The most convoluted stories you've ever seen in a fucking video game

The most convoluted stories you've ever seen in a fucking video game.

Tomoko a shit

I ain't reading this shit yo, I'd get a book


come on, user haven't you seen flowcharts showing the stories of Marathon & the legacy of Kain series? the former complements its hellish 5D level design, as well.


Having kept up with this shitshow of a plot from beginning to end, I can confirm that a fair bit of the writing in that wiki is outright wrong.
Not that it matters, but it makes it seem more confusing than it actually is.


Legacy of Kain is only bad if you don't play the games and just try to figure out wtf is going one all in one go.
If you play each game in the series and understand what went on in each individual one it's not that bad to follow, even with the retcons, because identifying them is easy.

why sivagunner is not popular?

try Kingdom Hearts onii-fam

I love Danganronpa but anything that isn't related to murders or the characters is shit. Fuck the tragedy, fuck despair, and fuck Junko

Although I guess if it wasn't for the retarded setting, chapter 5 of DR2 would not have worked at all and it is easily the best chapter out of both games.

Minecraft Story Mode.

It's so complex, it's taken over SEVEN games to tell the full story! Honorable mention to Assassin's Creed, too. 10/10 from Ubisoft and Microsoft.

MGS is more convoluted.

In Metal Gear Solid 2 Ocelot throws the entire story out the window. Also, for some fucking reason Ocelot glued liquids arm on and now his arm mind controls him. It also changes his voice actor to the one for liquid, this confuses snake so much that his head literally explodes.

Now that Snake is dead forever. You have to play as gay raiden, a big stupid crybaby losers who doesn't even smoke. This time you have to infilitrate a remote military compound called Metal Moses, which was captured by a group of genetically enhanced genome super-soilders.

Raiden fights a magic vampire wizard then the wizards head pops off to reveal that he was actually solid snikes brother solidus snake, a super-cell-nano-con-mega-soilder cloned from the same nanomachines that created Solid Gear. Also he is is the president of the united states. "Brother, I am the KING OF THE PIRATES". Turns out Gas Snake is the leader of a deadcell nano-centro-processor duonamic simbafu group called The Sons of the Guns of the Patroits. tm

You see it turns out that everything so far was completely staged and fake. Liquid Snake was never the true ring leader at all, but was answering to Solidus Snake the entire time who was the biggest bad guy of them all. But then he gets double crossed by Ocelot who is actually Liquid who was actually a quadruple agent the whole time. and the biggest most evil bad guy of them all.

But Smetal Snake saw it coming all along and reveals that he is actually a proxy ai created by the patriots 1000 years ago, but Solidus reveals that Rayden has information that is being carried by the nanomachines in raydens cerebral cortex. You see shitty rayden is actualy a robot this whole time, working for le-lu-li-lo-la-la-low and the patriots but he didnt even know it because of the matrix.

So Rayden chops of doctor octopus's head off and becomes the president of the united states, but Solid snake was alive all along and goes back in time to the 1960s so he can blow up Metal Gear Solid before it was even created.

Unfortnuately he was too late, Ocelot also went back in time and shot metal gear ron into the the future with his future gun.
so metal gear snake has to shoot back into the future but now its so many years future hes old as shit, even though hes died from old age he has to defeat a group of renegade genome super-soilders known as the Sons of Foxhound. Liquid Ocelot who is now being mind controlled by 30 different double-agents through his left leg, turns off all the guns in the world so that nobody can ever shoot anybody ever again, in turn saving the entire world. So snake beats him to death.

the end

*guest starring big boss*

Big Boss : very convincing, but all completely wrong, you see snake turns out everything that ever happened was fake and staged by the super-patriots, the patriots were just a pawn and a reverse-triple agent working for solidus snake, but when he found out they were working for him he double crossed his own self in order to make himself work for them to trick them into being a triple reverse agent for his own self. hewas also a rogue proxy ai and a nanomachine you see snake shadow moses wasn't a remote nuclear warhead facility at all, it was actually a humongous on switch for the biggest metal gear in the world, metal gear herman. A metal gear so powerful that is so powerful that everything in the entire universe is not even existing anymore. You see snake Liquid Ocelot was actually my mother.
It all started when i was in office as the president of the c united states i discovered remnants of an ancient-nanograde-genome-supercon-simbafudrive–metal-gear which was a quintrople agent working for every country in the universe - on the moon.
he was also a rogue-ai and the leader of the super patriots.

Nigger have you watched the new anime? You don't know the meaning of HAM AND CHEESE ACTING until you watch this fucking mess

Oh yes I have, I don't mind the acting much (sub), but the story is so god damn retarded. Brainwashing was a mistake and it made the show kill itself just like the characters did.

"It's like pottery, it rhymes" - George "Kodaka" Lucas, 2016

Gas Snake

But most Lucasarts games have a decent story.

would you socialize with tomoko Holla Forums?

is socializing with tomoko harassment?


Kingdom Hearts still takes the cake.

Not even Nomura himself knows what the fuck is happening with that series.

I'd ask her to be my girlfriend

I'd bully her.

Don't forget Big Boss being so butthurt he went and started his own army, with blackjack and hookers. Also, Rayden becomes a cyborg and wants to kill all the cyborgs, including rival Presidential candidates.

Though MGS focuses on the story damn well enough that you can more or less follow it easily enough. I get the idea Cawadooty doesn't even bother trying to be coherent.

I'm not surprised.

I also like how raiden then loses an eye and looks reminiscent of big boss.

What the fuck

Somebody post that gigantic essay someone wrote detailing nearly every minute detail about the Kingdom Hearts series.


Blair witch 2 Book of shadows is somehow still canon & aliens caused the events of Blair witch project/Blair witch 2016

What the fuck?

Blair witch 2016 is a sequel. Turns out the Blair witch legends was a conspiracy to cover up wide spread alien abductions.

the call of duty zombies' story was made convoluted as a joke. It's supposed to be intentionally stupid.

remind me how Holla Forums is different from SJWs?

Holla Forums doesn't search for jobs in PR.
Holla Forums is a yappy little dog that barks a lot and doesn't do shit, while SJWs are like termites, slowly and silently eroding the foundation of the house.

shoo shills

I'll try to summarize the plot if anyone actually gives a shit, but it'll take a while.*


Fuck off board #2

more popular =! more important

pls summarize

Why do Holla Forumsacks always insist that all boards have to follow their shit antics or else they arent from the local IB?
There are containment boards for a reason.

There is absolutely no importance in any board of any imageboard whatsoever.

In Metal Gear Solid 1 you play as Solid Snake, a genetically cloned super-soilder as he infiltrates Shadow Moses a remote military compound now under the control of terrorist super-cell unit called Foxhound. The terrorists all have super-powers because they were genetically enhanced with top secret nanomachines, Snake uses his own nanomachines to rescue Darpa chief but then master chiefs nanomachines make him have a heart attack. Then Ninja Gayden kills everyone and snake has to shoot at him so that he will reveal his true self

it turns out octogon was the ninja all the time, he reveals that he is a gay anime guy and he only built metal gear as part of his show-stopping cosplay.
*theyre gona put a dismantled nuclear missile into metal gears missile module ? - wrong they're using metal gear as peace-walker to nuclear strike its own self in order to reverse reality. By doing this they can create an infinite amount of metal gears and sell them all for one million dollars.

Then Solid Snake gets captured by Liquid Snake. He reveals that they are twin snakes created from the same nanomachines as Mega Snake. Snake kicks Liquids head off and parachutes into the secret room where he confronts the legendary super-soilder Revolver Ocelot. Known for his legendary skill with the desert eagle gun. They both shoot each other 100 times until ocelots arm gets shot off and he backflips into the pacific ocean and swims back to australia with one arm.

Turns out everything i said was fake and staged.Liquid Snake who is actually dead, is actually a spy for the pentagon. Snake was double-crossed by his own country into being a triple agent for the Patroits.

Even though nobody is who they are anymore you have to have a fight to death with Liquid, luickly since his body is made out of water he slips off of metal gear and dies into hell.

I want to hug Tomoko

Holla Forums has been the most popular board for a while now. they have like 500 users on us right now.

No seriously. The Blair witch was a alien.
At 0:25 the trailer spoiled the alien plot twist

I'll so my best to remember the details, so I apologize to any other lorefags if I get something wrong. I'm gonna write this in parts, and this is going to be a journey.

