly to your cranium at 1,000 ft/sec

I don't believe it will go as far as down syndrome. We are both genetically diverse within Europe to make fine white babies , but being that she is a very staunch atheist liberal I am scare by children will slip into her belief system.

Found the mantel….. fuck off! I don't need your watered down opinion

Blogposting is proof enough that you're a fag and a liar.

>There is the idea of genetic diversity, not (((diversity))). The more varied whites we have, the better. Subhumans that suffer from horrible and horrendous birth defects such as Downs and Trisomy 18 are obviously excluded.

There is nothing good about being short and having circulation problems. Smart men that have enough money and fame select good mothers for their children, ideally being tall, attractive, healthy and intelligent(Melania Trump). Somebody has to marry the leftovers though and that's where we come in.

Nigger, I'm 6'4 and won't date a girl over 5'5. I like the dynamic. That said, who gives a fuck and sage.

I would believe you but you are a fucking Tor poster….

I am 6'2" and am dating someone that is 5'4"…. most of the girls I have dated / slept with were 5'6"….. besides the half Korean girl.

You're thinking to proposing to a girl, and you have not yet made her agree with your worldview? You are signing up for misery. Also, if you don't know how women work, you probably shouldn't marry one yet. If you marry someone you need to know BEFOREHAND how she wants to raise her children, and what her belief system is. If it is something not compatible to yours, or if she is not somebody you can mold to be compatible with you, you should not marry her. Marriage exists ONLY to faciliate the production of the next generation and to make sure children have a stable home during their formative years. If you can't even agree on basic world views like God and politics, how can you expect to raise children, OP? It sounds like you already know deep down inside that you shouldn't marry her, and are looking for someone to tell you that you are wrong. You came to Holla Forums. a bastion of truth. That is not going to happen here. If you want cuckolds to lie to you and tell you that "it will be okay as long as you love eachother xDD" try posting on faceberg.

You're a dysgenic failure, your lineage will be buried in mediocrity while us ambitious few will continue to become overmen if we can make it there.

I know I am "blog" posting, but I am doing it for a fucking reason. I am 30 years old and I am trying to figure out what the fuck to do with my life.

At 30 years old shout I change it up or just make babies with what I have?

>>>/just/ fuck my shit up fam kek

Is your biological clock ticking user? Have you tried TRT kek


I don't want validation. I want the truth. I am leaning towards your assessment, but I am scare because it means months if not years more searching for the right thing..

I am 30, I am almost too old to change my mind. That I really why I am here. I know its the "wrong:" thing to do I am just hoping someone can give me some hope. I dont think she is a total lost cause, but she is close.

You have the wrong idea about marriage and it's importance in a cohesive society. You don't sound mature enough to raise children. see

This is a terrible thread, and mods should anchor. But since OP seems like less of a kike and more of an idiot, I'll say this: European genetics more so than other groups relies on recessive traits (and arguably more heavily poly-genetic as well, but that's speculation). So if the two of you share stem lines (I.E. both a good deal of celtic, nordic, or other regionally or migrationwise similar groups), the odds of having decent results in the children are rather good. On the other hand, if you're both "American mutt" types with little to no intersecting lineage, I think there's some reason to worry that you might have a number of children with some "challenges".

That said, says it all. If you're not sure, it's quite possibly wrong. And if this is your level of self-dialog at 30, you're a child, and should not have children.

Procreation is the point of life, but also becoming ubermensch in the process. You posted this thread knowing in the back of your mind that I'm right which is why you are doubting yourself. That girl has shitty genes and you know it. So you can either accept mediocrity, or strive for a better mate to bear your children. It's as simple as that, are you content with mediocrity and simple gene replication, or the pursuit of the superior being? Our ancestors have been using sexual selection for millennia, which is how blonde hair, blue eyes, other stereotypical european traits have been propagated so widely amongst our populations.

As harsh as you are. I regretfully agree with you. When it comes to my career I have no problems making decisions, but children…. I am so worried about doing them wrong I don't think I am mature enough to make the right decision. Hence why I ask if what I am doing is the right thing.

