I I always call on my black women students first

"I don't call on my White Male students unless I absolutely have to"

Stephanie McKellop, a Ph.D. student studying marriage and family (using them, they pronouns), has since set their tweets to private

They shared that they were trying to encourage classroom participation by minority students

'I will always call on my Black women students first. Other POC get second tier priority. [White Women] come next. And, if I have to, white men,' they said

In subsequent post, McKellop explains that the tactic - called progressive stacking - was one learned from a professor in undergrad

A lot of people on social media have labeled the teacher - a white person - racist for the sentiments

But the student has also received numerous calls of support from fellow students, faculty and others on social media

McKellop alleged that the university was preventing them from attending lecture but the school released a statement refuting the claim

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks more like a Stephen to me.

She must get a lot of really shitty answers.

Could tell just from those that she's fucking nuts

lol yeah whatever helps you sleep at night lady.

nothing some deep dicking coulnd't cure

I love how she and her supporters unironically refer to every person who objects to this as a "Nazi".

More proof that women need to be re-subjugated and put back in the fucking place they belong. Females are made to fulfill certain purposes and none of them include being a mouthy cunt in a Marxist indoctrination camp.

Illegal. We have to get her fired.

Most professors in the Humanities do this, she's just brazen enough to admit it. Funny thing about that is that niggers often make asses of themselves when they get called on which is why I've seen professors do this at the beginning of the semester and then give up hope by mid-semester.

someone please make a morphing gif of McKellop into Big Red. they look very similar

Good. I hated getting called on and being forced to trot out the pre-scripted response the faggot teachers expect. Let the sheboons scream at each other and snap their fingers. Let them believe everyone agrees with them. It'll just make them more brazen and less likeable. Progressive stacking killed OWS, and now it'll kill the left.

This tbh


Image a society built around this concept. This is your future.

looks like a nigger made that

I put in as much effort as their race deserves respect. A shitty race deserves a shitty MS Paint meme.

It's really depressing that "higher education" even for whites, is now just a "I must attend for four years and not say the wrong thing" to unlock access to some semi-comfy jobs, or at least jobs that are not starvation-tier. We're supposed to actually learn shit during those four years.

And if you get that job, you will likely be under a nigger or sheboon diversity promotion who will promptly run the company into the ground with a corruption scandal, only to move on to an even better paying six figure job.

This is all a form of projection. The more aggressive someone like her is toward white men, the more she wants a "Nazi" to carry her off and ravish her.

And living in Houston TX I've noticed that practically all of the people attending colleges and universities here are shitskins that graduate into an overpaid government sector job. It's pretty fucking disgusting TBH, average sheboons in particular are gaining the most.

I've already been in situations like that more than once.

by all means, user, go forth

the fuck is your major?

this is what "uplifting the negro" meant all along

any property or money that non-whites in America own is property or money that is rightfully owned by whites

every dollar in those tens of thousands of dollars salary is a dollar that should be in a white man's wallet- and probably once was

Has any white student thought to sue for discrimination? It follows all the laws for a massive case.

She's going to lose her job. That's a Title IX violation, and this is Obama's Department of Ed.


OP, you're a faggot. That is some of the worst spacing I've ever seen.

But, really, if anyone is still expecting the (((education system))) to be fair, you're retarded.

You're retarded for giving up your institutions to communists and niggers.It is against the law in the public school system to discriminate, the University of Pennsylvania probably has policies on this, and if anyone goes to that university they are within their rights to press charges and contact news organizations through F.I.R.E. and other rights-watch groups. If you've got a loaded gun and a coyote is taking your chickens you better damn will kill it.

https:// www. thefire.org/



Because a lot of classes have "participation points" that affect your total grade.

I don't think I gave anything up user. I agree it's fucked up that the schools work the way they do now, but can it be changed without a massive cultural overhaul? No. Schools are fucked now, and it is no surprise. You seem like the faggots who think we can vote our way out of this.

Demoralization shill. Reported.


Come on user, the schools come after the society. We need to fix society before we can fix the schools. That's common knowledge.

You for example make tuition free and rather view education as general well roundedness than priming for industry because then after all it wouldnt feel like scam but rather a shit class.

You did the moment you associated schools with communist and niggers. One of the primary causes of this is self-selection bias and conservatives cucking out of the schools. It's attitude-based.
You mean killing niggers and communists? Yes that's necessary, but I can't count on you, can I?