The basic setting of Drakengard/NieR is that of ordinary medieval Europe until "The Cataclysm" happens in 856. We don't know exactly what happened, but it's implied to be the point at which God gets sick of humanity and decides to begin Judgement Day. Based off the events of NieR, an alternate universe possibly could have also transported all their problems into the Drakengard-verse.
Mythical creatures like trolls, golems, and dragons start to roam the Earth, and a giant, baroque city full of advanced knowledge appears out of nowhere in the middle of modern-day Spain.
Nobles and intellectuals flock to the city and learn the basics of magic. One day, though, someone gets a little too aggressive and accidentally unleashes the magical holocaust. This leaves the city abandoned.
Meanwhile, a serial killer prostitute that calls herself Rose is executed for her crimes along with a group of young girls. As she dies in utter self-loathing and despair, a beautiful flower falls down in front of her. The flower, an apocalyptic tool of God, resurrects her, embeds itself in her internal organs, and slowly builds power to prepare for the coming annihilation. She changes her name to Zero and continues to live as she did before, killing without remorse.
Zero slowly begins to realize that she's a ticking time-bomb and attempts suicide by digging the flower out of her abdomen. She accidentally activates a defense reponse and it grows out of her eye socket. Five clones of her then rip themselves out of her skull and flee before she gets a chance to kill them.

The five new entities transform into the likeness of the five girls she was executed with and develop false memories of a happy past growing up with Zero. As they're all just extensions of the flower, Zero is in a far more difficult situation. She convinces the most powerful dragon, Michael, to kill her whenever she's incapable of holding the original flower inside her any longer.
The five decide to team up and go around as a squad of magical girls dethroning corrupt European Kings and Queens. In the process, they encounter Zero again, almost accidentally enact the apocalypse, and are sealed away with magical assistants created from doves.
The whole prequel manga this takes place in also showcases how some of the homicidal God's angels are sealed inside the city and introduce a really edgy character named Bartas that is a shitty shonen pull.
Zero and Michael gather their strength and attack the Five Sisters, known as the Intoners, in the abandoned magical city, the Cathedral City. They lose super hard and Michael uses a special dragon power to reincarnate himself without any previous memories. The Five scatter and entrench themselves around Europe with the supporters they won from taking out despots.
Of the Intoners, Five, Four, and Three commit atrocities that warrant death. Two gets mind broken when she realizes her magic turned a bunch of orphans she cared for into a blob of flesh, and One studies magic in the Cathedral City. Using the info she's gained, she clones herself and creates a male double also known as One – 'Brother One.'
Zero and the reincarnated Michael, now known as Mikhail, attack and systematically kill each of the intoners. The order in which you do it and how is dependent on the ending and results in a split timeline.

remind people who complain about Holla Forums are any different from SJWs?

i wouldn't say "most convoluted" but pretty demanding of non-game sources or just punishing the player to get the full story

luckily the story is interesting

probably because its election season, they drop and up down

i got no issues with Holla Forums, they're right a bunch of the time even though they're devoid of any fucking eloquent speaking and thus easily get turned into a boogieman for their adversaries


In Ending A, Michael dies and Zero kills One. Right as she does so, Brother One eviscerates her in vengeance. Zero dies and Brother One goes on to found a cult centered around the worship of his dead sister and progenitor. This is later known as the Cult of the Watchers.
In Ending B, Zero makes a pact with Mikhail to save his life. "Pacts" are basically a promise between a human and a monster that grants the human supernatural strength and magic in exchange for some aspect of themselves, like their ability to see or their ability to age. Pacts instantly fully heal those who make them, so they're a get out of jail free card for dying people. The price is that if one pact-partner dies, the other will as well.
In Ending C, Zero survives but isn't able to save Mikhail or find another dragon strong enough to destroy the flower. This suggests that the apocalypse happens shortly after this.
In Ending D, Zero and Mikhail both survive, but the exhaustion of the fight allows the flower to begin the apocalypse. You then enjoy a playable, insanely difficult rhythm game to contain God's power and successfully destroy the flower.

None of those endings lead to the first game in the series, so they had to introduce a never-seen "Ending E" where Zero kills One, makes a pact with Mikhail, and then is killed by Brother One. This creates a timeline where the Cult of the Watchers exists without, Zero, Mikhail, or any of the Intoners left to fuck with future events.

If anyone gives a shit, I'll continue, but this is a good breaking point since it covers everything up to Drakengard 1.

i kinda ragequit for the first time in years when it pulled that stunt where it plays a note at fucking blackscreen

which is a shame of me but god damn

So the only difference between ending A and E is the pact? Wouldn't the timeline basically be the same?

Yeah, it's some fucking bullshit. I actually saw a cap of a post from Yoko Taro on Twitch – some guy was streaming the rhythm game and asked him why it was so impossibly hard. His response was "Because it's the final boss."

Accidentally saged

The Marathon series, especially Infinity.

Functionally, yes. The split comes from the fact that in Ending A, not witnessing the pact between Zero and Mikhail affects Brother One's later actions. He's a lot more involved in the A timeline as oppose to the E one where he stays almost entirely in the shadows.

If your work is so important, surely you can do it better on Holla Forums, where you won't have to deal with people trying to post vidya and vidya accessories.

What happens in the A timeline if you don't minde asking?

It develops into the Drakengard 1.3 continuity, which is a weird fucking mix of the first game with some intervention by Brother One and his sociopathic elven traveling companion. The plot goes 0-60, with the protagonist of the first game, Caim, never undergoing a pact (if I recall correctly). It also has multiple endings, but only the A one is translated.
It details a world in which the apocalypse is successful and the dragons consume every living thing on the Earth. In the lifeless void that follows, the dragons take on human shapes and stare out into the nothingness.

I'm in the mood to talk about Caim since he's a really cool character so I'll write up a couple posts about Drakengard 1.

Oh, this is the artwork for 1.3's Ending A.

Reminder that this image was made when we where fresh off the exodus, our Holla Forums got fucked hard with the 2nd influx of refugees when 4chan chan Holla Forums got fucked and it never recovered.

Its basically an edgy tumblr now.

for me for now is chrono cross
i need to finish it 3 times to understand wtf that was about

So, as you might recall, because Brother One is still directly related to the flower. Even though Zero and the Intoners are dead, a piece of it still lives in him.
As Brother One travels around the world, aimless and depressed without his sister to fuck, the essence of the evil it carries creates a pestilence called the Red-Eye Disease. The effects are pretty much like being on bath salts, except that it makes you extremely obedient to anyone with the flower in them.
Brother One meets a woman and has descendants to lead the Cult of the Watchers; these leaders realize that they can control victims of the red-eye disease and manipulate themselves into political power. Realizing that he's the source of the infection, Brother One attempts to commit suicide by decapitation. Unfortunately for him, the vitality of the flower inside him keeps him from dying and he lives on as a severed head in eternal agony.
In the wake of the Intoners' death, by the way, the world had been largely divided into two powers: The Empire, and the Union.
The Red-Eye disease had already spread throughout the Empire's army to the degree that it was largely universal, and with the leadership of the Cult they became all but unstoppable.

Fuck off dunkey

The last hold-out of the Union, and the most important, was Caelreon – a small kingdom with only a young prince and princess to lead it. Caerleon was significant because their princess, Furiae, was the Goddess of the Seals.
Brother One had imparted One's wisdom about the coming end onto the Cult, and the Cult had instituted a magical system to basically "freeze time" and prevent God from sending in a flood of angels to destroy everyone and everything. The system works on several seals placed in remote geographical locations and one central seal placed on a woman. The strain of maintaining the seal is immense, and people that took on the burden were venerated as goddesses. Furiae of Caerleon had become a Goddess as a sort of last-minute necessity due to the circumstances surrounding the death of disappearance of the last.

But I digress. The Empire attacks Caerleon's last castle, captures Furiae, and mortally wounds Prince Caim.
Caim seems to be a fairly straightforward hero-type, but is a closet sociopath that enjoys slaughter. His parents were brutally killed in front of him by the black dragon Legna, and it breaks the part of him that was holding back. While vocally claiming he's avenging his family and trying to save his sister, he just wants to kill.

Witcher. Why do witchers mutate into cats and not fish?

The mortally wounded Caim discovers the mortally wounded dragon Angelus, who hates and wishes to kill humans. Full of hatred for each other, they reluctantly form a pact so that they can continue to live.
Using the newfound power of the dragon, Caim personally immolates and butchers the entire siege force of thousands of men. Unfortunately, the Empire makes off with Furiae. Caim and his childhood friend Inuart both go to rescue her.
Every Empire soldier Caim encounters, down to the last man, is killed. Even child soldiers and forced conscripts that beg and scream for mercy. By the end of the game, Caim has personally killed almost half of the entire population, millions and millions of people. Such is the risk of giving a sociopath godlike power.
Along the way, Caim and Angleus encounter other pact-members that join their party – a pedophile, a cannibal elf that specializes in children, and a young boy who can't age. The course of their journey takes them around Europe as they try and fail to prevent the Empire from breaking the seals.
Though it's not immediately clear at first, the reason why the Empire is doing this is because they're following the guidance of the Cult. The Cult at this point is led exclusively by the young priestess Manah, who has been possessed by God's destructive angels. All of Brother One's work was for nothing.

I thought Manah wanted to end the world because she was sick of getting beaten by her mother and her possession was just a lucky coincidence.

