Venezuela: law against hate passed
So the ANC(more on that later) passed a law against hate. its full name is "law against hate, for pacific coexistence and tolerance".

It says that anyone who publicly incites hate, discrimination or violence against a person or group of persons because of race, social, religious, political or sexuality status will be imprisoned from 10 to 20 years depending of the severity of the crime.

Some interesting tidbits is that it derogates any previous law that contradicts it. It also says that they can remove the license to broadcast from tv and radio stations because of hate crimes and also legalizes blocking websites due to the same reason. Also, people who send hate speech messages through social media have 6 hours to comply and remove them or face a 50 to 100 thousand UT(tributary units) fee.

1UT= 300bsf that means the sanction is between 15 and 30 million bsf. Minimum wage has been increased 5 times this year alone, last time being this month, and right now the monthly rate is ~460 thousand bsf, but that is split in two categories: Actual money = 177 thousand bsf and food stamps which is 280 thousand bsf. So we are talking about anywhere between 85 and 170 months of wage if you are earning minimum wage (and assuming you don't spend anything from it).

So what's the ANC? ANC stands for Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, which roughly translates as constituent congress. It is a body that has only existed for a few months, illegally at that.

The constitution says that a referendum is needed to call for the election to choose constituents for the ANC, which wasn't done. Then the government spent a few months trying to get the population to vote, threatening pensioners with their pensions, threatening public employees with unemployment, threatening access to social programs, threatening access to dollars (exchange rate is controlled by the government), proposing freeze of prices (venezuela has the current highest inflation of the world, of course, freezing prices would only make the problem worse, but the population is retarded) and outright giving money.

Even with all of this there were only 3 million votes (not voters, as only government personnel were at voting centers there was multi voting) which is outright pathetic, so they inflated the number to 8million votes (which itself is also pathetic, considering two years back, during congress elections there were 15 million votes), the fraud was so blatant that smartmatic, the company in charge of supplying the voting machines, called on the fraud, and yet here we are.

So you have an illegally called election to set a fraud of an election to name a body to be in charge of writing a new constitution (that then needs to be called to referendum as well), however, what they are doing isn't that, they are acting as a legislative body, basically a parallel congress with supraconstitutional powers, meaning they are passing whatever laws they want to shit out out of their ass, without the approval of anyone.

In the same vein as wherever a "hate" related law has been passed, it is merely a tool to control dissent.

Other urls found in this thread:,,

So basically Spics/Shit skins are acting like Spics, what a shock! Another latin american country that doesn't know how to run things.

Also,I tried to cross the border last month and the guards were asking for a garoto box o chocolates in return, luckly I friend of mine had it. This is the most shit tier chocolate/ sweets you can get here in Brazil.

Communism in action, folks. Still waiting on their death camps to show up.

honestly, everything that's brought from neighboring(and not so neighboring countries) is shit tier. Milk that doesn't taste like milk, pasta that becomes rubber in seconds, sugar with actual iron in it, poo in the loo medicines that don't have so much as production date on them. Socialism is destruction.

How is shit looking in brasil? you have new presidential elections next year, right?

Venezuela will be a great example of what's to come in the West.

it is unfortunate people don't fucking learn, how many examples of leftism failing do they need to get in their that it doesn't fucking work?

Governments. Will they ever learn?

It's not real leftism!

Shitskins. They have no ability to learn from past mistakes even if they were actively protesting them a few weeks ago.

While we are at it, I believe venezuela has entered default, as far as I know the last bond payment was due last week and bondholders haven't gotten their payment. I think bondholders can call for an acceleration, meaning bondholders can request the payment from bonds that haven't matured yet, even if they are meant to mature decades from now.

Forgot to say, but these bonds were issue by PDVSA, venezuela's oil company, but for practical purposes, they act as a sole entity.

one thing citizens should be wary of is enforceable laws that aren't enforced instead. The government has made it easy for officials to steal, these are investigated and collected but not brought forward… unless they turn against their master.

it seems like the solution is to go to all venezuela site's and start posting hate.

Remind me again why we give a shit about the Venezuelan government desperately jingling keys and saying "look over there!" in a bid to keep their heads on their shoulders?

I have to admit, Brazilian sweets are not that bad, but I'm not much into sugar/chocolate or sweet in general. Anyway, the country is like every other country with an IQ below 90 points on average.
Nothing has really changed, the left is still the same old left. There are the commies/ socialists and old guard social democrats and pro workers union groups/ parties, and the progressive types/ SJW Antifa fags. It's kinda weird actually, most of the SJW type are kinda capitalist but they still prefer to associate with the commies and socialists. They are not a huge group actually, but they still have the controll of the narrative and the academia, same as in the US and every other western nation.

