Yahoo: Frozen is racist because all the characters are white
She even says the snowman is racist cuz he’s white. Holy fuck we’ve entered the twilight zone of stupidity.
“Other moviegoers are upset that the Olaf short was paired with Coco in the first place. As we know, Frozen is a story of all white characters (plus a snowman and a reindeer). Coco is a beautiful tale that celebrates people of color and Latnix culture. The jarring juxtaposition of goofy Olaf and the Frozen world was not sitting well with many audiences.”

The writers name is Jessica Tholmer Let her know what you think: (
Contact info like phone: )

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They're right you know.
Enjoy this goy free post!

mods really need to start banning OPs who don't archive

Perhaps the kikes aren't as smart at recognizing patterns as (((they))) say (((they))) are.

Relax I’m a newfag I didn’t know archiving was a thing.

Then lurk before posting, you cocksucking faggot.

They're revealing their hand more and more. "Diversity" means no more white people.

Fags will say they're removing it because of racism. I think the first explanation, that the short is 21 goddamned minutes long ahead of a 2 hour movie. This disney frozen shit from disney animation isn't the pixar film that people want to go see. I wouldn't want to see basically a half-hour TV cartoon of some unrelevent cashgrab shit when I see a movie.

What about pikachus vacation? That was 23 minutes during the first Pokémon movie

Look at the words used here.
Frozen is just some movie with whites
Coco however, is a beautiful tale that celebrates culture

Wtf is coco? It's not a thing in my country. No commercials or anything. Frozen is still popular though.


I'm rather shocked they didn't black Frozen to begin with. It would have been so easy to cram a nigger in there, but they didn't. A shame J-dar is down, otherwise I'd double check to make sure it didn't actually go under the radar.

Why would you OK a 21 minute "short" before a 2 hour movie to begin with? It's pulling at straws trying to turn this into a racial matter like the author is trying to make it seem.

Winter-Chan approves.

the comment section disagrees with the whiney bitch.

Because Frozen is their most popular IP right now. Kids eat it up like the jew trash it is. Even if the kids don't want to see this new movie, they'll beg parents to take them because muh frozen short. It equates to more money and I think it was a move to get more seats filled for a movie that was expected to not do too well especially after creative director John Lasseder was removed in the wave of sex scandals.

All White movie
All Hispanic movie

Lol anit-white racists.

That snowman is clearly jewish.

That's bullshit. And by that I mean

PIXAR isn't removing the short because "MUH RACISM!" They're removing the short because it was half a fucking hour long amd moviegoers were pissed that PIXAR would shoehorn in more Frozen shit because they know it prints shekels

PIXAR then made it about racism of course to manufacture controversy

Can these kikes just make their noses less obvious, I'm always disgusted when I see their nose cover up half their face. It scares me how much she has retweets from orphanages with pictures and video of kids that can be adopted. As well as pictures of homeless niggers looking for work.

Well that's different user, that's a Pokémon episode before a Pokémon movie.

Trigger the whiny little spics Holla Forums


All you have to do is look in street gutters on the sides of the road for brown/black snow.

Who the fuck still gets their news from yahoo? They want clicks, retard.


This is literally the very first Pixar film I have zero intention of going to see. If this is the direction Lasseter wants to take his band of folks in, then I've probably already paid to see my last Pixar work ever on the previous one.

Is the first one photoshop?

Yeah but we're here and that makes sense. "the pixar film that people want to go see" would be better off saying "the pixar film that normalfags want to go see". The normalfag will just see "pixar" attached to whatever shit and cream themselves on the way to the movies. The target audience for pixar is 20s-30s, frozen is sub-14. This is happening because even pixar driven normalfags don't like babby frozen marketing on their golden poo movie.
I don't think this thread is going anywhere.


Olaf the snowman is a Jewy character, voiced by the Jew Josh Gad.

Lily-white Princess Elsa of the "I don't need no prince, I'm a powerful independent woman" character arc is voiced by the Jew Idina Menzel.

Just because it doesn't have pavement apes walking around doesn't mean it's not Jewed up money-making subversion.



Delete this shit
They put a 21 minute short in front of a movie and people were annoyed

Dubs because this is pointless and OP is a faggot not using archive.