Schools are just a piece of society, it's not one or the other.

SO we should run around chasing little fires while the inferno rages?

Universities are not the "little fires" user, they are the big ones.

So the schools have to be taken back along with our societies… yes.

I agree. They are a piece. That's why society should be the main focus. Everything cascades from there.

Yeah, but it's not one comes after the other, it's fucking blitzreig style total war. Attack every facet of the red-painted diamond.

I know a guy that has a phd in social studies lecturing in that department and he points out that a lot of the tumberlesque people get triggered about the content they get educated on after the 6th semester.

Reminder that this is the same university that kicked off high-gear totalitarian PC campus speech enforcement back in the day with the infamous "water buffalo" incident.


You're retarded if you think going to state indoctrination/pinko camp is worth anything. Degrees are certificates of social standing and nothing more. I'm all for using the system to burn itself down though.

We have our predecessors to thank for the current state of affairs. Universities have been a shitshow for decades and a means to perpetuate kike ideology through their mongrel golems. Like everything else whites continue to prop them up and provide legitamacy.

These two are correct. We can argue the intricacies of the various fuckeries of modern day modern time but we as huwhite men let our women vote, then we let them into government positions, then we started taking their hysteric ideas brought upon by lack of dicking seriously. Now they think they can be president, police, firefighter, doctor, on and on and the whole time there are some faggots telling them "you can do anything, it's the current year".

Any time you know a man to take a woman seriously he is to be ridiculed. Women in uniform are to be scoffed at. Might is right my friends. Others can argue against natural law all they want but this truth will always reveal.

We cannot let women keep running around like chickens with no heads outside of their proper place and then get upset when all they do is nonsense. This sillyness has to end.

Pics related are what you give women playing dress up seriously.

As long as that's what you call it then that's what it will be. Your cowardly attitude is why universities are so fucking pozzed to begin with.

Then do it. You won't.
Nobody will. Nobody ever does.

We're all too busy. Lost in our little pools of "Truth".

Well by all means, tell us what we should do that doesn't require getting pretty much every other white person on board with us. People like you need to stop your retarded posturing. If you had any answers that worked you'd be laying them out instead of shitposting.

You missed the essence of my post. Change starts at the ground level. At the base of the pyramid. Universities are not the base, nor the root of the problem. Starting to think you didn't read my whole post. I'll explain it another way. What you see going on in universities/colleges is a symptom, and not the actual problem. Looking for bandages and painkillers won't fix the underlying pathology. Pointing to the moon, but you're looking at my finger, so on and such as…

Are we entirely sure she isn't a Jew? Yes, she got fired, and yes, that rarely happens to Jews, but she still looks sort of kikey to me. Is my jewdar just untrained?

That's how democrats think. It's bullshit, people are too stupid for anything to start there. You have to attack all levels simultaneously.

Look at my previous post faggot

You contact organizations that will contact administrators and threaten legal charges while contacting news organizations.

It seems pretty racist.


I've actually taken measures to do this at my university if and when something like this happened to me. So I'm not just talking hot-air. This would be inappropriate for a non-student of Penn. It's a private university so I was wrong about it being public, but it's still Ivy League which means it would lose massive amounts of funding if it lose it's PR.

That is one vague statement. Hit what areas, in what way, and with whom?

omg you dumbshits

Schools CONTROL the culture of society, if you don't control the education system you aren't changing shit. The only way to change the culture is to take back the universities which heavily influence the culture of a nation, even more than the media does.

The ambiguity is intentional. I wouldn't talk about these kind of things in detail over a government-monitored medium, nor should you.

Exactly. Liberals are scared shitless of the idea that conservatives might take back the universities.

Interesting link. Had the jew said "SHUT UP YOU ORANGUTANS" it might have gone differently.
inre: Orangutans, Asian, Harmless, Orange.

I don't disagree that people are stupid, in fact they are morons by the clinical definition having a mentality of about 12 or so. However that does not preclude my point. I also do not disagree about attacking all levels, but I do not think it is efficient either considering the power balance is not in our favor.

Read Gustav LeBon's "The Crowd". It's short, only a few hundred pages, and will eleaborate on the concept I am "speaking" to. If you read it you willl come to agree with me.

How so?
At the moment, yeah.
I don't need to read a frenchman's advice on being a demagogue but thank you anyway.

Except for the attatched ear lobes she appears only a jew in ideology, but being a woman her ideology matters not anyway.

