Do the jews want to force us to be evil and degenerate?

Do the jews want to force us to be evil and degenerate?

All around me I see people with morals and ethics being destroyed left and right. Only the slyest goys advance in the jewish machinery and all women who get elevated to celeb status seemed to have sold their soul in the process and became degenerate whores. People with ethics and morals are being mocked as silly and stupid and especially in relatively unskilled job shat on and spat out.

Other urls found in this thread:!pvggRCIa!Ch-MgDuC0fgykGYOXEtzoQ

Want a job? Oh you better declare yourself as gay, tranny or mixed race.

Want that promotion? You better jew some your colleagues or subordinates so we know you're a good goy.

Want to work in ((entertainment)) ? You better suck Weinstein's dick.

It's easier to make the dream of equality come true by making everybody retarded than by making everybody a genius.

Welcome brother.
Take a board and join the surf.

But to answer your question, they can't force us anything. It's up to you to TAKE the Ring and claim it as your own.
I look at it as the survival of the fittest where the evolutionary trait that became the most advantageous is mental firmness.
This IS the Great Filter.

As a nihilist I choose to be conservative and hold standards and principles out of spite for those that wish to destroy us. I find conservatism preferable to it's alternative. (Validity =/= Truth) A conservative nihilist is a degenerator's worst nightmare. I'm an odd actor but when I start rising here in a few years I'll be in a place that will be inconvenient for some bad actors. Funny thing about marxist-leninist's push for cartesian skepticism is the result does not necessarily result in the formation of a leftist perspective. See; Brett Stevens of


They're hedonists, produced by a carefully constructed capitalistic and consumerist culture. You cannot reach these people because they're absorbed in their pleasure-seeking. Anything outside of their hedonism is of tertiary importance to them, at most – ignore them, they aren't actors in this game.

Instead, focus on networking with natsocs. Lots of opportunity there. This is what the NWF is for.

These marxists use their limp politics to virtue signal. They aren't real political actors and most of them don't even vote.

As servants of Beelzebub, the kikes live for the sole purpose of destroying civilization. Each and every action taken by each and every "atheist jew" (or "rabbinic jew", or "ultra-orthodox jew", or whatever other names those liars invent for themselves) is designed to inflict as much damage as possible, with the ultimate goal of reducing the whole of mankind to unthinking animals.

Because in a world without morals the jew has the ultimate power, he can do what he want and he can buy is way in or out of anything.

It's not so much that their goal is to make us degenerate, it's just that only in a degenerate world can the Jew thrive.

If you spend 1k investing in gold, and the corporation sends you 2k - dont send the gold back. They wont thank you, and the didnt thank someone who I know who actually did that. They threatened him, and said if you have any more, you better be sure to send it back goy OR ELSE. I know someone who does things like this endlessly, and he has a shit life, and he hates it. Hes always poor and always getting scammed and walked all over. The problem isnt him really, because if all of society were like that we would be better off. One of the problems is that he cant understand he is the only person acting like this, and no one else will give him the same treatment in return.. but the real, real problem is that hes also complicit with the acid attacks and mass rapes and all the horrible shit that goes on, because he thinks its wrong to treat all those poor muslims like they are terrorists and all the Jews like they are bad. These people are the same ones who cant get it through their head that you cant be peaceful and a pacifist, unless you want to facilitate the worst atrocities known to man. War is necessary, violence and force are necessary to keep true evil at bay. Sometimes lying is for the better, the better of everyone.

Read Glubb's The Fate of Empires. Civilizations follow certain paterns. The Age of Decadence always proceeds the fall. Kikes are trying to trigger this in all white nations simultaneously to drive us to extinction. They have spent thousands if years trying to control the White goylem and finally realized they can't. They are going to try and have us raped and murdered until there is no longer even the thought of a race that would change them.

fucking this

Also, they want you to join in their degeneracy because it makes them get away with it when u feel guilty of same

When your thread is predicated on a yes/no question, it wasn’t necessary to make. LURK THE FUCK MORE.

