Is America the Only country that allows hate speech?

Are there truly no other countries left out there? Is America the only one? Has everywhere else already adopted shitty "hate speech" legislation?

I know that just recently, all judges unanimously ruled and reaffirmed that the First Amendment Does indeed protect hate speech. With Judge Alito summing up the Matal v Tam case verdict as follows:
Striking down any possible hate speech laws from being enacted here in the United States. So long as your hate speech doesn't veer into actual "incitement", according to how US courts define that word.

Similarly abroad, America has asserted itself in protecting this constitutional right, even in the face of international bodies that seek to abolish it. Most notably, the UN and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) it makes countries sign into complying. Articles 4 & 7 of the convention stating that countries must:
< Article 4 of the Convention condemns propaganda and organizations that attempt to justify discrimination or are based on the idea of racial supremacism. It obliges parties, "with due regard to the principles embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights", to adopt "immediate and positive measures" to eradicate these forms of incitement and discrimination. Specifically, it obliges parties to criminalize hate speech, hate crimes and the financing of racist activities, and to prohibit and criminalize membership in organizations that "promote and incite" racial discrimination. A number of parties have reservations on this article, and interpret it as not permitting or requiring measures that infringe on the freedoms of speech, association or assembly.
< Article 7 obliges parties to adopt "immediate and effective measures", particularly in education, to combat racial prejudice and encourage understanding and tolerance between different racial, ethnic and national groups.

America rightfully saw this as unconstitutional and infringing on Americans' rights, offering this rebuttal as a response:

I bring up the UN in particular because, prior to 2016, Japan was the only other country I could think of that lacked any hate speech laws. After constant unending pressure from the UN to coerce Japan into enacting such laws, they finally caved to pressure and passed their very first hate speech law in 2016.
While I personally have a deep respect for Japan, their regretful capitulation shows that the international pressure and urge to criminalize hate speech is apparently very powerful indeed.

And so far it seems, only America has remained strong and consistent in protecting against any sort of hate speech legislation. All thanks to some key Supreme Court cases on the matter, and the having the balls to maintain their nation's sovereignty in the face of UN coercion.

But with Japan gone and America being the only one left now, are there really no other countries that still legally allow hate speech? I know for certain that if it weren't for such strong US protections, this website would have been deemed illegal and all of us (Holla Forums anons and administration) would have been serving serious prison time right now. We may still have some "hate Crime" laws and anti-discrimination laws on the books to deal with, but at least mere expression of hate speech isn't criminalized here in America.

Other urls found in this thread:

… For now at least

Brazil allows hate speech as well, its illegal but the country is so corrupt that nobody fucking cares, cops will never arrest you for hate speech.

Very likely Poland will be right behind us.

You cant incite, and they nail you on "civil rights violations" or something about "civil rights intimidation". I forget the actual wording on the second one. The guy who went around during the election in a gorilla suit with a banana on a string was arrested IIRC and put in prison for years, that was specifically voter intimidation I believe though.. but there is one for niggers to use against you in non-election periods too.


Wasn't some girl arrested for saying nigger in NJ?

America is the only country that has ever had freedom of speech, ever.
Never forget this. Kikes want you to think that Europe is “just as free” or even “more” free.

No. America is the only country which thinks it allows hate speech.

Fucking leaf, here.
1. There's no such thing as fucking "hate speech." There's just "oh, that hurt my poor widdle feewings" speech.
2. Probably the USA is the only place that has it. I was disappointed as hell the day I learned that Canada didn't treasure free speech as much as I, myself, do.

The 10 million esoteric immigrants from mexico don't care about "hate speech" until it reaches their feels

I heard an user say spics were esoterically aryan

What do esoteric immigrants think, we currently have 10 million of them in the US


There are countless lawyers making money by exploiting the judicial systems flaws. It is safe to say that allowing it is more profitable than outlawing it. The media also uses the race issue to direct the wrath of golems against other golems. When the political and financial class starts getting named the media goes into overdrive mode promoting racial strife. The media is unable to flip flop on narratives if the narratives are rigidly framed.

