Apple's Diversity Chief Fired for Saying Whites Are Already Diverse

She was slammed for saying that a room full of '12 white, blue-eyed, blonde men' can be diverse

There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blond men in a room and they're going to be diverse too because they're going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation,' the inaugural diversity chief said during a One Young World Summit in Bogotá, Colombia.

'Diversity is the human experience,' she said. 'I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term diversity is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT.'

She was then forced to apologized for her remarks and told staff that they 'were not representative of how I think about diversity or how Apple sees it.' 'For that, I'm sorry,' she said in a company email. 'More importantly, I want to assure you Apple's view and our dedication to diversity has not changed.'

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Diversity does not mean creating actual diversity, either of opinion or ethnic background, it means less white males. This "diversity chief" failed to get the memo.

That there is a willing oil field.

Looks like she wants to be BLEACHED by 12 white blue-eyed blonde men in a room all to herself.

I feel sorry for her because what she said does not imply she was wrong, if anything, she was spot on correct. Is China failing because they are not diverse? No. They are booming. Did the west rise to the most successful in all of human history because they were not diverse? No.

At this stage, all of these ousted people should form a mega-corp thinktank and use it to recruit like minded (read, sensible) people to outperform the ideologically stupid in society.

Nigga How nu r u? Besides the point that the Chinks are a bunch of Bubble Bugs, the old Sheboon just got fucked by the (((Diversity Team))). She clearly didn't get the memo, which is odd considering the chimps are the first on call for (((Diversity))). It's the weirdest shit.

You reply is vacuous at best.

I love it! We need more of this.

Ask Pajeet if he would ever marry a Dalit for the sake of diversity

Fresh OC apple in case anyone wants to use it.

What whites need to understand is that most people from other races, with few exceptions, wouldn't care two shits about "diversity" if it wasn't for their benefit, just like they don't mind torturing dogs before eating them. As soon as pajeet, pedro or ching chong is in the US he might as well vote for Trump to put a fat wall so no others get in. This is the problem with civic nationalism, it means nothing.

In a sense, the Japanese lack of empathy has helped them fend off kikes, because kike tricks work best when people have pathological empathy.

Can't wait for the Chinese to replace Apple with something better.

Any OC corporations logos?

Fetish porn?

No user, that's not something obscure or hidden in shame. Look up Yulin Festival.
How can you think I'd save that to get off to is beyond me. Seriously nigger??

what they do to bears is far more abhorrent. fucking chinks.

Censor that shit. I hate the Chinese enough already.

You saved it in the first place, double nigger.

I'm afraid to ask… but… "far more abhorrent", oh my god, I can barely watch the webm I posted.

Sorry for not spoilering, but not sorry for saving/posting. Disgust is the strongest redpill.

I thought that video was 'contemplating dog knees' from pic related.

Pretty sure its crush fetish.

Chinese people are (compared to top white europeans) dumber and weaker. However, when you compare chinese against beta male faggots like the ones who fell badly for the marxist propaganda, then the chinese are on top of them.
Now consider the fact that many leaders of business in european countries are falling for the marxist and diversity agenda. Consider that many white governments have to pay reparations for the chosen people.
Then you will realize that even as dumb as chinese are, they are still outperforming your own kind.

If the tendency continues (which i doubt), chinese, japanese and indian people will outperform whites in each and every relevant discipline. Maybe pollacs and hungarians will be the exception in this hypothetical future. Don't blame the chinese but yourselves (and the jews you let them do it to you)

I wouldn't be against boiling or skinning the chinks alive. Laughing and having beers as they suffer. We can't allow these vile creatures to continue to exist.

THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moar, sauce plz MOAR SAUCE!!!!!!!!!!

Obama outlawed that type of porn, no joke.

ah but the joke's on him then, innit, because the gore taboo has already been broken and the internet is not actually tameable … wait, oh shit is user going to go to jail for posting that here and am i going to also go to jail for shitposting that i found it entertaining? I WAS JOKING ALPHABET MONITORS I SWEAR

I have seen the crush fetish thing too this is not it. As I said, Yulin festival, they think torturing them makes them taste better.

