What would cause a National Socialist party to gain traction in the united states

The communists are far ahead of us in that regard unfortunately. How can we catch up so we dont become the new USSR?

Maintain the internet as it is. No more legislative changes, no more votes on policy, no more censorship or obligated platforming of any sort. In 30 years, if whites have not been put in a position of helpless vulnerability to genocide, they will awaken. It's the possibility of that happening which makes things 'urgent', both for us and for the opposition that seeks to change law -fast-.

With enough of a base around which to coalesce a movement, a movement will emerge with a better leader than dicky spencer.

What the kikes didn't expect is that there'd be a massive amount of infiltrators in the education system that was meant to argue against the existence of white people and turn everyone into bolsheviks. Thing is, America was raised on liberty and the history against Communism is too soon and their cards are open to see: they are (((Communists))) trying to take over the West.

Every argument they make is studied by a non-jewish white man, residing in those institutions, and dealt with to expose them. It will come crumbling down, with their own arguments. The issue is censorship of the material that exposes this.. which they are panicked to ensure.

How can we turn people over? Millennials love communism because they see it as a daddy who will pay for their expensive and useless colege degrees. How would National Socialism win over the most communistic, antichristian, faggoty geeneration ever? Gen Z is pretty based, i know plenty who are openly racist. But the millennials will fuck us right up the ass if we cant redpill them.

No, not really.

Courage. All you have to do is own it.

Communism won't pay for their college degrees. Anyone with a degree is part of the bourgeois, not the proletariat. but their delusion aside.. since they'll believe they are anyway..

millennials are lemmings, and most people are lemmings. we don't need to convert them, only intimidate them like the left does to them if they fall out of line.

Take out voting/electoral fraud and we have a clear majority.
Account for 10% of the population sympathetic to National Socialist views.
We are the majority that makes things happen, and we're just getting started.

No, they won't. They have no will. They're weak, and scared, and lazy.

All you have to do is see someone own those beliefs, not crawl away from being called a "Nazi".

and im not advocating 'terrorism' nor do i think the left being terroristic is a good thing, but i do believe the part about equal and opposite reactionary forces being necessary to oppose it

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Thats me. From my experience gen z is hyper polarized. I am a hardcore christian and a national socialist but most kids in my private school are anal athiest sjws. They call me a fascist and a nazi all tha time. I take it as a compliment and own it. Theyre faggots and pussies

Sauce? I dont think thats accurate

9% was what was reported - and it's true. 9% of American people total are sympathetic with views labeled 'neo-nazi'

and voting fraud hurts conservatism.


Sufficient study of European history and nature is all that is required to convince one that Fascism will triumph over semitic ideologies. Communism itself is not biggest threat but rather the fortifications it is building, it is racing forward as fast as it can to create and solidify the dystopia. Smart Cities built by tech giants will be much harder to topple than anything the Soviet Union ever managed to build. Web 3.0 will be mandatory use, a digital cage. All autonomy and responsibility will be taken from our day-to-day lives, passive non violent resistance will become impossible.

The casualties of the status quo will be ugly, once the millennial women hit the menopause they will be a horrid thing to witness, enough to scare subsequent generations straight. The suffocation of state/ corporate provided lifestyles (UBI, Tesla living cubes, automated transport) will spur the European spirit to break free. The question is, will it be possible once we have had a digital dystopian prison built around us. I believe it will, but it will be one hell of a war and most of us will die fighting it.

if it gets that far the kikes will have jewbot death squads, user.

Not much best course of action for America atm is infiltrate the Republican and Democrat parties and have at least 1 user win a Senate seat in 2018 or 2020

And that's discounting people who hold good amounts of NatSoc belief without knowing what it is and discounting us as ebil nadsis

This. When i was redpilled i found out i already WAS natsoc! Most people hve NO idea what it is other than muh 6 gorillion. They just associate it with hitler killed joos

Unfortunately that definition has changed. Cuckservatives like paul joseph watson are the majority of the new "alt right" and get lumped in with us. He tolerates faggots! Theyre actually socially liberal and see the let as the evil racists when they are actually commies.

Richard Spencer tolerates faggots

Dude, thats still the main rightwing narrative. "Democrats are the real racists". This ideology does not solve the degeneracy and shitskin infestation!

wait you mean that Richard Spencer is harmful and helps nothing but his own attempts to get Richer
in the name of Infowars resident homosexual "Omigane moi shack"


No, Paul Joseph Watson is.

Richard Spencer is perfectly fine, and homosexuality is hardly an issue. Don't attach yourself to stances just because they are "left" or "right". Extreme Christians incidentally are actually quite cucked when it comes to race, and radical nationalist movements are more mixed on homosexuality than you'd believe.

Meme LARPing and "choosing" sides in conventional politics is what led us to being cucked by fucks like John McCain. It only enforces the political dialogue that (((they))) want.

As someone who was raped, fuck off you faggot enabler I don't want anyone else going through the shit I went through
I don't, If I was ll right wing why would I be on a board that honestly is primarily made up of economic centrists
I know
Wait TRS loved homosex even more than I'd believe, HOLY SHIT
>Meme LARPing and "choosing" sides in conventional politics is what led us to being cucked by fucks like John McCain. It only enforces the political dialogue that (((they))) want.
What did he meme by this

*if I was all right wing