Any game that will give me that Turok feeling of exploring huge levels that all have a different aesthetics with...

Any game that will give me that Turok feeling of exploring huge levels that all have a different aesthetics with different enemy types while also giving you access to an arsenal of very creative, cool and interesting weaponry?

bls respond ;_;

Sorry friendo. Have a bump.

I definitely want to know too. I miss open FPS games with cool weapons.

The original Unreal does a good job and has multiple types of environments and enemies, but the changes are not as obvious or as thematic as Turok.

We'll never have another Turok game thanks to whoever made these travesties.

I never played the N64 Turok games when they came out, are they still worth a try if you doth have nostalgia glasses for them?

The recent updated port of the original Turok still holds up. Graphics are ugly but the fog can be moved further back and it runs smooth and is better than 90% of the FPS shit that's released these days.

Pretty difficult OP, most of the games I can think of are generic dinosaur survival with no variation in enemy, or just human to animal enemies to fight with, or simple selection of weapons like Far Cry 1.

Is Turok Evolution really bad?

I have yet to play it.

Turok 1 was just remastered. I say it's definetly worth it. I barely have any memories of Turok 1 anyway, they are all very foggy, I played Seeds of Evil so much more. (much much more)

I think I was 9 years old when I first played Turok 2.

Anyway. The graphics are not pixelated like a retro shooter and are alright, meaning it doesn't really disturb your ability to play them.

It's no secret that Turok is famous for its fun and DIVERSE weapons arnsel.
You will have fun.

Keep in mind that it's still a retro shooter. So the plus signs you pick up, give you health, 100 of those block shapes give you another life and the difficulty jump from normal to hard is extreme.

She may be ugly, but she uses her tongue during a blowjob like no other.

It's not even about dinosaurs for me, although that wouild be cool. Just give me diverse levels, enemies and weapons that are fun to play around with.

Well, don't have any recommendations, because the 2005+ games are shit, I remember there was this mod for Far Cry 1, forgot what it was, but added plenty of crazy weapons and survival shit, other than that, don't have any good recommendations because vidya has been shit.

Got any torrent of the remaster ? Only one I found was of the reboot.

What about earlier games?
FEAR, does it hold up?

Dude just play the remaster. Seriously.

Oh sorry. I misread your post.

Just search for Turok Dinosaur Hunter instead of simply Turok, maybe you will find one this way.

The Xbox and Gamecube version were decent, but the PS2 version has notoriously downgraded graphics and framerate problems. At the time, the PS2 was the most popular console, so that ended up being the version that most people were familiar with.

I think I'd say Timesplitters and NOLF kind of fit, OP.

Check the share thread, I think it's in the mega archive.

I played it on pc tho.

What about this?

Didn't find it in the mega archive but I did find clive barker's undying.

I just can't wait for the Turok 2 remaster.

me too user