This is who you discuss things with online






For what purpose?


We don't know


I didn't know it was possible to be this much of a normalfag.

It's not my pic

I know it's not yours. I'm berating women. Obviously you're not that attractive.

lol wut
Only legitimately good film thre is the original Alien.

Snek best.


Get on my level


This is like the dad rock of movies, I can already hear the 'c'mon son you gotta watch these, they're classics!'. There's even a bit of Reddit in there with The Princess Bride and Pulp Fiction.

You're alright

Would anyone like to post a picture they took themselves

Preferably something related to the topic rather than a dick, bowel movement, piss jar, hardened sock etc


Kek what the fuck is this

if you do this you should seriously kill yourself, the only excuse for this is buying something rare to rip and put online to share


Avatar is in the right place.

Literally marvel tier