#GamerGate #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Best sisters edition



- Spread the Trello leaks via the #HackHarassment hashtag
pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]


- oneangrygamer.net/2016/09/wikipedia-admins-filibuster-crash-override-network-page-to-bury-chat-leaks/11772/
- youtube.com/watch?v=TDKCXqSL2AI
- twitter.com/mombot/status/763725521628700672
- /u.teknik.io/u400h.7z
- PW: is7X8ThzzMC7CL2VtAvd
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/52zk4l/remember_how_i_was_complaining_about_kotakus/
- ghostbin.com/paste/7mne8


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
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• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for benis

See? It wasn't a Gilda thread!

reported for being an avatarhomo thread



Wait where's everyone???

Watching Based Mama's stream.

pic related

Remember to do emails gaymer gays

Are you seriously trying to pretend that wasn't you with the exact same picture and filename?

no. These threads are slow as fuck now, aren't they?

Anyway, Guccifer 2.0 leaks again: guccifer2.wordpress.com/2016/10/04/clinton-foundation/


Guys, plz.

Stop making memes, they won't stop coming true.

Fuck off ircgoblin.

Gilda a cute


Try the entire site.

And yet people are leaving despite us winning harder than we have in our whole history. I don't understand it. It makes no goddamn sense.


Wait if meme magic is real then will I die?

There's an abandoned digging thread on HQ that could use some attention >>>/gamergatehq/328224

It's about the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative and groups calling for the repeal of Section 230 so they can sue websites for stuff posted by users. CCRI member Danielle Keats-Citron has been seen with the clique on more than one occasion.

Blame Josh, also there's not much to talk about in terms of vidya

I just don't have the time anymore. Still rooting for you.

old bread: archive.is/Qs1gK



Good! I hope that's where everyone is and they're just taking a break from here. That would be great.

Just post the lewds already. Cute things are fine too.


We need a dollarydoo edit for cuckchan. How much was it again? U$15?

If I bake a normal one, would you pass there?

Nice circlejerk autismo group you have there, faggot. Have you ever considered facebook?


This is like a Paki trying to say they're a German just like you

Jesus christ, I don't know how she can stay civil.


Does anybody here have 15 bucks to throw in the trash? Buy the cuckchan pass and try to talk about goobergate on their paying only board.

Jesus fuck, they could not have choosen a faggot with a more annoying nasal voice to backtalk at Summers.

Why are those faggots trying to disguise their speech as questions?

Ding Dong Bannu

Another thing that makes me upset is how polite she tries to be and how hostiles those faggots are against her.


So what's the new name for cuckchanners, or halfchan in general?

Fuck… that autist's speech and question was goddamn moving… the dude has gotten such an important and sensible point about this entire thing…

Just 20bux or maybe SomethingAwful 2.0

This time you would be paying though and there's no official rule about GG discussion being banned. Doesn't amerifats have any customer protection laws that would make Gook Moot give back your money?

that's why you don't use the same browser on every website and also use a VPN

20bux and 20buxchan are my favourites, I think.
I was going to suggest finding a way to spin this into a new exodus, but I don't think we really want more halfchanners here, do we?

What was his question again? I couldn't hear him well.


(…b/c it rhymes with 'four' and reflects one's attitude towards their overzealous, oversensitive moderators)

Every single thread I enter is full of dumbass Holla Forumstards having a autistic shitfit about niggers and jews or whatever. I don't give a crap about that, I just want to talk about video games, but more often then not a thread I'm interested in gets derailed by unrelated and pointless political drama.

Wooooow… the obvious tranny is a fucking unpolite spawn. Why the fuck isn't it kicked out?

"You're an idiot!". Give me a fucking break.


“Once again, we still have no evidence Clinton Foundation systems were breached and have not been notified by law enforcement of an issue,” the organization said in a statement sent to TechCrunch. “None of the folders or files shown are from the Clinton Foundation.”

I'll talk about games with you. What games do you want to talk about?

I generally don't even go through the effort of memeing on them because it feels like I'm an ex-girlfriend dissing their ex-boyfriend on social media years after the relationship ended

I just prefer to let them wallow in shit


I'd like to talk about games too.

It couldn't be more obvious they sent some interns to go do that and drive attention away from the hack

Talking about Hillary, did Julian Assange said anything on his stream? I only heard everyone got upset because he shilled his book.

Are trying to make Hillary the hip young candidate like they did Obama?

It just seems like they're trying SO hard to make her image something she's not even close to.

The embassy goblin basically had nothing.

But sir, politicians and their army of trust-fund drones don't want you to have video games, and worm their way into communities to destroy them. That is why the discussions always stray to politics.

That said, it's getting harder and harder to find a recent game where the company that produced it isn't a horrible pack of fucks. We need a reset button, and we need to go back to 1987.

He circlejerked, shilled his book, and then said fuck all about Hilary

Is that ellen degenerate on the right?

Basically, his criticism over "intersectionality" is the idea that it's not merely that white males don't have a voice, it's that only people with "minority issues" get one.
What this implies is that if you don't have a visible "minority status", you require an "invisible" one… and thus, if you ever expect to be listened to and respected, you require outing yourself.
He mentions being an autist (to be fair, it was quite obvious seeing his stuttering), and that obviously makes his life much harder than "privileged people"; but he would rather prefer not having to show it off to receive attention, to have his voice listened to.
It actually made me fucking emotional over that, user. Like… yeah. So many people lead a hard, hard life and can't just pretend it's because they look this or that way. And forcing them to "come out" with this pain to finally somehow "deserve" respect is so despicable and… sad…

He won the election with the young vote. You have 18 year olds going on about how they will be apart of history and all that.

Now, those same people are unemployed, they need jobs, and they know wall street was the ones who fucked them over. They went for Bernie, because he promises shit that helps them. What has Hillary promised them? Fuck all.

Wall Street has never done anything to fuck me over. Mandatory health care, on the other hand, has made my already-shitty company slash the accrual of paid time off, eliminated sick days, and froze ALL pay increases, even for promotions. ALL incentives have been snuffed out.

Truly, I must be thankful. Thanks, Obama.

I kid of know his feel.

Maybe not the whole autistic part, but of being an invisible minority and having to show it off to receive respect from these types who claim to help you, yet unless they know you are one, they would treat you like shit and disregard anything you have to say, because they can't see past the whole privilege hierarchy.

Pretty much. I was one of those who voted for Obama both times, and I feel like his Presidency was wasted.

The best we got was him handing the American People on a platter to Big Insurance.

I kinda wanted Bernie vs Trump for this election, cause it didn't matter who won that race. I even voted for Bernie for the primary, but now….

I don't think I've heard the Clinton campaign mention anything related to policy in a long time, if ever, since I barely pay attention, and what I have heard mentioned were the same empty platitudes that Democrats promise but never deliver on for the past 2 decades.

That would have been a fight to see.

I mean, i don't agree with Bernie, but I wouldn't have been mad if he won, because he seemed like he cared and wanted to make a difference (Mind you, this was what I thought before he went all out against Trump and kept letting Hillary fuck him and his supporters up the ass).

