Did Disney kill Star Wars?

Did Disney kill Star Wars?

We can only hope.


i-is that is that an edit?



They're killing it slowly. Its being tortured to death and when its on life support they will torture it some more. And when it dies, they will practice their Jewish magic to resurrect it and torture it more. Star Wars will never know the sweet release of death.

look at the guy behind her on the left. doesn't he look like someone we know?

I would love to hear that all future plans for Star Wars movies were put on indefinite hiatus, but chance are Disney will keep milking the IP for a few more years, because they can justify the cost since the profits are high enough. If they were breaking even, they'd re-evaluate their whole plan, but since retarded collectors go out and buy 10 of every action figure and tell people the need to see the movie 5 times to truly enjoy it, the money ends up being more than enough for Disney to keep this going.

Hopefully, if Han Solo bombs like we're hoping, people will stop going to see these movies and supporting Disney. Right now, the popular narrative is that all the cool normalfags and hipsters are supposed to love Star Wars, because it's woke and feminist and all that other shit.. but in a few years, these are going to be the movies that people look back on with even more disgust than the prequels.

Disney has turned Star Wars into a movie-length advertisement for Hermetic Qabalahism, so they'll milk it until the movies no longer break even.

There's nothing hermetic about this bullshit.

I seriously wonder what Lucas expected Kennedy to do post-buyout

Considering that everyone, including Disney, has been doing cinematic universes with connected stories the pay off after several movies, he was probably expecting something at least somewhat as competent as the Marvel Movies.

user, I…

seeing as how TLJ barely recovered and disney is anticipating han solo to flop, this will come sooner than later.

Reddit (the prequels) killed Star Wars.

yeah buddy, sure it did

Silly boy, reddit hates the prequels.


If the PT killed SW then Disney raped the remains and forced SW's loved ones & friends to watch.

star wars died for me the moment this little shit appeared

hate on jar jar and the ewoks all you want, at least they weren't an implausible jailbait mary sue creator's pet jedi hogging spotlight from all the other characters in the show, including anakin and obi-wan themselves


makes you think