
halfchan its being a fag, you should enjoy this.

It's a story about hitler, crowley, mememagic, literal cuckolds and more.

Other urls found in this thread:




OK OP, you fagged things up nicely. fuck off now

Perhaps, you should read the book Media Virus of that guy. In 93 he was telling about the memewars and how memes will become what they are today.

perhaps what? he's a fucking kike. You're literally peddling kike literature. fuck off.

Stop being so buttmad and read the goddam comic.






yeah fuck this kike. sage this shit.

the good degenerate satanists fought evil hitler, got it.

Go the fuck back to 4chan. We left in 2014 for a reason.

Nice brainwashing you got there

It's not about that, its about propaganda.





It's true, kikes can't write a single fucking thing without mentioning muh 6 million.

you're literally posting propaganda, you obtuse fuck

And you cant have a thread whithout crying for the jooz

Im not saying that anything is real you silly cunt. Crowley life was half propaganda and WW2 was filled to the brim whit that stuff. You cant speak about those two topics whitout propaganda one way or the other.

The svastica ITS now a symbol of all the bad thing that the nazi supposedly and you cant do shit about it.




Degenerate, but I did like how they portrayed the Swastika and the V for Victory to be opposing sides in a mememagic war.

You are posting a graphic novel portraying satanists, which is literally the same thing as Judaism, as fighting "evil Hitler" with images of pure degeneracy and the obligatory "muh 6 million". You also spelled kike wrong. So you either know jack shit about propaganda or you know exactly what you are doing. in any case kill yourself you zog minion faggot.


it's to affiliate swastika with failure, what do you expect from kike literature?

It is, I dont really like crowley but I liked this comic.

Oy vey the goyim knows

Yeah, because the nazis won, right?

Are you actually retarded, OP?

Crowley was a fat crazy rapist that drugged the hell out of people and put them in his dungeon.

Im not saying that he was good you nigger.

You have to be autistic. I bet you're one of those people that thinks Inglorious Bastards is redpilled.

he's sliding the first page and you're helping

Didnt care much about that. Its a shame seeing that you are triggered this much.

Look at that drawing of the face, what do you think that's supposed to convey? They make him look ugly and insane. You're a retard.

They also make him revel in death and evil, while in real life he was an altruistic vegetarian who looked like this.

I thought I was saging. My mistake.

Back to reddit. Hitler, Hess, and many more who are portrayed in media as evil and awful were in fact some of the most compassionate people to ever live. You are spreading lies, you are spreading enemy memes. Leave.

You mean this picture when he was taken prissoner and no so youthfull?



Even starved, even tortured, you can still see the goodness in his face. Interesting how you choose to post that, though. I bet it makes you happy what happened to Germany at the end of the war.

Do you deny that?

I figured OP was a kike/kike loving faggot after he typed "Jooz". Just report and don't waste your time.

I dont know. If you read the nazi propaganda, sure.

Also, if you read soviet propaganda Stalin was a fucking saint and the fat dork in North Korea invented golf.


You mean like the holocaust?

Even the Allied propaganda mocked his altruism. You're so fucking stupid. Please find me some stuff about Stalin being a vegetarian, about Stalin loving his people, about Stalin sparing his enemies, about Stalin being an artist. Hitler literally spared the British multiple times, he lost Germany the war through his compassion.

This is a natsoc board, if you want to do a storytime from some kike's comic you can go to >>>Holla Forums.

I havent read much about how the war was fought, can you recomend me some books about that?

You better be in High School. Now shut the fuck up, and lurk for two years.

crowleys faggot ass died alone and addicted to heroin. strong magic.


Stop posting and lurk. You don't deserve to be spoonfed.

Alistor Crowley truly was a great man. While I am not a thelmite, he contributed greatly to hermeticism, which I am a part of. He was a personal contact of Hitler (until the Jews led him to believe he was a "Dark Magician"), he was physically thrown over the Ittalian Boarder by Mousoliini, he was an alpha-male chad whom had sex with hundreds of women, he destroyed a 300-year old fraternal order just by joining. He was born with a Swastica Birthmark too.

I like Crowley but find his Thelma to be a wrong direction. I hope that this board doesn't dismiss him as a degenerate. He truly was a great man, and the only thing that's wrong with Crowley and Thelmites today is that it has been thutoughly Judified and his codex has been used for nefarious purposes, such as Pizzagate rituals

Hitler poisoned his wife and shot himself in the head in a hole

you fucking retarded? he was the classic case of do what i say and not what i do. he was an absolute degenerate.

