Fascism is primitivism! True answer to social problems is Maoist advancement!


Fascism is a mere replay of the past, Maoism is the true way toward human progress!

Sailing seas depends on the helmsman,
Life and growth depends on the sun.
Rain and dewdrops nourish the crops,
Making revolution depends on Mao Zedong Thought.
Fish can't leave the water,
Nor melons leave the vines.
The revolutionary masses can't do away with the Communist Party.
Mao Zedong Thought is the sun that forever shines.

Other urls found in this thread:


There is no such thing as progress.

Saying that Nationalism is primitive doesn't make it any more or less valid. Its a baseless argument.

I work at a Chinese restaurant and my chink boss lived through that era even said shit sucked under him.

Fuck off faggot

Wrong. A bullet in the head of every Maoist would be progress.

are we getting actual Chinese shills now? I didn't think we were mainstream enough for that.

Yes, let's plant the rice crops too close together because they share a proletariat like sympathy for one another. Surely we will increase or yields and not starve them instead. We will also make doing this mandatory. Because if this untested method fails, fuck having reserves. Millions can starve for the glory of the party!

Starvation. The word you're looking for is starvation.

lol semen

nb4 delete

you Jewish nose is showing.

It's called argumentum ad novitatem fallacy.

In the modern world we typically use "human progress" to describe advances in the average persons' quality of life over time.

There have sometimes been declines in human quality of life, such as what happened when the fascists started WWII and destroyed their own nations recklessly in the name of such ideological constructs as "living space" and "racial purity."

Meanwhile the USSR managed to increase the quality of life of it's own citizens using communism to overthrow the Imperial dictatorship. Sure there were sacrifices to ensure state security but Stalin industrialized the Soviet Union. web.williams.edu/Economics/brainerd/papers/ussr_july08.pdf

Communism is about improving the quality of life for the proletariat, the common people and workers. Fascism is about reverting to primitive, tribalistic patterns of social organization and creating endless war for profit. oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199594788.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199594788-e-14

Improvements in quality of life resulting from fascism were mere side effects not the main goal of the ideology.

Stop shilling Holla Forums, this is just making you look even more dumb.

We all know Hitler was the only true socialist.

Ask any chinks who lived through mao era. None of them liked the old lifestyle.

You really think Nazism was founded on socialist ideas? Think again.


You can kill yourself now. Just like little Dolfy.

Have you ever considered that maybe your ideology was based on a fallacy?

Why are all leftists incapable of coherent thinking?


Mods allow this shit.


Mods allow this shit.



This is OP.

fuck off commie faggot. Why are there so many pro-communist threads on Holla Forums now? It's like a new trend.

It's because Holla Forums is raiding NeoGaf so a bunch of them are flitting about our site now out of curiosity.

Man, raiding is an understatement on what they're doing to those fucks.

Nine pages of removed bans in a span of 8 hours

Yeah, those breadlines were so wonderful.

Yes, that's your problem.
There is no 'human progress'. Its an illusion of 'Progressive' thinking.

Progressives believe in 'progress', ias though we, as a whole, are climbing a mountain, reaching these various 'peaks' of 'progress', implying innately that there is a final peak, ie, it is a utopianist mentality.

There is no progress. There is no 'mountain of progress'.

Rather, the reality, which ethnonationalists recognize, is that each extant hominid clade is running a relay race through time, handing off the baton to each new generation. In the 'modern world', the White Western European folk have been heavily Jewed, to the point they are standing around diddling their thumbs, fumbling the baton, whilst the other clades race forward, trying desperately to surpass the European folk in this race.

This is why 'progress' inevitably fails, why Democracies invariably commit suicide - because it quickly becomes evident that there is no mountain, and even in the case of the false conceptual mountain, the peaks which the various groups of 'modern world progressivism' - the muds, the fags, the trannies, the fems, the kikes, etc - seek to achieve ARE NOT THE SAME, and in fact, CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER.
That's why the progressive movement is such a trainwreck - because they all hate each other. Hell, even pinko scum like OP hate each other.
This shit is a joke.

