Anons please tell me this tweet has no validity, or if the subpoenas are real then tell me they won't find anything

Anons please tell me this tweet has no validity, or if the subpoenas are real then tell me they won't find anything.

Didn't congress pass a law a few years back that exempts members of congress from insider trading laws? Isn't everyone in congress a multi-millionaire with a 100k/yr salary? Really gets those synapses snapping

Why is that important to you?

I guess this explains Trump's controversial tweets today.
Trying to distract from the falling house of cards.

Like it'll affect the "Teflon Don".

kek demands chaos and for no peaceful option in the restoration of the world.

Go back to reddit.

mere trips ain't shit.

with 4,000+ indictments chaos is coming and it is not coming to Trump

Nothin' wrong with reddit bro. Have you checked TD today?
Pedes be going wild over his tweets, funny shit no doubt.

Yes, even their interns are exempted in the law.

This might be the weakest blackpill shilling I've ever seen.

so what?

He's been getting sued left and right for over a year. None of them have done anything

There is exactly 0% chance that Trump is going to be charged with anything or impeached. The fear regarding Trump is whether he is actually /ourguy/ or not. Basically, is he a white nationalist pretending to be a Zionist or he is a Zionist pretending to be a white nationalist pretending to be a Zionist? Or is he actually a civic nationalist bluepilled boomer cuck that is simply a significantly lesser evil than any (((establishment))) politician? I honestly don't know. During the campaign I was totally convinced that he was a crypto-NatSoc intent on saving the white race but it's been almost a year and he's being too 'Presidential' for my liking. I really expected him to initiate order 1488 and dispatch the death squads by now, because that's logically what's best for this country and as President it's his job to do just that.

Also, look at this fresh captcha, I can't believe this shit.

Trump has a fucking time machine user , don't forget

I would pay good money to see someone beat you to death with a stocking stuffed full of buffalo nickels.

a sack full of hot nickels to the face eh? Topkek

Guy I never heard of, doesn't even have a blue cuckmark. I'd believe thernolisp over this guy.

Fuck off back to cuckchan.

Quit being a flaming faggot, OP.

This is standard protocol for any lawful process wherein one is being accused or sued for unjustly manipulating his position for profit and personal gain. At this stage of the game it doesn't fucking mean anything.

The equivalent to this for your syphilitic AIDS-ridden faggot brain to understand would be Obama getting pulled over for speeding, the cop asking for his driver's license, and Twitter media falling all over themselves about what this means in relation to the drama around Obama's birth certificate. The guy is conflating standard procedure for damning evidence, and gay retards like yourself fail to catch on.

wasted trips, go an hero

Literally the only reason the vast majority of Congress wanted the job. They don't give a shit about you or America, they only care about enriching themselves

So are plebbitors now calling themselves pedos or foot fetishists? Either way you get the rope


in order words its fucking nothing as usual



Want to know how I know you aren't from around here?

Yuo're pretty dumb m8

(((Robert Krassenstein))) totally legit source

(((Brian))) lol sorry doing a few things at once

We don't know that yet. Hopefully this is all part of Trumps plan. So far everything has so I still have faith in Him.


A very unfortunately spelled self-inflicted moniker. Numerous straight people tried to warn them. Neutral sage.

>not being a MAGApede!
>not being a Nimble navigator!!
>not being Altright alright!
Do you use that purity spiraling shithole Holla Forums or something?

plus proper use of conflation

who the fuck even cares anymore
Trump hasn't done shit

Trump has committed various crimes during his real estate dealings.
Problem is that these crimes all require the charging and conviction of others to Trump himself to be charged and convicted.

Real estate is a crooked business and in New York especially you have to pay your dues to organised crime to get anything done.
They've tried to tar Trump on this front before but the problem is as mentioned, to get him you must also get others. Those others will not quietly accept it and will reveal their involvement with various establishment figures. Meaning to get Trump this way they'll have to get many of their own and reveal vast webs of criminal activity they've long profited from.

As for profiting from his office.
That will be difficult to prove in any meaningful capacity. They may try arguing that because foreign officials have used his hotels this counts, but it isn't a very good case as his hotels are typically high price hotels of the sort generally used by foreign dignitaries. Meaning they'll have a history of hosting these kind of guests.

kys kike

Of course this is happening, idiot. Did you really fall for “mueller is our guy” shit?

He definitely ain't our guy. Look at what he's done so far, he's just another establishment goon. The biggest issue will occur towards the end of his first term. The fed will likely raise interest rates and cause an economic nightmare and it'll be termed the "Trump depression". And then all these commie fucks will say, "you see, this is where your capitalism got you." And they'll push us further into some socialist state. Face it America is fucked. We need to band together but large patches of land and succeed from the US.

What the fuck are these kikes trying to pull now?

Lmao shillcucks are all over this thread

OP is more gay than a theatrical makeup expert dancing on Castro Street singing how much he loves cock. DC has a US Attorney, not an an attorney general, and no way the USA for the district would file these subpoenas without main justice approval.