Call him a soyboy and he recoils "I've been found out!"

It's amazing how they all act the same way in their articles like it's nothing but you know these faggots were called soy boys on Twitter or some shit and this is them passive agressively venting. My favorite one was the ringers article but I couldn't get it to archive so I had to emit it. Someone was paid to fucking write these.

Other urls found in this thread:

bit.übler-Ross_model 651/Huffcutt & Arthur (1994) Interview.pdf;;

That first article is partially right, though. Cucks are using the term soyboy because they think cuck is a racist term. Look at the people who are spreading soyboy, it's all the alt-right jews and civic nationalist cucks.

The simple answer to this is to make soyboy a racist term as well.

Sounds like a racist term for asians.

It's effective.

Look at these fucking soyboys.

Fucking Soyim

Reminds me of when people like Peter Coffin or Tim Heidecker write songs about being called a beta to show how not mad it makes them.

Did they get the same guy who wrote that hilarious Hillary Clinton pepe article?

Oh i am laffin

Soy Boy is for kikes and non-whites, since they aren't "cucks" for trying to kill the white race, but they are effeminate soy boys that act like women by using the term 'racist' as an argument

Watch out lads they put soy in everything.

Also, all white cucks are soy boys, so it is appropriately applied to them as well.

Does soy sauce have much soy in it? I heard it didn't really have a lot, but I don't want to turn into a gay frog.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought that. Sounds like what you'd call men who date asians. I guess that would technically be a rice mixer.

Its just a shitty conspiracy. Soy hate is some tinfoil shit.

Can't trust those treacherous soyboys I tell you. Come over here stealing all the best jobs and then performing corporate espionage. Fucking dirty yellow dog eating thieving soyboys.

"Soy Is The Intellectual Fetishist's Food" article when?

I'm literally so masculine that I eat soy sauce just so I don't leave humanity behind. I've got work to do here on Earth.

Chinese eat rice and millet. Japs eat soy, soyboi

Properly fermented soy sauce doesn't have much estrogen in it, but unless you go out of your way to get it you'll be having cheapo gaijin soy sauce that does.

That's what they said about plastic in the water, but now my pet axolotls are blowing each other and tivoing The Flash.

Soy Internet Defense Force strikes again.

There was more like 8 than 4 and they are all extremely similar. Bants are so alien and odd to them that they don't get it. They get kinda antsy about being called unmasculine which makes me think of the BuzzFeed testosterone results where the men at BuzzFeed had less testosterone than most elderly men.

It's a funny meme but the 20lb beergut your average normie male will produce more estrogen than a glass of soymilk a day. Also hops is undoubtedly worse because not only does it cause those beerguts, hops is estrogenic just like soy, it's a double whammy effect.

When I looked into it a few years ago the conclusion I came to was that soybean oil was fine in small amounts (apparently the phytoestrogens in the soybean aren't really found in the oil, not sure about the other issues) and that soy sauce (highly processed and fermented) was also not that great a concern (again, in small amounts).
Soy also does other things I mention here

That said, it would be worth looking at soybean oil again, because (((american food corps))) are filling everything with it.
Brings up a good point too, I hadn't thought about the bottom barrel shit some companies may be pulling.

you just might want to read "china: friend or foe" by a. true ott phd.
>bit. ly/2zK78dp

Sure, just a vast right wing conspiracy and just a coincidence.
You (((people))) don't seem to be very fond of biology in general, no difference between races, the sexes and hormones have no impact on anything either.

This is the good shit to cook with.

But you're dead Piana, just go to the afterlife and lift in pasta heaven.

The soymeme isn't a hoax but it's missing the forest for a sapling.

There are dozens of bigger contributors to the hormonally castrated soyboy than actual soy.

Biggest 3:Adipose tissue(Fat is extremely estrogenic), lack of exercise, and poor diet

The huge one that pisses normies off and they would like to sweep under the rug are the hops in beer.

Others are your soap and shampoo, the castrated feminine environment, as well as your environment, as in the effect on your hormones of the activities you are or aren't doing, sitting in a classroom all day or watching rick and morty being testosterone killers.

Also a lot of these soyboys were literally fucked from the womb, you can tell how much testosterone they were exposed to in the womb with their digit ratio(fingers).

Is this a fucking joke? Am I getting rused right now?

Leftards crossed the Poe horizon long ago, user. I wonder how normies feel about this crap.

Any shampoo suggestions?
A few months ago I start using Kirk’s Castile fragrance free soap, which as best I can tell is safer. And it works great as well.

Leftists call us anti-science but can't even handle documented facts that American Negroid cranial capacity being is 1270 cc while Europeans are 1350, and the 80 cc difference is primarily in the frontal lobes used for rational thought. (Notice the negroids severely sloped forehead). Somalians and some other pure Africans have under 1200 cc. A male Gorilla is 650 cc which makes pure Africans 1/5th closer to a Gorilla in brain size.

Abbos have been found with cranial capacity under 1000 cc (pic related)

Btw Homo Erectus has an average cranial capacity of 1132. This means pure Africans are 218 points behind Europeans, but only 68 points above Homo Erectus.

Don't use it goys.


Fermentation of soybeans to create soy sauce actually digests a lot of the phytoestrogens found in soy.

If you're concerned about having too high estrogen as a guy eat some cruciferous veggies and more cabbage. That and add more red meat.

“The brain volumes of 8 male Australian Aborigines and 11 male Caucasians were determined. Total brain volume was significantly smaller for Aborigines (1199 +/- 84 ml) compared to Caucasians (1386 +/- 98 ml). Significantly smaller volumes were also found for cerebellum, prosencephalon-mesencephalon unit, cerebral cortex, frontal cortex, parieto-occipitotemporal cortex, and hippocampus. Volumes of ponsmedulla oblongata unit (21 +/- 3 ml for Aborigines and 22 +/- 3 ml for Caucasians) and visual cortex (14.9 ml +/- 2.6 ml and 14.6 +/- 2.2 ml, respectively) did not differ significantly. The striate cortex extended further onto the lateral surface of the occipital lobe in Aboriginal brains. The frontal portion of cerebral cortex was larger in Aboriginal than in Caucasian brains. According to the specific growth periods for the areas studied, these differences could be explained by the higher incidence of malnutrition and infectious diseases for Aboriginals during the development of the brain in early childhood, especially after the 6th postnatal month. However, genetic influences cannot be excluded. The results for the visual cortex of Aborigines might represent an adaptation to living conditions in the bush and desert regions of Australia.”
Keep this link because this study is not common knowledge at all and may not have even been posted before.


Depression normally comes from having a shitty life with no positive prospects. If you're nearly 40 and have health issues caused by severe injuries, and you're not already married, you're basically a slave corpse, working to keep the black magic that animates your body from crumbling completely into dust, while the false-life energy you expend goes to fatten your (((masters'))) pockets.

It would be prudent to not derive any conclusions from this. Only about nine homo erectus fossils have been found and some only contain partial skulls. The error bars on this measurement must be huge.

Fantastic work


Are you saying they're fucking yellow?

Such independent and legit journalism. Totally no collusion here goy.

Shit, I didn't know about this. torpedo giving out useful info for once.

That's what they said about aspartame.
The FDA approved it, and claimed it was safe for 60 years.
Suddenly it is revealed as harmful - after the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists - and the entirety of asia, had said it was poison since the 1960s.
Eat shit and die you fuckwit.

depression is impotent rage

Is it rabbi? So the solution is to shoot up a temple then correct? Or would you like people to take your son, pharma jews pills? Of course you do. I bet you thought you were clever posting that tumblr tier bullshit.

Soy sauce is literally soybeans that have gone moldy and fermented. But like says, the process removes most of the xenoestrogens; and in any case you don't use a lot of it at a time, compared to other soy-based foods like tofu.

Flip the ring finger to call soy boys sissies lel

my eight ring finger is only a little taller than my index lucky me it is taller and not same

My index finger is bigger what do? Am I soyboy?

My ring finger is bigger than my pointer/index finger. This sounds a lot like "If your hand is bigger than your face, you have cancer" tho


Has to do with pre-natal testosterone exposure, apparently. The finger itself is meaningless except as a visible marker of hormone levels before birth. There are a few other markers but I'm no expert.

Either way I have one hand where the index is equal and one hand where the index is shorter. Should I gas myself now and save you all the trouble on the DOTR?

It seems like theres some downsides to the second to. If the image is true, if they're equal length it's less chance for autism. I'm looking at my hand. Seems "normal", I guess.

Ok, actually measuring now because this has made be curious.

Right Hand
Index Finger: 3 inches
Ring Finger: 3 1/8

Left Hand:
Index Finger: 3 inches
Ring Finger: 2 6/8 inches

What does this mean

A jew made this.

I drink a shitload of aspartame soda. What the hell is with it? Am I castrating myself like if I was consuming soy/tap water?

It means you're not a carpenter.

It means you're a newfag and need to lurk the fuck moar.
that shit is fucking cancer you idiot

I have a Tailor's tape measure and that's how many tick marks are on the thing. Then again, I am drunkposting so I might just be bullshitting MYSELF right now. I'll remeasure in the morning

Call em both at once. Fucking cuckold soyboy bugmen need stamping on hard.

Sorry, I don't normally lurk the chemical jew threads. Literal cancer or hormone-affecting influences?

look at this shit

Can anyone embed that video? I want to see how these E-Celebs talk and act. I bet they secretly cross-dress, at least one is openly (and flamboyantly) Bruno-level gay, and their other videos are filled with pseudo-intelectual Redditor bullshit

I honestly thought soyboy meant chink or gook. Because they stink of soy sauce.

Fuck me, this shit is awful for you. I'm so tired of having to worry this much about what I consume.
Info for any other anons who are as unaware about aspartame as me:

He merely ascended to higher vibrational planes.

Doesn't that only confirm that they're getting cucked by blacks specifically?

Now you know the truth, I hope you have not been drinking it for too long. Sorry for being a cunt about it.
Get a water distiller - water is natures' delicious nectar. Too bad most don't like it because their tap water is shithouse.
Artesian bore water or spring water from a pure source is unbeatable too.
You can always add cordial or something to it. Never drink the liquid jew regularly, keep it as a treat (if it can be called that). I'm sure you can get stuff that isn't full of crap either in burgerland if you look.

The only water I drink is distilled because it's pure and much cheaper than getting a reverse-osmosis water filter (like 85 cents a gallon); I suppose I'll have to just limit myself to that, tea, coffee, and milk now. Thanks for the asparedpill.

Nice! Do you distill at home or buy pre-distilled?
Just beware of stuff sitting for ages in plastic containers if pre-made.
Reverse osmosis is all good but long term home distillation can't be beaten. No filters to replace, only charcoal for filter which can be bought for next to nothing. Last time I worked it out it was 2kW/hr for 4L/~1gal, basically sweet fuck all for enough water for 2 days and probably cheaper than e.g. paying 4-5 bucks for it at store (about this much in lesser shitpostingland).
Don't forget smoothies are great too ;)
You're welcome! Your body will love you for it.

You would have to guzzle the bottle on a regular basis to get in the danger zone, and by then, you'd be dead from the kilograms of sodium.

I buy pre-distilled; I go through it so fast that I can't imagine it sitting in its plastic gallon-jug for too long, but then again, I have no idea when it's actually bottled, so you're probably right in that home distillation would be a bit safer.
Do you use tap water for your distillation? I'm unsure if this is as safe for me as an American since our tap water is fucked even by world standards.


Distilliation takes out practically everything bar some rarer radionuclides that are smaller/lighter than water particles. I do use 'tap' water but am on tank/roof water so it's cheating. The reason is that fukushima/etc fallout when it was bad was quite a worry drinking rain water… even in southern hemisphere (it fucked the world much worse than the kike/nuke media will admit). The govt here stopped publishing nuclear measurement data of rainwater, so I had to harass them for it as a public service, their data confirmed it was picked up in islands north of my position, enough said. Took a while to jump the ITCZ though.
I did distill tap water in past and the shit that sits in (dregs in the distiller basin) it is horrifying..
Basically if you distill tap water you should be fine, even water that is pretty dodgy/not for drinking can be made safe through distillation.
The usual megahome/generic alcohol kit distillers work fine, if you're a richfag or want the best, the crystal rain is probably #1. Lab grade, 99.8-9%… the one I use (cheaper ones mentioned earlier) are about 96-97% depending on what you feed it and how clean you keep it.
And ignore the faggots saying its illegal in some places. That's because they want you to intake flouride, it makes you more complacent and sheep-like. It was used in ww2 to keep prisoners under easier control. And as if they can tell you are using a 500W load for 4-5 hours :/

Innsmouth faced soyboy cucks and dykes need to be gassed en mass

That nu-male open mouth thing.

No wonder.

Finance, done correctly, is a very macho world. Kikes only make money by cheating and using illegal tips. Which is why kikes like Madoff swindle the goyim but mighty-Whitey like Warren Buffet make money honestly.

I make real soap and use it for everything. You know, that ancient tech where you just make a bar out of fat and lye and refrain from putting all sorts of bullshit in addition. It's easy to do and keeps a long time, you can do it like once a year.

It does takes some time to get used to using though, your hair will feel very coarse (because there's no plastic polymers to make it feel soft) and you won't smell like synthetic flowers which might trigger your significant other.

But in the end it's worth it knowing that you're not a soyboy.

I agree with this, besides you can a shitton of it all at once so you get it out of the way.

I haven't seen anything to indicate aspartame is a hormone disruptor. What has some scientific basis is that it messes with your brain in some ways and your blood sugar. Your body thinks it's getting sugar and goes crazy pretty much. It's interesting to note how a certain type of fat fucks are so often on the fake sugar ride. This might not be because of the obvious reasons.

Saponaria Officinalis root (soapwort)

I'm incredibly thin and eat very healthy, lean(ish) protein and green vegetables being the vast majority of my diet, I just use aspartame as my one "vice" as a placator whenever I inevitably desire sugar. I'll just have to try and cut back from my 2 aspar-sodas a day. That link I posted said it adversely affects your serotonin production/levels which is a real problem for me, so hopefully abstinence will curb that.

I eat a spoonful of honey a day.

This trend of helping people avoid estrogens and boost their natural male hormone production is good.

But if it's one thing I'd like to add that I've seen little about it's how you must learn to handle baldness in a psychological sense. The thing is, if you get on a level where you have normal and healthy testosterone levels, you are going to lose your hair throughout your 30s. That's life, that's the way of nature. That's how men are built and you have to face this and live with it.

We live in a "beauty" obsessed culture and it affects us all, even if you're good at resisting and sifting propaganda. This is one thing I see many men struggle with, they lose confidence as their hair starts to thin. Soyboy's don't need to face this because they all have big lush manes like a woman. So you have to put yourself in a mindspace where it's fucking ok to be bald. If you're a young man and you balk in terror at the prospect of the donut mane, then you're in a soyboy cultural sphere of influence and need to fix that.

No one in real life cares except teenage girls, so it's all in your mind. When it starts, cut it off and be a chrome dome or wear your scraggly Ben Franklin shit with pride. Don't become desperate and get on the hormone treatment shampoos and shit. Be a man.

Soy mimics and raise estrogen levels in your body. Soyboy is not only appropriate to use, it is a factual analysis of physical observation, this faggots literally have low testosterone levels.

I use both?

mine's in the middle for the men's part. all the bad things of both, minus the alchoholism but it runs in my family.

Just shave it.

The thing is, between being very new in human diet and also being pushed by the big food industries (resulting in false science around it) these fake sugars are a complete unknown.

Natural sugars in a moderate amount are probably not dangerous. I use honey and cane sugar when I feel the need for sugars. Everything in moderation and you're probably good. I too like some taste in my water to go with my meals so I use some lemon and honey in the water I drink with my dinner. If you drink clean water otherwise through the day I can't think it's a problem.

Also, you sound like you need to eat more meat. Grass fed or hunted of course.,

I had pre-natal test exposure. I have a high voice but I build muscle easily.

Yes, that was one of my recommended courses of action. That's not the problem though, the problem is a subconscious fear in many young men. A subconscious fear that drives them to become more feminine. If you can't appreciate how a natural male is, then you've got a problem beyond styling problems.

I'm prince of the manlets and weigh about 125 pounds. Every meal I eat during the day has meat in it, from eggs to bacon to chicken to pork to healthy fish to whey protein+milk as a supplement. I still don't reach a daily caloric intake to put on weight and it is ridiculously frustrating to try an get in shape when that isn't feasible.

I'm letting both my hair and beard grow as a sign of freedom at the moment, but I'm not in my thirties yet.

I'm still not convinced at the direct correlation between test and baldness. The Lycurgus put long hair in fashion amongst the Spartans for example, and I don't think they lacked testosterone.

Same for Germanic peoples, long hair was a sign of freedom for them, whereas thralls would be shaved/trimmed.


You can try eating more fats I guess, animal fats aren't bad for you. But in the end we're all different too. Some people are built for bulk strength, some are built for lean strength. Be the best you can within the parameters nature has set for you.

