Because the world needs more cyber bullying.

Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 retards reposting stgggs for the infinite time

is Britbong okay?


No Manly Tears, you aren't okay. You're a Manlet

Ehh, people that just throw aimbots on and hit record are boring and lazy.

Fuck off, Manly Tears.

Manly tears?

/cow/ also has a thread on him, somewhere.


He's honestly not that funny either. His "trolling" is mostly

shame the Holla Forums group hasn't done anything, kooch is busy with IRL shit and no one can edit



5/10 the guys were weens.

starting with you, punk

Y-you too.

Oh God a Holla Forums group? Please don't tell me you guys grief with stupid memes and actually try funny stuff.

Underaged griefer gets fucked.


far from being funny, this makes me depressed that this many people drink the kool-aid



Remember Barotrauma? :^)

A lack of conflict creates weak people.

But it's a coincidence that extremely white neighborhoods are extremely liberal.

Holy shit, that's fucking awful.

Fuk u i was grifed once andbit wuz awf




I remember the people in the barotrauma thread being upset from all of this.
Hard to believe we share a board with some of these people.

Pure coincidence, goyim.

You’ll want to rephrase that.

Kill yourself.

triggered? :^)

Unless you're talking about cyberpunk, cybernetics, or Bloodninja, you're retarded when using that word.

A classic


>they forgot to clamp the minimum and it could still go into ridiculous negatives for the same effect

I liked the general ecosystem in Gmod before folks got too apathetic toward the whole thing. The endless metagame of badmins trying to invent new and more restrictive ways to curtail griefing and mingebags leveraging creativity to bypass those restrictions and still fuck shit up.
This on top of the usual banter and low-tech fuckery made it great.

Good times
And of course

Except "cyberbullying" is a de facto term acknowledged by the entire media.
Just because you use it for your stupid fantasy tropes doesn't change that.



The only good griefing I've ever seen was the Duke Ventrilo Harassment (two versions. The new york accent and the group of british guys where one calls him a "Plonk") and the Esteban Winsmore videos. The rest is all really tryhard faggots who aren't ever funny.

Try this one.

Why should I care what a bunch of clickbait peddling fearmongerers think or say?

Holy == SHIT == that TF2 one I refuse to believe the weeb faggot is real no one can be that autistic.

He's pretending to get a reaction

I posted it earlier

Honestly just all of Afro's stuff is pretty good.

Holy shit

Looks like the refugees are already here.

they mis-spelt 'TRUMP'

already done lad


This cannot be real.

ahaahahahahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahaabhahahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahaahahhaahhahahhhaahahahhahahhaahhahaahaahahaaahahah OH WOW

Well I just found the website and it is real.

Fuck the new stuff gets boring after a while, their older videos are good though.

I miss Vent so much. All those countless hours just shooting the shit with the clan.

Different generations, user. Much of the SPJ grew up during times where the KKK were actively lynching niggers and Muslims were exotic sand people with stories about genies and evil Jews. Don't fault them for being a product of their time. Fault them for not keeping up with the times.

Isn't it like 2 clicks to mute people in insurgency & CS?
Are those people retarded?



That would require effort, user.
Just like you have 50 people screaming "ban him ban him!" but nobody starts a vote.

It's a video about griefing and they're in it, of course they're retarded.

Anybody else would either just ignore it or laugh at the easily triggered.



Does OnlyAfro count?

I like stgggs and Daniels too.

New griefing vid released today.

Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened to this board?


is that why danielfromsl has been praised here since second exodus nigger faggot?

I smell webms.

Spics are the biggest fucking hypocrites I've ever seen, I hope Trump wins so he can throw these subhuman pieces of trash over the wall.

What is wrong with onlyafro?
explain your complaint rather being a passive aggressive bitch.

Buy a 4chan gold pass and go back to >>>/cuckchan/

onlyafro is the cancer of darksouls
like the gitgud meme. Same with that lore fag, I think it was vaati or something.

These guys know how to take it easy

It doesn't end there.

