Lets disseminate fringe theories on what lies beyond the jews

Lets disseminate fringe theories on what lies beyond the jews

People will probably tell me to fuck of to /fringe/ the david icke forum or I'll get b& by mods, but I feel this is the only place where level headed people can be found that aren't mentally ill and / or dysinfo shills.

From Saturn worship to lizard people, anything you can come up with ==plausible evidence== .

While pizzagate is somewhat plausible, yet very fringe to me, proven high level pedo connections have already come to light during the Dutroux affair in the 90s

For you young fags: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux the cleaned up version.

The real meat: isgp-studies.com/belgium-la-nebuleuse-atlas-dossier-and-dutroux-x-files

You could say it's just powerful psychopaths looking to outjew each other with blackmail material that give zero fucks if a child suffers or is killed or degenerates looking to unlock the last taboos of snuff and child abuse.

It could however also be that it's merely an initiation into even higher occult circles.

My take: Jews were able to channel a being from another dimension that claimed to be (a / their) god and demanded certain things in exchange or took control of a body indefinitely. Something that christians would refer to as a demon.

Those familiar with astral travel / projection / other dimensions / the wider reality know that such beings exist and that people serious about mysticism or the occult have a good chance at encountering them, whether it's jews christians or goatfucker suffis.

Long in depth resource on this: astralpulse.com/frankkepple.html

Roman "pedo" Polanski alludes to attempts to do such things in his movie the Ninth Gate (high level occultism, rich dude attempting to channel the devil) with Stanley Kubrick's Eye's Wide Shut connecting to it in a similar theme.

Unfortunately that's all I have to offer after many years of research.

Other urls found in this thread:


Shalom goy, no kike-free-first post for you.

What lies beyond the "Jews" is more Jews.

In particular, these Jews trace their history from Sabbatai Zevi in the mid 1600s (most active around the date 1666) and Jacob Frank in the 18th century. Informally, known as Sabbatean-Frankist Jews.

Research both Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank. The rabbit hole goes very deep. There's nothing fringe about it, it's just the terrifying truth.

Unless all the black saturnine cubes across the world merge together to form some kind of Evangelion monster you're shit out of luck here.

Thanks user, will read up on them.

I don't buy this stuff and think it's just ancient autistic families who were good at getting power and not letting go, you /x/fags generally have some interesting discussions, and whether gods are real or some apocryphal analogy our ancestors certainly thought they were important.

Your blatant appeals to authority and condescending manner betray you.

Cro-Magnon vs Neanderthal

I think the Jews that do majority of the controlling, the globalists/Zionists or what ever you want to call them are something more than just jews. I think that's just happens to be there religion of choice because it fits best with what ever there twisted plans are. Because if you look at your average non religious Jew they are just as retarded and brainwashed as the rest of the lemmings.

If you read David Icke's first "lizard" book, one of his main sources is Eustace Mullins' CI book The Curse of Canaan. So if you go by that, it's still the kikes, except they're the literal spawn of Satan.

The jewish problem existed before either of those heebs were born, and Jacob Frank rejected the Talmud, which is the primary jewish authority and origin of the "New World Order". Saying it's the "Sabbataen Frankists" is just a way to deny that it's the jews.

Come to think of it, maybe lizard people is just David Icke's term for the jews and he thinks smart people will figure out the shape shifters that breed into races and claim to be their own kind by themselves.

Fuck off Smiley.

Jews are very inbred

It isnt a bad or good thing but it is what defines them

They have higher incidents of disease, especially autoimmune diseases and certain disorders

The crazy thing is these things called endogenous retroviruses. Look up ERVs and HERV W. In all humans. Basically if our immune system goes to shit our body will too, just from internal 0 days in our DNA. MS, Schizophrenia, Parkinson's, Tay Sacs, etc…

Now Jews since they are inbred are more prone to these types of diseases.

Now lets say aliens/demons or the like are real. To get into a body and control it like an “Avatar” for lack of a better word it would make sense that they are predominately coming from the weakest Genetic population that literary nowadays is trying to INTENTIONALLY inbreed.