Inuart is infected with Red-Eye disease and betrays Caim. He makes a pact with the black dragon and they have several run-ins before finally being defeated and escaping with his life.
When Caim reaches the pinnacle where Furiae is being kept, Manah appears and reveals that Furiae has massive incestual love for her brother. Unable to deal with the shame, Furiae commits suicide – breaking the final seal and allowing the world to start falling to pieces. I realize that I haven't mentioned it until this point, but the price of Caim's pact was his ability to speak. It's a very rough situation to be in when your sister impales herself on a sword and you can't scream.
As the apocalypse begins, giant egg-like seeds sprout up all over the Earth and angels start pouring out from a portal at the center of the Empire. "Angels" only in the most general sense, as they're giant, grey, have teeth, and eat humans.
Caim refuses to accept the inevitability of his death in the face of the world's destruction, and his actions at this point create more endings.

As far as I understand it, the beatings led to a mind-break and opened up the door for the possession. It's been a while, I could be missing some details.

In Ending A, Caim fights back the grey baby angels, known as Grotesqueries, long enough to fight his way back to Manah and kill her. Angelus then accepts the burden of becoming the next Goddess of the Seal. The world un-fucks itself because the seals are back in place, but only for as long as Angleus is alive.
In Ending B, Inuart takes the dead body of Furiae and places it unto one of the Seeds that sprouted up in the ruins of the Empire's capital city. Furiae is revived as a Parasite Eve-style angelic creature that emerges from the cocoon of the egg and runs him through with a sharp tentacle. A boss fight ensues where you expend the last of your strength killing the creature, only to turn around to the horizon and see an identical one rising from every other egg. In my opinion, it's one of the stronger endings in the series. Youtube embed is this ending, start at 5:50.
In Ending C, the dragons go wild and kill Manah before Caim gets a chance. Dragons the world over begin to destroy the world in the angels' place. Driven by the desire to join in the slaughter, Angelus breaks her pact with Caim and they fight to the death. Though Caim wins, he dies from the wound the pact had suppressed and the world is destroyed regardless.
In Ending D, the young boy that traveled with you, Seere, breaks his pact above the portal to God's realm. As his pact had prevented him from aging, it essentially contained a well of 'built-up time.' Long-story short, it acts pretty much like DIO's The World. Europe is trapped forever in frozen time, but the apocalypse is contained forever as well.
In the famous Ending E, Caim and Angelus attack the female leader of the Grotesqueries with enough force that the three are driven into another universe – our universe. They land in the middle of Tokyo in 2003. You play a rhythm game to prevent the She-Beast's magic contained (this is what Drakengard 3's final sequence was referencing). Though Caim and Angelus are successful, they're shot down by a JSDF jet and killed. The She-Beast dissolves into dust and Caim and Angelus are impaled on top of Tokyo tower. The fate of the original universe is unknown. Ending E of Drakengard directly leads into NieR.

NieR is really fascinating too and how exactly Drakengard 2 fits into all this is also pretty interesting, but I'm done for tonight. Might write some more tomorrow.
Hope someone enjoyed the plot-dump


Thanks for the explanations. Every time a thread turns into Drakengard discussion I'm reminded I really should finish Nier some day but I never feel like actually playing it despite it being an arms length away at all times.

If she is how she is described to be, most likely not. She might look cute as an anime character, but her personality is pretty ugly.

This, Marathon is one hell of a cluster fuck but in a good way.

The feels are almost too strong.

So, does Yoko Taro know where he's going with all this or is he just making up a bunch of variations around the weird fiction apocalypse scenario? And wasn't the cancelled game Cry-On supposed to be a sequel to one of Drakengard 1's endings?

Those Novella's are really worth a read too. They add so much to the story and it surprising you can still enjoy the games stories without the novella's


No idea really, sucks that it is cancelled.

Daily reminder, Drakengard 1 and 2 was advertised as some Musou Dynasty Warriors hack and slash game for 12 year olds in the West, oh boy, what awaited them was pure nightmares, kek.

Jesus, it's like Japanese RIFTS.

I think Nomura's getting mildly self-aware with it since literally nothing in Dream Drop Distance mattered (especially since Sora failed his examination due to it being tampered with), and even Sora pointed out the whole game was pointless and just a formality about ten minutes in

It fucking sucks how light toned Drakengard 2 is, gameplay was it is what I wanted to see in Drakengard 1. Still a fun ride however

I've played MGS, Zero Escape and Ace Attorney.
Give me another convoluted series to play. Preferrably a whole series with gradual story development, not just one game.


I've played Drakengard. Not NieR though, I don't have a PS3.

The Xenosaga trilogy is one half of the planned Episode I of Xenogears, with Xenogears itself being Episode V. Xenoblade/X might be Episode VI.

I've played Xenoblade and partly XC.
I will probably play Xenogears, but it's still a singular game and AFAIK the connection between the Xeno games is superficial and more of a brand name, despite the initial plans.

Oh, and there's a spinoff prequel taking place a hundred years or so before the rest of Xenosaga that fills in some backstory, and a side story webseries between XS 2 and 3. The timeline spans thousands of years (and universe reboots), with cryptic dialogue and conspiracies everywhere.

Better pray that Nier 1 and Drakengard 3 gets neat ass re-releases for the PC. If Square isn't too retarded not to do that.

Could try Danganronpa, the endings retroactively oversimplify the plots but the events as they unfold are convoluted as fuck.

I'll probably get to that yeah, thanks.
I was put off by it because it looked too weeb for me (especially after ZE), but I guess I don't have much choice.

Also, how the hell has nobody mentioned TES? The "deepest lore" isn't just background books, it affects everything and everyone in the games, with the game plots being almost superficial.

c0da is canon, fuck you.

It's certainly pretty weeb, but it's weeb in a fun way. Light on kawaii ugyuu~~ moeblobs and heavy on insanity and questionable moral codes.

Reminder that TES lore is also opensource lore. Anything is basically canon.

Story in video games is like story in porn.

For some genres it's expected to be there at the beginning to give what's happening context, but is ultimately unimportant.

For every person that can actually write a good story, there's a thousand of Hamburger Helper clones that consider their yaoi slash 2deep4u garbage god's gift to video games. Don't reward bad storytelling, buy fun video games!

I recognize that quote nigger

Based Carmack said that

alright so two crazy german cunts want to help daddy hitler win the big war with some shit called element 115, oh wait nigga that shit turns people into zombies.


Tyrian, you wouldn't expect a shoot'em up to have a story crazy enough to justify the crazy bullshit you're doing, but somehow Epic managed to do just that.

If I can have my cake and eat it too, I damn well am going to; and for certain genres (RPGs spring immediately to mind) a well-written story can make or break someone's interest. I recall dropping Dragon's Age: Origin because, while it was a more-polished version of KOTOR in terms of gameplay, the story was so bland Tolkien Fantasy, so unironically hammy, and just so straight up boring that I fell asleep at my keyboard.

Even a broken cuck is right twice a day.

a fucking zombie mode easter egg in call of duty did not need a story

BlazBlue's story is a godawful self-contradictory mess. Just ONE of the characters is actually ANOTHER playable character, from the past, and the future, AND a parallel timeline, AND he's a cyborg. Just one character.

Repeat that for an entire cast of 10 stereotypical anime male edgelords/emos/fags and 20 waifus of varying flavors. There's zero chance of untangling that shit.

he's spot on on that video though. maddox can go from full cuck to reasonable



posting another time maddox wasn't a cuck

And he's my husbando too.
In a nutshell story is basically pretty simple, only justification with pulp quantum mechanic makes everything a bit complicated.
But when you understand what is the function of every plot device it's smooth sailing.

I always lose track of Ace Attorney cases halfway through between all the twists of logic, interpretations and ridiculously convoluted schemes.

Was it Ending A that leads to Drakengard 2?

Also, one fun thing about 2 is that it turns out to be easier to kill Angelus than to kill Caim.


Drakenguard 2 starts off a combination of several 1's endings but mainly based around A. The war ends when Manah is capture not killed, Angelus becomes the goddess of the seals but since shit went to hell the stress is more than any other goddess has had so Angelus just flies around in eternal agony.

Originally in A there were no side characters involvement (Seere the timeless child, Leonard the pedo priest, Arioch the elf that eats kids), in 2 only Seere is mention so the other two characters involvement is unknown.

Caim keeps Manah as his prisoner showing her how she fucked the world, Angelus feels even more pain as the seal takes it toll and using this distraction she stabs one of his eyes and jumps off a cliff. She gets amnesia and forgets she fucked the world up and go about trying to make things better for the people by rebelling against the Knights of the Seal (the ones stopping hell on earth from occurring). Everyone is impoverished because most resources go to the creation, maintenance protection of the new seals.

