Migrants from africa refuse to eat italian food at red cross camp

If a poor family africa offered you some food you would eat it right?

"Migrants protesting about food. It’s a familiar story: this time the asylum seekers housed by the Pisan Red Cross in the former convent of Cottolengo, locked themselves in the building to demand a different way of providing food.

Around fifty immigrants protested peacefully, refusing the food provided by the catering service. The reason? They want to be given payments in cash to buy ethnic food."


Where is these people's respect?

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But they don't sell bushmeat in Italy.
They didn't come to Europe for any ol' handout, they came for the cash gibs and rape.

Even niggers don't respect doormats.

Holy shit, I mad. Fuckers beg for asylum, then have the fucking nerve to refuse free food because it's not "ethnic" enough.

Kill all brown people. I'm done with this shit.

The problem is they are not begging for asylum they are demanding it, and they aren't there to join the prevailing culture; but to replace it.

Yep. And niggers/mudslimes are too low of IQ to understand that they are biting the hands that feed. No foresight, just "gibs me dat now nigguh". I really can't wait for the EU to collapse and watch all of these subhumans starve slowly.

They are importing people who are barely capable of surviving in an environment that is tailor made for survival provided you can conquer the land. Genetically these people would die of various vitamin deficiencies if they had to survive in the north of Europe. Of course they would simply migrate around like a new form of Roma.


They are subhuman, not people.

It is seems niggers are not only dumb, but have very poor taste as well.

Nigger race is not advanced as we are. Never forget that.

They have lived in a continent rich in natural resources, and have never learned to really exploit it.

The only progressive solution to this is to make those racist Italians stop eating pasta and be more inclusive. After all, Italy is a multicultural society. It's just apolitical historical forces, goy.

That is because they are living the easy life so as a result of that. They aren't forced to think hard just like we did. We were to think for ourselves and others because our ancestors did not have easy life.

simple solution, feed them every 3 days

Croatia asyl not good, eat one month spaghetti every day

Feed them lead, they can't refuse that.

NO. asyl not good. Me go to germoney becasuse germoney very good

How is this not even noticed by the "refugees welcomed" people? These aren't weak and huddled masses, these are conquerors looking for jizyah.

Oh for fuck's sake. I've visited a few countries in Asia for work and I actually don't like rice, but guess what? I fucking ate it when it got served to me, because that's the polite thing to do. I wasn't a "refugee" or whatever the hell these people claim to be, but if I were, you fucking bet I'd be damn grateful for a big ol' bowl of rice in that scenario.

These idiots should starve.

Dey poor talking monkey's fleeing war en sheit. Dey just want better life. Don't bb bigoted. :-D :-D :-D :-D

They don't like pasta?

20 ferrets one month
No. Croatia not gut


Exactly, and it isn't like they are being offered pork fried pork with pork fat pasta.

Asyl here is not good

Give them exactly what they ate in the bush.
Bugs and roots.
Make bug/root soup or some shit.








Would be a shame if the building went up in flames in the middle of the night and the exits malfunctioned.

Interesting how every single time before refugees were happy to get anything, but now even Italian food isn't good enough for the princesses.
This isn't about the food though. They want the money to buy drugs and other nigger shit.


I wonder if they would prefer to eat dog in china? Oh right, china has a functional administration. I almost forgot. They don't do mass immigration.

I know someone who went to the west coast of Africa for a church thing. She asked the locals if they had recipe books. They didn't know what recipes or cook book were. Why? They are the same thing every day which was rice, a certain fish, and hot sauce/paste. Every day. The same thing.


Let the niggers starve to death

Nigger… lrn 2 serve shitfood.

Africans eat dogs and cats, so I suppose they would be ok with it. And of course the poor thing isn't killed humanly since niggers love to cause suffering even if it means making the meat worse (I imagine, I've never eaten dog).

And the problem is?

There's a reason the Italians hate them.

this has happened elsewhere in europistan before
in fact i think it was last year or the year before that


Top mama mia lad

You're not very good at English, are you?

Pretty much. They want cash.
I think the same happened in Austria or Switzerland where they were throwing food into trash and demanded cigarettes to be included.


Checked, but needs an edit:
Somewhere else. Maybe Algeria.

Needs an edit:
anywhere is fine


Tip Kek


They are complaining about all the pasta, they want a low-carb diet with lots of meat because they do nothing all day but work out in preparation for the race war.

You cheeky cunt…


Ironically Lombards and North Italians up to the 2nd World War were the last continental Europeans to drop bushmeat as a staple.

Don't we have any Italianons who can barricade the front door and toss in a couple Molotov's for the dindus to have a drink?