The right wing is kinda small….ish. It's kinda weird, there is this huge libertarian/ Ancap movement growing amongst the youth here, they might have a chance of changing things in the future, but I doubt it. At least they are not cucks, sure they are super autist sometimes but they are quite socialiy conservative and pro-Pinochet, so I guess that's nice to see.

The conservatives are just retarded, some of them are alright, and are quite smart, but the majority of them are just neo cons that love to LARP as republicans.

The real problem honestly are the "Centrists" they are fucking cancer, almost all of them are center left, and they still think that the left is the one that is going to save them. Not to mention they act as if they super "intelectual" when in fact they are just niihlists or ignorant about politics in general . Not to mention, most of them are just center left because they think is cool or because they have a friend that is a commie or something like that, they have an IQ below 80 and they are the majority around here, and of course they are the ones promoting those bs "Hate speech laws" or other shit like that, and them they complain when the left starts to censor them, but for some reason they agree with the left when they accuse the right of orchestrating a coup, a coup that was in fact a Impeachment that followed all the legal process that had to be followed.

Now when you ask about the elections, honestly dude, I have no clue. There is a huge chance that the old left wing guy (Lula) is going to win, because centrists think that the right wing guy (Bolsonaro) is "worse than Drumf) , that same old bs that you see every day from the left and the center. So yeah…basically lula will probably win cuz centrists are retarded, and he will introduce some hardcore regulations on the midia, propety rights, and internet access.

At least there has been alot of fighting on the streets, and that always fun to watch.

You would surprised if you saw the amount of people that still defend the left around here and Venezuela, sure they are not the majority but even a significant part of the youth still belives in this guy.

Hey, don't forget the fact that with the Saudi price's reforms the oil market will chance quite alot and we might see the end of OPEC.

Venezuela is now the happiest country on earth alongside North Korea. Western countries, take note.

most people are too busy scraping to get enough to eat to go and learn the implications of default. Although I don't know what they can even try to seize to recoup the debt. The only thing that comes to mind is CITGO and I think half of it is already set as the collateral of a bond and the other half is (or was) mortgaged to rosneft (russians). I just don't think they have much of value offshore, specially after they moved their gold back to the country a couple of years back. And even that would be insufficient, as I believe we have ~9b in gold (it's hard to find figures of this) while the combined debt of PDVSA is ~30b

Centrist seem to be advanced cancer is a good number of countries, if not all of them.

I didn't know lula was running again, I thought he had gotten in trouble over odebrecht.

I haven't delved much into the saudi thing, there are like hundreds if not thousands of princes so I don't know how much of a game changer this is. However, I haven't seen much variation in the oil price the past few days, so I guess buyers aren't worried, at least not yet.

How much for killing commie politician?

Aren't Venezueleans eating their pets and zoo animals? At least they're not hurting any fee-fees I guess. Wow.

I don't think anyone is eating their pets. But I think some people began eating stray dogs and cats

I think murder is 30 years, murder in general


They only did because they can now legally arrest you if you say something against leftists.

For the sake of transparency, I'm OP(my ip changes about daily due to blackouts).

TSJ(controlled by the government as well if you were wondering) just passed another distraction ruling

Pornography, implicit and explicit, has been banned from being published by media. Now we won't import food anymore because we'll make our own!in fact, we will export like before! now the murder rate will reduce to something sane! inflation will suddenly drop from three digits! all thanks to this!.

Also digging around in my folder I found this from a few months ago, in which militarymen were given a "bonus" for their heroic effort repelling protesters. The dark blue package you see in the photo contains menstrual pads, quite fitting if you ask me.
Also, apparently even poo in the loos are being shafted by PDVSA. 6 months without honoring our debts.

yeah, it was already mentioned

Are you in venezuela? Cuz if you are you could send us some pictures showing the situation on the streets.

btw how many people have died so far? I heard that the gov. stopped couting the deaths that happen during the clashes with the police.

as if.

The clashes have stopped, I've heard of roughly ~150 deaths. though that's nothing compared to those who die to thugs. about 25 thousands a year which puts up in one of the countries with higher murder rate.

and I don't think there's anyone counting the number of people dying of preventable disease or those suffering from malnourishment.

So the streets are "calm" the situation would vary from city to city and from part of the city to part of the city, but the current dread is hunger and your every day criminal.

The black market dollar reached 52 thousand bsf per usd. The exchange before chavez was ~0,5bsf per dollar. Right now minimum wage(+ food stamps) amounts to 9 dollars.a.month

Caritas has done some studies about nourishment The last time the government released any figures about the matter was 10 years ago(not like I would trust them now).

And from a few months after, another study from caritas revealed an increased of malnourishment in poor areas from 54% to 68%, and that was just from april to august

And I just found out a 29 yo nurse died of malaria, she even went to the capital, but she couldn't get the medicines she needed .

Something that went from being virtually eradicated from the country (nowadays there aren't even vehicles fumigating). Apparently we represent 50% of the cases of malaria of the whole continent based o last year's numbers.