Furiae dies and Inuart takes her into the seed of destruction, instead of spawning monstrous angels it creates Nowe the protagonist of 2. Nowe is taken and raised by Legna, the black dragon that Inuart made a pack with, the same one that killed Caim's parents. Legna raises Nowe since he is a newbreed™ destined to be a weapon of the dragons to fight the gods.

Nowe meets Manah, falls in love and they go on a quest to destroy those seals because the Knights of the Seal are so bad. Nowe and crew go ahead and fuck all seals up including killing Angelus and Caim. Seere tells his sister she did the same thing years ago to her shock she remembers and now has fucked up the world twice in a row.

There are only 3 lackluster samey endings:
A - All seals are destroyed, Legna won't help Nowe remake the seals, Legna says he never cared for him he was just a weapon to fight the gods, Nowe kills Legna and Eris (childhood friend that loves Nowe) agrees to become the goddess of the seal (this job includes no fucking something which the other guy forgot to mention and why Furiae's incest fantasies were so bad). Everything returns to how things were.

B - Nowe goes along with Legna to become a weapon to fight the gods instead of remaking the seals, he tries to go into a special seed of destruction yet it rejects him and takes over Manah as the seed is a weapon of the gods and doesn't want to go against them. Nowe kills Manah and it becomes a humans + dragons vs gods ending.

C - He saves Manah from the seed, kills Legna and humanity is freed from both gods and dragons.

Fun fact one of the bosses is a faggot trap who made a pact so one of Nowe's crew would like him, but he wasn't a fag. One weapon description explains his story, as a young boy he looked like a girl and was more beautiful than any girl so the ruling lord took him as a fucktoy. Eventually he killed the ruling lord in one of the rape sessions.

Speak not the Watchers,
Draw not the Watchers,
Write not the Watchers,
Sculpt not the Watchers,
Sing not the Watchers,
Call not the Watchers' name.

Goddamnit I'm remembering back to 6 years ago when I played this and now I wanna play it again

Tell me Holla Forums, should I?

Holla Forums is an imageboard where people arguing about various topics of political nature.
SJWs are a faction of progressives who are characterized by rejecting the idea of political debate in favor of trying to silence the opposition through tactics such as intimidation, slander, abuse of power, and violence.



What, this?


Wait… the babies are dragons or angels?

Things for reminding me why I love the series.

Babies are angels. Mind you, both were created in order to destroy humanity, but dragons decided to rebel against God or whatever.

Now we have to wait to see what Nier fits in all of this?

Also, isn't is supposed to involve multiverse theory or some shit and some characters that can travel between universes and timelines?

Multiverse shit is confirmed, although I'm not too sure on actual inter-dimensional travel. Time travel is confirmed because of Accord in DD3.

Jesus Fuck, I am glad I didn't get caught up in that autistic trainwreck. And to think it was pretty much a Disney/Square fanfic originally.

Symphonia makes sense while playing but the plot is "a bit" intricate
hardly competes with Kingdom Hearts but boy, is that an awful lot of whoops plot twist and what the fuck is going on

now for the obligatory off-topic shitposting

Holla Forums is consistent counterculture which is apparently currently antisemitic leftism, while socjus are antisemitic righties
da joos got it rough even if, or rather mostly because, there is an awful lot of evidence of their upper crust being horrible human beings/having malignant agendas

well you've got one bit of that right. Nothing about a hugbox, a unified front of muh shills and listening and believing, is competitive. Non-competition also doesn't keep you "sharp", even if Holla Forums has never ceased to keep its "edge", no matter what it takes to do so.

But Tomoko probably reeks of crotch-rot, stale sweat and spilled coffee, you shouldn't hug her

As someone who's played all the games except the mobile ones and X, I'm not even going to read this, but instead ask why you need 9 massive posts when each game at most would take a couple of sentences to summarise their position in the plot, at least with the help from knowing the big overarching plot.

Following the timeline, as I know it:

Birth By Sleep:

Birth By Sleep Vol 2 (I know it's not out but bear with me):

Kingdom Hearts 1:

Chain of Memories:

358/2 Days:

Kingdom Hearts 2:


Dream Drop Distance:

Kingdom Hearts 3:

I don't think I missed anything relevant, but this is about the gist of it.

i reek of urine, semen, dead animals and onions/garlic. Not only that but i completely lack the sense of disgust.
i'd hug her until the end of time

I forgot to mention, but when it comes down to it the plot isn't really convoluted, it's just that when something big happens, a lot of variables come to play but it all leads the same thing, and becomes a ton easier to understand when you know how the Kingdom Hearts universe works.

I am happy my child self sniffed the bullshit, needlessly complex history of KH, so I only bothered to play the second one

What japs do to their IPs is why I never liked FF anyway, you can never have a cohesive and satisfying history with their "make up as we go" style of writing

See webum

FF being a bit of a poster-boy for unnecessary sequels which doesn't help, FF7 sure as hell didn't need a fucking movie to try and continue it and that did so badly and was such a huge drain on them that they had to merge with Enix to survive. FFX had an idolshit sequel, 13 had several unnecessary sequels so the devs could see more Lightning (and then tried making her the protagonist of Dissidia retroactively), FF4 got those sequels with redemption arcs for Kain and Golbez as well as Cecil's ultra-super-special half-Lunarian son.

Fortunately outside of Dissidia they're all pretty much self-contained continuities, the only thing really tying them all together is a handful of worldhopping entities, the only one of which that really matters being Gilgamesh who's able to hop around dimensions semi-at will after Exdeath banished him to the Rift and appears either as a secret boss or a cameo in several games after 5.

It seems the shittier the writing, the more fanboys defend it mindlessly.

God, the things written here are horrible. Horrible. How can anyone like that is beyond me.

Also, convenient amnesias and shit plot twists galore…

i eat enough garlic/onions that my sweat literally melts through easily dissolvable things such as plastic

I'm not defending KH, I'm just too far in the hole that I desperately crave closure. I absolutely hate stories that try to be complex but have a shit plot and shit twists because I can't stop thinking about how nonsensically shitty they are, like Looper and Zero Time Dilemma.

I literally thought that entire film was a bout a bunch of kids following urban legends and ending up victim to each one systematically, the final legends being the one where the one facing the corner realized what was happening to everyone that went missing, and proceed to act it out so anyone who cam looking for him would be murdered by the phantom of the guy that killed the kids in the house

**You know it isn't really a prequel.

webm related is the ending

hug her in the bath

did you forget about the exodus newfag?
The Holla Forumsocaust on halfchan made this chan, for better or worse.

I mean the first exodus, of course.

Yeah no fuck off Holla Forums

Don't forget about the aliens who sent the element 115 so they could prime the planet to create an inter-dimensional gateway so they can come through and harvest that universe for food.

The movie that killed Square was the Spirits Within not the VII sequel. It was a standalone story, like all older FFs were, set on gritty post-apocalypse Earth. The only thing tying it to the franchise was one character's named Cid. Pretty much the only "fantasy" bit is the ayyliens are ghosts and Earth has a retarded version of the lifestream. It lacked any sort of fun elements like, I don't know, magic or unique characters which was Nomura's strong (only?) point at least before he went full emo-core.

Pretty sure the interlinking between games didn't start till after they became Squeenix. That's when you get X-2 retroactively linking X and VII, setting XII in the same world as the Tactics games, then the whole prequels+sequels cashgrab expansion to VII. And the less said about Chronicles of Lightning XIII, the better. This is coming from someone who wants to fug Lightning's lanky ass, mind you

I like crazy over the top stuff, will I like Danganronpa?


And there's a guy whose name is RAGNA THE BLOODEDGE

I think Squeenix just set XII in Ivalice because they didn't want to make yet another world

Nope. The first movie was retcon by the sequel. More reasons why Matpat a faggot. He realise one of his gay ass video theories knowing it's impossible to be canon now.


He'll still find a way his theory is correct and that the sequel is lying to us. Mark my words this faggot has his head so far up his ass.

This is why we can't have nice things. The films work much better when there is no actual supernatural entity and it's just kids killing other kids in the woods using the urban legend as a cover.



Can someone please just hang this smug cocksucker from a flagpole somewhere? I'm so fucking tired of his baseless bullshit and slathering faggotry.

Play Xenogears right before and you'll realize they were just fleshing out the shit they had to cut from its 2nd half.

Thank you, that was very well written.
The tone in two was off so people write it off entirely, but the several additions that it makes to the overall story are pretty interesting.

Xenoblade takes place BEFORE Xenosaga episode one, and takes place in a pocket universe made by a Zohar phase transfer experiment.

Oh, and to answer you question – no. It seems like it should be, but because Seere plays an important role in Drakengard 2 and Ending A of Drakengard 1 can only be reached without him as a part of your party, it's a separate continuity.

Not exclusive to Vidya, but holy shit, I just tried reading a bit about one character and just what the fuck.

The babies are angels. Pic related.

Time travel and multiverse shit is confirmed, you're right. Interdimensional travel is confirmed by Ending E of Drakengard 1 and how they deal with the white maso in NieR.