Maybe he got scared about an actual drone strike? the bitch is crazy.

I see… good for him to be heard.

You know? the thing is that Obama couldn't lose against his ribal because it was the time when republicans were Bush-retarded. It was like chosing between an obvious liar who wouldn't fulfill his promises or a mobster that would fulfill every promise they made.

I can't still believe you americans don't have some public health care. You could say all you want about Europe, but before the invasion of shitskins the public healthcare was pretty solid and one of the few reasons people should pay their taxes.



Kotaku tries to make a controversy out of nothing, what a surprise


KiA user even warned people of these japanese clickbait sites and worried how kotaku would handle it but they did it anyway. When will Kotaku die?

Site users always fluctuate I thought so i wasn't worried

I think the younger users went back to college and that's why things went slow, but I guess we'll see what it's like in 2017. That said, the site not working and Josh's shenanigans certainly didn't help

Oh boy

I am gonna bully you.

Public health care only works in low population areas with close knit communities. Canada is one of the worst public systems ever, objectively the worst public health system because it's so bureaucratic and inefficient.

Well, my country has a decept public healthcare even if the rightwing stole all the healthcare money for stupid public contracts and there not even money for pensions, then tried to privatice hospitals to sell them to their friends for not even a 10th part of what it costed to build and we are swarmed with shitskins. To be fair the population is rather racist even if the left wing is gaining some power, so we don't have so many scandals like in the north.

he has a sense of humor about it at least

the guy that deleted his comic because someone said it was ableist

Anyone here seen this video by Grindall61? It apparently makes sense what SJWs are trying to do.

Canadas problem is 2 fold. 1) the doctors are lazy since they get paid either way by the gov, there is no fire to make them want to do their best, and the ones who are worth a damn wont stay here when they can make more in the states, asia or parts of europe. 2) some idiot made it mandatory to have a healthcare plan and benifits for fulltime employees, so noone is seeking fulltime workers anymore. And the loophole is 9 mont contracts then 3 months where you have to get another job unless you are somehow a genius budgeter. Ea vancouver is notorious for this, and I would not be startled to hear ubisoft does it too. So while we pay taxes to reduce immedeate cost of healthcare, we get shit quality for the cost of taxes.

You can make a pretty good case for all different aspects of society and civilization only working in low population areas with close knit communities.

I assume the tl;dr is that sjws are pawns? Because thats not new news.

Exactly. I would love to see canada disband and made into a collection of smaller countries because that could improve the provinces a little, and light a fire under many asses that need it.


They've been scrambling around in panic mode for a couple of weeks now.



Am I the only person who finds this really petty?

Yeah, seriously, who gives a shit about pantsuits?

Oh my god, they think the cyberpolice is real.

Well… another disappointment.

How can you not? All pro hillary and anti Trump and on top of that all funds go straight to Hillary.

My, Max. How ==UNPROGRESSIVE== of you to not use his chosen name.

No. And I hope that he gets accused again so he goes to prison for rape.

Well he did advise GG to escalate their efforts. But trying to dismiss his message by lumping it in the "things that bother me" bag along with us doesn't really make him look rational to the people watching. And that's what counts.

You know, I debated adding a bit to this post about how I probably fucked up the red text. But then I thought "Nah, I've been here long enough that I'm confident I got it right."

Boy I sure look like an asshole now.

MFW pro halfchan shilling can now be referred to as 20 buck spin

People think that corporations and law enforcement are proactive. It's hard enough to get the police involved in something if you call them and give them all of the information.

no, and you'd think that cards against humanity would have a bit of brevity against the woman that bill Clinton would rather choose a horsefaced jewess over but you have to remember that they started removing their tranny joke cards if I remember correctly

Altus won't change his shoes right?


I'm tired and I'm probably ill, I should go to bed, but I want to shitpost more.

Is that game any good?

I tried playing amnesia the dark descent with my bf, but got scared and asked him to hold me after playing it.

What a sad life he must live.

It's useful to those people just getting in the loop.

I just want Trump to win to see what would happen.

Hillary wins, Russia nukes us.

Trump wins, globalists nuke us.

We can't win.


Eww. Hopefully you can find a mod.

Well, I'm not American, so it would be amusing to see.

This pleases me greatly.

That Donald Trump description in second pic is that what he actually thinks? I mean their is not a shed of satire in the Hilary description. That fucking drumpf insert too I don't even hear that from the morons anymore.

Hard hitting investigative journalism

It was a petty forced meme to begin with. Doesn't stop others from trying to make it catch on.



These fucks are so predictable when it comes to Mafia III, they're revving it up again

If they do then things are fucked beyond repair

Aw yiss

There is nothing worst than forced memes. They should feel ashamed of themselves.

That might be the end of her it's how Trudeau won in Canada, well that and horny old fat ladies.

RE4 is known as a shitty PC port, arguably one of the worst out there. There may be a fan patch just because of its infamy

ahahahaha, oh man.
you know how we've been in a recession since 2008? that was wall street's doing, selling garbage debt that would never be repaid as assets.


I don't know if you guys saw this yet but ubisoft is "investigating" ZachAttack

oh my god

Good morning, faggots. Have you played Romancing SaGa 3 already? If you haven't, play it!

I've had the same shit job since 2008. The only thing that has affected me personally is the fucking health coverage bullshit, and its effects on every business in the area.

I'm so fucking sick of Assange trying to play around with this shit when things are so serious right now.

what the fuck happened? this is awful


Apparently there are rumors Bill isn't her real dad, and this guy is. Personally, I think it's more likely her dad is a potato.

I think the new port is fine though. I think it's only the first port from when the game first came out that was shit.

You know the recession happened because Bill Clinton made it mandatory for banks to loan money to riskier people to help the poor. Then 10 years later when all the loans started defaulting shit got fucked. Bush/Obama are still shits for bailing everyone out though. Bailing people out in a recession is like protecting all the old dead trees in a forest fire.

Th RNC fucked up apparently

I'm not angry about killing Klansmen because I'm racist, I'm angry about killing Klansmen because it's pandering shit and obviously done as virtue signalling and because, historically, being a Klansmen in the era Mafia III takes place in didn't mean jack shit.

I can see it in the nose

Something something liberals treehugging hippies.


Too busy playing River City: Tokyo Rumble.
misuzu is best girl

She seems to be about as insane as her mother.

The only racist post that is actually kind of racist is that last one. The rest are just pointing out that if you killed a bunch violent black racists everyone would find it unacceptable.

SaGa scarlet grace is coming out in about two months.

..I hope you learned your japanese good.

The nose, the big lips, and the general head shape, where the top half is kind of smaller than the bottom. It's like a squash or a peanut or something. Not hugely noticeable but there.

How could you not be insane with Hillary for a mother?

I really liked it back in the ps2 era. I thought about playing again but didn't know about the no mouse support thing


I got the original one not the hd remaster, my pc is shit. The shit one is probably this because there's a Ubisoft logo when you start it

right now it doesn't mean much (aside being a laughing matter). We need to wait for when they start to delete entire boards

found one but it's from 2007 and some people in the comments are saying it's garbage. I'll test it later

They're literally afraid of GG.