Ugly fucking kike dyke need a bullet. Let's exterminate these fucking devils, anons. I'm getting fucking impatient here.

This thing is a grad student TA at my university, where I'm also a grad student in a completely unrelated (STEM) field. But there is a hard left, full blown SJW grad student union trying to form at the moment and they're pushing this as a "this is why we need a union!" bullet point hard right now.

These people show up at our houses harassing us to support their attempt to form a union and now they're all over their social media and sending out emails to students about "wah, this cunt must be defended for her anti-white behavior! This is why we're dragging you kicking and screaming into a union! Pay us dues!" I was already sick of this union bullshit bothering me at work and at home and now I get this all over the place. Fuck.

You go to Penn? Really? Contant thefire.org, you could ignite a big fucking flame.

Contact them about the union harassing us at home/work? I once spoke to the anti-union group and they said "it's shitty, but they're legally allowed to do it so nothing is going to be done about it."

NO ONE has more power than the masses, and the french are very attuned to this concept in particular. See: the French Revolution. The fact that people are stupid does not prevent changes among the masses. The fact that people are stupid IS the very reason why change begins amongst the masses first, and does not occur without the consent of the masses. This is what "The Crowd" talks about. It's not advice from Machiavelli (but you should read his books also and is very relevant to the topic at hand). It is a mans objective observation on the nature of men and how that nature is expressed within a multitude. The world we inhabit is 99% morons and you would do well to understand their natures if you want to get things done. They are not rational. They are illogical, emotional and have an entirely subjective worldview.

No I meant the bitch in the OP, assuming you go to Penn.

Except the people who control them . . .

I mean, I could send them an email about it and see if anything happens, but I'm not clear on what I'd be saying to them. "Hey guys, I go to the school that this controversy is happening at. So…go do your thing."? Would I just be bringing it to their attention in the first place?

They were pushing a TA and tutor union at my school too, of which I'm a tutor. Weird shit. I can't wait until they start threatening us too.

Just make it about the issue of free speech and discrimination. They have a search engine on their site for you to look through your policies regarding free speech, I'd bet Penn's are red-lighted or yellow-lighted like mine which means they have conflicting policies. Basically be like she's infringing on the rights of all students to be able to not be discriminated against, etc. etc.

Interesting. I'm going to leave their site open on my browser so I remember to write up an email to them about this tomorrow when I'm not tipsy.

Those are some pretty interesting digits. Write that email user… "write drunk; edit sober"

I'm offering a different perspective. Are you even going to try? You're not offering much in a counter argument beyond what amounts to "no", and "I disagree".

and here i thought they only made sure useless retards don't get fired.

That doesn't mean it's well thought out. The French Revolution was a shit show.

Please fucking do, I beg you. FIRE contacts administrators and media outlets, it's fuckin awesome. You'd get Penn in the news.

They are trying to prevent a useless retard from getting fired right now

I'm looking at their case submission form, though it looks like it requires my real name. Does that info get released in the event of FIRE covering this? Because this place is such a far left shithole that people will seriously turn on me if my name is attached to this.

is it worth the risk
will the results outweigh the risk?
what else can you do once the risk is taken?

Whether or not it was a shitshow has nothing to do with the point I'm presenting.
I refer back to my post
Why are you in this thread posting? You wouldn't happen to be a product of our illustrious educational system would you?

Only at your choosing. Most of their requests undoubtedly come from our demographic.

I disagree. I wouldn't listen to what a frenchman has to say about being a demagogue because the french never understood how to control their own mobs to begin with. I'd rather listen to Edmund Burke or the British in general.

Women are half the population and the Jews know this and fully abuse this fact.

So a thread about a typical college SJW doing what they do is perfectly fine to be left up, but actual interesting threads are routinely anchored of 404'd constantly?

The mods really are subversive kikes.

I think this is actually interesting because there's huge potential for backlash.

That's not what it's about. It's clear you didn't comprehend previous posts
Oh boy.
Do you know what a fallacy is?

Get out while you still can. The damage can be stopped, and with time reversed a bit.

That is a man.


You're not even on topic anymore and nothing in this post is coherent.

