So far, it's been confirmed that the following accounts had their "verified" badge removed by Twitter. (Yes, I know many of us don't care for one or more of these people, but still, it's worth knowing about.)

Richard Spencer (@richardbspencer)
Wife With A Purpose (@apurposefulwife)
Tommy Robinson (@trobinsonnewera)
Laura Loomer (@lauraloomer)

I assume there are quite a few others at this point.

Also, Baked Alaska was suspended today. (I suspect it will be a permanent suspension (i.e., ban), but I can't confirm that.)

Other urls found in this thread:*




I don't have a single problem with any of this.

sorry maybe TRS will care

who gives a shit. alwaleed got fucked, twitter won't be around by the end of 2018.

not good
if they decide to do so for known conservatives, even if they're cucked, and get no backlash, twatter will know they can do it massively to anons and there will never be a protest

we should fuck their shit up fam

This is a major hit to the cause.

hopefully a billionaire gets angry at another billionaire or intel agency gets angry at another intel agency and some actual shit happens instead of cave in after cave in and back down after back down

Even the Marxist sack of shit behind XKCD can’t rationalize this.

A verified account means you need to be compliant with their personal politics.
Its a good goy badge. Nazis don't get a good goy badge.
Only people with good goy badges truly matter.
Act this way and speak this way to actually matter, goy!

I had my account banned for reporting people who openly supported white genocide, so I wear that pretty proudly.


This reminds me of the Chinese national social network.
Everyone needs to keep up an online presence by law.
The profile is ranked by the government by what you post and who you're friends with.
Your life is directly affected by how "good of a citizen" you are.
Bad citizens will always be forced to the back of the bread line.
How long until this happens in America?

Honestly they deserve it, I mean the only reason implict dicky got relevent in the first place was the media

Does twitter even have an official criteria for verified accounts anymore? It used to just be for public figures that way users would know if an account is real or fake. I don't understand why wrong think would warrant a change in that policy

Anybody meme a blue swastika yet?

I've seen nobody bloggers with checkmarks. Like this user said it's just a good goy badge.

Remove check marks, not the accounts. Anyone who wasn't controlled would have had them removed months ago.

Why do you always assume that "controlled" individuals have traits that make it easy for faggots on japanese fly fishing forums to spot?

Wouldn't it be easy to create a shitstorm based on their own de-verification rules?

Political affiliation is missing in the Promote hate against section.

Rules for radicals no 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

Anyone got the cap of cucked alaska cucking after charlottesville saying he didnt know they were real nazis and he doesnt want to be associated with ebil anti-Jewish racists anymore?

Soon, it's one of the few ways to get around the constitutional prohibition on bills of attainder.

Fuck em', Richard Spencer is controlled opposition and the rest are not worth shit.

There's the Fallen State interview where he brought a jewish friend with him.

they also banned roger stone for life

Lol he called Don Lemon a cocksucker. Apparently the truth is against the rules.

the objective shouldn't be to abstain from defending cucks, it should be to kick the twitter kike owners in the dick for being totalitarian globalist assholes who want to impose their restricted narrative on a captive population
I agree that in this case the victims are not worth our help, it's just that their enemy is more deserving of our wrath than them

>muh Twitter

kek pretty funny

Not a Spencer fan, but God did he ever destroy TheGuardian's pet nigger in this attached exchange. I'm surprised they're even promoting this, even in its heavily edited form.

Lol hes picking up Holla Forums arguments now, defending apartheid Africa. Next thing you know hes going to be talking about how BLM is demanding white peoples homes and Zimbabwe is our future.

kill yourself slowly

didn't leftypol get caught recently sucking cock?

leftypol sucking cock? seems to check out

Perhaps in 5 years he'll lift the veil on poorly sealed "gas chamber" and using delousing agents to kill 6 gorllian people. Also: check out that skull structure, good lord.

Yes, their tranny BO did.

thats bad actually, I use checkmarks to identify good goy status.

He’s straight up AGITPROP.

