Why are Marx's ideas considered diametrically opposite with the NSDAP?

"for each new class which puts itself in the place of one rulling before it is compelled, merely in order to carry through its aim, to present its interest as the common itnerest of all the members of socitey, that is, expressed in ideal form: it has to give its ideas the form of universality and present them as teh only rational, universally valid ones."

Stuff like this or the facts that he mentions that in every epoch there are gatekeepers controlling the ideas of the common people seem very on par with simply naming the jew just like Hitler did. Why are they considered diametrically opposite? Someone explain please.

Other urls found in this thread:



Go and read mein kampf and lurk 6 million more years

Communism favors the state and was invented by kikes. NSDAP was invented by aryans and favors the nation. Nation and state are not synonymous.

What a hideous skank. You have shit taste, OP.

OP is a commie, what did you expect?

Shit taste, but that doesn't mean I can't call him on it.

Marxism is misdirection to blame the bourgeoisie for the sins of the kikes. Hitler addressed the actual problem while Marx swept it under the rug, and while it isn't the only reason, it's perhaps the biggest reason why communism is fundamentally incompatible with NatSoc.

Also, that quote from Marx is hilarious. He could have just said "the ruling power always claims that everything it does benefits the people". But no, he has to sniff his own farts and come up with the most most convoluted way to phrase a simple concept.

You misunderstood. Marxism is incompatible with the NAP.

Satan, pairs of opposites ect

Then there's the communists of today's youth. They don't really seem to be against (((Capitalism))) at all, in fact they don't really even know what it is because they think Fascism has got something to do with it. None of them are even on the working class and they think America is not progressive enough and it's a "Fascist state filled with racist White cops". One thing I know for sure is that they are actually willing to side with the kikes if it has any means to destroy National Socialists and Aryan culture. They also tend to hate "cenrtists" and Obama-tier libshits, because they see them as "not Left enough" and are basically known as "crypto-Nazis" or "Fascist-enablers", so they tend to eat each other a lot. They are all SJW's btw, and anyone who calls them that is deemed as a "reactionary". Unironically they see Quadroon of Mossad and "anti-SJW Skeptics" as neo-Nazis. Just take a look at communist Plebbit subs and you can see how much they know about politics and economics (answer: bum fuck all). The ones who are against the Plebbit commies are either usually lolbergs or "anti-SJW" libshit Bernouts calling out other Bernouts.

Slide thread, this thread is a duplicate of one posted about 2 weeks ago.


Marxism came first. NatSoc is a retaliation against Marxism.

One dissolves families and traditions, and clearly states that's an end goal.
The other uplifts the same.
One aims to condemn free actions and productive forward thinking.
The other promotes those men to positions of power.
One denied the very existence of genetic differences.
The other put it as a cornerstone of policy.
One made every effort it could to remove the very concept of God and soul from its history and future.
The other reached further back into prehistory than any other to find its soul then as now.

I honestly have no idea how you can draw similarities between them.

National socialism is still socialism

constitutional republic or die


Fuck off.


Jesus fuck, what impenetrable horseshit language.

This. What other ideology opposes Communism so completely? Hitler tried to revive the German identity, while Stalin tried to vanquish all identity.

here are some shit tier memes for a shit tier op

But that is really not true man. Stalin tried to increase USSR identity post world war II by going as far as to offer medals for mothers of the USSR that bred many babies. He was going increasingly "nationalist". How do you explain that?

thank you. Can you elaborate even more? How did Hitler fight capitalism and where is this quote from?

Communism is a system conceived and executed by jews for the sole purpose of the white genocide of imperial russia and installing rothschild banks.

Both modern capitalism and communism are jewish constructs for controlling the goyim (cattle).

Marxism nowadays is just a theoretical circlejerk, and it really was no different back then.
The jews were talking and talking about the evils of capitalism and the opression of the worker, just to blind the people with their empty ideas.
Marx had the right idea, basically, but his name and some lines from his work were just used by jews to crush all other capitalists and then simply take their place.

