#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Sound Of Sensha-do Edition



- Spread the Trello leaks via the #HackHarassment hashtag
pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]


- oneangrygamer.net/2016/09/wikipedia-admins-filibuster-crash-override-network-page-to-bury-chat-leaks/11772/
- youtube.com/watch?v=TDKCXqSL2AI
- twitter.com/mombot/status/763725521628700672
- /u.teknik.io/u400h.7z
- PW: is7X8ThzzMC7CL2VtAvd
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/52zk4l/remember_how_i_was_complaining_about_kotakus/
- ghostbin.com/paste/7mne8


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
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Archive Everything

Een her

Oy Vey!


I have a question to ask about the availability of BENIS

I hope you guys elect Trump. I want to mine some SJW salt.



Threadly reminder to contact the FTC about both Patreon and CON failing to adhere to their respective T & Cs.


New data

Check data/conleaks.xls for new spreadsheets.

He's checkout her ass though.




lame and embarassing



Took you long enough


We're fucked, Clinton's going to win.





i have my 2 buckets for the salt for each side

mah nigga



Can someone post that image of vivian that some user drew in the last 2 threads

and that one edit that said "i want to smell vivian's bush"

it's even worse that you deleted the evidence of your retardation

I know they are a huge circle jerk but it feels like they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

what image

You may have deleted your previous posts but your shame will live forever.

You guys are being extra-bully today!!!

I hate to say it, but it really seems like that idiot is going to win the election at this point.
America is doomed.

Indeed. We were born just in time to witness the cleansing of the world in a purifying nuclear blaze.


I'd bully you with my dick


Don't lie, Gildafag. We know you like this. It's 99% of the reason we're doing it.

I'm a little uninformed, why does it seem like she'll win? Please be wrong.

Of course. It would be sexist to say that only men would be capable of starting a thermo-nuclear war.

The BBC told me she'll win. It must be true because the BBC are tax payer funded and can't be biased.




She's been climbing in battleground states ever since the first debate. He's now substantially behind in Pennsylvania which he pretty much has to win.


When did I ever lie to you!?

The clique is like gamers, it never dies.

Can't it be attributed to MSM and Polls fuckery?

Deadlines are closing in for voter registration. You can do so online in most states if you haven't already.

Links for deadline dates and how/where to register here

When you deleted your previous posts attempting to get a dubs. Any user who joins this thread will not see how you tried to force the dubs.

even if it's lewd bullying?

also why's hillary's campaign talking about aliens

They can just as easily rig the actual election. I'll be going to vote November 8 regardless but I'm pretty fucking worried at this point. Especially with the recent leaked audio from Trump talking about feeling some woman up.

she has been doing well in a lot of the polls
of course things like Dewey have happened but it does not look good for trump right now

I keep waiting for karma to finally slam into these cunts and it just never fucking comes

I just can't believe that after all the emails, scandals, fucking crying about pepe on TV that someone like her could be elected POTUS. I wouldn't be right.

I'm Canadian, I'm already fucked for a while, I just hope you guys can at least try to fight back.

Also i couldn't stand SJW smugness if she won. Though it could be a blessing in disguise if she keeps doing that badly even after the elections.

No it fucking won't be. We'll have another Middle East invasion. Supreme Court will have progressive majority for decades. Bitch behind the Hot Coffee shit that wanted to go even further than Jack Thompson did will be the fucking president of the US and TPP will go into effect. We're fucked from now till the end and it'll effect way more than just our country.

As a Brexit "Leave" voter, I can confidently tell you that these polls do not (and will not) accurately reflect reality, even the polls done on the day of the vote itself or just before the results are announced.


It's awful.

This too. If I get fucking drafted by Hillary I'm doubling down on learning Russian.

Don't fucking remind me.

Oh well. I guess I could always exile myself back into the North or go live with my uncle in Russia.


wasn't that Carmac?


Considering how some people like to say "If Trump gets elected, we'll end up at war" with nothing backing up that logic, we WILL be at war with FUCKING RUSSIA if she (or maybe anyone else that isn't Trump) gets elected, and then she'll go so far in oppressing moderates and conservatives that we'll be forced into starting the Second American Civil War.

If anyone besides Trump is elected, we may very well be dead by 2020.

Archive of the tweet to contextualize for the future:

1. Explain to others what a Twine Game is- if not for explaining than for ourselves so we're all on the same page.

2. Gather data. Judge what of CON leaks is relevant to step 3.

3. Send data to FCC, tax man, or whoever.

The polls that are either:
- Fudged with over-complex algorithms designed to be modified to bullshit any result.
- Run at places that backed Hillary
- Run at places where the staff are infatuated with Hillary and/or progressiveness?

Look at how many people go to his ralleys. Look how much people have been united behind it. Look how many grassroots minorities have been united by it- instead of letting organized chimpouts and cover-ups talk for them.

Trump will have the most legally cast votes.

reality has fractured and the pieces are melting around our feet

I'm going to play old videogames and pretend everything is okay.

Nope, it was Luckey. He sent Carmack the prototype of what he was working on which got Carmack on board.

Every fucking time.

Vaporwave is the ultimate escape.
This video makes me pretend 9/11 never happened.

hes the chief technology officer

Fuck you, Assange. Stop with the games as dire as everything is.

And remember how they literally tried to cheat Brexit out of passing?

need this image pronto

and this


Where's that user from the last thread who reassured me about the election by saying the Senate and Congress are Republican controlled?

Please calm these faggots down before I start thinking crazy again.

One thing is certain with politics user, in the end, you're getting fucked.

Take down the shittiest of libtards right now and deal with any stormfags who unironically want Nazism back later.

What do you mean? The challenge for the act triggering Article 50 to go through parliament rather than the government? We don't have a political class that supports Brexit to any great degree, so completely fucking the parties might be necessary anyway.

Herr Juncker, I'm Yuu Kay Aye Pee.



Take a look at how hard the house over site committee is going after the FBI, Clinton's senior staff and The justice department. They want to take her down hard. Its like when they couldn't get Capone on the illegal stuff he did and got him on not paying taxes. This is like that only bigger.

He was just blowing smoke up your ass or believes his own bullshit. Executive orders are a thing. President chooses Supreme Court nominees. Most Republican congressmen are in support of TPP. Tons of Republicans like McCain support invading Syria.


lets turn it into a wallpaper :^)


I'd wew but I'm all out of wews



I'm not sure if this is a parody or not.


This Candid drama has metastasised so fucking fast.

Almost as fast as AA shoving a banana up his asshole.

Good morning, faggots!

What are the odds of "PQube are as bad as Treehouse or NISA" becoming a shitty new revoltard shill tactic?

It's satire

Ohayo gozaimasu Todd senpai

I saw the Vita thread has been getting shit on a lot over it, so it's pretty likely. Did PQube ever answer why the ages were removed?

Age removal is one of the few types of censorship I don't mind.

PQube's motives are still unknown. The people behind the curtain show a lot of anti-weeb pro-sjw sentiment, but their entire business (Rice Digital) relies on normalfag weeaboos.

And yes, I know that we should support their actions - bringing across lewd NEVEREVERS 99% intact with a non-meme localisation, but there's that constant nagging feeling of being pandered to by people who secretly hate you.

I'm also slightly suspicious that the gaming press hasn't shit all over them at great length - GalGun came out controversy free, and Valkyrie isn't getting much attention either. So either they're balls deep in the clique, or the press has finally learned to pick their targets more carefully.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

And others were fine with censorship in Xenoblades, saying it was small. I dislike all censorship.


good gwei

Are you being sarcastic?

Delusional faggots are legitimately comparing removing ages for only possibly legal reasons while leaving everything actually sexual intact to how hard Treehouse shits on localizations.

And if you disagree, you're no different than anyone who defends Fates and Bravely Second.

no they feel like shills

what does sending email do?

dont you think the big companies r just going 2 ignore the emails sent from "cock.li"

what makes u think they'll take you seriously?

Eat my ass shill

Taking out an age means nothing to me, because it's usually blatantly fucking obvious. I don't care the Senrans aren't listed by age. I still know they're highschool girls ripping each other's clothes off, and as long as I still get to see that, I don't care if the stat screen says "16" or not.

And the changes to Xenoblade were not "small" and thus why they sucked. I don't care that they don't say the 12 year old's name. Granted, I don't want them doing "BTW I'm 18, guiz!" either, but I'll accept it if we still get the lewd because I know the truth. The problem in Xenoblade and TMS is they did both.

Sent one to Amazon from my gov address once, covered it as not GG related but included some reservations I had about their advertising. Got a reply in 20 minutes.

Of course, avoid 'cock.li' or nigge.rs for emailing advertisers.

I'm getting convinced people bitching over ages are shills or just trolls & shitposters

Xseed does the same shit its non issue cus they don't want to get fucked by CP laws eurocucks got


for maximum candid shilling

Fuck off.

Oh did I hurt your whore feelings shill?

You're a motherfucking retard who thinks that anyone that doesn't hold your own arbitrary point of acceptance is a shill. At least made his points without screaming shill shill shill.

Would you rather they remove content or just do something dumb like changes ages

I'm gonna be honest, I don't like either of your post histories all that much…

In fact, it has a lot of the hallmarks of an user arguing with himself.

Let's not forget that Pqube released casual stuff (WRC series [as of 3], Dance! It’s Your Stage, Ride, Sega Genesis [Plug & Play] and Atari Flashback, Valentino Rossi, etc.), and Mobile shit, Let's not forget Pqube started with developing stuff for the Wii (well, that where their console presence starts), so of course they always target plebs, unless the game is niche.

I'd rather them do neither obviously.