No thanks. Xi. Sonnō jōi

mods are fucking slacking today

Amazing, isn't it?


Fuck off nigger.

Progressivism is evolutionary malfunction.

ugh, that picture is disturbing in so many ways.






1. Because the mods allow it.
See this thread?

Its been up for days, the mods have repeatedly dismissed reports on the OP, and the thread remains unanchored, undeleted, just sitting there, a blatant NazBol recruitment attempt thread.

2. because fuckwits keep bumping the thread

If only the mods allowed a National Socialist general so these faggots could be educated instead of shitting up the whole board.

It absolutely disgusts me that we have empowered China to the point where they are destroying the environment not only in their own nation, but in the entire world as well. Their pollutants are beginning to massively fuck up large swathes of the Pacific, and their air pollution is so unbelievably bad that some estimates put 30% of the United States air pollution to be that which is drifting over from China. It's vile beyond belief.

Dictatorship by a strong authoritian Socialist leader is a destination on the
path to true Communism, which is dictatorship by the proletariat. This is a part of the Communist ideology.

The bread lines obviously worked : web.williams.edu/Economics/brainerd/papers/ussr_july08.pdf
Average heights increased during the Soviet era, which means people were getting more nutrition and better healthcare under

"the muds, the fags, the trannies, the fems, the kikes, etc"
support for or advocacy of social reform.
"the country is seen as a bastion of social progressivism"

make changes in (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it.
"an opportunity to reform and restructure an antiquated schooling model"
synonyms: improve, better, make better, ameliorate, refine; More

Ideology and race are not one in the same. Each ideology has a different notion for progressivism, but only one really has
at it's core the belief that human progress is based upon improvements in quality of life for the proletariat.
It's communism.

I'm not sure what you want me to argue. There is one definition for progress. Progressivism? One definition,
but different meanings for "social reform." Sometimes "social reform" means going backwards and
reducing the proletarian quality of life.

As a communist, I have no inherent moral system. I seek to improve the quality of life for the workers, which benefits me
and everyone else - perhaps as side effects the rich might suffer, but the collective will not.

Keep in mind if everyone was a conservative we would be living in the stone age indefinitely.

Conservatism may have worked in the ancient world, but now it's time for conservatism to die off, if need by
by force. Conservatives are holding the human race back, preventing and / or slowing progress.

Interracial couple disgust is a trait best left to the stone age.

Keep in mind if we were to obey "laws of nature" or start obeying them we would likely go extinct. Our entire world has been
changed by humans overpowering natural law. We have nuclear reactors, we are causing global warming, we have
nuclear weaponry. Shall we go back to the natural laws and cause our own extinction, or accept that we are now
the leaders of our planet and must accept the responsibility using unnatural means?
The human race overtaking nature has been going on for millenia now. Farming = unnatural. Should we become
hunter gatherers again?

Upset that your first thread got deleted, eh Rabbi?


I bet this faggot doesn't even know what Fascism is let alone National Socialism, other than some buzzword used to describe someone one doesn't like
Also Marxist Socialism is inherently flawed because it ignores inherent differences between men while National Socialism acknowledges and accounts for them

But user it wasn't real Socialism
Real Socialism was only tried in the 30s in Germany and worked pretty well

Human progress in hunger induced weight loss.

Could be measured in hunger induced weight loss in enemies of the state who get sent to the GULAG so the food they would have been eating otherwise can be fed to those who improve society without needing to be forced.

Maoism is pure communism and liberal daydreams.
Daoism is where it's at yo. Nature doesn't care about your feelings.

How do you deal with the issue that the hardest workers and the laxest workers both get paid the same amount, shouldn't the one who makes more be better off than a weakling who can't do shit



posting in a micropenis thread


You know that he stoped interest earnings and replaced the goldbased monetary system with one that was based on labor?

MSS shilling is really annoying they cant into memes.