Except that's not true at all. Balding only happens to certain men while others die with a full head of hair. It's based on genetic inheritence, IE is your scalp DHT resistant. There are so many balding obese guys with eunuch level testosterone and there are chads like Mitt Romney that never bald.

Beer guts have nothing to do with beer and everything to do with excess calories and how an individual distributes those excess calories (fat deposits/genetics).

Yea, and autism totally ISNT caused by vaccines or anything, just more "tinfoil". Tinfoil hat is the strongest argument man has ever made, for it can not be argued against and it is rationally correct. You have proof of something bothersome? Tinfoil hat! I win!. Its the new "racist".

I think it's the old racist. CT's have been a major thing ever since JFK movie. While racist is an older term it wasn't bandied about as easily as it is today.

The correlation might not be direct, but that there's some correlation has been pretty much established by now. The actual mechanism might be something obscure, we don't really know yet. "It's just genetics" is obviously wrong when you look into it and no gene structure for it have been found yet. But yes, some high test men doesn't lose their hair. Most do. So my point isn't that baldness or full hair is good or bad. It's that men should not let themselves be affected by cultural perception of it too much. Fashion is fashion in ancient greece as well as now. People were better at separating ideals and reality back then.

Sorry dude, Mitt Romney has hair plugs, just look at his hairline. The pleading phase is a bitch.

Well because it's not close enough to the truth.

Balding is hair follicle death caused by DHT, DHT(Dihydrotestosterone) is a hormone that is correlated with Testosterone but is not the same and has different, still important functions. Balding(As well as beard growth) is dependent on DHT levels but mostly your genetics. As in someone with high DHT could never bald/grow beard and someone with low DHT could still bald/grow beard.

Only dry hopped beers that have undiluted hop oils and alpha acids are estrogenic. Also, beer guts are caused by people eating greasy, salty food in conjunction with beer, and since the body prioritizes alcohol for elimination, the consumed high calorie food almost instantly gets stored as fat instead of burned off. There are many alcoholics that are skinny as a rail.

I have no idea wtf a hair plug is, and I don't know if you're dissing me or using more weirdo balding lingo with "pleading phase" or not. But all you've proved is you went through quite the phase yourself, of being very insecure about your own balding. I know about the hormones because I was fascinated because some men in my family balded and some didn't, my father specifically has a full head of his hair in his 70s and he competed professionally in multiple sports and definitely not a soyboy.


You are fine for now but when shtf leave the hard work to us chad fingers.

Nah, the thing is a cure for baldness was found already in Ancient Greece. Galenus noted that two groups of people in their society never lost their hair. Women and eunuchs. So if you want to be sure to keep your hair, now you know the cure.

This is the reason why all soyboys have big, lush, female hair. Not that there's anything wrong with having full, healthy hair for a man of course, that's not what I'm saying at all.

Yep, I was very insecure about it, like most young men in our degenerate society. Then I got over it. Now I try to tell other young men that it's ok to go bald just like it's ok to have full hair. This triggers soyboys like you.

My right hand finger has a short index finger, but my left hand has a equal length index finger. What am I?

Chad lite.

I can't even see if mine are shorter or equal. They're only very slightly shorter, so I don't know where I am.

I wouldn't take that theory too seriously. It's up there with phrenology and dowsing as far as I can tell. Mostly it seems to be a variant of the type of meme that floods imageboards designed to make people insecure and depressed about inconsequential shit that they can't change, ie. the innie-outtie, manlet, cut vs uncut bullshit.


I'm going to give an unpopular opinion here. I say we should fight balding tooth and nail… not just cope and shave it off. Men need to address balding immediately since stopping is much easier than growing it back (yes you can grow it back). These are steps that start with the least aggressive to most aggresive.

1. Scalp massages: This should be done already when you're in your 20s to stave off the initial balding, massage your hairline and crown area a minute each after you shower. This keeps blood flow to your hair and may prevent hairloss for years.
Success rating: debatable but can't hurt
Cons: nothing.

Ketoconazol shampoo: kills the yeast on your scalp that speeds up hairloss (and causes dandruff).
Success rating: good if it's the yeast that's causing you to go bald.
Cons: kind of expensive

Dermastamping/dermarolling (little needles that puncture your skin superficially): Grows back hair, most effective if balding is caught early, it triggers stem-cells and natural regrowth of the body. Add serums to be more effective.
Success rating: high, if balding caught early… lowers with extensive hair loss. Cheap on Amazon.
Cons: hurts a little bit, a scratchy pain

Minoxidil: The exact effects on hairloss are a bit mysterious. The FDA makes them say it only works on the crown but countless people report it works on the hairline and even grows back hair. Buy the Kirkland brand or even better the powder on eBay from China and for $50 you have enough for years.
Success rating: mixed, depends on genes and DHT, how much you stop or regrow. And how much you lose once you stop the treatment is a diceroll right now.
Cons: dries your skin, be sure to apply moisturizer. Is safe by itself, more effective BUT more dangerous if used in conjunction with:


Finasteride: This blocks DHT production in your scalp, the gains are a lot more permanent than minoxidil and blocks 70% of DHT on your noggin. Get a Rx from your doctor or buy from streetshitter pharmacies online.
Success rating: High, it literally blocks the hormone that causes hairloss. Makes everything above more effective.
Cons: Causes a drop in libido (a cap of Viagra a week supposedly stops this though), claims to be safe but hard to know for sure.

Dutasteride: Finn's bigger, badder brother, stops 95% or more production of DHT.
Success rating: Very high since it makes male pattern baldness for most men impossible. A small percentage of guys still have no luck.
Cons: allegedly safe but there are accounts of people getting gyno from it… be weary. Only recommend it if you're going very bald very quickly. Also lowers libido.

RU58841: The silver bullet, but risky as fuck. Stops hairloss dead in it's tracks and if mixed with Minoxidil brings even the biggest cueballs back to NW0. Can only buy illegally.
Success rating: Absolute, everyone who's tried it regains hair.
Cons: It's estrgenic/androgenic effects are unstudied and no pharmacies are willing to sell it. May cause gyno or prostate/male breast cancer. Contact with pregnant women may cause miscarriage. Hair at what cost?

buht, buht muh tism

Not at all, it's related to hormonal exposure in the womb and is a very telling indicator for certain traits.

Well, that's one path to take. I considered going down it as I started balding. I came to the conclusion that fuck it. If you manage to retain your hair in a high test body, that's awesome for you. If you don't, make the best of it and don't fuss about your fucking looks like a woman. Most high test men lose their hair. Live with it, I say.

Not saying your quest is wrong in any way, I just don't care enough to have the time for all that.


"Greasy", "salty" foods don't make you fat, sugar does - yes, even alcohol. The sugar industry literally paid to have that horseshit imprinted on your brain - drop it, and drop the sugar, and you can eat all the fat you can handle as long as you're active.

You're a fucking idiot lapping up (((the grain lobby)))'s bullshit.

I'm pretty high-T and put this stuff on everything, would i have been more masculine if i never touched this stuff?.
Also, I have a son and dont want him to grow up to be a faggot, do i keep this away from him? stop buying when he gets old enough to choose his own food?

F to pay respects big man

Here comes the soyboy


I would recommend if you're going to consume the alcoholic jew to only drink clear liquor with club soda and a fruit garnish for taste. I've found Tito's Vodka ranks pretty well in terms of "healthy" alcohol, and it's tasty as well.

Since when is being thin healthy? Stop drinking shit with aspartame and work out you absolute faggot. Better yet just stick to water and juices you made from fruit alone.



Grow your own greens and get meat from the local farmer that doesn't fuck with his cattle. It's easy.

These freaks are not worth views
shit is on youtube for anyone interested

I never said thin was being healthy, you cognitive-deficient dumbass.

I need some dandruff shampoo suggestions, nothing ever works.

Well you claim to eat healthy while you drink shit. You dumbass.

That's the soy parasites talking for you.

Get a script of Keto pills from your doctor.

You have nonexistent reading comprehension or logical understanding capabilities, I do eat healthy. Please consider improving your ability to understand English text before posting next time, retard.

So you don't, alright faglord.

look for "paraben free" on the label
that means no homo

I got one of these. As good as it gets without connecting to my plumbing.

I've run it about once a day for the last three years with no problems. Just have to change the charcoal filter occasionally.

Don't fight baldness. Shave you head, lift iron and go for the warrior monk look.

How would this even be known? Someone did a scientific study of this? Oh please!

Is every soy related product shit, or just particular soy products? Some user who knows his shit about diets should make a list of good and bad products.

These clickbait-mongering blockheads never learn.

I can see how this will play out,

What the fuck? No, you retard, aspartame is horrible for you. Fucks sake, theres a reason we call artificial sweeteners "The artificial jew".

If you already have a healthy diet, and you crave sugar, you know what that probably means? That your body needs sugar. Not fucking chemicals that taste sweet. Honey, fruit, whatever. You avoid processed white sugar to avoid inflamation and keep your skin healthy and whatnot, and avoid excess sugar in general to loose weight. If you're thin, you don't really need to do that. A man shouldn't be thin. A naturally lithe muscular and skeletal structure is one thing, but if you're thin because of diet, you're fucking up.

Soy sauce has little actual soy, so if you spiradically eat things which use the sauce, you're good.

You bet they did

This is what is a Cinnabon

Enriched flour (wheat flour, malted barley flour, niacin, iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), water, brown sugar, palm oil, milk, soy bean oil, yeast, salt, whey, soy lecithin, cinnamon, powdered sugar, vegetable mono and diglycerides, sodium benzoate, vitamin A palmitate, cream, cream cultures, carob bean gum, corn starch, natural and artificial flavor.*

*May also contain: Egg white, whole eggs, buttermilk, molasses, sodium stearoyl lactylate, buttermilk, azodicarbonamide, beta carotene, high fructose corn syrup (glucose-fructose), wheat protein isolate (wheat gluten lactic acid, sulfites), vital wheat gluten, hydroxpropyl methylcellulose, acetylated tartaric acid esters of mono and diglycerides (datem), baking soda, xanthan gum, guar gum, beta carotene, glucono delta-lactone, citric acid, propionic acid, enzymes (amylase), ascorbic acid sorbitan monostearate, cellulose gum, potassium sorbate, soy oil, polysorbate 60, lactic acid, artificial color.

absolutely disgusting garbage

Why the fuck would anyone put that white shit on a cinnamon bun? T

I need advice anons. I've been here long enough to know this shit, but did nothing. Today that changes. I've consumed a lot of aspartame sodas over the past decade. Looking at the possible side effects of aspartame, pic included, I've experienced the following: Frequent Headaches, frequent fatigue, frequent irritability, frequent memory loss, occasional nausea, occasional heart palpitations, and occasional joint pain. Also occasional muscle spasms if that weird twitching in a random place for two hours counts, and I'm fairly certain it's not an electrolyte imbalance. I also just generally feel weird and tired often. Sometimes I'll go a whole day with "brain fog" after 8-9 hours of good sleep. I have no idea if aspartame/fluoride could be the cause. So for two weeks (a realistic goal) I want to cut out all aspartame, and fluoride, (and soy for good measure, which I've already started - it's in everything).

So the fluoride part is a little complicated, and this is where I need help. It seems reverse osmosis will remove *most* but not all of the fluoride. I believe distillation removes the fluoride completely, so I'd like to try that. First Q: Is it worth the money to buy second pic? Also important when distilling, you must re-add the trace minerals you have removed. Second Q: Should I buy third pic? (488 digits of good reviews) Other than the fluoride toothpaste, it seems there is another source you can absorb fluoride - the shower. Third Q: Is absorption through the skin a serious concern, and if so how the hell do I deal with that?

I've got to know I need it before I drop that penny.

Stevia OK?

Sounds like the beginning of Multiple Sclerosis but could be something immune system related. Obviously not doctor take it with a bucket of salt.

Nah, that's Reddit tier coping. I've regrown all my lost hair AND I lift weights. Baldness is saying good bye to the prime young pussy. I'd rather fight.

on the box my relish is made out of cucumbers, distilled vinegar, dehydrated red peppers, xiathian gum, natural favor, polysorbate 80, yellow 5 and my dill pickles are the same except high fructose corn syrup is added on the first on the list.

Absorption through the skin is unfortunately worse than ingestion for almost all toxins, as your liver will take care of 80-90% of what you ingest if it is healthy.

If people stop eating soy my country will break. FUGGG



Everything a growing boy needs. Ye gods.

What did you use?

I used everything up until fin:
I would've regrown faster had I chosen to fight earlier instead of meme-shaving my hair off (hello almost 30 year old girls with children), recovery is fucking possible.

Don't. Give. Up.

Lurk more and learn to OP, faggot.

Why only once a year?

You faggots with your "no girls like balding men" are the worst soyboys there are. What a feminized way of thinking you have. No idea if curing baldness is possible or not (besides castration,) and if you managed to do so all the best to you. But you have a really unhealthy and wrong worldview. Do you shave your groin and use make-up as well, seeing how women's magazines say that's what women want in a man?

Soyboys call me butthurt for pointing this out as a bald man (on the level of "if you speak out against gays you must be closet gay") but think about what I'm really saying here. Baldness is a completely natural male property. Who likes to make white people insecure and schizo about natural things? I think you know who.

In the real world women don't care about baldness if you're worried about that. It's a jew meme.



Women's magazines don't say that, look I can tell by how butthurt you are, you're coping so hard. Great hair is a sign of youth and virility, a bald head shows girls you have inferior genes. Sure they might lie to you and pretend they like it, like they claim to like "dadbod". Deny it all you want, but in your heart you know it's true.

Baldness makes you an inferior mate, and your choice of girls will be less than potential if you only chose to fight.

My index finger is way shorter than my ring finger?!

Cool, now tell me about manlets and cutfags please. Soyboy.

Based. Probably next Hitler.

Low T would be a serious health disorder in a sane society.


lol what

are these online celebs never going to stop stealing shit?

1. cernobitch didn't invent soy boy
2. milo didnt invent its ok to be white
3. dickie didn't invent alt right

its the open mouth and beard combination that really defines them

i have a very thick and luxurious beard with hairs as thick as a pencil lead but these days i keep it shaved. i do not want to appear to be a soy boy, despite not being one.

soy boys have ruined beards forever

requiescat in pace my beard

Their beards are always meticulously trimmed and groomed. Just let your beard grow wild, I promise you no one will associate it with the faggots. Doesn't even come close to looking similar.

I'm not forcing you to grow your hair back. If you'd rather cope, that's on you.

user. . . I will make you and Uncle Dolf proud one day.

Fuck off. Don't come here pretending you're a reasonable and rational player in this. I'm here saying how people shouldn't be depressed and neurotic about something completely natural. You're here saying what's natural and normal (half the male population and much more than that in the high test segment) is "inferior genetic quality."

Having good hair is fine. Being bald is fine. Men shouldn't define themselves by what "women wants" (which is parenthesize because it's usually kike bullshit.) Define yourself by your character, not by if you're tall enough, what fucking length your fingers are, if your muh dik is big enough or if you have hair like a glamour model.

Nu-males have wild beards more often than not. If you have a nice manly jaw, the last thing you want to do is hide it under a low-T beard. Even lumberjacks were clean shaven despite the memes since having facial hair is dangerous in the lumber industry.

Fuck, now you're riling on beards too? What a fucking soyboy you are. I'm starting to think you're actually a woman.

Tits or gtfo?

97% of US soy in GMO

aka Jews added shit to it to make you gay

A faggot soyboy that's who. I trawl around halfchans tv because it's a hotbed for memetic breeding and wew lad is the soyboy moniker pissing off the neogaf/Reddit faggots.


Because I am the rational player. You choose not to fight, you don't have the heart of a warrior. Fuck you for trying to get other losers like you to give up since misery loves company.

Look man, it's not too late. Grow it back, you'll thank me later, we're all in this together.

Beards hide a manly jaw.

If you want soft hair, just splash and leave vinegar in it while you scrub the rest of your body, and rinse off with cold water.

Worrying about your hair is having the heart of a warrior. I'm amazed you don't realize how faggoty you sound. Rational player indeed. As I said, tits or gtfo.

not necessarily true it can accent and highlight a jawline, hence the betas all trying to grow one to make the jawline more prominent beards can also be seen as a status symbol

It's not about worrying, it's about taking action. Why are you so scared about growing your hair back, what do you have to lose?

I don't know where you "balding" fighters lads are from but here in poland most people have a waif, regardless of being bald or not. I don't know how it is there but wimmin just go for dudes that are good men, sure they will always prefer a model but then so will most men.

Criminally underrated post.

Sadly the jew has perverted the mind of most western women.

What you're saying is "Why should I go to the gym? I'm confident in my small weak/fat slob body. Why should I be like a girl that cares how she looks?". We're saying, go to the fucking gym and stop coping, it's pathetic.


Perhaps I like my bald head? Why do you care so much about my looks? I don't get it. You're not relationship material for me anyways, so it's no problem.

No, your analogy is completely kiked out. Being a fat slob isn't natural and normal. Being bald is. Men have gone bald since the beginning of time. It's your kike culture body ideals that are out of whack. Therefore obviously being in good shape is fine, and not worrying about your hair is fine too.

What you're saying is that hair is very important, I get that. But what I hear is "I'm a soyboy."