The left has actually lost their goddamned minds

But this post changed my mind, so disregard.

We don't live in a perfect world, take what you can get.

If you ain't a shill you're just being retarded & stubborn here. They remove ages to not get fucked by laws & cp shit like UK/Cunuckistan all the time

Its an impasse

I'm having trouble believing that Russia think they could win a war against America, its allies, and the totally-not-American-funded-insurgency militias.

Easy to do a text edit for just those countries if that's the issue.

I think you're underestimating Russia a bit, particularly because if it comes to that you'll have Russian equipment and Chinese numbers against you.

Has anyone bothered to ask the question; What would the Russian gain from doing this?


The fuck are you even getting at?

That there would be no problem in only making that change for the countries its applicable to. Which does not include the US.

A Syrian invasion by the US not occuring.

Not really no. There's significant additional expense to having different versions, especially for a more niche release.

There's no way that its that costly to do an edit of a few dozen lines at most.

Canada and US share the same region dumbass, and it cost money to make 2 seperate versions, so they will go with canadas retarded laws. You don't have to like it, but instead of being a hothead here, send an angry email to canada about the law if you want it changed, since thats your best chance.

nope, they are shit

Gamergate hasn't been relevant for nearly two years and these threads are almost entirely shitposting. Why do we still have them?

nobody gives a shit pedo

these dumb goobers want to feel like they're fighting against ebil gov't

How am I being a hothead just for saying I won't accept those changes? Its my money to spend or not spend for whatever reason I see fit. I'm not saying that noone else should buy it as everyone has their own lines, just that the notion that I must accept this is absolutley ridiculous.

Cus we Gizmodo is still here

Summary of the thread so far

Threadly reminder to contact the FTC about both Patreon and CON failing to adhere to their respective T & Cs.

New data: s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=78433758118517684706 Check data/conleaks.xls for new spreadsheets.

Media blitz promoting Nyberg and Nora Reed's bots ghostbin.com/paste/gw4b8

Feminist Frequency is funneling money through Cash Override twitter.com/oliverbcampbell/status/784529887482765313

Harassment campaign runs Nikki Moxxi off social media thegg.net/opinion-editorial/nikki-moxxi-has-been-run-off-social-media-a-take-on-the-harassment-campaign-against-her/


give metafagging retards something to complain about

You excepted it with Senran

why is it so bad now?

Not that cut and dry, actually. There are certain states where loli is illegal. Not rigidly enforced, but still true. It also doesn't help that the US is getting fuzzier and fuzzier on it, especially where 3D models are concerned. Remember, sfm loli is considered illegal in America, which is why it's never allowed here on Holla Forums. Plus there's this:

Most of them probably feel like not taking the risk makes it easier.

The whole Pepe demonizing thing was literally created because Hillary was so god damned butthurt that someone heckled her speech. The way they twisted it into some sort of propaganda and smear is so godamned ridiculous, I actually just hope she loses for this alone.

Make sure you got a spare $10 to post to /vipchan/, son.

I didn't buy Senran either over it though.

best kangaroo

Not news, but fun to show how bad this videos are going to be.

Even through text, you can hear the yelling. I am not saying stop being mad, but temper your anger with cold, heat makes for terrible spaghetti. And as another user stated, they are trying to be cautious with one of the stupid loopholes if the age is not visible, cant call them children or underage, stupid, but is a loophole and they cannnot use the original to say that the english version has the same ages.


And the follow up

Oh well then fuck off then

Those faggots in the Vita thread are really starting to piss me off with their condescending black and white bullshit while continuing to cherrypick every little post of someone defending themselves from being called a censorship apologist in general just for thinking this doesn't mean shit when everything else actually sexual is left intact.

The only one I was mad at was the guy saying anyone who dislikes it is a shill.

Now YOU sound like a shill.

Very perceptive. I'm impressed and intimidated because you'd say that exact shit about me in any other argument.



Now you sound calmer.

Dude, you are not helping your case being passive agressive.

Anyways, did anyone even tweet and ask them why they removed the ages or are we all assuming like a bunch of spergs? I really hope they blame canada.

That user was me.

Broadly speaking, there are a lot of ways the trends and forces behind Trump could play if he loses. The Republican Congress is one factor with potential. The Clinton hearings is another. Who knows how the Republican party itself will be reshaped just by a near-victory? It's possible your future self will be seeing candidates that your present self couldn't imagine.

Also, just generally, the idea of Trump has been tied to this idea of a backlash against the regressive Left. Yes, this is true but I also can't help but point out that Trump's candidacy hasn't collapsed the regressive Left either. The war against them has become more entrenched and more polarized, and you could easily imagine that being an equilibrium state that persists after a Trump victory. The missing catalyst that would cause an actual collapse of the regressive Left is going to highly unpredictable. I don't see why that catalyst couldn't also happen if Clinton wins.

If someone is reading this and doesn't get what I'm pushing back against, I'm specifically pushing back against the emotion of freaking out over bad polls or being emo.

As for military stuff, maybe I'll respond to folks later if it is still being discussed. Going to catch up on the thread later.

Any of you ever been to /polmeta/ before?


How many outsiders do you think visit the place?



Can she be anymore perfect.

i am too brown to go to pol, the fuck is TRS?

You should see that thread. I literally cannot stop hurling insults and profanity while they continue acting and talking the way they do.

Be the bigger man and take their shit calmly and peacefully? Fuck no.

As I told him most things that people are concerned about a Republican Congress(assuming they do keep the majority) will not stop. Look at voting records for TPA for instance. Higher percentage of Republicans voted for it than Democrats so TPP would undoubtedly pass. Also see all the warhawk Republicans.

It does not help that king nigger and shillary are essentially the same as the republican boogyman.

TRS is alt-right forum. White nationalists but generally not as extreme as 8/pol/.

wait wait, so Holla Forums is the extreme one?

Its not really a boogieman, Bush epitomized it. Thing is that as you said Clinton and Obama are exactly the same. This is why on things like letting the refugees in the Republicans in Congress just rubberstamped it in approval.

Yes, last I checked one of the things they were bitching about TRS for was that they had a gay guest on their podcast even though his homosexuality wasn't even a topic that was brought up.

TRS is basically a media operation. I was kicked off their forum for posting this recipe for nerve gas and instructions on how to spread it as a weapon. I've been doing this one Holla Forums since 2011.


TRS is okay but they are deathly afraid of the dox and NSA, even when shit is posted which is totally legal like nerve gas. So they are paranoid in their forum itself but don't care what is posted on their open webpages.

TRS wants a gentile exile of non-whites from America. I just want them gone and don't care what methods are used to achieve that end. They aren't muh PR as much as they have a lot of scandies and roundheads who look down on cavaliers and scotts who want full on race war today. They just don't have the guts to advocate the murder of muddy children.

This is why the Japanese pachinko industry is superior





You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Husbando followed by the words “FOR HIM, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF SOCJUS”

Remember to always be a big guy


more like ultimate failure
Chiaki is more hope than him


Duh, Lets see what she says to the Saudies who give her all their money.

Yes, but who is death and who is alive, and also who have such broken luck that make his waifu come back to life

Don't remind me. I wanted her to secretly have been alive the whole time, but the anime put the kibosh on that.

such a fucking bullshit anime

everything is ruined

Man, if only we could show some angry saudis this…

Are we winning?


Nah, they know she ultimately does what they pay her to do whereas Trump would end the billions in military aid we send them.

Well, it does hit them, but when it happens, Chelsea just up and moves to a completely different city to try again.

You don't seem to get how releasing a game works.
You don't just "edit a few lines."
There are expenses that go with publishing, patching, distribution, etc. It's not free.
Simply producing separate editions for US/CAN requires a whole new production run, a fresh pass through the ESRB, extra paperwork for submitting to relevant distribution platforms, and you'll have to do that each time you want to patch.
Need to fix a bug? Pay the fees twice. Want to sell DLC? Same deal, but I also have to resubmit to the ESRB twice depending on what's added/changed.

If you're only selling a handful of copies anyway, your margins are already tight. You simply can't afford to take on those kinds of expenses, and that's not even considering things like logistics. You need double the infrastructure to get games to customers. You have to ask Amazon / gamestop / wheever else to stock and sell separate SKU's just so no Canadians get the "illegal" edition, and make sure you don't make that mistake if you sell direct, either.

twitter.com/search?q="Billy Bush"&src=tren&data_id=tweet:784572150120378368

What is this nonsense? The media making a big deal out of nothing again?

Not talking abot the corrupt top saudis man, but the lower ones who can be convinced to mob.

Said catalyst has only one thing for certain: Them fucking up, and not covering their tracks.

Keep the pressure on, and they WILL fuck up.
A freak out on live television.
An official saying something so dumb and anti-freedom that they become toxic overnight, and no one can say anti-freedom stuff for fear of being branded the same (losing their careers).
A candid document of a leader speaking frankly about using useful idiots- and naming them.

Keep the pressure on, and we will win.
Don't be a boogeyman.
Be a wolf-pack constantly hunting and circling.

Do we know who exactly is behind this app? is it a honeypot? just another datamining attempt? another snapchat clone but thats trying to reach the "privacy conscious market"?

I mean they obviously got money, but I couldn't find anything on the startup/tech listing sites

How would that be relevant to the US elections? They aren't here and have no influence on our politics, its the top ones who do.

Fuck knows, it just came out of nowhere, and suddenly everybody's shilling it.
Kinda like Heat Street, come to think about it.

There's gonna be riots no matter who wins, that much is certain.

Dunno, I would hope they get angry enough to put their corrupt fucks in a position where they have to say hillary = war.

