Girlguiding UK Allows ‘Transgender’ Guides to Share Showers, Tents with Girls


Official guidance distributed by the organisation, which applies to Girl Guides between the ages of five and 25, tells guide leaders to let “transgender” members share changing rooms, toilets, tents, and cabins with girls while away on excursions.

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i've forgotten at this point if this was one of those things that'd be the "last straw" for me

Dead directors and shot callers can't effect policy

I don't collect pics, so no pic related. Not that there is one that would encompass the level of disdain, hatred, sorrow, etc. I feel.

Make it stop

Wrong, user. You’re still thinking the way that kikes want you to think. You’re still appealing to mommy and daddy government/authority/anything stronger than you.

YOU are the authority. You say, “I will make it stop.”


checked, kekd and denied though. That's why you don't put your children in these dumb programs, teach the shit they teach yourself!

Don't people who join the FBI & CIA at some point think, I want to do what's best for the my family? (Which then extends to the notion of "best for the country"). So, why are they so against killing. Damn, seeing this, shouldn't anyone want to get rid of the trash that pushes this forward.
I hope, at minimum, the kids can be taken out of the summer camp. (If parents are to pozzed to take their kids out, they deserve the bullet). I hope it isn't like field trips across Europe where you can't take your kid out of it.


Heh heh heh. I mentioned this ages ago, I saw the writing on the wall when I read the pledge that Rainbows (the new name for the junior girl guides in the UK) take when they sign up.
It's basically a pledge of allegiance to the NWO.
They've been corrupt for years, the only difference is that the corruption is now being expressed in ways which even normalfags can sense are wrong.

Fuck this shit, Transfag needs their own fucking toilet.

Tranny raping a girl in the shower in 3…2…1…

Hate to say it, but when that day comes, I called it…

No one can make it stop except of you.

Fucking anglo scum. Taste some ww2 payback, bitches. From other threads it seems your inferior kind hasn't learned the lesson yet.

2018 Girl Guides no longer exist as parents no longer send children to meetings.

Rope is known to relieve such "anxiety".

I've seen mods ban for less.

Nigger tier.

Angloposter is a mod. Probably from the same infiltration unit as the Rachposter.
Seriously, it's about fucking time someone makes an infographic already. I've chased this fucker over every corner of 8ch from here to Holla Forums, Holla Forums and back over the course of at least the past 2 years and he's always peddling the same tired old arguments as before, and no-one takes any notice. He's the same mouthbreathing retard you see show up in every Poland thread calling them "Pooland" and wishing death on them for taking Prussia. That should tell you all you need to know about this kike.

sage due to irrelevent banter

Aren't you boys glad we won WWII? Instead of speaking Arabic, we could all be talking German!!


I meant as in vigilante killing. The FBI/CIA only like it when it's them doing it. However, the idea is that if (at least at the beginning) they joined cause it's for the betterment of the country, that they would understand removing people like in OP's post (even if vigilante style).

Not a summer camp, they hold these things at local village halls and stuff, and they do arts and crafts. Sometime go out hiking for the day, with a camping trip in the summer for a cupple days.

This its a major problem, sane people don't think this is a good idea. Well, (((they))) push this becauae its bad.

checked with thanks user

Polite sage for off-topic

Fair enough then. If they were serving their ostensible purpose they would definitely understand that.

I'd assume that the alphabets actively avoid recruiting people who genuinely want to better their country. Can't have them thinking dangerous thoughts about serving the people of the US rather than solely furthering the interests a handful of kikes.

I honestly get the true purpose an alphabet is supposed to have (doesn't actually). It's to be willing to do the dark deeds necessary for the sake of the country. However, this very type of thinking is flawed. To catagorize something as a dark deed means the people of the country should be ashamed of it if it were to be brought to light. However, this shouldn't be, for if it was truly necessary for the betterment of our country, it should be taken proudly as a good deed.

The ride never ends.

The most interesting thing to be about all of this is when you look at how recent the word "gender" is. It is a completely useless word from historical perspective, back then you would just say this man acts like a woman. You wouldn't call him a woman because that removes the point of the word "sex". Gender is more vague…more primitive… it does not define accurately a set of behavior which separates roles. Sex is accurate and separates via chromosomes, genitals, behavior etc..We have actually digressed with our words. And when you start to "reform" words when we already had the the TRUE definitions of the words it allows for a grey area.

IT TOOK THOUSANDS OF YEARS FOR US TO GET OUR LANGUAGE TO THE POINT IT IS AT. We are currently not expanding our definitions we are destroying words that accurately depict something and substituting the word "gender" to muddy the waters.

Its not just with the word gender either. The word "racist" is the same way. Just remember; IF YOU LOSE CONTROL OF YOUR LANGUAGE/DEFINITIONS YOU LOSE CONTROL OVER YOUR CULTURE. You must have definitions that operate on ABSOLUTE TRUTH AND DEFINITIONS.

It's true.

Maybe it varies depending where you are. But I remember "gender" being simply a synonym for "sex", used when people wanted to be extra polite for whatever reason.

Come on now britcucks.

You are wrong.

And I encourage you to read about (((John Money))). The man who coined the word "gender" and fucked with children
Here is the poor kid you killed


Psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned. Academic sexologist Milton Diamond later reported that Reimer's realization he was not a girl crystallized between the ages of 9 and 11,[2] and he transitioned to living as a male at age 15. Well known in medical circles for years anonymously as the "John/Joan" case, Reimer later went public with his story to help discourage similar medical practices. He later committed suicide after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and a troubled marriage.[3]
(((typical))) schlomo stuff

More about David Reimer. John Money forced his brother to play doctor with him and encouraged sexual play with the young two boys.

This is a 6min summary

There is a more in-depth documentary on youtube



We are at a stage where history, nations, beliefs and cultures don't matter anymore, the kikes will take it all away if we let them and the one thing worth fighting for, the one thing that will outlast all others is our race, the white race, the 14 words are all that matters in the face of everything else.


Nice to see some quality posts once in a while, keep up the good fight user, and remember that we are all that's left to stop the (((chosen))) and their fundementally flawed ideologies

that will not happen nice fantasy though

The British WANT to be raped. Just look at what happened with all those thousands of underaged little girls in Britain being raped and then they cover it up. Brits are some inbred pedo nasty fuckers.

Distinguish the children from the adults in that "want to be raped" statement.

What if it will happen?

Poor girls.

British are only barely white, sorry sweetie. All the good British are dead or emigrated.

That should be a ban right there.

Not using the right chaspeak is now banneable? how so?
how is different than banning wrong thinking or wrong pronouns?
at the end of the line both sides are punishing the action of not been in the group enough

To be Progressive is to remove and destroy biological women. Those CIS scum women will be sacrificed to the glorious march of progressivism and there's nothing they can do about it because biological women are weak and inferior to superior progressive trans as all athletic events have shown.

More like it is to remove the humanity and replace with the subjugated transhumanity.

Weak false equivalence, though. Might want to warm up a little more before attempting any more mental gymnastics. And remember to stay hydrated.

No, but your atrocious grammar is. 4U.

well guess what, you are living in a fantasy where they allow transgender guides to share shower and tents with girls

Reminder that gender came from the unethical experiments conducted by John Money that resulted in two suicides by forcing the brothers to commit sexual acts. All of that, just so some insecure fag could make up a pathetic "gender" to virtue-signal or validate themselves in an already degrading western civilization.

Here's what's going to happen.
>This will become the new indoctrination standard as at around this time, the university bubble will be collapsing and (((the powers that be))) will need new indoctrination streams to keep the system running.

Screen cap this. I'm estimating it'll be about 7 years total.