(((NPR))) Chief (((Michael Oreskes))) Accused of Sexual Harassment, Placed on Leave

Now major media kikes are getting taken down

Among the people speaking out is (((Rebecca Hersher)))

http:// www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/31/561267272/nprs-head-of-news-placed-on-leave-after-past-harassment-allegations-surface


You use echoes far too freely.
It is a TRSodomite meme.
KYS please.

This kike is straight out of a cartoon. Reminds me of this guy.

This is Night of the Long Knives 2017 edition.

Gets the job done without alerting the opposing side.

Oh man they're going insane worldwide. Saw a piece on Sky Jews today with some cunt lamenting that the U.K. Parliament doesn't yet have a Human Resources section.

Ring around the rosey, pocketful of posies. Ashes, ashes. They all fall down.

Jewish leftist feminist liberals falling one by one by one. Quoting their own abuse of women as evidence of a problem with men and not leftist soyboys with a immature and sexually frustrated insecure grudge against women, using political ideology as a religiois cover for their abuse of what they lovingly refer to as "shiksas".

What the fuck does this all mean

It means that we're winning, all the lies and degeneracy they've built their houses on is crumbling down. There's no brakes on the rape (accusation) train.

Feminazi opportunists smell blood and are going in for the kill. The silver lining is once they take over these failing institutions, they will bottom out completely.

kek another one

Where there's a schnozzola there's molesta

This is almost surreal for me if true. This has been going on for so many centuries that I didn't expect it to happen so easily. I don't want to speak too soon about winning is all

Yay for the downfall of the scheming jew, but
>Rebecca (((Hersher)))
this, and other instances, look like friendly fire. Is the proverbial jew bitch finally black widowing the proverbial scheming jew exec? I would expect some level of cohesion among these kippah-donning nation destroyers, so it seems strange to me to see them crash their own plane.

Perhaps their avarice truly knows no bounds.

Or I am somehow not seeing the typical trick. Prominent jew males such as certain New York Times bestselling authors and media personalities have been calling for the "death of the white male" for a long time. Even yesterday I witnessed this chutzpah first hand. Are the jews sacrificing some of their own in order to try to start a witch hunt that will do massive damage to broblematic huwhite males and only marginal damage to le greedy semite? When the power shifts, the jew bitch becomes in charge, so yiddish hegemony is maintained.

It means nobody is talking about the largest mass shooting in American history being yet another false flag.
I mean what's multiple dead Americans in comparison to powerful white males goosing actresses.
Nobody is mentioning the word jews, obviously.

Another possibility: They are blowing the wad of public outrage early in order to immunize more important higher ups from this kind of character assassination. Soon the public will not even notice when an acccusation comes out, because it has a refractory period. Business will carry on as usual after a month or two of accusations. Sacrifice a few for the good of the guilty many.

Has the jew become disoriented in the fog of war?

Pure Coincidence.

we're slipping lads (((they're))) getting the first posts again…

NPR was pozzed 16 years ago when i stopped listening… honestly, tune into npr right now and see if the (probably female) announcer doesnt sound likes she's in a bad dinner theater production of "fiddler on the roof"

the kike is a parasite - without a viable host culture to feed off of, they will begin to feed on one another…

Judging by the facial expression it's like a before and after being Jewed.

kek, heard this on npr (they're reporting on their own jewry) and i knew it was a jew by the last name alone. My last name jewdar is better than my eyes and i'm not talking about -steins, i mean the weirder eastern european ones.

Everytime I look at 2nd pic, I get an uneasy feeling that Emma looks a hell of a lot too much like an underage boy with that style. I bet they do that intentionally.


You ever heard that old story about burying venomous centipedes? Hollywood has closed themselves off to the outside world to the point they can't Jew anyone but themselves leaving us with nothing left but the Jewest Jew of them all when it's all said and done.

I get it it's a kike and all but 20 fucking years later and it's an issue?
These kikes opened pandora's box.

This is what, the third or fourth kike in a month to come under fire?

Some sexually abused women make attempts to render themselves unattractive to their abuser.

95% of the time it's a jew, interviewing another jew about some subject relating to the holohoax/jewish community issues/jew art.

You think this is bad?! Wait til those shishkas put charges on abe foxman! OY VEY

We were using echoes before TRS. They adopted (stole) it from us. I don't mind - anything that highlights jews should be fine with you … unless you are a shill.

The echo meme was a masterstroke. We highlighted all the jews on twitter with it. Made them absolutely neurotic in a very compact and efficient way, inside the 144 character limit. The ADL and BBC were forced to address it. This spread it further. In case you missed the point, it allows normies to see the jews in a very efficient way.

I personally know people who were fully redpilled late in the game because of the coincidence detector browser plugins.


and another one bites the dust

I was always under the impression it came from Morrakiu's echoing of kike names in his Merchant Minute segment. How did it start on 8/pol/? Why use triple parentheses?

The parentheses were developed on the TRS forums.

Ban prolly incoming for this, tbh.

Instead of wrapping kike names with parenthesis, we should switch it to just saying mhmm, after every mention of that kikes name. Mass faggotry media loves the ((())) shit and have taken it from us. Need an alternative. One that fucks with them.

After having listened to NPR for almost fifteen years I can say with great satisfaction: 'good.

I absolutely despise this kike outfit that has its tentacles in the minds of the white middle class. Every last NPR kike needs to get shoveled into a fucking oven.

No you were not you dumb faggot. And the Coincidence Detector was written by a guy on the TRS forums.

Kimmy Gobbles did it first on her Shitlord Report segment. It was an instant meme and Morrakiu started doing it the next week. Not long after TRS blog writers started using the (((name))) in articles to represent the sound effect in text. I thought it was dumb at first, but it was a great success.

Absolutely not. The Jews naming themselves is fucking great. It red-pilled Julian Assange.