You're not talking a Western country here, they'd just get tossed in jail or worse.


you cant save her Holla Forums ;_;

And the nation is simply to divided thanks to the leftist campaign on fuck whitey, no matter who wins the nation will take decades to recover, if it ever does.

Still can't find anything, but the fact that it requires your normalfagbook or phone number to work means its a data mining scam for sure

The fact they aren't listed ANYWHERE when even the most pathetic app has listings on every fucking startup site out there, I'm talking apps that are just one guy who still has to make the app and it only exists on paper

All I could find about candid is some guy named "Spenxer Janyk" who works at mylikes dot com. That company seems to be yet another shitty "lets pretend we are real users liking this shit and pay efamous assholes to pretend they like ti too" operation

Either they are handling becandid's shilling operation or they made becandid themselves for data mining, after all I found this in their page:

Now for some light reading (feel free to archive if you're not comfortable with literal outsiders of the pro-GG/anti-GG divide).


That was entirely a byproduct of the regressives themselves: they pushed things too far and became so confrontative that some people simply had enough and decided to face them head on, thus the rise of the alt-right

The irony is that even the worst of the alt-right is still more polite and willing to talk things over than the average regressive lefty. Regressives became so goddamn unbearable that even the rest of the left is trying to stay away from them


The "rebel prince" Arab dude? Seems like he's doing his own thing, though.

Americas left is waking up, too bad canadas left is refusing to, and it will be to late when they do.

Milo had a stream that ended a few hours ago:

MILO at Auburn University: "Feminism is Cancer for Men and Women"

How behind am I? When did Censored Gaming become a partner with Tech Raptor? Nice to see though.

I think it was the start of september.

Cool, been paying more attention to election than this lately. Nice digits by the way.

The trustworthy polls obviously.

Think that might be the smallest Milo crowd I've seen.

Can someone explain this maymay to me? Is it an attempt at defending social progress (aka spread of poz and decline of society - acceptance of faggots, racemixing, trannies, mass immigration, etc) by insisting that the fiercest progressives are something else ("regressive left") and so attempt to get us to support the more mild progressives who still want to drive us over a cliff and destroy our people, just on a slower schedule?

The "regressive left" are basically those asshats who go around demanding things like racial segregation under the guise of "progress."

the whole white previlege thing and people like martin shkreli getting into the spotlight are stealing his role as mascot

Ah, so a regressive is a progressive who occasionally stumbles on a good idea for the wrong reasons (whereas the proper progressive has only bad ideas).


The best part is that they still don't know what they've done and are still deluded to believe they're the "good" guys on the "right side of history".

white privilege has been being thrown in our faces for years though.

The most amazing about SJWs is that they act like they're fighting the establishment when they ARE the establishment.

You live in a plutocracy. It doesn't matter, because the vast majority of the elite are regressives.

Other way around: TechRaptr 2.0 included Censored Gaming as part of its network. If anything, CG was with TR from the very beginning, only recently was their partnership formalized.

Well, in most cases, they're the useful idiots of the establishment.

There is no "other way around" when talking about a two way relationship, regardless of which way you phrase it it means the exact same thing.

Its pretty hilarious that they're backing the candidate who gave speeches to Goldman Sachs apologizing for how the banking sector was blamed in the recession.

Which is god damn insulting, considering that they were entirely responsible for that.

they want apartheid for dindus not different or better then the reverse

Good point, thanks for clarifying.

Lack of self-awareness is a given trait I've observed with leftists & SJWs, and extremists in general.

Also noting, this refusal for introspection & self-reflection is commin with GGrevolt, and even with some regulars in this Holla Forums thread. Though I'm more inclined to conclude these are trolls and/or actual D&C issue muddlers than actual GG.

too little too late

I consider my freinds sensible to sjw leftists but still blindly obey clinton

South Africa was a hell of a lot better off before Mandela.

So Cassie Jaye's "The Red Pill" documentary that the Honey Badgers and Milo & Co. promoted last year released today. According to the Badgers the documentary was fantastic and the Q&A session they had afterwards was great too. which should be up on Jay's website soon

I expect that we will be getting a fair bit of salt incoming from the usual crowd tomorrow and the next couple of days, so get ready.

no, I mean the college fund for white kids he was scamming or whatever happened with it

anyway here, have a gilda

reported for avatarfagging

They won't ever figure it out, not even when they are slaves.

I'd rather not get rid of ethnic people granted, I have yet to have issues with ethnic people in canada, I'd rather get rid of religious protections and have the goverments have "internal affairs first, no international interfering anymore just like the swiss". And for journalism jobs to have terms. Short, painful terms.

They also never factor in human natures, or foresight and concequences of their actions.

what is the deal with shkreli? He's a profiteering shithead with no redeeming qualities, why does he have this weird little following?

He's a hilarious RL shitposter who got media slammed because he fucked over insurance companies.

I'm waiting till next semester to fully decide if it was a scam or not as he admitted he fucked up on that.

regardless of whether it's a scam or not, it's stuck to his image. being banned from twitter did also remove one of his loudspeakers, so yeah. not surprised he's not attracting the crowds he once did.

He jacked the price of a drug up 300%, was found to be hiding the only copy of a lost Wu-Tang album, and was generally a smug asshole about the whole thing.

It's only natural he'd be a decent shitposter, and smart enough to make some bank off it.

Well the room did fill up later, seems like there was just a lot of stragglers.

Wasn't he giving the drug away for free for people that would send in proof of financial hardship as well?

The price jack-up was to prey upon medical insurance (healthcare) companies. Colleges tend to do this as well, as evidence by the now-defunct Heald and ITT Tech.

what hilarious about him? I've been lurking his twitter feed every once in a while, just seems like a dipshit

dude is making mad bank. No matter how anyone spins it, this whole pageantry is just a cover for him ripping off a lot of people. Insurance companies aren't going to just roll over, they're gonna pass his hike down to the clients. And while he claims uninsured people can get it cheap, I can't find any indication anywhere that is actually true.

I dunno. I seem to be missing something.

Wonder how many entrances were being blocked by perpetually asshurt hambeasts.

aaand done

i couldnt find the right font for "i wanna sniff" though

More like 5400%. It pissed off the insurgence companies enough to get a congressional hearing where he had a shit eating smug grin and not answering any of their questions. The government targeting him but he's not worried they're just dragging their feet being an inconvenience to him and as far as the Wu-Tang CD they were auctioning it off for millions and it sat their for years until he bought it.

He's promised to advance tech to bring back Harambe, he auctioned off the right to punch him once, and wanted to board the sinking ship cuckchan just to fuck around with it.

But you're right, I found zero evidence of what was saying. Pretty sure he's just an occasionally funny asshole.

i took 3 years of animation learning various video editing painting 3d modeling and animation software just to and up making this…. totally worth it.

i tried this thing

oh fuck

There, it's now my desktop background

Goddamn it. I know for a fact I'll find this shit appalling in ten years but I'm still laughing.

(That was me you were replying to.)

To a small extent, when I said "Regressive Left" I'm obviously just painting a broad brush over everything and hoping you take away what you want.

But if you are asking me specifically then the term "Regressive Left" (or "Illiberal Left") is the term for the authoritarian attitude that parts of the Left has wedded themselves to. It is to a large extent the Social Justice movement as we've come to know it here, but it includes any ultra-authoritarian movement from the Left that leverages the same tactics and attitude.

Describing the Regressive Left tactics in bullet points:
-privilege culture/victim culture/identity politics
-bullying the employers of your targets
-rationalizing yourself to be beyond self-reproach, and not guilty of hypocrisy/double standards (e.g. by being on "the right side of history")
-"gender profiling": judge men by the worst members of their sex and women by the best (or any other group)
-literally state that certain groups of people are homogenous and evil (but deny that this is the definition of 'demonization')
-tacitly deciding that certain groups of people simply aren't fully human (describes how they might treat or respond to, e.g., GG supporters and Trump supporters)
-define the opposing view on a subject as being bigoted and illegitimate (I'm right by definition)
-motte and bailley tactics
-the implicit suspicious mentality of "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of a group we don’t like?"

Generally speaking, many of the regressive left are so authoritarian that no public dissent is allowed to go unpunished. No empathy or respect can be given to critics/non-members. They feel *genuinely immune* to being called out as hypocritical or unethical, no matter how absurd their tactics would sound to them when flipped around ideologically. It wouldn't be a distortion to say that at times they might view countering their opponents on almost the same level as fighting World War 3.

user please, You've got my radar flaring up with those word salads.

i wonder wu is behind that post

Why is gab still so retarded about their registration process?


Pretty sure it's so the servers don't stress out from a flood of users coming in at once.

It's pretty comfy over there.

I hope russia nukes America into fucking ash. The western world doesn't deserve to survive, just fucking end it already.

Makes me sad.

Which one and have they dencounced peta? Because if they do not denounce peta they may as well be hunters.
Look on a bright side, it shows him to be normal, which is not a bad thing.

Assuming everything fails, I agree wholeheartedly with you.
I have my doubts though. If Clinton wins, it may force a push for secessionists and we'll have a second Civil War. Russia's already siding with the secessionists.
It's one thing to take on countless people in flyover states who are armed and know their areas like the back of their hand.
It's another thing to tangle with those same people armed with Russian hardware and given training by

I thought that was entirely dead.

Never tell, show, and always request primary sourcing, scoff at secondary sourcing.

Mom, that's bullshit, here are sources that prove it's bullshit

I fucking hate everything. Everything.

