300kyo human skulls in Morocco - Is this to counter recent hominid 7-10m yo findings in EU?

Pic unrelated I stole from a previous thread. Thanks user.

Archive here:

Article here:

So it is implying no Sub-saharan Out Of Afrikkka theory for anatomically correct modern humans. But it implies Out of Northern Africa theory in general. Published in Nature so should be above board but who knows as this is always a politically loaded subject.

They used dating of surrounding material via radiation build-up, post heating. The skulls had a combination of advanced and archaic features but no DNA analysis???

Here is a quote:


Other urls found in this thread:


Relevant link to journal abstract:



be very skeptical of anything from a female, esp. what sounds like a female jewess. If she's a pole, then my apologies to poles but name could go either way.

First Author is Daniel Richter, last is Shannon McPherrin.

Sonia Zakrzewski is merely commenting on the discovery. But I like the cut of your jib. Always pays to look out for the ((Fellow white person)).

Wrong board.
Holla Forums can't into (((science)))

uh huh, thanks for the advice torpedo

enjoy your dead thread

funny how before april there were multiple threads that hit (751) about this subject.

Bump and reported.

welcome to nu/pol/

report me again, cuck
and enjoy another sage

Ancient news already reported nigger. We all know that any ancient bodies discovered outside Europe is going to be "scientifically" associated with the mongrels now living on that land there. Everyone knows if you settle on the land then all the history of that soil is magically your history.

listen to this goy. science is jewish.
take the red pill, goyim!

Well that's most likely because (((David Reich))) from Harvard who is seen as a doyen in the genetic-anthropology field, is known to have an anti-white bias

absolutely true!
make sure you get all your information from russia today and alex jones, goy.
don't allow (((them))) to deceive you.
t. alexsandr dugin

They are amateurs - yesterday night a show aired on the main national TV where I do live tried to sell me Hannibal as a nig/mongrel (he was a krypto semite, but surely he was not a nignog: berbers do look pretty Aryan, think Zinedine Zidane).


you are probably spot on
just look at the jew squirting his venom sack allover this thread


It definitely appears I touched a nerve.

I didn't think you could make it any more obvious that you're a newfag, cuck shill but you somehow achieved that

An updated age for the Xujiayao hominin from the Nihewan Basin, North China: Implications for Middle Pleistocene human evolution in East Asia


no i'm an oldfag who's been here since snacks was mod
kikes btfo lol

anons post interesting shit please

The finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from “African” haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid haplogroups, as well as all non-African haplogroups do not carry either SNPs M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262, M32, M59, P289, P291, P102, M13, M171, M118 (haplogroup A and its subclades SNPs) or M60, M181, P90 (haplogroup B)


Shabbos goy Joe Rogan podcasts with Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson:

Well here is a book I read when I was about 12 it was utterly fascinating to me at the time. And since then I cant even think of one item in the entire book that has been fully explained.


Good goy.
Northern Africa was vastly different than it was today. It was basically Europe since the Gulf stream went straight into the Mediterranean. The European skulls are more on the fringes since Europe above Pyrenees/Alps/Dinaric mountains basically consisted of low scrub thundra and taiga.
The tropics are the same since eocene so the noggers were nogging all the same.

The Gulf stream thing is why IMO Atlantis was in the area of Azores. Washed by the Gulf stream head on and with the lower sea levels was given way bigger area that it has today. Couple that with


ITT OP cries in his failed thread after samefagging it


Hi Torfag, 7 sages so far, what a sad cunt. Is your JIDF supervisor triggered about what we might discuss?

Pic related is indigenous population of north africa

he says he's pretty sure the internet didn't exist back then to transfer knowledge regarding those stone working methods, but that's not necessarily true. Obviously, OUR internet didn't exist, but that doesn't mean another similar network didn't exist. After all, if some catastrophe happens I doubt there will be much evidence left of our own internet.

Don't be upset. I'm just pointing out that your thread failed, that's all.

What is infuriating about all of this is how much of truly ancient human history has been destroyed and rewritten. The corruption of history is one of the leading causes of world suffering.

The Third Reich threatened this monopolization of historical context.

Was on cuckchan the other day and apparently there are odd connections to royal families and political families that lie in greece, anatolia and even Babylon.
We need to look at the politics of past history because there are odd connections.

