Were are these Niggers getting expensive Cars/phones/etc from here in America...

Were are these Niggers getting expensive Cars/phones/etc from here in America? They drive fucking audis and mercedes and they are fucking niggers. Are jews hooking up these monkeys with Luxury cars like Mudslimes in Europe?
Whites can barely afford a trailer and a pickup.

Other urls found in this thread:

arielinvestments.com/LibraryFiles//blk_investor_pdfs/2007 Black Investor Survey Press Release.pdf


counter bump

Loans that they do not pay because of welfare. They think they will be rich in the future so they get expensive things that represent that. Then they don't take care of them. Then they're still on welfare so they can default on loans. Basically daddy gubmant buys them.

they work, live ten to a home.
it reminds me of seeing a sharecroppers shack and a brand new cadillac parked out front

You must be new here

My girlfriend split lunch and dinner costs and it's 150 a week for me.
Niggers have 3 kids each and get on gibs.
They use cash back.
Free food + cash back + easy credit

Because they care about how they look and seem as wealthy as they can, no matter how much of a waste it is.

eat my fucking choad you roach monster

Explain all the nigs behind the counters and registers of stores and restaurants then, faggot.

It is rampant where I live. It is common to see a sheeboon pay for groceries with the gibs card, then haul her 5 kids out to a brand new luxury car.

Also lot of the niggers are driving BMW and Mercedes that have 200k miles on them and are on the verge of breaking down, bald tires, no registration, etc. They just want to give off the impression that they are somehow successful

pretty much this, I know drivetime gets +70% repo rate due to targeting niggers and idiots with their no credit/shit credit (((deals))).

There are several different ways they acquire these vehicles. First, mentioned above, is taking out a lease or a loan on expensive shit they can't afford. Auto manufacturers are encouraged to do this anyways because they still make money before the inevitable repossession. Repo is a dangerous field to work in because you never know what a nog is gonna do when you publicly "dis" them by taking their fancy bling bling away.


For this reason, most cars sold have GPS trackers in them so they can be quietly and quickly repo'd in the dead of night or when they're in a restaurant parking lot or something. If the vehicle is damaged, insurance will simply cover the cost while your rates jump up again for "no reason."

The second method is far less common and involves them receiving structured payments through some means, be it a lawsuit, or retiring from the military. And if the military retirement isn't enough, they've been known to do weird shit like lift manhole covers to fuck up their backs and get military disability. Yes, it's cooler to be a bonafide cripple and have a "nice whip" than to be healthy and drive a 5 year old Toyota like everybody else in niggerland. Niggers will live in shacks like animals, letting the electricity go out, as long as they get to cruise around town in a car nicer den dey why man's. And you're probably paying for it in some way, shape or form.

And as a matter of advice, never EVER buy a car from a nigger. There's been no maintenance done on it, ever probably. Not even oil changes. Because $25 twice a year is too much to ask of a nigger. The only time they ever pay anybody to do anything to their cars is when they're literally undrivable, and most times they get talked into trading it in for a new shiny one. They're animals. I've often experienced the same disgust OP does when I see a nigger in a Porsche or some other vehicle that never could have been conceived of in a country of niggers, much less constructed.

Used as hell and poorly maintained.
Gold painted aluminum foil glued to their teeth basically

I bet you also think they're fat because they eat so well.

Why were Al Sharpton and Vicente Fox the KEYNOTE SPEAKERS at the last two Cannabis conventions, PAID ALL IN CASH transported over State Lines?
To Illegally Launder Obamacare FREE RX (medical Cannabis, Opoids, etc.).
Legally able to Re-Sell Food Stamp purchased items to; Churches, Swap Meets, Bake Sales, Mini-Marts, Vending Machines, Restaurants, etc.
Able to Dip as many different Non-Profit Food charities as many times as they like, then Launder the items once again, as NP do not track other NP, because it hurts the NP numbers and thus GuBment subsidies.
I'm Rich Beeotch!

Nigger pls. You're not welcome here and frankly you never will be. You won't be comfortable so you may as well leave now before you get you're black ass perma'd. Kthxbai.