That's the point of my post, though. Do you not understand what ">muh" means?

Ahh, he was so close, he ALMOST got it right.

Will create white paper concerning verified Twitter accounts that target whites, males, Christians, Pagans, and European culture with hate speech. Will discussing tracking reports to Twitter and the Twitter user's employer. Will discuss building civil rights cases against Twitter and user, and the user's employer drawing arguments from the Fair Housing Act.

Richard Spencer and Wife With A Purpose are positives face for the American Nationalist movement despite their shortcomings. Laura Loomer and Tommy Robinson are Zionist Jews and them being included by Twitter is superficial cosmetics just as the ADL listed a few Jews/sayamin in their most recent list.

Probably a good idea to keep your nigger IQ thoughts to yourself.

Disgraceful meming.

Keep it up twatter please. Push the pendulum further. Shits about to swing back soon, and the more you push now the more intense the reaction will be.

Do they realize this or just don’t care? I’ve read some ancient Chinese philosophy and one thing that always stuck with me was how they saw the unending change in the universe as a sort of wave. As in “things go to their extremes before going back to the opposite.” So again twatter please keep making the inevitable worse for yourselves.

You took the time to fix his mouth and didnt remove the satanic symbol on the front guy?

That was just a test to see if you were paying attention. I see you were ha ha good show

For some reason "truffle pig" comes to mind.

I learned my lesson the first time

at first they came for the fuckn shills and I did nohing


its the baphomet symbol you dumby

but i guess its fair to remove it because /baph/ hasnt done shit lately

also moloch and satan are not the same, moloch is one of the 7 arch-generals of hell, satan is supreme king of hell

Twitter is a dying platform. Their main draw was years ago with being able to directly contact your favorite celebrity.
Most people worth caring about have abandoned it. Normies have fled because of the Trump outrage constantly. And there's no point in using it other than lurking accounts you like.

I run social media for a business.
Under one year on Instagram, 100k followers.
Four years on Twitter, stuck at 70k.

Twitter may as well be painting targets on most verified accounts in the event of a civil war scenario as people will notice the (((pattern))) easily enough. I don't think Twitter thought this through too well. Politicizing such a system may as well be slapping yellow star of davids on such accounts.

wtf? I love Spencer now!

Exactly. We should report anyone who "promotes hate" or threatens Trump using the moniker "Drumpf" as this is a direct reference to his family's German origin.

fucking mundanes get off my board

I'm so glad the VA for superdeepthroat.swf has finally been identified

What could possible go wrong if we leave every single public platform to the enemy?
I'm sure they wouldn't abuse this for their propaganda and brain washing.

You keep saying this time after time yet there it is. The left is nearly invisible and social media is forever, unfortunately.

Verified ticks are our current year yellow badge

your forgetting the rules are selectively enforced and completely irrelevant they'll do whatever they want which means banning wrongthink, until enough of the goyim leave this sinking ship.

my first thought was "damn loomer is going to be buttmad she likes to larp as a bigshot journalist".

she's buttmad. i just stopped adding to this image, it's big enough

Underrated. Rolling to support.

u dun it nao arry porrer

Kek approves. Be funny if someone makes a add-on that converts the blue tick to a yellow badge.

Browser add-on to change checkmark to yellow star when?

Shieeet didn't c u

First post, worst post. Every time.

The fact they got their Jude badges revoked means they're legit.

Spencer is such an insufferable faggot

Not at all, it heightens my suspicion of them.


it must be done

just looked at it out of curiosity, it's not a simple jpg or something that can be changed, it's javascript and it's unreadable proprietary obfuscript that inserts the checkmark


Dunno about the original insertion but I was able to replace it manually from the html so you could maybe automate that?

post the html you changed, i couldn't find it for some reason. it looked like it was inserted with javascript, drawn over a span.

i'm alright with javascript/userscripts but I don't do it heavily because fuck pajeetscript.