Meanwhile hitler crushed all the parasites, be they capitalists, aristocrats, corrupt officials, whatever, and put in their place indoctrinated germans.
Thats the thing, socialism only works if you put socialists in charge, people who really believe in the cause and would prefer death to treason.
The soviets had a bunch of jews in charge with each one of them scheming against their superiors and subordinates to funnel as many shekels as possible into their own pockets.

go back to shilling in youtube comments' sections you dumb furry twat

Natsoc is fundamentally opposed to communism because the very core of the ideology is based around completely different and mutually exclusive values. Natsoc is unapologetic group evolutionary strategy for an ethnic, genetic community. Communism is a universalist, individualist ideology aimed at changing the distribution of property with the individual in mind. On paper, anyway. The real idea was to destroy the existing racial European hierarchy, and replace it with a supposedly equitable system that would benefit the jews Natsoc and egalitarianist socialism are irreconcilable. When some policies overlap, it is due to coincidence where both goals could be furthered by a similar action. But it is always just surface level similarity, and in practice greatly diverges when actually implemented due to the different nature of the systems.

Fuck off OP with your Mindgeek bullshit.

Marxists which to eliminate class, which requires eliminating culture. They believe in the blank slate hypothesis (tabula rasa) which claims all men are born equal and only culture makes them unequal. They seek to eliminate this perceived injustice by destroying culture to make everybody free.

National Socialists do not want to eliminate class, they want to facilitate the classes living in harmony to their mutual benefit. National Socialists want to preserve culture, and do not believe in the blank slate hypothesis. They believe that some men are born better than others, in other words that genes are real, and thus can never be equal. They view human inequality is a natural fact, and do not wish to rebel against nature. National Socialists understand that if you pit yourself against nature, you will lose. If you try to eliminate class by destroying culture, you'll be left with a classed society that has no cultural heritage left. Marxists dehumanize everybody, view them as standardized replaceable cogs in a machine that swapped out because none are truly unique. National Socialists believe that every man, woman and child is born unique, and that no amount of conditioning can make everybody perfectly uniform. National Socialism respects the individual while Marxism dehumanizes the individual.

I could go on. The only common ground between Marxism and National Socialism are their dissatisfaction with the status quo, which is rule by jews (marxists are dissatisfied with the status quo, but do not recognize the jewish nature of it because Marxism is an ideology started by jews who wanted to take the power from other jews.) Beyond that, Marxism and National Socialism are worlds apart.

I hope this helps.


The only way a foolish white marxist can be saved is to teach him about the role of the jews. Once the matter of the jews becomes clear, his conversion to National Socialism should come easily enough.

I think OP is trying to shill 8/pol/ according to the common reddit/cuckchan playbook, relying on stupid teens and mestizos with no understanding of their own position. The alt-lite faggots actively dismiss any differences between natsoc and commie just to signal to their enemies that they're not ebil nazis. Of course, they are then called nazis anyway.

As an aside: There are two kinds of National Socialists on Holla Forums: When posed with a question like OP's, some will give detailed explanations. Others will simply express anger at the question being asked.

I hypothesis that the later resort to anger because their own intellectual development as National Socialists is immature. Good answers allude them, so they feel as though they have no choice but to respond with anger. Instead of expressing anger in response to a question about National Socialism, I propose they shut up and listen, so that they too might learn more.

pic unrelated anti-democracy message.

but your second pick implies that natsoc and communism are the same? other people on this thread say that CAPITALISM and communism are the same, not natsoc. explain pls

Most of us were stupid teens once. A decade ago I went to Holla Forums for the stupid shit. I debated the National Socialists I found there, they explained their position to me, and thus I was enlightened.

Where would I be if none of them ever deigned to explain anything to me? I wouldn't like to know.


your gut is way wrong, I am here for debating stuff, the thing that made these boards and their predecessors great in the past. Anonymous,free and unchained debate.

Don't call me a chill for not ascribing to the dogma of the month….

No, it explains a method of teaching marxists the truth. They already dislike Israel because they perceive Israel to be a white aparthied state. And most of the "rich elite capitalists" they love to hate are also jews. If you teach a white marxist about the jews, you'll have an opportunity to convert him to National Socialism. To do this you must expose the jews, then expose the lies the jews have spread.

The image does not imply national socialism and communism are the same. It implies a communist is an ignorant fool who's angry about the status quo but has been misguided about the nature of the status quo.

go back to reddit

what a long month has it been eh

But fair enough. I believe


describe the difference clearly and concisely. If you wish to debate, address the points brought up there (though you really can't, since they are accurate)

Kikes and their typical tricks, Romanov's did nothing wrong.

Your replies are really on point and helpful, thanks a lot.

1. Is it correct to say that Marxist wish to eliminate culture? Isn't it the current (or at the time current) status quo that they wanted to destroy? Can the status quo be equated with culture? Can you elaborate?