Dale venezolado, I hope you able to find a way to get out of there, just don't be like the native americans/venezolanos here in Brazil, they are just a bunch of socialists that want the gibs from my gov.

Bueno, when do you think civil war will happen? Srsly, you guys barely have any anti-biotics left in your country, I really can't wait to see when people start to get weapons from the other countries and all hell breaks lose in there.

Btw, after this whole thing is resolved, do you still think that the left wing and the chavistas will still be able to hold some kind of power in your country?

I don't think it will happen. At this point too much people is seeking tog et to the end of the month. And others are just trying to flee the country as they can. Personally I'm trying to graduate first, in the mean time I'm trying to get my middle school and high school papers legalized, and very slowly trying to save money with online shit (as a good number of people are doing, you might have heard of a venezuelan influx in runescape, for example)

So total slavery then.

Many* and are*

Anyway, wtf are you gonna do with your degree? I mean don't get me wrong, if it is on a STEM field that's fine, but still, most institutions out there will probably not hire you based on the fact that your country is a socialist shit hole and they want to hire some one that was in a somewhat decent university.

mfw I realize that you are not LARPing

talking about russia and slavery.
Public employees were forced to go an celebrate the 100th anniversary of the russian revolution. On a weekday to boot (not like they do anything of use even if they were at their work)

And that's what happens when I don't proofread. Actually, public universities here are good, with public universities I mean the ones that existed before the chaverment. The new ones are shit, the only thing they are better at than the old ones is installations because the government has been choking the old ones budget wise, because they are sovereign.

If you ever hear of a "medico integral comunitario" or MIC, run away, you are better off seeking a brazillian shaman than one of those pieces of shit. Their pensum is insufficient, and their teachers are mostly cuban doctors, any nurse have much more knowledge than them; heck, even a paramedic who has been on the job for a few months is likely to know more than them. They graduate in 3 years in the shitty government universities whereas real medics have to study 7 years and do 6 months of "rural" meaning they have to go to some tiny town to help.

And, of course, said MICS have higher wage than actual doctors, an ode to mediocrity, just like everything this government stands for.

Personally, I don't play runescape, I have a part-time job along with doing other shit on the side, finding some gigs before they dry out. Like prolific, which used to pay very well, but for some time now I haven't gotten anything, I assume venezuelans got in and poisoned the well by doing shit half assedly and getting researchers to just black list us.

I heard about them, they are way worse than the cuban doctors.

Also, I presume that you wanna be a doctor…well good luck with that, at least in your country. Maybe you could find a job in Colombia or Brazil.

Well thank you I used to conduct researches on that platform/site, but for some reason it has been shit lately, now I know why.

Anyway man, good luck trying to survive in your socialist hellhole, maybe…but probably not…but maybe things will get better in the future.

Wait what's wrong with cuban doctors? I always hear normies talking about how supposedly good they are but I haven't found sources that say why they are as good as they claim to be.

No, I don't want to be a doctor. I'm studying computer engineering.

About cuban doctors… IF there is a thing they are good at, it is preventive medicines due to medicine shortage in cuba. My brother and a cousin are doctors, and if the cuban doctors that were brought here are representative of all cuban ones, then you really want to avoid them.

If I were to guess, I'd say the only thing worthwhile in cuba are the guys in charge of keeping their decade old vehicles running.

Anyway, the prolific thing is just a guess. As far as I know researchers can filter by nationality so venezuelans being shit should, in theory, not affect others.

They are not really that great, I can only say from personal experience, but they are more like your run of the mill doc. …but they refuse to speak you language (if you are no hispanic). Besides, their job experiences are not that great, and the infrastructure of the places where they study are from another world.

They learn doctoring so if they go overseas and earn foreign currency, their family continues to get education and stay on the right side of the authorities.

So their motivation is not particularly hot. Also, the only ones who chew gum during a consult.

Normies think they're good because they think socialism is wonderful and they don't want ot think that doctors can fix 80% of problems with 20% of their training. I'd go to a Cubano/a for regular treatment but I'd let Dr Internet tell me about the prescriptions and get a 2nd opinion for anything important.

OP here (likely have a new id again).
So CORPOELEC(utility company expropriated by the government a couple of eyars back) was declared in default by the trustee after they failed to make their payment (don't confuse this default with PDVSA's default, both are owned by the government but they shouldn't be taken as the same entity). But then, after they were declared in default, they inform that they did indeed pay but that it had been delayed, this came two days after the supposed day they paid and, again, after they were declared in default. This was no accident, and the real reason was pic related.

For those who don't understand, that's the price of the bond over time, with looming default bondholders rushed to sell it for chump change, 25 cents per dollar. You don't exactly need to be omniscient to guess who bought them.