Isn't he still salty over Scott cawthon not following his game theories videos for the series he created in the first place? FNAF was worth it just too see a DEV pointing out matpat a Moron with a huge ego.

Are you Wario?

So I'm gonna start doing the plot-dump of NieR, but be warned that there are a lot more significant details that I may omit. NieR lore is a lot more technical than Drakengard lore because it involves our modern-day society responding to the presence of magic and crazy bullshit.

So after Caim, Angelus, and the leader of the Angels are killed in 2003 Tokyo, the Japanese government does a massive info suppression campaign to prevent knowledge of the incident from getting out. It's feasible because only 50 or so people were killed in the incident. Pictures and video were taken, of course, but they start circulating around online as conspiracy theories and many people think they're just doctored.
The bodies of Caim, Angelus, and the remains of the She-Beast are studied by scientists worldwide for their odd qualities. They seem to be able to generate energy from nowhere – scientists studying this learn that this ability is present in specific, abundant molecules within each creature. These particles create free energy from nothing by drawing in energy from other components of the multiverse and expending it. This substance is termed "maso" – the demonic element. Maso from Angelus differs in nature from maso produced by the She-Beast; the magically generative maso that I just described is Angelus's red maso. White maso from the She-Beast has unknown effects for several years until they start popping up in Shinkuku (where the battle between Caim and the Angel took place).

>you will never hold hands with Tomoko
Why even live Holla Forums…

People that come into contact with white maso – whether by ingestion, inhalation, or any other method – are forced to make a subconscious pact with the angry God of Drakengard. If one refuses the pact, they are quickly transformed into a pillar of salt. If they accept, they mutate into a white, Angel-like creature that relentlessly hunts down and kills humans, later called a Legion.
Scientists studying the white maso are also studying why people are transforming into salt, and it's being investigated as a communicable disease known as White Chlorination Syndrome (WCS for short). As they continue to study it, more and more of the Legion begin to pop up in Shinjuku and many of the scientists themselves are also infected. The problem eventually progresses to the point where Japan places a wall around the affected districts, known as the Wall of Jericho, and they essentially establish a quarantine zone. Many other countries are worried about WCS crossing borders, so international pressure helps with them making this drastic move.
Things quiet down for a while until a leader of the Legion pops up – he has red eyes, implying that he is related to the angels or the flower of the original universe (he may even be Caim). Known as Red-Eye, the leader is capable of organizing what were thought of as mindless monsters into a coordinated striking force. The Legion smash through the Wall of Jericho and pour into Tokyo, creating massive casualties.
Japan attempts to hold the Legion back but is ultimately unsuccessful; it doesn't help that everywhere the Legion go they spread their white maso and add to their forces. Under extreme pressure, the Japanese government agrees to a nuclear bombing of Shinjuku, the current location of Red-Eye. The USA does so. Mind you that this takes place before they realize that white maso is what's responsible for the WCS; they're still treating it as a disease. While the nuclear bombing is successful in killing almost the entirety of the Legion and seemingly even Red-Eye himself, it also lifts a vast amount of white maso into the stratosphere and global circulation in the wind currents. WCS and Legion begin popping up worldwide after a few days of silence and the problem becomes magnitudes worse.

Honestly I'd say the story of and connections the Mario games is about as convoluted as you can get.

Keep going breh

I was eating breakfast, can't eat toast and type.

To top off the universal attacks of the Legion, Red-Eye also resurfaces in the Holy Land to lead his forces anew. The Legion re-organize and humanity is now faced with an exinction-level crisis.
So, in reponse to the global threat, several forces arise to deal with the problem. One of them is the Hamelin Organization – recruiting orphans created from the massive casualties worldwide, the Hamelin Organization trains children from a very young age into Legion-exterminating machines. As killing Legion with you bare hands or bullets increases the risk of white maso inhalation and contact with white maso-carrying body fluids, soldiers of the Hamelin Organization are equipped with flamethrowers. They also carry guns, but they're only to be used as a last resort. Even with these protections in place, most child soldiers don't live past the age of 18 or at the very latest their early twenties.
The Hamelin Organization sorts their forces into different divisions, collectively known as the Crusades. So, for instance, one might be a member of the 8th Crusade.

It feels like it was yesterday.

Research on red maso continues, largely conducted at a single Genetics laboratory. This laboratory represents the R&D branch of the human resistance. They seek to use the properties of red maso to develop a permanent solution to the Legion, and shockingly are successful.
They develop 5 major things:
- Luciferase, a compound that forestalls the onset of WCS, that is then distributed to the Crusades and greatly aids the Hamelin organization in their recruiting efforts. They become known as a group that's capable of stopping WCS, which had previously had a 100% mortality rate. Luciferase won't actually eliminate WCS, it just slows it down – but that's a closely guarded secret.
- A method of permanently eliminating white maso. Continued experiments on red maso allow humans to harness the "cross-dimensional" property it possesses. Under the right circumstances, red maso can be used to transport any other substance into another universe. Mankind begins the slow process of scrubbing all white maso from the Earth's biosphere.
- The ultimate weapon. By fucking around with human genetics with red maso, they successfully fuse a human being with it on the molecular level. Done on compatible children, this effort creates two seemingly immortal beings capable of controlling incredible amounts of magic. The first successful experiment, No.6 (real name Halua) is grotesquely transformed and goes wild. They use the power of No.7 (Halua's twin brother, real name Emil) to seal her away. No.7's primary ability is to turn whatever he looks at into stone, but he can't control it. Sort of like a childhood King Midas.

- Gestalts and Replicants. By using red maso in a certain way on a human being, one can extract their soul from their still-living body – this now independent soul is known as a Gestalt. This is a massive breakthrough because a person infected with WCS can now be saved; even if the body dies, their soul can still live on as a unique entity. As they are created with red maso, Gestalts have basic control over magic. As souls, Gestalts are shadowy and partially see-through, are destroyed by direct contact with sunlight, and are only partially corporeal. Fully sentient, gestalts are as human as you and me – and if you cut one, they bleed.
The unfortunate downside of this process is that gestalts quickly begin to destabilize the moment they are created. Souls aren't meant to exist outside of the body, and keeping one out for a protracted period of time will cause insanity and death in a gestalt. The Genetics Lab invests a vast amount of time trying to find a Gestalt that is permanently stable once created – a Patient Zero that they codename the "Original Gestalt." Existing gestalts are put into a form of cold sleep to await this. In the meantime, wealthy members of society and the rare surviving veteran of the Crusades voluntarily Gestaltize as a way to ensure that they won't be killed by either the Legion's forces or the onset of WCS.
Using red maso, they also create replicants. Replicants are soulless, exact copies of a human's body created from the information contained within their gestalt. As they're fundamentally magical and not human, replicants are incapable of being infected with WCS. The endgame back-up plan of the Hamelin Organization and the Genetics Lab in case of total failure and disaster is to Gestaltize every living human, produce their corresponding Replicant, and then eventually fuse them back together once every trace of white maso has been removed. Worth noting here is that a fused gestalt/replicant is fully human and indistinguishable from an ordinary person. Also worth noting is that until they find the Original Gestalt, these sort of fusions fail as the gestalt inside relapses.

Wow… I knew Nier and Drakengard's story was a clusterfuck, but this is getting really interesting.

So the apocalypse where original Nier is trying to save his daughter was broken by Gestalts or Legion?

- Finally, the Grimoires. As part of their Gestalt/Replicant plan, a select elite group of Crusades soldiers are forcibly transformed into books with magic; they later become known as Grimoires. Many of these grimoires only serve as repositories of information related to the plan, but two of them are important. Grimoire Weiss and Grimoire Noir are intricately linked to Replicants and Gestalts respectively, and are designed to fuse when given the all-clear code by the Hamelin Organization. Grimoire Weiss agrees to this and goes into sleep, seeing as his role with the Replicants is a distant, hypothetical point in the future. Grimoire Noir's ties to Gestalts has the effect of gestaltizing whoever touches it; as a way to further their plans to find the Original Gestalt, the Hamelin Organization begins widely circulating copies of Grimoire Noir among the masses of poor and refugees created by global catastrophe. Virtually all of them relapse and begin to rampage, but this is considered acceptable losses considering the stakes.

In a virtual miracle, the Organization is actually successful in finding the Original Gestalt – a man named Nier. As the original Gestalt, Nier is able to live indefinitely without relapsing and passively produces red maso. This red maso that he produces stabilizes other gestalts, allowing them to continue living as well. Nier is the golden goose they needed, but there's a catch. When he gestaltized through touching Grimoire Noir, Nier's sick daughter Yonah also touched the book, gestaltized, and immediately began to relapse due to her poor physical condition. Nier is unwilling to help the Hamelin Organization unless they can save his daughter, but they know that there's no way to save a gestalt that's already relapsed and lie to him. They promise that Yonah will recover after 1000 years and that Nier just has to help them maintain the other Gestalts until then; Nier is suspicious but very reluctantly agrees. He goes into seclusion with Grimoire Noir and proceeds to quietly produce red maso for the next millennia. The half-relapsed Gestalt Yonah is put it cold sleep.