Even if not the gym at least push ups, sit ups, pull ups, and some running. Basic fitness goes a long way.

Worrying about hair is the least of your problems. Men aren't selected based on looks but on power and the ability to influence/scare other men. Being bald, having a beard, etc is secondary to this. Only a feminized man or woman wouldn't understand this.

Its either low-T betacucks or femanons trying to derail the thread.

Men go to the gym and get big so they can intimidate other men or for personal health reasons. That's why "going to the gym" is considered masculine. Hair is very different since balding is something natural and can't be helped without spending money on it. Completely different things.

Soy boys are on suicide watch.

it doesnt matter if faggots use the term soyboy for themselves as long as the recipient of the insult is in fact a low test beta male of some sort. people who are deserving of the insult "soyboy" need to know that what they are is not good and they should feel bad. it doesnt matter so much who does the deed of letting them know. the goal should be society-wide marginalization and scorning of soyboys. similar to slut shaming. it's a purity spiral, not a purity teleport

Maybe get #soyboy and #soyim trending? I love salt on my edamame.

Wow, that's the textbook cope, watch this video. You need this shit.

tits or gtfo you hag.

Basically, if you ever mock someone for being a junkie, a cig smoker, a DEDEWEED or an alchoholic, you're a hypocrite faggot, because you are consuming some of the most toxic shit on earth for literally no reason.
I know thew word "degenerate" gets thrown around a lot, but you are literally degenerating your physiology with that shit. Stop it.

You gotta have hair when you're swole as fuck otherwise you look like a zika babby.

Look up "Candida" I'd post something myself but I'm not in the mood to spoonfeed anyone.

Just watch the video, man.

How about you two retards stop pissing on each other and start posting stuff to help people like you did at the start of the thread.

Who in god's name would do that to themselves? Fuck man that's disgusting.

Bullshit. I'm pushing 40, I practically live of cuciferous vegetables and red meat and my hair looks fucking amazing.
Explain to me how all the goony beardmen numales start balding at 20 and all the trannies you see have dad hairlines.

I know some 120 pund dudes who can fucking dismantle bigger guys in a fight not many, but still, I've seen it happen. Training, willpower and balls of steel will carry you a long way, apparently.

Well, the whole thing illustrates well why I made the first post that triggered the two ladies I'm arguing with so hard. There's a lot that goes into creating subconscious complexes in young men today that masculine features is something horrible. Something for "losers."

Now, perhaps a few can stave off something like balding with hormone cocktails and neurotic routines, compulsively fearful about if their looks match up with "what women wants." But for the most part when it comes to something like this most men are actually going to lose their hair sooner or later, especially if they're high T. So to me it makes sense to try and instill the idea that this is ok, rather than to play along with the kikes on this one.

What do you think it does to you if you have a deep subconscious fear of masculinity? Does this affect your lifestyle in any way? What is the reason why faggot numales become what they become? They are disgusting, yes, but did they spawn out of a vacuum? No. They're a result of a wide propaganda meme system that has as it's purpose to create exactly those subconscious complexes.

Notice how in no post I've made I've not said that it's wrong to have a good head of hair. All I've ever said is that it's no problem to be bald either. That vanity is wasted time and that character is what I consider the manly thing to pursue, not bullshit like hair. Why does this pretty neutral and natural stance trigger so many? Think about that.

There's a reason the U.S. Army had to start using .45's on the flips.

link to this ringer article?

you're really degrading that hitler quote with such a cheap comparison

no it's not you dumb faggot. this here is what you're saying:

I would put 20lbs chains made of shekels on the bar when it is extended and put them off once it it is contracted. Rinse and repeat.

(Checked) and keked

There is soy in the bread, there is soy on chocolate bars. There is soy even on ketchup and butter. Nearly all (((industrial products))), the ones who come in those plastic containers, have soy, especially soy lecithin, added to them - and they are highly estrogenic…

I started to believe forcing low T on the populous is a real thing, I myself had issues with Testosterone levels and it took me 3 years asking doctors about it and another 2 to get to see a private specialist who finally forced them to prescribe me Testosterone Gel daily. ( I was hitting almost laughably low levels)

After being on it for a year I already felt more confident, healthy and got out more. managed to get back into a better lifestyle. And When I still see doctors and say i'm using it they suddenly look visibly upset and ask "uhh are you sure you should be on that I dont think we're meant to give that to you"

You're prescribed as much female hormones as you want by any doctor anywhere. Chances are you're on them already (contraceptive pills are pure female hormones.)

Male hormones in a medical sense are actually criminalized. This should tell everyone something. But that's the kike world we live in. There might be some good in bad with this though. It's much better to boost your T naturally than getting it in shots. It's harder work, but we are men and live on hard-mode anyways. Barring extreme cases like yours perhaps, most can remedy their situation with a healthier lifestyle.

But yeah, you're right, there's no doubt in my mind. It is a conspiracy.

I also bet they do swindle curls, train after the pyramid sheme to induce fracturing of the muscle vipers to achieve the maximum amount of gain hoarding. Maybe we should convince the jews that they can charge interest from their own body.


I once heard a saying that "Depression is when conformism breaks" or something along those lines.

I always shave as closely as possible because I dont want to hide my fantastic jawline. Seriously, I have a jawline exactly like Bryan Stann EXCEPT that my ramus (the part of the jaw that goes straight down and is in front of the ear basically) and the part at the bottom is even more defined.

It's fucking awesome.

RIP Pride.

There's no replacement for displacement.

Effects don't always manifest the same way. I have the longest 4th finger of anyone I know and have all my hair in my 30s.

Sam? Is that you?

Yes, but excessive fat on your body actually disrupts your hormone balance.

I think he meant this:übler-Ross_model


change your diet, exercise. fat produces estrogen in the male body. get off your ass and do some research soyfag.

Pudgy boyim have higher estrogen levels, excercise, eat healthy and learn how to manage stress on a mental level.


My wife makes all of the soap for our house. The best ones she makes are lard based with either sea salt or pine tar. No more soy boy life for us.

Also ditch the aluminum based deodorants. If you want to do it right, buy a block of amber resin from an incense seller and rub that on your pits after you shower.

Hell if you just rub cow shit on yourself people can't smell the human.

None of the men in my family bald and we are all prime specimens of masculinity. My grandpa died in his 80s with thicker hair than most women and he was a tall buff white man with a strong jaw and deep voice for his whole life.

Reached 12% body fat down from 26% and did a 260kg dead lift today feels fucking good and did my first ever 5k.

There is plethora of research out there going both ways on seemingly everything. Basicly all I have done is made sure my protein is as high as recommended and stayed below my BMR.

I just want a basic healthy and sustainable meal plan. What do you recommend.

Real incense is something all white people should partake in. I don't mean those nasty hippie sticks that you buy at the grocery store. The main one that everyone should try is frankincense resin. You burn it on coals in a bowl of sand and it smells amazing. It also helps you avoid the pharmaceutical jew because it will relieve most headaches.

Can confirm frankincense resin smells amazing

Start eating lots of onions. Onions have recently been proven to elevate testosterone levels more than any other food. They are basically the opposite of soy.

Don't buy pre packaged food of any sort. When you go grocery shopping buy lots of green vegetables, red meat and chicken, eggs, bacon, stuff like that. If your dinner every night is some cooked chicken breast or beef, with a side of steamed broccoli and maybe some rice, you won't get fat. Its really fucking hard to get fat eating bro food. You will throw up long before you massively OD on calories.

Thank you both.

Yeah, I read about this. Very upsetting, because I like black licorice.

Sorry I read that wrong when I wrote

I thought you wanted to stop being a ham. If you want testosterone just minimize your sugar intake, eat red meat, and lots of cruciferous vegetables. Do not consume anything with high fructose corn syrup in it.

A 260kg deadlift is really impressive.
Dunno i assume you know how to eat then, i would continue that regiment maybe put in two vegeterian days.

Favorite fighters tbh

Only one fighting currently in the UFC that reminds me of those guys is Stipe. All of them have class and are good role models. Meanwhile you have McNigger and the Nate Diaz types who are in absolute cancer.

Will do thanks man

Genetics man, I build muscle really quickly and in High School I was known to be freakishly strong I was just very fat as well.

just when I think I've seen it all…

he is right

How much you bench? My best deadlift result was probably 200kg with shit form since i dont have that long monkey arms and the natural straight back while lifting some of you motherfuckers have.


My bench is shit 110 kg for 12 reps then I am pretty much maxed out and I don't want too push it harder, I have a hill sachs lesion from a dislocation while playing Rugby, so I mostly use machines for chest and shoulders.


I wonder about that too. All I can think of is:

Live in a house on well-water, or
live somewhere without fluoride in the water, or
use a shower-based water-filter. For that one, perhaps you could talk to Alex Jones.

>God forbid anyone be an actual woman.
What did he mean by this? Trannies?

Do you need it? No, not really. You're living without it now, so you don't need it. The question is do you want it. I know I do. I'll give up a lot of comforts before I drink straight tap.

nah, he's just implying that dislike of nu-males and soyboys equates to full blown hatred of women.

they think women are equal to men.


that shit is poison. same with hydrogenated oil. read how they make it. It's not even food.

2 years ago i started to get a bald patch on the top of my head so i just shave the fucking thing now and started lifting, I am definitely less 'pretty' but certainly more intimidating

Well 110kg for 12reps is also pretty very impressive, i did 110kg for 10reps so your max is about 145kg which fits your deadlift so you are not like my monkey armed friend that is only good at deadlifting.
Having shoulder problems really sucks, i once did a faceplant broke my nose and bruised my shoulder, i had pain in my shoulder for half a year, the first 3 weeks i could barely dress.
I would suggest light rotary exercises, also depending on what the doc says.

Current Year Logic, ladies and gentlemen.

Soyboy is not a new term. Pretty sure it’s been around since the mid 2000s on etc used to call someone an effeminate man since soy contains phytoestrogens.

Yeah but I don't envy the guys with knee problems, shoulder seems more manageable when you compare the two. Thanks user will do and best of luck with your future lifts and endeavors. Remember if you do not claim your destiny someone else will

it would surprise me not at all to learn that's the real problem with soy (and corn too). Similarly I would be unsurprised if it turns out tobacco is healthy but for all the additives.

these digits confirm you will indeed

I'm convinced that male-pattern baldness, especially if it's early onset, is a genetic trait of Jews. I'm not sure if it's exclusive to them, but look at the statistics of men in Israel who experience it relative to other peoples.

shall we review the side effects of everything on that list other than scalp-massages?

I think he needs a haircut. He would look rather representable without the problem glasses and his hair cut at the lower third of his ear.

And a shower.

It's a good insult because it's true and further proven by the soyboys at buzzkike themselves that they are so low test that they score t the bottom FIVE FUCKING PERCENT of test levels in the male population. I am almost entirely sure that they decline of civlisation and all cuck shit going on in modern times is because men have a fraction of the test they used to and it makes them gay effeminate af.

I know a half Jew who has that, and that would suck balls.


I really have no idea whether this shit will help me or not, I'm doing my own research googling startpage searching. You're recommendation is noted, and anyone else who can show me the way of the filter.

Bullshit the asian cunt and the lanklet with the long chin certainly do not have low testosterone levels.
The other two look faggy but yet in the realm of healthy levels.

I like onions a lot. Do they have to be raw or something?

Clearly you have never shaved your head before if you think women think it's unattractive. What's unattractive is balding and not shaving.

correlation is not causation.

Sure thing Pajeet.

Onions are literally one of the best foods. You know that part of cooking where everybody comes by and says how good it smells? Yeah that's when you are sautéing onions 9 out of 10 times. I can't even imagine living without onions.


You have to imagine that in a kosher workplace you cannot have a bold look, that is too intimidating for your coworkers and doesnt represent the companies policy. Furthermore your friends would mock you and you would be taken out of your comfort zone for being fucking faggot.

The Soyboy cries out in pain as he strikes you.

more good advice. aluminum is toxic. and don't cook in it or eat food packaged in it.

Don't have any links but it does have health benefits if done in moderation, like increase t-levels.

Why is Shrek so relevant in life?

Raw onions can actually kill you. It causes a type of anemia. There's a story of a boy in Great Depression who found a field of onions, he was so hungry he ate some raw, and died.

It's good for memory, 50% less Alzheimer's in smokers; though it's overall bad for your health ofc.

or you could, oh i don't know, maybe just shower?

But overall yes onions are good for you if you don't eat 3-4-5 raw onions like a retard.

How to improve the bench press of jews?
Put on 40lbs chains made of shekels for a negative and for a positive put hitler stickers on the bar, i assume that would work wonders.

I never heard about that, a friend's father eats them raw like apples. Not me though, I do cook them, only eat raw onion when it's chopped on top of a hot dog or the likes. Thanx.


one other important thing: the shit with aluminum is not de-odorant, it's anti perspirant. Big difference. It works by clogging your pores or some similarl anti-nature process that could only fuck up your body chemistry more than any good it does for the way you smell.

He didn't respect the layers. Or it could be he didn't wash them.

why don't you get your feet wet with a cheaper distiller and see if you like it? The one I recommended is my third. Before that, I had a Kenmore unit and a no-name distiller. They weren't bad at all–until they burned out. By then I knew enough to commit to an upgrade. You can find them on craigslist affordably.

They main thing for me is the water never touches anything but stainless steel and glass. Distilled water is pure so I imagine as soon as it touches any plastic it's absorbing toxins.

man, fuck it.
It only took me two years to embrace my balding.
It started when I was 20 and super depressed so I have no sympathy for these faggot 30/40 yos who spend thousands fighting the inevitable.
I don't want to worry about it because worrying will make it worse.

Just get bulky and shave your head, grow a beard and then get some style. It is not like having nice hair gives you a significant disadvantage, if you want to look at pathetic fuckers go look at random sjws with full hair that wont see a decent pussy in a lifetime.

Agreed fellow bald user I just shave it and embrace nature. It saves so much time getting ready and the Mrs loves it.

I meant significant advantage in the context of beta cunts.


Didn't we just used to call these people manchildren?

HFCS-pushing kikes have been whining about aspartame for years and years and they still can't bring up any scientific evidence that it's harmful in any way. They just want to keep the goyim on corn syrup.

It is written deranged.

I use a deodorant based from baking soda, real natural shit, it's got animal fat to hold it together and some pine oil to add a fragrance
thats the base of it, smells great and lasts a few days since im not a big sweaty ballsack

Right now ive got a cold getting started so if any anons want to chime in on how to get rid of it EZ pls do so
I always take my vitamin D supplements and have this horsetail tea going on with some honey

I dont want to resort to the medical jew

zinc will help reduce length of the cold. help your body fight it, itself.

Boil lemon juice with honey.

wew lad

Chowder and OJ for your cold user. What brand of deodorant is it?

Better cure that shit fully before you go into work again. I also suggest a honey with DD rounds.

i'm guessing boil water with lemon and honey in it? or straight up boil a cup of lemon juice?

Nah man, do the Gallagher. That's what I'd do if my hair fell out.

I was exposed to a shit ton

It's inherited in my family

Full lemon.

Onions are delicious

According to me right hand i was aswell, according to my left hand moderatly.

elderflower tea, fasting

When your wife gets pregnant as soon as you find out it's a boy make she sure she it's onions daily.

Take a hot,hot bath, as hot as you can stand, stay in as long as you can. Old Maine trick, always works

this is a good meme

Glad you're finding info on it user but how in the hell have you been walking around with the notion in your head that soda isn't liquid death? Also

just be sure to combine the distilled water with a balance of minerals, etc. Distillation is obviously great in terms of purifying but can lead to the water leeching valuable minerals from your body as it passes through, rather than the other way around.

They created that rule about cutting the hair on the side of their heads because it was the only hair they had left.

Yet we eat them on sandwiches and salads every day with nary a worry.

Only the cunts do that, mostly the curious ones or lesbians, or if you are an artist. This fucker looks like none of either, i would give him contact lenses and a nice conservative haircut some punches in the face for good measure.

From what I remember from earlier discussions here with distillfags this factoid is highly disputed. Some people seem to suffer no ill effects from distilled water over long periods, some claim they do.

Not really saying it's wrong either. Personally I only drink spring water and I don't treat it with anything either. But I'm lucky enough to live a place where natural, clean water is abundant. If I didn't I'd look into distilling some more I think.

Daily reminder you can always catch sales for Super Male Vitality™, Caveman Bone Broth™, Anthroplex™, and Bio-True Selenium™ to improve your health and T levels. :^)

Sugar is better for you. High fructose corn syrup is better than you. Setting aside the fact you're consuming CHEMICALS designed to trick people who buy into the FUD surrounding sugar and HFCS inb4 hurr durr defending HFCS it's less bad than artificial sweeteners just from having sugars in it, but raw sugar, honey, molasses, REAL maple syrup are all far superior but opt for the "look goy zero calories zero sugar zero carbs it's healthy goy" meme instead of opting for better natural sweeteners, consider this:

What a sad condition, "aspartame" as a "treat". Are you a fagfag too? "Incredibly thin" is not a good thing. Get off your jew diet, eat some meat, work out. BMI is jewish bullshit and will claim you're "obese" for having muscles and not looking like a GRIDS patient. Just like how they lowered the "safe" blood pressure levels out of nowhere to force everyone to appear "unhealthy" and sell more blood pressure medications.