This is a retarded thread but A) not all niggers have Mercedes, most don’t even have a car. B) are you unfamiliar with the term “nigger rich”? It’s when you spend all your money on appearing like you have a lot of money. There’s also this thing called loans.

The opposite of “nigger rich” is “stealth wealth” where you look like you are just a regular guy but actually have a lot of money. Think warren buffet as an extreme example.

Try again sweetie.

Also, black people in the US who manage to work at non-retail or food service jobs have literally been given that job as part of the racial tribute system. We used to keep them all in bullshit invented departments like HR, but new standards have been proposed that every department should mirror the racial makeup of the surrounding area. Good luck having a functional company in most US cities. The military, which is the last "employer" (besides the civil service) that is allowed to discriminate by IQ, still has make-work jobs and quotas for negroes because if they actually enforced standards, the military would still be almost exclusively white.

If negro labor had any capacity for generating surplus, there'd be a county run by niggers that wasn't a stone-age nation living with a sci-fi-esque exposure to modern technology. Hell, the only time on earth negro labor was capable of generating a surplus was when Southern agri tycoons were cracking whips over their heads, and even then technology quickly became more efficient and lest expensive than them. There's no such thing as negro "work." There is only negro "take."


Let's see if I can try to explain it.

1) Low IQ
People with lower IQ have a tougher time delaying gratification and planning for the future. Niggers and many others of all colors unfortunately would rather spend their paychecks on trinkets than work towards home ownership, retirement or open a business.

2) Cultural Differences
This is directly related to low IQ and racial differences but I'll just file it under cultural differences. Niggers don't understand what wealth is. They believe that wealth is just having stuff and spending money.

When a nigger sees a white man in a nice car and living in a nice house he believes the white man just got those things out of thin air. They don't understand things like sacrifice, hard work and education. Therefore, when niggers want to "be rich" they buy expensive clothes, cars and other signs of wealth without themselves ever being wealthy. This is why niggers in the poorest of ghettos spend every cent in their pocket on new sneakers or an iPhone instead of purchasing assets that can actually build them wealth. When they drive a nice car they think I iz rich now and believe other niggers will be tricked into thinking they are wealthy. To a normal person however they are still poor niggers.

This kind of thinking is embedded into their culture and why blacks who do rise out of poverty (think Bill Cosby or Ben Carson) have to abandon nigger culture if they want to rise to the middle and upper middle classes. Having wealth and participating in nigger culture are incompatible with each other. Even rappers and athletes who are niggers to their core will be broke and bankrupt as soon as the money stops flowing. Wealth and niggerdom are mutually exclusive.

3) Debt
Since niggers have low IQ and cannot delay instant gratification enough to save up for things, they use debt as an instrument to attain things like expensive cars and phones.

Jews know this and happily give out sub-prime loans for expansive products that they know niggers cannot pay back. Even if they can pay it off, they will make a killing off of the very high interest rates.

When niggers default on their loans it's no sweat off of a kike's back because they can either repossess the item (cars, houses) upon default or sell the loan to a collection's company and recoup some of the loss that way. Consumer debt is always a win win for the jew.

4) Free money
Welfare. Do I need to say more here?

I also want to add that whites also could have more than a trailer and a pickup if they were willing to drown in debt they could never repay, spend every cent in their pockets on cars and shoes, and collected money from the government. Actually many whites do do this in America but on a grander scale. They purchase giant overpriced million dollar houses and upgrade their cars every 3-4 years while still owing money on the last one. Did you know most Americans don't even own their own homes or cars? It's all an illusion of debt.

The white debt is there just in the millions of dollars instead of the thousands like the negro.

Still even with the average American white drowning in mortgage and consumer debt they are still 1000% better off than the average low IQ nigger who's concept of wealth and a good life is wrapped around his neck in the form of a 18k gold chain.

Welfare, you idiot. Every nigger is on welfare. Every single one of them. They get whatever they want.

Trips checked!

Sitting at the counter playing music is not working

I think you are thinking of chinks and spics.

They work and live 10 to a 1 bedroom apartment. Watch the spics however, they are being primed to be the new niggers by progressives. They would rather have them here voting on a welfare plantation than simply kick them out back to their socialist spic hellholes.