The short is removed for advertising reasons




Pixar spic movie

In case some of you are mormons…

Frozen was based on Sami culture…



Can any burger enlighten me please?

They're saving that for the sequel. First create a story many people love, and then corrupt it right in front of their eyes. If they forced it to hard in the first place, it would never have become popular.

SJWs want to make it their own. They call women "womyn" and such. Someone should tell them how racist it is to make up your own name for an entire group of people.

No I mean what the fuck is Latnix? I assume something to do with Latin America but just call it that then

I've seen Latinx, which is a catch all for Latino/latina. It's sjws being full of it as usual.

Coco means CUCKOLD in another language. Which means that the Latnix "culture" is a culture of faggot latino pussy cucks.

Disney is a cabal of faggots and subversive beta cuckolds that suck tiny jewish cocks.
This article is shit and so is this thread.

Just Saiyan.

I finally found the censored e-mail:
206-331-6722 [email protected]


Whatcha slidin' rabbi?


Beaners come in many different shapes and sizes of bean, and they all hate each other. So these faggots made up a stupid word to try and dump all the beans in one pot and make them get along, even though there's already words that describe all the beans, but beans reject those words.
also, beaners are worse than niggers, at least you can kinda understand a nigger's retarded attempts at speaking, sometimes.

Yeah they edited the niggers skin color, we all know plank only kills glow in the dark cia niggers.

Damn straight it is. Niggers get out!

The guy who voices Olaf is a kike.

You don't watch movies at all? Are you like some sort of massive mongoloid who believes that Hollywood makes every single film ever?

Why are they only screeching about it being """"""""""""""""racist""""""""""""""""" now? Didn't that movie come out like three years ago?

Clearly criticism of Frozen is

Citation needed.

Just the mental image of thousands of uppity spics being legitimately triggered by Frozen because they thought they were gonna get a 100% spic pandering feature made me smile.

But it didn't happen.

Then why would Disney pull the short?

Virtue signaling smart-ass.

Do you have any idea how much time and effort it takes to make even a CGI short like that? They're making a Frozen 2. You're mentally handicapped if you think they would torpedo their own product like that to virtue signal.

Not surprising. Olaf is probably the most jewish-behaving comic relief character they ever put in a Disney movie.

Elas and Olaf were voiced by jews. Don't know if the other characters off the top of my head.

Even losing a billion means nothing to fucking Disney. They basically own a part of America.

She is also a coal burner.

Jewpedia states that she recently remarried with a guy named (((Aaron))). How come?

WTF the skeletons in Coco are white!

What happened to that guy?

Well Jews are (((White))). Some of the individuals that BLM criticises are also (((Whites))). (((White))) privilege is a well known issue in society, that's why they're the top 2% 1%. :^) Seriously fuck nigger logic. Thanks a lot heebs.

The annoying talking snowman killed the movie for me.

And Walt Disney himself never wanted his company to become another part of the Jewish multimedia empire. He never wanted to make anti-NatSoc propaganda cartoons either, and the original Three Little Piglets short once shown a scene of the Wolf desguised as a kike merchant. (((modern Disney))) is about as "American" as non-Whites living in America.

Her mother probably threatened to disown her and "sit shiva" and exclude her from the will.


The real Climate Barbie is a leaf.

Something to do with cocaine. Trying to make MS-13 look warm and fuzzy.

Not the dyke incest? Fuck you.

Really surprised we haven't given Elsa the Taylor Swift treatment until now.

Hey, retard. You’re not going to get anywhere by saying “slaughter all nonwhites down to the last unborn child.” You WILL be able to retake your countries if you say “people should be separated like they ALL want to be.” Once you actually HAVE some nations, THEN you can think about reconquista. Fucking kill yourself.

Well, we did. We used her for ice age-chan a while back, too. And I wrote an extremely specific parody song about just one of Clinton’s election tweets.

Do You Want To Build A Strawman?

“Do you wanna build a strawman?”
No, I wanna build a wall.
Don’t want illegals anymore,
They’re out the door,
We must deport them all!

We use to have good policies,
But now we don’t.
We’re letting our country die!
Do I want to build a strawman?
How about an immigrant plan?

“Go away, Trump.”
…Ten more feet high.