Yes, it was fun for a while, but now you bore me, so I'll leave you to continue talking with yourself.

It's serious shit though.
Like a couple really well read anons were giving very plausible connections to Atilla of Pergamon and the English royal family or something.
That family may also have connections to earlier Babylon and Egypt.

That's fucked.
I thought that was total crap, but there is a degree of plausibility there.
It may also explain that "Jewish Lobby" letter from Charles. Spoopy.

That King's Trough is interesting, no idea what you're on about though.

We got a canyon near my city that was form a long time ago by the ancient course of the river that flows through it.
It's crazy how obvious it is too if you look at the charts. Has like a 1000 metre underwater "waterfall".

Its pretty fascinating how perfectly straight these stones are cut. The H stones look like they're made out of some sort of concrete too. At the same time the only evidence of advanced civilizations are stone work.
Perhaps they had other neat stuff that did not survive the tests of time? Or did they just exclusively build with stone because of how durable it is?
The pyramid stones are said to be cut with insane accuracy that couldn't even be rivaled with our modern technology.

Exactly. The king's trough looks like a canyon that water carved out in a hurry. In between some mounts when the plates shifted.
What I'm saying is that coupling a large earthquake caused by a broken comet in 10 000 AD with rising water from the end of the ice age may drop a large area or region under water really fast. Especially if you consider that the ice taken off North America shifts the pressures on the north atlantic ridge like a large see-saw and causes major eruptions/earthquakes.
The area around the Azores bathymetric map looks triangular as Atlantis does on this 1665 map .
i'm talking atlantis cuz this is officially an Atlantis thread

The "hominid 7-10m yo findings in EU?" is actually a fucking biped Ape, it's not human at all.
It first biped Apes, and it would give rise to the Australopithecus, the last biped Ape before the start of the Hominids.

Berbers have European blood, that's why, not the other way around.

Could someone explain what is going here?

They used metal strings to do that, nothing knew or unknown.

Electric currents make magnetic fields and the lamp turned on.

Have a bump, OP.




Yeah a whole week, eh moshe? Far far too long for a slide of this magnitude.

Jewtube induction heating.

Quit responding to torfags

Liberation and subsequent ethnic purging of Carthage when?

What absolute embarrassments to themselves. Contribute, lurk, or fuck off.

Damn these were good threads.

Bump and reported.

We can use Tor, using you as cover, to protect us, too.
Reminder that these shills are feds who don't want you to post "anonymoosely".

Saw a nigger on youtube actually spouting off that machu picchu and puma punko are 60,000 year old creations of Ancient Hispanic Africans yes, try to figure how to manuever around that word salad that no modern technology can recreate today and the typical, 'niggers created all civilizations' type of shit.

so? niggers think that theres black aliens hanging around up on the moon waiting for the UFOS to arrive so they can laser all the crackers

Got any other links to that book? The archive.org links are either broken or removed due to "issues with content".

Don't forget the inferior cracker somehow came in and mind wiped all the negros in the world and stole their knowledge and wont give it back. An ape understands logic better than they do.

Pic related

Sorry I see what you mean now
Try here.
This one worked for me and opens.

Ancient Aryans


At least know what you're posting before you post.

how about you download it and put it in /pdfs/ so other anons dont have to register for shit


Thanks for this info anons, more research needs to be done in this aspect and how this affects ancient memetics.

You should upload the pdf, if you would be so kind. I am having problems finding it anywhere that doesn't make you register…

the 8 chan pdfs board has a limit on the size of pdf you can upload.

You should upload it on endchan.xyz/pdfs/ if it is too big

Interesting, thanks.

The most probable scenario is that white ancient Aryans arrived from Atlantis and mixed with native americans, thus creating a "ruling class" which would then rule over Inca empire.

t. south american

care to elaborate more on these 'cases'? I read the image….but where are the sources?

Do you have any theories aside from ayylmaos?

The "North Star" gradually shifts because of the Earth's axial tilt. It was probably different 15000 y.a.

yep. pic related

Many jews in Poland. They always subvert all sides, even the nationalist racist one, remember.

Whites where hunted to extinction in the americas

Because white men will find it on endkike, right?

Underworld, Flooded Kingdoms Of The Ice Age Parts 1 and 2



The Revelation Of The Pyramids


I would appreciate it if someone could upload this book , so people do not have to register.

