Guys sit down and listen. The world around you is happening for a reason. You cant control it...

Guys sit down and listen. The world around you is happening for a reason. You cant control it. Destiny is real and we are at the end of it. Be glad you got to see it happen unfold in front of you. But choose wisely, hweat fields in heaven with white women? Or death and destructions via the ruler of the Jews
This is not a black pill

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the BREAD PILL

Yeah and he is a fucking faggot. John Tron did nothing wrong.

explain further

Sage and report.


Kike shill. Just report it.

Its called higher powers at work brothers, The Germans only lost because they let their pride swallow up their reality, They were against the "sysnagouge of satan" but they choose the wrong God to follow to help them destroy those peoples

Yeah, it's a slide thread.


Kikes, and Judean Christians are very differnt types of peoples,
Kike follow the way of the Saudeces and Pharases,
Christians will win, IE this IS NOT A BLACK PILL THREAD, more so kek is not a powerful being, and wont save you

Why not 88 14 year old virgins?

also: fixed your fucking typo you philistine!

Do you really trust a being of chaos to save you? Or the Creator of literally everything, even the (((occult))) knows the bible to be accurate history
again i ask you,
Do you want a white wife with white children in wheat feilds, or death and destruction?

cause im not pedophile jew


You're right. It's a slide thread. Reported

ohmylord, its not, its too save your souls, if your not on the winning team you wont be saved, look around you, read revaltion, "the last king of new babylon will be a wicked man of the people, but will be preceded by a king of taxes"

God helps those who help themselves, user.

He also gives us the power to bear fruit


Scientifically, yes.Unless you're one of those string theory retards.

I've become an accelerationist after reading the NRx gods Moldbug and Nick Land. I'm now content with the state of this shithole.

Oh look, another Christcuck shilling thread.

We don't want wheat fields and white women in fantasyland. We want that and big families and a community in our lifetime.

its very real, but its a losing side

string theory proves God sooooooo

its literally impossible, the elite has so much power theyre just looking for the best way to strike, the nail in the coffin is the net neutrality bill

So either destiny is real or god is real. You can't have both.

Shoo shoo.

Go suck a dick you homosexual.


Lurk for two more years.

(Checked holy dubs)
We are the arms of destiny.

Probably a D&C shill tbh and Im not even Christian, but the whole post is indirectly pointing at one of the main arguments against Christianity which is that they dont believe this world matters and therefore are not willing to oppose white genocide in meaningful ways. Reported for blackpilling and suggesting this world doesnt matter.

Kill yourself.

Christians aren't White.
They're Christians, aka philosemites, aka they gave up their blood in favor of their semitic faith.
Its a fact.


We have only a few years left



You can control reality.
Even memeing aside, you can affect positively your family, close friends, and so on.

This thread smells like yet another blackpilling attempt.

I say this in every christcuck thread, but go on /christian/ if you are wondering if it's a based religion or not. Christianity does not see race and as said, they have the "this world doesn't matter" mindset. It's disgusting.

Its all just a test to get into heaven and in order to pass the test you need to forsake your race and serve the Jew. Even if you think Jews are somehow denied their chosen status and such because god has supposedly cursed them due to their supposed rejection of him, you still believe its all just a joke and gods will be done, so who cares, whites are fine and its no skin off your back if horrible shit happens. Its all just a sign of the coming end times and maybe the rapture if youre into believing that kind of thing. Its all garbage, more harm than anyone could argue it has benefited us for sure, and continues to harm us. In Rhodesia, the Christians helped the niggers who raped and hacked up whites.

I don't even all the time, its pretty hard while on this world

actaully, God split up the races, if it weren't for him we'd all be Babylonians rn, In Leviticus it speaks of "you would not breed 2 kinds of cows" most scholars take this as "do not race mix" its not a sin to race mix, but it kinda throws the whole idea of God splitting up Babylon out the window

sage for d&C
pagan aryans created every civilization on earth, jews destroyed them, and christians stole their knowledge

fuck you faggot god


No, the bible acknowledges races very clearly, Read about Babylon, now it dose say every human is related to Adam, and if they have Christ they will be in heaven, but think about it this way, God cursed Canaan, father of all blacks, this curse will be lifted in heaven, soo basically there wont be niggers in heaven


Hes actually your God no matter how you like it. There is something spoopy about The Pope, it never makes sense to give a man to be sinless of word, if were all supposed to follow Christ for being sinless.
Oh that's why Constantine completely destroyed the pagan Rome Empower and his Army?? Such a powerful Jupiter huh, leads an army that outnumbers the enemy 5 to 1 and still losses

Aryans didn't create the Pyramids

It's fascinating to me how hard and how fast this thread started being shilled…

Proto-Aryans did m8. Look up the "Younger Dryas" civilization.

Yea but gods will be done and Christians arent supposed to solve the worlds problems, the problems are just a sign that the end times are coming. Every white woman raped, or little white boy sodomized and a muslim getting off is only a sign of how the end times are coming, which means.. according to Christians, that you just sit back and watch as god takes control and saves the day. These people are of no use to us, obviously.

America was built on degeneracy fallacy, democracy is never a true thing, its always about swaying the stupidest of the voter base, Yes all of the west will fall with the world, were in the last few months of free speech, Im posting this thread while people can still visit Holla Forums, net neutrality is less than a month away from being put in, nothing we can do, Trump aint gonna veto it.

