Former FEC Chair Proposes to Criminalize Posting of "Fake News"

Kike-free post!

Good luck with that since what they label as fake news tells the truth.

Ministry of truth is real

Really stretching the limits of kike creativity by doubling down on calls for the exact same kind of tyranny that they've always tried to double down on since time immemorial. At least now we have the internet to more easily share ideas without state approval, because that's going to really help TYPICAL TRICKS SCHLOMO out here. Especially when you think about how one more kike-wise people coming to be would not only have them out of one country (unlike the prior 400+) but every country on the planet simultaneously via that easy spread of information. Yes yes, that heeb genius at work right here.


Your premise takes into consideration that big gov't won't distort and twist what is "fake news" and what isn't. It'll be anything (((they))) deem worthy of their cause; anything detrimental is fake.

Literally Law Nº "Oy vey, shut it down!"

How could this even be drafted up so poorly? At this point traditional social media powerhouses (JewTube, ZuckBook, Twitter (can't think of a stupid goyname for it)) are usurping their individual userbases and - at this point - anyone that stands to create alternative content/share alternative content already uses other websites and services. This is tightening down on a deflated balloon…even though this would be VERY difficult to make this law. Too many "muh first amendment" Cuckservatives that will still side with "us" on the issue - unless they spook the normies into selling themselves out again ala 9/11. It makes it harder to pull the wool over the public eyes when the internet is the biggest pair of fucking shears known the man…

Gives me the heebie-jewies.

We really need a kike name for twitter, we have Jewtube and Faceberg but nothing for twitter. Any heeb words we can weave into it?


Goytter? Kvetcher? Twittrael? Twit Aviv? Twittocaust?


Tyidder is nice but understanding the joke requires more mental effort than the typical faggot Holla Forumstard and normie heeb could exert in an instant. The best goyname is one that even a basic holocaust believing shill would find offensive.

Could just go with Twatter because everyone on the platform is a huge twat.




So obvious, I'm ashamed I didn't think of it.

Yidder it is

Fucking good work

this simply cannot work

there would be plenty of people happy to go to court over this

no the jews are probably going to have to stick to banning, censoring, memory holing etc. Can't have real court cases where the people can ask real questions.

I like twatter myself. The only people who use it on a daily basis are usually twats that think that their personal experiences and opinions are the most important things in the whole world. It’s all self indulgent celebrities. Besides the shitposting President I suppose, but i don’t even bother reading his tweets except for when discussed here.

Start killing gov officials en masse now

T. fbi

Yeah that's probably a bad idea gman
There are bigger fish to fry at the moment

Every time they lash out, more good people become redpilled.

We're gonna win.

your premise fails to take into consideration that it is obvious what is blatantly false and people tend to not like being told that what is false is true. Especially when there are criminal charges associated with it. In fact they tend to get extremely antisemitic because of that.

alphabet thinks they're sly having their bots post this


I always called it kvetcher.


Clinton lost so we need to destroy freedom of the press and the 2nd amendment.

This whole idea is retarded, and nowhere in the world is it dumber than in the United States. If I was running for mayor of my town, I could find a homeless Gypsy who told me she had a vision from God that my opponent was taking bribes. If I then publicized her allegations and won the election on the strength of it, and then later it was proved that there was no truth to it, I could still argue that I made the accusation in the public interest. Boom – zero liability, even if my source was a joke on top of a joke.

If you're a public figure trying to wring shekels for defamation, libel, or slander, you'd better have one fucking hell of a case before you file. Even the worst cases of defamation are virtually impossible to make stick. You'd basically have to prove I deliberately lied with malice of intent, which usually either means I filed documents under oath to something you have on videotape, or that I foolishly texted a friend about how I was going to lie my ass off to destroy you.

Punishing people for clicking the share button on a news item from a "reputable source" is out of the fucking question.

underrated post tbh

What constitutes fake news?
Does this mean it would be illegal lie on the internet?

It's not a lie if you believe it.

Fake news is news that the Democrats don't like.



Too bad Hillary lost.

Oh yes there is.

During Obongo's time there were a bunch of nutjobs at the FTC. Besides the first amendment, this would be very difficult to prosecute. As well as the fact there's a court precedent involving Fox where it was ruled, they don't have to tell the truth. So yeah, just more jew bullshit from desperate cunts who still can't accept the election results and can see that in 2020, it's going to be more Trump.

They should just knock out the law that allows the government to use propaganda. that'll clear up fake news real fast.

But if the government IS the purveyor of deceit and falsehoods then it is useless to outlaw it Satan. You should have known this already considering cianiggers and kikes own all of the media across most of the world.

So basically its an anti freedom of speech law. Like it or not the ability to post bullshit, regardless of what it is, will always be protected by the freedom of speech. Also this law would allow the government to enforce any narrative that they want on what is considered "Fake".

It took me a solid five minutes for your post to click in my head. I didn't notice my get.

mfw The Onion fake news comedy site gets shutdown for illegal fake news, but alternative news sites open up as comedy/short story sites to flout that shitty law.