I really am tired of this. The pyramids are nothing more than a foundation to all structures. Every megalithic building civilization will innevatbility build a pyramid without intervention. It is natural tendency for you to put the biggest stone at the base and lighter stones at the top for stability. No ayylmaos needed. Humans completed the pyramids independently, just like the americas had swastikas independently. I mean just to give some perspective here; a toddler will learn to stack building blocks as a developmental stage in life (this transcends all race of humans).

I like these topics. I just wish Holla Forums didn't fall for the conspiracy bullshit all the time.

3,000,000 < 7-10 million
Morocco ≠ sub Saharan Africa

so yes, this does counter the recent findings since it shows niggers originated in sub Saharan Africa

You are making too much sense and wasting effort upon those who need to be gassed

It really doesn't matter since all humans except niggers are descended from Neanderthals which are native to Europe.

Did you even watch it? It has nothing to do with aliens you cum guzzling nigger. It's saying that their was a 40k+ year old worldwide civilization. There are multiple docs with the same name btw, one of them is a shit tier history channel alien one.


The second Ba'al commands it.

Yes, it also seems to think the pyramids are something special. It shows pyramids from off the coast of japan to egypt. Then it leaves the vague details out about it to leave a sense of mystery. I have seen enough about pyramids to understand their gimmick.

The fact is, its a simple structure that is transculture because of its simplicity. And like you said there have been ancient civilizations dating back thousands of years. That should be the focal point of the documentary. Not the pyramids.


I didn't catch this part
You are flat out wrong. There is no evidence to support that other than some obscure intellectually dishonest (((you)))tube documentaries. The aryans were not behind every swastika. Just like there wasn't one type of people/civilization behind every pyramid. As I said, the pyramid structure is basic.

Just like fire is basic. There was not a GLOBAL civilization behind firemaking
See how ridiculous that is?

you don't think it's possible that there was an advanced civilization 12+k y ago that passed information down to others as their own collapsed? graham hancock, among others, puts forth a very compelling case in multiple books.

uh huh
Building the pyramid right now, with the precision that it was build with would be impossible with today's technology. You expect me to believe that people using logs and ropes carted 2 million 10-70 ton blocks from 500 miles away and assembled everything with a tolerance water jet cut stone can't match. The pyramids are the weak spot to the lie because it cannot be hidden.
mooshie plz


What a bummer. Thats all? You would think if they could travel through space that they would do something else other than erect pyramids.

You are under estimating the power of humans, mooshie. We have done greater things today than building pyramids. That in itself should be a testament that we can do great things without intervention.

You ever see a drystane wall?
It's the same underlying principle.
There's plenty of structures built this way that have stood for hundreds if not thousands of years.

See what I mean? You have to understand the human is something incredible. We CAN do great things and we do great things and we will CONTINUE to do great things.

This is the stupidest thing I have read on Holla Forums all week.

Yep, these faggots fetishize history while ignoring the fact that our society is the pinnacle of human achievement (despite social digression)

Just to back myself up: If we can meassure the "accuracy" of the pyramids with "todays technology" then we can obviously recreate them. The final red pill about the pyramids is that they are incredibly primitive constructions.

when did a 40k+ year old advanced aryan civilization turn into ayylmaos

because its totally on the same scale and level of precision huh

We literally could not create pyramid khufu today. period.

buying into the kike lie huh, what a good goyim


^ not giving a (you)
get filtered

people like those in the pic were the sole occupants of Mediterranean Africa for centuries, along with libyan peoples (the phoenicians). Niggers belong to sub-saharan Africa, where they were conteined by the desert and other geographical obstacles


Don't ever talk to me or my board again.

newfag plz, no posting for two years

XXDd!! were rebuilding the pyramids! (one gay block of it)

Filter ID: a9dc7c
>only links (((YT documentaries))) with ayylmao (((scientist)))

What are people 10 thousand years in the future going to think about this? Just rebury the thing?

The stone does not lie, what about that (((narrative))) your pushing?

The's recurring themes are another major point for a world wide fallen civilazation, bane posting aside.

But aside from that, there are dozens of "coincidences" about this stuff.

Reported for rejecting scientific fact.

scientific fact: This civilization is the most advanced the world has ever been in.

Cool story professor shlomo shekelstein. Should anons all buy that new iphone now?