Yeah you faggot how do you dare yo stop sucking hitler's cock for a second and talk about another thing you like


That was not what he stood for at all


lol, what the fuck are you even doing here? What point are you trying to make? That Hitler should have allowed this to happen to the people and animals that he loved?

is that the face of the master race?

he thinks he's smart and trying to demoralize us evil nazis while sliding, it's pretty obvious.

see? he can't even samefag correctly

what am i looking at


What happened to Mussolini and his significant other when a group of golems got him. Hitler saw these pictures and decided to deny the kikes the ability to do the same to him, his dog, and his love.

What the "good guys" did to Mussolini.

93 goes in all fields

Thanks for bumping the thread, moron.

No problem. I hope this dumb comic does not turn you against Western Esotericism, Alistor Crowley, Hermetics, Thelema, or anything else.

crowley is literally the ULTIMATE degenerate


What's the redpill on crowley? From what I've seen, he's just a degenerate, but why's that wrong? Also, are the highest levels of hermeticism just about buttsecks? Seems gay as fuck tbh fam (at least from the outside)

This is the thing with Crowley and his Thelema. He didn't want to engage in Thelema at first. In fact, he was more Buddist. But he continued to keep coming back to his original discovery of "The Book of the Law" repeatedly after dismissing it. To him, this was a sign that it was something he should persue. Crowley was not only in Thelema. He was also in Hermetics (read The Kyballion for a brief introduction to hermetic/pantheist/cosmotehist thought) as well as Budism, Quaballah, New-Thought. He improved all.

Thelema borrows heavily from all of the above, and combines them into the philosophy from the first vision, which led to The Book of the Law.

Fundementally, in both Thelema and Hermetics, names of gods are used as placeholders. They are not necasarilly beings but symbolic representations. This also allows reituals to be performed by both groups.

For example, I have preformed "The Star Ruby" on more than one occasion. "The Star Ruby", a thelemic extention of the hermetic "Lesser Ritual of the Pentegram" is a ritual designed to banish evil spirit (energy).

In this ritual, the greek names of gods are used to "summon" them. However, in reality these names are but placeholders for earthly elements, fire, water, earth, air. (The Star Ruby:

The Telemite believes in the vision of Crowley's Wife, Rose, while in Egypt, as dictated to them by the spirit claiming to be the goddess Aiwass. Her dictation, the Liber Al vel Legis, "The Book of the Law", is open to intepretation on how it should be, but Crowley, after eventually disreguaridng it for years and going back to it, decided that it was the law of governorence to the Age of Aquaris. He interpreted the dictation to show that the freeing of the spirit from the body through hedonism (that is, true hedonism: the following of one's primal instincts rather than learned behavior) is what the goddess asks. (Book of the Law:

Thelema can be considered a branch of Hermetic study, but Thelema is not representative to the whole of Hermetics. Furthemore, though Crowley started the spritual movement of Thelema, he contributed greatly to various other sects of spiritual movement.

Hermetics fundementally believes that the universe is thought, and creation is vibration. We know now through physics that the movement and vibration of atoms leads to things such as temprature and work. The vibration of invisible waves in varying intensity make up the electro-magnetic spectrum. Hermetic teaching has known this forever and has said existance is vibration. "As is Above, as is below" simply means that different intensities of vibration lead to different types of existance. There are also different planes of existance exsting of higher and lower conciousness. A dog has lower concious than a man. Old gods such as Odin perhaps exist on higher planes of existance. This does not mean a "Multi-Verse", it means they have evolved to simply outside the realm of our own perception.

Really, read The Kyballion to introduce yourself to Hermetics, and also read the works of Crowley. While I believe Thelema was wrong, he was a very incredible man and a true mage, perhaps even better then the last Merlin.

See, "true hedonism" just sounds degenerate and like an excuse to do drugs and have buttsecks.
If you're here, you likely value white civilization and its fruits. These would not exist if our ancestors were true hedonists and didn't sacrifice some pleasure to help their race.
Given the whole electric/vibrational universe thing, shouldn't you want to have control over your urges and become like a higher being instead of acting like a hedonistic beast?