You know, considering all the shit that happened in the past two years, I wouldn't be surprised if he pushed it back to scrap what he already had to go "when I first started this, I figured it would be a quick look at how cliques and irresponsible bloggers masquerading as journalists were damaging an entire industry… But HOLY FUCKING SHIT, THIS GOT INSANE."

My sister voted for Trudeau because he was cute.

Fuck this gay earth.

There's going to be some massive salt here when Clinton wins.

Lesser men would've taken to new vices. There's a good chance our friend Milo has a new appreciation for the bottle.
I certainly hope it isn't the case, but basic extrapolation on the theory shows an overwhelming disadvantage.
I wouldn't want it any other way.

If she wins it will be stolen election, no fucking contest, they will have literally stolen the election, nobody likes her, she has no issues discussed and her events are a joke in regards to turn-out.

Damn it feels good to have based genes.

Holy shit

I have to laugh that shad did a decent job with the secret service men's shenanigans, its still something I cannot fap to, even if it was not shadman.

It would be more legit if it was no president than if she won.

It's not gonna be salt here or anywhere. It's gonna be legitimate fear.

Johnson platform is pretty much hillary's but he's just fucking retarded instead of evil.

I am gonna bully you user.

What makes me sad is that she isn't a stupid woman, she was a teacher for 32 years but for some bizarre reason this election has just been so dumb and the anti trump stuff has been non-stop.

I think I know what it is though, she and dad aren't very tech savvy and their homepage is yahoo which is about as libcuck as yoou can get, combine it with the fact that mom follows like a quadrilllion kikebook pages and yea, she's probably getting filtered info.

My brother used to share shit from a page called Occupy Democrats till I told him to cut it the fuck out cause he's smarter than that, like he's sharing shit for a hugely biased page.

Fuck off you stupid avatar fagging furry piece of shit.

I suggest you go back to reddit

user, most teachers are leftists, have been for decades, and unions fostered the lefty mentality by operating similar to sjws.


Highly political people always talk about revolution and civil war in developed countries but they never even come close. Regular people are just sufficiently okay with their lives so that nothing like that happens. And of course it's not like individual states have forces willing or capable of fighting the U.S. People don't even move to Canada or whatever, and that's a much smaller commitment than throwing your life away.

You first since you seem to know so much about it.

Maybe in the US, we're from PR, teachers get shit on here.

These fucking people.

I'm pretty sure any country in the anglosphere could have their government announce tomorrow that they're shifting to a plutocracy and suspending all elections and the population would do nothing about it.

Anyone here listen to Joe Rogan? Johnson was the libertarian candidate he had on right because he seemed so sensible on that show. Granted none of that shit he has been an idiot about came up on there but I don't understand how they could be the same people.



Pretty much exactly as expected.

Rogan was probably softballing him because he likes the guy. Just look at how fucking triggered he got over "illegal immigrants". Plus he's pro TPP, anyone here that is somehow actually planning on voting for him despite seeing this info for months is a retard at this point. I can respect someone abstaining from voting more than I can someone voting Johnson.

As if I needed another reason to go searching around this dead city to find a fucking bottle of good shit.

And then they turn around and wonder why everyone hates them.

I still don't know what this is about, some private convos released or something.

Comics are so stupidly cucked.

They seriously just should have mentioned this before release and there would be no shitstorm at all.

Okay, I know I just uttered this phrase, but…
And then Marvel turns around and wonders why Civil War 2 isn't pushing units.


I curse the day I started reading comics

I'm speaking from canadian experience, and all I know is under leftist influences, nova scotia has a pretty stupid population, stupid enough where over 70% of the population failed our grade 12 provincial math exam when I was in grade 11 I passed with a 65-70%, but will gladly admit that anything below 75 should be a failure. and the kicker is our math and other subjects are watered down compared to what americans learn, and where I am its watered down compared to the rest of canada. The schools here need full restructuring, and reevaluation of its priorities. More hard sciences and language structural studies, less social shit. And competitive shit should be encouraged. Sage for bitching about how school failed me and many others here basically forcing us to adopt lowest common denominator leftist politics.

Pretty fucking much, I've reconciled myself to just violating any new laws that get passed and telling the government to go fuck themselves if they institute a draft and I get chosen.

hey hey let me let you in on a secret
it's the same in the US our schools be fucked dawg

What are those rules because that probably would be your best chance. I mean I hope Trump wins just because of the fucking meltdown that would follow on twitter et al. However Trump seems like he'll expand your government just as much as Hilary just in completely different ways.

My, all these paragons of journalistic ethics going after an old man for talking dirty with his friends. I wonder where they were every time Hillary was caught with her pants down, over the past few months?

I find this doubtful, we have people graduating that can't even do basic algebra.

I've noticed that every time they "dig up dirt" on Trump, it's always shit that's 10+ years old. I mean, shit, they dug up things from the fucking 70's to try and "nail" him. Is it really that fucking hard to find anything recent for a very public figure like him?

Explain how you reached this conclusion.

What astounds me is how nobody ever focus on the very real invasion of privacy just that "OH MY GOD HE SAID THING IN CURRENT YEAR IN THE PRIVACY OF HIS OWN HOME, CRUCIFY HIM"

Its the desperation, they can't find shit so they latch on to whatever, that apology he did was perfect, he apologized and touched on the fact that it was years ago while going after Bill and Hillary again.


This dude is a brony, please forgive, but he's on fucking fire right now. He just finished a rant about the DNC and how they've manipulated the black vote. He's black

more dirt gets throw his way, the more he is less to hold back on bringing up Bill and Hillary's raping past, which I believe is a good thing because most people are against that sort of thing. I want people who will vote for clinton to know full well they are voting for a cheating nominee who has a husband who rapes and helps them get away with it– then, America will have the candidate it deserves

Blame canada and europe

When was chemistry and physics touched on? And trig and algebra? Grade 11 here. Fuck, patterns took 2 fucking years, it should not have took 2 fucking years. And astronomy and weather should have only took 1 month each, not 3 each. Its so bad that I could say we would have been better off learning how to farm and fish, as that would have been useful in nova scotia and the retards would have died.

from here on out is an unknow territory
only kek knows where we heading

He pretty much nailed it with this.

Sure, yeah we'll listen to the representative of the state that gave us Obama and and Rob Blagojevich

There was a recording of a private conversation from over a decade ago where he talked about how women would let famous guys like him have their way with them.
And women consensually letting famous people grope them is rape culture somehow.

I really fail to understand how THIS is what people are pushing as the final straw.

I think companies are really reluctant to say anything resembling "we sell child pornography (under some retarded laws)". It's seems really easy for that to become a shitstorm literally millions of times worse than a handful of annoyed people on an imageboard. Too many people would ignore the part in parentheses if it ever became a news story.

Notice how even in their statement to Techraptor/Censored Gaming they still don't actually explicitly say what the issue is. They leave it just vague enough that people familiar with the issues can figure out what they mean. Maybe something else like ratings is a big part of it too, but I bet the main thing is cp laws in some countries.

Bronies encountered sjws and fought in their own way first. They still are autists though.

chemistry is the only required course, physics isn't required, trig is the highest required math

That's an issue to, but the blatant bias from the media just makes me 27 separate fruity flavours of furious. They bury every single Clinton scandal, and then turn around and drill it into your head that Trump is terrible…because they found another old tape of him saying something mean, or "he" (since I'm assuming it's run by a PR person, like every political Twitter account) said something mean on Twitter. Like who gives a shit if he hurt someone's feelings. There are real issues here that need to be addressed.

I live in the midwest and I don't remember my highschool being quite that bad. yeah there was some shitty teachers but there also was some good ones.
granted there were sort of two paths that diverged in your junior year. one I want to graduate path and one sort of pre-college/advance courses path and I took the later. I must admit though that I did do a sort of volunteer work for the middle school and something they did there really me wonder.
for context I went to a catholic private school before highschool

Desperation, its all it is, they keep campaigning on FUCK WHITEY and calling everyone names yet Trump keeps growing stronger, people are sick of the bullshit.

Their struggle will not be forgotten, and was not fought in vain.

He talks about reigning in the press, his maternity leave stuff, tariffs, wanting to make it so people on the no fly list cannot purchase guns but also having some system so they can get off of it. That's what I can pull off the top of my head. I'm not saying I don't think Trump would be the best choice of what is there just saying Ideally someone else would not be running. You guys haven't had someone who has tried to shrink the Government in decades. I don't think it's even really the fault of the republican party just that governement keeps expanding on it's own unless you have someone in charge purposefully hacking off limbs.

Well my country Canada is super fucked there actually are some States where loli is illegal as well it's a real shit. In Canada though our age of consent is actually 16 they changed it ~2000 it used to be 14. So I can actually go out and fuck a 16 year old girl with no issue however if I draw a picture of her nude I will go to jail. Canada is truly the most progressive country I cannot wait till we shoot past Sweden.

Trig isn't required everywhere. In my state when I was going to high school you just need three math courses so some never went above algebra because there were basic math courses(that I can't even remember the name of) for the dumbfucks.

Don't forget that anal is illegal if you're under 18, for some reason. The age of consent change was 2006, I think, but I'm still mad about it all these years later.

jesus christ how horrifying

You mean actually making it where they can be sued for libel more easily?
How exactly is not making paid maternity leave mandatory on companies expanding government instead of shrinking it?
Clinton's gun control policies include this without the exceptions plus a bunch of other shit so its in no way expanding it as far as her.

Okay so the ones of you with Twitters, be troopers and drop redpills about Nyberg on all of its posts. Hell, consider it a mini-op.