You suddenly realize:
You will never build your own house. What a great world. You will never be part of a tight knit community. You will never be part of founding a city, you will not be the center of any great movement, you kind of don't really matter. To be honest, humans have never mattered as little as they do today.

Yes, due to great men making humans replaceable. While sad, it also means more efficient society. There are places where they build their house, have a tight knight community etc..etc..


Thanks for asserting something that no one questioned, yid.

post best schlomos

If you think the worlds greatest civilizations can only leave behind stone carvings…..You're wrong.

If every human died TODAY, we would see A REAL GLOBAL SOCIETY. You would see material that linked every continent of the world together. canals linking seas together.

I mean, you think the fuckers who built the pyramids had computers? You larping faggot kys.

wrong, read the thread. This fucker thinks ayylmaos did the pyramids

he thinks the pyramids was from an ancient global society.

topcuck brainlet tier

Or just post cool shit about Himmler's worldwide expeditions. Considering kikes are still butthurt about them.

If every human died TODAY, we would see A REAL GLOBAL SOCIETY. You would see material that linked every continent of the world together. canals linking seas together.
I mean, you think the fuckers who built the pyramids had computers? You larping faggot kys.
Back to the oven mooshie, a global society is no society at all.

Oh, sweet summer child.

bro, you were the one saying that the pyramids were part of an ancient global society. So I guess that was no society at all too.

I want you brainlets to fuck back off to JRE

civilization you fucking heeb.
This is how kikes weasel word shit.

That's what you said, shekelberg.

And you're a dumbass for saying that.

TRS really destroys everything.
Go back to watching Ancient Aliens, delusional freak.

Well, it's a bit off I'll give you that. We're probably on the level where we could reproduce pyramids if we wanted to. But the thing is that some of those blocks are upwards to 1500 tons, so you'd need something like pic related.

Jews pushing stuff around on logs doesn't really cut it to explain whatever method the ancients used. No one have been able to reproduce a primitive tech level way of doing it, that's what's actually accurate to say.

I thought I had some cool cave pics with the expiditions stamp carved in the rock, can't find it though.

These are the kikeyist posts I have read in weeks btw.

There's nothing special in building pyramids. It's the easiest big structure to build.
If you see the first Egyptians pyramids, they were crap brick-over-brick types (like everybody else was also able to do), it was only after centuries of developing the ways of building them that they got "exceptional".

So, engineering-wise, pyramids are easy as fuck.
The pyramid alignment with stars and shit was also easy - these societies, and every other on earth, were heavily star-observing and they knew things from millennia of observations.
The Jews, for instance, could predict solar and lunar eclipses with hundreds of years of accuracy, because this knowledge is very well developed since ancient times and is very predictable.

newfag here: what's TRS and JRE?

Oy vey, they won't know that I'm a kike if I call them kike!

It's too obvious scholmo. You watch (((JRE)))

one is a yid website. the other is a good goy podcast about aliens, pyramids, dmt and (((their))) narrative on history

Lurk 2 years before posting

You're either a shill yourself, a disinfo agent, or an imbecile.
Maybe both.
You think you know something, but you don't, and now your cognitive dissonance is kicking in because your worldview is being debunked.
Now fuck off.

You may also think that the ancient people couldn't possibly build these things out of your ignorance and lack of technical knowledge.
Basically, you're useless and can't fathom how things work.

That's fine and all, but explain to me an "easy as fuck" primitive tech level way of moving a 1500 ton block of stone?

Haven't you learn Physics in high school? You can put down force if you increase movement.
Work = force * distance

Could you elaborate on the exact acronyms please.

Just asking questions m8, not starting threads.

That's not an answer at all. Mind you I'm not saying they didn't do it with primitive tech. Might be something really simple that's just not intuitive for us to think of. I'm just saying we don't know what. At least I don't. You seem to know, but your answer doesn't enlighten me at all.

no. lurk for 2 years.

I agree with this post of yours now.
I don't know about the equipment, but about the concepts.
Also, ancient people had the technology to build them.

No, if you answer my question I will stfu but nore before.


An interesting theory I once heard was some guy who thought the Egyptians had refined some sort of process to mold passable stone. Like a rock-like concrete of sorts. I have no idea how viable the idea is and how closely the structure of the stones in the pyramids have been examined in that regard. I do know people have been using proto-cements for thousands of years.