Also I just found this guy who reports on the economic situation of venezuela, as far as I can tell he doesn't appear to be juden and I see good information from him (plus, the government clearly hates him). So for now I think he'd be a good source on these matters, but we'll see.
Venezuela has been a safe haven for terrorists for a while, farc, eln and even hezbollah. But now, after they launched a party in colombia, FARC has decided to start a "political structure" in venezuela, as if we didn't have enough commies and niggers already

So who bought the bonds, the jews or just the jew maduro's government??

Look at all of our White socialist/communists though. Indoctrination & propaganda works, even on higher IQ.

This is the future of the US.



the jews in maduro's government, only insiders would know they would indeed pay when everyone thought they would not. This situation hags actually happened a few times, but this is after maduro said we wouldn't pay more of our debts, so it is the most it has ever dipped, other times it only dipped 15 or 20 points (which is still enough to make a lot of easy money).

The jews in goldman sachs got a cheap deal out of us earlier in the year, though, a bond where we'd would pay $1 per every ~30cents we received (+ interests). The nips also jewed us with a similar deal, I think it was a lesser amount, but a worse ratio, 25 cents.

To me it seems that bernie had a lot more support from young leftycucks so I'm glad the DNC fucked over bernie. Not only bernie had more chances than hillary, but hillary also lost even more support out of that shit show. And bernie, too, is a faggot


Aren't people starving in the streets here? And they still have time to pass hate speech laws and ban lewd ads.

What kind of hate crimes do they even have in Venezuela. Spics with 10% european admixture talking shit about 8%-ers?

at this point the majority of the population is against the government, this is just an excuse to shh down dissent, what little is there in the media (read, mostly radio as tv is completely cucked) and social media. Also it depends, an oil country like venezuela doesn't go down that fast, and utilities are fucking cheap here. So assuming you got a computer or a phone before shit got too rough and have internet, you are set, by the price of a kilo of potatoes you can easily pay for a year's worth of internet.

Also, as always, the poors are affected first, "middle class" still has mostly enough to eat, but for little more at the end of the month, probably had to change their diet to reduce meat, and switch up vegetables for cheaper alternatives, and do shit like grind their own corn when a hand mill is available, or mixing vegetables with packaged corn flour to stretch it further. The poorer doesn't have much more options left, waiting in line to see if they get anything, waiting for the monthly clap bag that might last them a week and a part of them complete their 'meal' rummaging the trash.

A couple of people have died by eating cassava in the wilderness as there are two kinds, the normal and the bitter one, the latter is poisonous if not treated properly (has to have a completely different cooking process than the normal one).

Not a bad idea

I don't understand why only the majority. The government still has a base of organic support at all? Why?

this is actually good news FOR US.

because if literal commies pass these laws we can use this against the commies at home :)


You won't starve in hate if the socialists have anything to do about it.

Meanwhile their people starve on the streets. Venezuela knows how to prioritize

It's a failed state. They defaulted on their bonds this week. Shit isn't about anyone calling some black a nigger or whatever as the country is one big, brown mess of shit. It's about silencing disented. Same type of shit as what's been going on in Saudi Arabia. 'Corruption' and 'money laundering' etc charges are nonsense for appearances. A thin cover for an obvious coup.

Every time you see this you can be 100% guaranteed that it's Marxist bullshit and that it's aimed against heterosexual men, gives womynz even more benefits and of course extra protection and privileges for jews. Always. Without fail.

It's a good realtime example of why Leftism is so dangerous and what people can do against it when SHTF. If the Venezuelans start doing something about it, that is.

Quoted for truth. Same in my country bro.

Best Korea has nukes now. I wonder if they'll go after nuclear energy next, it sure looks interesting.

You have no fucking idea, basically alot of people in academia here in South America are pro-maduro, or at very least pro-chaves. Not only that, but there are a lot of centrists and lefties that believe in the whole "muh USA Invasion/coup" bs.

Hey, now that I'm thinking about the situation in your country, can't you guys like…copy the "plano real" (Real Plan) that we brazilian tried and succeeded in doing so during the 90s? Don't tell me that yout guys are gonna try the Argentinian root, and bascially go with the dollar.

"Well, you see…you need to have a pretty high IQ to understantd REAL CENTRISM. The philosophy and priciples are extremely hard to understand, and without a solid grasp of political theory most of the memes will go over your head."

Lol thats like 100$ in toilet paper, toothpaste, and soap. A big deal for a marxist country.

I can't stress enough that people are fucking retarded.

To make matter worse, between the people who hate maduro, there are people who still like chavez, chavez was just fucking lucky enough to die before the trouble exploded in his face so he's basically a martyr for some. (btw when chavez died the government said that usa "inoculated" chavez with cancer) (btw², when maduro was in campaign after chavez died, one of the stunts he pulled was claim that chavez appeared before him in bird form and talked to him) sometimes I think we are already africa tier but then remember that uganda actually has normally functioning super markets

the government isn't doing anything at all to fix the economy, that'd just require them to keep their hands off it. But they care about THEIR profits, and government distortions of the economy is the easiest way to achieve that.