Whether or not there exist gods or demons the kikes are to be considered the army of moloch because they 1) believe they are and 2) act accordingly


They desire that WesternCiv breaks down, and that they rule the cross-racial multiculti chaos. Jews are NOT interested in the humanity's philosophical, scientific, technological progress. They want to rule the roost, and fuckall for anything else. It's who they are, it's what they do.

It's in their nature.

Yes OP. That's the purpose of scum like antifa. To get Conservatives to abandon who they're and act like them. Resist! Be yourselves. Don't play into the jews game.

yes actually, the "Jews", who say they are Jews, but are not, and are the synagogue of satan, do want to force us to be evil and degenerate
they do work for hell, after all, but wild grapes will spring up despite their efforts

shut up christcuck faggot, they are kikes.

There's no deterrence against elite evil because no one does anything to keep them in check

It's no different to how criminality thrives if you don't have a working police force, there will always be people who don't feel anything who do nothing but create suffering that need cracking down on

The problem is our having adapted to high trust societies full of high IQ and ethical European people. He was not made for a world of degenerate retards and villains, it's not entirely his fault he can't adapt easily. I don't think your conclusion of lying being necessary is the right one though, we don't need to cheat the Jew - we need to completely rid ourselves of them and everything they have done. No deception necessary, only total rejection of the parasite by the host.

The best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity.

Muh nihilism
Fuck off hippy

1: From a metaphysical point of view, they corrupt souls under instruction of their master, satan
2: From a material point of view, they use degeneracy and immorality to weaken and rot a society from within, softening it up ready for the communist revolution, all the while profiting financially via their tax-free vice industries as it declines.

How slow are you? The jews do this, even going as far to contaminate our food and water supply, to weaken the goyim to try to turn the jews into a master race.

Why do you think they make fun of doomsday preppers, people who grow their own food, and people who live off the grid, and people who try to live independently? The lack of control over the goyim and the truth are two of the most painful things for a jew.


Brother Nathanael also hits the nail on the head, regardless of what you think of him.

No they are not.
They are khazar. They just took the mantle of jewry.
It's ironic since the ones the closest to ancient jewry are the Palestinians. Which are being eradicated and showed into concentration camps.

When you are probed into acting on your impulses (sinning) for example, sex and pornography then you are easy to control and you slowly but surely become cattle. Libido dominandi.

Half right and half wrong. The lower classes stayed in the Levant and became browner via the muslim conquests. The remainder of the educated classes were scattered and became the non-brown kikes we know today. There's a direct line of descent, and the blood curse still binds them. They're Jews, just a different flavor, made more poisonous by fermenting in different countries.

Yeah, just like the jews forced German women to pimp out their kids for money during the weimar republic. Its always the jews, they can't keep getting away with it!

muh khazars
no. faggot. the canaanites came to europe to spread your cancerous christicuck religion, they're genetically levantine people, this has been proven with dna evidence while your khazar theory bullshit is a spook invented by kikes to clear their name from their ancient crimes.

of their ancient crimes.*

Funny story, if they truely got rid of morals, than there's nothing wrong with gassing them. :3

Not giving a shit about moralizing in an abstract/philosophical sense doesn't exclude someone from being able to be sickened by degenerates.

Hippies are the evangelists of today, there's is based around muh equility and such. Anyone who transgresses… remember this? "SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!"

Just trying to point out that I know that their pushing for "post-modernism" and relativism is going to end up being a nail in their coffin if they keep pushing it. If everything is relative than national socialism is only "bad" relative to those who oppose it. At that point they go "ov vey, no no goy, there IS a plane of values that transcend it all!" completely reversing their original arguments. At that point they start becoming absolutists who say this and that is True with a capital T now and forever, everywhere, and then it's clear to everyone that they're obsessed with making everyone think the same way and are no different from scientologists and Religion of Cuck™ists.

Nihilism is kind of the opposite of being a hippie

Moral? Morality in it's essence is relative.
Without looking at the jews and what they wrote on it, morality isn't an absolute truth.