Daily reminder that hats exist.

UnMUTILATED is superior in every way.
Sorry, manlet, but that's just genetics. Superior genetics = height.

You are mentally ill. Leave.

Why do you faggots have that shit anyway? I tried it once or twice, it was terrible. Flavor is shit, like liquid salt. Ketchup is a better condiment.

Stay away from soy whenever possible. It's harder than you think. You'd be surprised how many things have soy in it if you just look at the label. Even Jones's "Brain Force Plus" supplements have soy in them.

>may also contain the shit that actually makes sense to be in it: eggs and buttermilk for the dough

Is it good or bad to hit the side effects of aspartame very quickly, leading to rapidly stopping using it? Because on the rare occasion I end up having something with aspartame in it it ends up giving me bare minimum the headache on the first sip or two.
Full house filter, including sinks and showers, is the way to go for filtering, though that leaves out distilling unless you have a lot of time to waste and don't mind using your limited-at-a-time supply of distilled shit to shower with in some manner.
I would think it would be better to use some mineral thing you can mix into the water over supplement drops for replacing distillery mineral loss. It probably wouldn't hurt to have the supplement drops on top of it, like it doesn't hurt to take zinc and vitamin D3 on top of what you get from food.

If that's your motivation you're a subhuman.

Congratulations user, you're a PUSSY. Why are you letting faggots take over something that belongs to men?

Hasn't it always been that way, at least since it was televised? Ten years or more ago, they had the reality TV counterpart to the shows, and I have no doubt the "sport" is going (if not already there) the way of professional wrestling with everything being fake but the physiques and the non-kayfabe injuries.

Supplements to help on top of what other anons said:
>super male vitality

And a time machine to prevent himself from getting pozzed. And some testosterone. And superior genetics and eye-related nutrients to ditch the glasses.

I used to work in a "kosher" workplace before they found some bullshit excuse to throw me out. One of the highest level guys there was bald, never got anything against him for it.

so have her continue making the same food she always does. Gotcha.

"Manchildren" is a co-opted/jewed term, used to attack and shame men for having any interest at all beyond making money and being subservient to women. They call men who buy things like ATVs and snowmobiles to have fun outdoors, build hunting stands and shit innawoods, anything like that "manchildren" for fuck's sake.

You cannot ditch glasses with nutrients.
However you can itch diseases with the right brush that whipe the bees for the straight aas.

Bare organics
Its from cuckanadia

Im off work due to my white kid being born recently, I still have a week and a half off so
thank fuck

I cut off dairy entirely when i'm sick, I already never drink milk and eat cheese only every now and then. But yeah today i've only drank some juice, water, eaten half a tomato and drank my tea

Ill do that tonight, I used to do it in the past but it didn't seem to have much of an effect
I was lobster red coming out

To other anons, I need to buy zinc supplements, my nose and eyebrows always start peeling like crazy after a few days of me applying vitamin E on it

Thanks guys heres an original from my past

Considering the time travel thing was mentioned and preventing pozzing required for anything good to happen to that guy, it's more preventing eye health from degrading enough to need glasses, assuming he wasn't just genetically fucked from the womb.

you really shouldn't eat anything that you don't cook yourself from completely raw products anymore.

As far as i know most eye malfunctions are age related, in your 20s you become short sighted if your eye lense grows farther and if you are older the muscle that contracts your eyesight grows weeaker.

I hope the kid really taxes you, if they are healthy i hope they will agonize you. Not meant in a bad way.

You missed the point of the picture. He's what… In his early 20's? And yet his hairline has receded immensely. No matter how he styles his hair, he's still dysgenic.

You didn't get my point at all. My point weren't that it's a good thing to circumcise someone or that people should wish for going bald. I'm saying don't become neurotic about inconsequential things that you can't fucking change.

What defines a real man is his character. That's what's important in this world. There will always be teenage girls who snicker at bald guys and faggots like you to mock the manlets. There's always a kike at the ready in here to mock their mutilated victims and tell them "now you're half man cutfag and can't please a woman anymore hehehehehehe."

To be a man you have to push beyond that bullshit and not let kikes, faggots and girls define your worth on bullshit criteria men have prevailed beyond since time immemorial. That's all I'm saying.

You dont really understand the kikes faggots and cunts are not really part of the equation.

I'm sorry but that sentence doesn't make sense to me in any way I try to read it. Care to try again?

What i m saying is that i do not give a fuck about their shit, it is mostly in the virtual realm. Ever been amoungst a group of fertile boobanimals and how they treat you if you have certain configuration? They will happily bounce their meat around stroke your hair or be nice to you. And for shekels getting a certain picture their role is only minisucle.

Yeah that's what a woman would say

Good. That's what I'm advocating.

I understand you 100% user, but you have to understand some babbies, don't come out of the dick cutting 100% intact, it really fucks up the brain.

And if i put all my might behind it i will know what they say and what they do, i will extrapolate anything you say and all your body language and in let it go through my algorithms, and it will be like a knife that goes through butter. If you tell me what education your realtives you have and i put my self in front of the monkey mirror, i will put you there too minus my ability. And i get answer to my questions without any word.

There's a SoyBoyJournosPro somewhere where they talk about their periods.

Ever wondered about terries and goedles psychological configuration, imagine a morning star where the spikes go inwards not outwards.

This is 0a51cb from a different computer.

I'll probably start with a cheaper one. Quality always wins, but I don't know if I'm committed to distilled yet. You may know about chromium in stainless steel. Not sure how big of a deal that is, but it's still better than anything but glass.

If this is my culprit, it's very insidious for me, because I have no immediate symptoms. I might have gone many years not realizing the damage.
Some sort of filter for the house/shower seems the most practical.
I thought everything was in the drops, but noted.

Might try it. Right now using Jason which works OK unless I'm working out or something. Then I have to re apply.

This is true. I have no idea why people accept it as a legal practice at all over there in burgeristan. Completely degenerate. But when it's done it's done and it can't be changed. It's fine to be angry about it, it's fine to speak out against it. But you're not less of a man and you can persist and prevail just as much as anyone else.

Notice that it's not really the topics of circumcision, baldness, height, muh dik size, vagina flaps and all those things I'm addressing per se. I'm addressing the kike foot soldiers in here who because of their own insecurities and weak character spreads kike blackpill memes aimed at dragging people down over things they can't change.

Things that when it comes to what's really important for a man doesn't matter all that much.

The boobanimals like strong men, it is a potpurri of natural strength intellectual ability and charisma.

Soyboy detected


Wow you're retarded. That's not how the brain works at all. t. Psychology grad-faggot

Racial differences in cranial capicity are very real. Also, IQ is positively correlated (0.40) with brain volume.

Also, phrenology is real:

Lurk moar

I'm so sorry you have to learn about life the hard way user.

When even Trannies admit to eating more soy to ease their "Transitions," it's time to rethink your sliding strategy, Moshie.


A cuck is self-hating faggot, but the term necessitates they're masculine enough to secure a mate. Cucks are fucked up mentally. A soyboy is a doughy beta orbiter, pumped full of xenoestrogens. Soyboys have been poisoned. We're dealing with diseases of the mind and body.

This, but unironically.

Full sincerity in my post, m8
Know your place in the cosmos

keep drinking the sodium fluoride, apparently it works. because, firmament. or didnt you get the memo.
nasa lies, space is fake
earth is flat

Nice reading comprehension, retard. See:
In this context, by using 'cosmos' I am talking about man's place in relation to nature and the divine (see pic related). Absolutely nothing to do with space.
Great job raising a non-issue to derail discussion though, kike

It it highly likely that what you are experiencing is a combination of multiple factors. What you really need to do is one, go to a doctor for a check up and see if there are any obvious problems. Then, start examining your diet, activities and environment.

Fluoride isn't going to be causing you direct problems that you'd feel like that, unless you had a genetic mutation that made you sensitive to it somehow.
If you still drink soda, fucking stop that shit right now. No more soda, period. No more aspartame, no artificial sweeteners, no more "alternative" sweeteners. Stop doing that stupid shit and you will feel better.

1. Take some probiotics because you've probably fucked over your gut flora with shit that neither you nor they could digest properly. You'll get used to it after a few weeks, but make sure you'll have ready access to a toilet the evening/day after you take them. The first 2-3 days may be rough. If you get constant runs that means you body is wondering what the fuck these strange things (which are already supposed to be there) are. unscented lotion mixed with vitamin E oil, applied with a paper towel is a great way to deal with the myassholeisnowawound effects of wiping too much. Note that gut flora DIRECTLY impact serotonin production, among other things.
2. Take a EPA and DHA balanced omega 3 oil. Omega 3 are very important for the brain. (
3. Take a high GLA omega 6 source, like blackcurrent oil. GLA can become depleted when taking high amounts of omega 3's (
4. Take 200-400mg a day of magnesium citrate. Take half in the morning, and half before bed night.This also critical for the brain, and nobody really gets enough of it in a modern diet. People who's bodies are trying to repair themselves, such as those that have allergies or high stress also need this. People that consume high phosphate sources, such as goddamn soda, also are low in magnesium. Everyone can take the amount I stated and benefit from it.
5. Take an antioxidant source. Antioxidants will help the above omega fatty acids get to where they need to be without being oxidized. Grape seed extract and olive leaf extract are cheap and seem popular, but I've not really familiarized myself with their potential long term safety.
6. A multivitamin is also likely a good idea for a while. Take one every day for a month, and then just take one every few days.

It will take up to three months for the above to fully take effect, because what you are doing is literally helping your brain repair itself. Honestly the above is cheap to do and would help most people. Get a little weekly pill organizer and stick them in there so it's easy to remember whether you taken anything or not.

If you really need something flavored to sip on, it's time to develop a taste for tea. Just be mindful of the caffeine intake. And don't drink green tea on an empty stomach, as it stimulates stomach acid production which will feel like nausea. Black tea is fine. Get a stainless steel mug, fill it with cold water and just let the tea bags steep there, it won't be as bitter. NO FUCKING SWEETENERS.

If you drink soda, then your diet is also likely pozzed to hell, but I'll let others help you with that.

Aspartame is weird. If you drink it alone, your insulin response is negligible. However, if you consume it along with food, the body will have a higher insulin response than if you ate the food without the aspartame.

I forgot to add, what you should see with the above is a better ability to focus, better sleep patterns, less mental fog. You won't be perfect and amazing, but if you pay attention you'll notice very welcome improvements. Just like I did, and like the people I learned from did.
Also note that the oils and magnesium aren't about "feeling" better, they are about functioning better.
A change to your diet is what will make you feel better.


If soy doesn't turn you gay, perhaps its overuse is responsible for the cuck epidemic.

Nice digits my dude.

The problem is soy babymilk. Their hormone system is barely developed, and data shows estrogen injections in trannies changes brain structure to femenine. A baby on soy products gets the same amount of estrogen in 5 birth control pills everyday. Faggots could be made i guess.



I was talking the jewish no cutting the temple-hair rule in general.


holy jesus fucking christ

pick two. Why not soycuck?

Some day I'm going to start the thread to end all threads on the jews' campaign to prevent whites from consuming tobacco. The more you look into the fine print of their propaganda, the more you realize how absurd their attempts are to attach any ailment they can to tobacco. There is almost no evidence that smoking is bad for you beyond relatively innocuous things like dehydration if you chain smoke all day.

I wonder why they are so intent on eradicating tobacco use among whites. I don't know for sure, but there are incidental things like smokers having massively lower anti-depressant consumption rates, and just the fact that it is a social activity and they want us all to be chemically castrated faggots sitting with our horse blinders on clicking sponsored content all day.

I've eaten wild onions before but only 1 or 2 at a time

They're called "cumdumpsters" you reddit homosexual.

soycuck confirmed
the problem is most tobacco has additives in it unless you smoke organic has some wonderful raw leaf tobacco that is organic, canadian flue cured, virginia flue cured and burley, if you have to smoke a store brand american spirit is the best in my opinion I like the perique blend, also the filters release microparticles I know some guys who use cotton filters for their hand rolled and it's a major difference

Polite sage, due to the state of this thread, and I don’t want to make it about me. Though, I welcome any more advice.

Checked, and thanks for your well thought out response. I’m gonna go ahead and say I know a fair deal about health, and am somewhat prepared. Embarrassingly, I still drink diet soda, and forget to do many of these things. I’m feeling better lately and right now I’m motivated so I’m trying to form good habits.
Had general checkup and blood work done. Everything was normal or great. Vitamin D slightly low, but I know it was only for temporary reasons. My symptoms are real though, and it’s insidious because some days I feel great. Then it’s hard to even remember that’s the time I should focus on changing my life.
I have some in pill form, which I did not take regularly. I wanted to go the natural route, and I ordered some organic olives, and sourkrout. I see now that’s not going to be practical for every day. I’ll start taking probiotics in some form today.
I take these off and on. Will do better.
Have not heard of this, will try.
I would try to eat some berries or something, I’ve never tried the extracts. I’ll look into this.
I drink a lot of (black) coffee. Possible problem? This is my go to during the first half of the day to not drink soda and it’s easily available where I work. It doesn’t seem to effect sleep, and I slept for 9.5 hours last night easily. That’s a lot I think, but since last week I’m trying to rule out sleep deprivation. I’m trying to sleep until I feel well rested.
Stevia or no? I’ve never heard anything bad about it.
It would likely be better than average, but I know it’s shit with the gallon of soda.
Any improvements will be worth it.


Trips checkd

Should I start smoking? I’ve never done a single cigarette so I doubt you’ll convince me to start something so addictive. I see the anti-smoking commercials, though, and I can’t help but think, maybe I should do the opposite of what you tell me to do. Wasn't the 3rd Reich against smoking?

Agreed most gas station cigs are pretty nasty. In general if you buy unfiltered cigarettes you get the best quality tobacco but they are also more expensive.

Best options is to buy bulk leaf tobacco like you said. Also pipe smoking is great to get into and far cheaper when it comes to tobacco than buying cigarettes.

plsnobully but vaping is also a good way to get cheap nicotine hits. I would venture to say its at least similar in effect to whatever the jews are trying to keep from us with tobacco, because they have really gone off the deep end with propaganda and legislation the last few years.

Nicotine addiction is massively overstated as part of the propaganda campaign. I would venture to say it isn't actually addictive at all. My wife and I routinely start and stop smoking without any fuss. It just feels good and is a pleasant experience, so people want to keep doing it. The entire addiction narrative justifies itself by saying "Smoking is bad"->"I told you its bad so now you're doing something you know is bad"->"You would only do something bad if you are addicted goy"->"Smoking is bad because you're addicted to it see?"

Go buy a pack of lucky strikes or camel unfiltered and try them. If you don't like it you won't be stuck doing it, trust me.

tbh it was more likely refeeding syndrome than something in the onions.


The only thing I know is that over the last decades in my country, as anti-smoking campaigns have reached religious fervor, smoking has dropped from almost half the population to something like 10%. Meanwhile the lung cancer rate haven't taken a dent as the cancer rates in general continue to skyrocket unabated.

I too am very skeptical of this obviously irrational campaign and the sketchy research it relies on. I don't know exactly why they target smoking in particular out of all the potentially unhealthy things a person can engage in in our society, but there's obviously something there. I read somewhere that nicotine is a very effective serotonin regulator and it might be just that seeing how you can grow it in your own backyard.

Not recommending taking up smoking either. Chain smokers seem like unhealthy people at least. But I've grown up around casual smokers and haven't seen them with destroyed lungs and rotten teeth like the scare propaganda they try to push about it. Almost everyone smoked at a point, say the 50's or something, so that smoking makes you infertile seems like a ludicrous claim.

Soyboys however…

This is a big point that gets swept under the rug. There isn't a very good correlation in a population's smoking rate and lung cancer rate. Countries with the highest smoking rates do not have the highest lung cancer rates. Meanwhile places like the US have high rates, and further these high rates are high across the US population in spite of large regional variations in smoking rates.

Bio-Psychology user from Russia here.

This write up is too simplistic and misplaces some causes for the whole Sodom & Gomorrah we currently live in.

To understand sex and fetishes it is important to understand how our brain works on the chemical level. Emotions like fear, lust, anger and joy are chemically close together in their causes but also in their consequences.

Lets take female rape fantasies as an example. Many women love it, not only because it fulfills female desires like being wanted, release, giving away control (women love someone/something to simplify their neurotic state) and things like fear and shame. Especially the latter ones, fear / shame induce chemically almost the same reactions in our body like joy but may sometimes vary depending on how our brain interprets its stimuli. You can compare it to why people love horror movies: something big happening, excitement, nuking boredom etc.

This same principle can be applied to male fetishes like cucking. Often than not, most cucks get off on the sensation of fear of not being able to protect their woman, not being good enough and so on. Essentially this means, their biological compass still works when they see a nigger fucking their wife, but the interpretation is what makes it bad.

