Stephen Bannon: ‘I’m proud to be a Christian Zionist’

Stephen Bannon: ‘I’m proud to be a Christian Zionist’

>“I am not a moderate, I’m a fighter,” Bannon said. “And that’s why I’m proud to stand with the State of Israel. That’s why I’m proud to be a Christian Zionist. ”
(Can't archive)

Cohencidentally, the Thai Fuckshack published an article today claiming Bannon was standing "up for America against the zionist dragon".

Other urls found in this thread:

Any true Holla Forumsack would be.

This is a heretical oxymoron.


"Ethnonationalism is for losers." - Bannon when asked his opinion on Israel.

On an interview today he said, "the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack called us kikebart"

Did anyone actually believe that the owner of a big media outlet wasn't a jew.
If they're getting a lot of attention, it's because they're (((controlled))) opposition, Alex Jones is another example of this.

American nationalism dot mp4

Seriously, Bannon's grudge against the GOP will help us, but anyone who trusts him at this point is in for a rude awakening.


This thread was made first, learn to tell time.

You fucked up, Chaim.

What the hell is going on in your second image? I've never seen anything like it, before. It's like fiction.

Has Bannon got his Israeli citizenship as an award yet, or does that come later?


What did you honestly expect? Breitbart was created in Israel. Stop listening to the jew media that Bannon is /ourguy/.

This is why I'm against e-celeb threads.

oy vey shut it down.

Got it from a subreddit where trannies post selfies and ask if they're "passing".
LOL (lots of laughs) if you're bored and have a couple sixpacks.

You deserve rape.

It's a simple trick the jew derides what those against them will think a bulwark to defend against the jew but it really is the jew's puppet show.

There's only like 10 or 12 jewish tricks in total.

Woah! She gonna be ok?

lulz (a corruption of lol)

Not surprised, he's always been proud of being a most excellent goy.


Your shitty slide thread isn't fooling anybody.

Bannon overt Kike cock-sucking probably means his plans are extra dead in the water. Not like we really need him. AIPAC's little bitch Goy might turn his back on Moore, but thats just an errant thought. Fucking Boomers.

Are you LARPing as a retard or are you actually this stupid? ebin troll either way, here's your epic fail guy. Happy to keep bumping the thread btw.

Now's not the time for Israeli citizenship. That comes later.