I don't think he'll make it into 2019...

I don't think he'll make it into 2019. Backing out of the Destiny debate confirms to even the fans stupid enough to think he's a prophet that Styx is shit at debating - he came out looking like a sad, lying coward. He still had a lot of momentum coming out of 2016 but his metrics stagnated in Spring, and the patreon is steadily declining. He's even resorted to shilling his own memes and appearing on Stefan Molyneux & Andy Warski has done nothing for him.

Styx has never been about debating and destiny would just gish gallup over styx as he remained polite. Also, the drop in patrons was because of changes that Patreon themselves made.

imagine possessing the intelligence of a troglodyte. That would be OP

they temporarily removed the ability to make small donations in paymetons for about a week before rolling it back which resulted in a large decrease in revenue for the jews on it

I don't think Styx has the capabilities of bantering, but at the same time I don't believe Destiny would stoop low enough to take advantage of Styx's aspergers, would he?

Or you could look up why Styx claims he backed out of the debate and acknowledge he was clearly just being a pussy. None of what you said is relevant, if Styx just said "I don't want to debate an asshole" that would be different.

I didn't know this, but regardless Styx's patreon hasn't increased by any metric in the last 9 months, the signs of slipping into obscurity. New people are finding Styx every day but he's not increasing his numbers.

destiny treats these "debates" like a match of league of legends–he just sees it as a way to boost his MMR

Aside from that dip in revenue in the spring (which I imagine is because a high profile patron back out), and a slight dip at the end of the summer, his growth rate has remained steady until the very recent patreon fuckery (which you can see him already rebound from). Notice that his patrons number has been growing almost unhindered since he opened the patreon. I'm failing to see this stagnation you are talking about, as he has seen consistent growth aside from the small dip after summer and the large dip after patreon changed how patrons worked.

Green is revenue, yellow is patrons

No one gives a shit about Destiny but the Destiny cult. You should go back there, faggot.

at least the sperg is good at imitating his pseudo-intellectual cult leader down to his Dunning–Kruger personality

This dude looks like the long haired version of this dude I knew in the Army. What's his last name?

wew lad, the faggot op really went out his way to avoid showing the growth over time

the green is actual stagnation though
He's not making any more money than he was making like 8 months ago

Styx didnu nuffin, he talks with everybody and seems like a chill guy.

Looking at the data after the patreon fuckup, you are correct but if you look at the period in between the big patron pulling out and said fuckup he was absolutely was making more money


It's fucking over lads. He's too strong.

this, but unironically

Is obsessing over youtube nobodies the new version of the channel autism cancer or are you the same people who have channeled your obsession in a somehow even faggier and less relevant group of whos?

how long until he goes back to being a trap and sucks dick for 100 $?

Kek. Posting your copypasta on /cow/.

It's almost certainly the same people.

Close, but compare the jaw line.


the guy's jaw on the left is narrower.

Styx's real name is Tarl Warwick. Though I don't think he ever mentioned serving in the military.

Wrong name, but damned if he doesn't look enough like him to be his brother.

Honestly he talk a lot of shit Every now and then he brings up a subject that I actually know something about and then I realize that he has no fucking idea what's going on and most of the info he says is missing the point or simply false. Just makes me wonder how many times he lied about something and I didn't know because I am uninformed about the topic

where do you think he gets his information?

Actually he wore make up in a video like two years ago.

wikipedia and 4chan and maybe twitter


I know he said he browsed 4chan in the past and maybe he still does. That and he used to be active in IRC chats.

Literal who's. What the fuck Holla Forums

I can relate to that a bit. I just saw his video on the Hawaii missile false alert. As someone who lives here it annoys me how he thinks it's a conspiracy rather than an incompetent government employee which is very common here in Hawaii.