2. Others in this thread say that both capitalism and communism were two sides of the same jewish coin. Do you agree with this? If so, why did the capitalist west oppose the USSR so fanatically? Were the western powers like the USA still relatively free of the jew grip back then or what?
3. How is it possible that the marxists are so obsessed with the ruling elite and yet the blatant overepresentation of the jews in academia/politics/you name it goes unnoticed? How have the jews managed to pull this off? It makes me wonder if I am a conspiracy nut at times and makes me swing back and forth all the time.

4. Why did Hitler choose to focus so much on opposing Marxism instead of opposing the already present Economic Jewry found throughout the world? If Marxism had at least some anti status quo sentiment in it, it sounds like something much more salvagable than the hornet's nest that is England for example. Instead Goebbels called the USSR the hornet's nest and the NSDAP tried to ally with England. Can you share your thoughts on this?

You do know Germany went through a small civil war because of communism, right? USSR was the state backer of international communism, making it enemy number one in the public eye is easier to understand than subtle subversion by a ruling class in a nation they hoped to ally with.
One was a proven enemy, whose relation can at best be described as 'barely checked hostility' even as the non-aggression pact was signed, while the other grew into the role of adversary.

NSDAP takes Marx's critique of class society and uses ages old predispositions towards antisemitism amongst the white christian working class to supplant a jewish conspiracy in place of the bourgeois/ruling class domination.
The actual bourgeois is actually emboldened and empowered (and can thus oppress and exploit all workers in a class based society more) the more racial divisions there are amongst the working class.
That is why fascism is often referred to as "the socialism of fools", and why fascist movements are often reared by bourgeois donors to stop working class revolution. Early fascists like Hitler knew the truth workers saw in Marxist critique and transformed it into something entirely opposite (a society truly dominated by the most authoritarian version of the ruling class in every form imaginable.)
And by the way, most contemporary Marxists see the society that Stalin created actually closer to this bastardized form of socialism that Hitler sold (and oppressive as bad in that measure.) Most contemporary Marxists believe in the eventual abolition of the state or at least its significant curtailment.
More on class:

Not that guy, but
Marxist utopia relies on eliminating all the traditional hirearchichal elements of society. Much of traditional culture is about maintaining social order and ethnic cohesion. You can't just up and flood a country with niggers, you need to break down the cultural barriers first. Jews use marxism as a weapon to destroy the host culture and let them substitute their own.
It's difficult to say if there has ever been a single cohesive kike plan and organization. It's more like emergent behaviour that stems from their genetic and cultural tendencies as well as their place in society. Both capitalism and marxism help the jew by removing obstacles in the form of host ethnocentrism. The less cohesion in a society, the easier it is for the jew to use his in-group cooperation to seize power. It doesn't really matter what the details of the economic policy are. Capitalism is merely the antithesis of communism, but they are both equally race-blind.
The main reason the commies were so vehement against the west is that capitalism is not a revolutionary ideology, it was more like the jew's twisted, idealized description of the status quo. It wasn't going anywhere without a marxist push for egalitarianism because you can't exactly use a capitalist platform to flame up revolutionary sentiment. Old money kikes thrive in capitalism, but they can't eliminate and supplant the goyishe elites without an element of marxism.
There is no conspiracy nuttery going on with the jews, they are completely out in the open. They simply drown out any criticism with social shaming and the spectre of anti-semitism. The reason commies don't see jews is that they consciously choose not to. By commies in this case I mean the thought leaders, not the lemming masses following them.
He dealt with economic jewry switftly and efficiently in his own country. But economic jewry is not nearly as much of a direct, military threat as marxism. The bolsheviks were funding and pushing communist movements all over the world, and Stalin was building an army for conquering Europe. Germany had already witnessed a commie revolt. There are no neocon revolutions. Capitalism is not an ideology, it is not like marxism in this sense. It only became such after ww2, really, as a wholly jewish antithesis for communism, taking the core tenets of marxist economic policy and reversing them, while keeping the crucial individualist and color blindness.

check Strasser`s discussions with Hitler

check Strasser`s discussions with Hitler

Enjoy fighting your own kin over scraps while the jew works together with his tribesmen to swindle you all.

What is this attempt at communist shilling?

Atleast try not to contradict yourself for a handful of paragraphs…
True, thats one of the reasons why fascists strive for a homogenous community and jews push multiculturalism. Racial divisions are inevitable when races are mixed.

Bourgeois donors support multiculturalism and then play divide&conquer with the incompatible population

get fucked pinko

National Socialism is not marxist socialism.

Marxists believe in nurture instead of nature. Nurture exclusively. They think that everyone is naturally equal, but obviously inequality exists in the real world. They explain this discrepancy by saying that culture causes 100% of inequality.