Asians hate blacks. They quietly, studiously do their work with unmatched industriousness and loyalty to family and in-group. Blacks bullied them in high school. Asians—being demure, respectful of authority and of smaller stature—bit their lip and took the heat. I know Asian business owners who will outright refuse to hire blacks, calling them rude and entitled. And they’ve learnt their lesson the hard way with an enormous ratio of black hires stealing and being lazy and insubordinate on the job. It’s funny how whites are labeled the devil incarnate when it comes to race-relations when some of the most bitter inter-group conflict lies between other “minority” races. Whites are just agreeable enough to let it all happen under the umbrella of their country. Funny world.

Why are all these anti-White's always White themselves?? I am getting so fucking sick of that

I have an Asian chick at work that is all over me. I went out with her last weekend and she hates niggers and spics.
She's pretty based

Its funny how easy it is to tell if a woman is crazy. Its like its an evolutionary warning system telling us to keep our dicks away from crazy women.

Enjoy raising your wife's asian son famalam.

Im not sure you understand how the education system works, who works for it, who they work with,and/or, for. The internet is rich with information that pertains to the very real infiltration of the universities by certain ideologies, special interests, etc.. It has most certainly been 'hijacked'.

Aids= 'the problem'

Weight loss,pneumonia, and spots on the mouth/tongue= 'a symptom'

HIV= 'unis'

I;ll only have children with a White woman, bro! No compromise

No she doesn't. She's just saying that to get on your bwc.

You should fuck her as a side chick for a while and then genitally let her go saying that it wont work out because "I want to save the white race". i'm not kidding

It's true…too obvious

That's the plan. Sex is sex.
She's Japanese btw.


Well have fun I guess user. Remember, this is only until you find a good candidate for a wife. Don't be too much of a degenerate.


Freud was a lying degenerate kike, but that was a Freudian slip for sure.

The Japanese being honorary aryans is even more reason not to fuck their girls, out of respect for them. Would you be okay with niggers fucking white women if they only did it "until they find a good wife"? At the end of the day the dude does what he wants, but it's not right.

First off there's (((white))) and White. Knowing this could save your life. They get told a certain version of history and have no spirit of inquiry beyond that. Couple that with a weird inversion of racism where they subconsciously recognize whites as being superior and in order for others to compete whites must be handicapped and hamstrung. Then there is the liberal mind virus of virtue signalling that self reinforces the behaviour and further delusion into a worldview disconnected from reality. They get so invested that they can't stop."

I won't deny it's been hijacked. Ask the boomers why they let it happen. Ask them what was so great about the "Cultural Revolution" when they decided taking CIA made LSD and fornication was the way forward. Your parents had to be ok with the education system to send you to it, and their parents, and theirs. At what point did they think, "Wait a minute"?

My parents always told me, "I don't care if you become a garbage man, just go to college". Then why the fuck go to college?, you must ask yourself. They must think it's pretty great. Or is it a case of "One of us, one of us", as they insert the lobotomy worm to align your thoughts with the greater blob of mindless and unthinking. How many cars do you see everyday with plates and sticker of their alumni? This change wasn't instantaneous. Peoples parents go to college, maybe they fight the system man, don't see anything wrong and then send their children. They never paused to ponder these things. "we all go to school" "I went and now you have to go" "It's just what we do" "You need it for a good job"

You looked a little deeper and see chosenites pulling the strings. Or perhaps you sat in college lecture and came to realize everyone in philosphy class are full of psuedointellectual drivel. Niggers can barely read and write, yet you have to share a classroom with them. You have to take "Sociology" the mother of all kikery in education. Why didn't the generations before us see it? Most of us are here because we could tell something was inherently wrong. You don't need the internet for that. I'm certainly not discounting it though.

>First off there's (((white))) and White….
Damn fine point, user

Whites aren't niggers, jackass.

It was an example, Jew. An example to illustrate how a Nip may see a relationship between a white man and a nip female. He'd more than likely be disgusted, and rightfully so.
Race mixing is wrong in every example, in this case it takes two great things and makes something that is neither.

Just another extremely punchable dike full of hate, those people are just as harmful, hateful as the side they're supposed to oppose.

I encourage her unwitting strategy to destroy accademia.

I support this. I've been in university for awhile, and I can tell you that this:
Is 99% of the time. The 1% of the time that a niglet raises their hand, they just embarrass themselves with a low-IQ answer and prove to the entire fucking class that they shouldn't be there.
So I support this. It redpills people.

This is why the SJW movement will fail. Not because of something we did, but because the SJW themselves believe in a form of reality that just isn't true. Every time SJW try to make predictions or adjustments based on a false conception of reality, they run into actual reality and

Another scum-sucking (((Divorce Lawyer))) or (((Marriage Counselor))) in training - another reason why modern marriage is suicide for men.