Is stealing wrong? Most people would say "yea, it's wrong".
BUT let's see what happens when we introduce "is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread if you're homeless and hungry and it's the great depression AND THERE IS NO WAY to survive other than buy some time by stealing that loaf?" and most people would say "in that case it's okay to steal".
See? Stealing, alongside other moral quandries, has a contextual morality that is relative from one situation to another. We developed this moral compass in the evolution of our species, kikes were always parasites which is why they have no moral problems overcoming some tasks.

But, let's get back at morality. So, "is stealing wrong?" and most people think of themselves getting robbed, "is stealing a loaf when you're poor and hungry?" and most people put themselves in the shoes of poor hungry person, and if that day happens want to have a moral compass leeway to let themselves steal.

Morality as a whole is just a sociology outgrowth that evolved from our desire to have status quo of social interactions and not have chaotic "everyone for themselves" shit because in that environment nobody would have ability to reproduce and continue with their genes.

So, in essence, the less evil people there are the more you can be evil because you will be the only one destroying trust in society and whatever else. But if everyone did that then nobody would be happy.

I would go as far as saying that doing evil deeds is necessary for having stable civilization.
Of course the jewish "go to the neighbouring village and do it there" still applies.
You can't rob and steal and rape and kill where you were born and raised. Doing it unto your own people is wrong from tribal point of view.
Doing it unto those that attacked your tribe and your people and your family and you, GIVES YOU more than enough justification for your sins.

This is at least how I justify it to myself for doing evil deeds.

He talks like he's an actor making a comedic skit or something.
We just need proper philosophy. Look at the fruits of Christianity and judge the tree by its fruits.

If you have to justify things to yourself, you already know that what you're doing is wrong.

Sophistry aimed at debating the pseudomorality written in a book is where the talmud came from. Strong men doing what is Right, even though it was hard is what created western civilization.

What I am saying is that moral compass is most often than not just an evolutionary outgrowth of our sociology that we acquired in tribal survival settings.
Bypassing that inner animal instinct through rationalization and justification and arguments pointed towards oneself you can make yourself do things you wouldn't usually do.

Are they wrong? I think they are, but logic behind my arguments seem to point otherwise. Now it just takes a matter of time and training the mind to bend to your own will.

A lot of people used my arguments to rationalize their behaviour, not just kikes.

To that I say "Sisyphus work". We see the current system, good & strong people get the short end of the stick. Their reproductive abilities thwarted, their good deeds laughed at or at best ignored, their names forgotten. The only argument you have is that their wealth will be in world after this one, and that is only if you are religious.

What I suggest we start implementing is the Machievellian tactics our enemies have been using for quite some time. There is no shame in evil, if it's pointed towards your enemies. Remember, eye for an eye and beating the kikes at their own game gives the biggest satisfaction.

Just think about it, stealing money from Jews and giving it to their mortal enemies that actively work against them.
Stealing money from leftists that want to destroy borders and giving it to Generation Identity.

Every single jew is your enemy. They always watching always subverying always corrupting. Have no congress with them. Ignore anything they say. Focus on maginalizing them and stripping them of any power and influence no matter how small the scale.

Once kikish corruption of culture is removed the white race can sort out everything else easily.

It is YOU who shoves the evil in your mouth and swallows it!!!
You can't blame the Jew just as you can't blame the pharmacist who fills Oxycontin prescriptions for every druggie in the city…



The "opioid epidemic" is a manufactured crisis. The kikes want opioids off the market because they're not as profitable as newer alternatives, that's all there is to it.

Add the DEA which needs to keep finding new victims (doctors have plenty of money = good target), the plainly evil kikes and satanists who get aroused by the idea of people in chronic pain but unable to find an opiate 'script or a dispensary willing to fill it, the religious puritans who see the opiate side-effect of improved mood as an "evil indulgence" etc etc.

Yes. Half of the people here fall for this as well. It's the ultimate gaslighting tactic and is the final redpill you must take before you can really move on and be productive.

The image of the hollywood nazi is utterly false. So stop aspiring to be a hollywood nazi. Stop aspiring to be the jewish caricature that has been created for you.