I've also heard someone who thinks the biggest stones are carved out of natural rock that was there from before, and just made to look like individual pieces (to impress I guess.) Whatever method they used it's fascinating and clever. That ancient people had brains no lesser than our own is obvious in any regard.

wrong they were stupid just like me. They would need ayylmao intervention just like I would.

Funny how you are the only one shitting up the tread with the ayylmao alien shit huh? :^)

Bro, you're the one saying that there was a civilization 40k years ago that was WORLDWIDE. disinfo shill


Also what effect would an ice age have on todays society and what tecnological marvels would be around 10k years later?

kys schlomo. I'm not going to teach you, teach yourself. and JRE (((grandhamcock))) will not help your stupid ass

Evening my good man. Could you please tell me what JRE and TRS are acronyms for?

Well we would leave platstics behind for 500k + years. We would be known as a global civilization with canals that interlocked our continents. The first civilization to have communication instantly via internet. Going to the moon™. Eradicating diseases.

The list goes on, you brainlet fuck

google them, shithead and lurk for 2 years before posting

I already did and it comes back with establishment orgs. Stop being gay and just tell me.

oh okay, we don't want you here anyway

>JRE (((grandhamcock)))
its not like these two niggers have not been in every one of these threads.

>thinking ((((((((((whites))))))))))
see this everyone, the yid manipulates what you say and turns it into what he wants you to say.

I was very clear on where the 'aryans' came from.

Oh, so Semites/Europeans still.

What does it mean?

it means he's a disinfo shill that thinks grandhancock is a god. just filter him

read the fucking thread nigger, jesus christ

TRS is "The Right Stuff", and I have no idea what JRE means.

You mean Graham Hancock? What's wrong with him?

see. yid, you are a cancer to this site..

Ah, I see.

He is full of shit and a pop-scientist at best. He has MANY "theories" that do not old weight.

Do you remember a few years back how big ancient ayylmaos were? Yeah well that audience all goes to him for answers now.

Why are you in a thread about alternative history if casual shitpost theories about alternative history triggers you to such blazing sun levels?

I didn't pay much attention to this guy, he starts talking about life after death like he knows anything more than anything else about it and like he's saying something radical that no one ever thinks about

Cheers m8, top cunt you are.

like the "theories" of mainstream "scientists"? like the "theories" of "scientists" investigating the holocaust?
nigger plz
that nigger at least has ideas that make sense. "theories" by "scientists" that civilization is only 7k years old. ha. ok.

That's not what this thread was. That is what it has become.

brah… if you're going to try and tell me there was a global ancient worldwide civilization….. You better have some evidence. If you don't you're a disinfo faggot. it's simple

I've never even heard a scientist say that. and if there was I would know they're full of shit and don't believe them, so whats your point? to post stupid memes? Go back to plebbit>>10926443

Also ignoring the Graham Hancock's entire thing of a global flood 12k years ago and making him out to be a looney instead of attacking him for being a coal burner. I can really tell you're not from around here. huh.

TRS leave

When confronted with something that contradicts the official story, the "scientists" will compare it to the closest thing that fits their narrative to explain it. For example, they explained away the Klerksdorp spheres (strange 3 billion year old objects) as concretions – just ignore the fact that they don't look like concretions. Civilization is so old that it's probably impossible to determine its age.

lol i just wanted to know what you would say kek.



I don't get what this Piri Reis map thing is showing. Piri Reis was post-Columbian, he copied his map of Brazil from the Spanish/Portuguese. There's no conspiracy there.

Of course we could, its just that it is orders of magnitude cheaper and easier and quicker to build shit like that out of concrete rather than lever-walking monumental stones into place.

The same thing they'll think when they see Obama's presidential picture; that the US was really an African empire

Pic related took a generation or more to build. If you compare the size its going to look like a building next to a mountain build out of solid stone blocks. Don't forget that the complex has two main pyramids and the sphinx which has water erosion on it at least 15k years old.

Internet is very very fast, but it isn't instant. That's quantum tier stuff

So no, we can't because concrete eventually destroys itself. In 20 thousand years every modern structure will be wiped off the face of the earth. Except things buried like bunkers. Nuclear power plants and dams are the closest thing that we build that can even come close to the complex in egypt and look what happens when they are abandoned for 50 years.