Whatever comes next to try to unwreck this shit will likely have to be a dictator to put in place the policies that need to be put in place.

Pinochet comes to mind, after he stepped down, they put a wuss in charge but the thing a lot of people don't know, is that he actually left in place most policies from pinochet (of course, no more helicopter rides for commies). What do you think would have happened if they'd attempted to have the wuss make those policies from the start? I don't it'd have ended well…

Well, to be quite fair, if Lula wins the elections here in Brazil your country might recive some finacial help from us, so…yay for you guys? :D But still the money would eventually stop flowing once our economy crashes for good.

A Pinochet would be the best idea, or at least some one like Thatcher, but with all of left wing militias working for the gov. in your country I find such possibility to be close to zero. Maybe we both must face the fact that both of our countries will stay like this for a loooooong time, cabron, hell we might even become the next South Africa and Argentina.

you and me both know where that aid money would end up being.

the trends seems to be the left weakening and the right gaining strength, I hope it continues.

Venezuela is truly a leftist commie paradise. How can they even deny it anymore as not true? They seized the means and everything and voted communally for it.

Most of the people who still support the government are the equivalent of niggers; they are loud, stupid, uneducated, poor and violent. Those who aren't subhumans are opportunists that managed to get into privileged positions. Removing the commies from power is only the first step.
Maduro did it again, christmas is saved now!
They announced the "Merry Christmas Plan Against Speculation"(Plan Navidades Felices contra la Especulación), what will that do? well they'll inspect almost 12 thousand shops and business to fight off speculation! .
Also, russia and venezuela agreed to renegotiate a 3 billion dollar debt.

btw, yesterday in antena 3 was broadcasted a maduro interview with évole, I didn't watch it as I didn't know when it was meant to broadcast and found out today. However it is in their site, it seems that you can't watch it without paying unless you are from spain. So you have two options:
-Use a vpn or proxy.
-Use youtube-dl to download it (which is what I'm doing right now)

For those who don't know spanish, I doubt it'll have subtitles so you probably shouldn't botter at all.

I think you are the only Basilian in this thread, so…
Brasil will go to the paris club to try and venezuela to pay their debt. The debt is 262 million dollars and it expired in september, it seems they also want to talk about another that expires on january for 270 millions.

Picture related was taken back in june, 3 thousand of our lowest denomination bill to buy a dollar. At the time the dollar was 6000bsf now it is 57000bsf, so you'd need that wall of cash * 9.5.

So I guess that's good…for us, not for you guys. Also, what does the gov. plan to do with the renegotiations involving their debt with Russia? I doubt that they will be able to pay that that anyway, and it's not like the oil prices will go up anytime soon.

Also, left wing gov. or brazil have a high tendency of canceling the depts that other countries have, so cross your finger for lula here , I think he will probably do that.

Btw, there has been some talks around here and Colombia about the idea of doing a military intervention there, what do you think about this?

it seems we'll get new installments over a period of 10 years.
These niggers have done so much damage that virtually everything else would be an improvement. I think if you destroyed the military bases that'd be enough for the big majority of the military to give up, after all, the low ranks are suffering the economic situation too, only the generals and the like are good. And the big majority of the military isn't well trained anyway.

I see that the only country with higher inflaiton than us(zimbabwe) has a coup going on right now, just another example of what happens when you replace whites with niggers.
Fun fact, we actually gave a replica of bolivar's sword to mugabe a few years back(simon bolivar freed venezuela and a few other countries) so it's basically the biggest recognition you could give to someone, and they give it to a dictator nigger that destroyed his country.

Also, to put things on contrast. When chavez came in the barrel was $7 if I recall correctly, and we were much better than we currently are. Due to oil prices the country received enough money to rebuild the whole fucking country 3 times, and yet here we are, crying because the barrel is only slightly over $50.

Pic related is just one sample of the corruption in the country. What's that black mountain you see? it is pet coke, a side product of refining petroleum. Before this government, as there were no plants to process it they opted to export them (I think our biggest buyer was japan), so what happened a couple of years after chavez got in power? the dock that was used to ship these broke down due to lack of maintenance, so that means a couple of people were fired due to negligence right? that beside the money lost on opportunity cost and whatnot. But that didn't happen, some big shot on PDVSA decided we would stop "giving away" our pet coke, now we are going to process it ourselves! no more pissing away our resources!. The result is the pic you see, what they actually did was get a contractor (part of the government, no doubt) and for several years they've been paid to pile up the pet coke, forming those mountains (that we call "medanos de coque") and contaminating the nearby population. In other words, we wont from exporting coque, to paying to pile it up and contaminate the surrounding population (and of course, the price of pet coke varies with oil prices, so it also greatly depreciated since then).