Yeah that's the shit port ubisoft ported RE4 and DMC3 I think the DMC3 one was even worse. My friend pirated it and he couldn't even quit the game when he saw how broken it was it has no way to quit the application. Had to Alt+F4 out like the AssCreed1 PC port.

But I play Doto, and even then I'm on a fucking break from it right now.

I don't get how they can simultaneously fear a group and think we're just a bunch of manchildren living in basements, but they pull it off.

What board is this? That isn't actually Chomsky right because if we're on that morons radar we fucking win.

I just wanted them freaking out about the digital ISIS

I've noticed this too but found out the trick: you have to go to the save/load window and hit "reset". One you are on the first screen again there's an "exit" option that quits the game. It's really retarded

They jumped the gun or something. Heard a libshit say that it might be a Republican ploy to get people to not watch the debate

I cringed so hard I almost left the room goddamn


They've been living on the Internet for too long but, unlike us, they can't discern reality from fiction anymore.

They consumed too much internet and social medias. Their mind is gone user.

Its cognitive dissonance.

SomethingAwful, a website where users are afraid to leave their 10 dollar ivory tower.

tbh with the rumours about Hillary her father is probably a turkey baster.
imagine those two fugging

I don't know how that screenshot shows fear.

There's the RE4HD work which is a team of 2 guys remaking all of the textures in the game to actually look good
Some of the levels are already playable with part of the mod, and the site gets updates often

It's also their "holier-than-thou" attitude that consumed them. Them being feminists, SJW's or the "voice of the voiceless" thought they got every right to bring everyone down just for their skin color, sex and genitals for not toeing the line.

Ideology is one hell of a drug.


Did you not get the new RE4 version? That one has Mouse Aim.

Marche, her face in that picture makes me feel strange in my pants. Please get more from that artist

Oh, I see.

I'll let you get back to your circle-jerk in peace.

They don't really believe in those 'cause', if the hip thing on social medias right now was eating dead babies that's what they would do. They seek validation, nothing else.

But yeah, you said it, ideology is one hell of a drug. Once SJW will have become too toxic or their ideology not needed anymore they'll wake up completely alone, their world upside down and no one to turn to.

Watch tumblr user, tag a few SJW and follow them, see their demise in slow motion, that's what I do with my pet SJW.



My pc is shit, not sure it can handle the HD remake


Lord kek demands it

The tattoos are pretty appropriate, given that they're a couple of giant pussies.

Wait, I thought Singal wrote for Heat St now too.

While I'm at it, am I the only one who thinks he's slowly losing his marbles? It feels like his writing becomes more erratic every time he gets criticized by either side.

how does the gamegate "win"?

is there a competition or something

No Heat St just got the rights to post the article or something like that, Singal got really asshurt over it

Wonder if vid related will become reality, because the opening theme is quite catchy.


Wait, are you saying there isn't a shitpost olympics?

simply by existing at this point.


He's not writing for heatst. It apparently was an elaborated "trolling" as they got the rights to reprint his piece somehow.

we win once all of our enemies have been shamed into hiding and then killed.

What if GamerGate suddenly became pro-Hilary at this point?

Come on, man. I mean, come on.

They'll still find a way to demonize it.


Holla Forums was right again.

I recognize that laugh and song from a webm but can't remember which

I don't know about everyone else, but I always assumed our win condition was a second Armenian genocide.

that's a re-upload. Where's the original? Why split the views if you want that to go viral?

Original was on vimeo and I can't embed that.

Is South Park ever wrong


Cringiest shit i've ever seen, and i'm at Holla Forums/v/.

That comes later. Armenians are a more pressing threat.




Remember when Jim Sterling first pushed this narrative because of a couple of cherrypicked Steam comments months ago? That's where the narrative started taking off, by the way.


Vice pres debate is happening.
Also Trump's live tweeting it.

I'm sure some angry feminist won't see that and assume you've tatood vaginas on your arm as some kind of notch on your arm for all the pussy you've crushed. Seriously, no one is going to assume that is a uterus tatoo to show support for women.

What the fuck Holla Forums


Trump tweets are the best tweets


The obvious interpretation is that they prepared a template article to publish something as fast as possible once the debate is over.

Actually speaking of watchdogs 2, what the hell happened to that game? I hear nothing about it anymore

Don't know what you mean, last bread being full of porn discussion was an exception and not the rule

Pretty sure this is standard practice for journalists.


here you go

I remember they announced the villain. Pic related. It's supposed to be a woman.


Yeah, It's unnerving






it's a shame that most people won't watch this, because Hillary's vice is going crazy, talking over Pence and cracking wise marks. Pence is very calm and professional. The exact opposite of what the liberal media criticised the first debate of (in regard to counting Trumps interruptions).

I can't wait for Trump to win. I'm going to spend the whole day telling people like Max Tempkin to kill themselves.



This can't be the villain, it's pretty much the average feminist look

It's kinda funny how Kaine's self-destructing.

Why do these SJWs still not understand biology. Show me a woman with a body type like that. No, not just some fat dykey woman. Those exact proportions. Those thick forearms, those big hands, shoulders wider than hips, etc.

You can't just take a male model and put some tits on it and call yourselves progressive. Unless this is supposed to be a tranny, then I guess that is accurate.

I will exchange you my /fit/ ara for that one. I just need time to actually remember the name so I can find it.

I still have to see a Twitter tranny that passes in real life.

And of course they mention the Goons shouting "DELETE Holla Forums" and associate the board with "the alt-right."



Guess he never got the memo that it got abandoned because of datamining.

And he will probably end up being the prez if hillary gets in since she will croak within a year

No need, just tell him his actions only furthered trumps success. He would not be anywheres as successful if msnbc and celebs started shilling him.


Is cancerchan finally going broke? Will it shut down? Will those faggots come here?

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

fit girls are a wonderful thing

It's not shutting down yet, but turning into bigger cancer.
Which may or may not drive people elsewhere.

They deface their own skin in order to show "support" to a right that has been protected by the fucking Constitution for 4 fucking decades, and they still whine when we say "virtue-signalling".

way for Gizmodo to prove that they are the revoltfags all along

They're as cucked as reddit. If they didn't jump ship during GG they won't now.

Watch, in months from now some will try to defend it. I see many 4chins are upset, but let's be honest: will they really leave?

They're gonna rig the votes, goddamn it, user.


revoltards will probably try to drive them to endcancer since cripplechan triggers them far too much

That's the funniest part, in my opinion. They want to feel like they're doing something with bare minimum, but don't want people calling them out on their bullshit. Hell, look at those tattoos, those are a two minute job at the most, the artist probably looked at them with an expressions that likely read like "are you fucking kidding me?"

Huh, that's pretty cool. I was worrying they were turning out to be controlled opposition.

I can't watch this anymore. Kaine is just so fucking cringe inducing

Well, I can't find the one I was going to post. Might have been taken down but I'm going to keep looking.

But he's exactly like Jeb and that's why its hilarious.