To eliminate inequality, they will the destroy aspects of culture they believe responsible. They want to destroy marriage and families to make men and women equal. They want to destroy racially homogeneous communities and nations to make the races equal. They want to destroy the relationship between parents and children, to make sure all children grow up equal. But no matter how much they destroy, they'll never eliminate inequality because inequality doesn't just come from nurture, it comes from nature too. Some people win the genetic lottery when they're born. Other people are born below average. No attacks on culture will ever rectify this situation. The problem then they'll never achieve equality and therefore they will never stop attacking culture. As long as any culture remains, they'll find reason to blame it for any remaining inequality and attack it. Do you know any programming? If not, then please excuse me this indulgence If so, consider this:
while (inequality > 0) { culture = culture - 1;}
That loop runs forever because the expression in the body of the loop, decremented culture every time, isn't changing the variable being checked in the loop conditional. The loop keeps on going until inequality reaches zero, but inequality never reaches zero so culture is continuously decremented.

More or less true.
Jews often fight among themselves for power. Note however that in the 21st century the interests and methods of the capitalist jews and communist jews have been synthesized. They've found common ground; the capitalist jews absolutely adore the methods of human manipulation pioneered by the communist jews. And the communist jews have largely been inducted into the ranks of the capitalist jews. They now use their methods of cultural destruction to tear down organic authentic culture and replace it with corporate manufactured culture that exists only to encourage consumption. (webm related).

We also see corporations today supporting (nominally) left wing politicians who are owned by the corporations (the entirety of the DNC, for instance). They do this to capture the discontent and redirect it in a profitable direction.

Sometimes a white leftist will start to wonder about things that venture too close to the truth. However the leadership of the left is jewish (or jewish sympathizers) and when the leader notices somebody beneath them engaging in wrongthing, they quickly correct it. If a young college marxist ever wonders why jews are overrepresented among the reviled 1%, his professors will be quick to point out he's dangerously close to "antisemitism". They head off wrongthing before it can fully develop. As long as these thoughts are undeveloped, they're very easy to stop. A simple mention of "nazi" is usually all it takes.

The USSR and bolsheviks/marxists from the east were a more immediate threat to Germany. They were slaughtering people in Russia, had already attempted a violent revolution in Germany (German Civil War of 1918) and their military aggressiveness was known. Germany knew that Russia planned on invading Poland, and Germany would follow after that. To prevent Russia from gaining such a foothold next door to Germany, Germany was forced to invade Poland first.

National Socialism isnt Fascism, and the Jews do control everything, which isnt right considering they dont belong in our society, and especially dont deserve to control our thoughts and voting patterns with media for example, or our economy with banking and industry etc. Youre a useful idiot, and were no fools. The people who plan to replace and exterminate whites, who have the power to do so - admit their intent, and do so in front of our eyes, daily. Your argument is invalid, and races arent equal and the same either, youre just delusional. You cant dress delusion up in composed snobbery and be anything but wrong.

Oh, and the one about fascism.

Thank you so much!

I want to learn more, how do you attain this knowledge? What kind of reading do you suggest? Have you also read Marx's stuff so you form your opinion there?

Can you help me out?

The fundamental idea of Marxism is that economics is the base of society. NS puts race and heroic values as the base of society, before economy.



National Socialism gets rid of classes. There is only the people, and they uniformly benefit from National Socialism. People are rewarded for productivity, not everyone has the drive or initiative or intelligence etc to start their own business, but even the generals were only making a few hundred thousand a year. As far as Ive heard, an obergruppenfuhrer would make something like 400k in todays money. There were no bums, there were no unemployed, there were no underpaid. Everyone had a stake in the success of the nation and therefore had personal interest and personal reward in being more productive. Communism is like a constant downward spiral, no one is considered an individual or different from the next man, and so they may not be rewarded for their efforts and productivity. Everyone shares the same amount of stuff, and its never enough. National Socialism is the opposite. No one is equal, not even a race. Its not tiers of people, there are some blacks who are smarter than some of the lower tier whites in our current society. Thats why we have eugenics. The point is, everyone is personally rewarded, and everyone benefits from the whole, and everyone feels they are a part of the whole, and that their efforts matter. The National Socialist way to increase productivity is to incentivize it, not punish failure to be productive. Just look at how Heydrich handled the Czechs. If you ignore the bullshit propaganda, you will find out he treated them well, and they loved him. He was aided by a woman after he was attacked if I recall, some random Czech woman on the street.