No you mean Nephilim
read the book of Enoch, which btw the Rockefeller and Jews forced out of the bible in America in the 1800's

yes, because he is so just, if those people who rape and commit other horrible atrocities never repent, they will face worse and worse hellfire for the worse and worse of their crimes, if they repent they will still face judgment and be shown what they did wrong and will be dealt with accordingly

Also theres this concept that the entire reason we exist is because Satan bet god that if man was given free will he would act in generally evil ways, and God didnt agree and bet that they would act in good ways and be caring for one and other. Ignoring the ridiculousness of an omnipotent(or two omnipotent, Im not sure if they consider Satan similarly able to see the future) being betting on the outcome of something at a future event (and being wrong, at that) this implies that the world is totally irrelevant, even if you do care about white people and disregard the parts about how this world is only about getting into heaven and a personal test.

Yeah I'm sure the bible is full of some "history" here and there, but I'm not big on Christianity. Even if Jesus was some sort of mongrol-Aryan who was way ahead of his time, I can't come to terms with a foreign religion? Everything about doing this or that to please some heavenly father seems cuckish to me.

Yea well that does nothing to stop or prevent the rapes, and it does nothing to stop the damage done to those women and children, or bring them back to life if they are one of the ones who are killed in the process.

same, 7/8 of the first posts that weren't mine were people just straight up in denial.

all pagan religions are foreing, just with native names, its all based upon babylon, which is modernday Iraqi

They will come back to life in the end, only the righteous will live forever

If you were a Completely just god wouldn't you not want unjust people in your land?

Morale boost thread?
Reminder that Gen Z is still on it's way, which (((they're))) predicting will be the most conservative generation since WW2.

babylonians were white aryans directly related to the vedic aryans, they were probably the originators of aryan civilization, along with sumerians and egyptians
the fact that your jew-book has brainwashed you into associating these cultures with devil worshiping Canaanites (who are the original jews) is fucking laughable
so does your Jewish professor , I guess you shouldnt distrust your jewish rabbi any different huh?

christians are a fucking mess, this is why I left the church and baptized myself in blood to honor Tiwaz

funny how a Jewish tribal deity suddenly is "my god". No, my god is Wotan, which is where the English word "God" comes from. Every time you honor your fake Jew-god you honor him with my gods name. But you dont know that do you, because youre more familiar with the stories of kikes and mudbloods than your own fucking people.
But you killed Odin because muh funny christcuck memes right? If you really killed Odin, stop honoring him by invoking his name, and call (((your God))) by his true name, Yahweh.

I guess Muslims worship the real true god since theyre fucking all your women and taking over Europe huh? blind, submissive weakling

ye ok, pic related, third image. look closely at his eyes.

you have free will, just not absolute power, you cant just go up to the elite and say "SEE HOW HITLER DID IT, YEAH NOW DO THAT"

Can't say I fully agree with what you found OP, but keep digging. If it's got the shills sweating this badly it's a good thing. Best of luck to you.

See, this is where you become a tumor, justifying the atrocities as okay because muh faith. Fuck off, the solution is to remove the shitskins.

Or for that matter, fully understand I suppose.

I didn't advocate for pagan religions, and I guarantee you not every religion in the world is "completely" foreign. I just don't understand where being a Christian is beneficial. If you are a Christian, you should care whether I am or not, but you have to give me some solid reasoning.

Why is it so special? This seems like christcuck D&C. No one here gives a fuck if you're Christian, but telling us that we're all retards for not doing so is wrong

kill yourself

pic related, an "Iraqi" babylonian deity

Its objective on the Creator, no other relgion can explain everything in the universe the way the Bible dose, nor explain other people, nor other religions, nor make sooo many prophecies come true, He is your God regardless because he made you,
Nephilim weren't Aryan, all of them died after the flood, whites came from Japeth

ok fine, babylon was white at the highclass, but they were also part angel

you havent made any arguments, or refuted any of mine

Dude wtf… the Bible explains everything in the Universe? Down to the level of quantum physics? Wut….

Major christcuck D&C confirmed. Or maybe this kid is just homeschooled lol

im telling you "your wrong" because I want more Holla Forumsacks in heaven yall are pretty funny. Its so special because its literally the Truth to the universe, even (((masons))) knew the bible to be truth, and if the bible is true, that means you have a soul, and if you have a soul, do you want to be tormented forever, or live forever in peace with your white wife, with your infinite children, with your infinite wheat fields

yep, string theory proves there are multiple dimensions all around us, IE, heaven, earth,hell, etc

The inventor of quantum physics was a christian in fact

nonwhite confirmed

I know several "alt-righter" christians that are half beaner, half nigger, half arab, and will tell me with a straight face that christianity is a white religion. this is the delusion of the christcuck.

you know theres 9 spirit worlds in norse mythology right? that means my religion is 9 times more right than yours by your retarded pseudo-science logic

my argument is that truth of who the creator is objective, you saying it was multiple gods does not make it truth, but no other religion explains so much about the universe the way Christianity dose

It was a discovery…

Yep, St. Constantine was white

Most of the Saints were white

80% of christian culture is white

you get what i mean