“Do you want to build a strawman?”
I want to give us good trade deals.
I think protectionism’s overdue,
And free trade’s through;
It needs to be repealed!

It’s really rather maddening,
Outsourcing our jobs
While Americans go hungry!
(wel-fare, food-stamps, sect-ion eight-homes)

Clinton, please, you can’t be trusted
Not with treaties or soldiers’ lives
We say, “Indictment!” but your cronies knew
How to cover for you
How far our land’s fallen!

In a choice between each other
Down to you and me,
What will the American people do?

“Do you want to build a strawman?”


Coco is cocaine.


The only monkeys you see in the snow are white ones.

Frozen is a Feminist post-modern attempt at rewriting the sleeping beauty tale.

The sleeping beauty is about the inner development of a girl, where her developed-self is represented by the prince, and her undeveloped-self is represented by the witch.

Frozen turns that on its head and tells women they should be children throwing tantrums forever.

OP earned a sage for niggerdom

Does shit like this really need an archive? We're talking jews here.


I thought it was about a witch putting a woman in a coma, and the prince had to defeat the witch to break the spell. Really activates the almonds.

Taylor Swift is a tranny mudshark so it was a little ironic that she was chosen for those memes. Elsa is voiced by a coal burning jewess though, so it wouldn't be very different.


just like with people.

There actually are darkskinned people in the background of some scenes in the palace/kingdom. It's out of place for the setting, but the movie is kiked anyway so it doesn't surprise me.

Isn't that during events with a bunch of foreign visitors? Still odd for them to have anyone of significance to send, but not quite as ridiculous as actually having a brown population living there.

Why would you want to go to a film about spics, retard? How are whites supposed to relate to their retarded death shit?

I'd be less offended if their whole head consisted of a nose. At least then they wouldn't look like white people who been mutated. They ought to be called "beige"

Winter is racst bc all the snow is white?
Funny most non-white countries barely get any snow

Laxative for spics?

SJW’s get super triggered that languages like Spanish and German have gendered words. It chaps their ass having to use Latino to describe Mexis so they pulled Latinx out of their asses to include the Latinas and Latinwtfs.

Spanish isn't my language but it bothers me because the structure seems so wrong. I'm not sure how to pronounce it so it feels like something only a person on the internet would use. Same with womyn (wouldn't it make more sense to use an i if they wanted to change it?), I read it as womine in my head.

I want to strangle a Jew now. By the way hebrew is a gendered language. Are the kikes pulling this shit with their own conlang?



There's six tenses, male, female, thing. Repeat for plural (males, females, things). It is not very difficult. The problem comes with time tenses, which indeed are a bitch when you come from an anglo/german language. You have to think it from a positive side; at least it isn't gargantuan like the fourteen variants for polish.

I love poland, I really do, but damn, their language is tough.

He says about something that is not only difficult, but also has absolutely no reason to exist whatsoever.

That's because the first Pokémon movie was one of those "Roadshow" event films in Japan that's only about an hour or so long, so they added Pikachu's Vacation to bulk it up enough so that people wouldn't complain that the movie's too short to be worth the full ticket price.

Be aware of danex with big noses. Im a Dane, german, scottish mut and my nose is gi-fucking-gantic.

Everyone knows that a real nigga likes his ribs and pussy, and don't like no cold.


Wtf is Latnix?

As far as I know, most people were just unhappy with having to watch 20 minutes of a retarded snow man when they came to see spics skeletons. I've seen the shit I can tell you that the snowman was easily the worst part of the experience.


Isn't Guts a racemixer?


The reason most people, especially Americans, are retarded is because they are brainwashed by movies from a very young age and the vast majority are made by and/or funded by Jews; Jews who control the images, the relationships, the roles, the good guys, the villans, etc. which in turn controls the minds of the viewers.

Even image boards? :^)

Most films are jewed- sensuality(even making out for a good 20 seconds which is often the case even in younger films is Jewish/sodomy/etc.)? Decadent behavior? Promoting illegal activities? These are a few aspects of a Jewish production, and Jews tend to spend more on effects, rather than actors as well(Justice league flash, but also because hes a Jew and faggot as well). Find me one movie of which doesn't have any of the following - you cant.

Beige power!