Egyptians storm out of the theater during the screening of "The mountains between us" in Cairo's International Film Festival. Director gets pissed and interrupts the screening while Egyptians walk out.

< as soon as the screening had begun, people left the theater and headed out to the opening of the buffet leaving (Dutch-Palestinian Director of the film) Hany Abu-Assad disappointed.

The comment section of Egyptian sites has people complaining about the movie saying they don't like seeing white women with niggers.
Check the comment section -


What now, Holla Forums?

Spread this shit to normalfags. Ignore all MUH BASED BROWN PEOPLE posts.

no mention of religion anywhere. me thinks it's a jew.

if he were a muslim or christian there would be a mention somewhere online.

Honestly, I have no fucking idea. I'm stuck in blackpill mode, today. Just want to die and leave this disgusting world behind. Hope I'm feeling better tomorrow, because depression sucks donkey twat.

Egyptians are honorary whites

I care, user.

God bless you.


Bullshit. They were taking part in the enslavement of white women back in the day (and probably still are). They just hate blacks but if they could, they would eradicate white men at the drop of a hat.

Not really, if all white men are gone who will breed with white women to spawn the white slaves of the next generation?

Better kill off all niggers instead, or at least castrate them like normal rational civilization.

Polite sage because I care user. We're all gonna make it. Success is never final, nor is failure fatal - it is the courage to continue that counts. Keep faith and fight as long as you can stand. Nobody asks any more from you than that.

seems about right.

Whats the word on that new Hollyjew movie where the Queen has a supposed affair with a pajeet?

Is it the same movie?

No, it's another one
Victoria & The Bull Abdul



Reminder that native Egyptians (pre-Arab invasion) are white.

Kill yourself Rabbi and save us the trouble.

This directly proves that NO ONE, no matter which origin, can stand this obvious degeneracy.

It's a NATURAL THING to be offended by it.

And therefore race-mixing is against all LAWS OF NATURE & should be prohibited.


Who the fuck cares moshe?

White and caucasoid are not the same thing and egyptians, even those pre arab rape babbies and berbers are not white.
The white egyptians where all fucking killed.

NOOOOO you're suppose to love cuckoldry propaganda.

Eh, Egypt, like much of the Muslims world, experienced an influx of European Christian genetics for the elites because of the nearly 2 million slaves taken out of Europe from around 750-1571

I'm guessing that while everyday Egyptians are probably a conglomeration of the original Egyptian DNA, with a smattering of Roman, Greek and Arab, the Elite probably possess significantly higher European admixture.

thats what europe WILL look like

this guy gets it
throw in British and French

I'm willing to bet that that's because they want the white women, not because they want whites to be with whites.

the fact that the egyptian military ousted morsi and kicked the MB out means they hate the same kikes Holla Forums does to some extent at least

This is what I keep mentioning given the opportunity. The jews and their dynasties that are behind the evils of the world are themselves mixed race, in this case possess white mixture that overrides their jew DNA. The jews are inherently evil but sought white genes as a means of obtaining white prowess. Whenever a jew shill posts a typical slide thread pretending to ask why "jews are smart" they count on some Holla Forumslacks to associate the jews in charge of these evils as somehow being 100% white.

Mixed race dynamics are under-examined on Holla Forums that some anons will fall for that bait, not know why exactly it's not true but stuck with that bait in their heads trying to solve it. This same effect is found everywhere. For instance, why are there "smart" niggers? They're not 100% nigger, not even close. Most "smart" niggers are predominantly white in DNA. The shift between races is apparent in appearance, as typically skin colors and the pronouncement of features are suppressed from each race. A nigger with 90% white DNA will typically appear beige brown, possess many white facial features and anatomy but have less-pronounced nigger features slapped on top. The liberal sees the most niggerest of niggers and these "smart" niggers as the same, never asking how they are so different.

This ties back to jews who mixed through various ways and then subvert the country they exist in. The ones running these schemes hardly look jewish, mainly due to the fact that their jew blood is barely there. They pass for white until you get a good look at them, and like every good thing, when evil possesses something good and powerful, it will use it for evil.

kill yourself

This. This board is getting hit hard with some shills advocating anything else. Tired of the hypocrisy.

it is so unnatural that even non whites see it

It's because they know their women are getting BLACKED next.

There was also that thread about nigs chimping out because Obongo's daughter was whitewashing herself with a superior white person who still deserves a rope for mixing

I have news for you…

A good many in Egypt managed to avoid getting Arab'd. Some of the Old bloodlines are still around.

I've been in your boat before, user. If you need a hand, or just somebody to do shit with, myself and many others are here for you.
Polite sage for off topic.

Dare I ask about Ancient Egypt?

If you told me he was a Southern Italian I would not even question it.

the fire rises

what if the majority of coal burners and oil drillers are actually kikes that fell for their own poisonous lies?


tbh the best case for this theory is Haiti and St. Dominica.
Haiti niggers are 90% full niggers.
Dominicans are majoritily mestizos, 60-70% IIRC
And of course Dominican Republic is 240% better than Haiti in all fields

Of course they don't. Normal, mentally healthy people don't like watching people engage in bestiality, because it's disgusting.

I bet they walk out on any movie showing pooftas as well.

A nigger is a nigger.