I am bored and have plenty of free time today

I am bored and have plenty of free time today

Ask a Liberal Centrist anything

I will try to reply to every post, I really have nothing better to do.


(wasted hitler dubs)

You don't belong here

How long do you expect this thread to stay up?
Fellow centrist here too, don't let the right-wingers take you down, they're good fellas with good intentions and even as a centrist I gotta agree, the world mostly needs right-wing politics nowadays.


Why are you such a spineless faggot whose complacency is actively contributing to the miasma of apathy currently devouring our culture?

Also who is smarter, Rick, or Pickle Rick?

Wubbalubbadubba doo doo




You're beneath us. Back to 4chan


I have no idea

No one belongs anywhere

Ok, good to know that.
Dear blog …..

fuck off and die




Get a >>>/hobby/

Poorly wasted dubs, but checked anyway.

Wealth/Class is the one true privilege. To consider otherwise is to defend how a black couple in Central Park West somehow has it worse than a white couple in the Ozark Mountains.


Bonus round: White privledge is often conflated with Jewish privledge, which is erroneous but as long as the left never discusses Judaism (and Religion of Cuck™) - they are just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


This Image is incredible. Do you have the individuals for each one? I already have CNN


Like most people I tend to focus on the day to day problems of earning enough to stay fed with a roof over my head. I do my part within the Democratic system though voting, petition, and staying informed, but I am no activist.
For your other question, normal Rick.

Posting pictures without any imput is kind of hard to respond to.

Like what do you want me to say? It is not a question, or even your own opinion.

It don't work right with my current isp, besides I like you guys more.

CNN, NBC, and the current NYT are nothing more then propaganda mills anyway.

So now that the (((neoliberals))) support Clinton and Trump, that is a centrist position. What is your position on this?

Do you're parents know you're a faggot?

Are you aware of the CIA coup in the Ukraine?
How do you feel about the ethnic cleansing of millions of ethnic Russians in the Donbass regions?
Do you feel that sanctions against Russia are justified?

Is the center somewhere between the Democrats and Republicans, or more between the Greens and Libertarians?

What a retarded faggot op. sage in all fields.

Are you enlightened by your own intelligence? Something something horseshoe theory?

Ok *dies then respawns*

I don't like redit

I will be honest with you, I didn't read your image. I just assume it went like

I am already committed now.

I actually agree that weath and class are the only "privileged" that matters in the real world.

In 1967, white people were violently ethnically cleansed from the cities in 159 race riots.
Do they have a right to speak up about this?

weak bait

Do you have a thing for little boys?

The prop or not list that was floated last year in the wake of the elections target such sites as
Counterpunch and antiwar.com Do you feel that sites like these are the problem,
or is (((media consolidation))) the real problem?

Fucking fence sitter. Maybe you'll make up your mind in a few years when its already too late.

This kind of slide only works on cuck/pol/. Aside from that there is nothing to be gained from asking you anything. Take a glance at the threads on this Holla Forums. You cannot seriously believe your AMA thread is on par with an average thread here.

This is lazy as far as slides go. Kill yourselves. Anyone not reporting this thread is a jew-enabler.

How does the ongoing black on white violence in South Africa compare to lynching in the south.
Do you have a rough idea of the relative proportions between the two?

What makes you browse Holla Forums and what boards do you lurk on?


Answer my questions, faggot.

Trump is the lesser of two shit choices in my opinion.
I hope he does well but my expectations are low. He is already showing signs of caving to the military industrial complex.

They love me anyway. They are cool like that.

Vaguely but details are hard to come by.
I haven't even heard of this until now. My ignorance on the topic is shameful.
Obviously ethnic cleansing of anyone is a bad thing and I'm against it.
No, not really.

Probably closer to the " between Democrat and Republican" variety.

Nice trips

I'm a potato!
Or in other words, no I am not " enlightened by my own intelligence" nor do I take myself very seriously.

OP is too much of a faggot to move from his fence.

How does it feel being this nihilistic? Do you feel anything? Why are you still living if there can be no purpose?

Favorite board, favorite author, favorite food

What's the most important thing in your life?



Nihilism kills, user. You should stop being a faggot and get with the times.

(checked and agree)
(checked and agree)
(checked and keked)

We don't care what you have to say. The time for talking has passed. The time for action will soon be upon us. May KEK bless our endeavors.

Now get the fuck off our board, potato.

