Holla Forums

What the fuck did you do to my Holla Forums, Holla Forums?
Yeah I know it's meta but /sudo/ is dead as fuck. Just bumplock if you're that triggered by it Mark


Whats your rank in Overwatch?

This is bait.


We're in some bizarro Narnia where it's always summer.

Isn't it funny that things got way worse once we allowed halfchan threads like the lol ones to stay?

We're stuck in Brigadoon.

There's still a lot of cancer around here, but this isn't how you unfuck things.

Holla Forums is a collective of people that can be generalized justly by what OP is slacking off his limp wrists.

LOL threads were instated almost instantly after burgers exodus. If you think they are new in any way, you are talking in hindsight or are genuinely oblivious.

We like saying that but i'm fairly convinced it's just the memelenial generation taking over.

Gotta wake up the good posters and let them know we are alive. Mark if your watching its time for another meta thread, you have kept us in the dark to long and now I'm pissed.

Overwatch is shit
PokeGo is shit
Doom is shit

Has there been any Tamriel Rebuilt progress lately? Can't believe I used to come here for game information, discussion and updates

No, lol threads didn't become a thing here until the "second" exodus. And it took a month or two for them to crop up.

Close enough for goverment work. I would consider them more a symptom than a cause, however.

I think you goys have forgotten that nowadays everyone has a cellphone that is connected to the internet, including children.

You're a cancer enabler, you know that?

It's a bitch to post from one sometimes. Be thankful for that, and that the users have gone down since school started. Not that literal children have a monopoly on shitposting.

Yes, but it's still inevitable that you're going to children and retards with no taste on a more consistent basis nowadays.

where did i say do nothing?

Eh. I disagree and I'll tell you why. Anons like to call them containment, but look at halfchan if you wanna see "containment" in action. Shitty threads attack shitty posters, and do you think they stay in those threads? No. They leave them and fuck up the rest of the board. I feel like threads like that attract a certain type of poster.

Problem is on halfchan they bled into the decent threads as well because there's simply too many people. AGDG threads have been awful there for years. I'll probably quit imageboards if we ever hit that level.

im inclined to agree there's a generational shift. at the warehouse i work at they're running into the problem where large numbers of people are coming and and leaving within the first week or even day of work after going through the bullshit month long interview/physical test process and people getting simple injuries have skyrocketed in the past couple years. it used to be 5 injuries a year on average and now its up to 45

I haven't changed OP.

All of those games were shat on in any year. You didn't even mention No Man's Sky which was possibly shat on the most, and that was in this year.
Having containment threads for people who want to discuss the game's content is nothing new either, it was the same in 2015. Fallout 4 also had a general. It died, just like the Doom one and the Pokemon Go threads died ages ago, and the same will happen to most other generals.
Wanna know why we have threads about so many shit games this year? Because that's all that's coming out lately, it was a bad year for vidya, so naturally an imageboard about video games reflects that.

Sony and MS announced their new follow up consoles and the release of the NX is coming closer. No shit there's more discussion about consoles and with that, people who admit to liking or just straight up shilling them.

Yeah man, where's all the politics discussion coming from all of a sudden, it's not like there are elections this year. Oh wait, there are. Politics are fucking everywhere right now and everyone has to sit through that shit.

I would say they do here too. Thats my own opinion though. I would be curious if nuking them for a week or two would improve quality.


Not all threads, and not all boards, thankfully. I'm curious too, but I feel like at this point it'd just be trying to treat the symptoms. See 4AM generals.

I blame the lack of ROB threads.


>Holla Forums isn't one person
>implying there isn't an AI responding to one real poster

There always are a handful of mainstream games Holla Forums enjoys tho. Sometimes they're great, sometimes they suck. It's nothing new. And I honestly think platform loyalists have only decreased in number over time, if only because consoles keep getting worse.