What I don't understand is, why is 4chan having financial problems when Holla Forums is apparently more stable financially? I would have assumed 4chan to be better off due to economies of scale and attracting more advertisers due to being larger. Intentionally reducing their user base by closing boards seems like it would decrease revenue more than it would cut costs. I must be missing something here. They said as block cut into their revenue, but that should affect Holla Forums the same.


That "questions for anti-SJWs" video really REALLY annoys me. How in the hell can they be so unselfaware? Why are SJWs such shit? Why does their entire worldview revolve around how "morally superior" they are to the rest of mankind? Why do SJWs do nothing but virtue signal on a constant basis?

Why is Max Temkin such a whiny little shithead?

Having tens of millions of users takes a lot of money, lad.

Because moot never looked for advertisers outside of J-List, and Hiroshima's a bigger lazy piece of shit than he was.

What boards are being closed?

Because Holla Forums basically piggybacks on 2ch's server resources.

Google's datamining deal with Coot granted him a job with them as payment and since he was already planning to pass cuckchan forward he didn't cared it was descending into pure debt when he sold it so he never thought about a solid financing program to fund the site.

Fuck, here we go, finally found it. Art's not the greatest but it really got me going.
Dude's friend is the daughter of a legendary female kickboxer, and he pretty much only hangs out with her because he idolizes her mom. Her mom tries to talk him into taking over the gym, they fuck, and she's happy because he might have put a successor in her belly.

halfchan is basically Reddit 2.0 now, the userbase overlaps a lot. But they don't have the resources and capital of Reddit.

Our 'bad' reputation protects us from this fate, for now.

reddit is also on the red and never turned a profit actually

Jim seems to embrace our bad reputation and sees it as a good thing

Social medias were never profitable but they keep afloat anyway, like if they were kept alive by some jewish necromantic magic.

The fact that they don't bring in money but still exist should tell you something about their true purpose.

Tell me what those exact questions are so I can smash them and maybe someone will help me shove it in their faces.

None have been named, it's all up in the air. Everyone's convinced their own favorite board is getting the axe.

Those are my questions for them.

This nigga has to be kidding? To much "revenage porn" has the bitch smiling at the camera while swallowing a load. Sorry but the bitch isn't inocent in this.

Also available, by the same author:
"Explain how butterflies are not racist or misogynist"
"Explain how electrons are not sexist or ableist"
"Explain how feelings are not ageist or white cis male pig scumm"
And our best-seller:
"Fifty tricks to convince yourself that your neighbor is the alt-right"

This remind me of when I conducted a downsizing operation this summer. Everybody was sure I was out for their head. Being HR is suffering.


You heard it here folks,

endchan.xyz/gamergatehq/ is the Gamergate Headquarters


And I got $15, should Holla Forums be advertised on cuckchan/vip/?
I mean, if you paid, can they ban you for that? I'll put up an image advertising Holla Forums, someone else make it though.

I love how SJWs keep trying to make people prove negatives.



Never trust a whore

What happened to the Gamergate boards on Holla Forums? Why is GGrevolt on Endchan now?

/ggrevolt/ left after the dud handed over control to Jim and Holla Forums was unusable for like 2 weeks.
Also concerns about Holla Forums storing IP addresses longer than 90 days, which Freddrick had said they weren't stored that long.
I can't find the screenshot, but I just saw a ban message yesterday, and the ban was from 2014. Whatever post that was that got that IP banned has long since been gone, but why is the IP still saved over a year later?

To be fair they always pick what misrepresents GG the most, like that time people got posts from /baph/ but changed the board theme to make it look like the /gamergate/ board. They pick the most obvious trolls to make the worst representation possible of GG

And J-List dropped their ass because the current userbase isn't buying their merch because onaholes trigger them.

They never will.
They're trying to clean up the platform, and all they are doing is chasing their userbase away.

According to Hillary's VP; Stalin was a better leader than Putin apparently.

The GG boards are still here, it's just they don't get much use anymore. /revolt/ "left" to Endchan but came back with the trails between their legs when they realized Endchan was storing all their IPs.

Well, I say "came back," but it's really just a couple of really dedicated shitposters.

thats because the left loves communism
its why SJWs hate putin because he isnt a fucking commie


So does Holla Forums. It's who do you trust more to save your IP addresses?

They're trying to clean up the platform, and all they are doing is chasing their userbase away.

I can't believe people still use Reddit because it's so censored. I want a Reddit where people are free to post what they want. It would be easy to let people just post links what they want, because it's all clean, but moderators restrict what can be posted. The only thing moderators don't care what people post about, ironically, is disgusting troll posts and memes.

More than drybones and his pals, that's for sure. He would be petty enough to actually do something with it once people said anything that made him butthurt enough


I can't believe people still use Reddit because it's so censored. I want a Reddit where people are free to post what they want. It would be easy to let people just post links what they want, because all of it is clean and safe for advertisers, but moderators restrict what can be posted. The only thing moderators don't care what people post about, ironically, is disgusting troll posts and memes, shit that advertisers shy away from. That, and Reddit has a serious anti advertisement mentality, feels like it's spam and they use ad block.


I hang out in the discord chat of a streamer I watch, one of his viewers just said that Patrick Klepek of vice contacted her about an article involving Final Fantasy X speedrunners, thing is this girl has completed a grand total of one run, like just one, to say she runs the game is kind of stretching it.

What do you think Top Kek is planning, what could be his goal here

It's obvious, really.

Plenty of clickbait, add in GG is ebil, and there you go, another article for another day for Topkek.

hes KGB trained

hmm, I don't know. maybe lying as usual and saying that the girls are taking over in the speedrun scene and proving that they are better at games then boys.

Reddit was "seeded" with fake content for years until fags picked it up. So it didn't came into existence "naturally" like Slashdot or others. Most likely Reddit is some social experiment by the NSA.

he either found some "dirt" on her where she said she likes the goobers or he'll use her as an example of strong empowered womyn that goobers fear. Tell her to make all their exchanges in written form and to not talk to him on phone (unless she's recording it)

Wanna help a lesbian couple to get a baby? Think twice: you'll end up paying child support. Prey they don't have twins.
please use archive.is/money/2012/oct/26/gay-sperm-donor-pay-child-support-maintenance

If you are told you have a child and you know it's not yours, you are most likely not allowed to make a paternity test on your own: you have to go through court, meanwhile, women claiming you are the father don't need to prove it.

Crazy ex/girlfriend/wife/other steals your sperm and get inseminated against your knowledge? Congrats, whether you like it or not, you're a father now!
please use archive.is/femail/article-2056875/Liz-Jones-baby-craving-drove-steal-husbands-sperm-ultimate-deception.html

Ah shit. She's pregnant… and you don't share her views regarding the future of the child: you want to keep it, she doesn't//you want her to abort and she won't. What can you do? Nothing. In case of disagreement, she decides and you suck it up.
>If the father's consent isn't required for abortion, does he have a legal right to be notified when one occurs?
>The Supreme Court addressed this question in Planned Parenthood v. Casey and found that the father does not have a legal right to be notified of an abortion.

Damn these sexist men and they reproductive rights they don't have

Written evidence is pointless in this day and age, best to go with an audio/video recording.