They rob everything.

Well here in Europe kebabs and niggers drive good cars because they're drug dealers and the like (top of line smart phones? that's the jewish NGO's).

Probably similar in America.

Story of my life. Fucking niggers, spics and kikes need to gtfo.

Forgot to mention an important detail: often those cars aren't bought but merely LEASED. Kebabs and niggers are cheap, go figure.

Welfare, it was similar in Australia back in the 80s. You got just as much as you would if you worked a regular job if you had kids, but now you get hardly anything unless you pop out 10 goblins.

They're also retarded. Leasing is something rich people do because they want a new car every 2/3 years and they don't want the hassle of doing their own maintenance, not because it's cheap. Leasing is paying for convenience. If you want a cheap luxury car that's practically new in terms of maintenance, buy a former lease car that's 2-3 years old. The market for used vehicles in lease year range is actually hilariously oversupplied due to the amount of leases being taken.

Honestly only a few people actually do meaningful work, farmers, fishermen, maintenance personnel, (a few) medical professionals

Everything else is just garbage people doing garbage work pretending their actually useful and worth something

I know of a local car dealer (h’wite guy) who became a millionaire by selling cars to niggers. It goes like this: sell a car to a nigger at a high interest rate because niggers don’t read the contracts. Nigger stops paying for car within two years; car dealer repos car. Sells the same car again. Repeat. One car can end up being sold 3 or 4 more times AFTER dealership has paid off said car. Goddamn niggers. I can’t even buy a used vehicle that hasn’t been ape’d by a felon.

I know some black people who live in really nice houses / drive really nice cars, and they no joke got them for free to borrow to live in and use from affluent white people at no cost… although they don't mishandle the property from what I can tell and do actually maintain it.

For other people, I know that they accepted very predatory loans to have nice things which eventually get impounded or they trade in for a new loan when they get bored of the last car or whatever.

/thread. $10,000 hair weaves don't just appear out of nowhere.

Theft, ill gotten money (gibs,drugs robbery what have you), used luxury cars are not actually that expensive due to the expensive maintenance (which niggers don't do).

could be worse, i "live" on 200 each month.

They get some that stuff from church organizations. Evangelical churches today especially large zog Evangelical churches on TBN and whatnot teach give up your possessions for the poor.

Just went on Craigslist and was able to find a nigger special within 10 secs


That's terrible user. How do you manage that? I scrape by on $1700/month.

You're lucky if it's had even 15 oil changes. I won't even dare to ask if the timing belts (assuming it doesn't use chains) were changed at 75k, the water-pump replaced, or the transmission fluid was changed. Negroes think preventative care is fake.


They aren't real moron, it's a honda civic with a BMW body shell on it.

If it was a real audi it would be retarded to purchase in north America, because there aren't any spare parts and you have to wait weeks for one to get shipped if something breaks down.

That is a 328i (2.8L engine) with leathers and alloys. Not the lowest, that would be a 316i (1.6L engine). Even a never die Toyota Corolla will die if you mistreat it and never maintain it.

I have a 325ci 2000 and it is running mint no problems (probably because older cars have less faggotry added to break).


Whites forced to be disguised as niggers for their (((boss)))

They're all in massive debt. this is also why they can't ever get ahead.

Because you make more by working and collecting welfare at the same time then just by welfare alone. I think the government deducts half benefits of what you are making, so if you make let's say $800 the government cuts $400 from what is agreed upon.

Some negro economic tricks:

1.) They know about gibs you can't even imagine. Any gib, any scam, is common knowledge to the nigger. One I figured out just yesterday: Pretty much *every* military nigger gets full disability. They can do minimum time in, do completely non-combat duty, and claim PTSD or some vague pain and eventually they say the right thing to the right doctor / lawyer and get 100% disability.

2.) Niggers don't mind doing illegal things to make money. They will sell drugs, sell EBT card use, sell coupons, steal shit and sell it on the street.

3.) Niggers don't mind doing illegal things to avoid paying money out. They don't pay taxes they aren't directly forced to, they game the tenant protection laws to avoid being evicted while not paying rent, they sign up for new cars and never make payments, and when it's repo'd they do it again.

