What is wrong with Star Wars audiences' brain synapses?

What is wrong with Star Wars audiences' brain synapses?

wubba lubba dub dub

Seen this for a bunch of films.
Audiences start chimping out if they hear no sound for 5+ seconds and instantly shout at the guy in the box.

It's especially retarded, as you'd think many people would know sound and space don't mix, but clearly they don't.

IQ based culling when?

Think of how many movies there are that depict things going on in a vacuum.
Now think of how many there are that depict things going on in a vacuum without sound.
I don't think the vast majority of people would know that there is no sound in space.
Hell, most of them probably think spaceships decelerate if you stop their engines.

[internal reee'ing]
Nothing makes me more fucking upset than people that know nothing of at least rudimentary knowledge in the main branches of science.

Does it really have a scene where there is no sound in space? Star Wars has always had sound in space.

From that time stamp and description, I'd guess it'd be the Leia Superman scene.
Technically you can have sound in space. If you had an explosion on a ship, the rush of energy propelling air and other gases through space would give off sound to anything they went near.

What happens then smarty pants

You keep going forwards until an force acts upon you to decelerate or stop you.

There is sound in space, but it all plays out in reverse because there's no gravity and when you turn a spaceship's rockets off, it slowly glides back into Earth's atmosphere.

Sounds like bullshit to me have you every ridden a jetski and turned off the throttle?

I am not that dumb

I know I'm talking to someone that knows what we're saying, yet I still feel the urge to educate you.

Look a airplane flies in the sky right? The moment you turn of its engines it goes straight down too earth because it stopped, without gravity acting on it in space nothing will pull it down and it will stop right there because nothing is pushing it forward. Like mechanics 101 tbh


What? Do you understand now or are you mad at something?

2001 was the first film to depict the silence of space. This was at the insistence of, Clark and Kubrick fully agreed as he wanted every aspect of man trying to live and work in this unforgiving environment as realistic as possible.

The fact that some of you don't know Newton's first law of motion, or that sound waves can't travel in a vacuum is a bit shocking, but since the only science that is taught in todays schools is only that that deals with climate change is not to surprising. Now the fact that most of the posts here on Holla Forums deal with starwars crap and so few of you bother to educate yourselves in the hard sciences of space. Now thats the real mind blower.

I know you're trolling but kill you'areself my man

that's incorrect, during that scene they are blasting the superman theme

Reminds me of this gem from several years back.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Tree of Life.

you haven't fooled me, but I'm going to insult you anyway, you fucking retard