There have also been at least two fires in Amuay refinery this year alone, that beside a few hundreds of thousands barrels of oil that spilled onto the sea, and the cherry on top is that they are working at 1/3 of its capacity. We went from producing a little over 3 million barrels of oil daily before chavez, to a little less than 2 millions, and these figures are mostly from joint operations with transnational oil companies. As after chavez fired thousands of workers that opposed him they were replaced with mostly faggots that have no idea what they are doing.

Not gonna lie, that is so fucking low iq retarded that I laugh really loud now.
Also, okay I think you might be right about the military, although it would be quite hard to do that since you guys have a pretty good Air-defence system (those S-300 are pretty good).
Honestly, I still think we should give the opposition some weapons and force the Caracas government to step down, but we will see what's going to happen, maybe a new Zimbabwe or something like that.

sorry for not answering for a while, but there just hasn't been anything worth reporting. I honestly don't know how many prepared personnel we have to successfully man those. But I wouldn't find it strange if we actually had russians here just for that reason.
The second highest profile political prisoner escaped. He was imprisoned for almost 3 years (without trial, of course) and was currently under house arrest (originally was at a military prison, then was put in his home due to health reasons, then back again to military prison just because they can, then back home again) it seems he was going to be put back in prison again, so he escaped to colombia, and from there to Spain. The response of the president? "don't give him back, stay in Spain". Yeah, ok. You imprison him for three years and when he escapes you treat him as if he was just a bad lover or some shit.
and in case they later delete it and a capture if you are too lazy to open the link.
"#tipCLAP eating only one potato brings close to half the nutrients necessary for your daily intake".

For those who don't know, CLAP refers neither to the verb nor the std, it's just how the government decided to call the bags of food they sell to a number of venezuelans once a month (hunger as a political tool) last I heard they are being sold for 25000bsf which for the current state of affairs is cheap, however, as the dollar for importing food and medicines is set at 10bsf per dollar, how do you justify the price? unless they are buying each bag of food for $2500 (which obviously isn't the case) just more corruption. So then one(of the several) twitter accounts for this (again, propaganda is priority) comes out of this sad, pathetic bullshit. Pic related is a poor sap made to pose for this great achievement of the revolution.
The Spanish Civil Guard, dismantled an international organization dedicated to cocaine trafficking, with 40 people arrested (34 men and 6 women) and the confiscation of four tons of drugs. According to the Civil Guard’s report, the detainees worked for an organization based out of Venezuela.
You probably didn't hear about this, but Maduro invited trump to join forces against drug trafficking, of course, this is only due to the Spain fiasco, in other words, pure damage control, otherwise they'd keep acting as if it wasn't a thing. Plus, they might as well try to earn some good will out of the lie.

uploading snippets from the interview of maduro. If anyone could add subtitles in english that'd be great

more webms
fuck the file limit, my internet is slow as is without having to upload the same shit twice over 200 KBs

oh boy, this ought to be my favorite task! uploading big files!

Know what time is it? that's right, even more videos. Don't worry, the pain will not last long.

Could they nationalize their economy first? These camps would be private sector now.

this should hopefully be the last one

so I got the second part of the interview. When i have more time ill listen to it and make more webms.

this baldy claims to be chavista, but either he's a seemingly lucid-looking leftist (which would be odd) or he's just pretending to be so the two other leftist guys don't just disregard his argument as something just coming "from the other side".

yet another useless cabinet shift.

Sorry about the webms, this Wednesday I'll have less commitments and should be able to get them here

So fucking jealous!
Why can't we learn and raise the minimum wage already?

it was already said, in this therad but I'll remind that PDVSA has billions of debt it can't pay, has had at least 2 fires this year in amuay refinery along with hundreds of thousands worth of oil spilled and a declining oil production(from 3 million barrels per day prechavez to under 2 millions) and what little production we still have is in joint ventures aka international oil companies keeping PDVSA from fucking shit up. And they put a military man with no fucking clue about oil as the head of PDVSA, this will certainly fix PDVSA….

That's probably because they sell you the worst shit knowing you so desperately need it they can charge you whatever they like for it,jokes on them unless they get real things for it not simple IOUs

Venezuela is like a nigger with credit issues,they are broke and stupid,so instead of selling shit to save improve their situation they pawn it and get even less that they could have gotten when they fail to repay it.

I guess because "Venezuela sells X to pay for Y debt" would go against everything they say is happening (so, pure bullshit). Also what venezuela was doing for a while was kiting, get new loan, pay old loan, increase debt, rinse and repeat. Sustainable economic policy at its best.

should've passed a law against hunger instead.

Well I don't blame them for that,america and all the western countries are basically doing the same,only we don't have to lose real assets like the 1,7 billion worth of gold,we simply write some 0,some 1 so other 0s and many 1s and that's it,the problem is that after all those 0s and 1s are written the chinks end up owning half of Canada,australia,africa and nearly everything in western countries.