Dude. You have a white girlfriend. Put a fucking seed in her. Take marriage out of your mind (you can do it later). You post on 8ch. Do you somehow not know how desperate things are? We don't have time to be worrying about trivial jewish shit like rings and receptions. Even if she's not perfect, you should make her into a baby factory. There are other women out there too (clearly you have the social skills to attain them).

I know the jews on this board will call it nigger behavior, but fuck them. "Nigger behavior" is why shitskins are outbreeding us.

Sage for blogshit, and I honestly think you should be banned for asking if you should have white children.

Just fucking do it you fucking gigantic faggot. Or is this just a demoralization thread?

Don't overthink it.
Your parents didn't, your grandparents didn't.
Their great great grandparents didn't.
They lived well, had good lives and took care of each other and their children.
That's all it is, and that's all you need to think about.
Marry, have children, work hard, drop passive red pills, speak your mind and always be confident, make sure you make the decisions.
Women are followers, they follow your will if you remain confident and steadfast.
Strive to improve yourself and don't let yourself be stressed.
Don't think too much, or worry - it doesn't help anything.
Trust your instincts.
Women generally become broody at some point and she will want children.

As for height, it doesn't matter, as long as you are both average/above average and have children at a good age when you are both healthy, it is fine. Give them good, varied, natural food, encourage them to do sport, they will grow well.

Truthfully it is a thread which demoralizes me. I am admitting my failures. I am glad, however people are saying that I should just do it. I want some re assurance that I am not about to sell my children to ZOG and that i have a chance..

If I do have a chance for a true white family with such a cucked girl i just want it to work out and not turn into the Orwellian nightmare.

This is only a problem if it's severe.
Who cares? Buy glasses/eye surgery for kids, not an issue.
Your male children will statistically be at an ideal height of around 5'11"-6'0" (lanklets above this height can't body build for shit without getting juicy), and your female children will be around 5'6"-5'7". This is not a problem unless you're retarded.

You are not fit to raise a child if you have to post on an anonymous imageboard for validation before doing so.

and are right, if this is your way of thinking as a 30 year old man, you are remarkably immature. Much to immature to raise children, especially if the mother is questionable.

OP, I have read your post and I can't help.
But I do have this book which you might find useful.

Ask tyrone to propose to her or…… stop being a pussy seeking validation from others.

Fuck off, kike.

Kill yourself, degenerate. There is only supposed to be one.

She was suma cum lade in her masters class and I am a network engineer…. who has significant skills in other areas but decided to settle on that.

I am just worried about her adherence to any right wing politics because her father beat her…… I dont want to raise leftist children if I can avoid it. I am of the belief that genetics account for more than experience and if she is subject to such beliefs I wouldn't want my children exposed to the same.

I know that women change when they are pregnant, but is it enough to make enough of a difference that I will notice?

How are you 30 and this fucking sheltered? What the fuck, man. Have you been outside before?

I wouldn't marry a liberal personally but if you have a few conversations about these kind of topics you can find out how far she's gone into the rabbit hole, is she far-left and does she believe that the entire third world should be allowed to immigrate to the west and giving hormones to kids is totally okay? Go find someone else.
If she's more of an apolitical person, because a lot of women call themselves leftists but don't really have any real political values and go with the flow to gain attention, then you can try to change her view on certain things by slowly redpilling her.
The whole trans/gender topic is probably the most important thing for you to discuss because if she's actually okay with it then you might risk having a wife that tries to turn your son into a crossdressing faggot and/or your daughter into a dyke. Good luck and whatever you do, don't marry someone you don't see yourself having a normal life with, if you feel any doubts it's not worth destroying the lives of future children and yourself for. 30 is not too weird of an age.

Jesus Christ, user.
I would tell you to escape immediately, but you sound like an actual autist so I doubt your ability to find a better mate.