I would guess some type of parasite or virus/biological thing that evolved or was created by demons/aliens/god that can literary infect people with shit immune systems like Jews, maybe even a natural ancient predator of the human race.

It clearly had a few weaknesses though

-the infected dont think like us in the traditional sense clearly, degrades human body over time due to nature of infection. Some hosts cant even survive transition process or are undesirable/dont work out.
-Possibly can go through multiple hosts or does not “die” with the host in a traditional sense as we would think. Might not feel pain/tiredness of host body to an extent.
-Possibly can detect other infected or has some sort of signal/scent/cue.
-Seem on average to have totally different priorities and understandings/sexual wants.
-Has intelligence of some sort but as far as “human” culture goes they are copycats and dont really understand, they just try to fit in enough to not be noticed or seen as a threat. Dont think in general the law applies to them if they can get away with it but will find any way to use the law to help them.
-Networks with other infected aggressively or have some sort of “grander plan” for the communities they live in.

Interesting theory. Would explain why Soros is still fit as a fiddle and has no plans to retire.

Very interesting stuff user…

All Jews serve 2 demons; one of them is Lilitu aka Lilith.

Also interestingly top pedo and politics fixer Michel Nihoul from the days of Dutroux looks very much like Soros.

Regarding your theory, the following parasites also come to my mind:

Toxoplasmosis: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2526142/

When infected human adults were compared with uninfected adults on personality questionnaires or on a panel of behavioral tests, several differences were found. Other studies have demonstrated reduced psychomotor performance in affected individuals. Possible mechanisms by which T. gondii may affect human behavior include its effect on dopamine and on testosterone.

Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is an entomopathogen, or insect-pathogenising fungus, discovered by the British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace in 1859, and currently found predominantly in tropical forest ecosystems. O. unilateralis infects ants of the Camponotini tribe, with the full pathogenesis being characterized by alteration of the behavioral patterns of the infected ant. Infected hosts leave their canopy nests and foraging trails for the forest floor, an area with a temperature and humidity suitable for fungal growth; they then use their mandibles to affix themselves to a major vein on the underside of a leaf, where the host remains until its eventual death.[2] The process leading to mortality takes 4–10 days, and includes a reproductive stage where fruiting bodies grow from the ant's head, rupturing to release the fungus's spores. O. unilateralis is in turn also susceptible to fungal infection itself, an occurrence which can limit its impact on ant populations, which has otherwise been known to devastate ant colonies.


I read something that I only remember very vague details about, but it said something about an ancient Jewish tribe coming across some kind of black stone that had some significance with lower vibrating entities or aliens or some shit, and that it was directly responsible for a great deal of the shitty things that have been happening since. Does anyone have any idea what I might be thinking about? Other than that, I also remember reading about Moses making some kind of pact with YHWH without realizing that YHWH was evil in some way. When I read about occult history I should really put more effort into trying to actually remember what I read. Maybe it'll ring bells for somebody.

I just want to know what happened here.


I used to have tons of shit researched but my house burned down when my computer caught on fire and fucked my computer AND my backups.

I have several preliminary theories especially regarding cats/toxoplasmosis. I think it toxiplasmosis might interfere with whatever parasite is in these “Globalist Jews.” Cats may even be able to detect the infected by scent. But beware because I also think that Gays might be somehow connected to toxoplasmosis in Cat feces.

Also I think doctors/military/these Jew entities might understand how to make people gay/trans with different payloads or to destroy their genetic lines. Maybe administered as punishment to to people whose families “gave them away/arnt loyal” or get to close to the truth that pisses said faction off. Or as a condition of employment at a prestigous job their kids will be altered to be gay.

Idk basically extreme biological warfare.

Look up a company called Geneuro in Switzerland

Contact Fox News and ask them for information surrounding the clip, such as their source for it, if you could potentially buy a copy of the original tape, etc. Don't need to hide that you're doing it because you think she might be a lizard, either. The people answering the emails might find it humerous, like that one guy whom believed he was an ET whom was MKUltra'd to believe he was a human, so he FOIA'd every government agency for his files.

Nothing lies beyond jews.

