Study confirms: liberals are retarded idiots who think they are invulnerable to reality

A Study Made Conservatives Turn Liberal With a Thought Experiment - For a Little While

So liberals actually are oblivious to the dangers in the real world. They think they are superheros who cannot be enriched.

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Obviously. The things they push for are always supposed to be someone else's problem. The thought that multiculturalism might bring terror to their home one day doesn't occur. That's for the underclasses to deal with.


Not defending liberals, but what a stupid ridiculously flawed (((study)))

haha triggered xdxdd

This is just r/K theory

It's telling the study calls them 'liberals' yet it has nothing to do with liberalism, but suddenly they now call what liberalism is as 'classical liberalism' e.g in favor of free speech, right to bear arms, taxation is evil, closed borders and their cancerous democracy system. As if using the word classical is somehow a ode of respect to previous held beliefs. They stopped being liberals, they are Marxists who larp as 'progressive' and call themselves liberals in order to pull those who are centralists in their political beliefs to get them to their side of isle, which is what they always did. Appease the centre, once in power move the goalpost to the left even further. They are publicly advocating socialism now.

They also changed the beliefs of Liberalism, to somehow involve equality and 'individualism' which is just a fucked up way of saying we are now going to play identity politics by pitting everyone against everyone else to fully maximize our divide and conqueror. Equality was already achieved in the 1930s.

Individualism meant free from the State, to live your life as you see fit in freedom. Somehow liberalism now means worship the State, let the State think for you and let the State solve your 'problems'.

They are extremists, and extremists can only be dealt with in one way, execute them. The commie act is still a law. They are a threat to the very existence of the American way of life and yet it is harbored and nourished in the education system.

The underclass are the ones who have to deal with it first you nigger, that's where all the barbarian monkey filth goes and they suddenly see their neighborhood get blacked where they themselves become the minority in their own neighborhood and with no recourse to escape. Publicly complain and you get locked in prison. I'm surprised i haven't seen politicians get publicly shot by people in my country yet, they fully deserve it.

Liberals aren't real. They don't exist anymore.

so what's the conclusion, here?

That's what I said. It doesn't occur that there might come a day when it's not just those poor people's problem. That there may one day be no more nice white upper middle class neighbourhoods for them to escape to.

I'm tempted to post this on Holla Forums if somebody hasn't already. It is interesting within the context of cape comics given their use as propaganda, jewish involvement, and general progressive slant in all other cases. It also make me wonder if this was an important element in viewing the gods in such an adversarial light in greek myths.

I preferred to say 'Libertarian' in a vain attempt to escape their stain, to no avail. Fuck it, I'm a Nazi now cunts, ya'll are going to the labour camps.
We're going to be all right.

Clearly liberals live in a perpetual state of delusion where they're unaware of, or unable to comprehend, the very real limitations of the world they live in.

[Also, superman exterminates all jews. Is hailed as a hero]


unfortunately that's true

oh I certainly would not be reluctant to make large changes to social order
I'd become the dictator of America I would, and if the country was held hostage by nukes I'd break them before they get launched

i'd imagine Holla Forums would do something similar, if not the same, had they the idea to do so

Source on 4th pic?

I was following the logic and then you went all one paragraph random retarded on me.

If I told you I could isolate the consolidation of the flux capacitor of your brain and develop and second consciousness of tubular genesis to circumvent your neuronal connexions….

You should tell me, as I am telling you, to fuck off.

What you call "identity politics" has always existed and will always exist. It was never created or destroyed. It has always existed. The "Individual" is an identity. Your social class is an identity, your religion is an identity. ALL GROUPS FOR ALL TIME HAVE ACTED IN THEIR OWN GROUP INTEREST THIS HAS NEVER CHANGED AND NEVER WILL CHANGE "IDENTITY POLITICS" HAS ALWAYS EXISTED AND WILL ALWAYS EXIST

I've thought about this recently. I can to the conclusion that the first thing I would do is start demolishing Mosques and Synagogues around the globe.