Well yeah that's what I meant. I'm illiterate, is there any reason why you can't just pinch a different element to put in there?
Original was: Verified account
And I replaced it with:  
From a different badge.

Also works with other twitter hosted images substituted for the image source.

my nigger. I've just about got this working. I just need to override some bullshit security setting they have in the html that prevents loading from outside sources

Something like this, but for all checks.

Update: found a copy of the correct star.

i've almost got this, i had to encode the image as base64 and then stick it in that way to, not going to get around that content security policy bullshit. now the problem is the checkmark is drawing on top, i'm sure i can fix it.

what's the source of that image so I can base64 it? my image is shit.

Haven't right wingers moved to
It's hosted on twitter, that's how I got it to work for that image.

Yes, which is a Zionist controlled opposition tool. Remember that "gabbai" is a Hebrew word. The clue is in the name.

Doesn't seem like it, they sure as hell abuse less users but I guess it's possible to be a honeypot.

I will forever be an unapoligetic GNU Social shill. Avoid Mastadon and join the GNU/Smug AXIS!

copypaste this into tampermonkey or greasemonkey or whatever. I tested it in tampermonkey and it works

in case code box doesn't work it's here too

// ==UserScript==// @name twitter juden verified// @namespace// @version 0.1// @description// @author // @icon// @include https'':''//*// ==/UserScript==verified_elems= document.getElementsByClassName("Icon Icon--verified");var parentArray=[];for (i=0; i

ya use the ghostbin. code boxes fuck up the include line

// @include*
should be
// @include*
or just copypaste it yourself into that fucked up code box

A "gabbai" is a Jewish treasurer. The founder is named "Andrew Torba." The etymology of "torba" is basically "moneybag" or "coin purse." He made the site to attract a lot of money from investors, and run away with the cash. It's a huge scam.

this shit is all fucked up, it won't even let me post the fucked up line. you can clearly see the difference between
the code box and
// @include*

// @include*
is the correct version

We need to meme this.

this version doesn't work if you scroll down or click through to see a tweet. new version below does. it monitors the page for javascript changes and fixes as it goes.
remember to change the include line to
// @include*
or copy paste from ghostbin
// ==UserScript==// @name twitter juden verified// @namespace// @version 0.2// @description// @author // @icon// @include https'':''//*// ==/UserScript==var observeDOM = (function(){ var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver, eventListenerSupported = window.addEventListener; return function(obj, callback){ if( MutationObserver ){ // define a new observer var obs = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer){ if( mutations[0].addedNodes.length || mutations[0].removedNodes.length ) callback(); }); // have the observer observe foo for changes in children obs.observe( obj, { childList:true, subtree:true }); } else if( eventListenerSupported ){ obj.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', callback, false); obj.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', callback, false); } };})();function fix_verify() { verified_elems= document.getElementsByClassName("Icon Icon--verified"); var parentArray=[]; for (i=0; i

scroll working example

Nice, even works from their shitty landing page.

First of all, you are suggesting defending controlled opposition which legitimizes them and their alt-fag movement from our perspective. Second of all, you have no strategy. You are some idea guy expecting someone to do your work. What do you want done about it? How do you want it done? Do you have billionaire backing for a huge server, server's physical and digital protection staff and guarantee your alternative won't get pulled by DNS or seized by intelligence agencies? Because if not, there is nothing that can be done about this.

If there's one thing this site has taught me it is that censorship of any kind is the enemy of a free mind. Without being able to see and discern for your ourself you are being denied your freedom. A well informed public is a truly free public.

It's broken. Every single thing has the star on the front page, including Twitch, PewDiePie, and Halo

Did you guys break twitter?kek

You should also have seen the consequence of absolute free speech, which is retards shouting everyone else down. Do you really want those fags back here spamming ~20 shitpost threads an hour?

Dunno if this is useful, but I saw it in my mind

I heard a bunch of fags talking about, but it's ran by the guy who first ran /baph/ way back in the day.