Should have posted detroit tbh.

what goes around comes around


Also, those things…. as much as appear to be 'weird' are not unique. They also found them in north america…. it Is indeed 'concrete'.

I mean…what else are you proposing? an atlantean civilization that had solar power given to them by extraterrestrials from juptier?

It was created in 1510, 4 years before magellan set sail for the west trip around south america and supposedly shows pieces of antarctica which was "discovered" in 1773 by cook.
From the kikeypedia:

you are still the only one here talking about gay ass aliens

Fuck aliens, I am saying our entire conception of world history is false. Civilizations have been rising and falling for countless eons, and we're primitive compared to the best of them. History and time itself are CYCLICAL, not linear. The goal of Aryan man in this world is to break this repetitive nightmare and soar upwards

If civilization crashed, how long before people forgot? 10 generations? 20? we are talking about 400+ generations for the great flood around 12k years ago. What would survive that? Any electronics would be toast with a generation of a fallen civilization. You would have books, but the paper that we use disintegrates with age. Only the oral traditions would pass from generation to generation, they would go from fact, to myth, to legend, to religion. Hence why their are great flood myths, garden of eden myths, etc.

Yes, but those things are 3billion years old.
You don't actually think man is that old, do you?

I don't think its about forgetting, more like, extinction level events where none are left to remember.


If you really want civilization to persist beyond cataclysmic events we should start making stuff out of whatever they make passports out of. That shit survives anything.

Idgaf what you guys think Imma entertain my own fun idea that humans could have come from white snow apes. Who fuckin knows? You don't… fuck you.

I'm a fossil hunter and metal detectorist/treasure hunter so some of the pics floating around here are just stupid, and representative of normal things I've come across in abundance.

Pic 1 is just the internal cast of a section of a Crinoid stem, with the outer calcite section dissolved away. Common as hell.
Pic 2 isn't a goddamn footprint, just the a peculiar fracture along the fossiliferous layer

But they do look like concretions… I've found damn near perfect spheres in shale layers in Ohio that were 4-6 feet in diameter, very impressive but still just concretions.

Pic 1 is just where the iron oxide leached from the hammer and formed an aggregate with sand and other crap, I find and crack open stuff like that in creeks/rivers very frequently. It may have also been in calcium rich water which assisted in the formation of the nodule.
Pic 2 is interesting, would need more context to debunk the presumed suggestion.
Pic 3 is something I see when mucking around old storm sewers for concentrations of gold and old silver coins (along with other dense metal objects like those gears or whatever). The metal items get cemented together with leached and re-deposited calcium carbonate, metallic salts, rust and other crap, forming "rocks" like that which need to be broken apart with a hammer to see what valuable goodies are inside.

Try harder, faggots.


60ft wall of water vs 500ft wall of water:

Saved. How old can you tell these things are though? Pic three was from a greek shipwreck around 2500 years old btw.

yes, I wish we had similar footage of that time the Bosporus breached and created the flood story.

Some interesting information and I don't really have anything to say about your picture analyses, as I have no idea how rare such things really are. I'm still going to call you a faggot on principle because you use the word "debunk." Every single person I've met who say "debunk" is a fedora penn & teller, myth-buster watching retard. And I don't mean that in the sense christcucks whine about fedoras. I mean actual, real fedoras like we used to have before they went stale.

Its a perfect theory :^)

again you are the only one talking about gay shit

we would all be doomed

Is that even controversial anymore?

Really? Plastic would be on the planet for over 500k years.

The roman wreck with the looted Antikythera device? I haven't seen that particular picture before, it looks like the metal deposits in old storm sewers cemented to the bottoms of the pipes.
I can't give a perfect age estimate, but applying Occam's Razor to that hammer for example suggests that it is a 19th century sledge for driving railroad spikes or a drill chisel for dynamiting stone, not some pre-Ice Age relic.

I didn't know "debunk" would be so triggering, I'll choose a better word next time. Between finding treasure and browsing here I don't have time for TV so don't really know what you're talking about. My hobbies are pretty strange so I come across many things that most people have never seen and have no experience with so what is common and easily explained to me would confuse the hell out of others, but if you look at the pics from oceanic archaeology you will see that many of the iron items at least are likewise obnoxiously encrusted when first found. Also there are Victorian era stories of sewer-scroungers in London that would mine out 100-300lb aggregate concretions of coins and all manner of metal items. It really doesn't take 30,000 years for such things to form, only a few years in the right conditions.