Its 16 in most states in the US as well.
Not sure about Canada but in the US there's a bunch of weird laws about anal in some places because of religious dislike of gays and it used to be looked at as just a thing homosexuals did

Dude, I already stated I am canadian. I know all this. The only thing that will make us hilariously worse off than sweden is the trade deals which fuck us over hard, we are not a part of an org which supports corruption externally like sweden, so we will have a collapse like venesuella. And I hope every major town burns and the fires are visible from space.

Like I said, in Canada, anal's illegal unless you're both over 18 or married.

Yeah that actually sounds right I remember I was in high school and it happened right around my 17yo friend getting a 15yo girlfriend.

I'm not saying he would expand as much or more than Hilary just that he would grow the government and has no real policies about shrinking it. That libel shit sounds really nice at first and the press needs their teeth kicked in somehow. However expanding libel laws leads to the UK's crazy fucking shit which nobody wants. I though his maternity leave stuff was mandating that every employer had to do it similar to what Obama did with health care. I could be wrong though what exactly was his plan with that?

To their credit, there is a clause in the law (a lot of states in the US have it too) that voids the whole thing if you're within about 4 years of each other. So a 17-year old can bang a 14-year old no problem.

I had no idea this was still true, I thought it was changed at some point. Has anyone actually been prosecuted for that in recent decades? I just looked it up and apparently Trudeau says they'll change it.


Fuck, I mean post on Nyberg's bot's tweets.

Back when I was a teen in South Carolina anal was technically illegal between two consenting adults. Completely unenforceable though.

Except you actually said that he would expand it just as much as her earlier.

Did you know at the time about the 5-year age difference exception?

so if you marry the 16 year old it is ok then

Yeah we had that same shit in Canada sodomy used to be illegal completely (which includes blowjobs let alone anal) until Trudeau sr. hacked up a bunch of those sex laws.

I think one of the major problems in Canada right now is that everyone lives in the cities and we don't have any of the protections that the states have. So the cities have way too much of a say in things over rural Canada.

Sorry I misspoke then my bad.

I know that now however I didn't when I was a dumb high school kid, you'd think my friend would look into that shit though. He waited until her 16th birthday though.

Marriage under 18 requires parental consent though.

Indeed, I live in the outskits of a large town wich is halfway to being rural, and nova scotia is at least 40% rural. We need some speech protecrion laws.

You'd probably need her parents' permission to marry her at that age. I mean, shit, I got married at 18 and there were still problems because they thought the ID was fake.

So how did the Apocaluckeyse end? Did he just go silent after that half-assed apology? Did the Sanfran mafia go back to to supporting Oculus?

Blago was a real piece of shit. If selling government positions wasn't bad enough, he actually took a private jet from Chicago to Springfield and back every single day just because his wife didn't feel like moving to the governor's mansion for a few years.

When I was in high school I vaguely remember a lot of people thought it was 18 because that's what they heard about it being from U.S. media. Very few knew it was 14 at the time without looking it up.

Yeah lots of people think that for some reason. Probably because the law for porn is 18.

Silly officials, no one follows that.

He's been quiet and didn't speak at their latest conference.

Oculus happened to announce $10 million for "diversity programs" and some shitpieces tried to connect the two, even though obviously no $10 million expenditure gets planned in 2 weeks.


I figured but it still kinda weird that they would specify that

I had a teacher once who insisted it was 18 despite it being different
I don't know how the belief got so wide spread
maybe because of places like Hollywood being where the age of consent is 18?

is it actually 18 or do they just use 18 to be safe?

Maybe temkin and the govs funded it or maybe fucking toronto

Dunno man, looks like protection money to me. They don't necessarily have it planned already, they could just announce it now to silence the Sanfran mob and plan later.

Don't remember that. I do remember when he was in his office he would hide under the desk and tell his secretary to tell everyone that he wasn't in his office and would ignore phone calls so he wouldn't have to talk to investigators about selling Obama's senate seat.

They could have announced it without having the money only to plan on "oh, you won't fund us? Then we will frame it as you tricked us and did not deliver on your promise so you need to go to jail you soggy knee".

I meant more that you have to be 18 to be in porn.

The law to appear in porn is definitely 18 there actually have been actresses who lied to get in early. Then later it was exposed that they were underage and shit got bad. It's actually becoming a real problem everywhere because teens are sending nude pics to eachother and they (the guy) later get charged with distributing child pornography which is technically correct. Although it's a real shitty problem and needs to be fixed.

I wouldn't put it past Zuckerberg.

There's some federal laws about using the internet or phones to arrange sex with someone under 18 which a lot of people are nailed over.

For specifics they mentioned the "Diverse Filmmakers Project", it looks like garbage but seems like it would take more than 2 weeks for a large corporation to make and approve something like that.

He means to be in it. That's why (in the US at least) teens have been arrested for "sexting" nude photos of themselves to their boyfriend/girlfriend, even if it's legal for them to fuck, because they're distributing child pornography of themselves. I'm not sure if the same has happened in Canada.

I remember that a chick who "guest starred" in a video on Little Lupe's old site turned out to be 17 at the time. Whole site is cancer to any private tracker now. Made it a pain to find the two actually good videos.

Yeah, I remember it being a thing. I also remember his wife going on The Amazing Race or something after he got busted because he was supposed to be on it originally.

I heard people weren't refusing to work with them because he is supporting Trump but because he was saying racist stuff. Was this actually true or just excuses to hide their shit.


I actually don't know if kids have been arrested for sexting in Canada. Though they definitely can be we're really strict with CP here. I'm actually pretty sure it has happened but I cannot think of any actual examples in Canada.


I was thinking more of teens buying porn
I know if a store or something sells porn to a minor that is illegal. I don't know if that is age of consent or actually a minor though


Has Wikileaks had any actual false leaks? I know some of the hackers releasing stuff have put out fake shit. I don't think any of it was wikileaks though.

The media span this massive bullshit story about him funding the entire altright including nazi Pepe memes. Most he actually did was pay to have a couple videos made and a billboard. I went on the site of the group they mentioned and the video on their front page included a bunch of blacks voicing their support for Trump in it and showing how Trump is for all Americans.

So no there wasn't any fucking truth to it.

Who actually buys porn anymore, though?

technically it is "provided" so a I think a site would be liable if they let them watch it.

To buy porn you have to be 18 like how alcohol and tobacco have age requirements to purchase. I don't think you have to be 18 to view porn though I could see some places having laws to stop parents from forcing their kids to watch porn or whatever. However it actually is completely legal to give your kid alcohol on your own property in most places as far as I know. It is completely illegal to like buy your kid a beer at a bar or restaurant though.

old and poor people? People without access to a computer and who aren't computer savvy like gangsters and convicts.

One of the worst fucking things in fiction and everywhere in it. It does not happen nearly enough as it should that the speaker gets told to fuck off before doing the deed.

If you mean Palmer it's bullshit, unless there's something I missed. This is the only mention of racism in the original Daily Beast article and links to their article about fucking Pepe:


Some of the other article then further extended this bullshit and claimed he was funding a "white-supremacist group".

Also some people called his girlfriend racist because she had a negative tweet about muslim immigrants, but she is of course her own person.

Yeah but what I heard from places was that the reddit board he was posting on had posts from his username that was saying "racist" stuff. Again it probably wasn't actually racist but stuff that would appear to be racist to normalfags.

But user if you kill your enemies they win.

That piece of shit needs to die for Canada's suffering and its continued retardation.

So, idiots? You can get a free or dirt cheap PC easy nowadays. For $200 I could have a netbook that will handle videos no problem. Get on public wifi, download adblockers to reduce strain on the machine, and just download videos off tube sites or something.

Puppet user, puppet. If one were yo fix canada, youd have to destroy the parliment building with most of the officials inside.

Well for starters he denied that even being his reddit account. Also without and archives or even screencaps of these supposedly racist reddit posts on r/TheDonald who are a bunch of cucks I'd bet on it being blatant fabrications.

Luckey stated that he wasn't a founder and just donated $10,000 to them. All of this media fuss over a measly $10k when you have hundreds of millions going to Clinton and several million just from Cohen from Facebook.

The Oculus guy is a racist for donating $10k to a group because he liked their billboards or something, but Hillary is a feminist gay rights' crusader despite all her dealings with the saudis.

And being the only democrat to vote no on gay rights, something the lgbt seems to consistantly forget.

Don't forget her destroying the lives of Bill's rape victims. And saying a little girl who got raped on the side of the road was actually into older dudes and asked to be raped so hard she couldn't have kids.

B-but if we bring those up, then Trump might win and HE SAID MEAN THINGS.

In the UK it's legal to drink alcohol from the age of five providing you meet certain criteria like only your guardian and inside your own property are you allowed to do it.

There's a lot of gays who are fully aware, the news just isn't going to show us if they can avoid it.


Isn't anime porn like skyrocketing in popularity?

she could personally torture a gay transsexual black woman and she would still be called a hero

She could, but then Holla Forums might whorship her too.


Christ, I don't remember that I remember her hiring that PI to stalk and harass bill's victims into silence but that's something else. She said this in public or in a memo?

Well im going to support trump for a couple of hours then


clickbait title, actual article seems to almost take the reverse position that there's not much of an actual correlation if any and that people like Rick Wilson and Max Read are just suffering confirmation bias.

Apparently I've supported Trump twice already today.


abbo pls

Whoops, first image was supposed to be this one.

Not all of us are furries

Reported for avatarfagging.
Just fucking with you.

I want it to die. That face is so punchable.


Like mentioned, the protection money diea seems more likely when you consider Zuckerberg. He would do some bullshit like that to beg forgiveness to his tech socjus milieu.

How can a climate phenomenon be racist if its not even sentient?

Silly user, even mother earth hates niggers.


