Genome-wide data from a 40,000-year-old man in China reveals complicated genetic history of Asia

Genome-wide data from a 40,000-year-old man in China reveals complicated genetic history of Asia
The biological makeup of humans in East Asia is shaping up to be a very complex story, with greater diversity and more distant contacts than previously known, according to a new study in Current Biologyanalyzing the genome of a man that died in the Tianyuan Cave near Beijing, China 40,000 years ago. His bones had enough DNA molecules left that a team led by Professor FU Qiaomei, at the Molecular Paleontology Lab at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), could use advanced ancient DNA sequencing techniques to retrieve DNA from him that spans the human genome.
Though several ancient humans have been sequenced in Europe and Siberia, few have been sequenced from East Asia, particularly China, where the archaeological record shows a rich history for early modern humans. This new study on the Tianyuan man marks the earliest ancient DNA from East Asia, and the first ancient genome-wide data from China.
The Tianyuan man was studied in 2013 by the same lab. Then, they found that he showed a closer relationship to present-day Asians than present-day Europeans, suggesting present-day Asian history in the region extends as far back as 40,000 years ago. With new molecular techniques only published in the last two years, Professor FU and her team, in a joint collaboration with experts at the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology and UC Berkeley, sequenced and analyzed more regions of the genome, particularly at positions also sequenced in other ancient humans.
Since 2013, DNA generated from ancient Europeans has shown that all present-day Europeans derive some of their population history from a prehistoric population that separated from other early non-African populations soon after the migration out of Africa. The mixed ancestry of present-day Europeans could bias tests of genetic similarity, including the results found for the Tianyuan man. With the newly published data, however, the Fu lab showed that his genetic similarity to Asians remained in comparisons including ancient Europeans without mixed ancestry. They confirmed that the closest relationship he shares is with present-day Asians. That was not, however, the most exciting result they found.

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With a close relationship to present-day Asians, they expected him to act similarly to present-day Asian populations with respect to Europeans. It was a surprise when they found that a 35,000-year-old individual from Belgium, GoyetQ116-1, who in other ways behaved as an ancient European, shared some genetic similarity to the Tianyuan individual that no other ancient Europeans shared. It is unlikely that this is due to direct interactions between populations near the east and west coasts of Eurasia, since other ancient Europeans do not show a similar result. Instead, the researchers suggested that the two populations represented by the Tianyuan and GoyetQ116-1 individuals derived some of their ancestry from the same sub-population prior to the European-Asian separation. The genetic relationship observed between these two ancient individuals is direct evidence that European and Asian populations have a complex history.
A second unexpected result shed some light on human genetic diversity in prehistoric East Asia. In 2015, a study comparing present-day populations in Asia, the Pacific and the Americas showed that some Native American populations from South America had an unusual connection to some populations south of mainland Asia, most notably the Melanesian Papuan and the Andamanese Onge. That study proposed that the population that crossed into the Americas around 20,000 years ago could not be thought of as a single unit. Instead, one or more related but distinct populations crossed at around the same time period, and at least one of these groups had additional ties to an Asian population that also contributed to the present-day Papuan and Onge.

Zero NIGGER connection

No trace of this connection is observed in present-day East Asians and Siberians, but unlike them, the Tianyuan man also possesses genetic similarities to the same South Americans, in a pattern similar to that found for the Papuan and Onge. The new study directly confirms that the multiple ancestries represented in Native Americans were all from populations in mainland Asia. What is intriguing, however, is that the migration to the Americas occurred approximately 20,000 years ago, but the Tianyuan individual is twice that age. Thus, the population diversity represented in the Americas must have persisted in mainland Asia in two or more distinct populations since 40,000 years ago.
The Tianyuan man is only one individual, but the deeper sequencing of his genome by Professor FU and her team reveals a complicated separation for ancient Europeans and Asians and hints at a diverse genetic landscape for humans in East Asia. Their study also showed that he derives from a population that is related to present-day East Asians, but is not directly ancestral to these populations, further suggesting that multiple genetically distinct populations were located in Asia from 40,000 years ago until the present.
The Tianyuan man shows us that between 40,000 years ago and the present, there are many unanswered questions about the past populations of Asia, and ancient DNA will be the key solving those questions.

Would have been credible except for that quote.

What irks me so much about this "Out of Africa" theory is no African populations share any genetic data from early Asians or early Europeans. The out of Afrika theory exists simply because the earliest hominid fossils have been found in Afrika.

Due to an ice age 12,000 years ago most of norther hemisphere of the planet was scrubbed clean by glaciers. ←–this is never taken into account.