Damn. Forgot about the word filter.
First link: archive.is/rpLH0
Second link: archive.is/9uVs

After days of research, I still can't find Devin Wilson's other papers that's related to video games. Either he hid it or there haven't been uploaded yet.

Reddit boom happened when Digg died. They had sponsored content being passed as organic and power users who controlled most of the site, ironically pretty much exactly what's happening on reddit itself right now

You checked 8diamonds and gghq?

He'll fish for a harassment story, no doubt.

I did my own research, none popped up. 8diamonds nor gghq doesn't have his other papers.

Next thing you know is that they have no idea who polina is

Is her name Erika right now?


Not in Gamasutra? also checked wayback machine on his author page?

Made some artwork for you guys.


This has to be the dumbest most pathetic article I have ever seen in my entire life.

Have you checked devinwilson.net/WP/writing/ yet?

Holla Forums has a small enough userbase that it can be kept afloat by shit like that guy who bought Trump ads for the whole site for months and months on end.

No, Arabic is not inherently kebab. It was around before Mohammad's heresy.


Those subhuman greek snakes probably shouldn't have done the Massacre of the Latins then, they brought their downfall on themselves.

Cool, but the 4th "Crusade" was a hell of a lot worse.

Did you know paternity tests are banned in France?
"Fatherhood is determined by society", (((psychologists))) say.

Still brought it on themselves. Had they not stabbed their Christian brothers in the back, they might have gotten support from Christendom instead of well-earned Latin vengeance.

Woah, this one's good. Danke.

Well the Pope shouldn't have excommunicated the ENTIRE EASTERN CHURCH multiple times over petty as fuck shit.

That's so bad it's depressing. They're actually policing the Twitter lists of famous people.

Holla Forums is financed by the CIA who use Jim as a frontman.

France and spain; never wanted to go to them, never will. Would much rather go to poland or austria, or even norway or denamark.

They are not entirely banned but if you want to keep it legal (and you want it to be legal) you have to fight against the court system to obtain the right to a paternity test (good luck), or you have to obtain the consent (written down and signed of course) of the mother after explaining her what you plan to do with the result (ie "no more free vacations for you") (good luck too).



Maybe this will drive people away from Twitter. Might be fun to watch.

It already has. It's called South Korea.

Let's summon gookanon for a status check, with the NoKor nuke test, they're going insane with another red scare there.

The communists are going to kill us if we wanna be protected we better become social marxists.

They're far gone when they dehumanize everyone that isn't "empathetic" as they claim to be. I saw a clip where TYT screamed at the camera and said anyone who wasn't a "social justice warrior" is evil.

Virtue signalling = narcissistic tendency to do things for the sake of social prestige regardless of whether the actions are "good" or not.

OK people, have you tried that Minds stuff some people are shilling on youtube? I made and account there and it seems to work. Nowadays I only use twitter to see stuf from some nip artists that keep posting stuff there like meiz_sandwich, rebis and falcoon.

One more thing people, don't feel down for the apparent lack of happenings, we really never know when a surprise wild one can appear. Take your time, keep vigilant and know people here indeed manage to throw a fucking GG - shaped wrench in these people social machine. We might not see much change now, but the code of how and what they do was cracked and they can't hide what they want anymore. Take you time, enjoy your vidya and be ready.

I think you're too far already:


Fuck shitaku.

no user, you see, you all too stoopid to notice

Trump was Clintons all along

Dude looking at this fucking shit.


This utter tripe, this complete and utter cuckening.

Somehow that's sexist because they aren't women
Goes from twitter to:
Going by that logic, if he's also got a 50/50 split with men on his instagram feed, wouldn't they be implying he's bisexual?
I thought bisexuals were oppressed.

Erika is certainly a better name

another virtue signaling pajeet color me poo surprised

Truly, Putin thought of everything.


Oh yeah, please keep us updated on this.

are any other sites reporting it beside kotacos?

No worries I will.

They can go fuck themselves. If Worst Korea aren't offended by the Imperial Japan flag, why should these feminists and SJW's? Time to put them in their place.

What is this, a Kids Next Door operative?

Dubdubs for glorious Nippon.

It's a nice flag, well designed in it's simplicity yet loudness, it would be a shame to hide it from the world same for the nazi flag or the confederate. They were banners of a time and age and school of thought long since learned from. After all, that flag represents the mandate and agenda that got two nukes dropped on it– that is the first thing that comes to mind when I see it– defeat. It's all eye of the beholder and who should be able to limit what another likes? I wouldn't care if the country reverted back to it anymore if France went back to their pure white flag.


Found another retarded cuck.

Do these people ever remove their faces from their phones? Its fucking twitter.


It's nice to see banter again.

What percentage of the guns used in murders are used by black men?

Yea this is the lie they always push, that the guns come from other states hence those other states need to have Chicago's gun laws.

Aye. Much like the "Iron River" of guns going to Mootxico. They claim 90-some % of guns they trace in Mexico come from the US.

What the leave out is that 80+% of the guns recovered in Mexico are untraceable. Of the small fucking % that CAN be traced, 90-whatever % come from the US. But the actual number is like 3 or 4% of the total crime guns.

Where do the REST come from? Smuggled, without serial numbers or makers marks, over the southern border and the third-world shitholes down there.

Yep. Mispeading statistics, just like the wage gap.

that's one of LW cronies who got exposed in the CON leaks

That explains a WHOLE fuck of a lot.



That reminds me, can you trace the exact Kotaku article? With screencaps that is.

I hate living in California

I know this guy. This is the smug ingrate who goes "shrugs, yawns" over his attacks over Mark Kern and how he's OK doxing #GamerGate supporters. Seriously, this snarky beta needs to be punched sooner or later.

Yo and me both. At least I live in one of the more sane parts of California. Sadly, pockets of Crazies are pouring in from San-Fran. The Fran Slam can't come soon enough.

>San Francisco


Fran slam thing is from an early warning system saying that we might get an earthquake. Its no different than any other time we get a possible earthquake warning like back in the late 1990's or mid 2000's. The only difference is that this one got more media attention than normal. So if you're waiting for California to sink into the pacific then I wouldn't hold my breath.

Then again, it's long overdue.

Make haste, Fran-Slam, and slam all the Frannies


video games

Also did anyone watch the VP debate?

Kaine acted like a fucking loony, kept interrupting both the moderator and Pence, Pence won the debate, so the Dems are scrambling for damage control.

Kaine had like this creepy look on his face the whole time repeating talking points like if he was reading from a memo. Like Trump calling Mexicans rapist and criminals and Mike Pence let him say that repeatedly throughout the whole debate until the end when he finally corrected him.

The man was calmer than a Buddhist monk


Where's the outrage by the Gook community here? I've looked upon the internet, I can't see a thing!

read the thread yes even the shitposting

Why is John Doe the default name on /suicide/?

John doe and Jane doe are what you call bodies that haven't been identified. An Anonymous body would be called John Doe, clever.

>tfw Pence saved himself for marriage.

could the triffids beat the killer tomatos in a fight?

You could say that he was rather pensive. The man has sense.



Pure Coincidence. The narrative must continue.