I want to ironically go and kill these sick fucks god fucking dammit.

Don't even joke user, it's fucking disgusting. I have pics of whites being killed in South Africa, do you think that's because I like it? No, the opposite. If some faggot comes tell you about muh based chinks, it helps to have examples at hand.

what timeline is this? i am bamboozled

Demonic Jew war campaign against Whites. This needs to stop

user, please.

Just for the record I only came here tonight to stir the pot because I am in a foul mood, here is the proof: this is what I posted in one of those stupid soyboy threads (I am (You)). PLEASE ALPHABET MONITOR I AM HARMLESS I SWEAR and in fact I think I am going to just go ahead and permaban myself right now anyway, have a nice night gentleanons.

fair enough

Well that's easy, you could make a books / self-improvement thread or post pics of the mods.

Please don't ban me, based mods

This is great. Hopefully normalfags reading this will glean what they really mean when they say "diversity".

Ok, I was wrong on that.

Not that the Yulin festival isn't horrifying, but I still think that video is Western porn. Maybe ask /zoo/

Just go blow off steam in Holla Forums or Holla Forums.


It was already a rough day,
And then you have to post that shit

The only positive thing I can think of is that I'm glad that doggo has gone to heaven, and that fucking chink still has to live in the hell on earth we call "China"

(((Anthony Bourdain))) cnn host?
He was a self admitted layabout junkie hippy before he struck media gold.

How would masturbating too much make you fail a health test, aside from it using time that could otherwise be used for exercise/self improvement? Are people having masturbatioj induced heart attacks?


maybe they're skimping a little meth off the top

Jews aren't White. You need to get out

What the fuck

Have a seasonal gondola and cheer up, it'll get better.

Rmemeber the company that a woman started where she hired ONLY women?

Nothing but cat fights and crying.

These libtards have never been able to justify these hiring practices without using the buzzword diversity.

What is the advantage?

Seeing every pozzed company crash and burn, and seeing iPhone 12 be marketed as "thin enough to use as a knife when mugging someone or to slice a watermelon with"

Do these companies ever wonder why they're so horrendously incompetent? Google has the same problem. They keep promoting underqualified minorities in the name of 'diversity', and you look at their company and you think 'no wonder they're so incompetent'.

The Chinks got kicked out of 'Nam right after a war, and the Pajeets still shit in the streets. And as far as you care, Burgers aren't white any more.

Think back to say, 2007, a decade ago. If you said "I work at Google" as a white male or at least as a non-leftist, you'd be proud, you'd be motivated, you'd think the company rocks. Now, you'd feel either guilt or shame and if you're worth anything, you'd be trying to get your startup up and running.

Who could be behind this post?

Krauts call burgers an Orcs all the time. Last I checked Burgers aren't shitting in the streets, buying canned air, or building Condos out of garbage. The situation for the Euro's ain't that bad. There's a lot of shit we may not be seeing past the Murk and filth.

The Chinese literally fell for the Marxist propaganda. Look at their country

guess I know which stock to short now

needed that

That was actually nice said. No wonder they fired her.

Damn, I quote 'We belive diversity [hiring people based on their skin color by Apple's definition] drives innovation.

Wow, the audacity of those commies.

You mean that CIA and/or Swede forced meme that preys on Normie inability to read statistics?


I'm not an investor, but can you literally just go to a broker and tell them to short a particular stock? I get that it's using unowned stock because you expect a share to drop in value, but I don't understand mechanically how it works

Does it basically just mean whoever owns it is letting you take a gamble?

Assuming that article isn't fake news (which it probably is), that is evidence that China fabricates their IQ scores. No country with a collective IQ of 104 would believe that masturbation prevents young men from joining the military. I remember reading that the Chinese government prohibits researchers from releasing IQ test scores from outside of major cities.

Euro's major cities all would like to have an word with you. Considering I saw more native white looking men in Baghdad than fucking londinstan (asside from the cops, so far), you kids are in worse shape than us merican. If you believe the shit your governments importing the shitskinns are telling you about their % in your population you are insane.