Kind of how everyone else in this thread has been saying, you really need to do some introspection on what it actually is you're looking for. With women you need to find a companion to raise good children with. So long as the genetic situation isn't too bad, who cares? And with women you also need to take charge. Her political beliefs will come from the strongest influence in her life, which should be you. Only you can work on your own self confidence to have that influence on her. I know you lack confidence because you made a thread on a Altain tricycle repair forum. Fake it until you make it. It's not too late.

I have many cousins and friends who have had children… all of their wives or the girls were looking to have children. In my case my girl is less interested.

Truthfully the best comment in the thread. I agree with most if not all of what you said. I just wish it was as easy as telling someone 'hey fuck off, we disagree on trannies". lol

And there you are like fucking clockwork, Schlomo. So now having white kids is the destruction of the white race? You can explain those mental gymnastics to your fellow shills in the gas chamber.

I am a big influence on her life, but being that she was raised in such a shit household with an abusive father and brother and a condoning mother it is hard to make her accepting of my ideas. Sadly I like her for who she is and don't want to hurt her any more but could easily have the opportunity for better if it worked at it.

Calm down, Rabbi. I know you want more white kids with broken family lives, but you're going to have to shill for this elsewhere.


so . . . what the fuck are you saying, faggot OP? That you prefer girls over 5'5" and she isn't? How is this a question? No one can tell you what to be attracted to, or anything at all for that matter, you make up your own mind; it will be a tight pussy though . . . always.

What . . . the fuck OP. Grow a mind you fucking ant.

Not when she has children.

I think you should not marry this girl, OP; but not for any of the reasons you have mentioned . . . it is because I think you should not BREED.

Well how long have you been with her? There's abuse and then there's being assertive. Have you talked about having kids with her and how you guys want to raise them (as another user has mentioned)?

Good news is she has said she wants to have my kids… Bad news is she is still invested more in dogs than children imo….. We also disagree on the idea that public schools are bad for children. But I think we could work something out with that issue.

Do it. I'm in my mid thirties, married and had a kid few years ago. I'll admit, it's work, but kids are the best thing in life. If she's into dogs she'll be into kids once the hormones take over don't worry it just shows she is nurturing. The same hormones help them see through something of the bullshit. The same hormones make them a little dumber and crazier for a little while too. Plus you'll be making enough money to support and being in the married tax bracket is nice for that. As long as she respects you and let's you take the alpha role there is no reason for you to listen to all the mgtow faggots itt.

If you think she could make children and raise them decently and not leave you halfway through, then yes. If she is your age, you will probably have maybe 2 or 3 children, which is just enough to replace you and her. Being nearsighted is because you and her were probably not outside enough as children. Circulation issues could be a problem, especially since childbearing can be taxing on the heart. The height issue may not be an issue depending on her genetics. If she is the only short one, it could be a nutrition issue.
How much would you really need to spend on the ring/wedding? You should be able to get a nice enough ring for under 1k if you do it piece by piece (center Stone, setting, etc.) And don't do a large ceremony. If you are upper middle class with decent savings, maybe spend some more. But you should be more focused on having the things that would be needed to make a family possible. Having a house (that you own) as well as enough money socked away that she isn't worried about resources. A few weeks worth of supplies (food, toilet paper, soap etc.) So she doesn't have to be running to the store as soon as your paycheck hits to get the things she needs to keep up the house.


At least go to QTDDTOT with that shit.

I want that to be the case. i hope that putting a baby in her changes her and I can forget about these questions.

Ring price is not cost. I make nearly 6 figures a year and have 10K+ saved. We have already discussed a cheap wedding and reception. So money is no object. It is more a question of am I making a right decision or not.

We're so close to gene editing that it won't be an issue someday.
At least make sure you have grandchildren that live to see it.

Damn right I do you fucking yid, and with that right there, you just admitted that you don't. You still haven't explained why no white children is better than white children who don't have a picture-perfect Brady Bunch family life. Because you can't without explaining your desire for white genocide.

Marriage is for fags and cucks. Skip the marriage and go directly to producing white babies.

And you don't. So produce extra babies and let darwinian mechanics take care of your weaker progeny over generations. The strong will thrive.

Whites invented laser eye surgery for a reason.