Here's the link for you.
It's a side story to this, where the same guy knocks up his friend and her little sister and her mother. The one I posted is him filling in as a tutor for one of the girls he knocked up. No brown in this one, though.

More, unrelated brown that I like.
exhentai.org/g/382741/ddcaf99b03/ (this one's great because for a bit there it looks like it's going the NTR route, with a guy hitting on the female MC hard, and coming pretty close to fucking her. Then it turns out he really was just trying to show her how to seduce the guy she loves, and he gets them together)

I don't know if this one will work since it's been "expunged", but it's amazing. Warms the cockles of my heart, too. Fucks his tomboy childhood friend/arranged fiancee, all while yelling about how he hates girls like her. At the end he's obviously fallen for her.

Is sadpanda the only porn stash Holla Forums considers safe or something?

I just like the layout better than most other hentai sites. Plus it's harder to get into, which keeps some of the dipshits out.

To be honest, she probably does, considering all the horrible viruses that spring up there.

Sometimes when they expung certin mangas i got to
Just to see if they got it there. It got the releases and some of the one's that fakku has copyrights to.

thwy saw the picture where user drawed the face of pepe on the tornado. therefore that makes the tornado white supremacist

come on user that common knowledge

Ah, I see.

The thing is my computer became severely damaged years ago and that was before I even learned how to access it that way.

What about mobile?

Lots of alternate places have shut down
hentai.cafe/ uploads fakku shit every month or so

I usually check sukebei.nyaa.se first, because you can get some of them in really high resolution.

Works fine on mobile. That's the whole reason I favourite stuff there. I have everything I've posted downloaded and backed up, but through favourites I can grab a couple pages on my phone for a quick fap.

Gonna sound like a shill, but Tsumino seems to really be getting better from its humble origins as a spiritual successor to Pururin.

No, this is so fucking stupid I can't even make jokes about it, these blm retards have to die

Show retards on Shitter mocking this.

give me the link to this pic pls

I mean retards on Shitter getting mocked over this.

Oh, it's the artist who did the Wicked Woman series (thanks for nothing, Fakku). He also did this Holla Forums-related short starring a Tomoko/Vivian gamer girl in the most sickening fetish you'd ever encounter sweet vanilla, so fair warning to those seeking it it's my favorite.

I'm really fucking awful with jap name's and translation groups so it's sad panda for me. It make's easy to keep track and search by tags. Also I broke past the 1,000 favorite limit so I'm kind of attached to it now.
Also use baka.bt and hit random till I get something good H wise.


Check filename.

Say, I just remembered something. This bullshit with Nyberg's bot isn't new. Way back at the beginning, I distinctly remember some journo wrote an article about how some chat bot was keeping "harassers" busy and away from po' lil' victims. Damned if I remember any names tho.

I wish "save with original filename" worked on Holla Forums so I didn't have to type all that shit out.

It used to do that when I clicked on the file name. Now it just opens it in a new tab. Wasn't codemonkey working on a fix for that?


user i dont know where have you been but that has been the reality for the last 2 years

Violence when?


I was just thinking about something. Was anyone else seriously contemplating suicide around the time GG was just starting up? I was pretty close to hanging myself. I wonder how many anons this shitpost theme park saved from death

Wasn't suicidal at all, pretty content actually, so you can imagine how much more fun I have been having these last few years. Even new pepe oc makes me happy. I have no complaints at all. Nothing but laughs.

I wasn't when it started. But I am now. GG has honestly been detrimental to me.

How does that make Jensen a journalist?

That was frankly very interesting ! The second video was a bit lame in parts because it felt like he was forcing the "I'm TOTALLY part of the anti-feminist crowd, guize ! Look ! I hate it too ! Hahaaa !", but the first vid was extremely thorough and on-point, and it taught me many, many things.
Also Anita getting paid 200k to make 5 fucking minutes long videos with animation that takes a few hours to make in after effect is just goddamn insulting at this point

Oops, forgot to take the flag out, my bad. Wasn't jesting.

Val, have you been told today?

Those trips are telling enough user.

Better plump.

how are you doing soc jus anons? Still pretending to be anons?

I am pretending very well. I don't have either a twitter or plebbit account.

real talk, how did everything went so far since SRS? I mean, you goons/fems/whatever have no end goal!? I wonder, if it is to shit things up you are clearly going in the wrong direction.

Note that I said "pretending". Not an actual goon. Sorry user.

I have a question for you. Have you contacted Square Enix about Sarah Nyberg's theft of their IP?



Voting machines are compromised.

yeah. she could get a bath

You are blessed. May all your shits be smooth, with zero splashback.

This does not scream "Unpaid Intern" at all.

I wonder if he will seek payment now that things are run by Univision?


Surely Univision will not interfere with the true and time-tested company culture of Gawk.., er, I mean, Gizmodo.

They will if they feel their ad revenue drop. :^)

Good evening, anons.

Hwoahh, hwoahh!


Well call me a faggot. I heard they did a fundraiser or something similar to create a feature-length movie of the setting, but I never really expected that anything would come from it.



They'd done a Kickstarter for a second OVA, but it was so successful they put the extra money into making an actual tv show, which is what the trailer is for.


Calm down, my child.

Don't you want to send another soul to god?


They have to get judged somehow.

posting in dead thread
Mafia 3 looks good

that's the fat lesbian that's going after Nikki again

Oh fucking really, Polygon


Imagine the reaction if "Boy" was replaced with "Girl".

Of course. Who's that simone though ?




The nerve of these people.



This Candid stuff gets sadder by the day

Who even cares about wokeculus grift anymore?
It tells facebook how you're cheating on your waifu so shitlords don't care.
And Palmer & Carmack aren't inclusive enough for the rainbow hair brigade to care.


Is there a name for fictional universes that don't progress over time? Like the elder scrolls universe, or lord of the rings, or Zelda? Universes that are technologically and socially stagnant?

fixed it UUUU

Warhammer 40k

She does have a point though. Retards like mundane matt and TJ are much more deserving of being called out for it. Skeptic and her did shill for it, but they disclosed the deal and taken part of the blame.
Still, that's probably gonna be a lesson to all of them that, next time, they should look into the stuff they promote more thoroughly (although most of the shit that was uncovered was deep down hidden in TOS and other crap like that, so, that's easy to say honestly).
Nonetheless, I don't blame any of them for being ignorant of what the app involved, as long as they admit they were had.

She got progressively more defensive when people started to find out stuff and then started calling people conspiracy theorists. If she actually didn't know about it then it's a breach of contract since Candid didn't warned her about these points. Yesterday Shoe made a softball interview with the CEO. How much more stuff does it needs to show up so she's finally aware of all these shitty thing?

Women can't admit they are wrong or when they make mistakes.

I get it that Val and plenty other people on Twitter and leddit likes her and that they really want to believe she wouldn't do shady shit like this but then again HO's first video was a week ago and stuff got uncovered progressively. Everyone who shilled the app is on massive damage control mode instead of admitting they got tricked by Bindu and calling her out for breach of contract (at least the ones saying they didn't know about the shady crap). Nobody did though, they are still defending it and attacking any critic


Of fucking course.


>Who is Final Fantasy 15's hottest girl?

>Even if you know nothing about Final Fantasy 15, you know this: It stars a set of very, very hot girls. But Noctis, Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto are all of varying degrees of hotness — and deciding which of these sweet girls would be your dream date is a tough but crucial choice to make. Below, we share our ogling expertise with you as we rank the four women of FF15 from "get in my bed, please" to "oh good Lord, get away from me."

You would have counter hitpieces calling the article sexist. You would even get cries of it being creepy.

I've sort of been suicidal for years, only reason I don't actually kill myself is because I know it would really fuck up my family emotionally.

The interview was made before stuff got uncovered. She actually told after putting it online that she would've asked many more questions.

It's not about liking her. I'm just not blaming her for stuff she wasn't aware of. She fucked up and she needs to face the fact she did, but I'm not gonna start shrieking at her or skeptic for not having cared enough to check. Again, matt or TJ are huge dismissive assholes on this topic and actually deserve a lot more shit.

Now that's some very, very nice art there.

Een beetje kanker op deze zaterdagmiddag.

*that she would've asked many more questions if she'd heard about what got uncovered yesterday

translate to English you faggot

everybody who shilled it is getting shit, but maybe if she wasn't so defensive and mocked people when they pointed out stuff to her she would be getting less flack

University of Amsterdam diversity committee wants to introduce 'genealogy of knowledge' as a class so people can reflect on race, gender, sexuality, etc. Even the folks who have chosen a beta study.

Because somehow the colour of your skin is important when doing math.

Bearing (who?) doing a live stream with Bindi with an open chat… hmmm let's see how this unrolls


Sounds like something about students, "assen" vs identity (race, genders, sexuality, religion).
No idea what the language even is.

I suppose. I mean, she's a normaldyke. I suppose I'm not expecting too much from her. I'd still plow her hardcore

starting in 2 min

I've been reading Prequel Adventure. This gave me a chuckle.

I've been away for a month, what did i miss?


LOL Bindu gave out the real name of Bearing

Bindu nuffin

AHAHAHAHA, seriously?


ahahahahaha fucking nigger


that's cute


If either >>>/vivian/6 or >>>/vivian/1567 get a costume related update, I hope this is an alt. costume for Gilda.