I actually have somewhere the very interesting remains C. 1900 mantle clock that somehow was deposited in a uniform bed of sand, and when the rust and copper salts leached out it formed a very hard "sandstone" shell with just a few ancient-looking gears poking through, making it look like even better "evidence" than any of the pics shown here. My dad and I joking refer to it as "The Apocalypse Clock". I bet some gullible retard would pay big bucks for that chunk of junk.


My triggering aside, that sounds like a really cool hobby I could get into myself. I used to do some spelunking in my youth, found some nice rocks and shit, tons of quartz and even a raw sapphire once. Low grade, but still. Treasure hunting is fun.

I don't have to prove shit. People who make extraordinary claims have to bring acceptable proof, not people skeptical of them.

okay my fellow atheist. Here is my proof.

now pls disprove the picture ;^)

No u. Prove it's real first.

I just did….What do you require for proof?

I haven't looked through all of this site, but I heard it's full of people with PhDs analyzing Apollo missions.

Well, some random picture of a clothes rack with some cardboard and copper foil taped to it doesn't cut it for me at least.

Damn right it is, and it can take a million different forms so keep an open mind. I haven't found any actually precious raw gems but have found more than my fair share of faceted lost diamonds and other gemstones. Storm sewers aren't most people's cup 'o tea but damn there is some good shit in there, and the really dense stuff like gold and silver will get stuck in cracks or slow-flow zones (think like a placer gold miner) and conveniently concentrated for you to collect. You'd also find bizarre aggregates that could be sold for gobs to naive Ancient Ayy believers.


Fuck off niggers, next its going to be: "XXDd Fellow anons, I heard that the earth was flat!!" Drown in semen faggots.

oi. I'm not the one saying we didn't go to the moon

And the holocaust was real and Jews didn't do 9/11 right?

come on

yes, but deeply..DEEPLY exaggerated.
Yes. financiers and (((business men))) did.

No its your turn. You think the moon landing was fake? l m a o

oh look its "the ancient civilization was 40k years ago that was more advanced today and was a world-wide phenomenon" (((guy))).

I rest my case.

Yep. I have no reason to trust NASA and the rest of the Jew US government. Why should I?

typical sabbos goy. don't forget you are worthless and are not able to do anything meanwhile today. you were born in the wrong generation. might aswell and kys.

Do you feel life is meaningless if government institutions lie to you? In that case I have bad news for you, angry-user.

Why do you feel life is so meaningless you need to reinvent history for satisfaction rather than focus on bettering the world around you?

I don't feel life is meaningless at all. Whether the government lies or tells the truth makes exactly 0% impact on my happiness in life.

Man, that's exactly what my teacher told me when I questioned the holocaust back in high school. Are you her? Have you followed me here?



the short vid about Luxor sounds VERY much like Art Bell.
The book ' Forbidden Archeaology ' by M. Cremo is full of strange artifacts hidden by modern science.
In discussing it with author on the Mysteries , William Cooper it was said they are " The Guardians Of The Secrets Of The Ages " the first Priest class were those with hidden knowledge that could be used to rule over others.




kek that people buy the bs poured down their throats.

don't worry about it, just buy a new iphone goy


kys autist

hey man, if you debunk people ITT you will get memed with fedoras. Watch out

This is the saltiest and most retarded I've seen /pol in awhile. Are we getting an influx of halfchan niggers or something?

Disproving anything as of recent literally becomes a meme war and sliding from the OP by post 20 (not like that's rare or anything but it seems common now)

I don't even know where to begin anons, so I'll just dive right in.

1) If you're interested in pyramids and megalithic structures found all over the world, I would STRONGLY recommend educating yourself on how/why they all used the Metre -


For this I can only point you in the direction of Carl Munck if you're seriously interested in mathematics and discovering our ancient roots.

2) No, we never went to the moon. Why are we still talking about this??

Not a huge fan of this video but it hits good points. Min 4:00 for NASA pretty much accidentally dropping the ball and saying that we've never been able to actually get out of Earth's orbit.

pdf? Bill Cooper is awesome. He died too soon. He's right on though. The 'first' (as in people who survived post-cata) priest class were those who obtained the ancient knowledge through the event or discovered it afterwards.

