The Real Matrix

The Real Matrix

Most positions of power are taken up by jews, most big companies jew led or jew owned. The breadcrumps they throw at you in ((organized)) society in form of poverty pay are absolutely useless in Europoor.

Unless you're a fancy manager good luck at ever owning your own freestanding house in Germany and of course you don't really own it, as you can't pay outright for it, the ((banks)) do and they could jew you out of it at any given time in your 25+ year mortgage (happened to my parents).

Half of your salary goes to the ((government)) who distributes it to social cancer like invaders and single mothers.

Chances are you live in a shitty concrete box, eat frozen garbage food, use your spare change to buy chinese trinkets, jerking off to porn and shouting "refugees welcome" cause I don't own shit so things can hardly get worse right?

If you have ever spent extended periods of time among rural peasants or in the wilderness you know what a scam modern society is.

It's merely a jewish squeeze factory at this point.

Other urls found in this thread:

that's why I'm moving away to a rural area.

Did this really deserve it's own thread OP?


Only superficially.
kikes only have as much power as we give them, even now, even with them being in "science", "finance", "media" and "education".

Even with that, nobody fears kikes, we all fear other whites, traitors, golems who do things on the behest of the kikes.

kikes themselves are utterly harmless but the chain of "delusion" goes far, far, far.
Still, even at their current level of "power" all it would take to topple them would be to stop caring about what kikes think, want, or feel.
All the way up, until everybody is cleansed and free from the delusion that kikes have even the remotest shred of actual power.
Actual power that isn't just a mind trick.

I really want to stress this.

Nobody truly fears kikes.
kikes don't bust down your door for being a bad goi, golems do that.
Sure, you might get a kike judge every now and then, but the police is not jewish.
no jew will put himself in danger willingly.

Nobody fears them, this is already established and true.
Nobody fears kikes at this very moment in 2017.
Everybody fears others of our kind who believe that kikes will bring someone else to punish them if they don't do their bidding.
It is always someone else, some non kike that is feared. Never the parasite itself.

Once we free the minds of our people, kikes will have nothing.

Further elaboration of my point.

You can build a log cabin in the wilderness very quickly.

In ((organized)) society you have to sign away your life for decades in order to have your own home.

Cool story bro

thanks chaim, now go fuck yourself

Good goy, keep bumping the slide thread.

I wonder what their sliding?

If an old woman can survive in freedom largely on potatoes in the wild, so can you.

No shit. It's not the food source you need to worry about. It's the other humans and niggers who will kill you because they can't learn to scavange food for shit.

Stop bumping the slide thread.

That was /comfy/ to watch. Do any anons have any insight into going into the middle of nowhere and making a cabin, and trying to live off the land plus maybe a small garden?


That's why its called "The red pill"

“I didn’t say it would be easy. I said it would be the truth.”

Have you ever thought why Jews own the world? Why have they put so much effort into perverting your society, goy? What could be the heart of this timeless battle really be? Maybe you heard it since you were a child?


The ayah: http:// Religion of Cuck™

The "mystery" ruins of Southern Africa as presented by a man who doesn't know what they are (thinks they are part of alien stories): https://

The black molded rocks ringing like bells: https://

You might want to start taking the Bible, Quran, and Hadiths literally.



They may as well be.