They found an earlier homonid skeleton in Europe, older than any in Africa recently, and it was European.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! The whole scientific religious study is flawed and thus meaningless. Might as well follow the esoteric that says the same shit long before "evidence" proved the proto-european existence across the world. At least it has more credibility than the scientific cult does.

The entire "Out of Africa" theory has been broken for along time. The dates themselves don't make any sense for such a primitive man that they're claiming existed at the times they're now discovering. I guess those cavemen spent so much time in the caves they managed to discover jet packs before the rest of us.


It is great to see China finally doing these studies. I think the future will show some remarkable connections between Europeans, Asian, Neanderthals, and Denisovans.

No Africans needed.


Not an homind, but a pre-human primate.

It's not only due to fossils, but due to yDNA and mtDNA tracking and divergence that leads to Africa.

Graecopithecus freybergi. Anyone remember the threads about that discovery, and how is proved White Europeans descend from Hominins rather than African Hominids? Anyone remember how less than 3weeks later the Jews had another discovery that disproved that and reproved their "out of apefrica, you fucking goys" theory?

Graecopithecus freybergi doesn't matter. Actually, no Hominid before Homo heidelbergensis matter, as when it migrated to Europe, it became the Neanderthal, and the Denisovan in Asia.
In Africa, the Heidelbergensis became the Rhodesiensis and the Sapiens idaltu.

So, the Homo sapiens, Neanderthal and Denisovan all come from the Heidelbergensis, being local separate variants of him.
But it's a fact, as yDNA and mtDNA shows, that there was an Out of Africa event.
That doesn't mean that those who left and those who stayed were the same, they might as well be even more diverged popualtions.
Genetic data shows that every population outside of Africa shares a common very ancestral original population, which was already diverged from the Africans who stayed.
Africans who stayed also mixed with archaic hominids who were still alive in Africa, such as the Erectus (Africans have 2% Erectus DNA) and pockets of another population related to the Heidelbergensis (about 13% of the DNA of Africans are from these archaics).

Says the Jew.
Guess how I know you're a Jew?
Daily reminder Jews aren't White, and not descended from Neanderthal

Don't trust Chinese academics in studying origins of ancient skeletons found within 1000 miles of their most distant purview. They have exhibited a strong denial that ancient people could have been anything but Chinese. For them, this forms the foundation of their legal claim to their lands. The issue is too important to them to be determined by mere facts.

I cant find a source on those quotes in the pic. Do you have one?

Sorry, no, but I've seen the same sentiment mirrored several in certain circles over the years. The Chinese recognized what organized Jewry has been doing to white people, and decided to study it, and emulate the program.



White Cromagnon people dominated the region and mixed with proto-Asians are the result.

Chinese are stupid. They think white people are insects you can Jew because Jews are smart and have an in-group strategy like they do. But that's not what happened. Christianity happened and that's what made moder Jews. If not for that Jews wouldn't even exit outside of MAYBE a few small tribes in the Middle East. And Religion of Cuck™ wouldn't exist.

Chinese can all become Christian but that's never going to happen. They can turn all white people into Buddists but that would just make us more Aryan than now.

Sure hebe, sure

I read the book Cuchama Sacred Mountains by F.K evans-wentz which is noted by Miguel Serrano in several works. It says the red men Indians who lived by the sea took refuge on Mt. Cuchama twice, once in prehistory when men were short and had massive torsos, where they lived off their vril (nature). A second when the ice age happened the the Earth flooded about 11k years ago. The local tribe said that Cuchama (now Mt. Tecate), Catalina, and Mt Gorgonio were the only three mountains which rose from the sea as island refuge.

The most important takeaways here is to look at a map (or if you're familiar) and look at how truly awesome that last sentence is.

they fucked fish, didn't they?

The only plausible theory I see to the 'Out of Africa' theory is that they eventually made their way into china by following the coastline. How else do you explain Abo's?

Fuck off hebe.

Nice smeme

Sage for fake news.

they are still going with this horse shit even after the oldest europeans were found to be no less than 300k years old with neolithic tools buried alongside them?

I sperged into this quite a bit not too long ago. I was curious about monkeys. And ya know.. if we originated supposedly from monkeys and even though this is known horse shit I went along this path for this specific dig we supposedly evolved from niggers, then did monkeys originate in africa?

And well wouldnt you fucking know it.. the answer is nope. The oldest monkey fossil that I know of goes back to 65 million years ago. And it was found in china/south east asia i forget which Anyway, there was another specimen found that was dated about 1 million years later. In fucking Arizona. And, although a million years is quite a while, I refuse to believe that monkeys cross the continents, and the oceans, in a million years, to become another species. They just dont migrate like that.