Round them up.
Let them starve for 2 or 3 days.
Set up a table in the middle of a fenced off circle.

Eat delicious pasta in front of them all.


Repeat the next day.

Someone plz screencap, my PC is prehistoric.

Literal Soup-Nazis!

So how are these "refugees" eating ethnic food in a foreign country?

But we have to respect their demands, or else it is racyz :3

Hmm I wonder where they learned these (((tactics)))

Not that you should be feeding them in the first place, but couldn't you just butcher one of them and roast him up for the others to cannibalize like they normally do?


God no, good chances of it being monkey or human and either way infected with some tropical disease.


Its probably what they're wanting

I would. Because the only way that would happen to a mzungu is if they were Boer.

I hate to say it, and I’m bot trying to start a who is or isn’t white thing, but southern Italians share a lot of Y DNA haplogroups with jews and the mafia has consistently cucked itself out to Jews. They just seem racially inclined to work with and help the Kikes at every step of the way. Look at WW2, if that wasn’t sandbagging on purpose it was sure funny how useless they were to Hitler.

Italian food isn't good enough for them? Fuck off. I want them all to die so fucking badly.

If it was switched to money being provided, niggers would just blow all their cash on something other that food and then go hungry. This will case them to switch back to just providing food. The niggers don't forget the money that was haunted out, so now they want both the money and food provided.

worse than that, bush meat, monkeys and bats, fuck 'em! lock them in and let them starve to death

Italians are not white. They are delightful people and entirely separate from us iirc. I saw some enlightened nigger on Colbert the other day spouting this shit about how the definition of white has 'evolved' and how Italians and Jews didn't used to be considered white. It was maddening. Words don't mean anything to these scumbag cryptokikes.

Your reply is confusing because on one hand you say "Italians are not white" but on the other hand "Colbert the other day spouting this shit about how the definition of white has 'evolved' and how Italians and Jews didn't used to be considered white. It was maddening".

What do you mean?

What wine were they serving with it, though?

Italian people are Italian, not white. A nigger on Colbert was pushing propaganda to the contrary. It was annoying.

Southern Italians have some moor blood. Northern Italians don't.

Disrespecting/refusing italians food is the worst insult these nogs could have ever given. Today is officially day one of the reconquista.

Its two completely different cultures and people (features incl). They've tried to modernize the south for decades but most bailed for NA decades ago and all that's left is the lazy asses or mafia.

Wtf am I even looking at?

I'm a blonde haired, blue eyed white person of northern Italian descent. And you're a fucking idiot.

once you improve your economy and get rid off organised crime and clean up your streets yes naples, we will discuss whether you are white or not

I said decent you nigger. And I guarantee I'm whiter than you. I don't need to discuss shit, shill.

Also, genuine Italian food is god tier, as if we needed any more proof that nigs are subhuman and anything civilized is forever lost on them.

Don't hold your breath. The current generation of Eurokids is being raised to believe the EU has always been there. The EU flag is on every building. More and more countries are converting their money to the Euro. It's gonna get a lot bigger before it collapses.

Why do you think their "protest" involves "locking themselves in?"

Dubtrips of truth. Niggers are lacking in everything except reproductive instinct.

This is certainly not new

Protip to any would-be bleeding hearts:
If you're going to help a beggar saying they're hungry, give them food. Very close to 100% of the time, they aren't actually starving and are going to use any money on the same drugs that caused them to derail their lives and become beggars in the first place. These same niggers in the OP don't want to buy a specific kind of food and they're not starving. They want drugs and luxuries. They'll blow all the money you give them then come back and cry some more about being hungry. They'll cry and beg to get money to buy what they want and then steal food when they're hungry or find someone else that will give them free food.
I don't know if any of you have lived on the streets but it's easy as hell to get free food. There are so many charities that will gladly give you canned goods and even hot meals if you look the part. There's no reason to beg for food when you can get it for free no problem and there's no reason to buy food food with the money people give you for the same reason either. Hell, people make a lot of money being beggars. I remember going to europe and at every touristy place there was a crowd of beggars at the exit. People pleading with tears in their eyes, people rushing up to you with trinkets and sticky fingers. But none of them were poor. None of them wore rags. All of them had watches and nice phones. One guy was sitting in a wheelchair with his hand out and listening to his ipod. Wheelchair was probably just a prop.

They knew exactly what they were doing and are making tonnes of dosh of gullible bleeding hearts. Don't give a cent to a beggar. It won't make them steal less, it won't make them stop begging, it won't make them get a job, it won't make them stop doing drugs, it won't stop them taking advantage of gullible idiots.