Yes, because culture gets in the way of "global class revolution". Leftists don't believe genetics has any significant impact on human behavior or outcomes. This might have been fine 150 years ago, but continued ignorance of the realities of race and genetic factors is intentional at this point. Culture is simply an outgrowth of people working together and interacting with each other for a long period of time. European culture is centered around the peoples of Europe and is optimized for Europeans, and is not something somebody who isn't European can jump into and immediately understand. Its gets even more complex when you take into account different European tribes (Franks, Celts, Germans, etc) that all have their own culture.
Yes. Because two groups of kikes were battling for control. One side was the Bolshevist, while the other was federal reserve/JP Morgan affiliated. Its funny considering JP Morgan helped fund Lenin during the October Revolution.
USA has arguably been under jewish control since the civil war, but the agreed upon point is the creation of the federal reserve. So around 100 years of jewish control.
Because leftists don't believe in racial cohesion, so they find it hard to believe a race could be working against all of humanity. See for an example of this. Notice how he uses the phrase "old predispositions towards antisemitism". He gives no thought as to why this predisposition exists. He just assumes its archaic and not actually valid. This is because he ignores race.
Patience and deception.
See and Marxism is another jewish control scheme.
No because they believe in human equality, which is a lie. Capitalism is more flexible in that regard, but communism/Marxism is not.

To be clear though, only the race can be citizens, and therefore the people does not include anyone who is not of the race. They are merely guests.

If you meet one asshole, the person you met was probably an asshole.
If everybody you meet is an asshole, chances are you are probably the asshole.

Jews aren't persecuted. Jews persecute. For thousands of years they've caused trouble everywhere they've gone. Not only among white Christians; everywhere. Even jungle-monkeys in Bolivia pick up on it. Pagan Romans figured it out. The Babylonians were wise to their tricks and the brown Muslim Palestinians sure as shit know that jews must go.

In fact the truth of the matter is that love of jews is more prevalent among white Christians than any other demographic (a love which is not reciprocated…) Who but the white Christians support Israel so fervently?

Honestly? Mostly by having read the basics and then debated them with faggots and shills of every single persuasion for a decade or more. Nothing really creates an understanding of things better than having it scrutinized from every single angle there is, repeatedly. if you are honest with yourself, eventually you end up with very few ideas that have logical inconsistencies in them simply because bullshit gets brutally weeded out.
Well, you need a good general understanding of history, a good general undestanding of the hard sciences above all else. You can't really debate the success or failure of any ideology when you don't know what happened besides politically charged propaganda pieces. Then you need to familiarize yourself with whatever you wish to debate. I can't direct you in any specific direction since I don't know what you know and what you do not know, it's a self-directed process. You read something, find something you are interested in, read about that, find something else, repeat ad infinitum.

People love to shill for philosophy pieces like Nietzsche, Evola, etc, but I personally think those are secondary to actually developing an understanding of your own. You can read them, but you will end up either confused or parroting others' viewpoints if you don't have a solid foundation of your own.
meme exists for a reason. You can't develop a philosophical understanding quickly. It comes with time and interest.
Of course I've read it. It took effort, since if you have any history knowledge his treatises are painfully full of shit.


Kill yourself before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish the holocaust had happened.

this is a good one, get your low tier jews in it for the degeneracy

National Socialism does not eliminate class. National Socialism does not eliminate private property, and does not impede personal success. National Socialism permits you to start your own business and to consequently thrive. Class emerges naturally in these scenarios.

National Socialism regulates enterprise to ensure the power accumulated by the successful is not abused. National Socialism will permit you to found and own a widget factory, but won't allow you to abuse your ownership of that factory in a way that harms the workers. They would forbid you from outsourcing your production to a 3rd world nation so you can fire all your local workers. They would forbid you from importing 3rd world illegal immigrants to replace your workers. They would forbid you from creating degenerate products that harm the moral wellbeing of the nation.

National Socialism is a pragmatic ideology. Success is permitted, but the successful are still held to a standard. The unsuccessful are protected from the whims of the successful.


good summary user

National Socialism is for the German people, who are oppressed by the Jew. All Germans are on the same level however, and materialism is the enemy, not the determining factor of who is above or beneath one or another. The rest of the stuff you said is correct, I never said anything about taking away private property or not having businesses, I said that among the German class, only some have the required traits to personally achieve a successful business. That no one can be faulted for being creative and productive, having initiative and drive. Of course they are limited in how they use those businesses, and their workers are guaranteed all sorts of rights and things like profit sharing on a national level of industrial profits. The whole thing was designed to have a compounding effect as Goebbels describes in "Those Damned Nazis" where they are united in a forward striving spirit.