Remember when that dev (Baldur's gate controversy maybe?) on steam bitched about GGrevolt, even though ggrevolt was far deader then gghq at the time? Remember in the COn leaks how most of the shit the sjws were bitching about is stuff /baphomet/ and /cow/ was doing? Because it's much easier to throw them into the narrative to discredit us.

That's obvious. Every time I think the ride is ending some bullshit happens and hilarity ensues.


I recognize that hentai

Violating the first amendment I see.

I was also reminded of this one
happy fapping!

This won't hold in the supreme.

Thoughtcrimes are real.
1984 was 32 years ago.

That's what they said about pastors being unable to talk about politics from the pulpit and being forced to lose their tax exemption status, but that's still going on today.




Looks like Denton wants Round 2.

>bread only 8 hours old
>already page 8
da fug? I don't think that's normal, and we were normal speed today

Sorry, I closed the gate

winter's coming, and we've never had a gaymergay thread during elections either
include the batshit insane ride we've been on the past two years, I don't think anyone would have expected anything less

8th gen consoles, not even once. At this point I'm just fighting to preserve a man or lesbian of fine taste's right to enjoy fictional tits and ass and the few actual fun games that don't give a shit about story.

When will you anons finally understand winter is best? It fills the world with crisp, quiet beauty that completely transforms any area it covers into a living canvas.

This is like one of those weird hentai where the rape victim comes back for more.

I've noticed the breads go really fast until they hit the bump limit.

gamer gate is a joke? wtf, this feminist cancer that was attempting to plague the gaming community was halted and cut out by GG, no one has ever united gamers from all races, genders and consoles in a united front like anita sarkessian. she lied about us, lied about her claims, hell even her videos was game play form other utubers in which she gave no credit too. nvr mind scamming ppl out of hundred of thousands of dollars to produce a video series she nvr finished. GG is alive and well and waits if we are needed again. this announcer sounds Australia, for thos who dont know feminist has a strangle hold in Australia, so no shit this chick is goin to talk shit about us. fuck her.
Reply 7



They were likely quoting a page showing normalfag perspective, you fuck.


Some people don't know what's good for them.

People who haven't had their face smashed in tend to think that they are invulnerable. Denton doesn't know when to GET OUT OF HERE.

It's too early in the morning for this kind of smugness.

ya, on your christmas card maybe. then all the snow melts and turns everything into a moist towelette

Is it just me, or does this article about a Steam Group that targets shitty Greenlight games read like what could be an article about #GamerGate, if Kotaku wasn't full of SJWs and in bed with the clique?


Sure, the article sputters about harassment, and also whines about suspected homophobia, but it also acknowledges that the "decentralized" group may be a necessity because no-one else is doing the job.

A quote without source is less worthwhile than my average shit. At least the latter served a purpose.

Won't even bother with that shit.

It's fairly neutral for a Kotaku article, really. Hells, I might be happy if Kotaku would release an article like that on #GamerGate, highlighting (supposed) harassment issues but also pointing out the good deeds of the decentralized group (and the decentralized nature of the group in general).


Nay thou



dont know where that first reply to marche came from…

Its because you love me


Good evening, faggots. And don't worry, no charge for this video.


But seriously, what can't Craptaku write an article like over GG?

Here's your ara captain Ahab.

That's a damn lie and you know it.

Oof, that's biting.

Uncalled for man.


Maybe in the future when the world is ready and tortilla isn't kotaku's eic, we'll read kotaku's serialization of Nathan Grayson's memoirs of how he fucked his way through hordes of pink haired indie developers (and the world of mma?).
Don't hold your breath though.



Impressive, very nice.

You got it good.



About the VP debate.

People are really fucking stupid.

WW3 can't come soon enough

Twitter rots the brain or just exposes who are the dead brains.

We're really going balls deep into 1984's Big Brother shit aren't we?

FUCK, it really is ogre

Post-election winter is going to be a nightmare

I wondered too if we have too many shitters shitposting until the bump limit (which we always do, let;'s be honest), but even still we weren't that terribly slow today so it caught me off guard. I thought it was just many threads were made today

user what is this in reference too?

Gamergate will never get fair coverage
never ever

I wonder if there will be a civil war or at least uprisings if either candidate wins. I doubt the Mexicans will hold still if Trump takes office, but the white trash and working class Americans who vote Trump likewise will be pissed off if Hillary takes the office, doubly so with all the bullshit she has already pulled in her previous office.

As for GamerGate ever getting fair coverage - a man can dream. I'm still hoping that the entire SocJus bullshit will eventually stretch things to the point that a violent backlash is produced that tears their masks off - although, judging by the average stormtard that populates Holla Forums nowadays, I fear all that will happen is a swing of the pendulum into the other extreme.

I think the history books will say that during 2010-2020(maybe 2030) the media went full retard and made up lies and believed its own bullshit. and every story during this time can never really be trusted.

For the sake of future generations, let's hope you're right.

They might believe that Trump was Hitler and Gamergate was the KKK incarnate,

While faith in news media has fallen drastically, unless there's a counter to it, we'll end up like Vietnam Veterans.
It's a thankless job that will have you marked negatively for decades to come.
Fortunately, we've already gotten FTC confirmation that we know our shit, it's just a case of counter-flooding the SocJus bullshit with a massive tide of

Bonus points if there's an entire chapter filled with

Was this a real New Yorker cartoon?

Yes or No, Holla Forums?



Yes, through the looking glass we go

Have we reached max lvl yet?
What else is there to kill? Vice maybe?


We grind rep and achievement till expansion is out.

Don't overestimate our role. We caused damage to Gawker, but the killing blow came by Gawker itself when they thought it an awfully good idea to publish Hogan's sex tape.

This makes their supposed new attempt to appeal the court rule all the more hilarious.

Oh, so this is why they threw a temper tantrum until Univision agreed to pay for all their legal fees. They wanted carte blanche to continue trying to spite Hogan. Fucking sociopaths.

Alright, I'll choose the one who didn't ignore questions.



Someone post it. I know someone has that bit from King of the Hill with Dale trying to get a paper route. The worst part is that it's popping up so fucking frequently that every synapse in my brain is starting to find it completely unfunny.

Yeah, I got it.
Three out of four presidential candidates latching onto it kind of does that.


New Allum, read it.

I usually wouldn't care about Breitbart serving as Trump's party paper, but this tidbit is interesting.

Funny. It's like this news I read about Univision moving a bunch of spic "artists", as in washouts, to make a concert for "diversity and inclusion" in a "totally not politically biased" environment before the election.

It's interesting because the same degenerates who tried to turn various media forms into their own personal propaganda machine continue to do it when they think nobody else is watching.

They mad.

> breitbart.com/tech/2016/10/05/writer-jamie-peck-asks-media-blackout-pro-trump-art-show/

On the one hand, it's asshole behavior by members of the media that needs to be exposed and called out.

On the other hand, the pro-Trump art show is a classic Boorstein pseudo-event, a marketing stunt manufactured to look like a news event to elicit news coverage. They shouldn't reward it with undue coverage, but for that reason and not for being pro-Trump. To the extent that Breitbart is plugging the show or trying to shame the rest of the press into giving it free coverage, that's not good behavior either.

colluding journalists should face treason charges and punishment

Gamers are dead 3: Return of the Vivian

Denton really should have made sure the sociopaths he hired had an IQ over 60.

delet this


DELET this

Are we being raided?