While it can be summarized as;

Their boogeyman exists.

whut nigga

Pretty much. Speaking of salt, actually, there's so much salt in the environment now from all the people killed by WCS that it looks like it's snowing worldwide from all the salt blowing around.

The Hamelin Organization's fight against the Legion is difficult but successful; the elite forces of the 13th Crusade push to the heart of the Holy Land and are successful in killing Red-Eye. It's actually one of the cooler points of the story, and one we never get to see – the leader of the 13th Crusade trades mortal blows with Red-Eye surrounded by the burning bodies of his men and the Legion. The spirit of the Legion seems broken and the immediate crisis seems to have been averted.
Soon after though, multiple Red-Eyes seem to pop up without explanation all over the globe, and the Legion begins to rally anew. The Organization realizes that the situation isn't fixable and begin to enact the Gestalt/Replicant plan. Everyone that they can get their hands on is gestaltized and has a corresponding replicant produced. Replicants, while soulless, are capable of fighting and following basic orders and take to war in the Crusades' place. Unfeeling, female androids are put in place to lead the replicant armies and adminster the Organization's orders and will in the wake of temporary human absence. The true humans are put into sleep, fed by Nier's maso, until the day that the Replicant-crusades are finally successful at killing all of the Legion and scrubbing the last of white maso from Earth.
Roughly a thousand years later, they succeed. White maso is finally eliminated, and the Legion's dark shadow is gone forever. The androids leading the Gestalt project take this as a signal to begin reawakening the gestalts and begin the fusion of Grimoire Weiss and Noir. This fusion will permanently fuse all gestalts with their corresponding replicant to create true humans again – the timing was critical and had to be done only after all white maso was gone. By all accounts, this plan should have been successful.

But it wasn't. The Organization's false promises to the Original Nier came back to bite them in the ass when he got sick of waiting. He woke up the gestalts and Yonah a little too soon, forcing the androids to put the plan into action sooner than they intended.
Also complicating matters was the addition of sentience in the Replicants themselves. Replicants as copies of humans were actually too accurate – over the centuries, they started to develop consciousness and developing rudimentary civilizations. Fascinated and unsure of what to do, the androids left them to their devices because it didn't seem to be interfering in the long-term. However, a conscious Replicant will perceive a gestalt as a sort of demonic, possessing entity that is attempting to suppress their consciousness; the situation was a powerkeg.
As an interesting side-note, Replicants have normal lifespans and need food and sleep like regular humans. They can't reproduce on account of their lack of souls, and every "new" replicant that exists is a copy of an existing gestalt. Whenever a replicant dies, the androids would tell a female replicant that she was pregnant, drug her, and present her with the dead replicant reincarnated as a baby. Not knowing what pregnancy really looks like and utterly trusting the androids, the replicants were none the wiser. The only time a replicant truly "dies" is when its corresponding gestalt relapses or is killed. Without the gestalt to provide information for its reconstruction and having no way to reproduce, replicants in this situation will live out their natural lifespan and die forever.

Up to this point, all of this has been background linking Drakengard's Ending E with NieR, but this is finally where the game actually starts.
Replicant Nier is living with replicant Yonah, fighting off the relapsed gestalts that stray too close to the village where they live. During his daily adventures, some weird circumstances lead him to coming into contact with Grimoire Weiss and forcibly awakening it, which renders it amnesiac. The androids stealthily lead Replicant Nier and Weiss around to reclaim the components of his memory that he'll need to complete his fusion with Noir.The original gestalt Nier, known as the Shadowlord, abducts replicant Yonah in an attempt to fuse her with her Gestalt. This frustrates Replicant Nier to the point that he goes on a genocidal rampage, killing every gestalt that he encounters.This, of course, also means that all of their replicants also have a death sentence and it puts the future of humanity in extreme danger. The androids realize that they've fucked up and attempt to forcibly fuse Noir and Weiss, but Weiss and Replicant Nier resist their plan, killing them both. Weiss is also killed before the process is complete and Nier is successful in killing the Shadowlord out of vengeance. As the Shadowlord was preventing all other gestalts from relapsing, this presents certain extinction for mankind.
This is why so many people were fucking confused when they announced NieR 2.

As an interesting aside, No. 7, Emil, had joined in with Replicant Nier during his fight against the Shadowlord. Emil's magic was a big part of the reason why Nier was successful. One might ask, "Why would the ultimate weapon, having lived for 1000 years, help a weird human clone?" The answer is that Emil was never clued into the details of the Organization's plan and 1000 years of tedium fucked with his memories. He's also intellectually locked in a childhood state due to his immortality, so he's immature. Without a very clear picture of the situation to even start with and longing friendship, it's not very surprising that he would help out his first visitor in many years.
During the course of the story, Emil actually frees No. 6 from the stone prison he had trapped her in and fuses with her to become even more powerful. He takes on a spooky skeleton form and becomes almost impossible to kill. The end sequence of the Nier actually has Emil's body be magically annihilated, only to have his still living head be fine when it lands in the desert hundreds of miles away.
Even after humans are long gone, Emil will continue to live on forever. That's why he's in Automata.

Should be

Daily reminder that Replicant Nier did nothing wrong and the androids and Shadowlord are faggots.

The endings of NieR actually don't change very much of the story – they just alter whether or not you save your hermaphrodite companion Kainé. Since she's also a replicant, she dies regardless a couple decades later. The endings where she is saved, D and E, are the ones that lead into Automata if only because Emil had a little more contact with Kainé after shit went down at the Shadowlord's lair.
As for whether the Lunar Tear flower that Kainé has is related to the Flower from Drakengard 3, it's hard to say. The design is so similar that it must be, but it doesn't seem to have any negative effects.

So, to recap, where we stand several hundred years after the events of NieR is
- All replicants have lived out their lives and died
- All gestalts relapsed and died because the Shadowlord is dead
- The two most important androids have died
- Emil wandering around forever as a head, occasionally constructing himself a body held together with magic
Things look grim, but a novella changes that.
In the course of NieR, Replicant Nier also comes into contact with a robot named P-33 that functions as a boss during the latter half of the game. P-33 became friends with a shade named Kalil, and in the process of trying to defend Kalil from Nier he was seemingly destroyed. Just like all the others bosses, you'd have no reason to think that P-33 was still alive at the end of the game.

According to the Nier timeline there were rare cases of the Replicant/Gestalt fusion being successful, we can assume that one of these communities and their androids are the basis for the Bunker in Nier 2.


Wait what? are you telling me that Robro and little shade are alive!?

don't rise my hopes in vain, you motherfucker!

While Kalil is dead, P-33 was reconstructed by ant-like nanomachines in the factory where you fought him several hundred years previously, and he regains the ability to move. Over the course of many more years he rebuilds his body into first a spider form and then that of a giant, 20m wide ball, slowly clawing himself out of the pit that he fell into. Gaining control of the nanomachines on his body, he successfully plants the seed of AI into every other robot that he comes across. Some commit suicide, others go catatonic, but the majority join with him in trying to escape. Every robot that he gives sentience in this way joins with him in a sort of collective hivemind where all intelligence is shared among them but they maintain their independent personalities.
After gathering their strength, the robots, led by the visionary P-33, explode out of the Junk Heap in a massive burst of rocket fuel and look down at the Earth for the first time.

Matpat is such a faggot, even Toby Fox hates him.

only if you have single-digit iq



Let's be sad again then.

Are you going to explain end E too?

The vision they're greeted with is an odd one that needs a little context.
There's a short novella that shares some of Emil's adventures fucking around in the empty Earth several hundred years after the death of the last replicant. As he wanders around aimlessly, he spots an Adamski-style UFO in the sky that he attempts to greet. The thing attacks him with a beam powerful enough to wound even Emil, and he ends up using two secret techniques that he had honed in order to defeat it. One is the Emil beam, which destroys the UFO and the catfish-like, tentacled alien that was within it. The other is Emil Copy, whereby he clones himself hundreds of times, producing a massive army of identical Emils. The Emils all have no idea how to undo what they'd just done, and the story ends on the odd note of this Emil Corps all resolving to defend the Earth from invasion. So aliens have begun to invade the Earth, perhaps as a way to get ahold of red maso.

But back to the story. P-33 and his robot crew emerge and see the Earth covered in war between two forces: female androids tuned for battle, and orange, catfish-like alien robots that are an invasion force. P-33 then gives AI to all of the robots within sight, including the alien ones, and they all fly into space screaming Hallelujah and blessing creation. Then there's another huge gap.