Height is more upbringing and nutrition than purely genetics. Feed your white children well and properly. My father was 5'7". My mother was 4'8". I'm 6'5".

Again, fuck that shit. Wasting your hard earned money on jew diamond merchants and pedophile priests has nothing to do with raising white children. Spend the money on your children instead. Church and state have no place in your family life.

Just don't send the kids to the jewish schools and DEFINITELY do not let them watch the talmudvision.

violence, commit suicide, continue a cycle of poverty, become drug dependent,
commit a crime or perform below his peers in education
families as a child
85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders
sources: US Census Bureau 2009-2011, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of the Census, Center for Disease Control
So, basically, your argument is that because whites currently have low birth rates, OP should rush into having children with a girl that he is most likely not compatible with, and take the overwhelming statistical chance that his children will become failures.

You came up with this instead of giving OP advice on how to find an ideal mate so he can raise children in a healthy environment that allows for the growth of more successful white people. You're either a kike or a fucking retard. Either way you should stop posting.

jesus christ that copy and paste did not go as planned. i hate phoneposting. either way, my point stands. is a nigger.

Unless shes a raging leftist retard ur fine.

And you're argument is that he should wait for his perfect, red-pilled, completely un-pozzed and genetically perfect waifu, or just not have children at all. Basically wait for Hitler. Since you're faggot ass likes statistics so much, tell me what the chance of that happening is. Is it even 0.0001%?

You're fine, OP.

I never said that you fucking illiterate nigger. Nice strawman, though. Totally not a kike debate tactic. I know you're new here, but did you know you can actually read all of the posts I made in this thread by highlighting my ID? Let's take a look at what I posted together, since you are obviously incapable of doing it on your own.

Basically, most women are palatable to your beliefs if you are a respectable man, and it is not too hard to mold them as long as they aren't too far gone. The same thing plenty of anons have already said in this thread. You would probably know that if you had tried dating before.

fuck me if we are to catalog and select upon genetics to breed we arnt gonna survive i dont mean making babies with niggers i mean use common sense does the bitch have downs
No then make babies
ask your self do u love her then ask your self are u willing to stick by her for 18 years each kid add another 18 years
fuck me im all for finding the right women but fuck the floors and pick somone your happy to be with for the next 20 years or so
We arnt close to breeding a super whites and even if we where it wouldnt be done via regular birthing

so we should fuck the first white girl we see and forsake all traditional breeding patterns and family structure? and this will somehow be a good thing for whites? is this kike for real?

Very convincing, I concede.

And like said, unless she's pozzed to the brim, she's redeemable. We don't have the luxury right now to be this picky. All I know is I'm advocating for white children while you're not.

If you don't do it, the shitskins will.

Fucking kek. We're done here.

I agree
glasses exist, lots of people use them
hell lasik will be cheap soon

But, we also need to realize that to build a relationship with a REAL woman, the IDEAL (or, perhaps 'spirit') of woman must be sacrificed. This doesn't make the ideal evil, but we must realize that every Mistress is a jealous lover. You cannot both be in love with your wife and your ideal woman. You need to pick.

So find the best girl you can, don't settle, but you have to sacrifice your waifu to get an actual wife basically.

You are selecting her as one state of mind pulls you into an illusion that this is your only choice. This girl is not your only choice, this is a form of cuckoldry - that in the mind. And I will recommend to bear on, and find the greatest genetic fruit you can. Hitler commends eugenics. Teach her the same and I promise that your care upon nature will not go unforgiven. Heil

You start behaving like them, my glasses might get a bit foggy on the DOTR user.


The leftovers don't deserve marriage. R-selection isn't optimal, but then neither are leftover women, and it's really all they're good for anyways.

If she's white, go for it. Your future generations will not have these problems you speak of, you're looking at it from the perspective as if ONLY natural selection were involved. That's not going to the case within the next hundred years, we're entering the Biotech-Age where you'll be able to target certain genes/traits eventually. The height / circulation / near-sightedness is one thing, is she fairly smart / generally healthy otherwise?

Get rich, have a thousand babies. Deus-Vult!