I honestly believe Hitler was searching for one of these powerful relics and the 3rd Reich discovered at least one in 1939. But let's not delve down that rabbit hole.

Keep an open mind when investigating the truth. You'll find the answers.


We're saved, they recently discovered the composition of Roman concrete (the eternal concrete).

also. Wally Walton
NASA got defunded from doing man-missions. How do we know that isn't related? Or better yet, how do we know that he isn't just talking about that specific air craft?


also reguarding that video. The guy even specifies 'right now' we can only go into lower earth orbit. But then the editor conveniently leaves that part out the 2nd time…

Cool. Now try to arrange that with a 1500 ton block.

its 1 guy, without any help and without copper/bronze any type of metal or pulleys. (which would have been available to some sites)

Not to mention no Jewish slaves.

But the early idea of Antarctica came from a simplistic notion that the southern Hemisphere must have another large continent to "balance" the big continents of the northern Hemisphere. There's no evidence that they had any proof that it existed, but it just seemed intuitive to them.

Really awesome share user, I've heard of techniques being used in ancient times of 'block moving' and thus far, this is likely a similar tactic that was used.

Good catch. You're right on.

Actually we had similar cases of this event(on smaller scale). Sure they were not that high but still
Whole civilization disappear with their art, culture and crafts.


The antikythera mechanism is a great example that technological progression and history do not go in a straight line like a video game. There have been many lost technologies. The mechanism was made 2,500 years ago, but similar technology wouldn't reappear until 2000 years later.

I don't really think those hammers and stuff found in rock are all thay convincing, interesting sure, but not proof. However, I do think there is a very good possibility of there having been a world wide culture long ago that collapsed. Humans have been anatomically modern for at least 70,000 years. It wouldn't make sense for us to just scratch our balls and pick berries for 60,000 of those years. How advanced they were and who they were (let's be honest, they were white) is anyone's guess. We know the ancients had advanced astronomy, stone working, and metallurgy going back to the earliest recorded history. A global culture could have existed with as primitive as an iron age civilization. All it would take is a sufficiently large population, peace, and wanderlust.

Basically, the modern view history is very presumptuous and could very easily be completely wrong. It seems every few years a new discovery blows away most modern historians and they have to struggle to stich it on to their current model; Sumer, Jericho, Troy, gobeki tepi. The last one pushed the start date of civilization to around 9000 BC. What's a few thousand years more?

You know what really activates and has my almonds since elementary geography/history lessons?
How we get biological human sapiens origin pushed more and more into the past:
and NO ONE asks himself the most obvious question:
Homo sapiens had the same mental and physical capacities for 305 000 years and he didn't bother to discover husbandry, agriculture, writing, etc. in all those years?
Some even warmer than today.
Why did he only managed to do this just in the last 8000 years?

jews wish they were ancient Israel

Or a catastrophic event made it shift brutally, moving gigantic masses of water everywhere and imprisoning wildlife in glaciers all around.

When did this board become reddit ?

Good post.

i love these threads. here are archives to older We Wuz Atlanteans threads.
#1 archive.is/0BvE8
#2 archive.fo/vzS1g

Society is able to cover up all the details of the holohoax in less than 50 years. Who the fuck knows what could have happened 10000 years ago.

You that's a jew that asserted that Saturn served as the primary sun for Earth?
He's a bullshit artist that became prominent among the hippies.

Well no one searches the ocean floors where this could be found as the ocean level rose with the thawing of the ice sheets.
Off the coast of Bombay, Sri Lanka, Sicily, Persian Gulf, Malay peninsula shallows and the Azores.
It's interesting that Germany did some research on this between the WW.



Yes, hilarious after the amazingly obvious sliding shilling that started almost immediately.

Don't question our narrative goy! You wuz kangz!!!


Great apes appear to have been in Germany around 10 million years ago. Which would add a lot of weight to the out of Europe hypothesis. But it will be rewritten as

looks like a team of japs found more chambers in khufu

speaking of Japs, does anyone think Anno, the director/producer of Evangelion is into conspiracies and alt history? Every time i watch the movies, I see more and more references.

You take that back - right now!

sorry guys. NO FUN ALLOWED