Our own shortcomings and failures

robert sepehr '1666' book is a good place to start. he provides the broader aspects of the story and has lots of references. youtube.com/watch?v=jq5oZ-kxvdY

No stupid Europeans have neanderthal DNA

one thing i always wondered is how to the sabbatean-frankists relate to the rothschilds for example are they descendants?

I can attest to this, the research gets blackpilling to go that deep. Theres nothing left that hasnt been jewed one way or another. (((They))) literally are acting like its their god-given right to cause societal chaos and destroy humanity.


That makes sense now.

Jotnar; beings of pure poison. Odin made humans, and somewhere along the line a Jotunn (like Loki) bred with a human and made a creature who looks human, but who's DNA is like poison, which causes it's human-like body and brain to attack itself like the abomination it is. Creatures devoid of human spirit and corrupt anything they touch.

Might give it a try, but this was live so I have to assume the original video looks just like it.

They are not though, the Jotuns are a very diverse group of beings, some are basically beasts, others succubi, some very wise and old, some brave warriors, etc..

Jotuns are all the beings not part of the Aesir and Vanir families, but since the spawn of Ymir and Buri mixed, many of them exist in a state between material darkness (Ymir) and idealistical light (Buri)

Col links relating to


(warning some are .gov)

http s://www.cdc.gov/non-polio-enterovirus/about/ev-d68.html

A large outbreak of EV-D68 occurred in 2014. How many people got sick ?

In summer and fall 2014, the United States experienced a nationwide outbreak of EV-D68 associated with severe respiratory illness. From mid-August 2014 to January 15, 2015, CDC or state public health laboratories confirmed a total of 1,153 people in 49 states and the District of Columbia with respiratory illness caused by EV-D68. Almost all of the confirmed cases were among children.

http ://discovermagazine.com/2010/jun/03-the-insanity-virus

Even more puzzling is the so-called birth-month effect: People born in winter or early spring are more likely than others to become schizophrenic later in life. It is a small increase, just 5 to 8 percent, but it is remarkably consistent, showing up in 250 studies. That same pattern is seen in people with bipolar disorder or multiple sclerosis.

Schizophrenia begins with an infection.

Torrey wondered if the moment of infection might in fact have occurred during early childhood. If schizophrenia was sparked by a disease that was more common during winter and early spring, that could explain the birth-month effect.

In the past few years, geneticists have pieced together an account of how Perron’s retrovirus entered our DNA. Sixty million years ago, a lemurlike animal—an early ancestor of humans and monkeys—contracted an infection. It may not have made the lemur ill, but the retrovirus spread into the animal’s testes (or perhaps its ovaries), and once there, it struck the jackpot: It slipped inside one of the rare germ line cells that produce sperm and eggs.

Endogenous retroviruses were long considered genetic fossils, incapable of doing anything interesting. But since Perron’s revelation, at least a dozen studies have found that HERV-W is active in people with MS.

“The ‘genes’ that can respond to environmental triggers or toxic pathogens are the dark side of the genome,” Perron says. Retroviruses, including HIV, are known to be awakened by inflammation—possibly the result of infection, cigarette smoke, or pollutants in drinking water. (This stress response may be written into these parasites’ basic evolutionary strategy, since stressed hosts may be more likely to spread or contract infections.) The era of writing off endogenous retroviruses and other seemingly inert parts of the genome as genetic fossils is drawing to an end, Perron says. “It’s not completely junk DNA, it’s not dead DNA,” he asserts. “It’s an incredible source of interaction with the environment.”

www .haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.560128

The reason for choosing Ashkenazi Jews as the subject for the study, of all groups available, is rooted in the fact that Ashkenazi Jews are considered to be a an especially homogenous group, in terms of genetics. The limited genetic variation among Ashkenazi Jews allows for easy identification of differences between healthy and affected individuals.


Globalist Jew/Military/Aliens/God/Demon thingys could possibly have essentially 0 day access to humanity and just take over anyone they don't like like golems or at least fuck peoples genetic lines up covertly.

Sorry I meant venom.
The Jotnar are symbolic of the uncivilizable outsiders. They may take many shapes and be of different temperaments but they are all ultimately venom.
Loki is the best example of their nature. You can bring them in, treat them like family, trade gifts, etc. but they will continuously subvert and make life hell. If the opportunity presents itself they will still side with their own against you.