New England (and the West Coast for that matter) are not America aesthetically speaking. Simba, you must not go there.


Finland has complete freedom of speech as well

If it's not a hate crime for a nigger to abduct a 8 yearold on Christmas, take him to her apartment ,and the torture the child to death with a welders torch.

Then there's no such thing as "hate speach".


Hate speech isn't a thing faggot.

I think Liberia and one other country have constitutionally protected freedom of speech (we wrote their constitution for them)

We wrote Japan’s constitution, but I don’t think it’s japan. Liberia’s constitution was originally just the US constitution copied and pasted with the name changed.

Euro-Leaf here, and I couldn't agree more. Doesn't help the fact that our Bastard of a Castro of a Prime Minister hates freedok of speech to such a degree that he'd elbow anyone who dares to disagree with him, even if they're women whom he laughably preaches about defending.

Just fucking die already, Trudeau.

As far as I'm aware, Finland has pretty good free speech laws.
Doesn't stop the media from throwing a hissy fit, but you can't really be jailed/fined for saying unpleasant things.

There is no hate speech. That's the jewish term for shit they don't like to hear.

there is no legal definition for "hate speech".

the 1st amendment protects free speech, especially the kind that (((you))) hate.

truth is hate speech to those who hate truth

Cops barely arrest people for murder in Brasil. Crime in the most mongrelised nation in the world is fucking dystopia most never get caught or reported corruption is ridiculous too
This is why I want to do everything I can to prevent this future for others.

any non white country allows hate speech

That jump-started the ol' walnuts. How many white knight male feminists have recently been revealed to be sexual predators? A metric shit-ton. I bet Castreau really DID do the boobie-punchie on purpose! And he's probably choking a hooker to death as I type this.

Everything in OP highlights just how important electing Trump was. I know he's not Hitler. He's not even pro-white or anti-Israel. Despite his flaws, his election was an enormous victory because he will appoint at least 1 SCOTUS justice and literally hundreds of lower court judges for the next 4-8 years, preserving our right to free speech for decades to come. Trump bought us time to spread the truth about the Holohoax and recruit more whites to our side.

Poland bans Holohoax denial. They laughably banned Dicky Spencer from entering their country because "he trivialized the Holocaust" which is laughable because I don't think he's ever denied the Holohoax, unlike Holodomor which he calls "not a genocide".

I have tons of respect for Poland as a true white ethnostate (unlike modern America), but their speech laws don't come close to ours.

The US only has ironic free speech. If a nog breaks into you house and attempts to rape your daughter, and you catch and stop him and while killing him you are heard saying "stupid fucking nigger, die." window broke in the fight and neighbors heard or something you can be cahrged with a hate crime.

That being a homicide or murder. So they "get around" the first amendment.


No you can't, it's a statement made "in the heat of the moment" and proper mens rea isn't applied.

Make sure to point the gun at a 45 degree angle in your mouth and pull the trigger, I swear it's ok, KGBfag.

t. legalfag

in a good timeline, hate speech would be one of the few guaranteed rights

This user is correct, although the jury will probably still be cucked.

Or it's a third world shit hole full of mud people that enforcing any kind of laws would put the government into total disarray and confusion. Better off just letting the laws stay as they are. Otherwise, paperwork would have to filled out.

Anyways…yeah, America is the last white founded country to let its citizens critisize the Jews and muds….although you still have a 50% chance of getting fired from your job…at least you won't go to prison.



America, a country.

While I do appreciate the leeway citizens can get from a Lack of enforcement, the problem with Brazil is that hate speech legislation is enshrined directly within its constitution.
So unless a constitutional amendment comes along and repeals this (which is highly unlikely), the Brazilian constitution had already compromised its citizens' free speech rights since the very beginning.