You got that backwards, liberals only exist in environments that allows these "traits".

Between Two ages by Brzezinski

I think it was written in the 1970s about how in a couple of decades they will have sonic weapons to brain wash people with.

What do you think cell phone towers are for.

To brainwash people the only things i would need is information and distribution of information according to my interests. And suddenly a bunch of retarded boobanimals think that xy is the new shit.

Is that intentionally being redundant? I mean, they aren't dressing up as superheroes and quoting LOTR and Harry Potter references to be funny. I hope you didn't think it was a game for them.

Their only purpose is to stop white supremacy, inequality, sexism, and if there's time, crime and sheeeeiit

if you weren't a judaized and demoralized person, you would become super task master and super humble guy:
1) you would listen to people smarter than you and encourage them helping you gain knowledge and also encourage you travelling to the stars
2) people who are less intelligent than you, you would kill with impunity and make sure at the very least they're being helpful to achieving the goal of space exploration and finding someone with a higher power level than you, for you to fight

Now usually if the US and A wouldnt directly influecne with their shit i wouldnt write that.
But usually niggers, cripples and women thrive when the rest of the majority does so too.
I m sorry if i put niggers and the same sentence as women which is derogatory for both.

Fuck off you false flagging cocksucker.


Define 'crippled' if you're talking mentally you're playing with Jewish tricks. Psychology is inherently Jewish. Physical Idc either way

Your takeaway is a little off.

The reality is that every single leftist policy that is generally a bad idea would actually be a GOOD IDEA "in a perfect world".

Examples: If all races were actually equal, differing cultures didn't create massive friction social disorder, and cultural errosion, AND we had unlimited money, then there'd be nothing wrong with massive immigration or refugees.

If human beings maintained their motivation to be excellent in jobs without any form of reward being an expectation, then communism would work (unlimited money would help with that one too).

If all humans could be reasoned with and made to sincerely understand why they shouldn't do bad things, prisons could be replaced with stern reprimands and most crimes wouldn't happen in the first place.

So you see, the problem isn't that leftists think they're superheroes, its just that a wide swath of their ideas assume that humanity is very very different than how it actually is.
You can easily see this through the number of liberal ideas that start with, "If we could just get everyone to X" where X is some fundamental change to the human condition that will never happen.

I suppose I should say in case it wasn't clear: creating hypotheticals with perfection sown into them (i.e. "you're superman, now what?") will turn a conservative into a leftist on some issues, since what is unreasonable in reality becomes hypothetically practical.

Ask me how I know you're a leftist/cuckservative at heart.

Better a former leftist than a D&C shill.

Fuck off. Do some serious introspection instead of sticking with leftist morals and merely realizing the facts of life. Knowing reality doesn't make you not a leftist, it just makes you the rare not delusional leftist. The only way that mass immigration, etc. would ever be okay would be if it was 100% guaranteed never to be a threat to your people's propagation and if you had unlimited access to unlimited resources.

That's what he's talking about in relation to the rest of your statement. The main problem being that races cannot be equal without race being non-existent. Not even as a "skin-deep" difference. The very concept of biodiversity in any form immediately negates the concept of equality as there will be traits found in one that are more desirable than another. You should have just said "if humans weren't human and instead were some colorless, bland, clone species grays then there wouldn't be any problem with immigration, cause they aren't even fucking humans and I'm referring to an impossibility". But because otherwise you sound as it would be okay to import other races if they were all the same behaviorally, and genetically as Europeans, barring their physical features. Despite physical features being only a small part of determining sub-species of human.

Okay, add that to the list of things that are magically wished away in this perfection-based example.
Jesus, the density.

The point is that if you remove everything bad from a bad thing, its not a bad thing anymore.
And that's how leftists live: they believe that every hard reality is some kind of illusion that they can out-think.

Try to actually understand the post if you aren't D&C.

Yeah, basically this.
Particularly the "I'm referring to an impossibility" part, since that's literally the entire point.