I like Gilda.

More than Vivian.

Source, please?


in other news, Mr Shitface just became richer

Boku no Hamster

It's really depressing how many suckers there are in the world.

>Fig still can't get cash from accredited investors

The funny part is Fig i not even apporved to take money as a crowd funding or investment source. Either way, it is not going up as fast as wasteland 2 did and a lot of people on the steam forums are calling them out as scammers.

I fucking love this guy.

Nah, the way I see it is that he's gathering companies that had successful kickstarters who can deliver a product to make his company seem more credible. When the smaller indie or AA market starts using Fig then you'll see a drop in quality and greater investment risks.
It's playing it safe right now to swindle suckers later.


FIG is designed so even if the game goes to hell and never comes out, Mr Shitface will keep his money.

I want to be there to see his face the moment the FBI swoops in to arrest him for fraud.



It's fine, Vivian will just pacify her with some games.

I'm proud of you

quads are not a GET


Gilda secretly gets off on being downvoted.


she can use edges to get aroused at least


To be entirely honest, the entire SocJus bullshit is getting under my nerves recently. Can user recommend comfy games to get mind off the crap?


what genre and what platform

I just want at least this pathetic obnoxious crusade against tits to end already.

PC. don't care otherwise.

I don't get how they can go from
In the same breath.

PC Comfy?
Recettear, if you haven't played it already.

Play OpenTTD to this ost; youtube.com/watch?v=bxCKiHvcfJc&list=PLB3C71AA3E868E29D

Trails in the sky is 200% relaxing

It's not just that. It's this entire fucking bullshit at universities, this whole, miserable victim cultism. It's just - bah! No, nevermind that you've spend six fucking years studying feminist dance therapy, the evil CIS White Male is at fault for you not getting any jobs.

Surely you could not possibly do anything wrong.

Can confirm. It's a very comfy RPG. I think both FC ans SC are on sale on GoG right now too.

diablo 1 with the hd mod is comfy and kept me busy for the last 5 months

I have that, but might actually have a look into the NG+, coming to think of it.

Simulation isn't my strength to be honest (although Zoo Tycoon is comfy as fuck).

Will consider

I always thought Diablo to be spooky rather than comfy. Especially from the catacombs downward.

not after you've visted them for the 2000th time

You can;t post an image like this without a source

I really need to see what the jap script is like, this getting ridiculous.


I feel like if Treehouse just exploded one day with all employees inside, the localization world would be a better place.

Yeah, that line reads like it's incredibly spiteful.

I don't know, user. This could turn into a second Chanology, especially one the normalfags and career politicians start latching onto it.

I mean, the Pirate Party in Germany was fairly based at first. Now its full of SJWs, and they almost introduced a Pony-Pause if debates get too heated. And yes, that's exactly what it sounds like.

If you like Diablo, you should check out Xanadu Next which should be released soon. It's way better and more fun.

I feel like this might trigger some of the poor people stuck in Flint. I'm going to lose my shit if some journo writes about it.
It would be a great opportunity for a "what the fuck did I ever do to you, Nintendo, that y'all had to make my suffering into a fucking joke" post.

Though if you want to talk about Gentrification, it has completely fucked over a lot of regular people in commiefornia because they don't have Silicon Valley salaries and have to make due with working man's wages in a wealthy man's world.

Sounds like pic related nigga could've used more pony-pauses.

And people here STILL suck nintendo's cock like they can do no wrong

inform me of it when you find it, I just googled "masturbate with table"

Try arm-362. I mean it's in the pic name.

I'm more inclined to believe he had a few too many.

Does she like to yell?



Why I'm voting for Clinton

She is an airheaded tomboy, so she's mostly just really boisterous.


Makes me feel nostalgic over Oprah's 9000 penises

What would an user taste like

salty milk and coins


I just want the pathetic self-righteous or even spiteful shaming war on sexualizing fictional women part of GG to fucking end.

Please let Valkyrie Drive be a decisive blow.

loneliness and broken hearts

last for benis

Stardew Valley with mods (careful, latest update has broken a few, check them right) is fucking insanely comfy and perfect. Even better than a harvest moon.

why you ruin my bookend benis

user I love you and want to hug you

thanks (「・ω・)「

damn negro

When did Niche Gamer start posting clickbait articles?



There's a reason for that.

Nothing wrong with that article.

Apparently there is, because NicheGamer just deleted their tweet for it

and also deleted the article

please tell me this is a prank call

are you retarded?

delete your account



tirtirto dhammaan xogta

did we died again


It still amazes me that the MSM tried to pass off a Tumblr tantrum as an "epic burn."

I've noticed that it picks up around the time burgers get off work. Incidentally this has been the time the new threads have been made too. Then it's usually pretty speedy for 300 posts, then slam to a crawl once we hit bump limit.

What I find hilarious is that they never mentions Trump's response tweet that completely shits all over it.

Quite weird instance of modders getting fucked over recently. Can't fully make sense of the entire thing yet (can't help but feel like pcgamer are part of the dickery too)
Also, possibly, the use of vivian james in the mod was enough to cause it too

Oh yeah, especially with how fucking salty it made people.

I knew something was wrong when I first played nuCOM. Doesn't help that naming a character Chris Kluwe was a dead fucking giveaway.

I really have no idea how a washed-up manchild of a punter has that much influence, just from saying he played WoW once.

I have the feeling he either owns a chunk of Firaxis or he's been doing something weird with that handegg money of his.

because to them liberal, white, football jock who likes nerd things is somehow better than Black anime weaboo football star turned wwe wrestler.

He would be that jackass that demands a cameo in everything. Pic may or may not be related.

Unless he showed up in some other game, I have the feeling that whatever social clique he's involved in would ultimately be responsible for it.
It would also explain why the modder team got completely clusterfucked for using a free-to-use character that's known for a certain thing whose megathread we're currently shitposting in.

Yeah, probably. Still, it's getting pretty fucking frustrating to see the same clique being behind the same old bullshit continuously.


So twitter suspended the #1 Trump supporter on twitter.

Looks like Twitter is either in Hillary's bag, or are burning their bridges with conservatives. There's a potential it could be both.

The same clique (and other SJWs) have been infecting game institutions a year or two before gamergate even started. The odds have been stacked against gamers from the start. Yet gamers obtain victory after victory while groups like CON get exposed as frauds.
Awareness is the key. Just like OpDownpour. Give the consumer the tools to make their own choices.

Whatever you do don't boycott them. We don't boycott as that would hurt them where they care about and would be mean.

You could've easily called that image "FFXI.jpeg"

Someone is trying to get a BBC boycott going over their SJW shit.

Specifically regarding the TV license- a pseudo tax that goes to the BBC, though it's supposed to help all broadcasting services.
People in the past have (to little effect) tried to oppose it (mostly to avoid paying, but some for honest reasons like the pedo cult), but now SJW is a dirty word, it could work. Or at least, spread awareness of the BBC's shit and reduce their ratings.

