What's your persona problem with modern vidya, Holla Forums?

Talk about what leaves you feeling disappointed in modern vidya.

How should I know? I haven't played a new game in several years.

Reviewers spend at most 2 hours on a game

cool it satan

It depends on what modern game you play, I play a triple A game maybe once a year, the rest it's playing though oldies. So I get good whiplash going from shit graphics to good ones but user who gives a fuck about graphics cuckius mobius I think you'd be surprised if you actually played those oldies and didn't just shitpost about them

Just realized there's a major typo in my OP. Too late now, everyone feel free to call me a fucking retard

Half the people on this board don't even speak English. It is a Chinese scoobadiving forum after all, don't worry about it, I didn't even notice

Theres probably some other stuff I forgot to mention but those are off the top of my head.

Ahh, just thought of another



Or even more alternatively

The feel very scripted. Treat you likr a dumbass. They all lack personality and charm. Very little colors. Very little style. They all feel made from the same mold

Games are made by businessmen - cheap, bland and steamlined. There's no passion, no effort.

My computer is shit and can't run them.
Everything looks samey.
Nothing is memorable. I can't name a game on the Xbone or PS4 I'd actually be excited to play except maybe Bloodborne, and I can't name any PC games made this year that look worth playing. Excluding indie games, but even that's giving me trouble coming up with specific names.


Everything has to be an "experience" first and a "video game" second. Gone Homo, Telltale Games, perfect examples. It focuses so hard on telling a story, they might as well have just written a novel, and it'd probably sell far better in its target demographic. Triple A titles, for all their shit, at least are put out knowing they're a commercial endeavor and half of them try to make something good. Indie games now? They're "art", "experiences", they're there to "make you think", it's fucked up.

The majority of titles don't use the "game" part of video games anymore. They're video experiences. I don't care if a game is casual or dumbed down, not every game needs to bring me to my limit, but I expect there to be a fucking game. If there's a skill curve OR you can tell mechanics feel well designed for the game, it won't matter if there's only a handful of mechanics, they'll all feel great. Modern gaming rarely does that. nuDoom at least worked and felt nice to play, if not that challenging to the rest of Holla Forums, but the game flowed smoothly and what was there was enjoyable. It was an actual game, which says more than a lot of crap that comes out.

There's only so many ways you can walk in a "game" before the thrilling consequences of putting one foot in front of another wear off, because you realize that these "games" are just holding you to the next cutscene. Point and Click adventure games at least let you feel smart by solving puzzles. Telltale's games barely have those since they killed Sam and Max. I think it's a fucking blessing if they even have a game in between those two cutscenes. Somebody did their job, and made a game somewhere there!

I still try to remain optimistic that there will be actual games that release, instead of shit like no mans sky or tablet games on steam. I'll try anything out of enthusiasm for the hobby, but I fucking hope it's an actual game I'm buying or pirating!

Unfitting music automatically turns me off of any game. That shit is unforgivable for me even if the game itself is passable. It doesn't take much to match a scene with appropriate original music vid related but for some reason there are still games that don't have it.

I feel like the increasing prevalence of using pre-made engines is increasing this issue. I can tell a custom 2D game engine apart from a GameMaker game in an instant. No matter what the graphics are I can instantly tell what game is made in Unreal, made in Source or made in Unity.

This is something I've noticed, too.
So few games actually look like they've been made with love and care put into them.
At best, a good game just feels like a good game. A game that was made with passion behind it just oozes that feeling of passion regardless of whether the game is even good or not.