Action starts with an idea, user

The rules are arbitrarily enforced, that's the whole point of zogbot "Code of Conduct" rules. It allows them denigrate wrongthink while having plausible deniability as to their motives. At least to normies.

So now they cannot officially attribute any comment to a particular person.
What were they hoping to accomplish? They no longer have a kosher stamp.

Why is that a negative?

I'm surprised they didn't do it before.

Nothing at all.
t. dude that raw-dogged /baph/ daily

Fuck twitter, fuck Kike-ard Spencerstein, and fuck all these TRSodomites

I want to refer you to
But those fucking digits.

pic unrelated

Always great to see how the left and the globalist establishment are killing themselves each day by censoring any criticism to their opinions and trying to force more and more ridiculous limitations on people's speech.

If left to their own way, these "people" would just be genderless mestizo blobs out-competing each other in who "ticks all of the boxes" in dick-sucking gender-neutral speech that is (((corporate-approved))) and engaged in the (globalist pushed) "cultural narrative", paying the appropriate amount of attention to it while going out of their way to execrate "whiteness" as their ultimate, explicit end-goal…

All kikes get the oven

The Dickster is a Holohoax-promoting Zionist who is a supporter of the "Zionist Jew" Tommy Robinson, who you claim is only on the list for "superficial cosmetics".

So you're saying Laura Loomer is /ourkikess/?

It's not, actually knowing that there is a social media site out there ran by one of /ourguys/ is kind of reassuring. Good to know Benji is still putting up a fight after all of these years. - Weinstien loves to fap on plants - spacey - loves supposedly loves children a lot but he's gay now so its cool - watkins: charged with 13 sexual offences against children. -

So twitter will only keep those who they are proud of blue check marked. So twitter endorse pedophilia and sexual assault, furthermore pedophilia and sexual assault falls within the new twitter guidelines.

Hmm someone should:
a) let the normies know
b) start compiling a list of known blue checks who fall under these categories
c) become an outraged redditor, and be offended that they are not following their own rules or whatever.

Why not lol and make the left follow their own rules OR they promote didling kids

(getting any of the prominent anti white racist to lose their blue check mark would be awesome)

have a good day

Because /baph/ are supposedly traitors for allowing the persecution of the poor TRSodomites to take place on their board.

some would see that as a positive

All you need now are six 0s and you're set

The original goatmen where heros, those are the ones who run wrongthink and actually raided and caused terminal cases of keks the later ones who you are referring to currently run baph, the newfag larpers of benji, vince, finlandia and swatanon/eclispso. They where the real deal, new baph a shit compared to them. what they did in one month still makes me chuckle.

never get the two confused user.

Is this new? I've never had a twitter account.

This means they can block the goyim and only view other chosen's tweets. It's twitter inside of twitter for the chosen.

My account got banned for replying to anti-white tweets by typing the exact same thing but replacing "white" with "black"

Idea: We mass report twitter accounts of regular people who are on the border between right and left for "white supremacy / neo nazism", which pushes them over the edge to our side and makes them hate Jews and niggers.

So…..whatever happened to Baked Alaskas eyes? Can he see now?

The checkmark is literally a good goy seal of approval lmao

this could work, report people who even hint at any form of wrongthink. watch the average lemming login to a suspended account. assuming anyone here even has a twitter account.

kind of doubt they even do anything with those reports. verified account reports probably get looked at. maybe it's a ratio, 1000 goyim reports : 1 verified report

report this bugman for spamming, he and his ilk are mass reporting and shutting down twitter right wing accounts.

his account

Yea, its a tool for celebrities to ignore the plebs and only focus on other big name twitter posters tweets directed at them, as a means of creating a controlled opposition echo chamber where you have no ability to impact the discussion. The posts that will end up retweeted and liked thousands of times will always be only verified accounts, as a result.

I guess we dont have any Holla Forumsacks in East Village, Manhattan who can express their distaste for his words, and let him know its not okay to be pro-white genocide.

Semitic privilege

He's not ourguy but seems useful every now and then.