4.) Niggers go to school for gibs education. Ever wonder why nigger church lasts all day? They sit through a couple hours of preachin' and the rest of they day they have classes on how to game the system. They tell niggers how to maximize tax refunds, with info like how many kids to shit out, how many days the man may / may not live in the house, what shit to claim whether true or not. Niggresses often pulled in 15+ grand yearly while paying nothing in, under the old tax laws, last couple years it's been scaled back and I believe a little over 10 grand is all you can scam yearly. The niggress will split some of the money with the nigger in return for his saying the right things and staying away / around the correct number months per year.

5.) The nigger has no sense of propriety or self respect. This allows it to do 1 - 4 and always ask for discounts, or throw chimp fits about discrimination in an attempt to get free shit in stores etc.

Gibs. That's it. Literally everything you can think of is paid for by you and me for these fucking subhuman leeches. Which is why at the beginning of every month in (((enriched))) areas you'll see every grocery store packed with shitskins rolling cart after cart of steaks, seafood, snacks, drinks, beer, you fucking name it. Shit we can't even afford these fuckers buy all the time on our dime. Phones, houses, cars, utilities, university including all related costs high paying work, all insurance types, etc etc etc these fuckers get at our expense. Then they use all their free time hating and brutally attacking the very people giving them this shit, who can't even afford fucking any of it for themselves or their families even if they weren't paying taxes. DoTR soon brother, our families have been starved and neglected to keep our mortal enemies living in luxury even kings couldn't possibly imagine. They will repay every single fucking cent they've stolen from us, and blood is as valuable a currency as gold so we'll get our share

I don't really, always in terrible debt. But I always keep trying to increase this, as giving up is not an option. Currently working on some web development that might bring some more money for atleast a few months.
You only fail if you give up, nomatter how hard it is.

Yup. I talked about this above. A particular urban legend centers around the popularity of negroes intentionally fucking up their backs by trying to lift manhole covers and claiming it was from duty stress. As I said above, the fact that a negro would rather be a cripple riding around in a brand new Cadillac than an able-bodied man in a more modest car speaks volumes about them as a race. This is something that gives me hope. Even in a nation where we're outnumbered 10-1 against them, the second we decide to fight back, it's all over but the crying for them.

Not the user you're replying to but if it makes you feel any better I'm pretty much in the exact same boat. Also doesn't help I live in retirement central so outside of government or doing minimum wage deadend mcjobs there isn't shit in the way of actual income. My advice? If you're in a shitty area then get out, a shitty area is a shitty area. The 1 or 2 good jobs there will have everyone and their mother applying at. And get into a trade if you're not in one already, sounds like you're in computers and if that's the case just realize that everyone else out there pretty much has computer degrees as well

Yeah, I'm in a better area currently, compared to the niggerinfested area I grew up in. Used to do some carpenting, aswell as a lot of programming. There's always time to learn new trades tho.
You're right about the IT related jobs, mostly poointheloo's doing programming nowerdays. I just keep that as a hobby instead, or help friends out with lesser stuff they need.
Never give up tho, always try and fight your way forward. Life is what you make it, either it's shit because you let it, or you try to change it. Stay strong, user, it's possible to make it if we're just persistant.

Shit, figured you might just be another punk kid on here so forgive my unasked for advice. Carpentry is pretty good, did you ever get into any tiling or roofing? It'd be nice to start replacing the Home Depot spics with actual professional White men. IT is a big ass industry that's still in it's infancy so there's definitely still more room to grow and prosper, my only issue with it are all the dipshits getting the poointheloo degrees and that's it so there's a ton of people in that profession but all they do are Microsoft Word and Excel and Notepad + programming like any loo or other shitskin can do. So of course they all get fucked. Keeping computer as a hobby is honestly perfect in my opinion unless you intend to become a specialist, everybody could always use a helping hand so that's extra income right there. Believe me user I'm keeping this fight going forward, if we can't even conquer our own lives how can we lay claim to anything else? Hope is honestly the most valuable thing we have, yet few people realize that until it's fucking gone and they wound up committing sudoku. Yeah life is hard, even in our first world countries. That's all the more reason though to keep fighting on and pushing harder, we bare our hardships today so our children won't tomorrow. Every one of us, no matter how big or small, is capable of etching our glory into the fabric of eternity. It's the mindset user, at least from my own experience. Seek glory in everything you do, no matter how fucking stupid or mundane it is. There's no such thing as an unworthy cause, simply unworthy reasons. We're gonna make it brah, never doubt that for a second

Stealing, government handouts/foodstamps and not paying taxes

Also the aforementioned illegal drugs, robbery, burglary, and other heinous shit.