Is your wife available again this afternoon? Also, how is Tyrone's son?


I'll humor you. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be out doing something if you go as far as to try and label yourself through identity politics? Why not stand up for that label and actually do something for your country and countrymen?

Freedom of speech is actually a thing in my country. Of course they have the right to speak about such a topic.



I had a hard time understanding what you were talking about but I think I figured it out.
I do think that the media being centralized in the hands of so few is a bigger problem but it is not insurmountable to overcome it, as trump and the American people showed.

I hold strong opinions and values, I am just not a blind extremist or devoted to a particular party or ideology.

Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it violates the rules or has anything to do with the jews

I think the situation is much more similar to what happened in Zimbabwe and will probably have similar results. Mainly that in a decade from now label beg for the so-called Colonial Western white influence to come back and save them from themselves. I think a key difference between what's going on in South Africa now and what happened in the south of the US during segregationist times is that in South Africa they are being influenced by post modernist Marxist ideology as well as identity politics. The violence is similar to be sure, but the end goal of the violence in South Africa is partially to bring about revolutionary change, which historically tends to go pretty badly with a Marxist/socialist ideology.
If cooler heads don't prevail or a outside force doesn't step in, it is going to get REAL bad.

It is faster then wizchan for certain topics
To be honest the main board I visit is comics and cartoon.

What are your question?

That is pretty funny.

you will be hanged on the day of the rope

Not even close. ~2000 lynchings vs 50,000 anti-white murders. 2500% worse

Yeah, those "X is better than Y, prove me wrong, protip you can't, now change my diaper daddy" threads are annoying.

Go to bed Sargon, youre drunk.

Sage and reported

Lurk for 2 years you idiot faggot

Sounds about right.

Yeah I'll ask you something, I'll ask you to fuck off, go to cuckchan or Reddit or wherever you people live nowadays.

This is pointless. OP is just going to weasel out of thinking about Jews and the need for racial solidarity.

OP, if there was a class of people for which it could be shown that its members consistently and actively worked against the interests of the whole, would you welcome them in your country?

Add to the fact that not all of those 2,000 lynchings in the South were of Blacks, and most of them were child molesters, rapists or murderers where the evidence was overwhelming.

I'm a huge faggot please rape my face

It was a throwaway remark to a rude comment.
I really don't feel like talking about nihilism.

Comics and cartoon
Don't have on at the moment

In general: my life
Concept or value: personal liberty
Possession: internet/computer

Why did I say I would respond every post?

It don't matter, none of this matters.

I think I will stay, but thanks for the pep talk.

Don't have s wife nor do I plan to get one.

I am a simple man who happened to have off work. What exactly would I even do besides humbly live my life according to my values? Badger people who think differently from me until they hate both me and my positions because of my annoying behavior?
Having a discussion as individuals does far more good then some kind of feel good but pointless activism.

op why do mods delete all ns threads but leave garbage like this up, to shit up the board for days at a time?

What's your fursona?

hitler is the center. you are very far to the left of him and basically a communist, not a centrist

OP is another disingenuous cocksucker who made this thread an hour ago.
The last mod that was active was two hours ago because they're lazy niggers that should be constantly glued to their screens but instead go do other things.

But I did manage to hack into op's home computer and steal a photo of him from his latest social outing

Yeah yeah liberals get the bullet too

Similar in nature and brutally, not in scale.

If it ain't clear by now I am American. Not ancient Akkadian.

Not breaking the rules. Na na a bo bo.

Sick burn yo

Pic related

I'm an individualist, I see people as individuals and evaluate them accordingly.
For example George Soros is undisputedly a bad guy in my book. Not because of his ancestry but because of his actions.



Don't know, I am not a mod


Nazi are more of a third position the center.
Also communism is probably the worst ideology to be put in to practice in the history of mankind.
I am a individualist so I see both as freedom crushing abominations that must be fought with rationalism and clasical liberal values.

people who think like this need to die in a fire yesterday.


Your images simply prove that you don't really have an argument for why you are posting a 4/pol/ teir thread on 8/pol/, "boredom" is not an excuse.

What a worthless person you are.

Whens your 17th birthday?

I don't think the alternatives would be productive.

I don't need your permission to post.

Not actually a nihilist. I have plenty of convictions and strongly held beliefs. And at no point did I say that all opinions are equal.
But apparently a life only holds value in your eyes if that life agrees politically with you.

April 2007