So, after NieR, aliens invade and are stopped by an army of Emils for a long period of time. After that, either the Emils are all destroyed or P-33 doesn't recognize them as living when he comes out of the Junk Heap.
Someone had to make the female androids that are defending the Earth, and it's almost certainly humans. That, of course, means that they had to find a way to make the Gestalt/Replicant plan work. They either managed to find another Original Gestalt to take the place of Nier, or enough of the very rare successful fusions that mentioned were gathered together to keep mankind alive.

Legend of Zelda is so bad that not even Nintendo knows what's canon any more.

Talking about successful fusions, isn't Yonah one of them? She was fused with her gestalt after all.

Notice how all replies to this post are (1) shitposts?

No, because she was partially relapsed. The moment she fully awakens at the end of NieR, she continues to relapse and only had a couple months at most left to live. There's no way to stop the process, so she was always fucked from the outset.

Ending E is pretty much just Ending D, with a little more shit that happens afterwards. After Nier is erased from existence to save Kainé, she goes back to living as usual for a couple years before hearing about shades near the Tree of Memories. When she heads there, the entire area is transformed into this weird bio-mechanical zone, as the computer within the Tree had started going haywire. Kainé kills the tree with Emil's help, and as its final act the Tree reconstructs a Replicant Nier from scratch based on the data it accumulated from his first visit. The reconstructed Nier and Kainé then live happily together until they both die naturally years later.

It's off-topic, peoples aren't derailing, are you complaining about it ?
You'll get more if you make a thread about it.
You'll also get flooded by a lot >not vidya .
I won't reply to your reply if you make one.

Super Mario Bros 2 (USA) crosses over with Link's Awakening. Diddy Kong Racing got multiple spinoffs with Banjo and Conker. Conker's Bad Fur Day is the same continuity as Zelda, with Mario and Donkey Kong in between. And while people bitch about Zelda lore being stupid, it was there the entire time if you just bothered to play the games in order and read the (japanese) manuals.

Also, I never played those Olympic games, but if those link Mario and Sonic in any substantial way (rather than being an alt universe like Smash Bros), that adds a whole other universe of autism to the mix. Reminder that the Game Gear games are canon, Sonic Adventure's plot was foreshadowed since Sonic 2, and Eggman did nothing wrong because GUN is a tyrannical military dictatorship that killed his family.

Zelda is easy if you play the games in order of release and just pay attention. The only thing that bugs me is that the original timeline is said to be one where Ganon killed the Hero of Time. Wouldn't it have made more sense to say it's the timeline created when Link went back in time just during the course of gameplay? IIRC you only actually need to go back in time exactly once to complete the game, which makes that explanation even better.

I can see people also wanting to say that the original games took place in the adult timeline, which works fairly well (the discrepancies with the LttP backstory can be chalked up as inaccurate legends), but even then you can just say Wind Waker takes place some time after Zelda II, and everything is still pretty coherent.

While it is important to stay strong against the SJW menace, that doesn't mean that stupidity, hypocrisy, and shitposting shouldn't be called out when it is seen.

Oh- ok…

>Not happy Yonah having children and becoming the last inheritor of earth.

>Not Kainé, Nier and Emil living together happily and having children as a reward of their had lives.

I can't carry all that weight.

they are robots, they can't be happy.

But to get back to the story, the last installment that we know of in the timeline is the YoRHa stage play, of which only scant details are available in English.

It picks up in late in the 12th millennium, around 11930. Surviving humans have fled to the moon in the wake of perpetual robot wars. The warfare is constant enough that at this point they're at the 14th Machine War.
In an attempt to reclaim Hawaii, the humans send down a squad of androids, which are universally female. This attack force of female androids is known as YoRHa. Before the squadron can make it, the ship is shot down and only a handful of them survive to make it to the surface.
Androids come in several varieties – there are some that are gunners, some that are swordfighters, some that do reconnaissance, and some that are designed to lead as tacticians. Each android is implanted with an artificial personality and memories, and as for what class gets which it's seemingly pretty random. One of the personalities is a salarywoman, one is a serial killer, one is an ordinary high school girl from ~2003 . . . there's a whole cluster of them, and it doesn't seem to be very cohesive to group operations. Regardless, they all work together to defeat the robots.
As I understand it, the mission goes very poorly and the remaining high school personality android, No.2, is pretty much the only one left. A2 in Automata is confirmed to be the same model, but isn't the same individual android.

sjws are just idiotic foot soldiers of the jewish globalist agenda

Replicants are biological. Emil's a monster.

does any game series have Blair Witch/Human Centipede-esque plotlines where the sequel is a direct result of the previous game in the series actually existing in-universe?

Megami Tensei 2 has Megami Tensei 1 as a video game to train devil busters.

This leaves us at the beginning of Automata. Humans are still using YoRHa androids to fight for them, and people are still on the moon. Based off of the Automata hubworld footage, it seems like some humans might have returned to Earth, but those could be more androids as far as we know.

Going into Automata, we're left with several important questions.
- First, the YoRHa androids are implanted with fully functioning, human personalities. This would suggest that they have perfect AI, perhaps gleaned from P-33's forces. It's known that by the time of Automata humans have started sending androids without emotions as a way to mitigate losses during battle, but how that's possible given the way P-33's intelligence spark works is unclear.
- Second, what happened to P-33. It's obvious that he lived and gave every other robot he could find AI, but with so many years in-between Fire of Prometheus and the 14th Machine War it's possible he could have encountered makind and made enemies with them. But if that's the case, why are they sending androids to fight the robots?
- Third, Emil's role in all this. He's shown to be an important character in Automata but we don't know as of yet why all the Automata robots almost seem to have his head. Whatever happened to the clones of himself is unclear – P-33 might even have mechanized them.
- Finally, the aliens. After invading the Earth for hundreds or thousands of years, the odd catfish-like design of their robots is strangely absent from Automata's trailers so far. Whatever happened to them is a mystery.

I do not disagree. But your knee-jerk response is a perfect example of how your brony-tier autism is shoved into places it doesn't belong, which is why people are annoyed by your type.

Ratchet & Clank (2016 game) is Captain Qwark telling his version of how Ratchet & Clank (2002 game) went down, trying to show people how inaccurate Ratchet & Clank (2016 film) was. So the film is a film based on a true story in universe, which directly influences the events of the new game happening.

So yeah, that's pretty much the entirety of plot-relevant Drakengard/Nier lore. If anyone has any questions I'll do my best to answer them.

If anyone is interested in playing NieR: Automata and is interested in understanding the general strokes of the plot without playing through countless hours of pretty tedious Musou clones, you could get the general idea from what I've written here.

So… no papa Nier?

Also it is fun both incestual siblins are agreeing with eachother.

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me.
We in the West only got "NieR," but Japan got two versions of the game: NieR Gestalt and NieR Replicant. All they change is whether Nier is Yonah's brother or father, but all dialogue and plot stays the same.The only differences are noun swaps of "father" to "brother."
So because it's just an aesthetic change, the timeline is the same regardless of which version you play.

NieR replicant's Nier design is a lot more popular because muh shonen.


If Tomoko was a real girl and lived in the west she would be a sjw


Is it worth mentioning the story of the land ruled by rules and masks? Are they also managed by the two androids (or do the androids manage the whole replicants so it doesn't matter anyways?). Does the gestalt wolf/dog matter too or is to more of an effective tear jerking filler? I also like how they dealt with the weapons gathered in Nier. They belong to a certain someone that exploded midair which explains why they're scattered around the game.

I've got more questions but I'm sleepy from overtime. Thanks for the wall of texts. Now I feel like going through the games again. If only the Nier threads were like this.

suddenly i want a game where there's a war between brazil and spics

While the theme of incestual love is passed on from DoD to Nier, I prefer the fatherly love since it hits me harder when shit hits the fan.

So basically, though the grand majority of humans(gesalt/replicant pairs) are dead, some actually managed to fuse during the "awakening". Those awakened further managed to get to space and onto a moonbase.

This seems to point more toward the moon base already existing as a place the rich and intelligent were able to hide a long long time before, in the initial WCS outbreak. Maybe some G/R pairs became human and escaped there, but it seems more that the base was already done.

And knowing how these games go, who's looking forward to Majora's Mask 2.0 with Skull kid fucking things up

The land of rules and masks is interesting, but I'm fairly sure they're just a race of slave replicants that developed into a really rigid society once they started gaining sentience. They're close enough to Nier's village that they're probably managed by Devola and Popola, but it's possible that they have their own android that we never see. I guess they're important if only because they threw up this image on the development blog.
Gestalt Diamond Dog is pretty much just tear filler. Some super-rich human gestaltized his pet dog, and it slowly became intelligent through contact with red maso (I think).

I don't even know what to feel.

The creators of Twisted Metal say it has no story. In fact, backstories in each game will frequently contradict other backstories in the same game. But despite that, they actually build up a crazy amount of plot, and it turns out it's all some Inception shit.