When the hell was the last time the KKK or anti abortionists committed terrorism?


Wackos shoot up abortion clinics/doctors all the time and they're almost always super duper Christian. With that said the KKK hasn't been relevant at all for a long time.

I agree that they are Wackos but when was the last time an Abortion clinic got shot up? I'm serious. Outside of a shit 3rd world country of course.
2015, maybe even sooner than that, I didn't check too hard. It's largely an American thing as far as I can tell when it comes to non-Muslim countries.

More like once per generation.

Remember when Tf2 was good ?
The new updates suck so much on a constant basis now.

Post the best mic ear rape


it's been shit since the f2p update.

Here, we have actual edited videos, honestly it was a mix of actual griefing and just a bunch of Holla Forumsirgins crashing various servers and enjoying themselves.

The thing about griefing is that enjoyment and entertaining others is a by-product of it. Also it's a bit of work because we could play for 10 hours and get maybe 15 minutes of footage and even then we'd have to comb through that for the meaty bits

also here's one of the few actually edited videos

Griefing in barotrauma is fucking boring, it's too easy, really.

What's a good way to broadcast ear-rape without hearing it yourself?

I wish I knew.


It's still good.

voice_loopback 0



I want to listen to it more, but I fear for my speakers. The base drops are great.

Afro is far from fresh, kiddo. He's also damn sexy in a skirt.No homo

Was fresh a qualification for this thread?

There are ageless memes and then there are stale pop-culture normalfag memes. Its like how nobody can make arrow in the knee references anymore.

How is pushing niggers off a bridge with a tower shield a meme?
How is sucker punching people with a dark orb a meme?
Or should I just hate him on principal because he said a meme in a video at some point?

lurk moar tbh fam I'm not your daddy I'm not going to spoonfeed you

great response faggot


Not earrape but gah dam if it isn't good micpam

That is the funniest shit I've ever heard in my life.

I wanna play this

[nanking justification noises]

I miss micspam in GoldSrc games. That shit was even better. By which I mean it was very easy to just completely overwhelm the game's own audio by how much it ducked it.
If you blasted it with very low frequency signals of extreme amplitude, it didn't make any actual noise, but it almost silenced the game audio for anyone listening, and the 8kHz or whatever rate it broadcast at was great.

Judging by how people are pointing out that his name is 'unconnected', it's safe to assume it's happening when that was a decent exploit. You'd not be on any of the lists, just like anyone just joining and establishing connection.

So what's the deal with second life? Can you just drop any asset you want into any server or something?

You used to be able to via an exploit where you would rez things at 0,0,0 bug they patched that out after me and my friends abused it to death. You can rez stuff in simulators/parcels that have proper permission set or in places you join the land group for. Most of the funniest stuff on that game doesn't get recorded.

nah, your efforts at humour fall a bit short for my liking especially since you're not even a tiny bit funny.

Haha found it, there's a sl group that used to regularly fuck with voice hax. When you do this it makes you insanely hard to get rid of. Here's a friend of mine doing it while insanely drunk and singing songs while vomiting at his desk as people attempt to ban him from their parcel.

Also, manlytears ain't shit.

no he is

Also look what video is back up on youtube

The expression doesn't work well in text, I was saying he's a bitch and he most likely needs a step stool to hit the post button. :^)

This one is a bit long.

Did you know that a few years ago SL sims used to be able to be crashed by opening a new script, writing a basic list function and compiling it. The shit code (lsl) never implemented lists so the entire region that the script attempted to be compiled in would be completely knocked offline.

Stgggs is so goddamn low on the ladder. It's just dumb shit. Daniel is way better and the only funny thing Stgggs has done was that Jay Owen shit.

What the fuck?
Why are there tachikomas at the creepy campsite?

Fuck off manlet tears

don't take the low effort bait.

What's wrong with Daniel?




Holy shit this game looks like it was designed for griefing.

Have you heard about

Not as innocent as that. They're misleading the public so they can import more Muslims, further destabilizing the US.