Should a white nation compensate an individual's effort to stay healthy? The world is facing an obesity epidemic

Should a white nation compensate an individual's effort to stay healthy? The world is facing an obesity epidemic.

Why not have the government pay/compensate gym membership if they can prove that they are losing weight, or maintaining a great healthy body? We spend so much money trying to keep the overweight healthy.

There should be mandatory cooking classes in schools as the current day female has lost the ability to cook.

Exercising at home is effective and free. The government does enough by teaching physical education. Perhaps they could make phys-ed classes more health oriented also.

I am all for monetary incentives at this point, honestly. Something like a quarterly/half-year check-up on your body-fat and perhaps respiratory capacity, leading to a reward if you qualify as not-a-fatass. Teaching health is simply not enough, what people need is a carrot. Maybe also a stick.

Fuck off commie.
You can do this shit at home. And with your own discipline.
No need for your nanny government to provide it all for you.

Stop samefagging commie.
Go to >>>Holla Forums and tell them how much you like your governments stick up your ass.

It's dangerous to lift alone and weight lifting equipment is expensive.

Notice I didn't say anything about any of this being mandatory. Having monetary incentives for proper living and act beneficial to society isn't inherently communistic. Unless you think that Nazi Germany was being communistic when they rewarded couples for having children by reducing debt from their house loan.

Now that we've embraced socialism, how do we fix socialism's problems? hmm

The government should ban sugar, educate people on low carb diets, teach the gospel of Jesus so everybody isn't an asshole to everybody, and ship all niggers back to Africa.

Government already offered a lot of helps so maybe they should allow the private hospitals and insurances to refuse the overweight people to lessen the burdens on the society.

Complete bullshit. Measured in incidence and prevalence of injuries, weightlifiting is one of the safest sports out there, and a barbell set costs about 300 bucks and lasts a lifetime. Fucking manlet.

Unhealthy lifestyle is a matter of the mind, not the checkbook.

You get henpecked in the current year for wanting any sort of excellence, for excellens has been demonized.

The mundane and base is the virtue to strive for because only in utter shit people can be "equal".

A white nation free of kikes and their teaching needs no compensation for fitness, for its people will consider it as basic as breathing.
Their bodies will be seen as the functional machines they are, and they will be eager to tune them to perfection.

Yeah you did in your OP. Good that you didn't deny the samefagging.
Here's the thing commie. Life doesn't revolve around money. If you're too stupid to care of yourself you deserve what you sowed. And it's not up of the state to reward your stupidity or correct it. Becouse most of the time the all encompassing and corrupt government is the main reason why they push you deeper into their embrace. The main action should be to eliminate the parasite that corrupts it. Not opress people even more. Basically this

And here we see why I called you a commie. You should have said people or nation. You're a shit shill.
If you try to shill communism to people at least don't use their terminology.

Non sequitur.
You could have made a better argument if you knew anything of their ideology but as a commieor a straight up jew you had to go for the economic one that was taught to your in your hatchery.


Diet is the biggest factor in obesity. The main culprits are processed seed and vegetable oils, refined carbs, mineral deficiency, combined with over eating. It is probably impossible to get more than chubby as long as you avoid these. The cheapest fix to obesity would be to outlaw vegetable added to processed food and some general education on how to avoid mineral deficiency and shaming of eating processed food if you're a fatty. Magnesium and zinc are common deficiencies that affect metabolism and they're both very. cheap

*vegetable and seed oil added to processed food (not vegetables themselves obviously)

I agree, and there's so many sets with goddamn safety mechanisms that, statistically, that shit isn't gonna happen lul.

In a National Socialist ethnostate there will be enough public pressure and organization toward health I think we will see obesity fall to low enough levels to be a non-concern.

When fat-shaming becomes government policy people won't be as fat.

If by 'The world' you mean hfcs, GMO-corn fed-Murica, then yes, the world is facing an obesity epidemic. Luckily, there still exists regions of the planet where food is still (relatively) unpozed, hence not being a fat fuck is much easier. t. Yuropoor.

It sounds nice for the government to subsidize everyones health but that is not feasible.

You don't want a nanny state. It should be in the culture to be healthy and fit. It used to be that way all over the place. Obesity epidemic is caused by a poisoned culture, not lack of government intervention.

Health should be fundamental, a culture should strive for health based off of the merits of being healthy. If it needs a government to dangle a financial incentive in front of their faces for something as basic as good health, there is something wrong with the culture.

I'm all for physical fitness programs in public schools and youth programs, but
this is just welfare putting public money into corporate hands, the worst kind of welfare.

We should ban xenoestrogens or at least mandate that foods with them be clearly labeled as such. I don't care how useful soy is as a food additive, it's turning the fricken frogs gay. An enterprising user should start a chain of soy-free markets. That shit is in everything.

Start shaming people again, and most of it will sort itself out. Fat acceptance makes fat people.



Only if you're lifting for 1 rep maxes. Do 8-12 reps and you're fjne

This is what we call cooking rabbits that have not yet been caught. Concentrate on defeating the Jew first, before any dreams about how society should be run.

No, just publish actual fact based guides to eating healthy.

Carbohydrates have destroyed our health as a nation. Fat and protein will make us healthy again.

Defeating the jew is the first priority. Beyond this a healthy life can be accomplished through both example and art - people will naturally be inclined to take care of themselves, and their kin.

Just tax the fuck out of the obese and refuse them any handouts. Don't reward their degeneracy. If anything, make it tougher to be a fat fuck without wasting good people's wealth on them.

Fitness has merit and merit should be rewarded.

Indeed, though mere art accomplishes this task to instill this perfection that all of its citizens should strive for.

