Elie Wiesel Sexually Assaulted Teenager at Charity Event, Woman Claims in 'Me Too' Account

Elie Wiesel Sexually Assaulted Teenager at Charity Event, Woman Claims in 'Me Too' Account


A woman claims that esteemed scholar, philanthropist and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel molested her as a teenager, squeezing her "ass" at a charity event in New York three decades ago.

In a "Me Too" post on Medium last week, Jennifer Listman, a former doctoral student at New York University and researcher at Yale University, recounts that the late Wiesel forced himself between her and her boyfriend during a photo shoot at the 1989 memorial event and molested her. As the photographer focused, Wiesel allegedly moved his hand from Listman's right shoulder to her shoulder blade, then down her back where he groped her as the photo was taken.

Wiesel immediately ran, she said, disappearing into the crowd and leaving her "frozen to the spot" where she stood. Listman ran through a list of possible excuses in her head but eventually realized: "I know exactly where my ass is, and that’s where his hand was,” she told her boyfriend at the time.

That boyfriend, who later married Listman, confirmed the account to Newsweek. David Listman said he did not see Wiesel grab Listman, but he remembers his then-girlfriend's reaction and their conversation after. The couple is no longer married.

Listman was 19 at the time and writes that the squeeze "was a calculated act and worse than you think," saying that she dressed conservatively and looked young for her age, believing Wiesel mistook her for an "ultra-religious underage girl who was unlikely to tell anyone" about the assault.

"In other words, he purposefully chose to molest someone who he assumed was a minor and who would be compelled into silence," she wrote.

Listman said she waited so long to discuss the incident out of fear she would damage Wiesel's legacy or spark anti-Semitism by speaking out about the Holocaust icon, saying she struggled with "anxiety, panic attacks and suicidal depression" as she kept the story inside.

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The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity said Listman's post represents the first time anyone has smeared Wiesel's reputation.

"We utterly reject this spurious accusation," the Foundation said in a statement. "Elie Wiesel had a decades-long role as a respected teacher and mentor to countless students. At no time during his long career has anything like this ever been suggested. We are disappointed that Newsweek would republish such a specious and unsubstantiated charge."

Listman's account comes as women are stepping forward to accuse Harvey Weinstein of recent and decades-old sexual assault, and she posted it on Twitter with the hashtag "Me Too" to show the magnitude of the problem.

"If people rarely hear about something’s existence, they assume it to be rare," Listman wrote. "Now you’re hearing about it a lot. Allow yourself, then, to accept the disturbing reality. It is not rare."

Listman said she struggled with discussing the sexual assault, knowing Wiesel was lauded as a Nobel Laureate for sharing his stories of the genocide committed by the Nazis during World War II. His book "Night" recounting his experience at Nazi German concentration camps Auschwitz and Buchenwald, is required reading for many schools. He died at 87 in 2016, but his body of work remains the final word on Hitler's Final Solution.

Nearly 30 years after the event, Listman said she is exhausted from the "guilt, fear, and shame" from the 28-year burden of keeping the secret "in a possibly misguided overestimation of my own capacity and responsibility to protect the world from the knowledge of something evil and ugly; as if I was required." She does not weigh in on how Wiesel should be remembered in history, but rejects the blame she placed on herself for years to shoulder the burden of protecting people from the truth of his actions.

Listman's story is likely to create reverberations throughout the Jewish community. The Forward, a Jewish publication, initially published Listman's account but removed it with a note that it did not meet the publication's standards. Many readers challenged Listman's account, defending Wiesel, while individuals on Twitter applauded Listman's bravery in speaking out.



To be fair, Trump said that women would LET famous people grab them by the pussy.

Not that they should do it without consent like a male feminist creep.

Definitely, Elie Wiesel is a creep

Middle quote is the jewiest thing I've ever read.


Elie Wiesel also squeezed his own ass out of a gas chamber 17 times.




Spielberg next please can you faggots meme this into reality for this upcoming week

Not really a big surprise, Elie Wiesel listed in Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book

Checked user, looks like it. Praise Kek. That kike is next.

Snake eating tail again, this has been happening more and more as the progressive stack gains power over their own. It's beautiful. I feel a couple generations of child sex perviness is finally paying off, the women are using the climate and culture any way they can now.



the commies beat up a hitler cat

they'll get theirs, it's trans-species warfare now

With all these Jewish rapists, why I ain't hearing its a problem with their religion or something?

Actually some forward-thinking Jews wrote an article about it in a Jewish magazine recently and were widely shat upon for it, except by us.

Remember Jews identify with Rodents

I'm OK with that tbh.

fucking lol'd


Have any of these Hollywood kikes assaulted a Jewess at all? Seems to me, in a town full of Jews, they are only goyim gropers. Almost as if they think white women are sexual cattle to be used up then put out to pasture. Maybe it is written somewhere among the fore skin grubbling in their (((holy books))). What does Sarah Silverbergensteinman have to say about all this? Goddamn them.

They made enemies for life when they started wailing on horses fam, I got the cavalry.

So that's why they're importing rapefugees – they're exactly like them!

>>What does have to say about all this?
I don't think you'll be surprised.

I want to take her to the range and teach her how to use a firearm

Mmmm delicious kike on kike violence

I thought 1st pic was Terry Davis at first.

Who the fuck cares? This is not pedogate, it's deflection from real abuse.