-Every RPG must have a sequel hook, whether they intend to continue it or not
-Sequels always take out mechanics instead of trying to improve them
-Games with a semblance of good, or "dev was going for something good here" is just shot down because they can never make a sequel to their game. Games don't get second chances
- Every game must make more money than God itself. No one knows how much it needs to recoup loss or whether the IP can continue all we just get is that
- "We need a wider audience" even though video games is one of the largest media industries. They never specify how many people need to show interest in X game. Companies probably need more fans than people on the earth
- Audiences and fanbases are always in fighting because if you're not an insipid hype monkey your a godless heathen who was never a fan because you have problems with the game. And now since IPs are spare and only 1 can come out every 5 years with no garuntee of them being revived everyone is on edge and has to have the IP go their way so tensions are even higher with fanbases
- Early access and microtransactions and how it is always defended to the death before release. Justification of DLC before release and how "how did you know they completed it before the game was made" and "it's optional you don't need it" bullshit before it's loaded on and they all regret it… kinda.
-Censorship. the question is who DOES care about censorship because there are too many motherfuckers in this industry who don't give a shit and are too desperate to just play the game to realize the future ramifications of cutting out these things in games because some people might see something you don't like.
- for Holla Forums its all the Holla Forums derails, template threads, and marks indecisiveness enabling all the shitposters to continue to do what they do.

DLC is cancer and expansion packs are better. More content, they can charge more for it, often include new gameplay mechanics and/or major improvements to the existing core gameplay. The rest of your post is fucking spot on and I don't have anything else to add to it. 10/10 summation of how I feel.

A good number of them.

I find it a bit funny that a kike of all people was willing to call that out in an interview, at least as far as money turning what might have been lovingly made sequels into cash grabs go.

Oh how could I forgot

Reminder that FFXV has to sell more than the entire FFXIII trilogy to be a success and that trilogy was considered a massive sales success.
Square Enix is hinging the fate of Final Fantasy on a game with sales goals as absurd as Dead Space 3(Which needed to sell more than the first two games combined to be successful)

Yeah they fucked. Hopefully SaGa guy finally loses his job. Every game he touches is fucking trash.

None, new games are better than the old ones.
Stop being hipsters already.


We shouldn't have DLC or expansion packs at this point in time because they have the ability to put it in the main game.

Well they're pretty much goners because I can't see FFXV making the numbers they want.

Heres hoping their IPs don't get acquired by Nintendo

Don't forget announcing DLC before your game's even done being developed, like paying extra for stuff the game isn't coming with as a base is a feature.

I have to wonder, considering how much they can make just off of Dragon Quest releases, would FFXV flopping even kill the company? Just strikes me that they have a cash cow "safe" series (in that it doesn't require huge amount of experimenting around) and can fuck around a fair bit with other franchise and still stay afloat in spite of how things like FFXIII were received.

Graphics and gimmicks trump gameplay.

And most importantly most game companies I loved as a kid are dead, in more ways than one.

I tried to not mention ones others have mentioned so this is what I thought up.

Beta Minecraft was the last time I felt a true sense of community in a game. Finding those vanilla servers with 15 people max was the comfiest shit, I tell ya.

I suppose it ties into graphics, but fuck the idea that vidya should be movies.

Was doing a bit of checking up on something recently, and according to Wikipedia some apparent jew (at least going by the name; my jewdar might be on the fritz though) over at 1-Up gave some statement in a review that Resonance of Fate "saved" JRPGs by attempting to turn combat into "an interactive animated film." Granted, I don't have anything necessarily good or bad to say about RoF without playing it myself, but that strikes me as the wrong sort of thing to be praising a video game for.


theyre overpriced and we arent really getting anything new since the gamecube/ps2 era. its the same things but prettier.


Sure they can just drop content into the game but I'm honestly fine with tossing $30 at them for spending 1.5-2 years making an expansion pack that adds another 20 hours to what was a 30 hour game.

i agree with this guy

every game i end up playing is at least 7 years old

It's been a long time since I played Resonance of Fate, and all I remember about this game is that, yes, the combat is flashy as fuck, but it's not that much different than any other turn-based JRPG out there, and that there is an underlying strategy in those flashy movements and where your character will end up on the other end.

But this is a really weird praise, considering it's just a bunch of flashy jumping around and shit. It made combat feel a bit more alive than 'stand in a line and run forward to attack when it's your turn' but interactive animated film? Nah.


1) Everything is about graphics nowadays. Fuck gameplay, if shit can be more real life, it fucking takes priority. You can argue shit's always been about graphics, but we seem to have this fucking fascination to make everything 1:1 with real life in some form instead of a fucking videogame.

2) Shit hacked off to be sold in some shitty way, microtransactions, pre-order DLC, actual DLC, etc. It happens too much.