And I should add, there are no unsuccessful people in a National Socialist society, only those who go against the grain and undermine it. White people aren't niggers, theres always a well paying job for a white man under National Socialism.

Equality is a false god.
Equality between races does not exist, and equality inside races does not exist. Equality in any form does not exist.

National Socialists do not seek to eliminate class, because that would be rebelling against nature. National Socialists regulate class to prevent abuse.

Can you be my mentor or is this too gay? could we keep contact somehow?

I just feel like I have lurked long enough and have studied decently yet I can't replicate knowledge the way you do so I combat others or debate efficiently, hence the spoonfeed thread.

Whatever the case is gonna be, thanks a lot again!

too gay, and the incorrect approach

essentially, lurk moar


i ll find my way, thank you mate.

Here are a few more

what does the last photo show? with stalin?

Yep, REPORTED. You don’t comprehend what Holla Forums is, what our RULES are, or how to behave here. Lurk more or you’re going to be made fun of, no matter how “legitimate” the question is.

Jewish name change

Becouse marxism strives to eliminate all "religions" which is individuality, religions, family, sex and of course NATION.

National Socialism build it's FOUNDATION on the people and the nation. IT's basically tribalism but on a nation's level. It's very organic since it borrows from the people and the culture that rose with them.

Marxism wants to destroy all of that and put some i swear it by my mum ideal society that eventually turns out to be just a fairy tail and results in a massive slaughter of all non believers.

They are polar opposites. Yes they do have things in common but the NS part is to strengthen the nation and the people. Marxism just uses socialism to bind people on the state. It's just to benefit the head kikes that run it.

Its not equality. Some people dont make the cut, but there are no Germans who matter less than other Germans. If you actually read up on what they were saying, they wanted.. *a much tainted term* social justice. They preached social justice, and a Germany for Germans. As I said, no one is equal and you are rewarded for individual performance.. but no one is relegated to being beneath other Germans. National Socialism is for all Germans, not 10%, not 50%, not 90%. All Germans. If were talking America, it would be all white Americans of at least 7/8ths European ancestry. Who does the government act on behalf of, whenever it makes decisions? All Germans.

I really enjoyed this thread and learned a lot. Thanks to both of you anons. I hope you stick with it, questioning user. We shall prevail. Truth is on our side, now all we need is the collective will. Bless you all.

It's more apt to say that national socialism puts your race above your class.
For instance it promotes you looking at yourself as German before looking at yourself as a factory owner or worker. You, ideally, wouldn't fuck with your workers as an an owner because they are all your kin.

Thats part of it, but its not just how you look at yourself, and for example there is no "lower class".. and there isnt really an "upper class". There is to some extent, but they dont lord over their volk like superiors. All are united in National Socialism and its glory. There is no lazy bourgeois, there are only workers, and work is not something to be ashamed of, but something to be proud of.

So did I my friend. We will prevail eventually, this dark cancer will have to fuck off eventually. I can't say I am not intimated by this digital era clusterfuck of who's jewish who…But fuck that and all the juice tricks.

Bless you as welll!

P.S. it feels great when this board works like it should whereas other times you just get flooded with trumptards that are pure trash.
It kind of annoys me that I cannot steadily and consistently conversate with you or the answer user for example.

This is where a site like reddit is superior, but for the same exact reason overall inferior. I understand it is against the principle of the chans but isn't it lame that we have to shift through tons of trash to find a good debate? How could I ever find the answeranon again if I needed him to point me the way for example? Wouldn't a more concrete community fix that?


D&C thread.

I disagree. There is always a class system in play. There will always be the priest, the academic, the king, the merchant, the worker, etc. Whether they work in harmony or disarray is something entirely different.

Because the fat parasite kike considered man an "economic animal" in his own words and literally wanted to do away with the family. Now piss off.

A hierachy is nessecary for anything to function, but it doesnt automatically imply a class system.
When the days over, they can all enjoy a beer together, because theyre all germans and work as one towards a single goal.

Nazi and Commie propaganda and ideology were indistinguishable in the beginning, but the Nazi changed their strategy when they saw it wasn't gaining any political traction with the mass psyche. But even afterwards, the Nazis and Commies collaborated and worked together, even though Hitler believed Russians to be subhuman scum.


Worked together like Rockwell worked with Elijah muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker.

Thats a word filter.

uh huh, thanks tor nigger