An emotional compass is something which is derived from culture, not from our biological functions. That's why a murderer can get excited from chopping off someones head and neck fuck it for two hours, while someone else thinks this is horrible but for example loves war movies instead, where people just nuke their asses. Same thing, two different interpretations.

I'm not trying to encourage cucking but to explain how brain chemistry works and the old saying that lust & fear are brothers is true to some extent. Some cucks are cucks for diffrent reasons, because their hormones may be imbalanced and they love being the women (bad interpretation)

A healthy sexuality is knowing how fear, angst, lust, joy work in your body and then molding (interpreting) them in a way that reflects your rational views. In our case, sexuality should be tied to good relationships where the male is dominating the female and where sexuality is a form of bonding, not just release.

Also, there is nothing wrong with an occasional fap, as your male brain is wired towards fucking the shit out of things, deprivating it of an occasional satisfactional fantasy can be bad and cause emotional isolation and higher amounts of stress (male sexual drive is manic and needs release). Just working out or jumping onto #nofap is being delusional.

Sorry for my english.

Can confirm. Grocery shopping I looked at a ton of the 'nutrition' labels and noticed: everything has soy in it.

Meat lovers pizza? Soy.
Sugar cookies? Soy.
Chocolate muffins? Soy.
Potato shit? Soy.

The whole beard thing is a (((libshit))) forced meme to get women accustomed to beards. I wonder why? who's invading EU and US right now?

hey bio psych user, not to derail but
what do you think of incest? specifically between 2 siblings related only by the father?

There is a guy who comes on here to shill for smoking and says there must be something about it that prevents the jew mist trails from pozzing you out. To that effect.

Listen man. I am fit af because my job requires it, but I have succumbed to smoking as my job isolates me from society for a month or months at a time, everyone smokes here, and that is my cheat code. The word is cheat. The stuff is bad for you. It actually stresses your body out, but you get off to that stress like you would after exerting healthy physical force. You feel like you've overcome something. I've gone from 1-2 to 3-4 etc to half a pack a day for two years now. I clear my throat quite a bit. Like all day. I probably don't even notice how bad it is because I am never around polite society where I have to quell it. Teeth get discolored. Teeth disintegrate. Probably have low level gingivitis still as I was told two years ago. It zaps your energy. Your face becomes less symetrical because of the stress. Probably does thin your hair and grey it. It certainly aint good for you bud.

To be blunt, incestous behaviors happen a lot (e.g. brother + sister experimenting while kids and often fall in love or lead short relationships). It's natural in kid development to some extent. BUT biologically it's bad.

Make a thought experiment: if there would be no biological consequences of brother and sister procreating, then why would it be bad? It would create strong family dynasties. So emotionally this is acceptable but not genetically.

Genetically we have to mix not far away from our own race/gene pool, otherwise it will nuke evolutionary traits and development. If you mix too far from your own race/gene pool, you will destroy things which evolution has built since thousands of years through selection.

But if your question is to have sex with your sister but not planning any children, well go with it, as long as this relation ship is predominantly emotional (attitudes, stances, moral views) and not sexual (hey, lets fuck our brains out).

What does it mean if my index finger is shorter than my ring finger but I'm a 5'3" permashota?

Checked but…
Bro, it's something that grows out of your face if you stop buying your Gilettes. In a perspective of our race's history, 99.9% of your ancestors have had beards.

Perhaps it's the other way around, that they actually seek to associate something natural, normal and attractive with numale faggots?

It's to be expected. Soy is one of the top 10 crops in the US. It's easy to grow, cheap to process, and the whole world loves itself some soy.

typical tor poster

A tea spoon of real honey and cinnamon a day keeps the cold away.

Soy is nothing more than filler to weaken men.


Then why did they have a culture of cuckoldry?

I need immediate proof of this. What onion variety has the best results to it?

True, but it's still the #1 export crop in the US. We mostly use it for food grade oil. Shit's everywhere.

And if you don't have a masculine jaw?

turmeric is great for overall health, anti cancer properties and testosterone raising properties
"How turmeric kills cancer and how to optimize curcumin absorption"

Fucking soyboys and their inability to read.


why cringe?

chekd, but

hitler dubs win
If I were to start tobacco it wouldn't be with cigarettes due to fact they're filled with god knows what else. It would be more akin to grow it, roll it, smoke it, but I doubt I'll even do that. Just keepin an open mind.

Different bio-psych fag here. Incest is not just a taboo on the cultural level but the biological level. The trigger for the taboo seems to be growing up in close quarters as children. Researchers have found that some Asian cultures would purchase brides for their sons at birth, then raise them, only to find out as adults they were not attracted to each other. The Israelis had the same thing happened when they raised all their children together children in the kibbutz oy veying intensifies. Incest avoidance is almost certainly evolved to protect against genetic deficiencies. It's not impossible for a brother-sister to bear normal offspring, just far less likely. However, marriage between cousins on the other hand is a different matter. Cousin marriage was extremely common all over, particularly between cross-cousins (a parent's opposite-sex sibling) and really only outlawed to prevent families from gaining too much political power. Recessive disorders and deleterious mutations are higher in offspring between cousins, but far smaller than most people imagine. That being said, don't fuck your cousin.

As far as developing the Incest fetish, there are probably several different but not mutually exclusive paths. Not to mention different dynamics play out with different relatives, father/daughter, mother/son etc.. probably all have different mechanisms. Much like there is more than one way to make a gay, there is more than one way to develop incest fetishism. I'll focus mostly on sibling/sibling incest since it has been the most researched and it pertains closest to your question. But I will say that this incest is different than uncle/niece incest which is more a case of there being vulnerable member of the opposite sex that they have nearly unlimited access to. None of these hypotheses should be taken as gospel, but I hope they will put you on the right track. Some siblings "experiment" with each other when they start discovering their biological functions, so their first sexual experience may be with their siblings, and even without experimentation, an opposite sex sibling is often the first developing adult they will catch of glimpse of naked or near naked. On a more pathetic note, for betas autists, other assorted soyboys who having trouble approaching women, their sisters are the often only females that have shown them any sort of genuine affection, this may lead to confusing with their affect with lust.

Your particular case would be incest between paternal half-siblings, and on a biological it would be more akin to aunt/uncle-niece/nephew incest since you are both, on average, 1/4th related (cousins are 1/8th related). But on a cultural level it is closer to bio-sibling incest. Did you grow up in close quarters with your sib? If not, your feelings are as natural since your brain sees her as just another female, but seriously don't fuck your half-sister or brother. That's what niggers do. Nigger incest, mostly between half-sibs and uncle/niece/nephew (they all have like 50 uncles) is far more wide spread than any redneck stereotype. So, don't be a nigger.

On a personal note, I've never grokked incest on any kind of sexual level, so it may limit my understanding of the phenomena. For example, I know intellectually and from reaction by men and my own friends that both my sister and my cousin are extremely attractive, but I don't feel the slightest twinge of lust towards them. In fact, it's even carried over to celebrities that sort of look like them.

polite sage for off-topic

Nah man I understand the gist of what he is saying he is just expressing himself badly in English.

Cigs aren't really the best choice, just the most convenient. My favorite way to smoke tobacco is in a pipe. See if theres a pipe shop or a cigar shop that sells pipes near you. The tobacco isn't taxed as heavily, it tastes better, and there isn't the same sort of casing on it that you get in cigarettes.

do be careful in trusting certain brands though, hipsters have been claiming pipe smoking lately, and with it some companies changed the additives to resemble shaq. had that happen to me a few times, it's annoying.


I pretty much only smoke orlik golden sliced and dunhill navy rolls, except for when I can find some esoterica. Not too much risk in those blends going to shit, at least I hope not.

Get off those faggot fitness forums with 12-year-olds saying they can bench 200 kg you retard, you're pretty much in the top 1% as far as the entire human population is concerned if what you say is true.

Bullshit. That's not how the brain works or information is stored. Has nothing to do with volume. Only study i can find to support your claims is a meta-study, which if you know anything about research is probably a hog washed grad-student's attempt at a phd by stringing some assumptions together based on others work that isn't directly what they are talking about.

>link to (((the guardian))) about an article that an program can guess if your gay or strait from a photograph…
Meaning it's looking at facial features not cranial capacity, nor having to do anything with phrenology.

Try harder dis-info yid.

Autism is also caused by the mother being fat. Science even confirmed this. Don't breed with fatties

100% true, the problem is my gym is small and for real "gym enthusiasts" mostly working on "body transformations". Its also very expensive but you get a lot of personal attention with extremely shitty meal plans I did not follow completely. I see teenagers come in and get incredibly strong in a very short amount of time. They openly talk about their steroid use, which is something I do not want too be part of, my perception might be off because of the people I am surrounded by in the gym.

Stop washing your head with anything but water. Your hair will go greasy for a while then come good.

Also sort your diet out. Inflammatory foods could be causing you problems. Grains, soy, sugar and maybe dairy.

The measurements had been gathered over the previous 30 years from tens of thousands of men and women aged 25 to 45 years. After adjusting for the effects of stature and race, 14 male samples averaged 1,362 cm3 and 14 female samples averaged 1,201 cm3. After adjusting for the effects of stature and sex, 6 East Asian samples averaged 1,308 cm3, 18 European samples averaged 1,297 cm3, and 4 African samples averaged 1,241 cm3.

The Southampton study also provides the best evidence yet uncovered for demonstrating the importance of head size. According to Martyn, a person's head circumference is closely correlated with brain volume and that in turn is related to mental ability. For example, researchers from the University of Western Ontario who measured the width of the heads of brothers aged 20 to 35 and then put them through a series of intelligence and cognition tests, found that greater width pointed to greater intelligence.

If you're interested in reading more, here's a 30 year long meta-analysis of on race and IQ:

Their analysis shows significant variation in both the structure and sizes of the brains of Negroids, Caucasoids, and East-Asians. In addition to this, they have found differences in the skull shapes and structures of the races, alongside differences in average height and weight and all parts of the bone and muscle structures from the neck to the feet.

(2005) Mekel-Bobrov et al., conclude that the gene ASPM is a specific regulator of brain size, and its evolution in the lineage leading to Homo sapiens was driven by strong positive selection. They show that one genetic variant of ASPM in humans arose merely about 5.800 years ago in Eurasia and has since swept to high frequency across Eurasia under strong positivel selection.

The gene is almost non-existent in Sub-Saharan Africa.

This, Civnats are cancer and will get everyone killed like the whites on Haiti

argument against civic nationalism:

Strong correlation between IQ and grades ->

As average IQ increases, life outcomes get better -> Page 65: The Scientific American Book of the Brain

Correlations between brain size and IQ, SES factors, life outcomes, economics, etc. ->

Job performance highly correlated with IQ ->

Job performance best predicted by IQ -> 651/Huffcutt & Arthur (1994) Interview.pdf

IQ Highly heritable ->

(LONG READ)Culture-Independent heritability of IQ ->

Scientific consensus that IQ tests are not biased ->

Brain scans can reliably be used to determine race ->

Variance along racial lines in recently-evolved genes linked to brain size ->

Brain size and IQ correlation ->

As IQ increases, socio-economic status increases, but the black-white IQ gap still remains -> The Bell Curve(1994) Page 228

Early intervention by schools doesn’t have a meaningful effect on IQ ->

Don't be a faggot. Soyboys are either skinny with noodle arms and stick legs or skinnyfat with bitch tits and back fat and puffy cheeks. As a man you should look like neither. Your broad shoulders and muscles from lifting and your tight waist from eating healthy will be accentuated by your beard and you will not be mistaken for a soyboy. Do you imagine big beardsd criminal bikers are ever mistaken for soyboy moped riders with their hipster beards?

Although all animal species brain size and intelligence are largely unrelated due to the extreme diversity in brain size,''' the correlation between brain size (and brain:body ratio) in general intelligence or abstract reasoning among 25 primate species is strong, the "correlation between raw brain weight and general mental ability is 0.7653."
Correlations between human brain size and intelligence have been well established
One specialist claims he can "predict full-scale IQ from the amount of gray matter in a small number of areas.";;

new research confirms the earlier findings:

We also do know genes affect neurology and brain development, and because of that genes put an upper limit to achievable IQ, and have even identified relevant genes:

Then there's also observable correlation between skin melanin and behavior:


wow would you look at that..

I'm sick of tired of this shit. We've had DECADES of studies even by anti-racist scientists all reaching the same conclusions, the only reason it keeps getting sweped under the rug is because of political correctness fucking over science and the truth like everything else lately. It's time to admit their natural inherent inferiority makes them incapable in civilisation and their very presence will be the death of civilisation.

To refresh

Negroids are closer to Chimps than Caucasioids and Mongoloids

Supragranular layer is 15% thinner in Blacks than in Whites

Prefrontal Cortex is less devolpoded in Negroids

Humans are diverging into seperate specises

Melanin concentration may directly correlate with aggression

Racism is an “automatic” part of human behavior

Correlations between human brain size and intelligence have been well established

Despite both being considered Blacks by society (one-drop rule) lighter skinned Blacks score consistently higher on IQ tests than darker skinned Blacks.

A new ASPM allele arose in Eurasia and has been suspected at increasing intelligence and has been demonstrated to be absent in Blacks.

Racial differences in bone strength

This is a phenomenal post. Fucking saved.

Fuck that soyboy nonsense

Try reverse grip benching and focus more on overhead pressing, push pressing or jerking. I too have a bad shoulder and gave up on normal benching. I train at home so no machines, only a barbell. Push ups are something else to try but there is a chance they could hurt too.

Vaping has actual nicotine in it? I thought it was just some kind of retarded herbgas shit.

My index finger is way longer than my ring finger.

Am I superhuman chad?

Try finding whey protein without soy, it's a pain in the ass. Soy will make you grow moobs. They think it is about soy sludge milk?

pea protein is superior anyways

this is the kind of stuff you want to be using

Vaping and e-cigarettes were originally created and marketed as a healthier alternative to smoking and weaning smokers off of nicotine. It has all the chemical properties, but none of the drawbacks of filling your lungs with burning smoke and God know's what else tobacco companies cram into cigarettes.

The main reason that so many globalist kikes are trying to outlaw them and make them seem less attractive is because once you dial down the nicotine to nothing, like you're supposed to, it means you don't need to keep buying tobacco if you don't want.

Don't be a cuck. Increased beard growth is a sign of a population becoming more conservative (so is increased skirt length). Invaders aren't the only bearded men in society. Increasing numbers of chads are growing beards too.
There are dozens of articles about it too.

Yes they have to be raw, cooking them destroys the necessary enzymes.
Don't listen to he is full of shit. My dad and I have been eating them raw our whole lives and we're fine. We used to grow our own onions.

There's not enough fat in this to be healthy. Ketogenic diet. Burning fat vs. burning glucose. Big difference. You need not only protein but lots of healthy fat. And virtually no sugar/starches like the grainbrain Romanfags always ate. We want meaty German cheese and beef eaters.

Genetics. The link below is a recent update on the subject. The genes involved in hair follicles are different from genes driving testosterone production and receptors.

Inbreeding among Muslims in Britain is a major cause of birth defects.

Good stuff. Capped and saved.

Because it's literally a powder…. You mix it in to a fatty liquid or smoothie m8


Bring back cigars/cigarrettes with NO nicotine, NO chemicals, NO jewish bullshit, just paper surrounding tobacco, and you MIGHT have a point. As long as it has all the shit in it and the chemical jew nicotine to keep the "filthy goyim" addicted and buying more overpriced shit smokefags can off themselves.

You are a retard. The embodiment of retard.
Defenestrate yourself.

Congratulations, you have lung damage. Good job idiot. Source: I have the same issue, but it comes from an old job working in areas with very bad, noxious air quality but no respirators or safety equipment because fuck the people working on your farm for minimum wage, right?

It means you're a manlet. Will you ever learn?

Filter merchant has you covered. No soy in this one.

Nicotine is great and even the anti-smoking kike can't come up with evidence that it is harmful. IDK how or why you would have cigarettes and cigars with no nicotine.

Nice try.

You do understand that you can get nicotine without paying a bunch of kikes, right? Marlboros are not the only road.

Also, again, even the anti smoking fundies don't have any real argument against nicotine. Its the burning plant matter that is argued against.


Look at how you are desperate to frame me enjoying smoking, and choosing to smoke some months and not others, in terms of ZOG propaganda.

Tell me shlomo, if I don't smoke for 3 months and then decide to light up a cigar, is that the chemical addiction talking? Are you going to start claiming that it takes years to get nicotine out of the human body?

Some people get as desperately upset about people smoking as public school teachers do about questioning the holocaust. Absurd.


Go back to reddit and cry about the mean people inhaling icky burning plants over there.

No matter how hard you try to bullshit here, jews clearly don't want us to smoke, not the other way around.

Come back when you have an argument and a male t-level

I'm just pointing out the fallacy that is stating something is not addictive while you are actively partaking in it. If it is really not addictive then just quit entirely and stop making the world smell like an ash tray. Also stop spacing like a redditor.

You're fucking terrible at this. The real fallacy is saying that one cannot deny the addictive properties of something because they participate in it. That is a pristine non-sequitur that you learned from some anti-smoking government propaganda and you are uncritically repeating.