So Harmful cancelled it before because of the added conditions Bindu tried to impart (like wanting to moderate or hide chat), so he called it off. Obviously, Harmful doesn't really need to do this stream, and this whole drama at this point seems to be for his own amusement more then anything. What I don't get is Bindu. In her position, after all the slapfights on Twitter, her digging a deeper and deeper hole for herself and her platform, and the act she has a microscope on her now, I'm surprised she still agreed to do this. Is this just massive damage control? She has nothing to gain at this point. Maybe they're scared? After all they seem intent to argue with Harmful, hell even Mundane Shill and Skeptic made counter videos to try to brush off allegations.

I just find it weird, at this point I would write it off as bait and no longer engage if I were in her position.

We president now.

I'm a retard, it's a Bearing stream, but everything else still stands, I don't see why she thinks this will work out for her, she continuously digs her hole deeper

Now we need something like this, with Vivian taking care of Mini-Gilda Musume

That webcomic's one of the best
still will never reach the purity and perfection levels of It hurts!

This is fucking intolerable. I want metaphorical heads to roll.

Harmful is going nuclear on twitter right now
Apparently the candid ceo's contract implied that anyone promoting her stuff wasn't allowed to say shit about it for two years

He keeps BLASTING that poor woman?

So long after the site is dead and their viewers left them? Did she really think this would have been a good idea?

she does not seem to be too bright when it comes to pr and that is pretty impressive when we live in a world with bioware's idea of pr.

I want exactly the inverse of this shit used to slam those retarded hypocrites.

but thats the thing. You could take a hour or two looking at various recent pr failures and realize that such contracts make you look more suspicious to the general audience. The fact that anything trying to stop the flow of information ends up in worse state should have clued her in.

I can't even get mad anymore, It's a given that they are corrupt as fuck at this point.

Nothing can be done about it either.

Liana Kerzner is best #GamerGate neutral guys! Don't harass her! Don't disagree with her! -Signed, Twitter and Kotaku in Action

We all know she is retarded though. Even panda made fun of her.

Where is panda? He has not stolen any memes recently.

I must give props to candid for taking on many of the "skeptic community" and making them their bitch


They are going all out

Is that so?

Nobody cares about her, user. What she says also has nothing to do with gamergate.

Everyone knows she is retarded. Only revoltards still obsess with whatever she has to say

We already have some vivian Ika Musume art.

They must have gotten a shitload of money if they agreed to a contract as restrictive as that. Ah, who am I kidding, YouTube is notoriously bad when it comes to contracts, I wouldn't be surprised if Candid pulled a Machinima and is retroactively making it more and more restrictive long after the contract's been signed.



Harmful Opinions is God

Please tell me Smart of all people isn't buying ShillCitzen ships

Lowtax, you seem to be forgetting the fact that Hiroshima not only takes your money, but also sells your personal information from the transaction to shady organizations. Not to mention that SA's fee isn't annual, nor costs 20 bucks.

he's being sarcastic

it gave him a mild butthurt



Why would CTR try to get Mark's profile? If it was the owner of Holla Forums I'd understand, but Mark shouldn't really be on their list, regardless of the board overlap.

She's right, let's make them "gender neutral" so anyone can use them, I'm sure it won't cause any issues.


No idea if it is CTR. All we know is that at least someone from Alaska tried to break in.


it's probably the regular freech/endchan fag instead of CTR

Its cause they smell blood, they know Hillary has no chance unless she steals the election so they're gonna shove this down our throats for all its worth.

Oh please, they don't honestly expect to take the presidency by replacing their candidate this late in the race. All they're doing is proving that they're Shillary's lapdogs, at this point.

That's all politics is, saving face and pandering.

Are you Christmas Junior or some shit on twitter? If you are I salute your relentless autism. You keep tweeting even though nobody gives a shit.





ayy lmao

Original tweet: twitter.com/arguetron/status/784450737044590592
Archive: archive.is/iE9ln
Is it me, or did Mojomancer's tweet not show up when linked the top tweet?

Nevermind, I'm slow in the minds.
Turns out the bot made the same post twice.


My god. When did the dark souls e-celeb community become massive SJW fags? Almost all of them are circlejerking hipster indie devs and trying to stroke of kotaku and other faggot journalists to get their videos shown. They are also now talking about how bad GG is and how they are ahsamed of supporting evil git gud culture in dark souls. The only one who even seems to have kept a spine is only afro who ended up making a ton of them mad and he lost friends since he made fun of SJWs.



link to anything in particular?
I seem to remember most of them are parasites of people who do actually investigation into the game or too deep for you faggots

Someone should give the second one the same treatment

After the localizations for DQ games these past two gens, I don't want DQ to ever leave japan again

He's not wrong.

Dragon Quest X is so fucked, isn't it? God damn it.


Veselokov is a big one who used to shit on hipster and Phil Fish. He now strokes them off. Iron Pineapple is another one who keeps trying to get kotaku to publish his videos and shits on those who are anti-SJW.

I really hope we don't get DQX here. Square Enix is so retarded that even when a mjority of fans and people can't stand the accents and censorship and won't buy the game, they still talk about how it needs to be done to get interest in the game. Then they act surprised and mention how there are not enough fans here and how the accents were the only thing that got them those small sales.

Arguetron confirmed for AI version of Nyburger.

Nintendo does the localization job for the DS/3DS DQ games because SE knows it won't sell as well as Final Fantasy in the West.
DQX is on Nintendo consoles too so it'll apply there too.


Dragon Quest Heroes wasn't touched by Nintendo and it turned out to be just as trash as the Nintendo localizations. Square Enix has just as much part in shitting the games up as Nintendo did.

Even after this faggot got rid of all the gay cards, the cards about minorities, the cards about women, and all the sexual cards; these faggots still have a problem with it.

In a game about offending people, why does Max all of a sudden talk about why it is bad to offend people.

Don't know how the article carries on, but that bit that's there is true, though. SJWs love CAH because it's the socially acceptable way to transgress, in a controlled manner. Say "I fucking hate niggers" in talking with friends, oh no. Play the card "niggers" to the card "I fucking hate __" and everyone laughs at how daring it is.

Because he's a hipster femboi faggot who acts righteous when he wants to be bullied.

Nope, DQH had the brit accents but the characterization was on point.

Are you retarded? All of the characters were changed and some of the costumes were censored. The blacksmith became a literal retard.

Video talking about YT censorship


Fuck off Square Enix

where is she?


Be sure to obey goyim

Make me bitch.

source? sadpanda doesn't give me anything

whoops, already answered, never mind


OPEASYONEHOURSALVO, Number 2 in the OP, number one in our hearts, has been updated with the latest Kotamu and Daily Beast advertisers email addresses for easy emailing.

Please change the last updated part to : (Last updated October 8th, 2016)

Easy fast emails.

I haven't given Blizzard money since falling for Draenor hype, and every so often, they remind me why.


lol at another of his tweets


Is he making fun of De Niro for his asshurt about Trump?

It appears even Ghazi believes Mafia

And promptly blames it on sabotage.

seems so

It's the SJW touch. Obsess over politics instead of actually how to make a game, the game ends up shit, blame the consumers for not wanting to buy a broken game that's filled with the real life politics gamers are trying to get away from.

Ghazi is close, they see that SJWs can't make good games because they've spent so much time thinking emotionally instead of logically. But they can't put the two together yet. Someone with a fake account should just run in there and call them a tinfoil conspiracy theorist though, since that's their favorite dismissal.

I can't even tell if he's joking or not


Wanna know the funny thing about Mafia 3?

Its basically Assassins Creed, tap phones, get districts, that's it.


he is right, chans was for people to say what they want while all other sites was under pc rule. now even normalfags are seeing the pc rule and don't like it all while the PC people want to shut down chans. internet will be a shitshow in a couple of years

It's actually pretty strange that just a few thousand people is enough for a site to be under the "we need to ruin them" radar. Of course, it probably doesn't help that assholes like Redwood got asshurt that they couldn't power trip over said few thousand and made Personal Army requests out the ass.

What does a mint company have to do with Politics? I also don't understand why so many of these faggots are so asshurt when everyone, men and women, say this shit all the time.


I don't understand.

What the fuck is wrong with people

trump said he used tic tacs before kissing ladys.

He didn't deserve the bullshit he had to go through.

once organized you then have a consumer action group, or a sjw outrage mafia, or a dedicated spammer group etc…

Organization is the enemy which is why race and gender and infighting with one another is key to keeping it from being class vs class.

Is there a place which kept track of all the cards they self-censored?


Do we have a list of sites which fucked him over? Patreon, Gratipay, who else? I think there were at least two others.

No, he didn't. The fact that they actively conspired to ruin the livelihood of someone like Hotwheels really should have spoken volumes about how sociopathic the Hipster Clique was back then. At least now we know better.

Yeah, true.

That is one of the most retarded reasons why to get mad at him. Every mint company uses ads where people use mints before kissing. How is that somehow some controversial thing? Even tic tac had commercials like that.

This is as retarded as that Ben and Jerry's ice cream company talking about how BLM is great, gay republicans are the most evil people, and muslim jihad is actually ok and justified. A fucking ice cream company talked about why terrorism is good.

don't forget the IRC drama and the fags that tried fucking Holla Forums over

Because its Trump.

Literally the only reason, like I guarantee you most people don't give a shit what he said, we all say things in private, I mean I'm a nurse and the shit I've said online? Or in private about some patients? Holy shit my ass would be blacklisted.

The media is just desperate, Trump just keeps growing even though the media keeps going with their campaign of FUCK WHITEY, MUR SOGGY KNEES

"I have a Deus Ex tramp stamp and I kinda regret now" -Alex Lifschitz

Director of WoW calls someone a bitch, says sorry but it's not enough to LW and her army of victim professionals


professional victims*


Dude did us a solid back in the day. He was the one the media targetted most of all, being the man behind fullchan. Remeber him on HuffPo?