Likewise, I bet when all the research is complete it will be found that europeans, chingchongs and niggers all came from separate origins. With europeans and ching chongs being related but on very distant evolutionary branches.

I hope I live to see the day that niggers are classified as not only another genus but another family entirely.

Actually, they pretty much are pure neanderthals…

Here is a helpful map of the world when monkeys evolved, user. The world was hotter back then so the poles had forests growing in them. Notice how Africa is an island and it's north zone is completely arid? It would be pretty hard for a monkey to cross that.

Yes yes, we know out of Africa is bullshit and don't need some goddamn chinks to show us that. European findings proved it recently we don't need repeats.

The more evidence you have to disprove a theory, the better. So why are you throwing a tantrum over chinks backing up your claim that Out of Africa is horseshit?

Every great empire has been muddied by foreign migrants. It is visible in their racial make-up. Look at the Greeks, Italians, Persians, Chinese. Look at the racial make-up of Britain and its colonies. Look at predictions for the US.

Whenever an empire gains economic power, out-groups naturally gravitate towards it due to natural human emotions that drive them towards acquiring wealth.
This is combined with weakness in the host population due to lacking the experiences necessary to logically and emotionally justify strong actions.

Out of Africa is misinterpreted by racial egalitarians or environmental determinists as meaning something it doesn't actually mean. All it means is that our ancient common ancestors migrated from Africa. It doesn't mean black people today are equivalent to Asian people today, that would assume the evolutionary processes and migrations had literally zero effect throughout thousands of years. It's assuming that evolution never happened and that "being in Africa is equivalent to Africans today". It's the same logic the we wuz kangz crowd uses: Egypt is in Africa, Africans live in Africa, Africans live in Egypt because Egypt is in Africa, therefore Egyptians are Africans. Then they conflate that with their ethnicities.

Hold up, good sir. We were, in fact, kings.

It warms my heart, a chink, to see that my ancestors were possibly Aryans.

Well, i say, we were the bloody royals of China!

you almost never find fossils of forest-dwelling creatures, which monkeys almost exclusively are, they could be from way further back than that

Deadly paleolithic spears - pictured here and manufactured from the ivory from extinct beasts - show the lethal genius of ancient craftsmen up to 28,500 years ago


Didn't become part of China before the Han Dynasty

This is great we wuzzing considering it is not hard to mention which book because Chinese are absolute autistic when it comes to recording.

Its outdated.
"An initial test of corpses from Linzi graves's mtdna claimed that their mtdna was found to be more similar to Europeans than modern Chinese. The mtdna was reexamined and the initial test was found to be wrong, with results showing European mtdna sharing no links to the remains found in the graves, and the study says it "highlight that ancient mtDNA data obtained under different sampling schemes and subject to potential contamination can easily create the impression of drastic spatiotemporal changes in the genetic structure of a regional population during the past few thousand years if inappropriate methods of data analysis are employed."

published in 2002 vs a study done in 2017
quit being a nigger, nigger


wow, 40,000 years old, this guy must be the oldest man on the planet by far


You truly don't belong here. But you already know that

Desertification happened in Central/North Africa within the last few million years. There's a fucking "monkey," as you'd say, called aegyptopithecus which was in the area over 30mya, and primate or protoprimate dispersal around the world began long before that.

Reminder that the Chinese got kiked harder than anyone. Thousands of years of empire & Mao turns up with his (((bolshevik bucks))), 27 million plus dead later and they're chained to workbenches making nikes.
The profits from enslaving their entire race have been turned against the west, who are now in the process of being enslaved, and we all blame the victims. Same as niggers blaming whites for slavery when we all know (((who))) to blame.
Weebs all celebrate Japanese culture - ask any Chinese person, the Japs are Chinese. Chinese hate niggers, hate Indians & are pro ethnostate & NAP. They're fucken Aryans.
Draw a 7 accross from Europe to Japan. That's us niggers. No other races are going to get us off world.

such complexity in only ten sentences. a true genius has shined their light upon us all today. i am truly honored user.

what did he mean by this?

I don't even know if you're taking the piss to be honest. I would guess not, considering the Chinese literally mastered the self-sufficient ethnostate and kept it stable for thousands of years before kikes fucked it all up.

Alright Huang, we got it, you're a natsoc admirer chink.