Why would I quit something that I don't want to quit? Why don't you quit posting on Holla Forums, are you addicted? Fucking retard.


Nigger I'm eating a delicious pot pie right now, I don't know what you want from me. You seem awfully argumentative, a typical sign of nicotine withdrawal.

If you don't want to quit then don't. Just saying that you aren't a good point of reference for the addictive qualities of nicotine as you yourself have highlighted a past of routine relapsing but you state it as a voluntary thing as if that matters at all. You are still filling your lungs with jewish poison you don't know the origins of, because I bet you just buy your shit over the counter at a gas station. I have no issue with tobacco but cigarette smokers get the rope for all the butts they leave on the sidewalks and streets. Not to mention the delusion that a drug made a corporation that wants to make money isn't addictive.

Did we meme too fucking hard lads?

Eat shit kike.

Holy Christ can you autistic faggots stop talking about smoking cigarettes and discus the ogre life style instead?

Real redpill, drop shampoo all together. My hairline stopped receding and my hair has never been healthier. You guys should all have seen the essay on how to avoid drinking from the poisoned well, shampoo is not necessary, just rinse your hair with water.

adding onions to the shopping list

I heard that before, but how do you prevent your hair from being greasy and smelly like a fucking barbarian?
>inb4 onions

use onions

Checking some digits.

I once was told this old wives remedy that if you rub the juice from an onion into your head every day for a year your hair grows back if you're balding. I'm not shitting you, that's a thing people do from way back.

Back when I was young and desperate and before I resigned to my fate I actually tried it out for a week or so. No idea if it works, but I found going around smelling faintly like a stale bag of onion rings weren't for me, hair or not.

I do eat a shitload of onions though, both raw and cooked and I subscribe to the oniony theme of this thread.

Checked keked and wept.

You also have to eat garlic like Wario.

Megadose the Vitamin C

here's a good pic

zinc selenium and apple cider vinegar


vitamin C + bioflavinoids. ascorbic acid is just one component of the active complex, toxic by itself at high levels.

I had to wash my hair everyday or get really greasy hair and bad dandruff. Now I only massage my scalp and use cold water and no one can tell I never use shampoo anymore. I don't have a lot of time right now but I'll tell you what I did.

After a lot of trial and error Chagrin Valley Soap was the best soap I used. Also read their website they have a lot of information and say mostly the same things I willl. If you need a conditioner get some light oil to put in your hair, I used grapeseed oil.
If you can't it's not a deal breaker but it helped me a lot. If you can't get a house system they're shower solutions like watersticks.
Over time start cutting back how often your shampoo. Every other day, every 3rd day, every 4th etc. Use your own judgment on how fast you need to go.
This took me the longest to figure out. I was still having dandruff issues until I started to shower exclusively with cold water.
Do this with just your fingers for a few minutes everyday. I do this before taking a shower.

Thats it in a nutshell. It's probably going to be more of a journey for you to figure out what works best for you but this should give you an idea. Again, read the Chagrin website, it surprisingly has a lot of good information and will get you 90% of the way there.

only the mud races stink like shit because they don't take baths or showers and they shit in the streets and roll around in it. your hair overproduces oil because its used to being dried out from shampoo. you can reduce use to once per day, then once every two, then once every three, then once every week. I use apple cider vinegar 1:3 dilution in water, doesn't smell at all

You gotta be shitting me.
Some websites are claiming this is true, still haven't found a "credible" source yet.

I guess this is the thread where it was discovered that onions fix fucking anything and everything. Was Shrek life all along?

Apparently onions prevent/treat a shitload of illnesses too.
But thats probably just a wives tale, go get your flu shots :^)

The Truth TV campaign is obnoxious as fuck. You just get the feeling they're all talking down to you. I mean, look at this fucking soyboy. What kind of youth looks up to him?

Eat some onions.

All white herbs and vegetables are mandatory.

Checked. Who in their right mind would consider the inherited wisdom of our tribes when you can just get some goop injected into your veins by this guy here.

Never heard of it but he does indeed look like a numale.

How about the ads where they claim it's some anti-nigger racial campaign?

no, it has nothing to do with anti-racism. cuck is just a played out term now, only boomers and brainless youtube watching faggots use

alt-righters love the cuck term, though


summed up

got some BASED e-celeb youtubers to watch, nerd?


Nicotine itself isn't addictive, rabbi.

Deformities and tumors don't count you brainlet shitskin

That's hydrocephaly you actual nigger. By the metrics the entirely correct user you're drooling at was suggesting, that means extremely low brain volume because all of that is water and the pressure crushes the actual brain. But don't let me ruin your delusion. By all means, keep telling yourself you're human.


Why not come back with a response to the content I provided instead of throwing around baseless adhom?

We just need to say soyim or "goyboy".

One step closer to the edge, I'm about to break!

Pretty good.
Polite sage for just calling something breddy gud.

infowars say 25% of infants in america is fed soy based infant formula the equivalent of 5 birth control pills a day


I don't understand

Strawberry as well?

Onions, ye say?

That feel when equal lengths

Let's face it; a steady diet of soy which lowers T explains why a man is so weak he'd allow another man to screw his wife, ergo, a cuck.
Cuck is a nice anology for someone so weak they'd allow other races to fuck they're country.
Both terms have a place.
It would also explain why leftypol are a bunch of dress-wearing fairies with gyno who suck cock, you better get back there.

Weird, they made us eat licorice at school one day… It tasted like shit so I spat it out, but still weird they'd make us eat it.

You do fucking realize what this means. We're an isolated, anti-establishment movement of (largely) males who have abjured weakness and societal conditioning and rejected modern interpretations of individualism as a false prophet, instead preferring a veil of anonymity.


Now we make soap.

Brother, you should know by now that we have not yet memed hard enough. Until the day comes where we have a Smashmouth Ethnostate, the memes must flow.

you have no idea how far chan reaches, i saw a bunch of somali kids 7-8yo brawling calling each other cucks this summer

That's damned impressive on account of your injury. Keep it up.

Glad to be in that category.

Then we've got the Waifu hand vs the Roasty hand for women, thanks I'll keep those in mind.

Come on, this has to be bait. The Italian slur for cuckold, or rather to imply cuckoldry, is cornuto.

This is a good point. I legitimately think of myself and other Whites when this discussion arises: how do I have body/facial hair all over the place, good metabolism, and quick muscle gain if I've been poisoned my whole life? Are we saying that I/we could be more? What are the actual net effects? I get that is detrimental, but I really wonder how much of an effect it has (any effect is too much).

Kill yourself.

Enough. As if it wasn't cancerous enough to start out on cuckchan like the "bogandov" memes, "thot", and other nigger-tier shit, it's been fully coopted. Pic related. Not that you probably care since you use reddit/twitter/furaffinity memes like "doggo".

Why not find out?

This meme is centuries old you dumb ass.
The same archetypes of memes have been appearing over and over again throughout history.

Until I find a community of like minded individuals, or we all start one, it is hard to find (non-faggot farm raised) meat at a good price… suggestions?


I honestly thought this was a new slur for Nipponese.

I'm going to shave it. I also wear glasses because of my fathers shit genetics.
Atleast I don't have tattoos and dress like a fag.

can't wait til we purge these jews from science


Don't forget the Roman shitposting found on the walls of Pompeii; we've only had maybe 6-7k years of civilization, we haven't evolved THAT much over that timespan, particularly when it comes to base instinctual wants and tropes of appearance.

Am I the only person here that uses onions and garli whenever he needs to do an extra push? The strong and painful taste remind me that I need to keep pushing.

This stuff is better.


Disgusting what this kike did.

relative lengths change depending on how you orient hand. these two pictures are literally the same person's hand. look at the mole patterns on the woman

Wait lads.
If faggot cucks are soyboys…
Then what should we be, onionlads? Garlicmachos?

broccoli bros

Broccoli is too bland imo. Spinach Sailors would be cooler.

You understand incest wrong. Instead of analyzing desire, look at people who don't have this desire. It's almost a pure psychological effect, caused by simple phenomenon that people who grow up with each other, rather develop different relationships, which are mostly based on interpersonal intimacy, trust and pragmatic things (making food, sharing daily stuff) and therefore often sexual stimuli are missing. SIMILAR effects come into place between couples who have been married for long: the initial sexual stimuli are transormed into practical stimuli since you live together, share not-so-sexy moments and so on.

This has been tested several times, how incest is only a psychological thing. For example, in Russia there were studies how brother and sister, who didn't know they were brother and sister found each other sexually attractive. So mostly it depends on social norms and lack of sexal hunting (dating), because two people growing up in the same house hold don't usually express sexal behavior due to pragmatic living.

In some cases, where brother and sister live apart (i.e. divorce), they are more likely to develop romantic relationship.

Although incest is psychological, nature has taken care of it by tieing sexual intercorse to several stimuli like hunting-drive, the effect of "newness", dominance and so on - all these effects are not possible to develop between most siblings who grow up in same household.

Some biologists say, that there are biological markers which express themselvs in odor or other attributes, so our brain subcounciously know if someone is close to ones genetic line, but this has not been proven fully. Possible but not entirely proven.

yeah, nah

I'll fuck you up cunt.

broccoli isn't bland, I meant

It is tho. Spinach is superior.

but if you reproduce and have a son with the "roasty hand" then wouldnt that mean a higher likelyhood of him being "virgin hand"?

Most of these shitty graphs are composed out of Jew dominated science.



no, that's completely retarded

especially in relation to spinach, which actually is bland

Nigger, I cook spinach using garlic and it absorbs all the flavor. It'f delish and nutritious as fuck for such a low calorie count.

sounds good

I'd add broccoli to that to add texture

Only missing onions and you've reached perfection.

Paul Watson literally promotes soy products, does he even pay attention to scripts that the CIA gives him?


Contact Jones about it.

alright guys i just picked up a fat sack of organic onions to test out but now i realize that there are different types that may yield different results. i got yellow because that is the variety featured in almost all of the iconography used in articles or whatever on the subject of increased testosterone through onion (pic related), but there is also purple and "green" onions. which type increases test the most? is there any other important information i should be aware of before i go full onion?

Whichever is the stoutest will give the greatest benefits is what I have heard. That means big onions and eating the outer layers. Just don't eat the thin brown outermost layer. If you have an easily upset stomach, you can build your tolerance by eating small tender onions and working your way up. When I first started eating raw onions, my stomach hurt for a day after eating half of one. Now I can eat two raw onions like apples on an empty stomach with no pain at all.

the only way to keep a alpha GPC molecule stable is with an extremely small amount of soy.

Joe Rogans Alpha Brain contains some slight soy too. It's not much soy to disturb the hormonal balance though.

I'll make a batch tomorrow, see if it tastes as good as it reads

Are there any non kiked studies to back that up? I am extremely hesitant about eating anything that contains estrogens.

i had to put mine in a bowl and use a fork as not to feel like such a savage. i also added olive oil, salt, and a bit of msg. i think some coconut aminos like in might be good too

Eating raw onion on itself sounds a bit too hardcore for me, but raw onion works really well as a condiment for meat. I grate it and put it on sausages, beef, pork, anything really… more like a spice than a course on it's own. I also use it a lot in salads, I have this standard recipe that's basically where I chop up a couple of tomatoes, half a cucumber, a small onion and put some salt and pepper on it.

Just some tips for people who want to eat more raw onion but have a hard time with eating them like fruit. Anything should be better than nothing I guess.

Best way to eat raw onion is with some bread.
Raw onion sandwich. Rustic, simple, perfect.

Why haven't I thought of that? Going to give it a try.

This seems suspicious.

It does have some layers.


get out

pls explain why msg is bad srs i am unaware. i sometimes like to put it on things that dont have protein

I have no idea about it really so look into it yourselves, but I've heard that yeast extracts function much the same when it comes to taste without the potentially negative effects of msg.

glutamate/glutamic acid is simple an amino acid, however it is, in its most simple monomeric form, a neurotransmitter. Our body releases glutamate as a neurotransmitter in order to activate receptors, releasing calcium as a secondary messenger. MSG can cross the blood/brain barrier and overexcite these brain receptors, releasing too much calcium and killing brain cells. It disrupts the natural chemical balance of our brain.

I'll go over more
Apartame contains a methyl ester bond which spontaneously breaks down in the body into wood alcohol (methanol). The wood alcohol is then further broken down by an enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase) into formaldehyde, a chemical used to preserve dead bodies.

I know aspartame is shit because if I eat something containing it in the morning then I'm always nauseous in the evening. Thanks for the heads up on the msg though.



This. Reminder that beards and body hair are caused by Follicle-stimulating hormone, not testosterone. Hence why you see tons o skinny fat numales who have full beards

We are reaching nu-male levels what shouldn't even be possible.

Let's face this: everyone knows at least 10 guys who are exactly like that. Low test is becoming pandemic, having the testosterone of a woman is almost the norm in many white cultures. This shit needs to end.

I believe Anonymous Conservative's underdeveloped amygdala theory goes along way towards explaining low-T in white men. In brief, the amygdala are two almond shaped structure in the brain that are vital in processing emotions and emotional memory, especially fear. In left-leaning men the amygdala are shrunken and atrophied compared to "moderate" and right leaning men (and women). Men's testosterone "spikes" under a variety of circumstances including when standing in a dominate position or in proximity to an attractive female. But what is relevant here is that healthy men produce large amounts of testosterone when faced with threatening stimuli in order to prepare them to defend themselves or run away (running away doesn't necessarily mean you're a pussy, just try to fight a grizzly barehanded).

When liberal man face real threats they freeze, and their puny amygdala cannot adequately process the emotions. This leads to the typical beta responses we all know and love: the twitter diatribes, hysterical screaming out loud, and breaking down and crying. As a consequence that is apparent to most anons, liberal men are emotionally stunted not only psychological but at the neurological level. However, if the stimuli is strong enough the atrophied amygdala will literally shrink then grow back. The actual size itself may not matter, but what is important is that the “fight or flight” emotions connections in the amygdala are strengthened. My hypothesis (which is yet unproven to my knowledge) is that by “shocking” a liberals amygdala, Left leaning men can begin see threats for what they really are, and will permanently produce larger amounts of testosterone in response. They still may not equal the level of healthy men, but a little T can go a long way. It should be permanent too, since fear is a very primal emotion that is easily ingrained and difficult to extinguish, especially when there is a completely rational basis for it. Thus, by touching the raw amygdala we can literally help them grow a pair.

In modern society Liberal men hey have never had to produce large amounts of testosterone in response to threats. Men are far too comfortable and that has made them weak. I believe this is the primary cause of the recent wave of nu-males, soyboys, and beta cucks. Often times, especially in cities, threats are all around them but they walk through life oblivious to their surroundings. We simply need to scare them enough. To put fear in them on a primal level. They have never been in a fight, have never even thought of even handling a weapon, and have never faced a real personal threat beyond a twitter shitpost. This is why riots are great since they are vivid reminder of the reality of living around non-whites. The third world detritus flooding into the West may, in a way, end up be a positive thing looking at this positively is the only way I can stay sane since it has the potential wake up a hardcore of racial nationalists who will not go quietly without a fight. Without a threat to unite the West, we may have just ate and masturbated ourselves to death, and we still may. This is a unprecedented threat, but also an unprecedented opportunity that will either break us or send us to the stars.

I'll end by just briefly mentioning the other theory that has been floated for low-T, the hormones in the water and shampoo theory. It is something to be concerned about, but I don't believe that it alone can account for the massive drop in white male T. Nigs and spics drink the same water and use the same chemicals but it doesn't seem to affect them as much.

I think it's because of the times. Nature used to take care of these embarrassing fucks naturally but now there's no real genetic controls left even a worthless nigger that contributes nothing positive to society can live now which just brings the species down as a whole. Tolerance and apathy really are the last virtues of a dying civilisation.

wew lad, his wife is really cute. How the fuck did that dude score her?

My BernieBro co-worker seems to think that altering your testosterone level and trying to raise it is "dangerous and hazardous". Those are his words. He seems to think that I am obsessed with raising it, he seems to think that I'm damaging my health by having "too much testosterone."

This is a communist faggot. Do Normalfags think in the same terms?


Wanna know how I know you've never done a cycle?

Oh, shit. You know, that might be why cucks like self-driving cars so much. They get that target fixation shit. Can't get out of situations that for a healthy man would be easily avoidable. They crash while we drift.

Never claimed I did. That shit's not for me.

This is why tribes used to have manhood trials way back. At 16 you go out and hunt a bear and if you come back you're a stable, useful person for the rest of your life.

Feels bad man. I have had several dearly loved ones killed by inattentive drivers, they almost certainly would still be alive had the cars involved been automated.

But I also know that if you give this technology to the CIA/NSA etc. they will use it to assassinate inconvenient people.

But then again they already are, they don't even need the cars to be fully autonomous to disable the brakes and set the acceleration remotely on newer models.

It's worth all the risk. Driving is too much fun. I don't care if I die.