So many sexual accusations recently. You know sooner or later it's going to be difficult to differentiate the real accusations from the fake, and it's all going to be swept under the rug as people lose interest in it. Like how mass shootings are becoming less and less of an issue in the eyes of many, and something we've gotten used to.

Are accusations of sexual assault becoming the new standard for attention pleas or political statements?

I'm sure nothing's gonna happen.
It wasn't real in his mind, after all :^)

Fantastic. Even if it's untrue, stil fantastic.

Don't fucking care anymore

So she was probably a late bloomer and her nose had not grown in yet.

Wiesel thought she was a shiksa and knew the media would smear her as an antisemite if she told her story.

The horrors of Auschwitz were real.


“We still do not know the names of all of the victims,” Schaeuble said. “The crimes of the Holocaust were so inconceivably enormous that you can’t know all of the victims or those with claims, so you have to adjust it again and again.”



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her face is right in the uncanny valley




There are an alarming amount of (((connections))) to Haiti.
Genuine psychopath trying to emulate warmth. It really doesn't get more Jewish than this.

The golem turns against its creator. Beautiful.

the actual quote is even more damning

Getting sick of this shit. Out them while they're alive. Let them lie in their deathbeds knowing they'll be known as sexual perverts for as long as history remembers them.


Did you two dunces even watch that video? She basically says women are asking to get molested because they act like whores.


nice retro-wyattmann style

That end of sentence smile is creepy. It is something unconsciously learned by mimicry.

The shitskinnification of the West. One step after another.

She acknowledges that this stuff happens all the time but still defends her fellow jew. Typical.

Either one of two things will happen:

Both will suit us.
Although both will also create and new hurdle to overcome.

fuck this kike and all that but
"anxiety, panic attacks and suicidal depression"

this is what happens when the left tears itself apart
"your a sexist rapist misogynist pig!"
"oy-vey you antisemite! how dare you assume my gender!"

Pleased to see the golems strike at even the most symbolic of their masters.

they are all so ugly, inside and out

Where you been for the last 2,000 years user?

You should care. It shows how even low-level Jews are active in the hoax.

You should stop posting thumbnails.

Where's that pic of the italian/jewish lookin fella in a pool of black blood with a knife and words in the blood? He looks straight out of that picture holy

there's some serious Judiasm going on there. watch the smiles in between sentence fragments, it's a common tactic they use to disorient you and make you begin to agree with them.


Pronounced "A Lie Weasel"

I thought this kike was dead. I guess I was just hoping for that. So… this cow remembers her ass being squeezed 30 years ago? Right. Well, if there's one there's likely to be more. So bump for great potential.

The kike has been dead for over a year, he'll never suffer for this, his legacy and his family might however.

In Catholic school we read mostly hohohoax shit and spent months hashing over this con's book. Public school kids that took catechism once a week knew more scripture than we did.

That's pretty depressing. At the synagogue I studied at, we had a disdain to study the Holohoax, my teacher would get quite annoyed at kids mocking Nazis. Eventually, it got to the point that where she went in a full out rant about how Hitler was right and how the Jews have total control over everything. To quote her, "Hitler was right, it wasn't bad though for us". Towards the end of her career, she hung up a swastika on the wall to purposefully trigger kids, it was great.

Time to get in the oven, juden

Elie Weasel finally getting what's coming to him, eh?


The holohoax 'professor' at CWRU was this really nasty old rabbi that would just sit there and preach to us. He would never write anything down and very often do the same sermon/lecture a few weeks later. When someone called him on it, he was pissed at the class for not telling him sooner.

In 2007 revisionist documentary producer Eric Hunt confronted Weisel in an elevator and was sentenced for assault. His observations on Weisel's behavior are worth a read.

elevator at the sixth floor. I pulled Wiesel out of the elevator. I said I wanted to interview him. He protested, grabbed at
his chest as if he was having a heart attack. He then screamed HELP! HELP! at the top of his lungs. This is someone
who in his public appearances, speaks so softly, that when he appeared on Oprah, they had to use subtitles throughout.
Wiesel had dropped this phony persona and assumed his actual personality, of an insane lunatic.

Read the whole thing.

What in the world?

As Elie might say, it's not true, but it did take place.

I have no idea why it's hosted there. It must be a file they forgot about. I don't even know when or how I bookmarked it.

weisel is German for queen bee

It is written in their books.

Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

Aboda Sarah 37a: “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”

Gad. Shas. 2:2: “A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.”

Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5: A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy.”

They are literally muslims. It's written in their torah to rape white christian girls.

Also look into white slavery, Jews selling white christian girls into sexual slavery in the middle east or into brothels.

Only the most brutal and painful torture is fit for these Jewish scum.


You suddenly realize:

The leftists are importing rapeniggers simply because the leftists are rapists too.


Knighthood is the 100% single most most Un-Jewish thing in the world, and Jews would be the very first ones to agree. Someone, anyone in Small Britain should really speak their mind about this and make a point of it. The concept and word used to mean something.


It all went downhill when Cromwell let the Jews back into England and killed Charles the First. Charles 2 restored the monarchy but the damage was done. After the two civil wars everyone was indebted to the kikes.

400 years later and knighthoods are for yarn-spinning Jews and homosexual entertainers. Warriors don't count for shit in the West anymore.

What a shocker.


Just as soon as his gofundme reaches 10,000,000 dollars. But he can still keep the money and not tell if it doesn't. It's totally not a scam.

As much as I hate Wiesel, she claims to have had depression and anxiety for 28 years because someone quickly squeezed one of her ass cheeks? Sounds awfully dramatic to me.