First of all, it happens in the future, 2005. Which nobody seems to notice. Twisted Metal is a car combat competition started in 1995 by a man named Calypso, formerly William Sparks, who died with his family in a car accident and went to hell, where he met the devil, AKA Mr. Ash, and one of his demons, named Black. Calypso stole Black's powers, using them to come back to life and force Black to do his bidding, which included driving a vehicle called Minion and winning Twisted Metal every year so he would never have to actually give a reward to the winner.

In the first game we meet Needles Kane, the driver of Sweet Tooth, and Charlie Kane, the driver of Yellowjacket. In his ending, Charlie finds out Needles Kane was his long lost son. Mr. Ash also drives Darkside so he can get Black back. The closest thing to a canon winner is either that Black/Minion won, as he always does, or Carl Roberts/Outlaw won, and wished to live in a world without Twisted Metal. So Calypso shot him into space.

In Twisted Metal 2 we have Jamie Roberts/Outlaw II, Outlaw's sister who wants to find out what happened to him. There is also Krista Sparks/Grasshopper, Calypso's daughter rebuilt as a kamikaze cyborg to win the tournament, get close to him, and blow up, but also Marcus Kane, the new driver of Roadkill. Marcus is a crazy hobo who thinks the world isn't real. In his ending, he wakes up, the world was just a dream. Now, this ending isn't canon, but it's still important.

Twisted Metal III and 4 aren't canon, as they're by different devs. Small Brawl, where they're all kids driving RC cars, might be a canon prequel.

Next is Twisted Metal: Black. It is seemingly a reboot, but it's not. In it, you can unlock a secret vehicle, Manslaughter, driven by Black. Black is in fact the same character from the other universe, out to kill Calypso for bringing him to this universe. If you beat the game with all characters, including secret ones, you unlock Minion, but Black, the usual driver of Minion, drives a different car. Minion has no story outside loading screen text, which is in code. If you decipher it, he tells you his name is Marcus Kane, and that this entire world is Sweet Tooth's dream, how Sweet Tooth sees his life, and all (or at least most of) the characters are split-personalities of Sweet Tooth. Marcus is one personality who remembers the "real world" though.

Twisted Metal Head-On is back in the original universe, a sequel to TM2. Notably, Black is nowhere to be seen. He is killed by Calypso in his ending in TM: Black, so that might be canon, or maybe he just got killed in the tournament in that game. Characters in Head-On include

When you beat the game with every character you unlock Dark Tooth. His ending shows he is driven by Marcus Kane, who then splits into both Marcus and Needles. Once Marcus realizes he and Needles are the same person, they climb into the final boss vehicle, Tower Tooth.

Twisted Metal 2012 seems like a reboot, but the ending reveals that Calypso has items from across all three universes, implying it is the same Calypso across all three, who is also seen here controlling Hell or some other demonic realm, presumably with Black's powers. In this world, Marcus Kane is merely Sweet Tooth's real name before he snapped. So basically the canon ending of Head-On is Roadkill's, where Marcus accepts that he was Sweet Tooth all along and wakes up in the real world as Sweet Tooth. The whole main series was his dream as his inner serial killer fought to come to the surface, manipulated by Calypso.

Then there are also lots of other plots about aliens and government coverups and the grim reaper and time travel. But this post is long enough as it is.

Tell about other plots, faggot. It's incredible.


Can the Next one be about Mr.Grimm? I want to know where does Nam vet Grimm fit into this.

Yeah, I'd never really thought about it but some original humans making to space is definitely a solid possibility. They would have been up there for a long fucking time, though.
It also seems like something the Organization would do, just put people on the moon as a contingency and never fucking tell anyone.

life is suffering

Well you have guys like Mr. Grimm, who in most games is the grim reaper out to kill Calypso. First he wants to kill Calypso due to the fact that Calypso escaped Hell, so it's his job to bring him back. Other times he wants to kill him to free the souls killed in Twisted Metal, which Calypso captures to fuel his (Black's) powers. Then he just wants to wish to not be the grim reaper anymore, because Calypso has made his job so ridiculously tiring.

It's funny, despite Mr. Grimm being one of the few characters who is in every game, he actually has one of the simplest stories. He's the grim reaper. Twisted Metal: Black Grimm is a different guy with seemingly no connection. But he did eat his friend named Benny. Idk if that's a reference to Ben Grimm, AKA The Thing, but I like to figure it is. 2012 Grimm seems to also have no connection. The closest you could get is that the original series characters are interpretations of people Marcus saw in real life (2012 universe). He saw Grimm as the grim reaper. Then Black is Sweet Tooth's dreams, and Sweet Tooth is a crazy dark motherfucker, who figured that shit was too cartoony, and imagined him as an even more serious and dark character than he was in the real world.

Twisted Metal 1 has a subplot about aliens. Crimson Fury is driven by Agent Stone, a british secret agent who wants to obtain a flight recorder with proof that the plane was shot down by alien spacecraft, so that he can share it with the world and reveal the truth. Warthog, driven by Commander Mason, is a US military officer out to kill Agent Stone and obtain the flight recorder to keep it secret. In his ending he proudly proclaims he killed Crimson Fury.

The original driver of Roadkill was Captain Spears, who lost his men in 'Nam and wants to wish to go back and save them. Which of course results in him going back and getting killed too.

Agent Stone is in Black, but now he is a cop who accidentally killed a kid when he let his anger get the better of him and went all Rambo while taking out a terrorist cell (lead by a guy who looks like Calypso, and gets shot in the eye, like how Calypso has a fucked up eye in this game). It is implied to be the same terrorist cell that John Doe (this game's Roadkill) was a part of. Stone drives Outlaw and wishes to go back and re-do it. So basically he's an amalgamation of TM1 Outlaw, Crimson Fury, and Roadkill. Which would be bullshit, except this is all Sweet Tooth's dream. He can't keep track of all those fuckers he fights in Twisted Metal every year.

You could maybe argue there's a subplot about the government sending undercover cops not to make wishes, but just to kill Calypso after getting close enough. It never works and they all get killed. Pit Viper was the basic form of the idea. Grasshopper upped the game. Roadkill from Black forgot that he was a government agent sent to stop Calypso's terrorist cell. Crimson Fury in Head-On is basically Pit Viper again. You could argue the government just doesn't want to give up on this plan, and Sweet Tooth even noticed it and incorporated it into his dreams. Or maybe they just got lazy and keep reusing the same plot.

Bruce Cochrane, the driver of Thumper is among the most successful drivers in the series. He never wins, but he managed to survive across five games. I'm pretty sure he is the only driver other than Sweet Tooth/Needles and Mr Grimm to be in TM 1-4 and also Small Brawl.

There's lots of continuing elements and characters who actually do have evolving stories, but nothing as retarded as the main plot, which revolves around Marcus/Needles/Black.

And now I want to buy PS2 and PS3 to get into Nier and Drakengard.

Fuck you Taro.

The plot of Donkey Kong Land is Cranky complaining that Donkey Kong Country only sold well because of the fancy graphics, so he calls K. Rool back and makes DK fight him again, but this time on a black and white 8-bit console.

Goddamn I love that beautiful bastard. He needs to appear more often.

Though out of the unnecessary sequels the only one I really enjoyed was the After Years. The beginning half is pretty terrible but the last couple of chapters played well and gave some unnecessary closure.

13-2 was alright and felt like an actual game unlike the first one

Tekken 6 Scenario Campaign:

I wanted to punch Harada and Murray for making me go through the shitty story mode. Tekken 7's is going to be much, much worse.

Made a mistake by saying he killed the hispanic guy's step-sister, not his girlfriend. Anyway, the plot was pretty much a Japanese guy's shitty take on Watchmen after seeing the movie or reading the comic.

Yeah, but could Maxis beat Uchiha Madara?

Why does the photograph in this image not appear in the thumbnail even though the text does?

That's the magic of Holla Forums™

It's probably a lot more expensive to do that mass disseminating books.

Plus the fact only so many people could make it onto a moon base. Probably organization peeps only kinda thing so they can keep an eye on the world without being stuck in the quagmire.

Of course everything is probably gonna go wrong.

I'm still calling Skull Kid 2.0.


It's just been retconned so many times.

CoD: Ghosts is basically Ludo-narrative Dissonance: The Game



Gilgamesh is just plain fun to see, he's a very definite threat with a repertoire of blue magic, dragoon's Jump and swordplay despite being a sword-obsessed autist, and I think one or two games gave him a pretty good backstory. Not to mention his cameos are completely legitimate, it really is the same character making an appearance in every game even with magic or other fundamental laws of reality working drastically differently between worlds all because Exdeath was too lazy to just kill him and banished him to the Rift instead.

wait, that little post-game joke in 7's canon?

okay, go ahead
have any friends to play with?

jesus fucking christ

and they haven't even mentioned zombies yet

are you sure it's not about Kingdom Hearts?



Kingdom Hearts is convoluted but pretty easy to follow


So everything's bad because some nazi fucked with someones dog. Thanks ATF.