So before, mass media was using scare tactics and this was a problem. NOW, it's that there aren't ENOUGH scare tactics, and we lost our scare optionality when the scare market was monopolized by these scum scare movies and news….
What the fuck Holla Forums

You aren't even politics, you guys are like ascetics learning how to create and control chaos and order like magi or some spiritual equivalent, at best, and weaponized humans at worst. It's primal and spiritual at the same time. A new breed that isn't afraid to break everything to build something better (especially yourselves).

Looks just like my dad

Bring back Bear cults!

He looks very proud of you kid.

So you shouldn't call someone a soyboy if they look like one?

I've noticed that, mostly with white couples the husband/bf follows behind the wife/gf and carries around their child while the mother asserts her dominance.

Phototherapy, shave your head and then expose to the sun for 1/2 hour or more per day. Also, get a proper boar bristle brush and brush your hair and scalp until the dandruff stops snowing down. This will also prevent hair loss and even restor hair and possibly cause grey hair to recolor.

The absolute state of this board is beyond sad. Find me one study DONE CORRECTLY that shows there is any links between aspartame being harmful to the human body. And don't say muh cancer because if you do I'll give you a study that shows vegetables giving you cancer you enormous faggot

Donald Rumsfeld had to bribe the FDA to approve it.

"Bus" was originally a shortened form of some other word? What was the word?


based guinea


It fucks with the sale of organs. Your corpse is worth millions, if you’re a smoker though it becomes worthless.

Guy's entertaining. He had to have known as a banker that Holocaust poll he put up twice would upset the juden. It sucks that Trump fired him. But realistically, he would have burned through the leakers way too fast, or something equally rash that would have made the kikes panic and crash the economy.

funny enough, an old roommate of mine (EMT) got an old home-doctor's book from around the 1910s.

Plenty of diagrams, common diagnosis for symptoms etc. Even had some cancers in there as well.

Lung cancer? You get that from working in the mines and factories. Nowhere did it mention tobacco use. I maintain that its the pesticides and other crazy shit chemicals that get inhaled with it nowadays. Humans have been smoking plant matter for buzzes since before we put paint to cave walls.

Nicotine is of course addictive but its no more fucked up than a guy taking a hit out of his flask before starting a shift.


In Slavland, the word is "autobus"

Because he's easy to approach, he's not threatening in anyway.

I have been taking steps to reintroduce evolutionary controls into my life which would simulate the lives of our ancestors. For example: I am not allowed to eat food until after I work out, simulating chasing down a boar and killing it, then reaping the benefit of eating it.

pjw response video from vg https: //

got absolutely dismantled on cuckchan

This user is correct; hard-crusted breads, such as sourdough are particularly excellent for this, and you get the wonderful feeling of 'my ancestors, and millions of other men before me, have eaten what I eat now, and understood the same simple pleasure of sustenance.'

Simple foods are excellent ways of connecting with the past and with one's own cultural and racial history. I wonder if it would be possible to have (and please forgive the crudeness of the term) a 'redpilled' cooking show? At least insofar as mentioning the importance of knowing traditional recipes and the distinct boundaries between cultures, I think it would be an excellent way to promote positive ethno-nationalism, or encourage others to follow paths that will lead them there.

archive link pls. VG is someone I love to hate. Him and his ugly androgynous wife. Even she makes fun of him and his small dick

make it implicitly racist

The only good thing about fag stains is that he won't spread his genes around.


No shit. People are talking about spiked tobacco the kikes sell. Grow and dry your own, that shit is safe to smoke.


Chemical confirmed and comped. I don't normally smoke anymore but do on rare occasions. On those occasions I can smoke an entire pack of American Spirits and feel great the next day, even go running or play soccer. If I have even a single Marlboro, Camel, etc. (which I never do anymore as I learned my lesson) I feel terrible the next day and can barely breath and can still notice it during workouts or sports for like 5 days after that.

And if you were weak, unstable, or otherwise troublesome, one day they would take you out in the woods "for a hunt" and you would simply never return. Not a single person in the tribe would ask any questions. Disruptions and weakness were not tolerated.

Butn what about Hitler disavowing smoking…?

Maybe he wasn't aware.

Low T is a health issue that doesn't get the attention it deserves.

So what's pols view on seeing escorts. I know it's degenerate but for those of us with money and no social skills, what do we do?

You deserve stds.

Well I'd say it's still not ideal to inhale smoke. But the body can easily handle natural smoke to a reasonable degree or occasionally. It can't handle literal poison burned and inhaled. Imagine that.

Is that some fagfag that some other fagfag tried to slide the board with and promote soy consumption wiht?


The Soyboy cries out in pain as he strikes you.

The Soyboy cries out in pain as he strikes you effeminately.

Bro that's really good, but what do I know I do 105 pounds or roughly 48 kg I need to go to the gym more. I hate the cycle of telling my self to do work, not going to the gym because of it, then not doing the work at all



the fire is starting!

When you smoke tobacco, no matter how natural it is, you're inhaling the products of incomplete combustion. Enjoy your cocktail of toxic chemicals.

Is this what you mean?

Tobacco is one of the traditional offerings made in prayer (cedarwood and sage are the other two major ones). Burning tobacco is a spiritual experience that connects you to the creator/father spirit, whatever name you know him as.

This may not be the primary reason, but spiritual degeneracy is one of the kikes primary motivations, so I'd put it extremely high up there.

You ever stop to wonder why almost nobody smokes a proper pipe anymore, even though it's way more relaxing/rewarding than a cig? Because (when done properly, not as an accessory) pipesmoking is a solitary meditative activity that connects you to the world in reflection. Not a mindstate the jews want to cultivate.

Welcome to the Kali Yuga.

Stop being such a hedonistic degenerate, lift to get a better wife and save yourself for her. Your marriage will be far more stable and a stable family is key to a stable life and healthy white children.

This is spiritual cuckoldry. Balding is a predisposition, not an inevitability. If you don't know why you're balding and fall back on ignorance that it's just the divine will and or nature, you're surrendering. This applies to everything else, every bodily ailment. If you get cancer do you just assume that that was nature or divine will?

The bottom line is that if you don't know the reason why something is happening to your body and just assume that it's nature or divine will, then how can you justify that while being redpilled at the same time? Before you became redpilled did you assume that 'things just happen? That is the same level of delusion and ignorance that you're exhibiting but when it comes to your health. You think you're not allowed to interfere with something you gravely mistaken for what's natural course - it's not. The only thing that can't be helped when it comes to balding is your genetic susceptibility and that's it, how your hair follicles formed and how easily damaged they are or not.

This level of passive existence is fucking disgusting and you should be ashamed that that is your attitude toward's your body's health. End spiritual cuckoldry. Take charge of your life.


Either here or in the obvious /fit/ thread with the homoerotic OP image that got rightfully shoah'd for being full of metafagging mentioned chewing gum being good for testosterone and manliness, for the chin/jaw strength aspect. Well, Looks like schlomo knows and has handled that.

Did you read the filename? You read the filename to know that it's an example of commie kikes co-opting it, right?

Can't let this triple-dubble of true advice go unacknowledged

Are raw purple onions just as good? Cause I like that shit on lots of stuff.

How can anyone look at this and not be pro-choice?

Yeah, with gum they cover all bases with both delicious aspartame as well as nutritious soy. Just forget about commercial gum, here's what you do:

Go collect pine sap. It's that yellow goop that oozes out of evergreen trees like pines, spruces and firs where the tree has been damaged. Look for the hard stuff that's already crystallized. Here in Norway we have a long tradition of using pine sap for gum, but the thing is, you have to learn to use it. If you just pop it in your mouth and chew like you would a normal piece of gum it's going to break into sap-dust in your mouth, stick everywhere and in general be a very unpleasant experience. Hence why people try it and come to the conclusion they don't like it.

When you've gotten a chunk, break it into a gum sized pieces and clean off any bark residue and dirt until it looks something like the second picture. Then put one in your mouth. Now, just keep it there, don't chew (if you do it will be ruined.) Just keep it there, gently prodding it until the warmth from your mouth starts softening it up. Then you can gently start testing it with your teeth. Be mindful not to let it break still. After a while you'll feel it give and you can start chewing it gently more and more. In short order it will completely change it's structure and become very like the type of commercial gum you're used to. Only it's a bit firmer and it takes a lot longer to wear out. I can chew a piece like that for hours on end and it's still good.

High quality gum, at no cost, free of all sorts of bullshit like aspartame and soy. It's even full of good shit like c vitamins and all that stuff.

Will any pine tree do? (Aside from poisonous ones like yew) or does it have to be from a certain species?

As far as I know. I don't know how it is where you live, but here we have two common large evergreens, spruces and pines. Both of those produce sap that's completely fine. These are large trees, with large and spaced out needles and grow all over temperate and polar regions as far as I know.

I wouldn't go for gardening breeds or small evergreens like yew or juniper. Have no idea about those. Find a proper forest or if you're not able to do that I'm sure it's possible to order sap from somewhere.

Yeah we got plenty of Jeffery and sugar pines where I live so they should be good, thanks user.

yeah, personally i find "soyboy" more offensive than "gook" or "zipperhead," tbh


What about Pajama-Wearing, Basket-Face, Slipper-Wielding, Clype-Dreep-Bachle, Gether-Uping-Blate-Maw, Bleathering, Gomeril, Jessie, Oaf-Looking, Scooner, Nyaff, Plookie, Shan, Milk-Drinking, Soyfaced Shilpit, Mim-Moothed, Sniveling, Worm-Eyed, Hotten-Blaugh, Vile-Stoochie, Cally-Breek-Tattie Soyboy?


That kind of thing. Or
They can't do that stuff so well.


SOY VEEEEY! You filthy soyim will pay for this! Be a good soygoy and get soycumcised now or else!


False dichotomy is the hallmark of the kike.

If you're too much of a faggot not to eat sweats, just eat fucking sugar. Don't trick your brain and body with faggot artificial sweeteners .

no sugar > natural sweets/fruits > sugar >>>>>>>> any sweetener that did not exist before the 18'th century.


Yes, it's best to check with your masters for approved information. Good point user.


Read it again. If they have equal lengths, you're a faggot. If not, then not. Though it doesn't say anything specifically about your case.

Today I took your advice and ate an onion like an apple. It made my tongue go on fire and afterwards made me have a terrible headache. I would not recommend eating onions like apples.

I'm no expert but I've read some stuff on onion and garlic not being the best for you as they're antibacterial and you don't want to kill the healthy bacteria in your gut. First result startpage got me this
Always take everything you read with a grain of salt I'm very skeptical and careful when it comes to food related stuff a lot of what I read here is baffling, there are some informed anons ITT but a lot of ignorance here. I raged twice today at this thread and the google phone thread, a lot of ignorance on this board.

MSG is literally chemical artificial flavouring kinda like that cheese powder in KD mac n cheese boxes.
A lot of shitty chinese and Korean restaurants put lots of it in their food to make it taste better and more addictive for customers so they eat more.
Ever hear about those Vietnamese restaurants that would sometimes put dope or opiates in their soup mix? Same deal.
Either way, it's pretty much a chemical additive and sure as heck not natural.

you're right on the antibacterial stuff, though it could very well be that the antibacterial activities are gone after passage through the stomach, as the acid would break or deform the substance that is causing the antibacterial activity.
i'll take a look at that last part, but for now, here's the abstract of the article which basically states that oral bacteria across the board are inhibited, including 'good' ones.
i can upload the article, as i can't seem to find it in open access format, if you want to

apperantly it's mainly allicin which posesses the antimicrobial activity in specifically garlic, which gets deformed at a ph lower than 3. as such, the stomach acid indeed deactivates the substance, meaning there is no real effect of it on your gut bacteria. hope that helps


Good to know, we need real investigation and research and citations before anons inform others because following on blind faith is not smart. Thanks for taking the time to look into it, we need more people like you.

Testosterone driven baldness strikes in the late teens. By the time you are 20 your hair is as gone as it is going to be. If you start going bald in your 30's its not because of testosterone conversion into DHT, its because you have increasingly shitty blood flow into the scalp and that is not a good sign. Go and take a look at Arnold. The guy pumped himself full of DHT-convertible steroids and his hair is still there.

Nice meme, soyboy.

Cornudo literally means cuck in Spanish.
t. Spaniard.

Is there a soap recipe you can recommend, please?

I heard that in order to give it a nice smell all you need to add is flower oil/extract, and that you get it by squeezing it from flowers like roses and shit. Hope it helps.



I like them. It's a bit like horseradish, just cut them up and add to a salad or meal, you don't need to bite them like a fucking autist

No one disputes that nicotine is effective against depression, anxiety, and ADD. But tobacco itself is the problem - the plant has an astounding propensity to absorb radioactive lead and polonium from the soil, and that shit survives all the processing and ends up in whatever body part you are using to absorb the tobacco particles. Alpha particles - DNA bowling balls in human tissue, but relatively harmless outside the body. This is why cancer is linked to every form of tobacco regardless of "muh chemicals" and (so far) not to cannabis or crack or any of the other shit people smoke/inhale/chew. There is no safe form of tobacco unless you forcibly remove all the radionuclides before consumption, which no one has bothered to try (process makes nicotine absorb slower and is probably expensive).

The problem with msg isn't necessarily in the formula but just in the concentration. Natural glutamate compounds exist all over the place in natural foods (meats and cheeses etc). Glutamate signals savory flavor, monosodium glutamate does the same thing but in much larger doses.

The reason msg is dangerous is because it improves the flavor of Goy-chow™ that is otherwise loaded with tons of bad stuff to an addictive level. Foods that really taste delicious like a nice homemade turkey sandwich made from thanksgiving leftovers don't need any added MSG in order to taste delicious but the processed slop the kikes make does. So the only reason to be scared of msg on an ingredients label is the fact that the msg is masking a bunch of terrible compounds from your taste buds so in other words msg should make you wary for red flags but isn't one in and of itself.

It reads like some anons shitposting greentext story.




How's your wife's boyfriend doing?

Same hands, shopped fingers. It's meant as an example not literal samples.

I'm doing great.

they all deserved to die for what they did to this poor kid.

I don't really get the reference to be honest.

It is from Gantz, it is worth a read

I can already see it's a quite bizarre mango.



I'd be very careful about doing this with anything other than known "safe" varieties. Nature is a bitch that likes to throw curveballs.

Conifers contain a wide variety of interesting chemicals, some of which are known to be helpful, and many of which are known to be harmful when exposed to enough of them. An important thing to always keep in mind when foraging, is that plants don't use energy to create chemicals just for the hell of it, rather those chemicals are primary to try and kill/repel invading animals, insects, bacteria and fungi. Our ancestors spend tens of thousands of years using themselves as experiments to learn what can be done and what will fuck you up. It would be worthwhile to review anything that may be written down from those experiences. I'd also I'd see if there was a correlation between conifers that are safe to make tea from, and the ones that regularly have the sap chewed. I'd also check if there have been any studies done, either on the sap or other parts of the tree for the concentrations of potential harmful compounds and what levels are known to be harmful of those compounds, to get an idea of how much pine sap is too much. Unfortunately, research is fucking expensive, and most of it is entirely in private (business) hands and will never see the light of day.

I've heard of warmed pine sap being used to stop bleeding, as and antiseptic, and and a way to kill worms in dogs.
And of course turpentine is extracted from fresh pine sap when heating it, so this is why it's likely important only to use the old crystallized stuff.

If you do bother to do the above, I encourage you to make notes that you can pass on to others.

There's a couple things I know to do with colds and the flu. Lots of vitamin C, I personally prefer orange juice myself. This works for me and I can get over a cold in a day or so. The flu pretty quick toothough I think it's partly because Ive tried to turn my immune system into Sparta

A tea my uncle uses when he gets really sick works as well, thoughit may seem a bit gross. Make some tea, a decent pot of it, add in garlic cloves. Lots of garlic cloves. When you pour a cup add in as much honey as you want/need and drink that. He says he's reduced recovery time for the flu and cold down to 2-3 days.

Raw onions also help I think, though I'm not 100% on it myself

For prevention I'd recommend a spoonful of local honey a day and a multivitamin that includes vitamin C&D and zinc. The local honey should also help with allergies if it's of the wildflower variety.

now we are reaching the right conclusions

Soyim it is

Yeah, I guess this is a sane enough approach to something new. For my part my people have been using this stuff since the viking age so I don't worry. For the safety conscious the pine tree we use here specifically is the one called Pinus sylvestris (scots pine) It's the only one that grows here in Norway, so no problem finding the right one.

As to your tea question, we make both tea and syrups from Picea abies (Norway spruce,) from which we collect the light green shoots in spring for those purposes. This is also old knowledge, common to many families here.

But if you live somewhere with other types of tree you should look into local knowledge about your particular environment.

I'd also recommend proper unrefined salt and that you throw out all your iodized table salt, because processing it strips all the rare earth minerals out of it, and fills it with chemicals for easy pouring. This is why most people are deficient.
Celtic sea salt is the best in terms of potassium, magnesium and other rare earth minerals.

Hey user, what do you think of this Rubberdoggo thing? I think it might be hypnosis related or possibly an echo of animal channelling rituals.

Yamasa's not too expensive and it's real fermented soy sauce. The best stuff has no added alcohol though.

i would be remiss in not promoting my friend's mineral supplement business… imho the best of the best and ive done a ton of searching
he also hosts the weekly talk radio show i cohost, simulcast by the goldwater

You make soap in bulk. Think about how little you use each shower.