It's antiSJW and the BBC is one of the main news groups in the UK. Hammer them, and you've torn out a big chunk of the upper-brass SJW clique in the UK.
Plus, it sends a message to other countries. The BBC ratings/income fall because of SJW pandering- well if it can happen to them it could happen to any broadcast group.

Please no e-celeb drama, focus on the idea presented.
And emailing CON Leaks.

Collective boycotts in the gaming industry will never work, nor was it even a point I was trying to make. Even at its height of influence there were never enough gamers to have a meaningful impact. Making the other consumers aware of negative behavior of devs and publishers allows gamers, the buyers/consumers, a chance to spend their hard earned cash in a more educated fashion.

A-la Oculus Rift is dead type of thing?

Posting this theory. There's no other proof this is true except for conformation bias.

IMO, if Twitter did do this, they'd be a lot more subtle. Mass banning tips people off. But taking out 1 major figure every 3 months (just after people stop fighting for the last one) and people won't get up in arms.
Or so they think.

Going after the BBC? Hot damn.

Twitter trying to boil the frog slowly I see.

In addition to this, what he's suggesting is instead of just writing a complaint- screencap your complaint before you send it, send it, then send the screencap to an organization that is anti whatever you're complaining about.
In this case, the Daily Mail posted stories about the BBC's bias, so you basically CC them into your BBC complaints.

Thinking about it, you could do that with other Disrespectful Nod targets- only since no US media outlet would touch it (since they're good goys together) you could CC an advertiser when complaining directly to the source. DisNod often bypasses the source of the complaint and goes for the advertiser (with great effect) another strategy in addition to this is showing advertisers a copy of the polite email you sent to [SJW Gaming review website], so that when they tell the advertisers "They're just harassers", they know the email was not harassing, but polite and logical.
I can't believe no one has suggested it before. We know SJW will ignore complaints at best, and distort them at worse- so why not hang them with it in front of advertisers. They'd never show the emails, so you do.

Even if the BBC thing doesn't click with you, I'm glad this tactic has come to light.

Sort of. More like testing how much BS they can get away with.
They do something stupid, apologize, then try again later. All the while edging forward to their goals.

Why not?
AntiSJW shit helped shut down Gawker, several careers, the reputation of US higher education, the reputation of US news media, and the US establishment.

Going after the mouthpieces is gonna be the next step in anti-SJW stuff (if not by us). Though I wish others would go higher up (Soros, government)- but I guess I'm impatient.

Unlike Gawker, most of the BBC's income comes from the britbong public. A possible way to target it would be through contacting federal politicians to complain about bias.

I swear to fucking god their brains don't work.

Gotta love their default comments. Don't look at the profile picture, don't look at the person's description, just call them an obese neckbearded white dudebro and run to your friends proclaiming victory.

SO 4chan has cancerfags on twitter defending it's honor.

I did a quick update

So how long till univision buys 4chan?

Isn't that just another salty burnoutfag? The handle sounds familiar


I wish they did like the hippies and they all died or fucked off.


Twitter's a fucking disease. Anyone there can excuse their retardation with "I-IT WAS JUST A PRANK, BRO! I AM LE EPIC TROLL!"

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I agree user, and that was a sick burn.


I always said that if there's hope, it lies in the normalfags. We are the dead.

You shut the fuck up before someone hears you! Someone could be watching us…

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That image: >things that never happened

Maybe something like that will happen on social media in the future under a crazy CEO's tenure, but it's ultimately contrary to normalfag values. Such a operation couldn't be kept secret within a big company and you wouldn't be seeing multiple companies going rogue together.

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take that shit to Holla Forums you sickos

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That image was fine but I wish I hadn't seen that post though.

You faggots only have the basic pass. You could never see shit like this.

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let it be known to even the poorfag proles that mark is abusing his powers, here

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Both the BBC and MPs (our statesman) have had accusations of pedo collaboration- even with each other. The BBC protects the MPs of the current part in office, and vice-versa (even without the pedo-club).

However, that doesn't stop contacting shadow MPs (people who would have had that job in government if their party won), to humiliate the guys in power.
The government has been surprisingly quiet after Brexit. Now is as good a time to turn on the pressure as any. Especially since the BBC was pro EU.

There was/is a press complaints communion, and organizations set up to combat discrimination (but not against whites silly goy). But a "grass roots" attack via UK papers (and what few of them are based) might be the trick. They love blood in the water, and would happily shaft the BBC to sell more.

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Damn, SJWs are fucking retarded. Chris Ray Gun does a good job blowing them out

I knew from the start that the Pirate Parties were pure petty-bourgeois shit. On hindsight, I should have guessed that that trait would act as a SJW magnet.

"Exposed" might not be the best word, considering the total blackout of the media on the subject.

I didn't think gilda could take that many dicks!

This guy has such a punchable face

People have forgot that socialism/communism is the at the left end of the spectrum. Ask most people nowadays they won't believe you that the National SOCIALIST party were SOCIALIST let alone left leaning. People think Right-leaning politics means you hate black and poor and people and Left-leaning means you like black, poor, and gay people. It's what happens when you ingest nothing but media from one political leaning for your entire life.

its time to


I could see something that absurd happening, if not for the "banning 2/3 of the userbase". It broke credibility into a thousand pieces.

I really hate the damn thing. I think I have a good idea to shit it up, but I can't find time to do anything these days. I don't suppose you know of a good open source Twitter client?

Aw man, let's not go down that road.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just sharing a nice joke

That's a satire account right? If not I hope to god they windows smashed with eggs on halloween night.

I want them to keep demonizing everything, this new generation is growing to hate the left even more.

What kind of candy would they give out anyway?


If I had kids I'd dress one up as Trump, the other as Harambe and if I had a daughter I'd dress her up as a zombie Hillary just to fucking piss them off.

That Simple Jack looking "S-JeW" sounds like he has the same regional accent as Paul Joseph Watson.


yes, Gaia's Dancing Indigo Children is a satire account.

user, were do you think you are?

Is that suppose to be a Christopher Reeve joke?

I was thinking that it would be the best Halloween prank ever to replace people's "Hilary 2016" signs with "Blue Lives Matter" signs

What if your child goes trickortreating costumed as a god?


So, Anyone baking?

Damn, Heat Street is salty as fuck about Assange.


He won't mind. Reeve is dead and wouldn't stand up to the criticism anyway.

Or pic related

bakers dead

Naw but a Blue Lives Matter sign makes it that much harder for someone to call in the news to show what the racist Trump supporter did to their lawn. I mean a local news station would have a hard time trying to demonize the cops right?

More proof they're just controlled opposition.

Seriously, though, Assange better have something.

Gaia's Dancing Indigo Children is a troll page.

I know it's hard to tell.

You should know by now that they would demonize cops if it makes them look progressive.


But a local station just not saying cops shouldn't die.

In that situation, they would just ignore it and fail to report it.

fail to do a report on it.



Which is what you want. Also you think the cops will try to pursue that.

I thought 700 for new threads?

700 replies or when its page 14