These statues aren't actually that far off from the truth. The Ancient Greeks were big on physical fitness partially because they (the nobles, at least) were all judging each other all the time. You couldn't afford to be a fat fuck, at least politically.

It's almost as if shame culture in a society can be healthy.

Humans don't lift weights in nature,

We walk/hunt for miles in packs and pick random moderate to heavy animal caucuses to bring back to the bitch for cooking.

If you want to be in shape swim at a pool and walk a few miles, no running just walking.

Just read Tacitus in the original Latin bro.

One word: Calisthenics.
All you need is varied push ups, pull ups and running.

Jesus christ this is the worst non-shill thread in years


you got something against running?
you think it's unnatural maybe?
that men would never run?

yeah, try to at least reach basic military fitness
its measured in pushups, pullups, and run times

It wouldn't need to do that. A white nation would already have a lower obesity rate than the USA just from not having niggers and spics. Driving the kikes and their shabbos goyim out of food production would put a huge dent in what remains. The most the state might have to do after that would be to ban unfermented soy in food and cut back on corn subsidies.

There you go, we now have a culture with no obesity epidemic.

Working out or being physically active has very little to do with being healthy. It's more about what you eat and how your individual biology responds to what you eat. Most fat people would be fit if they simply didn't eat (((carbohydrates))).

It's called a power rack. People who bench alone without safety bars are retarded.

Appeal to nature. There's a lot of things we do that we do not do in nature let's just stop doing them now.

This is stupid to me. My job requires me to stay active and there's no reason you can't do calisthenics as accessory and lift.

Have fun with that fucked up back.


Have you stopped to think about this? Why are we facing an obesity epidemic?

Here's my view: Its the dissociation of physical stimuli from their naturalistic purposes.

I'm calling it 'Naturalistic Dissociative Disorder' or NDD. Lets consider it in a comparative sense relative to sexuality, which is also exhibiting similar effects.

So, why does food taste good/bad/at all? To get you to eat, and more specifically, to get you to eat certain things and not others. You need to eat, because you require nutritional value to live as an organism. Hence, things have a taste, that you might be able to discern that which is desirable for consumption and that which is not, and so that you'll be motivated to consume such that you can survive.

But what happens when that physical stimuli gets dissociated from the Darwinian motivation? This isn't some deity that made it this way, but evolutionary processes over millions of years - you get taste stimuli to avoid eating shit, while being motivated to eat nutritionally-valuable materials… So, what happens when, via one mechanism or another, you can dissociate the "tastes good" and the "offers nutritional value"? You get problems, quickly. See, I can make a piece of cardboard that tastes delicious - negative nutritional value, but, highly tasty. When NDD comes into play in this context, you'll no doubt have people willing to eat cardboard if it tastes juuuuust right. And that's why we have obesity today - people don't eat because they need to power their bodies, they don't even think of it that way. They eat because it feels good, it taste good, they enjoy it… The nutritional value? Tertiary concern, at best.

Same goes for sexuality. Wanna know why our culture is degenerating rapidly in the context of sexuality? NDD again. Prophylactics, birth control and abortion have all contributed to the societal contextual acceptance of the complete dissociation of sex and reproduction.
Why does sex feel good? So you'll do it, and reproduce. That's literally all there is to sexual stimuli - it feels good, so you'll do it, so you'll make more of yourself.
But what happens when, through one mechanism or another, you are able to dissociate the pleasurable sexual stimuli from the act of reproduction? You get all sorts of rampant and grotesque sexual 'exploration', a groping in the dark in constant pursuit of cummies, while doing everything in your power to avoid the act of reproduction, which is, once again, the sole evolutionary motivation for sex being pleasurable.

This dissociation of physical stimuli from the naturalistic evolutionarily-derived purpose is terribly destructive, driving people into constant pursuit of those stimuli, and constant avoidance of (or simply absence of care for) the phenomenon which caused this state to emerge to begin with.
Why does sex feel good? So you'll do it and reproduce.
What if you derive a mechanism to avoid the reproduction? People will pursue the pleasure instead.
Why does food taste good? So you'll eat it and gain the nutritional value.
What if you derive a mechanism to avoid the nutriotional value? People will pursue the pleasure instead.

This is how species die, and I become more convinced each day that this NDD effect is the Great Filter - and we've already failed the test.

The problem lies not with keeping people healthy but the fact (((certain companies))) make much more on humans being 100% slobs. (((Pharma and Hospitals))) also want humans to be as slob as possible to maximize profits.

let the fatties die off
If they want to get that fat and not mind their health, they're free to, but not while draining the rest of us.

They don't, and they won't. Because you live in a society that praises and pushes the dissociation of physical stimuli from the evolutionary purpose of the extant interpretation of said stimuli.

Thus, because your society promotes it as acceptable and normal, across several fronts, there is no way they can or will just sit back and 'let the fatties die'. Instead, they'll spend your tax dollars to keep the fatties alive as long as they possibly can, at great expense to the tax payer and at great profit to the various corporate and government interests who gain from this state of affairs.

By die off i guess he means " stop giving money and free health care to those fat fucks and let them do something for themselves and fucking die" if not he's pretty dumb

throwing fat people off cliffs is cheaper you commie


Why does the entire catalog reek of CIA niggers right now?

Even if that is what he means, he's pretty dumb, because how could you expect such response in a society that pushes NDD as rational, viable and acceptable?

underrated post in a shit thread

Daily reminder that those against this have not yet taken the final redpill.
Why? Because you don't just disappear government by pretending it doesn't exist.
Either you have it work to your needs, or make it crash and burn. Pretending good programs should not be utilized in some libertarian minarchist fantasy while the government is actively working to make it legally and socially impossible to live is damn right stupid.