Being an ungrateful prick seems to be genetic trait with these people

Begging for gibs is in their blood

Close, but no. They do not comprehend the concepts of gratitude or shame. If someone does them a favor, they do not feel obliged to return it - on the contrary, they start viewing him as a chump and try to milk him for more favors. Shamelessly, I might add - after all, he is just a chump who has shown weakness, so he deserves to be walked over. That's low-trust societies for you: the only thing these people respect is force.
As for the "prick" part, being a rowdy, grumpy belligerent cunt is just their regular state.

t. spent some time in Apefrica and the Middle East

Hack one of the niggers to pieces, throw the chunks on the ground, there, home "cooked" nigger meal.

Think this is what the Romans experienced when the Goths & other snow niggers immigrated onto their lands

They don't actually care about the food, it's just a ploy to get cash.

I learned that beggars were trash like you described from working in downtown Chicago. Believe it or not, many of them werent niggers. I have offered them food, and they refused 100% of the time. I wanted to verify my suspicion, not because I gave a fuck about the losers.

These niggers dont belong in non-African countries, not a single one of them. Every country world wide, would improve 1000% with niggers gone.

Except the "snow niggers" could actually understand Roman law, kike.


It seems niggers are entitle faggots wherever they go. Helping them is a mistake, they're nothing but trash.

Niggers and other non-whites DON’T HAVE the ability to join the dominant culture you fucking reddit cuckold. They’re fundamentally incompatible with it

Fuck off, rat.

Thats a lot of entitlement.

Anyone want to make a fund to go to Africa and kill some niggers? We could kill entire villages. Just gotta keep things quiet.


Would you like our names and addresses and distinguishing characteristics like tattoos with that?

Niggers are so retarded it's unbelievable sometimes.

Traditional nigger food is other niggers.

They would all die a week from now if we just stopped pumping trillions of dollars into African food and healthcare.

They are so stupid that they throw out free clean drinking water. This is the level of entitlement of these "people". And the food in pic 3. REAL refugees fleeing war and starvation would never do that. People in real starvation situations would do anything up to and including sucking your dick for a candy bar. These are simply animals that have been told that they will live like kangz in Europe, and they demand royal treatment. This is fucking cultural suicide.

I remember being young and naive as shit. Some did came up to me claiming that he was out of money and need only $5 to pay to get his car out of the parking garage. His family was with him, but they ran out of money. (I am a fucking moron, because this was a mall parking garage). I had him the $5 without a thought, and he turns to the person behind me and claims he only needs five more dollars. Not only do they scam, but they have no real self awareness.
Another time I was on a city bus witnessing some bitch with a "Hungry will work for food" sing talking on her iPhone (which was a newer model) on her way to hang out in front of the local Walmart. People fall for it, but it is bullshit.
One more story about how a friend wouldn't listen to me and got scammed out of $20. These two scraggly looking guys come up to us and tell that the bus they were traveling broke down, and they are hungry. (pro tip: never believe "the ol' the Greyhound broke down" story) Before I could warn my friend he hands them the money, and tells them about a special at BK. They brush it off and start walking to the bar district. What my friend didn't know is that those two guys had been hanging around the area for over a decade, mostly around the universities. Always talking about the bus breaking down, and needing money to eat; at least when they weren't drunk as a skunk. One of the dudes followed me across campus cursing me when I didn't give him a quarter. "Come on man, it's just a quarter!" Truth is I was so broke that I was living only off of the meal plan. Fucker probably had more money in his wallet than I did.
Basically, don't fall for this shit.

I have had cats and dogs that were smarter.

My writing ability is amazing.

they don't give a shit about the food, they just want european money to send back to their terrorist leaders, they are leeches to suck europe dry and the SJWs will riot to let them


It's literally fucking free food. Back where they came from they would be lucky to get any food, and yet they come here and whine because we don't know how to serve Ebola bats. They want money so they can go out and buy ethnic food, which we all know translates into beer and drugs.

Literal native food

These "refugees" will post their checks and swag on social media bragging, and encouraging more to flood in. These will be the same to burn down Europe when the gibs run out.

translation: they want to buy 40s and cigarettes

The Romans were employing North Europeans for pretty much everything since 0 AD. Mostly because they didn't try to fuck up the nation and were as capable as Romans themselves.

You give them a centimeter they take ten kilometers. All those guys who said aid and such hurts them is right they're like wild animals who got too used to being fed by humans and lost all ability to forage and fend for themselves. They become entitled and lazy and they do nothing except scream for gibs and rape and murder.

They seem privileged
I was eating whatever was available due to necessity until I was like 8
This migrant/invader sham has got to stop

We love you Ebola chan

Let them die from hunger. There is no reason for us to get our hand bites from them.