There's a joke about the soviet union that goes something like this:
>"May I go then?"

I'm sure you can grasp my point.

thank god for paul

Can you imagine China letting a nigger be their leader? Can you imagine China letting a nigger achieve any position of power?

… Until the Chinese let the kikes in.

Jewtube video shows nigger getting washed into a chink for a detergent ad. Funny as fuck.


Newspeak is the language of Oceania, a fictional totalitarian state ruled by the Party, who created the language to meet the ideological requirements of English Socialism (Ingsoc).[1] In George Orwell's world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, Newspeak is a controlled language, of restricted grammar and limited vocabulary, a linguistic design meant to limit the freedom of thought—personal identity, self-expression, free will—that ideologically threatens the régime of Big Brother and the Party, who thus criminalized such concepts as thoughtcrime, contradictions of Ingsoc orthodoxy.[2][3][4]


its from Crank 2: High Voltage. A shitty, if pretty fun, movie.

Studies show that the #1 cause of the Hapa menace is white dudes giving up and settling fro asian pussy. Please think about the future of your community before you farm the rice. Thank you.

That'll be 100k for your degree in african pygmy women study goy and don't forget: Straight white males are evil nazis.

Guess how that worked out in south apefrica.

Once a generation is in power there is no turning back and jews will make laws to make things even worse.

South apefrica is muricas future…



Bitch thinks she's already a Comissar in the jewish NWO instead of an assistant.



Efficiency kneecapped and bogged down for the sake of (((diversity))). Business as usual for the libshits, really.

I'm sure the gay white guys in her class aren't too bothered by it all two of them

She's on faceberg if you want to say hello.

PEDO STATE needs to burn if they keep her. Enough of this bullshit.

A liberal would say society is created by the schools

You destroy the system by refusing to patron it or pay money into it. Your cuckold attitude is why universities can keep getting away with blatantly anti-white sentiment: because white people still keep going anyway in some vain hope they can "change the system."

If all white parents stopped sending their kids to college and instead taught them at home before getting them apprenticed or signed up for trade school, the university system would implode in less than a single generation.

There's a reason the system is doing everything in it's power to try and make homeschooling illegal. It's because homeschooling is the biggest threat to their educational indoctrination. They don't fear white people trying to fight them. They have systems and measures in place to deal with that. They fear white people unplugging themselves from the machine en-masse and relying on each other instead of the state.

You are naive and ignorant. You cannot defeat the leviathan by fist fighting it from the bottom up. You kill it by starving it to death. If you don't understand fifth generation warfare tactics, then you aren't qualified to have an opinion on this topic.

What is the "leviathan" in this context? The progessivist agenda?

I would mock you for not knowing what the leviathan means in the context of statecraft, particularly in the context of American statecraft, but truthfully, it isn't your fault. Ever since imkikey banned the book threads, discussion quality has dropped like a rock for exactly this reason. Nobody cares about the required reading anymore, so newfags like you don't know who Buchanan, Hobbes, Francis, or Spengler even were.

In simple terms, the Leviathan is the state and those that support it, though it's more complex a concept than merely that. You could call it the artificial zeitgeist, created by Jews and their shabbos goy new money allies, which we all collectively live under and are suppressed by. It is supported by the oligarchy, spread by the academia, and defended by the media. Each of the institutions of our oppression and dissolution is a column that holds up the machine as a whole.

Nothing to fear for me. Such a society is easy to be destroyed by outright conquerors and their population enslaved by their betters. Only hard part is making sure enough white men are getting smart, fit and aware enough to be such rather than some third world sand monkies.

Was everyone in the book threads as big of a fart sniffer as you?

The Hollow Men is by far one of the best poems there is, burgers surely make some top tier poets like pic related.
Polite sage for off topic

I really really don't like how you just post a screen shot and not an archive link. Why not just do both?

This has to be the most pretentious newspeak word out of them all.

People like you are the reason this board is dying.

Don't you have a war to start, boomcuck?

Crank 2 was amazing, doe.

I prefer POC (people of crime)

I'm also a Penn grad student in a STEM field.

GET-UP is a shitty SJW union that I will never support.

Are you primarily in Towne or Hayden?

South Africa was 90% black even when ruled by whites. SA and Rhodesias mistake was thinking they could civilize blacks.



She doesn't have sanpaku.

