Nick fuentes what ya think I know TRS is sodmite tier what about this chap

based spic
nick fuentes
is kinda cucky thinks white ethnostate is a stretch criticizes ((enoch)) and co blah blah you can check his youtube if your curious….. what you neets know about him

Other urls found in this thread:


He's confusion on his statement about racial homogeneity. I know he says he doesn't want an "ethnostate" but says he wants White America to stay; and for Whites to stay supreme in America; and that Whites need to outbreed everyone else to achieve our America again. Needs to clarify everything regarding the racial endgame.

He's anti-National Socialism and is a basic bitch Patriotard pretending to be edgy to get a following. He's planning on becoming a Fox News host a decade from now most likely. He's a leech.

redpilled on the JQ

Gonna have to do better dogwhistling than this, Nick.

He says goy and sheckel all the time. His dogwhistle game is fine.

To also add on, racial homogeneity is the endgame; policy can be argued. Someone who doesn't support racial homogeneity is a traitor in my eyes. Why? Because we can always change policy. We can't change Whites being breedout, dead, or losing sovereignty.

I don't think anybody who's actually redpilled on the jewish problem uses the term "JQ", it's TRSodomite autism.

Oh wow, he's says Goy? Damn, guess that excuses the fact that he believes in "American Nationalism" and despises the Third Reich.

Point is he's redpilled.

I don't put much into the faith in the ideas of a 18 year old who lives with his parents, but he's smarter than many on this board.

okay shlomo>>10807219

That's all good and well but he needs to clarify his racial endgame for why I explained here:

he seems to agree but thinks it is not possible within our life times…..>>10807264

He literally wants to but fuck Mosley though>>10807271

No wonder I hate this kid.

can't argue that but he had some good ideas though>>10807286

Are you even from here? Can't even reply right… Also, Oswald was a civicfag.

He is a fucking shill that just wants to use whites and drag us on. It's like edging rather than cumming.

how so I thought he was civic in the sense of scots and welsh but not poos..


You deserve it, cuz you're all a fucking joke, it's hilarious!

Holy shit get out much I just want to see what a different echo chamber thinks ya cunt
btw pic somewhat related

basement org sage i want genocide?? do something
basement org sage i want genocide?? do something
basement org sage i want genocide?? do something
basement org sage i want genocide?? do something
basement org sage i want genocide?? do something
basement org sage i want genocide?? do something

Forget what page it is and not gonna bother to look it up, but in 100 Questions for Fascist by Oswald Mosley he openly admits anyone can be British as long as they put England first. But, race mixing won't be allowed but wouldn't be forced by laws.

He's of the same retarded genetic stock of the Spaniards who fucked over their own country and now he's exporting the cucking just in time for whites to become a minority.
He needs to wait until his balls drop. It's cringy watching a underage faggot explain how conservatism. Imagine being 19 and always wearing a suit.

The Spanish created Spics, they can not be trusted.



Never post on this board again.

Learn to type like a human being.

Suck a dick Nick.

so how does england become first by importing poos?