I'm going to need you to step up the Nike production Chang, your shilling skills just aren't cutting for your wage around here

No I'm a white dude with Chinese friends who share a dream of throwing off the shackles of (((central banking))) and taking Africa as a joint enterprise to facilitate our expansion into space. You can sit in your little corner if you like, I really couldn't give a fuck.

Same as Europe. Exactly the same as Europe. Funny that.
The reason there's so many NatSoc Chinks is because there's a redpill movement there too, and they're painfully aware they got kiked hard by the communists. The fire is rising everywhere cunts.

Yes actually, "China" is the asian version of the EU, well put.

They're a cautionary tale imho.

A man of high culture and foresight right here lady, gentlemen and CIAniggers lurking around

Hans Chinese are all about their 1 gorillion years of history, and the original founders of the empire are not Hans Chinese and are heavily indo-european (not necessarily white mind you). This is a secret none of them will ever admit, so this shlub they DNA tested is purely for propaganda back home for their own bug people to feel better about themselves.

Fake fucking quote. Hitler explained the lack of creative ability in non-whites, japs and chinks included, in Mein Kampf.

how did he live so long?

I don't follow you.

primate =/= monkey

And that contradicts African origin of anthropoids how? There are fucking monkeys in South America but are less closely related to old world monkeys than the later are to humans.

Unlikely given that Homo erectus is placed solidly in Homo, unless congoid niggers have considerably more Australopithecus admixture than currently admitted. My bet on the nigger/human split would be at the Homo rhodesiensis vs Homo heidenbergensis speciation event since not only do the fossils correspond to median brain size of the modern populations but it's also about when Neanderthals appeared.

I don't want to spook you out but he was a skellington.

The courage of the faithful, the commitment of martyrs and the point of our bayonets!

If whites can secure their homelands plus new lebensraum in South America, we should make it a priority to work with the East Asians to topple China's communist government and install a proper NatSoc government to try to bring back proper Chinese culture to undo the cultural revolution.

A pile of fucking kangaroo shit eventually worked out how to talk and drink petrol.


The new study directly confirms that the multiple ancestries represented in Native Americans were all from populations in mainland Asia

there ya go, solutrean theory proven again, fuck off featherniggers this is and always was my land

I say
*invents efficient agriculture*
I say
*Stores food for winter so the village doesn't starve*
Do you mean to imply
*Builds architecture thousands of years in advance of what Africans can build on thier own, thousands of years in the past*
And are you seriously suggesting
*Creates complex art and music that influences the entire world*
That we might have been
*Works out motion of the Earth around the sun, develops the printing press*
Chinese emperors
*Invents microscopy, vaccines, germ theory, x-rays, antibiotics…*
And shit?
*Flies to the moon, puts bases in Earth Orbit, builds instant worldwide communication system*

This is actually decent pasta. I might change a couple of those "invents" to "discovers."

Can the CPC count as communist at this point?

this user gets it.
"out of africa" means that we share a common ancestor with africans, the one which was in that continent at the time.

Probably not full communist at this point, but it is still a corrupt puppet regime that deserves to be toppled.

China is 90%+ of the Han ethnicity.
Read their history before the (((modern era))), they were always the most civilized and advanced nation to be found in their area, they were constantly threatened by more or less the same nomadic tribes that threatened Europe many times (Huns, Mongols etc.), and who even ending up conquering China in the end.
China's civilization was always very attractive until the modern era arrived.
That's the cost of modernity. All modern nations pretty much did the same to achieve a higher degree of exploitation and centralization.
They allowed all religions, then changed their mind. It changed with the emperor and the faction in power, but Nestorian christians were found in China and in the nomadic tribes some 900 years before the jesuits arrived for exemple I heard.
(((We))) should have left them alone right? (((We))) forced them to free-trade and open themselves to our (((markets))) and way of life, now we pay the price.
Sounds like North-America or Europa tbh.

Ah well, we're all fucked.

Humans did not evolve in subsaharan Africa, and there is no scientific evidence of any indigenous human populations ever existing there, only non-human primates.

"Han ethnicity" is an artifical construct invented for the political unification and cohesion of that enormous and racially very diverse subcontinent called "China".

"Han" "ethnicity" is a constructed thing.
Look at a "Han" from Funan and a "Han" from Beijing. Look nothing alike at all.
"Han" is like "Roman" at the end of the empire, signifying NOTHING.

that is, nothing physically, but 100% culturally.
Han, just like Late Rome, is a cultural construct, a "citizenship" (just like "American" is.)

technical note: The symbol found with the mummy is a Buddhist Manji

Crap. Unintentional sage after posting in other slide bread.