The final redpill is: We're the good guys, and you fight for justice and truth.

Morality is complex and not always straightforward.
Therefore it doesn't exist.


Beware those who rationalize their injust actions. For they are snakes and deserve nothing more than a good length of rope to fix.

Those who lie, cheat, steal, and generally take advantage of the shades of grey aren't reliable. For when confronted, they'll feel nothing, except guilt for getting caught.

The white race is fucked, if people like this truly exist in the movement. Drugs are degenerate, sleeping around is degenerate.

You wanna be a nigger? Get a fucking tan, homie.


Song can be interpreted as whites waking up.
First thing that came to my mind anyway.
Hope you all like Mandarks voice.


For Nietzsche, the very essence of life was the subjugation and oppression of those weaker than you through what he termed the ‘Will to Power’. All higher civilizations, according to Nietzsche, arose from the barbarians, who with their will and desire for power, have preyed upon the weaker, meeker, and more cowardly members of society. This is not a bad thing in his eyes; Nietzsche argues that:

This acceptance of a ‘natural order’ of strength as inherent to Life itself is a cornerstone for his ‘Will to Power’ conception. It is not the fault of the lamb for being weak, nor is the lion to blame for its strength. It simply is. With this in mind, he argues that a healthy society does not exist for its own sake, but exists for the sake of a ‘higher type of person’ – a master – who builds and shapes society into something from his vision through his own will. For Nietzsche, the Will to Power is the dominant principle of organic function. Society cannot develop into a higher-order civilization without the Will to Power exploiting the weak. It was his argument that nation-states and society cannot be formed from nothing and aren’t something that naturally arises; it requires a strong, guiding hand of an aristocracy to mold it into something.

This idea of the Master morality informs another Nietzschean concept, the Ubermensch, or “over-man”. The Ubermensch is not subject to the morality of the lower-type, of the meek and common people who speak of good and evil largely in terms of equality. Since the noble type of man is of the higher-type, he is not subject to the morality of the herd. Morality favors mediocrity; standing ‘beyond good and evil’ is rising above the herd. The Master doesn’t have notions of morality thrust upon him by the Slave; he is above the plebeian conception of ‘good and evil’, and creates his own values, as we see in Nietzsche’s own words:

For these strong-willed men, the ‘good’ is the noble, strong and powerful, while the ‘bad’ is the weak, cowardly, timid, and petty. The essence of master morality is nobility in the form of how ‘noble’ was used amongst the Ancient Greeks. Other qualities that are often valued in master moralities are courage, truthfulness, trust, and an accurate sense of self-worth.

Slave morality begins as a rejection of Master morality, as the yin to master morality’s yang. Master morality has also created slave morality; it is reactionary in nature, and exists because it seeks to rationalize to the weak their position in life. The primary hallmark of slave morality is one of a ‘relief of suffering and oppression’. Those things, whatever they are, that are useful in opposing oppression is a moral ‘good’. This makes values such as selflessness, altruism, meekness, and feeling pity a moral good to the weak. It is fundamentally pessimistic about the human condition by seeing people as inherently weak and pitiful, questions the happiness of the strong and noble, rejects hierarchy as an manifestation of oppression, and doubts the ‘good’ of this life. Generally, it argues for a morality for all, noble and weak alike. Because of the conditions its adherents find themselves in life, it must look to the future, to ‘progress’, for ‘salvation’. It lacks respect for, and in instances has outright disdain for, tradition and ancestors; what have their ancestors or traditions done for them?

To truly understand slave morality, it is necessary to examine where Nietzsche first observed the inversion of master morality, in the Roman-Jewish interactions of Ancient Rome. The Jewish underclass of the Roman Empire ‘achieved the amazing feat of inverting values’. This had the effect of creating a moral outlook from the act of being subjugated. In Beyond Good and Evil (BGE), Nietzsche describes the Jews’ ‘slave rebellion in morality’, and how they managed to invert the higher values as prescribed by the master morality:

Nietzsche noticed that the Jewish subclass ‘were the first to mint the word ‘world’ as a curse word’. Worldly success (what was ‘good’) indicates moral failure (is now ‘evil’). But the Jewish prophets were only the beginning – it was Christianity which carried the flame of the slave revolt to the world.