While the international UN's pressure and insistence on implementing hate speech laws is a serious problem, one must not forget about the additional pressure added on by regional intergovernmental organizations as well. Specifically the European Union, among many others. Which just recently, threatened to create laws that'll punish powerful tech giants with massive fines for Not stopping hate speech on social media (an impossible, herculean task). American tech giants, mind you. As in, if even non-European companies can feel the pressured censorship from merely working within the EU's boundaries, I can only imagine how much worse it is for EU countries that are directly within the belly of the beast. Nationalistic Poland (for example) is currently facing possible sanctions for not bowing down to the demands of their EU overlords.

And then there are also things like the Council of Europe's European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), whose articles 10 (which permits "justifiable" restrictions on free speech rights) and 14 (which talks about the need to curb discrimination) are sometimes used to justify hate speech laws and their implementation.
< 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
< 2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confdence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
< The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.

As well as that recent shit with Richard Spencer's banning from all 26 Schengen countries (Poland, Finland, etc). Even though, regardless of whatever you think of him, he never committed murder or any serious crime to warrant a punishment of that scale. All he did was politely express views that were considered "hateful", "illegal" wrongthink that apparently Needed to be banned from Europe at any costs.

While I do respect nationalistic Poland and certain Scandinavian countries like Finland (which hopefully does have Lax enforcement and few arrests for hate speech, as some anons say), western European countries face a double uphill battle in trying to preserve their free speech rights. Not only from the oppressive UN, but Also from the EU as well. Often failing to reach the same levels of free speech as the US in the process, unfortunately.

România If the EU doesn't force it to have hate speech laws.

America is the only country that defines hate speech as specific threats of violence against specific people or groups, which is the only REAL form of hate speech there is.

The rest of the world trusts their shitty governments to define "hate" speech, and that opens a Pandora's box of abuse and censorship.

America is the only sane country on Earth, a country that absolutely KNOWS that, in 90% of the cases, government is for sale, and can't be trusted.
There are places in Europe now where citizens can't even speak out against further "refugee" invasion, without a call from the fucking cops.
Just think about how insane that is.

This is absurd. There is no "REAL" form of hate speech. Those laws are only there as a way to back door affirmative action style policy into criminal law. We can thank our black marxists and their flower child allies for that one.

Actually, the terroristic threats laws have been with us for many decades, and it has been illegal to promote the violent takeover of the U.S. government since WW2.

He didn't deny the Holocaust at all. He did talk with Anglin with Enoch on one of their podcasts though. Anglin denies it. Enoch jokes about it, but it seems that he's mocking the notion of (((them))) milking an old Ox for acquiring additional profit, producing entertainment, and enforcing institutional power in western nations.

"Hate speech" is a misnomer. It's really just orwellian "thoughtcrime" with a better marketing label.

Don't forget that most non white countries are 99% their ethnic make up so hate speech isn't really a thing.

Would you like to join me in a boycott of Israe-

The first and second amendments were designed specifically to do so. Current US is nothing like it was and all the glorious patriotic horseshit said about it is sadly confined to the history books.

maybe in your shitty state; I'm fully protected by castle laws.

Castle Laws don't mean anything when the gov. swarms you, labels you as an extremist nutcase domenstic terrorist in the media, and subsequently has you incarcerated.

It doesn't matter either if a mob of SJWs on the govt payroll manages to get you blacklisted in your community, thus making employment impossible.

huh, does this mean there is no reparations or niggers getting jobs compared to whites who outperform?

Stop using the term "hate speech". Hate speech is just some ambiguous term used to describe anything people dont like. Anything that criticizes another group or person is considered hate speech now. Just lump it in with free speech since they(the people who are against) are trying to do anything in their power to separate hate speech as a different kind of speech from free speech. If they are able to get hate speech in its own category (Hate speech/Regular speech) then they can just start pulling stuff they dont like and putting it under the banned category, making what you can say less and less as the time goes on.

People are just deeply upset about the massive social breakdown that has occurred in society thanks to "diversity".