We could have ended up spread out across all different chans, instead I got to end up with you unbearable faggots, cozy as a motherfucker.

One day, although it's unlikely to happen, I'd like to buy the man a beer.


I can't help but to feel we are partially responsible for this.


Shh. Just close your eyes, baby.

victimes professionnelles sans frontières

same, I hoped he learned a bit about himself thru out the whole ordeal– it was sort of sad to watch him try to fit in with those that were obviously there to fuck him over, being disabled puts you in a very vulnerable position and you will seek any help you can get even if it comes from shady sources, you will often look past that in hopes of relief. He did give a home to something that went way beyond what it every set out to do, and he got picked up and thrown about like caught in a whirlwind.
He did quite well considering the circumstances.

I wish I could believe that, user, I truly do.

So they want a woman to suffer being the recipient of bad breath?
What a bunch of misogynists

I see C418 is still trying to suck up to Chelsea.

Another thirsty omega?


exactly like the CAH guy

The guy who wrote the music for Minecraft. Apparently, Maya Felix Kramer is his PR person.


they are all out to fuck him over


Can anyone provide link to the start of the fire?

This shit will never stop pissing me off, diversity and inclusion is not forcing men out of industries nor is it neon fucking colored hair

Poor bastard. Now that he's in their sights, nothing but complete capitulation will suffice.

I would say that I'm sorry but Holla Forums is needed. Hotwheels' sacrifice won't be for nothing.

Alright, i'm done, and of course they are calling for his fucking job right off the bat, these people fucking disgust me

Every single day, they find some opportunity to prove that they totally are not a rabid mob who wants to gatekeep who does what in a variety of hobbyist industries.

Also, I would make a backup bread, but I'm busy with real life for now. Hopefully I'll backup bake next time.

I think xe means the Trump thing.

I'm sorry, I just had to reply to that hideous creature with as many bitches as I could fit into twitter's timeline.

Trump easily manages to have 1k+ people attending his rallies while Hillary struggles to get past 300.


video games were a mistake

You know what would be Karmic justice? Get everyone to silently follow this other person. Next time they call someone a name, have 1 or 2 silent followers break silence and ask them to resign. After one response (no matter what response is given) reply with the kill shot "Not enough. Resign. Immediately." (and expect to be blocked.)

Repeat ad nausem for however many years it takes to burn through all the anons.


what's the story anyway?

I am so fucking tired of these gateekeeping fucks.


Woman accuses the director of WoW of calling her a bitch, she pulls the "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" song and dance routine, and then CON and the Hipster Clique totally prove that they are not a harassment organization… By trying to harass him off of Twitter and attempting to push him out of his job.

Sanders attracted tens of thousands.

But user, virtue-signalling doesn't exist, it's a neo-Nazi dogwhistle. Like Pepe. :^)

what the fuck?

(Holy shit, that's what you want the cartoon version of yourself to look like?)

It was the WoW guy who (supposedly) pulled the do-you-know-who-I-am thing.


I don't know what happened but he called her a bitch. He said sorry but now the whole clique is after his blood

Somethings gotta give, for fucking once.

They can't keep doing this shit forever, but they will. they fucking will

You know what guys? Fuck it, fuck it all, This fucking day proves to me life isn't worth living, later today, I'm going to tie a fucking noose and leave this world like I'm leaving this fucking thread.

His account is mostly dead anyway, 344 total tweets, nothing since early August, let them vent into thin air.

Yeah, I couldn't get that from Twitter. The fact that people Listen and Believe in 140 characters or less is just fucking unbearable.

Or the opposite if he is smart. Tell them to "fuck off! Get a life, parasites" Trigger them into silence would be a valid tactic.
>Trollsaysnigger.jpg I couldn't find the actual pic.

even if bitch is a gender neutral insult?

>targeting someone who isn't a social media addict on social media platforms
Typical slacktivism.

So does Trump, your point?

I've got the gif, at least.

You do that, they win.

Tie a noose, just use it for someone else.

user no, that's super gay. Do you want to give those faggots the satisfaction? Eventually hipsters will leave vidya, like the culture vultures they are, and even if they wouldn't, then the individuals will fall, one by one, and we get front seats to watch. Simply by keeping on, we win.

Larger crowds didn't help him in the end. They're not representative of the voting populace.


They aren't going for his account, they are tagging blizz because they know damn well they'll cave even if he did nothing

They keep doing it, amking others lives miserable for themselves, to make themselves feel better, yet they are not satisfied, they are never satisfied, they already lost, but they make sure to make everyone as miserable as them, and it's working, and this isn't a life worth living in.

Amking typing errors is one of the signs of burnout.
My suggestion is to play some good vidya for the next week.

I'm hoping Blizz isn't going to be as retarded as to pander to those people, especially after the shitshow that was that obvious publicity stunt regarding Tracer's "over-the-shoulder" pose in Overwatch. I mean, come on, calling someone a bitch is pretty tame. Especially when she proved that she actually does have an incredibly bitchy attitude to get the CON "anti-"harassment brigade mobilized.


the cuck2

I want to play amnesia, but I get too scared playing something like that.

I want to play Xcom, but i feel burnt out trying to learn the mechanics.

I get bored playing simple shooters and platformers.

I think I'm starting to lose interest in gamess.

play rpgs

I also find it… odd how literally the entirety of the clique and their cocksuckers is swarming the dude within fucking minutes, i get that these people live on twatter, but, really, great job showing you're not all fucking colluding

They've got like fifteen different chatrooms dedicated to spiting people they hate on the internet at any given time, and the funding to actually actively gatekeep without having to do any actual work, from god only knows where, possibly EA if Methwhale's comments in the CON Skype/IRC/Trello leaks are any indication. Meanwhile, I can't even find a temporary seasonal position for work. Fuck these trust fund hipsters in the asshole, saying they're "oppressed."

Facing and your fears is something many people attempt but few people accomplish. Give it a try with the lights on.

Their identity is permanently attached to their social media accounts. Destroy that identity, destroy the person.

That might be the evil hatman personality talking

here's your answer, GDC

Of fucking course.


>San Francisco
Every fucking time.

Why do you goobergays harass women for free when you can be an SJW and harass men for money? :^)

because I am white straight male. ;_;

every corporation should identify and have a plan of action for dealing with the outrage industry, apologizing publicly is letting them in the door– it you need to apologize to someone who was offended, do it privately and only when it warrants it.

Come on its 2016, Loser.

Well, user, you said you were leaving the thread, you didn't, and I'm glad about that. Just the same way you shouldn't make friends with that noose. Way I figures it, maybe you were looking for a scrap of hope. Well friend you're surrounded by it. Yeah those hipster fucks will try to make life hell for anyone who deviates from their meaningless rules. And the big companies have to smile and not and pretend to go along with it, that's just how PR is played in a multi-billion dollar industry. But Holla Forums, you see, liked gaming before that and will like it after this time has passed, even if we bitch about the state of them now, we'll always be here no matter what they try.

See those fucks will soon move on to the next thing that becomes "popular", demand it follows their rules. When that happens, the people who love that will look around, see what we did here - we defied them, we will outlast them, turn them away - and they will know what to do.

That's why I carry on, so when they try to do to someone else what they've tried, and failed, to do to us, we can help lift them up.

Yea, truth be tolf


how does Grummz feel about this

Well if you found one, turns out I'll consider today a good day.

Is he going bald or did he shave only part of his head.

This physically hurt to watch, this is too beta for me.

That balding pattern actually looks consistent with what dermatologists said would happen to those people who wear those stupid fucking "man-buns."


He is going bald but trying to deny it with a horrible attempt at a comb-over


Seriously, every single time Pitchford opens his fat fucking mouth to join the outrage crew, people almost immediately find evidence that he's just as, if not more guilty of the guy he's trying to shame.

Then why are you still calling for his job?

worse its a tranny that's going bald. If you didn't notice the the short selves are common for women's t shirts and male breasts are common for people who are on HRT

Not really, but I'm looking.

Maybe I need to take a break from the chans or something.

Well, this one is getting buttfucked by nature. As they get older this will happen to every one of them.

Look at Cross, can't even hide the five o'clock shadow.

There is no capitulation with these people. Only destruction.

About a year ago, I used my RL account offering HW to give the royal treatment to the Holla Forums "staff" during a local festival, all they need to do is buy fare (Philippines lol) to island hop over from that shithole called Manila, and me and some associates will handle the rest.

Of course, I made the mistake of contacting null as go-between. This was before the whole Infinity fiasco happened, so you can guess things went sour at the time.

HW, if you happen to see this… offer's still good, man. Come to Sinulog next year! We'll dress you up as the Santo Niño and everything! Yes, Jim and "codemonkey" can come too. Josh and his cronies can fuck off.

No, Mark, you're not invited.

Can we pay some escorts to show up at his house and suck his dick or something?


HW gave us a place to stay when we were homeless.

We will give him the world.

Sounds like your options are too easy or too much busywork. Find a game that is challenging and requires higher mental investment to succeed.


Getting real tired of this shit


She sounds like a total bitch.

**Couldn't make it as either a man or woman. Meeting people more famous than it is its only joy in life now..

Fuck. Forgot the spoiler at the end.

Fact that you're looking means you think it can be found. Sometimes that's what it is.

In my experience :^) overnight house calls can go between 12k-30k in /pinoy/ currency, so around 300 USD–assuming the whore will actually stick around and won't make excuses to leave after one suck. Time to set up a kickstarter/indiegogo?

But, user, that was the Before Times.

Is there a site or something to make sure she's decent looking and clean? Also does anyone know his address?