No faggots descended from Roundheads and Puritans are the reasons the Universities are fucked. Back prior to 1930 the universities used to be the most socially conservative structures in America but being full of worthless cucks who also let the kikes back into England(Cromwell) they let kikes into the university and their precious system based on pure merit was destroyed via kike nepotism. They got control of every board in the schools and decided who would get degrees and who would get tenure.

The solution is to gut the institutions and destroy them. A Geologist doesn't need 4 years of liberal arts bullshit to find oil. We need to totally restructure who we develop expertise and go back to the old way of direct apprenticeship. Kikes are allergic to materially productive industry, they survive in places that produce nothing which can be measured and thus cannot be assessed as failures. The solution is to go give the power to institutions that shun bureaucracy and are run by hardasses, co-opt those who are already on your side.

I imagine the only Whites taking those classes are sjws.

or maybe call on kids with the lowest averages; so they can, you know, participate and try to learn

This was email was returned to me today after "politely" reaching out.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Thank you for your email. We recognize and value the importance of ensuring that students in groups that were historically marginalized have full opportunity to participate in classroom discussions. Penn is strongly committed to providing respectful work and learning environments for all members of our community. The University’s policies prohibiting discrimination are intended to reinforce our commitment to equity and inclusion. We are looking into the current matter involving a graduate student teaching assistant to ensure that our students were not subjected to discriminatory practices in the classroom and to ensure that all of our students feel heard and equally engaged. Contrary to some reports, the graduate student has not been removed from the program and we have and will continue to respect and protect the graduate student’s right to due process.


Steven J. Fluharty
Dean and Thomas S. Gates, Jr. Professor
of Psychology, Pharmacology, and Neuroscience
School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
1 College Hall, Room 116
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6377

I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.

serials opened ntp proper coefficients ed kashmir.
dcp pgp foster above periodic sheehan pristine fob latino prep variation tbh.

(1) Jews are actually Kazakhs, having been migrated over just like they are doing to Catalonia now. (2) Kazakhs are by definition Asian, and by genetic parallel linage also of the Asiatic entropic descent. (3) Kikes, or rather, Asians, will do the use-the-nog-game with eagerness that is in fact matched, to other asiatics (such as spics, disignateds, and ameri-indians). (4) That each race seeks self centrism and self loyalty is not unique. That most races other than Europeans use fluid subversion and two-faced janus lies to mask their lack of industry and work as the opposite is also not unique. At all.

Separately, (5) Asians prefer cannibalism firstly, whereas Africans prefer parasitism firstly. (6) For these intrinsics, Asians and Africans have to go back. If not back to the back of the line, then back to their corners, and barring that, back into fields of rotting animal remains. (7) If the Asians -and- Africans don't go back, they will meme it nevertheless into existence. For -this- reason, Africans and Asians hate each other: They cannot fix themselves; They lack the added parallel brain paths to suspend fatalistic centrism; They want to either cannibal or parasite from the same source, and simultaneously hate any for taking and hate any for not stopping (just like they do). That is the root source of their 'bullying', from each, to each. That is the bitter inter-group conflict. Which is not the definition, nor the utility, nor even in the frame, of what you typed.

The central mechanic is simple, just conveniently ignored, paying for that convince through whites. As the meek, the lesser, the otherwise net consumers, insist on being first, they will by mechanic invest in having less (ie invest in themselves). Asian, African, doesn't matter. We don't fight to find winners because we like making loosers; We fight to find the son who is more, not just has taken more, and award to him (and him only) the Title of First in grateful agreeable exchange for his 'more'.

Stepping away from group dynaics is not much of a reprieve. While individual person exceptions of Asian or African are permitted to be won by said during times of peace, those winners' next face a probabilistic fatalism they often choose not to overcome, choosing instead to act like legacy, when that legacy does not exist – it was exception, now re-purposed to fantasy consumption. And thus (5, 6, + 7) are arrived at again. Again, of an again, of an again, of an again. Set this as well back against your exception you seem to hold for Asians, and it does not follow.

For this (A) actual inter-group dynamic, as well as the (B) actual exceptional single filial rise of a descent linage dynamic, the rules have been formulated. Asians -and- Africans must go back. Those who agree to have gratitude, -and- also agree to be agreeable, will be shot second. The first bullets are assigned to traitors, otherwise known as cucks, and narrative revisionists.

In summary, if you are not trying to get me to impale your ass, please refrain from speaking.