Yeah, okay, bud. Let's just ignore the implicitly leftist stuff in your post. Lurk a bit more, honestly, until that's all washed out of your brain. Either that or go hang out with the alt-right.

Removing the bad from something doesn't make it good. Hence why I said the only way it would be okay. Not "good." "Okay." Anyway, leftists live in a fantasy land; news at 11.

Thinking about "desirable traits" and such is leftist; it's valuing what people are rather than who they are. It's treating them as cogs in a machine for some other outcome, ready to be thrown away if a better functioning cog comes along. It's replacing a brother or a son if a better performing man in X category comes along.

Life either propagates that most like itself or it goes extinct. Propagating things unlike itself merely because it has some trait that is "desirable" is cuck behavior and akin to suicide. Humans could be identical in every way that most people care about (as 057c96 was saying) from propensity to commit crime to IQ to capacity to create civilization and it still wouldn't matter unless you are a leftist because one group, quite simply, is yours and the rest aren't. To take a more real world example, most Europeans are damn-near identical when it comes to "civilization building traits" but no right-thinking Englishman would desire or accept the replacement of the English with Germans. No right-thinking Prussian would desire or accept the replacement of the Prussians with Bavarians. Etc., etc., etc..

Stopped reading there.
I said it makes it "not bad", not "good".
Stop playing word-games, you kike.

Literally what you said. Fuck off, kike, and maybe actually read so you don't look like a dribbling retard.

I understand why a kike like you is scared when former leftists start talking. We understand all your bullshit.

While I don't disagree on the Europeans, I was only referring to his argument retaining the physical traits of other races, since if all other traits are removed race cannot be still be a defined concept without retaining those simple differences, being a terrible choice as that would still result in the same essential problem we face now with mass immigration of shitskins. Since by all metrics Europeans are the "fairest of them all".
I hope that made sense, it's rather late over here.

A fucking cripple has the same operation system than a regular guy, just a little bit different.
My little brother is 3 months a year in "ape nations" as he would describe it, i wonder why.

Two points: (1) Stop behaving like a kike. (2) Lurk more instead of going into ultra-kike mode anytime someone points out your alt-right (leftist)-tier statements.

If you desire or accept the replacement of your own kind with another kind you are a cuck, no different from those who desire or accept the replacement of your people with Africans or Mudshits. Just because civilization will go on in your version doesn't make it less cuck behavior. Here's a simple analogy: would you replace your own children or siblings with "better performing" whites?

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the rest of it. The only way you could make it make sense would be if humans were a literally identical clone species. Not merely "equality" between races but literally just the same genetic person over and over again. Slight hyperbole since the nature of life requires a population of minimum sustainable breeding size (50-500, but probably upwards of 5000 to be safe), but since the hypothetical assumes most other physical constraints are gone I don't think it really matters.

We're national socialists here.

What a shocker… Leftists are authoritarians who believe completely in their own moral authority that, if given great power, would immediately seek to impose their beliefs on everyone else. Meanwhile Conservatives actually pause to consider the moniker "with great power comes great responsibility" and restrain themselves from being a "do-gooder" even when given God-like powers.

The cuckening is about fucking idiots that would give up their privileges just like that, give it up for a persuasive whatever ideology. Give it up for some shit, that is the current year, and if you meet someone like me, that can excert their will on other people well that is a no go.

How can anyone be this stupid?

Yea no that's literally not reddit "literally", actual literally what I was saying to the other user here
I was critiquing his argument for making an attempt at retaining some form of liberal rationality and thereby being retarded instead of going full reductio ad absurdum if only people were clones/non-human and nonsensical species, which isn't that difficult in the first place because most if not all of their propositions are a half step away from absurdity anyway.

Has anyone really ever been so far as decided as to use want look more like?

Oh, sorry, I misread your post as "I disagree" not "I don't disagree." My apologies.


Sure, I might view things differently. I might not care so much about living in Somalia if I was literally a living god. The fact is, however, and while I've not actually tested this: bullets do not in fact bounce off of me and falling off of a cliff isn't going to be a small event. Allowing where I live to become Somali-tier isn't exactly a desirable conclusion then for me. And yes, if ice cream and pizza had the nutritional values of broccoli and skinless chicken breast I'd eat nothing but ice cream and pizza.