First things I did when I got my current car (used) was replace the serpentine belt, repair the transmission fluid lines, and replace both the transmission fluid and the oil. I've been doing minor electrical repairs myself. Too many niggamobiles in the city that have a $4000 sound system, and don't even have $2 in wire coat hangers to keep the exhaust off of the street.

People have been getting used to "good enough" for so long that they just tolerate shitty work because it's cheap. This is partly why the computer and electronic repair industries (as in rebuilding boards, solder work, actual technical troubleshooting) has dried up. People are just fine with shit blowing up and losing all of their so-called important information. They've gotten used to it, with their shitty iPhones locking up and erasing themselves all the time. The best reason to learn programming, engineering, and other skills is because they make you a better person. Also you don't need to pay someone else to do a shitty version of what you can do on your own. That's why I'm not bitter about my dusty EE degree, though in hindsight, programming or mechanical engineering would be more useful on the day-to-day.

thye buy fancy cars on installment and put it on some dumb smackhead who acts like a goalkeeper for the taxman

Crime = Money

Combined with welfare they are probably richer than many europeans in america. They just spend the money on useless shit instead.

Tax payers buy their food and pay their rent, so any drug money or money from a legit job can go toward frivolous luxuries, such as BMWs, expensive clothing, jewelry, etc.

This is the truth right here. Less and less people do real work anymore.

Honestly that good enough point you had really nailed it on the head, that's part of the "boiling frogs in water" alliteration we make on here and it's a concrete example at that. Conditions we live in now would be considered absolute poverty 50-60 years ago

There should be a board dedicated to scams people do

I was at small company that did a bit of everything, building/repairing balconys, extended houses (added room), changed roof tiles, etc. I learnt a bit about everything, which is knowledge I'll always carry with me. I didn't do too much of tiling for bathrooms or floors when we were out on jobs, but did practice a bit in private to learn it.
Sadly I had to leave due to health issues and a broken body, been going to rehabs and doctors for a while trying to work my way back up, and if I'm lucky I can probably return to some kind of work soon. Yet again, you only fail if you give up.
I like your way to think, and you are correct about seeking glory no matter what, and I wish you the best of futures.

faggot, your life is cushy
be humble

This is also how they tricked everyone into thinking that they were middle class when if they miss two consecutive paychecks, their mail would have to be forwarded to their tarpaulin tent in the woods.

I'm curious to how many of you would actually want a flashy car, if you could buy one. I'm quite happy with something that's functional and reliable. Shiny trinkets don't impress me. Maybe that's the difference.

Three things:
1.Drug dealing
2. Welfare
3. Stealing
sage because QTDDTOT

A shiny cars a target, blending in with everyone else has it's merits, especially depending on where you live. Wasn't there a woman about a year back who was trashing "fancy" cars in San Diego or LA

Drug money, Prostitution, Bad loans, and government gibs the misspend on bullshit toys rather than on the betterment of themselves or their children.

Blame Jews all you want but niggers will nig regardless of where they're pointed. Jews just give them a direction for their mostly impotent rage.

we blame kikes primarily for bring them here, they are behind the push for immigration and miscegenation

sure, it is the nature of the nig to nog but nignog does not nig here without a kike helping him along. It is in their nature to be aggressive, foolish, oversexualized because their environment in Africa is harsh and most of them die off, so they learn ways to reproduce with less and less interaction, hence why bumping and grinding and their nigger dance moves are so sexual, they are literally just constantly prepping one another for sex