From what I read lung cancer from smoking will affect you in the seventies. In the Philippines people simply won't live long enough to get lung cancer.

>bit. ly/2zK78dp
that was terrifying

Fuck off. Spoiler that shit.

>that (((symbol)))

(((They))) want people to quit smoking, or try repeatedly anyway to sell antidepressants and Xanax. Also smoking is an appetite suppressant so when you quit a lot of people will up their sugar addiction with candy bars and soda that are full of soy, corn and aspertame giving you cancer anyway. I do recommend quitting cigarettes, the key is to pick your replacement addiction ahead of time, something that will occupy your hand and your mouth.

Sunflowers seeds I've read are also high in phytoestrogens; there is soyfree gum at health food stores that's pretty good with real herbs in it. Pipes with well sourced tobacco in moderation are probably fine so long as you don't look like and act like a fedora tipping douche.

Poison that can legally be labeled as "natural flavors". There's several poisons that can legally be called natural on ingredients lists. The (((USDA)))and (((FDA))) are all former Monsanto and pharmakike execs trying to poison us at every turn. Hence "USDA Organic" gummy bears, how in the fuck does that work.

Pythagoras forbid the students of his mystery school from eating all beans for health, spiritual and political reasons. Supposedly he learned this from the Egytian mystery schools he studied at. It's written that once he even convinced a bull to quit eating beans for its health. Now sadly that's all most livestock get; remember you are what your food eats. Beans were traditionally only grown as a nitrogen fixing rotational crop, just meant to be chopped down and tilled under for the next years soil health. Humans only ate them during hard times as the population exploded. In addition to phytoestrogens, beans have specific bacteria and yeasts on them that help them put nutrients into the earth but are what give you gas and can upset your microbiom. He was also a vegetarian like the Fuhrer, but encouraged his students that were athletes to eat flesh.


yes he has taken a lot of flack for the logo - considering he is about as anti-masonic as they come, and recently has joined the flat earth movement. it was designed long ago and is familiar branding and therefore too late to change horses midstream.

Spoiler that shit faggot.

Have zero addictions. Become addicted to the feeling you get when it comes up in conversation and that another person realizes you've obtained the ideal of the ubermensch, that you are someone who is totally in control of yourself.

Obviously no addictions eventually, but babysteps for the smoking msg soda drinkers in this thread. If they quit everything at once they can backslide. Stoicism and Pythagoreanism are recommended for studying while quitting these things.

I don't see how that is related to addiction.

The fuck is that?!


It's almost like we've tested thousands of nukes in the US or something.

Not specifically I suppose, any traditional disciplines that engage both hemispheres and the hands like music, math, natural studies, martial arts.

Interested in water purification too. According to this
The main reason why distillation works so well with water is because water has a lower boiling point than most solid minerals and other contaminants. What about liquid contaminants? What about pesticides and other chemical additives?

This means they evaporate first. Instead of just having pure water vapor, you’re left with contaminated water vapor that doesn’t get any purer even after condensation.
This is only one source I've read should do more reading. I also read how plain distilled water is bad for you and other sources claim it's the best. I've seen Dr. Mercola on youtube, I don't know if he's legit, a jew or what
Article goes on to say how it removes all minerals from the water and it's bad for you which is smart on your end for adding those trace minerals.
Basically, with my long post I'm just concerned no form of water purification will remove 100% of impurities and chemicals. One last thing, anyone knowledgeable on shower filters that remove 100% of fluoride and chemicals?

Im pretty sure that Testicular Fortitude is a Jeff Schoep meme btw. Interesting to see it penetrate here, if so. He said it during one of his speeches in 2016, and then the only other place Ive ever seen it is pic related.

Scumbag hypothalamus/pituitary…

Yes. You're fucked soiboi.

There's none of that shit in shampoo either.

Fuck that! If I have my father's balding pattern, I will resemble Jack Nicholson.

Holy fuck are you serious user…
I can't drink beer anymore.
They couldn't even leave us beer.
That's it, I'm off the fence now, Burn them all. Race war now.

I eat raw garlic. It's in the onion family. Also, the jews are attacking onions. Look at this shit…

Also, Zinc and Cinnamon boost testosterone a lot.

The secret to tobacco health problems is the additives and the filters. Roll your own cigarettes and don't use the fucking filters.



All plants have steroids (estrogens are steroids) and said steroids are concentrated in the oil. This means all oils are either going to be androgenic or estrogenic. This is why they demonized fat: it is literally concentrated anabolic steroids (at least the good ones). So if you don't feel an oil is making manlier, it is definitely making you girlier.

t. Biochem nigger

I love how this Goebbels quote has turned into a meme, one that even leftists have stupidly re-purposed to use against us as if that wont spread Goebbels writings and redpills as a consequence. Goebbels is especially dangerous, leftists know hes supposed to be le ebil nazi propaganda man, but what they dont realize is that he himself was a leftist before he found the glory of National Socialism, and his rhetoric is full of marxist language. His journey is proof of its superiority, his intellect, his astounding genius cant be refuted.

They make soap in fight club because the byproduct is a precursor for explosives. They blow stuff up later in the movie, using the explosives from the soap. Its not absolutely 100% explained in the movie, but youre supposed to figure it out. Its more explicit in the book.

Mein sides

Welp, guess I'll just gas myself now then.

Is there anything to this or are you cunts trying to get me to eat raw onions for shits and giggles?

Don't get me wrong, I already love onions but this seems like exactly the type on inept thing a soycumcised goy would try to push to get back at da ebil nazis

I wonder if it would be possible to have (and please forgive the crudeness of the term) a 'redpilled' cooking show?
If you are a burgersuppose a lot of his videos also capture bong interests as well and don't mind jewtube this guy does some good recipes.

Shit. lost a >

Its a shrek meme. Ogre diet. Onions.



obama subsidized soybeans, so every farmer grows it to make the most money. same shit in leafland. GMO soy and corn is in every shitty food you can imagine. Real men use coconut oil and lard, fuck liquid oils, they spoil too quickly and oxidized oil is really bad for you.

This is how my hand compares.

If soys makes you gay, how come the asians that consume a ton of soy every day don't become faggots?


Be sure they're bug people.

Schmidt's works excellent, better than aluminum-based anti-persperant. Somehow they managed a natural formula that works.

You're supposed to oil your hair after washing, you nigger.


Quite the debate, which is worse? A drug that makes your dick fall off or a drug that makes you WANT your dick to fall off?

Purple onions are the best. Always raw; never cooked.

No. No it's not. Geez, no. First that company is cucked by bigAG and second it's DEAD.

Raw plants have living enzymes, the fresher the better. Variety is important because we're all severely lacking trace minerals, which we need for conductivity/optimal organ function.

Well obviously the one which doesn't make your dick fall off immediately. I guess its a difficult question for you since you haven't made you mind up on that.

While natural tobacco is clearly better than the chemical laden matchsticks brand names, and also there's a weird factor where some people smoke and live long; for me every day not smoking increased energy and will power exponentially. If you're a young man you don't feel it now but unless you're one of those weird exceptions to the rule you're going to feel it later.

Fucking smoking tobacco ain't about joos; if anything they'd want you to buy addictive shit, especially if it makes you weaker, and sick.


The irony being of course that Soyboy comes at a time that we really need to look at how meat is produced in the West, America has been using steroid laced beef for years and now China have been given a license to produce lab grown meat and sell to America, just as this "Soyboy" meme gets underway.

In the end of the day I'm addicted to meat, however even I realise that soon unless you live on the farm or work in the abattoir there will be no way of knowing whether the meat you are eating isn't tainted.

Then again those using the term Soyboy,, are all confirmed jew-controlled faggots who jumped on the Trumptrain because all the CIA-kikes embedded in the alt media told them to, so its not like any single opinion of theirs will ever matter.

Seriously if you redditor tier aut-kikeistes haven;t yet understood the gravity of the situation./
Everyone whoever at any point fell for the Truympstein scam by being herded into the aut-kike position of cheering on zog, have a lot to learn about the fallout from this and their credibility will forever be zero in any intelligent man's eyes

msg is naturally occurring. it is found in tomatos for example

That, my friend, is an excellent DIY tip. Thank you.

All PINE trees are safe. White pine in particular is the highest source of Vitamin C there is. All pines also have edible nuts, though some are small and paper thin.

All pine needles contain Vitamin C and can be chewed, or boiled for a tea. For true pines this is safe, and healthy. Pure turpentine can be used medicinally as well, internally.

I did take note of your mentioning using older, crystallized sap for the gum; that makes sense; thanks.

*chans in general never fail to impress.
The left never make any memes that get popular, but goddamn you guys really outdo yourselves each time.

No they fucking aren't. Cooked vegetables digest better and don't give you kidney stones (from oxalates). There are only a few things like vitamin C that you can only get from raw food, but by definition vitamins are needed and enzymes are not. Your point about trace minerals makes no sense either because depleted soils mean there are low levels of trace minerals in farmed plants, so the best source of trace minerals is the ocean. You can just drink the sea water, make your own sea salt, eat sea vegetables, or eat sea creatures especially oysters. Kelp is used as a fertilizer in farms because of its trace mineral content. By the way, I can smell Holla Forums all over you.

You're a faggot that didn't understand how to smoke correctly and probably still bought the chemical-laden shit because too retarded to read the package. KYS.

So many fucking niggers shitting up this board. Yew is a conifer. It is not even in the same family as pines. All true pines are in Pinus genus, and are all nontoxic. They can be identified easily by the sheath at base of their needles, usually in groups of 2 or 3, but depends on your local species. You can identify the species by the length of the needles and how many needles per bunch. I'm not 100% sure, but anything in the Pinaceae family (pine family) is nontoxic, or at the very least I can't think of toxic members right now. This family is extremely easy to tell apart from the cypress family (Cupressaceae) and yew family (Taxaceae) because: Pinaceae has needle leaves and the typical hard, woody cones; Cupressaceae has small, soft, berry-like cones and scale-like leaves and bark tar comes off in long fibrous strips; yews grow slow and have distinctive 'cones' that are naked at the end and covered in soft flesh. Now you'll know how to find yew cones so you can chew them and kys.

I always wondered how the common names of so many cypresses included "pine" instead of "cypress" and how so many pines had "cypress" in the common name: it's because your nigger ancestors named them.

Hey faggots keep in mind there are more foods than just soy to avoid. Green tea for example decreases testosterone significantly. Also check the ingredients, you'd be surprised how many things contain soy.
Vegetable oil is mostly soy oil, use olive or coconut oil instead. Use real butter too because surprise: Margarine is made of vegetable oil (mostly soy oil).
Also don't forget to include raw onions in your diet. Putting it in tuna is the best way to do it from my experience.

Make sure your purse matches your shoes.

Anti-Soycial Personality Disorder was just added to the DSM

You're all getting 5150'd

user are you suggesting that men and women are not exactly the same? jfc i never expected such hate-speech on this once respectable website

Lol at you thinking unlabeled soybean oil isn't used to dilute olive oil. You have to get your olive oil from a reputable store ie not a (((supermarket))). Get it unfiltered.


holy shit. thanks dude. I literally chug that shit and I've been drinking soyboy shit this entire time

any suggestions which brands don't cut with soybean oil?

"if þ"If you don't do everything exactly like me, regardless of how much of a douche I am, then you have a disorder. I need everyone to wake up at my favorite time, I need everyone to wear clothes I approve of, I need everyone to accept that facebook is the only place we are allowed to congregate, I need everyone to eat the foods I like, I need nobody to experiment to use free will, but I get to experiment and use free will. You have the problem, not me, the control freak psychopath who gives everyone 6 million rules to follow. YOU BETTER CONSENT TO LETTING US VAMPIRES SUCK ALL THE LIFE OUT OF YOU, BECAUSE EVERYONE WHO DOESN'T ACCEPT THAT THE MEANING OF LIFE IS OF ME IS GOING TO BE HOSPITALIZED."

Psychiatry is a gay debunked field based on pseudescience and every therapist is a psychopath who has no intention of solving anyones problems and only wants to power trip and leech off struggling people. If there were millions of surgeons and zero of them were successful at repairing anything we would go back to the drawing board. There are millions of people tasked with making sure society isn't so shitty that jumping off a building is a better alternative, yet things have only gotten worse, and all the therapists say is "UGH I DONT CARE STOP MAKING ME USE CERTAIN SECTIONS OF MY BRAIN UGH I DON'T LIKE TAKING EVERYTHING INTO CONSIDERATION BECAUSE ITS UNCOMFORTABLE UGH MY ENTIRE FIELD IS BASED ON UNDERSTANDING HOW PEOPLES BRAINS WORK BUT I'D RATHER SHILL FOR POISON MEDS AND BE RICH THAN DO MY FUCKING JOB."

POL has done more for repairing the collective human psyche today than all these mentally psychiatry leeches have done in the last century combined.

true. schizophrenia is a vitamin b2 deficiency. depression is a reduced proliferation of stem cells in the hippocampus, can be cured by exercise/curcumin/meditation

I have never heard of olive oil being cut with soy. The only thing I've ever heard about is cutting with lower quality (so virgin cut with "pure" grade).

Wrong. There are at least 9 different types of schizophrenia, all characterized by different imbalances/deficiencies. The really bad kind ('paranoid' schizo) is typified by very high dopamine and norepinephrine, coupled with very high copper levels. They will respond negatively to SSRIs but might like benzos. The treatment is folinic (not folic) acid, zinc, niacin, lithium, and vitamins B6, B12, C, and E. The zinc and folinic acid are the most important supplement. They may exhibit symptoms as the copper is flushed from the body by the zinc, so zinc must be as high as possible without causing symptoms.

The second most common type of schizophrenia is characterized by low serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. This is the one often called "catatonic" schizophrenia. The treatment is basically the same as above, but with folinic acid replaced by SAMe/methionine (extremely important to exchange those).

The third most common type, and very commonly diagnosed as other disorders so is actually the most common, is pyrrole disorders. This one is the easiest to test for because it is a simple urine test for pyrrole levels. MDs never prescribe this test despite being a very common disorder. The previous two types are diagnosed by blood tests for levels of zinc, copper, and histamine. Again, zinc and B6 are the critical treatments for this one, but the improvement is much faster than with the other types, almost immediate with cure in 1-2 weeks. The others can take over 3 weeks for improvement.

The other types of schizophrenia are rare, so just give your girl ZMA capsules before bed and she will sleep deeper and show improvement no matter what kind of schizo she is. If they see visual hallucinations, then the deficiency is folate (B9), not B2. If they are more catatonic, then give methionine. Instead of ZMA, they can binge eat oysters, which are nature's best source of zinc, and other trace minerals. This is why crazy girls love oysters so much.

My greatest concern about vegetarians is that they are prone to zinc deficiencies, a direct cause of schizophrenia/bipolar disorder/etc. Zinc is needed in metallothionein, an essential antioxidant. Without it, vegetarians form oxidative stress which can cause pyrrole disorder. Zinc metallothionein is also needed to remove excess copper. Because copper is a cofactor in noradrenaline production, a zinc deficiency can cause high stress and high noradrenaline. This combination is strongly correlated with the aforementioned mental disorders. The high oxidative stress inevitably leads to neurodegeneration and degeneration of many organs, particularly the liver. 

I suspect zinc deficiency caused by half-assed vegetarian diets is the prime cause of the Antifa/SJW/other maniac Leftists. They all desperately need to eat oysters,  the best dietary source of zinc.

Anthea, if your health is so great, then test your urine pyrroles. It will be simple and cheap. If you don't mind drawing blood, you can test your zinc and copper too, plus a few other tests I can send you. Have you ever had a thyroid panel or your liver enzymes tested? If not, then the medical tests you took weren't very useful. Your doctor probably only tested for iron and whatever tests were popular in the 1960s. Most doctors are perpetually 50 years behind the times.

For a thorough diagnosis, take these tests:
Whole blood histamine
Plasma zinc
RBC zinc
Serum copper
Serum ceruloplasmin
Thyroid panel
Liver enzymes
Urine pyrroles

In addition you test for SAMe/SAH ratio, an extremely useful test, but few labs perform it.

they evolved a natural immunity

doesn't matter how right you are, when you communicate like a douchey asshole nobody will want to listen to you

Wouldn't that be mis-advertising their product? They need to list the ingredients by law.


Eating big tonight in his honor.

Is that actually a horsey comic? I don't get it. That seems to be a good thing.

Hope you inherited those shoulders.
Don't post that shit, though


The soy parasite. Its what causes men to turn into soyboys and become leftist cucks.


I use (((Dr. Bronner)))'s castile Soaps.
(((Bronner))), and by extension his children are jews, but his soaps are 100% fine by what I can tell.

If you can purchase some without going through (((Amazon))) or (((walmart))) then do so; it keeps hair soft and also keeps out any suspicious bullshit, but at a higher price per liter but I'd say each bottle is worth the slightly higher price
unfortunately it also means supporting (((them)))

Pic related - Peppermint soap, the best of them imo.