Your take is wrong OP. It's just spicy degeneracy via some gay larping. These people believe in nothing, care about nothing. Just sick animals. I've met billionaires, been to their houses, parties with celebrities and it's just like high school but with more drugs, fucking and assholes. Money for power to consume more and more. Nihlist, sociopaths whose God is THEMSELF and money. Really inhuman indiffernce to other people.

The problem with Judaism is that they cannot resolve the problem of evil. If there exists a omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent god then there is absolutely no reason for evil to exist in this world. This problem can however be resolved by eliminating one of these three attributes. If YHWH is simply not powerful enough to defeat evil by himself than he can be still be considered omniscient and omnibenevolent. If YHWH is simply not knowledgeable about the existance of evil in this world then he can still be considered omnipotent and omnibenevolent god. But if YHWH is simply not omnibenevolent and he only cares about his chosen people then he can still be omnipotent and omniscient god. The last stance is truly the core in the theology of the Jews. YHWH is their tribal god and he only cares about his chosen people. If there is any supernatural powers that may lie behind the Jews, then whatever its source may be it would be embraced as the will of their god. Everything regardless whether it is good or evil is ultimately is decided by YHWH. If a Jew is born, then that is the will of YHWH. If a Goy is deceived by a Jew then that is the will of YHWH. Their theology really allows them to do anything they want as long as it benefits their tribe. Judaism is a cancerous religion that should be scorned as much as Religion of Cuck™ and Christianity.

I like how what "we" achive and notice ties into "no coincidenses"
More on the /x/ than the jews-I wouldnt call it 6th sense but a lot of times when I remember about something it happens in a near future ,like I would think about a movie and it's on tv the next day
The esoteric hitlerism ,the black sites ,the libraries of vatican,the insides of piramids that are illegal to enter,Antartica,there was some user talking about how 10-20% of all cities have a lot of underground tunnels that no one pays attention too
what is 30 or 300km the deepest dig site was ,the botton of the sea ,the entire universe-with the dark matter and dark energy
There is a lot of room for different secrets,I spent many nights talking about this with my brother
Even without Jew magic ,you have sociall influence to the level of disscusing quantum physics applied to understanding and use of creating and consuming memes ,describing Holla Forums as a hivemind ,the use of internet
Worst case scenario we get ready to kill jews
Who knows ,aliens may visit at anytime

it actually seems more like a mask that either does one of two things:
-creates of holographic illusion that works on the naked human eye and on cameras
-is a mask that helps a cgi computer program render a 3D face in real time

one thing i can say for certain is that it is some sort of advanced technology.

i doubt that is literally the face of a lizard creature (although it is possible there might just be one under that).

It looks just like the descriptions we've seen since the days of oldschool conspiracy literature. Large eyes, jagged teeth, pincer-like protrusion from right side of mouth. It might be CG, but I don't know what they were trying to prove since it just makes her look like a lizardman.

i dont think you understand what im describing.

the mask is not supposed to make her look like a lizard. the mask is either a cloaking technology that works in real life or a mask that helps a computer graphics program overlay a 3D image that looks real.

but in a way it also looks like the reptile creature that kyle odom drew (dude who shot up a priest he claimed was a reptile).

that picture doesent do it justice btw, because theres a much better quality video that better shows what im trying to explain. in the real video you can see that while the "mask" is visible her hair is actually physically attached to its head… so i think the mask only overlays an image over its face.

this is that tor user is trying to describe

you can clearly tell its not literal reptile

its some sort of cloaking technology in mask form

thread is being anchored, save it while you can

i cant find ANYTHING about this online… any related links you know of?

Actually Zevi was the founder of the Dönmeh kikes which would later become the rulers of Saudi Arabia. They were converts by Sword and still secretly practiced their occult Judaism and even managed to partially merge it into some branches of I-s-l-a-m.

My hypothesis is that mainstream kikery only disavowed him to play both sides and make his camouflage more convincing. The same shit they do these days.

oh shit