3) Digital prices retain the value of their physical counterparts way too often. Kikery doesn't surprise anyone, but it's a gripe. or pirate it, works, but denuvo is a fuckery.

4) The main one that gets me, modern games trying to emulate 'retro' games and completely missing the point. Good examples are 8-bit throwbacks always looking like a clusterfuck of 2600 shit than SMS/NES era stuff. It's used more as an excuse for poor design because 'hey guys remember when shit was like this lmao xD'.

5) No good publishers anymore. Name one. Arguably the best one at the moment is SEGA, but that's not saying much.

6) It's all just rehashes now in the worst possible form. Sure, 16-bit era has mascot platformers running rampant, but they're fucking more playable than whatever yearly COD or BF shit comes out because at least they tried.

Lastly, just no one gives a shit when they make a game nowadays and it shows, but it'll work because this hobby's gone to shit. No faggots sit at home making C64 software for the fun of it now or the likes, everyone's just copying and pasting shit over, before applying a new coat of paint.

Seriously, who the fuck cares about CoD guy #9872098475, Dude Raider, or fucking anyone in AssCreed? Nobody with a brain because those characters are flatter than paper. Back in the day, every generation would have its Clouds, its Kefkas, or its Marios. I remember side characters from Chrono Trigger like Dalton more than I remember main characters from the last and current gens. It's fucking pathetic that the most memorable characters I've seen since the PS2 era are the cast of a fanservice game (Senran) and Natsume from 7th Dragon 2020, a barely known PSP game.

The biggest thing I hate about modern games are the double digit file size while having less content and playtime than a floppy disc game.

You'd be surprised, for some reason people love Nathan Drake

Isn't it wonderful? Used to play games to escape from reality, now you play to be reminded of reality!

You know what's worse than cheap licensed music? Games with no music. Even worse, racing games with no music. Holy shit, that's boring. You can't have racing without music! I mean, have those faggot developers never played a Sega arcade in their lives?

Pic related, racing done right.

t-thanks capitalism ;_;

Abundance of multiplayer gaming, by far. Multiplayer is a shitty gimmick that allows the developers to skip AI development and relay it on the gamer. There is nothing inventive about this shit, some of the earliest vidya like Pong have already been multiplayer, I want a humanlike fucking AI instead of having to play against a bunch of 13 year old retards calling each other niggers and faggots.

The worst part is that you're wrong. Developers don't give a shit about good graphics, they just want the HOLLYWOOD™ CHROMATIC ABERRATION™ LENSFLARE™ MICHAEL ABRAMS™ EXPERIENCE™/
Most modern games today look worse than games a decade ago yet require hardware ~100x more powerful to run at a lower framerate.
Compare Bioshock Infinite to Half-Life 2 if you don't believe me.

I'll just keep replaying old games alongside the few decent new ones. Sure most games are shit but that has never not been true. I'm perfectly alright. The only difference between the me from then and now is that I won't play censored games anymore.

Lack of variety, mostly. Everybody wants every game to be the same.


If i had to point out one thing that annoys me, it's games with online-only content, like Dragon Quest 9. If you don't have access to the internet, or if the service goes down (it's already been discontinued), you're completely fucked out of the goods.

If it makes you feel any better, it's a typo that makes it very easy to tell you to kill yourself.

I doubt it would "kill" the company but it would be a massive blow, this shit been on development since when? 8 years? 10 years? And since when it has been in active development sucking up resources? Also anime, car tie-ins, movie that sucked balls.

FFXV has been a huge, colossal money sink. Failure here means no mainline FF for the next decade probably.

Failure with FFXV means that FFVII remake has to be an even bigger success than originally planned to keep Final Fantasy from dying(or at least going dormant for like 5 years). It also would probably raise sales expectations of KH3 as well.
Basically FFXV's failure puts stress on the rest of Square's franchises to succeed, which is not fair to those teams to pay for the mistakes of the hacks in change of Final Fantasy.

they would say they need more money regardless of sales from FFXV

Private property.

Let me just add this pic…

Quote from wikipedia, for what it's worth.
Maybe an early attempt by the media to push a "games would be better as movies" notion? Just a thought.