I hate oysters. Come at me bro.

am I missing something?

Lo prometido es deuda. The second part opens up with 2 spaniards, one for and one against venezuela. Unsurprisingly the one for is a fucking podemista, fucking piece of shit kike bastards. And I couldn't be bothered to load his diarrhea.

jesus this fucking faggot, "when we lost the (2007's referendum) election chavez stood in front of the country and said: "we were defeated, we accept our defeat"".

and here is what he actually fucking said
He called it a "Victoria de mierda"

Later there's a lot of bullshit i dont consider worthwhile, a lot of false shit maduro throws around doesn't get contested by the interviewer, probably as he only spent 5 days in the country.

The next worthwhile shit is the swear in of the illegal "constitutional" congress.
I'd also say that even though I consider the interviewer wasn't properly prepared for this, letting a lot of bullshit just slide, I can at least say that his expression during this last webm is just priceless

jordi(interviewer) asks maduro if he considers himself a diplomat, to what he replied that yes, he considered himself a diplomat, so the interviewer showed maduro insulting several countries (basically every one that didn't accept the "constitutional" congress election as valid), trump being called the next hitler and a supremacist included, of course. Quite the diplomat.

Then he's asked to define political figures with one word (always uses more), and somehow calls angela merkel "derecha recalcitrante" nevermind the fact that recalcitrante means someone that reatains a firm attitude, behavior, ideals etc. It is just used as a buzzword as most people don't know what the word means and its usage would roughly translate as "extreme right wing". Calls kim "leader of his country" and, funnily calls putin "leader of the emergent world, leader of peace", I guess they really really want the russian to give them another loan

the subject of free speech is touched, mention the organization of rpess worker and an ngo's report about it and how tv and radio stations have gone off the grid, maduro, for what I think is the third or fourth time contests the source of the information, basically dances around the question and says there's proper free speech in venezuela.

now a report from reporters without borders is brought, yet again, maduro tells that it has to be added to the dubious sources list and that's that, the question is done.

and afterward there is nothing of note.


every time

I'm so glad this has sound now. Even more memeable now.

200 bills of 100bsf and 200 bills of 50bsf. this amounts to 30 thousand bsf, or less than 1/3 of a dollar, progress! An article on venezuela's sports performance, even some athletes are malnourished. And it is not touched in the article, but beside what they said, venezuela has also lost some matches by default due tot he government not buying the plane tickets. reuters ran an article about the newly announced cryptocurrency from the government. It is admitting, without admitting, that there's severe transaction issues, due to shortage of cash and the fact that the infraesructure has problems, so the places that have PoS(which isn't every establishment) can have a collapsed network.

Cryptos also rely on internet so these transactions through a lot of the problems plastic suffers from. That bundled with he relatively high difficulty to get in means that this coin will basically be aimed at investors to circumvent the US sanctions and nothing else (when they were championing the yuan and rupees a few weeks back……). It's funny to note that it will be backed by natural resources when our fucking coin isn't, which is why they constantly create currencies which of course ends with it being fucking worthless.

The clown who said we'd use petroleum coke was chavez himself after there was a fire in jose refinery. They also expropriated the companies who handled the petroleum coke, you can see the result in the picture.

Good! I hate hatred! amuay working at a third of its capacity is a thing of the past. this monday it processed 70 thousand barrels, from a 620 thousand barrels capacity, that's only 11% of its capacity.

Likewise cardon processed 50 thousand and its capacity is 310 thousand, 16% of its capacity. also, since 2015 the government has shushed economic indicators that are meant to be released monthly, so congress has taken on using what information is there to sort of estimate GDP and other shit. 24,5% contraction from 2012 to 2017, 12% just in the last 9 months.

I also spent all day without internet, like most of the city, thanks to the glorious infrastructure and prompt and quick repair jobs

Roosevelt is one of the biggest jew loving homos to ever exist

Didnt want to kill a thread for this… trying to locate the most relevant thread to post this to and this seems to be the right grain of bread.

Argentine judge seeks arrest of ex-President Fernandez
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — A federal judge on Thursday asked Argentina's Senate to allow the arrest of former President Cristina Fernandez on a charge of treason for allegedly covering up the role of Iranians in a 1994 bomb attack on a Jewish center.

Judge Claudio Bonadio asked lawmakers to remove Fernandez's immunity from arrest, which she gained upon being elected senator. She was sworn in last week. While Fernandez, who was president from 2007 to 2015, faces several other court actions, it's the first time a judge has requested her arrest.



20 years prison.