Disregarding the claims of the theological truth in Christianity, it is the primary manifestation of the slave morality mentality throughout the world. Christianity, with its ‘paradoxical god-on-a-cross’, is a reactionary movement born initially from the Jewish ressentiment, a rebuff against the values of the masters and an inversion of their morality upon itself. For slave morality, the primary characteristic in the transformation of moral thought wasn’t one based upon strength, power, and honor, but rather a defensive prejudice against those things that the successful and ruling class had, wanted, and believed in. It transformed the archetype of the ideal person from one in a position of power to one of meek stature, oppressed and impoverished. The roots of this ressentiment grew into a mythos of its own, with the seeds of hate for Roman rule growing into a tree from which the Jewish underclass could climbed upward. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche said that:

In Genealogy of Morals, He goes further:

Rather than adopting the values of the Romans, the Hebrews took their station in life and examined it from a new perspective. Instead of seeing themselves as failures when competing for Power and Wealth against the Romans, they inverted their ideological alignment and re-branded their ressentiment into a form of self-righteousness. This self-righteousness, this new moral footing they had found, provided ample opportunity to re-value not only their ressentiment but their entire value system, ultimately forming a morality not so much concerned with attaining a good life as it was with lambasting those who did. Thus, asceticism was borne anew, re-branding the lack of ability to have a good life as an active choice, and a morally ‘good’ choice at that. In abstaining from the pleasures of this world, many imagined that they would be morally permitted to enjoy pleasures even hence unknown in ‘the next life’, as recompense for their suffering in this one. One can easily see how this moral perspective was attractive to the underclass of its time. In a world where you cannot obtain the good life, pretending that the poor circumstances you find yourself in is a virtue is a good way to rationalize and sustain your existence in this life.

It is on the basis of this analysis that Christian morality is inherently a form of slave morality’s ressentiment towards the masters, and provides an impotent form of revenge in providing the moral foundation for those of the underclass to pass judgement on those of the upper. The embrace of the downtrodden, poor, oppressed, passive, and meek as those of true moral character, coupled with a denial of wealth, power, strength, self-assertion, and dominance as a moral failing is pervasive throughout the Christian New Testament. The very center of the religion’s iconography, Jesus Christ, a physical manifestation of God upon this Earth as his ‘son’, helps to show this. He is a man borne from low status, had every ‘virtue’ of slave morality thrust upon him by his destiny, and overcame the ruling Romans to return to Heaven, that next life his followers and followers of slave morality dream of. In the Christian mythos, during his life, he rebuked the powerful and wealthy, he embraced the poor, sickly, and oppressed, and he did all of this while maintaining a lifestyle of a Roman underclassman. It is my belief that Christianity’s major value proposition from a perspective of utility is that it provides an underclass with a moral foundation that spiritually and psychologically sustains a ‘slave’ class, be it racial, sexual, economic, etc, under such a burden. It acts as a lever does, reducing the weight associated with life as an underclassman of various sorts.

Yes, of course they do. Where the fuck have you been? And why are people responding to this no content cuckchan newfag thread? Low effort cuckchan threads like this have been showing up the last week or so.

Thanks. Interesting read.

Ok well why does this character always wear glasses?

It's that easy?!!

Mess With The Jews Real Hard– Send Them THIS In The Mail!!!

FBI Greeting Card!!!!pvggRCIa!Ch-MgDuC0fgykGYOXEtzoQ

Not only extinction, but get a world system to rise from ashes and fill the void.

At this rate, Earth will eventually become the colony of some space alien species that discovers us.

If you're a mediocre programmer and willing to move to the bay area: Yes.

Affirmative action hires get a lot of slack.

Corruption and degeneracy means more power to the jews, thats why they love media their tool to terraform goy societies.