I would insert smug face here, but its more sad than anything.

I didn't need it I guess

Reminder you dont need a cell phone and you definitely dont need one made by apple.

For want of a cell phone, I work for a cell phone company, as I missed a one-time-only call for a government job right out of engineering school. Calling back a day later did fuck all. You need a cell phone. You just don't need to use it for anything but essential communication. Now, if you work for daddy and make good money, you don't need a phone for much of anything.

Im pretty sure I dont need to spend thousands of dollars and constantly be tracked and have an open mic in my pocket for the rest of my life because some guy missed a single phone call from the government. You didnt need one in the 90s or for the rest of time, and you dont need one now.

engineering school*

like sun on your face first thing in the morning, this was great to watch firsthand

>She doesn't want to deal with hoodrats from the ghetto nogging at apple. She's an old school lady from a conservative black family with stable values that absolutely won't tolerate that sort of (((culture))) in the workplace.

Oy vey! This is not davoysity; ya know what davoysity is? Goyim of every colah, oah Jews from every country. Mam I tink ya need ta loin that theah ah many talents that the average black goy can bring ta apple. The quolity of oah products wont suffah from slight changes in company cultcha; I'm sarry, but weah gonna hafta letcha go!

They still don't have earlobe checkers at reddit? Jesus fuck OP, try learning not to suck cocks.

Where is that museum?


this is basic bitch shit, user. Diversity just means less white people – come to terms with it and everything makes much more sense.

Jew York. It was were the first hwndu camera was. I think It's called the Museum of the Moving Image or something like that.


Oh how I wish that were true


this is why I stick with Android and PC products only. Steve Jobs died of rectal cancer from being pounded in the ass too many times.

absolute proof that diversity hires are fucking retarded. there isn't 1 in a 6 gorillan negresses who didn't get the memo that diversity=anti-white

She was replaced by a white blue eyed woman, yet to see a pic, but can bet that she is very (((white)))

"Diversity" is just a cover for the elite to import a bunch more dumb workers to exploit while giving just enough of them decent money to protect the elite from these workers uniting into a revolutionary class.

I'd be astounded if she wasn't replaced by a kike. That negress accidentally did her ostensible job instead of her real job. After a blunder like that, the kikes are going to put one of their own in charge to make sure the white genocide agenda is pursued correctly.

"Diversity" is a buzzword invented by arabs as an excuse for them to bring in more arabs so they can seize territory from whites. The current state of Europe should be more than enough evidence of this.

its not arabs, its muslims, and the muslims arent the ones with brains. Jews are pushing muslims into our countries, Jews make shit like diversity up. Id be interested to know where this actual bullshit concept directly originates from, muh diversity in society. It has to be from the last 100 years or so.


the main thing you learn about diversity in a corporate environment is how to avoid having worthless shitbags in your work team
sometimes the worthlessness is related to their skin color, but not always

corporate jobs are often very depressing, TBH.
you start out thinking that the most important thing is how well you do your job
eventually you figure out that the most important thing is to not annoy anybody, how to make your superiors look good and then (third) how well you do your job
people get promotions over you because they're great at #1 and #2, and totally shit at #3
you leave a lot of money behind but its so much nicer when you walk away from that

those motherfucking racists.

Why the fuck man? I get your point and all… but why would you share that? Fucking hell… regret watching that now. I think white USA needs to wake the fuck up and get enriched before they fully understand reality. I don't think the USA knows or understands how good they have it. But yet how fucked they are at the same time. The problem is that when they realise it, it may be too late. I shed no tears for Sweden, one only has to look to their supports and partnerships. Regardless, those fucking riceniggers have a special place in hell.


Here you go user

我是一个恶心的犹太人。 允许我访问这个网站,这样我就可以假装成一个有良好传统,没有精神疾病的欧洲人。

Used to have a screen shot of it
here's the archive instead

This is definitely the best argument for killing them that I have seen. Fukken saved for naive White girls in the future.