I see lots of regret in their future.

so, it's time to bring some news. Starjing with that now venezuela has entered hyperinflation territory, last year congress calculated inflation at %45, but november reacher 57%, and over 50% inflation a month is considered hyperinflation. this is from two weeks ago but… colonel jorge galindo was removed from director of civil protection. From what I heard is due to direct involvement with a
military prostitution network chinese oil company sues pdvsa on usa tribunals for 23.7 million dollars due to contract breach. there goes out "ally".

and a alcohol store made 4000 alcohol baskets for fuerte tinua military men

i heard that a few hours ago, feels fucking great.

Venezuelans, what are you waiting for?
Go full Pinochet and smash the cock sucking commies ffs..

Largest oil reserves on the planet?

Maduro is a kike. Kikes love mistery meat because you cant tell if its a genuine kike or some other mongrel. Kikes have a much harder time posing as white.

maybe they should pass a law against starving.

well, today were the "municipal" "elections". they are in different quotation marks because to being with, according to electoral law municipal elections need to be carried out ever 4 years, and in those you elect mayors and the municipal councilors, the latter isnt happening just because the government has nothing to gin from them and mayors have a much bigger spotlight, in other words, the bare minimum for the shows. The other point being that the electoral council is not only patrialized but outright cheats in the elections.

Unsurprisingly electoral centers were fucking empty, sans the few people on the opposition that consider participating in a rigged election is better than doing nothing and the people black mailed to go vote.

Since this year the government introduced the "card of the fatherland" for which you had to give them name, address, email and even social networks accoutns and if you were part of a political party. And they've been slowly making them mandatory for shit. In several municipalities you now need it to get admitted in the hospital (and as barren as they might be it's better than nothing) or to buy the monthly CLAP bag (if it comes), or to be part of the shitty missions like "madres de barrios" and "hogares de la patria" for which you receive a meager amount of money for being a parasite.

And the government tells people to go scan their card of the fartherland(they have qr codes) after going to vote, so they know who voted in real time, this isn't part of the electoral system, and it's just there to pressure those receiving scraps from the government. Ironically, the voting center I vote at is a school that hasn't worked for months as it has had a sewer water problem and they haven't fixed it yet, and about 100meters away from it there was a man and two kids picking food from the trash.

For those wondering, we have in the constitution an id document already, called cedula de identidad, for which you only need your birth certificate to obtain, this would be the closest equivalent to america's SSN, so the card of the fatherland wasn't made for serving that purpose, it was made only to control and oppress.

Forgot to say that the municipal elections were also delayed over a year for no good reason. And as the population is demotivated they're trying to cram as many elections as they can in the shortest possible time. After they made the sham of an election for the ANC and getting rightly ignored by most countries in the region they are desperately trying to get them recognized by throwing around more sham elections. Governor elections having been done 2 months ago, now municipal and now presidential in 2 more months (election which, according to electoral chronogram is scheduled to december of next year, but fuck the law when it does't serve my purpose!)

well, chavismo "won" the elections. Claiming 47% ´participation when the electoral centers were fucking empty, this with a punto rojo outside every electoral center for their base to go swipe their "card of the fatherland" after voting to prove they did, with the threat of losing their social "benfits" like being allowed to buy a bag of food once a month. And where they weren't threatened they were promised gibs, and there was even a protest over it

Jorge Rodriguez, minister of communiction, called it the greates victory attained by any political force in the history of venezuela, also said that chavismo won even where "whities" live. If only there was some kind of law against this kind of discrimination… oh wait.

and also maduro said that the political parties that "boycotted" this election by not participating won't be allowed to run in the presidential elections, of course, there are no fucking laws that say this fucking anywhere; but the law has never stopped chavismo.

Also the presidential elections are to be done in december according to the electoral chronogram, but they know they further they go the most obvious their inability to both solve the crisis and even hand out what little gibs they give will be more than obvious, this beside trying to get the ANC recognized by having as many elections as they can. You see, more election = more democracy! and they need the anc recognized to try to renegotiate the debt

This is a UN directive by the way. That is why all this shit is the same in every country. Its global government.

WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE VENEZUELAN SHIELD AND THE PERUVIAN SHIELD? not even I had heard about this shit, A new communal coin.

So let's recount, bolivar fuerte, sucre, panal and petro. And all are fucking useless.

leaving other countries aside, the gobenrment doesn't care what the OAS and UN say (does anyone actually listen to the UN?). In venezuela's, and probably everyone's else case where they've been passing several laws, it was done because it was good for their governments, good at shutting up those you prefer not speak up. It' just another political tool in the long list the government employs, they had already done shit to tamper with communication stations, this is just a step up from that.

same form factor but different images. One of the things chavez changes on a whim as well.
Out shield used to have a horse running to the right while looking left, and he changed it with a horse running to the left.

fuck it, I'm now saving money to go to asia and get married.

There is no victory against feminism, just make sure you get a good woman and keep her at home.

read. This has nothing to do with feminism and shutting down mansplaining shitlords. It's there only to threaten dissent.