Is this study trying to make liberal/progressive types look like eight year olds? Of course I'd have more liberal values if you radically changed how reality works. Yes, I'd have far fewer reservations about helping people if we didn't have to deal with the realities of IQ differences, radical cultural difference, cost of resources, ability to be this altruistic while keeping myself afloat too, etc.

The conservatives were self-censoring because "I'd use my super powers to exterminate all faggots" isn't considered a polite thing to say.

I don't know about how the USA is, but I'd keep it quiet until I could allow for the actual population of England to deal with it. Managed it several times in the past, so why not just let that go rather than become a dictator. Seems easier, and I'm a lazy fucker with no interest in ultimate power beyond the use of it to fix the problems created by people who HAD it previously.

Essentially, clear out the MPs, professors, traitors and the like until there's a clear enough sky for actual competent men to move in.

My favourite way of saying it is that the Left don't stand for a particular policy.

They want a dictator. An omnipotent ruler. And they pray every time that they'll be benevolent.

They won't. Even old Jewish men like Sanders can easily turn into bloodthirsty warlords given enough guns and money.

Killing the intellgentia is a rather facist/communist kind of move isnt it?


Not actual intelligentia.

If their goals are clearly political - they gotta go. Academia is no place for politics - of any sort.

Just communist, you fucking faggot.

This is an interesting thought experiment though. My experience is that leftists tend to live particularly coddled lives, while conservatives tend to have it hard at younger ages. A lot of right-wing friends, as well as myself, go through early jaded phases before coming out very much to the right. Leftists are shielded from the consequences of their actions and choices and live lives without danger. They are quick to embrace utopic ideals and dismiss the real and immovable barriers to their dumb ideas because they are not use to getting their way.

IOW: leftists are coddled spoiled brats with no concept of consequence of actions.

*are used to getting their way.

Fascism also has its shortcomings and failures.

Ironically, Hitler is the closest thing to a benevolent dictator that we've ever had.

They needed a LOT of violence to restore their country. France had occupied part of it, directly, and the ToV ceded a large chunk of the German population to Poland.

But Mussolini had no excuse for his constant and consistent failures.

Many have yet to meet an actual dangerous person. A real psychopath.

They have met a real psychopath. Each time they look into the mirror.

The facists did the same just not with the same rigour.

Well that would also be a spectrum, ranging from cold to hot cold. If for example if you put me in a prison and i flip a switch it would belong to me shortly afterwards.

Because they ARE immune to POLITICAL and SOCIAL consequences of their actions, owing to THE RULING AUTHORITY sharing their weltanshauung.
This study isn't revealing that liberals think they're BULLET-PROOF, it's revealing the very real POLITICAL AND SOCIAL immunity that left-leaning persons enjoy.
Twisting the interpretation to "hurr, liberals stoopid, dey think superman" is distraction from the real message and likely the work of a kike.

Well if i see a bunch of nerds, which is the part of the group i was most adherent decides to give up all privileges for the sake of being blobs of morally correct cucks and expanding that to well every realm of their new gained power gurantees them i dont give a fuck about your weltanschauung and if the world should be cured by that wesen. The liberals arent stooooopid but they are stoooopid assuming that everyone works the way they do. So if they would want to take away privileges i shoot you in the head before you can utter that wish.

You dont share your point of view in a regular mano a mano discussion you rat this because that in essence is what you are.

Speaking of going from one side of the political spectrum to the other:

OP disappoints once again. After they told these faggots to imagine they could fly, they should have opened a window and told them to jump out.

IE pure cancer.

< The problem with leftism is that it is marxesm.
< Marxesm an sosaleesm r teh same.
< Muh identetee poleteks!
Lolberg detected.

Not just leftists. Cuckservatievs and lolbergs, to a significant extent.

It's that they have smaller amygdala:

Imagine if you were Superman though. You could end the kikes in an afternoon's work.

