thegatewaypundit .com/2017/12/breaking-obama-admin-approved-general-flynn-calls-russian-ambassador/

Other urls found in this thread:


wow more zog narratives to keep the goyim occupied for a few days before we shit out something else


Always another twist. Donald Trump is definitely an interesting President. He seems to be doing better than Obama did.

you got the first post this time chaim

Not being a nigger probably helps.


That lying officially to the people on top seems like a very unofficerly kind of thing to do. Someone is getting their gold star taken away.

came back to see any interesting conversation and of course nothing. like i assumed this is just more bullshit only magapedes care about.

seriously how much are you getting paid?

$17.50 an hour, and we have free pizza Fridays.

they're warming up the ovens, kike

You forgot to check quads. Funny thing is tonight we have 4 pizzas with 5 toppings each.

i dont get paid for threads nobody cares about(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

88D chess anyone? Thanks for playing kikes, but you lost this round.

well, yea

,thread is gay

Welp, guess we're back to dindu nuffin status

Holla Forums or really cheap shill.
Anyway, love the fact Flynn got the green light from King Nigger, illustrates to Trump what kind of shitheads he got in his midst.

Thats just gross. When you start putting so many toppings on a pizza you lose the flavor/quality of each individual topping, until all you're left with is an unholy mess that just tastes like you mashed all your food up together. Its just like people who make a plate of food, and then mush everything up together and eat it like that. Its fucking disgusting and you lose the flavor and quality of each individual thing that way. 2 toppings is ideal, 3 is pushing it unless you're a faggot going for a "veggie pizza" in which case really the only thing you can taste on it is the onions and any hotter peppers (if you managed to retain SOME fragment of your balls in the first place and still each anything spicy, which I doubt) so its a little more understandable. But no, 3 is the absolute upper limit for any person with decent taste.

You kikes can't even do pizza properly. You fuck everything up. What do you even call those 5 topping abominations, the "multicultural pizza?" For fucks sake, you even do to food the kind of atrocities you're doing to nations, just mash everything up together until its this disgusting pile of shit that has no taste or identity of its own

You make me sick.



Don't sperg out so hard and you wont have to double post next time homo.

Fuck outta here

ABC News issues retraction on Flynn-Russian story


Shills on suicide watch again


That's why you choose toppings that compliment each other.

For example:

What the fuck is going on?

Fake news, it turns out.

oops i'm stupid, not fake, but the news spun around the phone call is fake

look at abc's twitter



I love how shilled this thread is. Run scared some more you fucking rats.


what is this? mueller is an enemy

Kill yourself kike

He still has to get deported to Kenya.

Kill yourself r/TheCuckold
Fucking die


I'm sorry, anons. Can someone help me out? Why would this be a big deal anyway? As long as it was post-election, isn't he just doing his job by creating a transition team and attempting to reach out to powerful leaders in order develop his foreign policy? Honestly, if he didn't have someone reach out to other major powers, including Russia, China etc, then I'd think he was absolutely fucking incompetent… or am I not getting something, here?



Flynn lied to the FBI so he would have to take a plea bargain. One of the terms of the plea deal is he has to give up info on any crime he knows about. Any nondisclosure agreements signed during the obutfucker admin are therefore null and void.

the breaking of links was retarded from the beginning, and myself and all the real oldfags said so. if someone was stupid enough to click the link rather than copypasta, then fuck the newfag kikeniggerfaggotretard. and fuck you too 4cuck newfag

oh, so its actually an Obama story not a Trump story. That actually makes more sense. Watch it when it turns out KingNigger was actually the one in league with the Russians. Wtf is the (((MSM))) going to do then?

>Wtf is the (((MSM))) going to do then?
Commission another bombing or shooting to distract the public. There are plenty of schizoid leftist fucks on head meds with attached earlobes that can be MKULTRA'd into going ballistic over some irrelevant shit.

a very astute, if unfortunate, observation

down the memory hole it goes

BUMP. This seems like the reason there are so many slide thread in the catalog. More than the usual deluge.


This is really big news, they launched this last night, right? Right around the time of the big tax vote? Didn't they possibly cause a pretty rocky fall in the stock market?

I think that the effect of this has been measured and that in the future they will do it more frequently if they aren't stopped. What's the harm, really? Billions lost and the only consequence is some old talking head takes his month-long vacation a bit early.

Possible he turned? I’ve heard that theory. It would seem unlikely I know but in truth I think the only way the cabal would be taken down totally would be if there were turncoats, of some kind.

They could hav found stronger connections between Trump and the American mafia had they really wanted to. The fact that now it’s shifting on to them just screams that it was one of those Alinsky rules I see posted here. These are their crimes. I don’t want to see Russia demonized anymore by either side. ((Someone else)) is more important.

Mayhaps Trump just looked him dead in the eye and said.
"I'll reveal EVERYTHING, if you do not help me drain the swamp. Does the possibility of the majority of our nation hunting for you and anyone connected to you make you afraid? I'm afraid that I will go down with you and your ilk."
Or something along those lines. The threat of being hunted for the rest of his life, coupled with the often gruesome deaths those so hunted suffer at the hands of the mob that catches them. We Americans burned a few witches, so I see no reason not to burn a few traitorous bitches.


That wasn't a tradition cunt because we used to just direct link and archive. That breaking shit was newfaggotry introduced because people were beginning to false flag with MUH HONEYPOTS MUH REFERAL LINKS MUH CLICKY CLICKS.

Bumping again. This is some real crazy shit, remind me what Flynn did before Trump hired him?