They will act as is their nature, just like kikes will act as disgusting lecherous beasts that would destroy the world to be king of the ashes

they are both disgusting and should be permanently, totally and finally expunged from the planet's face

little things like phones they overspend on, because they can't into realistic budgeting.
also vanity, as mentioned elsewhere.

for cars,,,,, the banks have to give out so many loans to blacks to prove the banks aint be disintegrating.
a lot of these cars get repo'd, because the amount of their total income budgeted for them is way more than normal


Dont be jealous of free gibs; it's what holds the underclass down. it keeps them from learning anything useful, and truly bettering themselves. you don't want it.
look at what it has done for the people who took that bait.
they are angry and bitter and resentful, because they get free money and still can't figure out why they're still poor.

some of the civil-rights era black leaders warned about taking welfare (and getting addicted to it) but most blacks back then just laughed at that. how could free money hurt you?
Louis Farrakhan was one of the main leaders who kept saying to "get a job, better yourself, avoid welfare" for years.
he said "white power was rooted in economics, and if you don't learn to be successful, you will always be a slave".
and he was right
the 3rd and 4th-generation blacks living off welfare for the last 40+ years is the ones who have gotten nowhere

back then the Democrats offered lots of welfare "to make things right" and also for votes, and that has been the biggest fuck-over that blacks in the USA have gotten since slavery.

isn't there some town in north or south Carolina where all the rich blacks with normal lives have houses?



mercedes and audi are basically the generic brown bitch car now. wasn't like that a decade ago. they all have those gaudy nigger rims and hang around retail outlet stores. these were supposed to be white people things. ruined.

user, go to jewtube and look up "repo car". 99% of the time it's niggers.

Video related. No way niggers can afford that but you see it in the ghetto all the time. Just not for long.

For the rest, you need to ask lenderanon and I don't think he can post from work like we can.

Last new car I bought was in 2001. Whenever I need a new car, I specifically look for $1000 shitboxes, do minimal repairs and usually get 2-3 years out of them. Nothing wrong with a nice car, but I personally don't have to drive far and have no need to signal being a pimp with a car way outside my budget. I know guys who are paying $400/mo. for their third new car in as many years. Unless it's a work truck or you're traveling long distances regularly, I just don't understand taking on that kind of expense. Not only are there better things to spend money on but all of that could be going into savings. I admit I live a spartan life by today's standards but still. The expense is insane imho.

Thanks to shitskins, Luxury cars are going to lose their status and prestige in the west soon, mark my words. Right now tons of luxury car manufacturers including Mercedes, BMV, Lamborghini, and even Rolls are pandering towards the rapper bix nood crowd and the sandnigger swag crowd and other gaudy classless shit. Whens the last time you were impressed when you saw a new S class on the road anyway? You know there's some shitskin tax leech probably with multiple tax leeching orc spawn and wives in it a good amount of the time and nobody actually successful wants to be associated with that. Once the status obsessed Chinese, who hate niggers, find out all the western lux cars they're obsessed with are really nigger cars they'll dump them quicker than we would too probably focus on their domestic luxury brands that we don't even get to see. At that point the western manufacturers are finished and a bunch of them are already in trouble.

This but I'm going to help you out, user

The ability to think ahead and prepare for the future is inversely correlated with impulsiveness.[63]
Among Whites and Blacks earning more than $50 thousand per year, Blacks saved less than half the average amount that Whites saved.
arielinvestments.com/LibraryFiles//blk_investor_pdfs/2007 Black Investor Survey Press Release.pdf
Instant gratification is normally considered an infantile/immature trait; In Africa where Whites taught Blacks how to farm effectively, they increased their production by 1000% - but when they returned 2 years later, the Blacks already reverted to their previous behavior.
Impulsiveness is also correlated with drug abuse and crime, where Blacks consistently outperform Whites (see next section on crime). In one experiment, Black and White children were offered a small candy bar immediately or a larger one later: most of the Blacks chose the small one and most of the Whites chose the larger one. The author wrote "Negroes are impulsive, indulge themselves, settle for next to nothing if they can get it right away, do not work or wait for bigger things in the future."
According to one author, Blacks "hold labor as an evil inferior only to death… There is abundant evidence to show that the Negro will not work without a considerable amount of persuasion."