Trips checked!

It should be.

Not because they are the intelligentia but because of their role in supporting the (((System))), turning generations of youth against the White race.

< Its what the commies did.
Lolberg, plz.

The "intelligentia" is the enemy, they have been for the last 55 years at least, they deserves free helicopter rides.

I keep having that dream. Only not Superman, but someone better. So many things to do in that dream…

Do you suppose it would be better if you try to do everything yourself or if you ordered the world to get X done by Y (you don't care about the methods), or else.

How many progresives would be scrambling to get an axe and go hunting each other, if their very lives depended on it?

Ideally I'd only have the powers for like a day, so I don't get power mad myself. I would probably grab a chunk of Mars and drop it on Israel. Then I look at my list and check off names all over the world.

Brainwashing is old news. That's what television, mass media, public school you may have had a based teacher or two, but the textbooks were written and published by yids, and internet walled garden filter bubbles have done.

Brainwashing is the process of creating a gnotomemetic mind. You do it by stuffing the mind full of your memetic payload, reinforcing that payload day after day, year after year, and conditioning the mind to reject anything that might threaten the implanted Potemkin reality. Start your stopwatch when you talk to a normalfag, and stop it when they first mention a fucking Geico commercial or utter a phrase from an (((Adam Sandler))) movie, expecting you to laff along. They have been implanted with the same NPC programming.

The cesspools of the internet are a bastion of free speech. A breeding ground for memes. Memes (more precisely thoughts, which are the fruiting bodies of memes) give us our humanity, and they need our minds to reproduce (memetic crossover and mutation - you've seen it happen here all the time) and spread. A meme is a spore, an embryonic thought.

Faceberg, jewgle, tindr, etc. are memetic weapons. Unlike TV, these systems harvest detailed models of your mind that will be used to create irresistible experiences that will make it very hard to disconnect yourself from their meme pipe. Also, the artificial community experience preys on your hardware that is optimized for tribes/communities, and gives them even more influence over your mind. Brainwashing is a means to an end - total influence - and facebergoogle is a bagel peddler's wet dream.

Our thoughts shape our reality. We are not our thoughts. There is a reason why the First Amendment protects free speech rather than right to bear arms. The founding fathers knew.

Better yet, drop Israel on Mars, impacts to make the planet more suitable for Whites.


A good point. You'd need to test this again in a hard-right society, of which none currently exist.

No, psychopaths never believe the garbage liberals believe. Unless you're saying that liberals don't actually believe what they say, in which case, carry on.

I see you in every thread this comes up you miserable nigger. First poster is anti-German US propaganda. Kill yourself you false flagging mongrel

That's what he said. Read the post you responded to again.

It's weird that your mind automatically goes to Jamal and Pablo when you think of the poor people. There are plenty of poor whites and they sure as shit don't vote democrat. These are the sorry fucks who get hit the hardest by limousine liberal marxist policies.

Literally white saviour syndrome is confirmed real mixed with the need for an arrogant sense of self-satisfaction. The liberals really are mentally ill.

Goes a long way towards explaining pic related.

Typical of self-expression egotists.

Makes perfect sense. Leftism stems almost directly from an inability or unwillingness to perceive danger.


Explains le Max Sterner lefty-pol meme.

The upper-middle class Ivy League brats are Eloi, sheltered privileged brats used to being cared after by forces not understood. They're basically early hominids. Some are clever, but most are stupid, and all are weak and with split loyalties. Diversity is a strength, until it isn't. Armies wear uniforms for a reason.

In reality most Dem. voters are fairly conservative cultured. For these people feuds over gibs are the cause of dissent and the two-party system the impetus of frequent allegiance with the nauseating libertine champagne-socialists. Doing away with the poker inspired winner-take-all ballot system would change things, although this would risk weakening cohesion among Rep. voters as well.

god damn social psychology is such dog shit


Only Radical leftists that are hell bent on making everyone one color and subservient debts slaves.

this cancer needs to fucking die.
